
26 Reviews
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A critique of racial culture in America
13 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is Spike Lee at his absolute best. This is just a purely amazing film. It has a intense social meaning to it, and that is the point of the film. But, even if it had no social meaning this film is full of so many other great elements. The acting is great and the writing is hilarious. It exaggerates different aspects of the acting, with many original shots to exaggerate different elements. The ending is the best part of the film. This is a film you can watch 10 different times and think something new about it each time. Spike Lee knows this and that is what makes it so good.

The question is, did Mookie do the right thing?
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Annie Hall (1977)
A Perfect Romantic Comedy
13 May 2015
This is Woody Allen at his best. This film is hilarious, thoughtful, and beautiful. It is the best romantic comedy I have ever scene. For some reason this genre is saturated with terrible, formulaic films. Annie Hall is not one them. This film has some of the most clever writing of any movie I have ever seen. Unlike most comedies, this film does not go for cheap laughs. Every line is very well thought out. There are many references to literature and film that make the film all the more rich with different levels of comedy. The factor that puts this film over the top from great to amazing is that chemistry between Diane Keaton and Woody Allen. They were in a relationship at one point around the time the film was made and it is clear that some of the emotion in the film comes from real feeling.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Story of Confusion
13 May 2015
This is an excellent film and one of Tarentino's best. It has a powerful feeling to it that really captures you. This is one the most original movies I have ever seen. It is not told in chronological order at all, and therefore leaves you guessing on what is going to happen. The acting in this film is very well done, Travolta, Jackson, and Willis make a great combination of the rag tag criminals that make up this film. The thing about this film that really stands out is the cinematography and the editing. There are some very original shots in this movie that make it hard to turn away from. I recommend this film to anyone.
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The Graduate (1967)
Graduate Finding a Way to Spend his Summer
13 May 2015
This is an excellent film. It is written exceptionally well. The dialogue is funny as well as dramatic when it needs to be. The acting in the is film is particularity impressive. Dustin Hoffman is excellent as Benjamin. He portrays a young man unsure of how things will turn out perfectly. He also does a great job of playing a man who is hopelessly in love. The editing in this film is probably the most original part. There are some really amazing shots that fade perfectly into others. The famous scene of Ben jumping in the pool with his new scuba gear is purely innovative. I recommend this film to anyone, one of my all time favorites.
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Chinatown (1974)
13 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film is perfect. I cannot find any flaws in this movie whatsoever. This is Jack Nicholson at his best he is completely engulfed in the role, and in a way there could not be a J.J. Gittes without Nicholson. Faye Dunaway is no exception, she is just as precise as Nicholson, and the two compliment each other throughout the film continually. Polanski is a brilliant director. The mise-en-scene of this film is really unmatched. Everything comes together to give the audience the amazing experience of the movie. The scenery of the desert is perfect for this film. Everything about this movie leads up to the final scene, where you realize that even if you do everything right, and try as hard as you can to do the right thing it does not work out. This film is sometimes categorized as a neo-noir, and the ending satisfies that classification.
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A Gritty Full of Hard Truths
13 May 2015
This is a very innovative film. Because it is an independent film, the makers were able to have more freedom with the content. This film deals with the underbelly of society, including topics of prostitution and pedophilia. While some might find this disturbing, I find it refreshing, there is no use ignoring the parts of life that we care not to think about. This is a real film, with real characters, and a very real story. I enjoy it because of that. It also has a very unique feel to it, I wouldn't be surprised if contemporary directors like Quentin Tarentino and David Fincher pulled inspiration from it. It is important to have films like this one that break precedents that need to be broken.
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Brilliantly Crafted Horror Film
13 May 2015
This is one of my absolute favorite films. It is amazing in every respect. The plot is brilliantly simple, yet somehow so original. This film is haunting, I can hear Robert Mitchum singing "Leaning" in my head every time I think of this film. His performance makes the film, his character is menacing and haunting in every way. It is amazing how this film was crafted so perfectly. The cinematography is absolutely brilliant. The use of light and a lack thereof is incredible. The entire movie is almost completely dark, with just enough lit up to be completely haunting. I recommend this film to anyone, in fact you should drop whatever you are doing right now and go watch this film.
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Romantic Drama
13 May 2015
I am not a big fan of this genre of films, but nothing bad can be said about this film. It is very well made and the acting is excellent. The plot is not particularly interesting but that is not really the point. The point is the love story between the two main characters, which you can really feel throughout the movie. Audrey Hepburn really makes this movie. She is, as usual, perfect. Every line she speaks rings in your ear. I could not any other actress doing a better job than she did. This is a very lighthearted, well made film. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a nice, easy to watch romantic film. I give it a 7 out of 10.
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A Film About Interraccial Marriage.
13 May 2015
I can see why this movie is very famous and why it was so controversial at the time it came out. I also completely agree with its message that there is no reason a black man and a white woman should not be together. But, all of this aside, I do not think this a very good film. The plot is unbelievable predictable and the acting is just okay throughout the whole thing. Maybe it is because I have grown up in a more open minded time that i did not have as emotional reaction to this film. I have been around many interracial relationship in my life so it is a less of an issue to me. I also think that Spencer Tracy is fairly unwatchable in general, and that does not help the case of this film.
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A Very Involved Murder Mystery
13 May 2015
This is one of those films that leaves you feeling energized and hungry for more. It is a masterpiece. Joan Crawford is amazing. She is a precise actress, very dedicated to the role. This film sucks you into the story, completely engulfing you in the magic of the plot as it unfolds. It is dramatic and suspenseful. One of the great things about this film is that is not predictable at all. Some other Film-Noir that I have seen tend to be pretty obvious about the direction they are going in. Mildred Pierce has a very unpredictable nature to it, making it stand out as a movie. Other that the acting and plot, the camera work is the other amazing element to this film. Michael Curtiz is a master of lighting a framing. Just as in Casablanca (an earlier film by Curtiz) this film has brilliant dark scenes with wonderfully lit areas. The emphasis is placed on the faces of the actors, highlighting the emotion. I highly recommend this film.
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Raw Deal (1948)
Film Noir about a man who cannot escape the system.
13 May 2015
This is a film about a man who cannot seem to escape the system that he is stuck in. He is a criminal who is misunderstood and only commits crime out of necessity. It is an excellent film, very well made, and easy to get involved in. This film has a low, ambient sound track, with a sort of dissonance that really adds to the mise-en-scene that it is a gritty Film Noir. There are many establishing shots of trees and the cloudy sky that gives the film a very creepy, unsettling vibe. Reinforcing that it is not a happy film. The film has a lot of long cuts, shot in an extremely dark environment. It is true to its genre of Film Noir. There are some quick cuts of over the shoulder shots, but for the most part the film is shot with long stationary shots. The light is extremely low to show how the world is a dark place. The only thing that is consistently lit up is the faces of the actors. I believe that this is to show the strong emotions in the face of the two women, and lack of emotion in Joe. The general feeling that this film gives you is that there is no hope, and the death in the end is inevitable.
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A Brilliantly Crafted Musical.
13 May 2015
I am not a fan of musicals. I never have been, and I would not choose to watch one over any other genre (within reason). But, Singing in the Rain is the exception to the rule. It is by far the most watchable musical I have ever seen. The acting is excellent, the songs are catchy, and it has a generally heart-warming charm to it. This film is beautiful to look at. The shot composition is artistic, as well as the rich, colorful costumes and backgrounds. This film is shot with technicolor, and it is clear. The color is vibrant and crisp, it really adds to the mise-en-scene of the film. I recommend this film to anyone, even a hater of musicals.
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Psycho (1960)
Hitchcock at his best
13 May 2015
This is a brilliant film. It takes a little bit of getting used to, it can come off as a little corny at first, but once you get sucked into it, the movie is amazing. I believe that is pretty much paved the way for every single horror movie after it. It is a testament to the genius of Alfred Hitchcock. He really understood suspense and how it effects the audience. The Shots in the is film are brilliantly planned out. They make you think exactly what you are supposed to think, until you learn what is really happening. I already knew what was going to happen when I saw this movie, yet it was still shocking. that is what makes it so great.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
A Epic Chronicle of the Life of Charles Foster Kane
13 May 2015
This is an absolutely breathtaking masterpiece. It is masterfully crafted, culminating to a magnificently heart wrenching end. The acting in this film is absolutely amazing. Orson Welles transforms just as Kane does throughout the film. Every shot means something, there is nothing wasted, and no filler whatsoever. The dialogue is dramatic and meaningful. In other films that attempt to do the same thing that this film does fall flat in several categories. There tends to be overacting, long, boring dramatic shots, and overpowering soundtracks. Citizen Kane falls to none of these ailments. The shots are beautiful, the actors do not over do it, while still being completely dedicated to their roles. There are long shots, but the editing it tight and fluid. This is a must see if you have not seen it. One of the best films ever.
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Fantasia (1940)
Disney Animations Set to Classical Music
11 March 2015
I can see why this movie is so popular. The animation is great, and it was monumental for the time it came out. But, it is just not the type of movie I am interested in. At times, it is utterly unwatchable.

The only reason I was able to watch it was because I enjoyed the synchronicity to the music at times. The animation was very well done, and the scenes with mickey actually interacting with other things were interesting at times.

I can recommend this movie as something that one could play in the background with a group of friends. I could also see it being entertaining to small children, but if I recall correctly it frightened me as a child.
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A Fantastic History Of Lincoln
11 March 2015
This is a film for fans of history. The history of film as well as the history of Abraham Lincoln. This film is truly an epic, by one of America's greatest directors.

Like all of John Ford's movies, this film as incredible cinematography. His ability to frame shots always blows my mind. It is so subtle, yet when watching his films one cannot help but feel engulfed.

Henry Fonda does a great job portraying Lincoln, I find his performance convincing, unlike some other early historical films. This film is also very accurate, which I find critical in this type of movie. John ford does not disappoint, this movie is worth a watch, or several.
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Charming Screwball Comedy
11 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very heart warming well done film. It will not change your life, or make you realize some kind of grand epiphany, but it will entertain you and make you laugh.

As most screwball comedies from this time period, this film is very predictable. You know that Wally and Hazel will end up together, but that isn't why you watch the film.

The Journey is fun, and Carole Lombard is excellent as usual. She is one of my favorite actresses of the time period. This film is worth a watch, especially if you are a fan of the modern romantic comedy, it will shed a whole new light on the genre.
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Casablanca (1942)
Stuck in Morrocco, Refugees Seek Desperately for Passage to America
11 March 2015
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This is one of the best films I have ever seen. Everything about it is absolutely perfect. The story is so rich with social meaning and significance. It portrays the absolute terror that was occurring during WWII without being grotesque or violent. It shows how desperate people were to keep their heads above water, and out of Nazi control.

The acting is phenomenal. Humphrey Bogart is effortlessly cool, and translates the idea of the isolationist mentality of Americans at the time before the war. Ingrid Bergman is so pure and honest, her character comes across through the incredible emotion she is able to express on screen.

All of this aside, the thing that absolutely sets this movie apart from others like it is the writing. The script is amazing. It might be the best script ever. Every line is carefully thought out. No line is a waste everything anyone says has meaning.

Please go watch this movie. It will change how you look at film in America.
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Scarface (1932)
Chicago Bootleggers Try to Keep Their Head Above Water
11 March 2015
This a classic early Warner Brothers gangster film. Such films inspired the great ones we know today. Everything from the dark sets, to the intense dramatic shooting scenes. This film is pre-code so there is no limit on the violence that can ensue, and it does not disappoint.

Paul Muni is an excellent actor, he makes the film. His role of the conflicted anti-hero is very likable and leads to a good connection between him and the audience. He is a ruthless killer but he also has a sensitive side, especially with his sister.

This movie is very tight. The editing feels smooth a seamless, and the cinematography is excellent.
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The Story of Godfrey, the Butler
11 March 2015
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My Man Godfrey sends a very strong social message. The film uses subtle, dry humor to criticize the social structure at the time of the great depression.

The plot revolves around a butler finding himself in a home with a woman hopelessly in love with him. The audience would normally not expect the two to get together in a normal context, but the entire film sort of dances around the idea of them getting together until the end when they do.

It takes place mostly all in one location, almost like a play. It relies almost entirely on dialogue to send its still has very tight editing. It has many close ups, and scenes that include only one or two characters. At times there are quick, over the shoulder shots that add to the scatterbrained nature of the family that Godfrey is with. The aesthetic of the set was very well put together, being in black and white, the house was almost entirely white, making the characters stand out.
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Stagecoach (1939)
A Stagecoach Adventure Through Apache Occupied Land
11 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Stagecoach has an apparent focus on camera work.It is shot almost like a silent movie, it has a lack of dialogue, to the point where most of the emotion of the characters is shown in their facial expressions.

John Wayne (Ringo) is amazing in the film. His unlikely love story with Dallas is the most interesting plot line in the whole film.

There is an implication that Dallas is an outcast from society due to sexual deviancy of some kind. Ringo is treated as though he cannot be trusted because he is a criminal. Both of them are neglected, even though they seem to be the most virtuous of any of the other passengers. The ironic twist at the end is that the high-class banker was the criminal all along. Ringo and Dallas are set free to go live together happily. The social message seems to be one cannot be judged on character based on whether or not they fit into society.
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Sunrise (1927)
A Man Falls Victim to the Words of His Cunning Mistress
11 March 2015
This film is beautifully shot. The camera work is absolutely its strongest point. The cinematography is brilliantly done, the lighting and the camera placement were breathtaking.

I enjoyed watching this film, and I believe it is done very well for the time it was made, yet a few things fell short. The acting was very corny at times, maybe intentionally so, but it took away from the story. The story itself was all together too predictable, and it did not leave me with much to ponder.

This is a solid film to watch if you are interested in early film cinematography.
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Dracula (1931)
First Vampire Film
11 February 2015
It seems as though today, films rely completely on special effects to instill fear in the viewer. The true measure of a horror film is one that is inherently scary without using the crutch of modern film tricks.

Dracula absolutely embodies that concept. The acting is spectacular. Dracula is creepy in a way that can really affect you. The acting is extremely well executed. Count Dracula is as believable of a vampire as I have ever seem. Not to mention this film basically pioneered the genre of horror. Hard to believe in a world where t is so omnipresent.

The dark sets, along with the eerily silent nature of the film really adds to the effect of horror. At the time this came out, I can imagine it was utterly terrifying.
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Frankenstein (1931)
Dr. Frankenstein creates a monster he cannot control
11 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Right away, I can see how this movie plays an integral role in the history of film. In many ways, it was the first of its kind. But other than its influential significance, the film falls flat in many other categories.

The saving grace of this film is the concept, which is very interesting. The filming was also done beautifully.The shot selection and editing are very well done. The sets were absolutely stunning, and they made the film watchable.

Beyond this, the execution is bleak. The acting is often corny, and the characters are inconsistent. Dr. Frankenstein goes from not caring about anything but his work, to not caring about it at all. In a minute of film, the entire movie shifts focus. The ending is very anticlimactic, and the the film feels unresolved.
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Wrongly accused James Allen escapes from chain gang.
4 February 2015
This movie is exceptionally well made. The editing is tight, the acting is convincing, and the plot line is very interesting.

I believe that "Cool Hand Luke" with Paul Newman was most likely very inspired by this film. It follows a similar plot line, and many similar characters appear.

The editing of this film is what sets it apart. The use of sound effects is incredible, especially for the time period. Paul Muni's performance is also quite incredible. This film was definitely ahead of its time. It seems like it was an inspiration to many other films after it. It is one of the best movies from that time period.
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