
42 Reviews
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Psycho (1998)
I liked this remake
9 June 1999
I must admit that I did enjoy this remake. It's basically the same movie, so what's not to like? Sure, some people love the original so much it's hard to let go. I am a huge fan of remake films, as long as they're true to the original. For example, I enjoyed Tom Savini's 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead more than the original, and I also liked the 1992 version of Dracula better than any previous effort. It's not that the originals weren't good films, but I was more entertained watching the more modern versions. Some films, I agree should not be touched, such as The Exorcist and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Films as powerful as those could not possibly be improved, let alone matched in a more modern portrayal. Psycho is a film that can be redone in every decade, as it truly tests the passage of time in its magnificence. I do like the original, and I believe it is a classic. However, I appreciate what Gus Van Sant has done for us horror fans, and I would never condemn it because it didn't live up to SOME people's expectations. I don't have anyone else think for me, I suggest you watch it and make up your own mind.
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Not nearly as bad as people say it is
9 June 1999
After hearing countless people tell me how crappy this movie is, and after reading tons of reviews that make it sound totally unbearable, I decided to watch it myself. You know what? They are all wrong. Most of the movie is at LEAST average direct-to-video work. Of course it isn't as good as the original, but this movie was just as gory, more action-packed, and had some very funny moments (they watched Mexican porno for a VERY long time in that motel room). I was not disappointed watching this movie, because I didn't take it seriously. I suggest you relax and give it a try, you'll laugh at how funny they tried to make this a good movie.
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Reservoir Dogs meets Evil Dead 2
9 June 1999
This move has it all! Action, chicks, guns, gore, and vampires. A fantastic blend of horror and humor, all wrapped up in a Tarantino storyline. This is one of those movies that you tell your friends about, and then you watch it with them. Here in the late 90's, horror movies seem to be taking a turn for the worst, having Kevin Williamson-trendy-horror-pretty-boy-Party of Five with a stabbing-type films flooding the theaters and all the 13-year olds that watch them. Forget that crap, go for the true grit, the spice of Hollywood.
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Scanners (1981)
Excellent movie, enough said
9 June 1999
Scanners is a non-stop entertaining ride into the wonderful world of sci-fi/horror. This movie went beyond my expectations, and it is still just as cool as it was when it was first released. The action, violence, and fast-paced plot keep you very interested throughout the whole movie. There are a number of sequels and spin-offs (Scannercop anyone?) but they all fail to live up to the original. David Cronenberg has directed some of the strangest movies ever, including Videodrome and The Fly remake. With Scanners, he has achieved a masterpiece in horror movie history. Do yourself a favor and rent this movie when you have time, you'll be sorry if you don't.
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Pretty good film, but what's with the music?
9 June 1999
This film is actually quite good. Without much of a budget at all, Wes Craven managed to capture sheer terror on tape. Some people claim this movie is almost a snuff film, disgusting, worthless, you name it. Obviously, if you say something like that you are not a horror movie fan. How could anyone take this film THAT seriously? I mean, those cops are too damn stupid to be realistic. The banjo music during the torture scenes? Come on people, this movie is simply that.....A MOVIE. Yes, it is disturbing and violent. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE! I mean, if you didn't laugh when the mom bit off Weasel's......well, you know. This is a movie worth owning, you sure as hell won't ever see it on TV!
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Too cool
9 June 1999
This movie started something big, something REALLY big. Countless movies have been inspired by this film, as well as sequels from the original director. Flesh-eating zombies, hungry for the living. What a concept! In the 1960's, there wasn't much explicit content in films. Leave it to Psycho (suspense), Night of the Living Dead (gore), The Wild Bunch (violence), and Carnival of Souls (terror) to get the "Horror Machine" rolling. Make sure to check out Dawn of the Dead, Romero's alliance with Italian horror maestro Dario Argento, to create a sequel that has become one of the most celebrated zombie/horror movies ever made. A remake of Night of the Living Dead was done in 1990, and it celebrates the original with color and much more gore.
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Fantastic film, Jackson has done it again.
7 June 1999
The Frighteners is one of the best horror movies of the 90's, combining genuine scares with humor in all the right places. It's a shame that some people won't give this movie a chance because I think they would really like it. You have to give credit to Jeffrey Combs for his portrayal as Dammers, true fans of horror classics such as Re-Animator, Bride of Re-Animator, Castle Freak and From Beyond will definitely appreciate him. This movie was a welcome change of pace, and I surely hope more films are made like it. Forget Scream, people....if you want humor/horror stick with the demented Peter Jackson. You won't be disappointed, I know I'm not.
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Se7en (1995)
Some may like it, I think it sucks
7 June 1999
I may be the only person that feels this way, but Seven is a pretty lame movie. When I pay to watch an R rated suspense/thriller movie, I want my blood, guts, and action. This movie provided me with almost none of the above, with the exception of like three (come on, only three?) bloody dead people. OK, OK, the drug dealer on the bed was the best part. But the movie is SO SLOW and BORING. Sure, Morgan Freeman does a great job acting, but all the biblical psychobabble in the world doesn't make up for NOT SHOWING THE KILLER KILLING PEOPLE. I don't want to go off on a rant here, but having 2 cops walk around in the rain merely going into apartments for nearly two hours bores me to death. The ending was cool, but hardly makes up for this sad attempt. You want disturbing? You want a REALISTIC portrayal of violence in the mind of a serial killer? Forget watching Seven, watch Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. I dare you to watch both these movies and say Seven is better. On second thought, most of you wouldn't watch Henry because it's TOO real. You LIKE this watered-down mainstream pretty-boy nonsense. Oh, if you couldn't tell, I didn't like this movie.
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Phenomena (1985)
Argento has a knack for the weird
7 June 1999
I first saw this movie as Creepers, the heavily cut American version of Phenomena. After watching the newly available uncut version I feel I have seen a full film. There are 28 additional minutes of footage found in the uncut original version, but almost all of it is dialogue that makes the first half sluggishly drag on without much happening. The second half, however, kept me very interested. Some say this movie is very predictable, and I have to agree. The plot is set up for you to expect certain things, and those things do happen, although not in the way you anticipated. It is hard to explain what I mean, but people who have seen this will probably understand. I really do like this movie, it seems very similar to Suspiria in style. That movie also had a slow start, but picked up towards the end. You can't really question a movie like Phenomena, it just unfolds before your eyes. Many people won't get it, and that's fine; Argento films aren't for everyone.
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Videodrome (1983)
This movie WILL mess with your mind
7 June 1999
Videodrome is weird, that mush is certain. The scary part of it isn't really the movie itself, but the NIGHTMARES it gives you. I have had the most messed up dreams after watching this movie, I simply cannot explain them all. All the imagery and content of Videodrome seems to affect my subconcious mind, almost like I actually grew a tumor after watching it. I see hallucinations, and I'm compelled to watch it more and more.......Cronenberg, what have you done to me? O-B-L-I-V-I-O-N
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The Lost Boys (1987)
Excellent vampire film
17 March 1999
"The Lost Boys" deserves as much credit as you can give it. It is definitely not a sell-out Trendy Horror film (like almost EVERYTHING in the late 90's). Wonderful cinematography, combined with a cool soundtrack makes every scene fun to watch. There are many comedy/horror movies out there that don't measure up to the potential that they could have, and it's a shame. "The Lost Boys" delivers in every way, just adding to the list of great horror films that came out in 1987. This movie is still just as fun to watch today as it was 12 years ago. If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for?
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The Thing (1982)
Absolutely fantastic
17 March 1999
This movie is about the best you could expect it to be. John Carpenter has done it again with an incredible remake of a horror classic. I love this film. Everything that happens keeps you in suspense, guessing what could possibly happen next. Terror is everywhere, and the gore is a-plenty! This movie has to get a 10/10 rating, you have to see it to know why. A Must-See film for anyone who is a horror fan.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
17 March 1999
This movie is SO much better than almost every demon movie I have ever seen. It has been imitated so many times, I have lost count. Sure, it isn't as funny or high budget as its sequels, but it set the pace for things to come. It is definitely a horror landmark, and I can safely say this because of its cult following. It's really hard to explain the experience of watching "The Evil Dead" to someone who hasn't seen it. After you have actually watched it, you will immediately notice all the imitations and quotes other films have taken from it. I will admit that "Evil Dead 2" is better, but only because it is basically an incredible remake of the first one, "The Evil Dead."
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8MM (1999)
Finally, a movie worth the price of admission
15 March 1999
I have no idea why people don't like this movie. Perhaps they are buying into the negative feedback, typical lemming behavior. Judge this film for yourself, see how good it is. It IS good. This was the first film I have seen in 6 months that was actually worth paying to see. Why would people go see this if they wanted to see "Seven?" NEWSFLASH: This movie has NOTHING to do with "Seven." Get that out of your system. This film is not nearly as disturbing as people say, in fact, it is pretty tame compared to horror flicks. This is a psychological thriller, not an in-your-face action/drama. Filmed by an excellent director (forget the Batman movies he did), 8MM is one of the best movies of 1999.
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Wolf (1994)
A mature werewolf flick
15 March 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a welcome change from the typical werewolf flick. First off, we have Jack. Jack rules. Also, we have a good story that relates to adult life. This movie seems to pay tribute to classic werewolf films such as "The Wolf Man" with its basic formula of: Normal man, man bitten, man realizes something wrong, man discovers cool abilities, man uses abilities, man's abilities become out of control, man seeks help, man gets mystical amulet, man seeks resolution. It works very well, and this movie has great acting in it. Consider it a corporate werewolf flick, a more mature look at the beast in all of us.
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Why did they make this movie? Watch the first one instead.
15 March 1999
First of all, this movie wasn't horrible. Bad, but not horrible. There really was no point to make this one because it is basically a poor remake of the first Howling, with much less enthusiasm. However, this one is much better than part 3 only because it tries to be serious. Once again, we don't really see the werewolves until the end, and it isn't too impressive. If you happen to catch this one on TV, go ahead and watch it if you are bored. It may not have a very large budget, but it is a werewolf movie and that's probably the only reason ANYBODY would watch it (like me.....)
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Legend (1985)
15 March 1999
One of my favorite movies of all time, "Legend" has everything you could want in a fantasy movie (I would prefer a more violent R-rated version, but hey...) Ridley Scott has never made a bad film, and I hope someday another movie is made like this one. There are too many positive comments about this film, so just go out and see it. Tim Curry gave me nightmares for years after I saw this film when I was a kid. The imagination and enthusiasm put into making into this movie went into overload, creating a stunningly beautiful motion picture. I'll admit that it could have been improved with more action, but it's still cool the way it is. Try and see the alternate version if you can, it contains different music AND more action. VERY hard to find though.
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Poltergeist (1982)
Simply awesome.
15 March 1999
One of the best movies ever made. Scarier than almost every horror movie of the 90's, and there is virtually no gore or deaths! It takes real talent to pull that off. Quite a change from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", Tobe Hooper does an excellent job creating a visually spectacular and scary film.
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As usual, Carpenter delivers a great film
6 February 1999
Being a huge fan of John Carpenter (it's hard NOT to be), I found this film to be up there with his best work. A very interesting story, combined with good camerawork (and Hell's minions) make this film truly entertaining. Despite what others say, this is a great horror movie. There are zombies, green ooze, insects, and even Satan himself in this movie. There is an alternate version of this film, but it's almost impossible to find in the US. When the story starts to unfold in this movie, all hell breaks loose. I recommend this movie to all true horror fans, and especially fans of John Carpenter.
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Cheesy as hell 80's flick
6 February 1999
My god, this movie is cheesy. There are just plain horrible attempts at making this a scary movie, and they all fail. The dialogue is typical 80's slasher talk, the action is boring, and the movie is just plain DUMB. Fans of crappy horror movies may like this, but true fans of the genre will laugh at it. This movie attempts to be funny some of the time, but it's only in dialogue. It has its good points (very few), and the story keeps you interested only to see what dumb thing happens next. You won't believe how retarded this movie gets at times. Definitely not a film to take even REMOTELY serious there were, unfortunately, two sequels made, both of which are worse than the first. Despite all the negative points this movie has (I would say 78% cheese) I still found myself compelled to watch the whole thing. Do yourself a favor: Only watch this is you are EXTREMELY bored and want to watch something cheesy (or, to see the famous lipstick scene which IS truly amazing). It doesn't bore you, but it makes you wonder what the hell happened to such a cool idea.
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Demons (1985)
Evil Dead rip-off, but entertaining
6 February 1999
As many people have already commented, this film has a strong resemblance to the Evil Dead. The demons (total rip-off), gore, and the acting are all stolen from Evil Dead. However, the setting is quite different and this is an interesting film. Horrible acting, bad dialogue, and extremely confusing situations make this a film that you won't soon forget. Despite all its flaws, however, I liked this movie. It isn't scary at all, but it manages to deliver a lot of fast paced action. The choreography at the end (motorcycle scene) is so stupid it makes you laugh. While this film tries in vain to scare you, you can't help but laugh at its attempts. My suggestion is to watch this movie once, just so you can say you sat through the whole thing. If you want to see a much better movie with the same theme, watch the Evil Dead.
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The Shining (1980)
One of the BEST
6 February 1999
Excellent movie. Need I say more? The story, the acting, the setting, the camerawork, all fantastic. This film will haunt you for the rest of your life, that you can be sure of. There are so many memorable scenes and dialogue from this film, and horrifying images that don't go away. Be sure to add this movie to your own personal collection. One of the 10 best horror movies of all time, this one is hard to beat. True horror is here, it is THE SHINING.
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Phantasm (1979)
A low budget Masterpiece
6 February 1999
Great film, full of action and horror that join together for a terrifying sci-fi Masterpiece. Although filmed on a low budget (and you can tell!), Phantasm set new ground for horror movies. A very strange and twisted vision from the mind of its creator, this movie was made for people who enjoy the fantasy of horror stories, not just hacking and slashing. Phantasm introduced characters that would live on through three more sequels (2 was good as well), but never live up to the weirdness of the first one. The Tall Man is a truly remarkable villain, as well as his flying silver spheres that drill into your head and excrete blood and brain matter. Not bad for a 70's movie, in fact, pretty damn good!
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Halloween (1978)
The Mother of All Slasher Movies
6 February 1999
This movie ranks up there with the best, definitely deserving the crown of "The Mother of All Slasher Movies". There have been SO many movies that have tried to imitate the terror of this film, but they can never equal it. A very low budget, combined with a no-name cast, this movie went on to become one of the most popular horror movies of all time. Jamie Lee Curtis went on to become a Scream Queen in many other horror movies, and owes it all to this film. The 1970's produced many horror Masterpieces, this being one of them. Michael Myers is now a legend, and has spanned three decades. Halloween has spawned 6 more sequels, 5 of which star Michael Myers, 3 which feature Jamie Lee Curtis (stay away from Halloween: H20, it's an utter sell-out disgrace), and only 3 that are really worth watching (1,2,4).
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Better than I expected it to be, but...
3 February 1999
Howling V: The Rebirth was better than I expected it to be, but still not a very good film. I don't know about you, but when I watch a werewolf movie I hope to actually SEE the werewolf from time to time. You DON'T SEE THE WEREWOLF in this movie. There are parts of it shown for a couple seconds here and there, but you never see the whole thing. This movie tries to be a mystery, wanting you to figure out who the wolf is. It isn't too hard to figure out, and the answer is confusing. If you want to watch a good werewolf movie, try the first Howling (stay away from parts 3 and 7 AT ALL COSTS) or Silver Bullet.
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