
28 Reviews
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Full Metal Jacket
12 May 2010
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I thought Full Metal Jacket was a very good movie. This movie was directed by Stanley Kubrick. A lot of the scenes in this movie felt real. They was a lot of power in them. How an officer can affect a soldier when they constantly yell at the person. This movie show a lot of discipline. This movie shows the audience how war can affect a person during and even after the war. See how the people react when there is death around them and they have to stay in control. But this movie lets the audience see what the soldiers went through by looking through their eyes. I thought this was a good movie and i would definitely watch it again.
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Gun Crazy (1950)
Gun Crazy
12 May 2010
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I thought that Gun Crazy was an okay movie. This movie is directed by Joseph H. Lewis. This movie is a classic film noir which is a dark fim that uses low key lighting. The audience finds out really quickly that a boy by the name of Bart is in love with guns from a very young age. He even gets caught stealing one. The shooting scene competition in this movie i thought was done very well. The cutting action technique is used. Bart and this lady who also has a passion for guns fall in love. This movie has a lot of great camera shots the one scene when the couple are in the car and there a couple long takes in this movie that are good.
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Guess who's coming for dinner
11 May 2010
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I thought Guess who's coming for dinner was really good movie. This movie is directed by Stanley Kramer. He did a great job with the camera work. This movie is about a couple who fall in love very quickly and are of a different race and want to get married. But only one problem Dr. John Wayne is afraid of what their families will think. But it really doesn't matter what their families think all that matters that if they are happy. Dr. John Wayne is very nervous about meeting Joanna's family but she doesn't have the same reaction she isn't nervous at all. She is fine and isn't worrying about that. But i liked this movie a lot and would watch it again.
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stardust memories
11 May 2010
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This movie was directed by Woody Allen. This was my first Woody Allen movie making me wonder if I ever want to watch another one. I didn't like this movie at all. This movie was just a bunch of flashback of Sandy Bates life/movie films. Sandy Bates is played by Woody Allen. This film is about his life as a director and how he struggles with having people bother him every minute and about his love life. He is back and forth between which girl is right for him but in this film I didn't get if it was his real life or what he wanted for himself. The camera shots were done very well but other then that i would never watch this movie again.
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Five Easy Pieces
9 May 2010
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I thought Five Easy Pieces was a good movie. The camera angles were done really good in this film. When we see Robert and his girlfriend in the car and even when they pick up the two girls whose car broke down the camera angles go from all different angles. This movie also deal with issues that you wouldn't normally see in older movies such as the language, sex, and cheating. Robert has to deal with seeing his father. They didn't really get along but his father had a stroke and he went to see him. Robert tries to talk to him even though the father really cant say anything. Robert's family is very musically talented. He is also very good at playing the piano. But i thought this was a good movie and I would watch it again.
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Fargo (1996)
9 May 2010
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Fargo is a dark comedy that was directed by the Coen Brothers. This movie is basically about one harmless event that Jerry Lundegaard plans out to get money. He wants his wife kidnapped by two guys because hes to afraid to ask his father in law. Jerry's little idea to get money ends up becoming bigger then he could imagine. Innocent individuals end up getting killed along the way in this small town of Minnesota. In the end Jerry loses everything that was important to him just to get some money. This movie shows the audience that people will think of any ways to get money even though he never meant for anyone to get hurt. I thought this movie was an okay movie.
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Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
28 April 2010
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I thought this movie was okay. But its not a movie I would watch again. There were a lot of close ups on the characters. This movie has low key lighting. The lighting through out the movie is dark. Martha and George are married and fight all the time. They have a couple over and they all drink. I like the scene at the end the characters show great emotion. Because George tells Martha that hes going to kill their son. In this movie the audience hears the sound of the ice in the glass and the leaves in the background. These noises are non-diegetic.The ending of the movie was good when the camera goes in on the couples hands. So this is a different kind of movie you don't normally see such a small cast.
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On the Waterfront
24 April 2010
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I thought this movie was okay. This movie is about a mob and people dying. The first person we see get killed is Joey but don't know who and the sister keeps searching until she finds out. The mob even turns on one of their own and kill Terry's brother Charley. Terry stands up to the mob after he tells the truth about Joey's death. HE goes down to face them. Gets beat up but has everyone standing behind him and then goes to work. The camera angles are done very well. Like when they look at the window you feel like your there. The scenes are mostly dark and every so often the music will get loud. There is also the use of fog in this movie near the pier.
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Do the Right Thing
24 April 2010
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I thought this movie was done very well. Spike Lee did a good job. He also played the character Mookie in the film. There were lots of sounds in this film from diegetic to non-diegetic. This movie also deals with issues such as race, drunks and how Sal doesn't want to move his store. The baby crying in the background is a non-diegetic sound. The fight scene at the end i think could of gone differently. I do think that Radio Raheem should of turned his radio down instead of making the owner mad. But Sal had no right to smash the radio. This then led to a fight in the pizza shop. The cops ended up showing up and killed Radio Raheem but I don't think Sal should be blamed and have his restaurant burned down. But the people in the neighborhood did it to get even.
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Easy Rider (1969)
Easy Rider
16 April 2010
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I really didn't like this movie. But I did like how it showed the issues that were in the movie. Easy Rider was directed by Dennis Hopper. Some of the issues that this movie deals with are drugs, alcohol, prostitutes and racism. There are many different camera shots. Something that I never saw in a movie before was the flickering 3 times and then showing them at a different scene. Another scene is when Billy and Wyatt are with the two girls in the cemetery. We see how they react to the drug. The girls are not reacting very well. But as they are getting high off the drug we see the camera focus on one thing to the next and then back to them the whole time.
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Psycho (1960)
15 April 2010
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This film i thought was directed very well. The camera angles were also shot nicely. Alfred Hitchcock directed this film. In the beginning of the movie we see a long take of showing the city and then the camera focuses on a building and then goes right to the window and into the room. Lila Crane who is played by Vera Miles steals 40,000 thousand dollars from her work and we see her in a car. While she is in the car the camera is facing her and we can see cars in the back. We can also hear her thoughts while she is driving. In this movie the camera like to focus on the objects. Lila arrives at a motel. She meets Norman Bates. Norman plays his character well. He is very psychotic. He has two personalities. But the audience doesn't find that out until the end of the movie. He or should I say his mother ends up killing Lila. We never actually see her get stabbed with the knife just see her struggling and then falling down and see some blood. I like how the camera focuses on the drain in the shower and then we see her eye. The music in this movie lets the audience know that something is gonna happen. So there is a lot of suspense throughout the movie.
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Sunset Blvd
12 April 2010
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I thought this movie was pretty good. I like how it shows how Hollywood can affect a person and how being in the spotlight can consume their life. Norma Desmond played by Gloria Swanson is a perfect example. In this movie she is living in the past to when she was really famous. A man by the name of Joe Gillis ends up at her house and gets forced to look at her screen play. Norma seems like she has some kind of mental problem and that shes not all there. If Joe tries and goes somewhere and shes not with him she acts like she is gonna kill herself. At the end of the movie he tries and leaves but as he walks out she shoots him. It doesn't even phase her. When the cops come she thinks that they are their to shoot her movie. So we see the camera focus on her as she is coming down the stairs. She doesn't even know that they are their to take her away that's how messed up she is. She is to focused on being in the spotlight.
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Milred Pierce
10 April 2010
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I thought this was an okay movie. This movie was filmed in 1945. There is a flashback in this movie by showing the audience that someone was killed but don't know by who until the end of the movie. I do like how this movie shows that money doesn't bring happiness. The audience sees this women struggle with living on her own with her children and still trying to pay the bills as well as giving her daughters everything they want. Mildred eventually makes it big by having her own business. Even though Mildred tries to give her girls everything they want the oldest is a brat. She doesn't appreciate anything. I really couldn't stand how this girl treated her mother when her mother tried her hardest and gave her everything she wanted. Even after her daughter treated her badly she still tried to protect her in the end of the movie.
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The Naked Kiss
8 April 2010
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I thought The Naked Kiss was an okay movie. This movie was filmed in 1964. I thought the opening scene was good. Where the audience sees Kelly knock a man out with her purse. Kelly decides to make a better life for herself by stop being a prostitute and goes and becomes a nurse to help younger children. She even finds a wealthy man. But this movie deals with violence and prostitution not what someone would find in an older movie. Even though she tries and make her life better she ends up murdering someone and almost going to jail. She finds out what her husband really is and that is a molester. So this film deals with a lot of issues.
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The Graduate (1967)
The Graduate
8 April 2010
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I thought this movie was really good. The Graduate was made in the year 1967. In that same year was when the Hays Code ended. In this movie the 180 degree rule was used. This rule was used in the scene when Ben is in Mrs. Robinson house at her bar. Another scene which I thought was good was when he was in the diving suit. The audience was able to only see his point of view. By hearing and seeing what Ben saw through the mask. This movie also had a lot of long takes in it. I thought the end of the movie was good. When Elaine runs off with Ben even though she was just married to another man. She even ran away with him knowing everything and with her family hating him.
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The Lady from Shanghai
11 March 2010
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I really didn't like this movie that much. I thought it was difficult to follow the story. I did notice that in the beginning of the movie that there was a lot of use of shade on the characters faces from the trees as they went on a cab ride. A man by the name of Michael O'Hara falls in love for a woman who is married. He ends up working for them and gets caught up in being blamed for a murder. The ending of the movie was good. He ends up in a fun house and you see all the mirrors and its him, Elsa and Arthur Bannister. The married couple keep shooting at the mirrors cause they don't know who is who. So i liked how that was in the movie.
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Notorious (1946)
11 March 2010
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Notorious was an okay movie. I did like the use of the cinematography in this movie. This movie was the first one that I have seen where the camera goes sideways or upside down. Like when Alicia Huberman wakes up hungover and is in bed you see that the camera moves kinda sideways so you can see T.R. Devlin staring down at her. Alicia is made a spy to watch Alexander Sebastian. She does this while she is in love with Devlin. I also like when at the party how the camera comes down the stairs and focuses right on the key that is in Alicia's hand.I thought the movie had some suspense when Alicia and Devlin went in the wine cellar because at the party they were running out of wine and those two were down there to see what Alexander was hiding.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Citizen Kane
11 March 2010
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Citizen Kane is a great movie to watch. This movie has great cinematography throughout the whole movie. Especially when the camera moves from outside and then comes in through the window of the house. This movie also has flashbacks of Kane's life showing everything from his childhood up until he died. The movie starts out with Kane death and he says one word Rosebud. A detective tries to figure out what it means. So this movie makes you wonder throughout the whole movie what it is. But in the end the audience finds out what it means not the people in the movie. It reflects on something from his his childhood and maybe it was what he wanted not to be rich and just have a normal life. But in the end the meaning of the word dies with him since it was burned.
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Love Affair (1939)
Love Affair
28 February 2010
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In the film Love Affair, Terry and Michel fall in love while on a cruise. I like how when they were at the bar Terry didn't know Michel had been there before her and order the exact same drink. As they were sitting there other people sat next to them and try to get information on them. The scene I like the most is when they get off the boat to see his grandmother. I like how the camera shows the scenery outside of the grandmas house. When they are at the house before they leave Michel wants his grandma to play the piano as that is being done you see the camera going from person to person showing the emotions on their faces. Cause Terry starts to sing. I liked how the scenery was showed in NYC looking up at the tower of where Terry was suppose to get married. And then all of sudden you hear screaming and people running. As you are watching you have no idea what happened. It was sad that she didn't tell him and just made him think he was stood up. But in the end he finds out what really happened to her just by thinking of the picture he made of her.
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Drums along the Mohawk
28 February 2010
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Drum along the Mohawk was John Fords first film that he used Technicolor in. The scenery and the colors in the film were great to see. The emotions on Lana and Gilbert Martins face were good. Especially in the scene where the Indians burn their house down. As they are getting ready to leave the camera focuses back on the house being burnt and then right to their faces and you can tell that they knew they lost everything. The sounds of the gun shots and canon being let off during the fight between the town and the Indians was a great scene to see and hear. You could tell the Indians were coming cause they would chant or you would see smoke from them burning houses down. In the end the town won by the help that Gil went to get.
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Stagecoach (1939)
27 February 2010
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Stagecoach is a 1939 western film. The film was shot in the middle of a desert. The people are traveling in a coach to their destination and they know that it could be dangerous. The people in the coach have different personalities and some of them don't like each other. But they do get along and help each other when its needed. This film has a lot of action especially when they have to fight with the Indians and they run out of ammo you think that they are done for but help comes. The scene at the end is the best cause it makes you wonder what happens. There is a shoot off between Ringo and this guy. And all you hear is the gun shots and don't even see what happens cause the camera is focusing on another scene in the film. You then see the guy walk into the bar and you think that he has won but he ends up collapsing and you realizes that Ringo won.
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Ox-Bow Incident
23 February 2010
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When I first started watching this movie I didn't think I was gonna like it. But as soon as it was at the middle of the movie it became really good and I am glad I watched it. The town goes out to find the men who are responsible for killing Kincaid. The town runs into three men who they automatically assume are to blame for his death. This movie basically deals with right and wrong most of the people in the town are ready to kill these men and some of them are considering letting them go to trial. After the three men get hung and the camera focuses on the shadows most of the men leave but one man stays and sings. A little after they hang them they find out that Kincaid is alive. One of the guys who is hung writes a letter to his wife. But at the end of the movie in the bar they all stand there and it is read aloud. As it is being read the camera focuses on the faces on the people who killed them.
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His Girl Friday
10 February 2010
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I thought this movie was good. The sounds of the printing press and of the gun shots were really good. In this movie I like how Walter and Hildy work together on the paper even though they are divorced. This movie is really fast paced but is still good. Walter does whatever he can to keep Hildy to write on the paper even though she is suppose to be getting married. But by him doing this it makes her realize how much she loves writing for the paper. I like that at the end of the movie they almost end up going to jail because they were hiding a fugitive. But as this happens they find out that the mayor and sheriff were suppose to let this man go cause they got papers that said so and they didn't want anything to do with it. So they end up not going to jail but at the end they had a great story to write about in the paper. Hildy ends up getting back with Walter.
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My man Godfrey
10 February 2010
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My man Godfrey is considered a screwball film. The acting in this movie is really good and makes you want to watch more. A man by the name of Godfrey is known as a forgotten man. Irene finds him in the dump and he ends up working for her and her crazy family as a butler. What I liked about this movie is that we didn't find out till the end that Godfrey was just like the people he works for rich and had everything once in his life. Godfrey helped this family out cause at the end of the movie the family ended up broke but Godfrey helped by putting money into stocks for them and gave them most of the money. So they could of faced being out on the streets themselves. I really didn't like the ending of this movie cause he fought with Irene about not wanting to be with her and then she just shows up and says they are getting married. The ending doesn't even let him say how he feels about the whole situation. But it was a great film to watch cause the crazy family made it humorous to watch.
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Scarface (1932)
3 February 2010
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This movie was good. Paul Muni who played Tony was a touch guy who went around killing people. The gun shots in this movie were really good for the time this film was made. Also, the whistle before Tony killed someone helped make the movie a little more suspenseful. Tony was very overprotective of his sister to the point where he killed the person she loved. Towards the end of the movie his sister has the intentions of killing him but decides not to when they both notice the cops are there. His sister ends up getting shot and dies. This is a very powerful scene because its shows that even though he is a killer he still loves his family. Also, when the cops come to get him he asks them not to shoot. But, as he runs outside they shoot him multiple times.
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