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Good message!
22 December 2021
It's probably not Citizen Kane, but the pro aborts trashing the film force me to give it a good review. And some talk about free choice. What about the choice taken away from the baby?
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Magnum, P.I.: Legacy from a Friend (1983)
Season 3, Episode 18
2 May 2020
I will now use "chop socky" in my daily discourse.
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Absolutely Atrocious, Disgusting, Worse than High Fidelity, Yuck,
28 December 2007
If you think that singing a lovely song while slitting someone's throat is the stuff of a great musical, this pile of crap is for you.

The songs have no "pop," the actors run through the pieces as if their asses were lit on fire.

The other people in the theater clapped at this abomination to humanity. I publicly chastised them for doing so.

Tim Burton and all those associated with this foul endeavor need medication, preferably Prozac. After seeing this waste, I might visit my doctor to see if he could prescribe me some. Perhaps I'll see Tim Burton there. That would make this regrettable experience worthwhile.
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You really have to be an Ellroy fan....
22 September 2006
In order to appreciate this movie, it would be helpful for people to have read some of James Ellroy's novels. They spend many pages laying a foundation for the rest of the story, something that can be done more easily in a book than in a movie.

That said, the lack of any real foundation is what keeps this movie from becoming great. We simply don't feel that close to the characters, something that the book does a better of doing. Other reviewers have compared this movie to the great LA Confidential. Having just finished that book, I found the movie cut out a lot of material contained in the novel, thus making it more palatable to the general public.

What the movie does do quite well is capture the spirit of the Black Dahlia novel. This only really impresses those who are big fans of James Ellroy. Further, much of the dialog comes from the book; it is classic film noir stuff. The dialog is fast and tough. Scarlett Johansen and Hilary Swank play the love interests. They nail their parts, particularly Johansen.

You should see this movie for one main reason, it is a fine example of a lost American art form, film noir. In that mode, the film succeeds triumphantly.
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Sin City (2005)
Despite Miller/Rodriguez/Taratino anti-Religious Paranoia, pretty good
2 April 2005
I awaited this movie for months, and despite the fact that the directors paint religious people with a broad, negative brush, it more or less delivers.

I liked the creativity of the occasional color splashed against the back and white, tweaking the traditional motif of most film noir movies being completely aesthetically black and white. Sin City revives a genre that is dying on the vine.

I also think that the dialog is some of the best of its kind. It's descriptive yet staccato enough to stay cool, which is the ultimate demand of a film noir film.

The violence is not for everyone. It in fact is over the top, primarily in the Tarantino directed sequences (you'll know when).

Religious people do not commit acts of such brutality that are perpetrated in this film. If the character who killed so many people were gay or of some other social minority, many people would take to the streets in protest.

I will overlook the fact that a groups was painted with such a broad brush in favor of me being a comic book fan who has waited a long time to see this movie. Recommended with great reservation.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Quite Simply, The Best Drama on TV. Period.
29 December 2002
This show is amazing for 4 main reasons.


1 The acting is supurb. While the actors play stereotypes of mobsters, each develops a personality of their own. Each character is believable as a real person without the over-use of method acting.

2. A different director each episode keeps the show fresh.

3. The show itself allows the viewer to question what exactly a family is. How the patriarch keep them together? To which family is he loyal? Issues of faith, loyalty, friendship are explored.

4. Humor, often dark allows for some levity.

I have not seen season 4, but the first three are great.
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Very Good Adventure Movie With Christian Overtones.
29 December 2002
This movie was very good due to strong acting and sharp direction. Howver, it is not great because the characters are so alien that I for one cannot relate to them. They are archetypes rather than characters.

However, for being an epic fantasy, it is excellent.
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Very Overrated...
15 September 2002
I've watched this movie twice, the second time to make sure I didn't miss anything. I didn't.

The stunted, pointless dialog in the beginning of the movie made it pretentious. Tarantino refined his trademark of making ordinary, everyday speech extraordinary in Pulp Fiction. In Resevoir Dogs, it remained ordinary; painfully so.

The only real trick in this movie is how Steve Buschemi didn't die from loss of blood. This was simply rediculous. He seemed to try too hard with this one. PF was simply a better movie..
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Huh? WAIT a second....
30 December 2001
I know t hat there are some die hard Tolkien fans out there, but this movie needs to be around for about 10 years before it comes close to supplanting any of the Godfather films as one of the great films.

It does an excellent job in giving the audience a crash course in the overall storyline, but its real selling point is the animation.

Interesting story, frustrating ending.
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Scarface (1983)
Good; Could have been great
8 September 2001
The problem with this film is that we never really know Tony Montana. He really has no roots; all we know is that he spent time fighting commies in Cuba. We see him grow into a multi-millionaire really from nothing. As a result, Montana seems like a run of the mill character who is really just a product of his society around him.

Howeever, Pacino plays the role with such skill and energy that we cannot help but feel more for the actor than the character of Montana himself. I have to admit that the scene in the restaraunt after Tony is one of the fineset acting performances in film. If there was more footage shot in Cuba concerning his life growing up, it would have made for an even finer movie.

The ending is classic.
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Rat Race (2001)
I Want These Two Hours of My Life BAck
28 August 2001
I saw Rat Race on the recommendation of my brother. He thought it was hilarious, but I thought it sucked.

It is a series of vignettes filled with boring, silly, humorless pranks. They never went anywhere, they just seemed to be funny in themselves; they never really come together. This is odd, because the premise of the movie is based upon the characters coming together.

Was Jon Lovitz's character supposed to be Jewish? If so, why is it then funny that he was driving Hitler's car? Jewish people and Hitler. AAHHH! Indeed a comic delight!

Rowan Atkinson should not EVER do an Italian accent. What makes him funny is not his accents but his face as well as his gags. He accentuates neither in this film. Furthermore, when he tries to find the keys inside the child's seat, he hints at a sick form of child abuse. Child abuse is NEVER funny, nor will it ever be.

The only chuckles (and I do mean chuckles, never all out laughs) are when the billionairs take bets on everything, including how long maids could hang from drapersies.

Jerry Zucker is better than this. See Airplane! or better yet, Duck Soup by the MArx Brothers.
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Creative Film Making
7 December 2000
It's been some years since I've seen this film, but what I do remember is that it used some rather creative visuals in order to illustrate its point. The scene where the appropriate amount of column inches the NY Times devoted to soviet excursions around the world stand out to me. Generally speaking, not something one would expect from a documentary. If anything, watch it for its creativity, and not for Chomsky's New Left craziness.
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Acting and Direction are tremendous
26 October 2000
Paul Newman played the quintessential loner who tries to buck the system. He underplays the role to the point of perfection. He's not only a loner to his cell mates, but also to the audience. Strother Martin is excellent as the Captain, while he sounds rather tame is actually brutal. Its a little melodramatic, but it ultimately is about the result of alienation. Great if you are in a rebellious mood.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Brilliant; Full of Symbolism
29 August 2000
It's been a while since I've seen this film, but I marvel at its complexity, both in its form and its meaning.

When Jules utters "lets get into character" at the beginning of the film(near the end, depending on how you look at it), Tarentino is forcing us to examine what is fictitious and what is real. His conversion at the end of the movie I think is the triumph of character and virtue over shallowness. He quits killing and decides to "wander the earth" as so many people of conviction have done(the Disciples of Christ as well as many other historical/religious figures.

Moreover, this film is about protecting the dignity of people. While most of the characters are despicable, somehow they manage to save someone else in the film. Examples: When the junkie save Marcellus' wife Mia; Butch saving Marcellus from further harm.

In the end, Pulp fiction forces you to discern the difference between fact and fiction.
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The Cell (2000)
Stunning Cinematic Sequences; very creative
25 August 2000
I enjoyed what Tarsem Singh tries to accomplish: telling a somewhat familiar tale by using incredible camera tricks in key areas of the film.

Once you see Jennifer Lopez in this film, you will realize that it was not her acting ability that got her the title role. Her beauty make up for her lack of emotion. Yet, she is effective.

However,help thinking that Meryl Streep would have crushed in the female lead role.

I think that Hollywood would do well to look outside this country for talented directors. So many trained in America are so influenced by the Hollywood smash-bang blockbuster mentality .

What American director would have thought of using the camera like that during the baptism sequence? Not many that come to my mind. It seems that in the movies from India that I have seen the direction is very much focused on visuals, and using the camera creatively. It would be nice to see this in more mainstream Hollywood films.
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Serpico (1973)
My favorite film...
25 August 2000
Simply said, this is a brilliantly acted, well directed film about a man who suffered for doing the right thing.

Hollywood should make more like it.

This film should be shown to young people who still have no idea what character is.
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High Fidelity (2000)
I hate this movie; I hate hate hate this movie.
5 August 2000
I should tell the readers of this review that I only saw half of this film, because my friends and I walked out of it. I'm glad I did not spend $8.50 to watch this loser fest.

The movie starts with John Cusack listing the top five lost girlfriends in his life. I should have known what I was getting into at this point.

Rob (John Cusack) proceeds through the moviegoing to work at a record store he owns. He doesn't have the balls to fire the people he hired. Jack Black is excessively rude; he criticizes everyone and everything. He plays the role well, but the character is so obnoxious, I felt like I wanted to bitch slap him in every scene.

Dick is a decent character, although he is a weenie. He attempts to counteract the over obnoxiousness of Jack Black's character. At least in the parts I saw saw him in, he seemed like baggage rather than character with something to contribute.

John Cusack plays a perfect generation x recrod store owner. He can never get anything right. Although Cusack plays the character well, he like the rest of the cast are a collection of annoyances rather than people with whom we can identify.

I cannot understand why this movie is so highly regarded.
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Kansas City (1996)
Very Slow...but good period piece
24 June 2000
Jennifer Jason Leigh Sucks in this movie. She tries too hard to be a tough broad and comes off acting silly.

However, the movie was never meant to be a master piece, but was meant to give the viewer a sense of Depression era Kansas City, which it does well.

This movie is recommended fro those interested in 20th century U.S. history
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Taxi Driver II
3 June 2000
While there are some interesting moments in this film, I can't help but feel that it is just about another Travis Bickel. The protagonist is a lonely, depressed alcaholic who does not care about himself enough to care for others, as was Travis. Nothing new here, except "Travis" drives an ambulence.

I'm also really tired of New York. It's a hell hole, and the rest of the world knows it. Enough already.
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Shanghai Noon (2000)
Starts slow, but gets better
24 May 2000
We could have used more Jackie Chan action scenes and less of the other guy. This role was one that Randy Quaid was made to play. He tries way too damn hard to be funny and it mostly falls short. The tub scene is pretty funny though.

If you need a Jackie Chan fix, Rumble in the Bronx is way funnier and has better action scenes.

(Food for thought, is it me or is there an underlying message that white folks are ignorant and cultureless and that Indians and Chinese people the only ones with culture?)
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One of the best documentaries I've ever seen
22 May 2000
What makes this documentary so effective is the fact that we see heroes from our past fall from grace. Moreover, their stories are so unbelievable that it reinforces the fact that truth is stranger than fiction. At times this film is almost too cool for words
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