
143 Reviews
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Triangle (2009)
You'll be left with too many questions, believe me!
6 January 2010
I just love smart plots movies and this is by far one of the very good-plot movies. The movie starts amazingly good and then takes off like a turbulent plane, keeping you guessing till the end until you reach a dead end! To tell you the truth, if you reach the end of the movie and you think you got what was really going on, guess what? well think again because I can assure that you haven't got anything. I can prove it with solid questions for you! I know that there are moments in the movie you will say : "aha, now that's why!" but believe me you have guessed nothing yet. If you do the math for some scenes, you will just realize that something is still missing but the question is what is the missing truth in this movie.

Yes, pretty much this movie is one that will make you think hard! I just love it.
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You just have to see this movie
6 January 2010
One of the rarities , one of the classics, one of the most entertaining, and by far one of the most enjoyable experiences! It starts in the first scene with a sign for you if you are intelligent enough to know exactly what's happening in the movie later. But this really needs a very high level of intelligence and attention so if you don't get it, just enjoy the plot.

There is this one single scene in the movie that really would make you laugh your eyes out between Chaz Palmentri and Kevin Spacy when the prior is bragging about how much smarter he is than Spacy. You just need to watch it to understand what I am talking about.

Brilliant movie in so many ways and things; directing, acting, plot and again the performances were all superb!
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Pulse (I) (2006)
This is not a scary movie
21 December 2009
The movie has similarities in many things with "One Missed Call" & "Fear dot com". But I need to give it to the movie that when you watch it, you definitely get hooked though you know what the ending will be and you can predict how the whole thing would go. There is no smart plot, the idea has been consumed already and the horror scenes are not scary at all!

There are stupid scenes as well like when they try to reach the server at the end to stop the virus, they manage to walk through thousands of ghosts and nothing happens to them! Then she proceeds alone as Dexter fails to follow her and you logically suppose afterwards that he won't make it but miraculously he does! This is just stupid!
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Rose Red (2002– )
This movie is really far-out!
21 December 2009
You want a movie that is entertaining, with never a dull moment, scary, beautiful scenery, very lovable characters, a genius writer, and with a quality "you shouldn't miss" movie? I tell you right now: stop searching because you have found your one! I never enjoyed a movie that takes so much time but this one, I wouldn't have missed a single second of it even if it took like 10 hours. The movie is amazing and no matter how thirsty you are for the horror if you happened to be a horror fan, you would still enjoy all the "un-horror" scenes! The movie succeeds in getting you falling in love with the mansion just like the character of Joyce and you find yourself without knowing thirsty to know more about the mansion and its owners who have some air of mysteriousness about them. Wow, every time Joyce told her team a new single piece of information about the history of the mansion, I craved for more.

And the characters, oh my God they're all amazing with the funny Emry and his mom. There were scary scenes in the movie that I understood so much. The scenes where the characters get lost whenever they try to come down the stairs as the house changed and they didn't know their way back, I used to have similar dreams where I am in the middle of a road or an area that I know quite well and suddenly it changes and I get lost. It's really scary.

A very decent movie but then again behind it is the genius Stephen King.
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Deadline (I) (2009)
Does time mean anything to makers of such crappy movies?!!!!
21 December 2009
The movie in short was "Void". It exactly feels like you're watching a metal circle which you have pointed towards the floor and you can see nothing through but the ground and the emptiness of distance in between. Would that put it right to you? Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking what would force me to watch it till the end. What made me tolerate it all through was exactly the same curiosity that killed the stupid cat.

What a stupid stupid movie! Good God I've never got bored in a movie that way ever since that stupid movie Eden Log which to my surprise many people dared calling it a piece of art! I mean both movies goes idiotically with characters going up and down with noisy , ear and eye -disturbing sounds and visions to lead you to the most stupid endings that you could ever witness!

I hope makers of such movies get banned or maybe they repent of committing such crimes. Well yeah, I am overreacting but such movies are distressful.
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Dark Corners (2006)
Two many questions go unanswered in this one.
21 December 2009
Any movie that leaves me with unanswered questions at the end is a welcomed piece of art to both my mind and heart. This movie is truly an artful one. The style is so wrapped with mystery and separation of the two worlds is also smartly presented. Both characters are obviously apart in time of 3 to 4 decades almost. The very fact that you reach a point in the movie that you get lost and don't know who is the main character of the two dreamers, makes the movie a rarity. The two lives get intertwined though the time is past and future as you might guess, still both have common people in shape and sometimes in roles if not shapes... and this is another misleading element.

You might think that the end of the movie has provided you with the answer, but I dare telling you that you have to think again because I am pretty sure the end goes case unsolved and I am hundred percent sure that if I had questions at the end of the movie, then nobody can answer them as I am pretty known for my skills of solving plots from a first time.
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Albino Farm (2009)
If u've seen them all,....
20 December 2009
After you have seen so many horrors and become some how addicted, you wouldn't mind watching a below average horror movie because you just wanna sit and watch something that's supposed to be horrifying. This movie has nothing new at all. It's everything else u've seen; Wrong Turn, House of Wax, the hills have eyes, the devil's ground, etc...

There is no single element of surprise in the movie but it's still a horror movie that only has a new title and you are so addicted to horrors that you wouldn't mind watching.

Gotta admit it though, that there is no horror scenes at all! There are some not good horror movies but which at least have one or two good scenes. Not this one though.
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Edges of Darkness (2008 Video)
Well, the movie deserves some credits.
20 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I know that some will think that I gave better movies lower grades but this movie is an original zombie movie. I love Zombie movies and probably the best so far is "Dawn of the Dead". However, one should admit that this movie had originality. The movie wasn't aiming at showing a war between zombies and humans and this is a first! The war in this movie is pretty much more between the humans and their own selves as the human nature never changes even when is faced with extinction. A woman is still concerned with the issue of whether her husband still loves her or not! I mean you'd think how would a really sane woman ask her husband if he still loves her while zombies are roaming outside her windows! And the vampires part is just so smart... no zombie movie would give you that.

And the most fascinating part which truly had me thinking and pleased me a lot is the anti-Christ child who says that he is fine with this world of treachery, lying and fast food while the real Christ wants this world to end! It's really genius if you just give it a thought.

It's an original movie in a way... I liked it and I am sure there are others who appreciated the eccentricity of this movie.
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I watched it when I was 15 years old...
20 November 2009
That was something to a 15-year-old! I still remember that day vividly. My dad took me to the cinema to watch ID4 and that was like the happiest day of the year! I have to agree with the review that says ID4 must be seen on a very big screen and I don't think any screen would do better than the Cinema's. The effects are huge in that movie and to feel them right,the way they were originally tailored for you to feel, you need to see it in cinemas but since now it's not feasible to do so, you can still watch it and keep in mind this single info in order not to misjudge the movie.

I remember the scene when the alien they found and grouped around to study awakened all of a sudden and hit the glass. At that moment, every one in the audience even those who were sitting in the balcony, reflexively moved back to their chairs as if the alien is coming towards them with that "huh" sound which was heard from all at once. I am not exaggerating that really happened and we are not talking 3D here. That's how good Roland Emmerich! Another scene was that when the lady is driving the car with her son and dog so she manages to escape the fire in the tunnel going into some hole in the wall and then for few minutes she is trying to save her baby and we were all sitting nervous so when she finally does, we were all like "thank God" and relieved but that wasn't all because the director made us is a few seconds care for saving the dog as well so back to nervousness until the dog was also saved. Those were moments in the movie that I still remember even after 14 years! I didn't watch ID4 again. It was that once but I still remember most of it.
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I heard so much about it until I finally saw it...
20 November 2009
Have you ever heard about a movie so much that sometimes even pretended to have watched it while you haven't yet because you made up your mind to but kept waiting for the right moment. The right moment came at last and I finally watched Rosemary's Baby which to my surprise was a delightful one.

I don't consider it a horror specially that I am a huge horror fan but it is definitely a good movie that has to be seen. However, it should be seen way before you have seen The Omen, It's Alive, Grace, and all the movies that came within this same line. Trust me you will be bored if you have seen all these movies and then you do Rosemary's baby unless you paid attention to the smart details inside this movie. The casting of the old neighbors is just brilliant. For me, they're the best element in this movie. The first time Rosemary and her husband are invited to the old couple apartment for dinner, I wondered how would I have reacted if I were in there shoes trying to eat that disgusting food cooked by that old lady... it surely needed lots of guts.

The movie is an enjoyable experience because it's original.
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Backdraft (1991)
I enjoyed it a lot
20 November 2009
I enjoyed this movie a lot and wouldn't mind watching it more than once with someone to share the fine moments of the movie.

Contrary to what the majority think about William Baldwin's acting, I liked him very much in this movie and his performance was equal to Kurt Russel's. I don't know why he didn't make it although in this movie he proved to be good.

The movie has so many attractive fiery scenes thanks to the brilliance of director Ron Howard.

The ending, however, is a bit too cliché and wasn't really serving to the plot as one would think given the fact that the two brothers weren't on good terms in the beginning of the movie. It could have worked without getting the elder brother killed.
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Simple yet so complicated
20 November 2009
Alright, it is one of those movies that you don't really understand well because it is one of those that leaves you with an open ending and at your own to conclude the reflections of your inside more than anything else. One thing I can guarantee you is that you won't get bored. The story is entertaining with all the elements necessary; great actors Spacey and Benning, beautiful girls, and a story that is pretty much yours or one of your neighbors/friends/acquaintances.

So, the story you know quite well. The name of the lead character is Lester so you can guess the mood. He is leading the ordinary life of our everyday and this is why exactly the movie is so scary. The movie is trying to show us that though our life is simple and predictable because of the routine surrounding, it can lead us to many complications and ends in a very tragic way like Lester's. Look at your life, as boring as it is currently, can't you see that you can guess the rest of your days easily? Doesn't it scare you? That's why sometimes you need to add some dangerous elements to it like having feelings to your daughter's best friend, smoking drugs, or any other destructive activity. Living is truly an art or even a science that you need to learn to know how to live right.
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How criminalistic we humans can get to be!
20 November 2009
The movie actually is so rich with contents that tackle mainly the human nature and how we all tend to judge each others while we have crimes of our own that are no less inhumane than of those whom we are judging.

I like most the scene when the lawyer (Maximilian Shell) says that Americans were not less brutal and merciless than the Nazi's when they bombed atomically Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the world war II in 1945. In the movie, there was a focus on the issue of applying such cruel measures against humanity under the excuse of "it was our duty and we had no other choice". This is exactly what Margaret Thatcher said in her book "The Path to Power". She said: "We don't regret bombing Japan and if we go back again in time we would do the same thing all over again". Just look at the wars of today, so many crimes in the name of duty are being committed but there is no judgment anymore!

Anyway, another scene which I liked so much in the movie is when Maximillian Shell the lawyer is talking to the witness Judy Garland and he shouts to her face in a psychological way and forces her to crack down, cry and confess something which was not true! Psychologically speaking, this is very true and needs certain skills to be done.

The movie is just amazing and there is no single second in the movie that gets you to be bored. It's long but too entertaining with so many great actors Tracy the judge, Lancaster the lead character among the Nazis being judged, Marline Dietrich, Richard Widmark, and Montgomery Clift.
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there is something about the way Kelly danced under the rain...
20 November 2009
Sometimes I am too happy while walking on the streets and it feels just like dancing that dance without the umbrella of course! The movie is a classic and it's one of my three favorite musicals: Singing in the rain, West Side Story, and Sound of Music.

There are some funny scenes that are so pure with no complications and can make you laugh long like for instance the one when Kelly and O'Connor make fun of the phonetics instructor and the scene when O'Connor sings make'm laugh. And of course, at the end when Lina Lamont is singing and doing that silly move with her hands. The movie is just one of the unforgettable classics.
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This movie will never be outdated
20 November 2009
This movie will never be outdated. People will always judge each other for silly differences. A rich cannot marry a poor, a Christian must not marry a Muslim, an educated shouldn't marry an illiterate , a middle eastern can never be in agreement with a westerner and the list can go on and on until infinity. It's been like this since ever and will stay like this until forever. Only movies like "Guess who's coming to dinner" come to light every decade or so to lighten things up for those who are really liberal and the horizons of their minds go beyond such silly limitations that only ignorant people draw the borders for.

The movie has gathered three of the greatest actors back then Tracy, Hepburn and Poitier. Also Stanley Kramer the director is one of the very known names who also seemed to have loved Tracy as he did with him Judgment at Nuremburg which is another great movie.
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A movie that will tear you to two parts
20 November 2009
A movie that will tear you to two parts; a minute you are with killing the criminal and another you are against it because you see his weakness and even when you put yourself in the nun's shoes who is also lost but her duty and religion taught her to accept all God's creatures no matter what they do (Father forgive them for they know not what they do), you will find yourself torn between hating the guy and feeling sorry for him at the same time.

The movie is brilliant and this goes to the directing skills of Tim Robbins more than the story itself because the director chooses to take you away from the victims and their parents who only show few times in the movie and focus a lot of time on the murderer (Sean Penn) while objectively showing you his two faces of good and evil letting you decide reasonably if to like him or not. At the end before they kill him the director plays for few seconds the murder scene and shows the victims parents and then shift to the murderer being prepared to die and to his parents weeping. Just like Gibran Khalil Gibran once said: "was Jesus mother sadder than Judath's!"

Well, you need to watch this movie and decide to yourself if you are with or against death execution and you will definitely enjoy discussing this movie and topic with friends if you are weirdos like my friends and myself.
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Sorry for those who commented bad, I must go for the good comments
20 November 2009
This movie is realllllllllllllly good and it had me in so many scenes. I find it truly unfair that some people made fun of this movie while praised Titanic! And many of the bad comments were truly not logical as some criticized the illness as not known, does it really make a difference to the story! I mean what kind of criticism is this!!!! And another comment was his girlfriend looked so much like Keller but with shorter hair!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this?! No, seriously what is this criticism?!!!!!! So what? what if they look the same? This even serves the plot better that he fell for the character. But they don't look the same at all!

Anyhow, the best scene in the movie that really makes you praise the writer is the one when Pacino is running and he is so down that his girl is dying, he stops by a gardener who is watering or trimming the plants and just goes and sits next to him without uttering a word! Good God doesn't really feel like it when you are down and you just want to sit next to someone you don't know and you don't want to talk! just take some positive energy and give that person some of your negative one as if you want others to feel your pain without you having to say anything! So poetic and beautiful that scene... it's a scene that I will never forget and it's a scene that makes the movie unforgettable to me.
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Out of Africa (1985)
One of the very great movies
20 November 2009
First of all I couldn't but hold on to the comment that said Redford miscast! What the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who comes to this conclusion is definitely judging what the character did in the movie and not the acting. I can understand that a viewer gets too emotional about the story and probably hates the fact that he leaves Streep but one should be objective enough to judge the acting skills. Redford is amazing in this role and though I love Meryl Streep and I am sure that everybody does for she is a great actress and this is nobody can deny but Redford is an equal star in this movie! He played his role so good that he was too believable. I was equally charmed by him just like Meryl did in the movie.

There is one amazing part in the movie where Karen (Meryl) is trying to get Denys (Redford) into the idea of marrying her and he asks the very one logical question that every person who is against marriage usually asks and aside from the fact that religion forbids out of wedlock relationships you really don't have a logical answer to present to those people. And Merly just gives you the best and most beautiful and most logical answer you can get to this question. She says: I know that the paper makes no difference but if you really love somebody so much and you know that the person would do anything for you, then you should be able to do something for that person even if you disagree! Just waw! nothing is more logical than this answer and I dare you to come up with something else.

The movie is just amazing and an experience that you truly don't want to miss. It won 7 Oscars and they were all well-deserved!
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Tootsie (1982)
Just one star to Hoffman performance
20 November 2009
The movie is not that funny but was something back then although the whole idea of a man wearing woman clothes had already been depreciated in older movies where all the funny gang did it from Chaplin , Laurel & Hardy and Bob Hope to Toni Curtis and Jack Lemmon in "Some Like It Hot". Only this time probably a man wearing woman clothes but with a character like tootsie.

I only give one star to Hoffman for playing the role that good and laying the ground for Robbin Williams in "Mrs. Doubtfire".

Finally I gave the movie 5 out of 10 just for the sake that it's a Sydney Pollack movie and Hoffman again did great.
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This is one good movie that was unfairly treated by audience
20 November 2009
It's a very good movie that was unfairly treated by audience though it had many true messages. The movie talked about a point that is rarely dealt with in romantic stories specially the new ones that stray away a lot from reality. The point is when two are in love but have different perspectives to life. It's truly a major issue in any relationship and was honestly dealt with in this movie because in the beginning when the passion is too strong both parties show the willingness to compromise but later when life takes over and time starts slowly killing this passion, both can tolerate the difference no more!

I loved so much the final scene when he sees her in the street and goes to say hi. She invites him to the house to see his own daughter but he refuses to saying: "You know I can't!". Waw! It means he is still in love with her because when a love that is too strong passes by you once, you know you will not forget it but you know that you can bury it alive!

Both actors Redford and Streisand were amazing in their roles and couldn't have though of somebody else replacing them. The roles were truly made for them.
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It's only expected from Scorsese
19 November 2009
You want to know how genius a director is, just give him gangsters movies like "Good Fellas" and "Mean Streets", then a 19th century romantic story and the result is just mesmerizing in both genres! Scorsese is just the Man director if you know what I mean.

I am not a fan of romantic works but if the latter happens to be satisfying to my brain then the movie finds its way swimmingly to my library just like "The Age of Innocence" did.

I enjoyed the performances of the three actors; Daylewis, Pfeiffer, and Ryder. Especially Winona, she really made me hate her for what she did.

The ending was another successful part of the movie that you can enjoy watching alone many times without the rest of the movie because it has so much interpretations to it.

The characters are so full that you can debate them with an intellectual friend or group and enjoy doing it for so much time.

You owe it to Scorsese to watch this one.
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Notting Hill (1999)
Another stupid movie
18 November 2009
I couldn't watch the whole movie as I remember missing some scenes and when this happens with me, it means only one thing that the movie is soooooooo bad. Being not able to watch it all, I can't really understand those who would be able to watch it twice! Do such people truly exist! I mean believing that Marsians exist is easier.

Julia Roberts is gorgeous this true and Hugh Grant is handsome this is too factual but this doesn't give the movie makers the right to gather them in such a silly movie while relying on their charm as if that alone would do! And the scene where his disgusting roommate comes out naked! Wow gross and so sickening! Was that supposed to make me laugh! No seriously, was it?!
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Outbreak (1995)
Could have been better, way better!
18 November 2009
just like any movie with so many good names, it will be doomed to fail. The first half of the movie was deadly boring, just nothing although the topic would have been a creamy element for making it way much better. The very idea of an epidemic virus can scare the hell out of people and with names like Hoffman, Dempsy, Freeman, Russo, Spacey and Sutherland, the movie would have reached the summit, but unfortunately it did just the opposite.

I didn't like the movie and it felt so sad that so good names like the prementioned had to go for waste like that! I can't even remember a scene that was good like with so many bad movies which would still have some good things about them. When it comes to this one, the only thing you will enjoy is seeing the faces of those big actors and start mentioning their names out loud in front of your friends,every time one of them appears; like ah here is Spacey and there's Freeman.
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Roman Holiday (1953)
I just don't get it!
18 November 2009
I just don't get it how such movies get so many good reviews and even win Oscars! Now again, what's so good about this movie?! Don't bother answering, I know: Nothing! Boring story with no memorable lines and nothing about it is entertaining. I like Gregory Peck and Hepburn though but the movie just fails to do it for me.

I think people just like fairy tales put for them in a realistic mold. I don't mind stories of the like but if were entertaining and can make me bear to the end.

I have to say though that I can totally understand those movies were good in their own times being new ideas and when there was like one actor every 20 years but not nowadays, oh nah!
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The Collector (1965)
Too bad such movies stay unknown for many!
18 November 2009
A brilliant movie that was a first in its time and so many movies built up their success on it. People know about hundreds of movies that are so similar to this one and don't know about it!

It really saddens me that good movies like this one with a skillful actor like Terence Stamp and the attractive Samantha Egger are not played enough on channels like other silly movies that they keep repeating so many times over the same day and week.

The movie has so few actors that can be counted on one hand and all the time you can watch without being bored for a second only the two main actors while filled with suspense and waiting anxiously to know what will happen next. The ending is pretty much what nobody would expect.
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