
24 Reviews
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High Noon (1952)
It takes a village...
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The genius use of clocks in this movie is enough for me to love it. But I'll be honest: everything else makes it a classic. Gary Cooper does a masterful job as the marshal whose friends are there for him until they aren't. Will your friends help you in your time of need?

The least talked about point of this movie is Katy Jurado's highly underrated performance. Also well done is the music including the theme song by Tex Ritter.

I still get chills seeing the shots of the train tracks empty while we all know the train will arrive at Noon. This is probably the best western made outside of the "Dollars" trilogy. A must see indeed.
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It is our lot in life.
18 May 2024
Man, this movie never gets tiring on the one billionth viewing. Even if you don't think much of the story, you have to admit this is the number one popcorn movie. The characters are what make Star Wars memorable - everyone has their favorite.

Of course, the lightsaber battles are fun, as are the ship battles. I also can't get enough of C-3PO "bantering" with R2D2 - the ultimate movie odd couple. George Lucas did indeed create the most epic space opera, even though he took massive criticism for reworking the series.

Every time I see Luke Skywalker gaze at the two suns, I know all is right with life.
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Walk this way
5 May 2024
I have seen Young Frankenstein so many times and know the movie by heart and yet it's hilarious as the first time I saw it. That's why it's definitely one of the ten funniest films ever and Mel Brooks's best. The facial expressions on Gene Wilder's face are priceless as well as his wild behavior. Plus, a stellar cast such as Madeline Khan and Cloris Leachman doing what they do best made this movie an instant classic.

They certainly don't make movies like this anymore - today's "comedies" are so low brow and are afraid to take chances by "offending" people. Thankfully, we can always watch classics like this.
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Duck Soup (1933)
Hail Freedonia!
17 March 2024
What makes Duck Soup the best movie for the Marx Brothers? I suppose the only answer is "Who cares!" Trying to dissect comedy gold is like trying to dissect nature: just leave it alone and let it be. The brothers have been famously accused of making this movie a huge political statement when, in truth, all they were doing was simply entertaining the audience. And what entertainment we get: the mirror scene alone is on the short list of great movie moments. Groucho seems to be especially razor sharp with "I could dance with you til the cows come home..." jokes and the like. And the rest of the movie? Just pure joy that is not worth spoiling. Just leave it alone and let it be.
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Technicolor and sepia...oh my!
24 February 2024
The Wizard of Oz is: delightful, corny, beautifully shot, has shoddy matte paintings for the background, has memorable music...and is a must see for movie lovers. I absolutely love the technicolor of Oz and the sepia toned Kansas. The characters are eternally memorable. And the movie's main theme of "no place like home" strikes within all of us, even if we don't want to admit it. This a journey I love going through every time I watch this enigmatic flick. I also love to join the chorus in praising Bert Lahr's performance of the lion which thankfully stole the show with much needed comic relief. And Toto too.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
We rose in the '70s and fell in the '80s.
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The most interesting thing to me about Boogie Nights is that despite being a fictional story from the brilliant mind of Paul Thomas Anderson, it could have been a real story that only Los Angeles could have had happen. That's not to say it's the only thing about this wonderful flick. It is, of course, highly entertaining and funny and mesmerizing in its story and acting. The casting is brilliant, as is Anderson's love for the 1970s "anything goes" attitude. Dirk Diggler's rise and fall might be a cliche, but the way this movie narrates it, you don't want it to end, even after a fast 2 and a half hour time.
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Must see masterpiece
20 August 2023
Wow. The first thirty minutes of Dressed To Kill is one of the most enthralling openers to a movie I have ever seen. And the rest is just as good. Brian De Palma made his best film with this one. Yes, even Blow Out has to take second place to this instant masterpiece. The acting is top notch: Angie Dickinson gives the performance of a lifetime, Nancy Allen has an underrated supporting role, and Dennis Franz? Well, he's Dennis Franz at his most Dennis Franz. Gritty and stylish would help describe this film. So would sexy and gripping. They don't make them like this anymore, so goes the cliche. A must see.
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A movie made in the name of fun.
24 June 2023
It's always a delight to watch The Muppet Movie. First of all, I love that it's a road movie; every time when Kermit and Fozzie get into the Studebaker and start singing "Movin' Right Along", I'm ready to go.

Yes, the music is the best and of course provided by the always delightful Paul Williams. The jokes are top notch Muppety and crack me up every time. The celebrity cameos are anything but distracting and I find them fun.

Above all else, The Muppet Movie is nothing but a good, fun time at the movies. Anyone of any age can enjoy this colorful film. If you don't enjoy it, I suppose you could be like Statler and Waldorf and just heckle it.
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Superman (1978)
I believe a man can fly
10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people would point to the flaws of Superman or how it's dated. Not me. For my money, Superman is a wonderful fantasy adventure that does the character justice. The fact this movie is several different genres strung together to make one epic movie works effortlessly with Richard Donner's fearless ambition and Geoffrey Unsworth's beautiful cinematography. John Williams has the most underrated score of his career with this film as well. The humor works well, mostly, although it can be a little cheesy at times. I am, however, with the majority of critics in condemning the ending in which Superman turns back time. Still, flaws and all, Superman is a fun popcorn movie to watch for all ages.
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Goodfellas (1990)
One of the top five movies ever made
4 June 2023
From its infamous opening line, Goodfellas will either make you want to be a gangster or, more likely, appreciate and understand what they do. Appreciate in the sense that they get stuff done even when the inevitable killings happen.

Martin Scorsese doesn't just make a great crime drama here. Instead, he weaves a tapestry of artistry that remains unparalleled and unmatched, to which I couldn't be more grateful for.

Goodfellas is a perfect movie, yes, but it's also THE perfect movie. Flawless in the acting, editing, writing, narration, music, casting and everything else. You can't appreciate movies without it.
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Tombstone (1993)
Excellent but not perfect western
9 April 2023
Tombstone is a great western, not a perfect one but a fun, adventurous one. It's also largely historically correct unlike most movies of the genre. Perfectly cast as well, Kurt Russell is excellent as the no nonsense lawman Wyatt Earp. And, of course, Val Kilmer steals the show as the ultimate "Huckleberry": Doc Holiday.

Tombstone is one of those movies that you never tire of watching on repeated viewings. I love how it's a rare western in the sense it romanticizes the Old West without cliches and uses verisimilitude wisely.

Falling in love with these characters will happen, as well as loving the movie as a whole. Tombstone is a must for movie lovers.
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Gritty and intense. Oh, and a lot of fun.
20 March 2023
One word describes why The Dark Knight is on the shortlist for one of the greatest movies ever: intense. Movies are about emotions, and The Dark Knight expertly makes us feel tense at nearly every turn: with each gun or bomb going off, when Batman makes huge mistakes, and, of course, anytime The Joker is on screen. Heath Ledger clearly has performed one of the most (if not THE MOST) successful and memorable performances of a villain on film.

Adding to the intensity is superb music and the usual gritty feel from a Christopher Nolan film. Great surprises all around and a top notch cast make The Dark Knight one of the truly must see movies for all time.
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Fargo (1996)
Schmucks are funny
4 February 2023
Although ostensibly a crime thriller, Fargo is really a dark comedy and probably the best one ever. I love how this movie makes fun of midwestern culture and total schmucks like Jerry Lundegaard and Carl Showalter.

Frances McDormand is the best actor of her generation and perhaps the most underrated. I think she doesn't get enough praise sometimes.

The Coen Brothers have certainly crafted their best with Fargo. I think it's even better than No Country For Old Men or The Big Lebowski (two films I also love).

Not too many films of more than one genre can be good let alone great. Fargo is a true masterpiece and a must see experience.
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Ultimate love letter to 1960s Los Angeles
8 August 2022
This is a most delightful love letter to one of my favorite time periods both in terms of history and cultural change. And, of course, the pop culture was at an extraordinary zenith. This film is nothing short of that expression and is a must see for anyone for an appreciation of movies.
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The Hustler (1961)
Unspeakably great film
15 January 2022
This film is almost unspeakable greatness. The acting is top notch, yes, but so is the script and the beautiful black and white. The lack of music and the enrichment of the way this movie is shot make it one of my favorite films.
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Pleasantville (1998)
Most underrated film ever
19 December 2021
Pleasantville is one of those movies that makes you think it's something else and its greatness sneaks up on you. If you love some classic tv nostalgia with your social commentary, this is the film for you. Charming.
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Crime thriller at its best
18 December 2021
This is one of the best crime movies ever as well as a great nostalgic look at 1950s Hollywood, or the seediest side of it. Police corruption at its worst as an all star casting take you on an exhilarating ride of a very "hush hush" look of a town known for glamour but isn't all that.
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Rear Window (1954)
Brings out the voyeur in us
22 November 2021
Rear Window is Hitchcock's best film and perhaps the greatest movie ever; at least it's my favorite. We are all voyeurs and can't help ourselves in "looking out" at the lives of others, particularly when we have moments of low in our own lives.

This film has one of the best set designs in the history of film and is a must see for movie lovers.
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One of the most enchanting films ever
11 October 2021
The Shape of Water is one of the most beautiful movies ever filmed. I am in awe every time I watch it and can't recommend it highly enough. If you care about movies, you have to see it.
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An ode to the movies
4 August 2021
The Purple Rose of Cairo is a must-see film for movie lovers. There has probably been no greater fantasy that weaves fantasy and real life together on film. The romanticism of old Hollywood is obvious and felt deeply.
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Smell the (g)love
26 July 2021
"This Is Spinal Tap" is the perfect balance of music, comedy, and mockumentary that could not have been made at a different time. I also love spotting all the cameos of celebrities in wonderful parts. This movie always puts a smile on my face every time I watch it.
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Keeps the spirit of Woody alive.
17 July 2021
Like most movie bios, Bound For Glory takes many creative liberties. However, this is still a wonderful film that truly captures the spirit of Woody Guthrie and the Dust Bowl era. David Carradine is brilliantly cast as Woody Guthrie.
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Modern Times (1936)
Probably the most relevant film ever
5 July 2021
"Modern Times" was "1984" before Orwell wrote "1984." A prophecy of "The Machine" overtaking society, yet Chaplin's trademark humor is on top of its game and woven together brilliantly with the message of the film. Apart from "Schindler's List", "Modern Times" might possibly be the most relevant film ever.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Most overrated movie of all time
19 June 2021
Tom Hanks is a wonderful actor but he didn't deserve the Oscar. Anyone could have done that. In fact, it's blasphemy this movie won best picture especially over Shawshank Redemption or Pulp Fiction. Forrest Gump is too saccharine and the quotes are too annoying and simple.
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