
24 Reviews
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The Graduate (1967)
timeless classic
15 December 2009
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I was pleasantly surprised that this movie was so enjoyable because I don't think that Dustin Hoffman is remotely sexually attractive. He surprised me though with his excellent acting. The scene at the party where everyone was in his face and the camera was close up was a good method of conveying how smothered he felt. Additionally the scene where he is in his scuba get-up showed how different he felt from his parents and their friends. I found the movie sad, realistic, and fulfilling. The editing was continuous and the narration smooth. I found it difficult to analyze the movie formally while I was watching it because the story was especially unique and I definitely became way too absorbed. Awesome flick.
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Brave directing
15 December 2009
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I noticed right away that the first shot of the movie was especially long. It is a good way of getting to know the characters and portraying their meeting in real time. It is also risky for a director because it has to be perfect the entire time. A lot of the movie took place in a car and it depicted how trapped they were in their lives. This movie came out the same year that the production codes were dropped and it is apparent in the excess violence and nudity. Additionally, two people who were not married had sex which was unheard of before this time period. The acting was so awesome and it really gave the viewer a sense of what was going on inside the minds of Bonnie and Clyde. It made me feel sorry for them and I was absolutely horrified at the end when they put about 20 bullets in Bonnie. I was like...SHE'S DEAD ALREADY STOP. I did like the ending even though it was difficult to watch.
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Unique mobster movie
5 December 2009
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I found it really weird to watch Marlon Brando play a role other than "The Godfather." He is an excellent actor though, and he portrayed the role of Terry beautifully. Terry was definitely the protagonist in this film. Johnny Friendly was the antagonist. It was interesting to view the character of Terry blossom as he goes through the experience of guilt and love simultaneously. This was a classic mobster film and it definitely had a dark and very serious feel to it. A lot of the shots were very dark, even during the day. I didn't notice anything special about the sound of the film. The narrative was continuous and the editing was seamless. The use of the same shot at different points in the movie, the pigeon cage, allowed the viewer to really get in touch with the guilt that Terry was feeling and the emotional torment he was dealing with. I thoroughly enjoyed this film.
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An oddly fascinating film
5 December 2009
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I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this film because I generally don't opt to watch films that deal with the war subject. I just find it to be dark and depressing. Don't get me wrong, this movie is dark and depressing, but the use of comedy to lighten the mood was a very clever tactic. I couldn't stop laughing for most of the film. I noticed with respect to the sound that the "marching on" song was played every time there was a scene with the plane that was to release the nuclear bomb. I thought that it was a good way of familiarizing the audience with the mood of the people in the plane. I found it highly ironic that all of these safety mechanisms were put into place in case the other country dropped a nuclear bomb, and yet they could not be deactivated under any circumstance. I guess the whole concept of a nuclear war is ironic in itself though. I thought that the acting was superb in the movie and I wouldn't have guessed that the same person played all three of those characters. What a feat. I couldn't get enough of Dr. Strangelove. I really liked the sequences of nuclear bomb explosions at the end of the film. I thought that was a nice piece of cinematography to add to the film. The film also made good use of parallel editing. The plane, the base, the pentagon...and everything was occurring simultaneously, supposedly. Outstanding cinema.
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I love this movie
5 December 2009
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I am a really big zombie movie fan and I already saw the remake of night of the living dead before I saw this film. I thought that the remake would be better but it wasn't. This film was very well done because the style and design of the film really contributed to how real it felt. Almost the entire film takes place in a farmhouse, but the use of space is magnificent. The radio and the TV were a nice use of intrinsic sounds. Additionally, they contributed to the narrative. I liked the close-ups on the faces of the zombies when they were eating flesh. The end of the movie was pretty dismal but that is what I like to see. No need for Hollywood endings when it comes to flesh eating zombies. Love it.
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Serious subject matter for such an early film
25 November 2009
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I thought that the camera-work was very standard in the film. The editing and the sound was unique in that the kids singing was used to express a viewpoint of innocence as well as to get the point across about what was happening in the film. I liked the technique. I was a little confused about exactly what was happening before she murdered her husband-to-be. Either I wasn't watching closely enough or it wasn't supposed to be understood until later. I am not sure. Either way I really enjoyed the film. I don't usually like to watch serious movies because I prefer to escape reality when I am watching. On that note, I thought that the director did a wonderful job portraying the hardships and injustices that women and children face in this regard. It definitely hit a sensitive cord for me and at points the film was uncomfortable to continue watching. All in all, I am glad I saw it.
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The twilight zone
25 November 2009
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I give this film a lot of credit for its creativity with respect to the storyline. I felt like it was an episode from the twilight zone because Gloria Swanson was so detached from reality. I liked the narration being from the point of view of the murdered man in flashback style. I thought this was unique. A lot of the story took place in the mansion of Gloria and I thought that the design did a good job of portraying her insanity. She had tons of pictures of herself and it was a good portrayal of her self-absorbed personality with respect to her former acting career. I liked the idea that there were a lot of characters in the film that were played by actual people who worked during the silent film era. It really contributed to the verisimilitude of the film. The last scene was classic and I will never forget it. The only way they could safely get her out of the house was by creating the image that she was acting in a film. Brilliant.
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Way ahead of its time
10 November 2009
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I thoroughly enjoyed this film because it had a style of its own. It was similar to Film Noir in that there was romance, a lot of scenes take place in the dark, and there is a murder mystery. Additionally, there is a murder in the beginning and then a flashback to show how the murder came to be. The characters had so many different qualities and were portrayed beautifully by the actors and actresses. I especially liked the character Veda. Even though she was a terrible person, you couldn't help but feel sorry for her because of her upbringing. Throughout the story, you are brought back and forth between past and present as new clues are told to you by Mildred that help you piece together the murder. You could really call Mildred the narrator of the film in a sense. This is one of the best films I have seen in a long time.
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Beautiful mise en scene
10 November 2009
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The style and design of this film was splendid and it definitely contributed to the overall mise en scene. The jewelry, clothes, house, cars, plane, and attitudes of the characters really made you feel like you knew why you hated arrogant rich people. With nothing to do with your time and all the money in the world, why not tear yourself and other people apart from the inside? It does make for a good story though. Which brings me to my other point which is that the progression of the plot in the movie was ideal. Everything happened in an orderly fashion, which really made the whole idea of the story more believable. The only thing that I didn't like about this film was that the murder in the beginning was shown. I would have rather that part was a surprise. Other than that I really liked the film.
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Suspicion (1941)
Exquisitely suspenseful
10 November 2009
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I really enjoyed this film because it kept my interest peaked for the entire duration. It took a little while to get used to the role of Cary Grant. Before this film I had only seen him in comical roles. I liked the progression of the story. I thought that everything happened in a logical order and that the amount of time that it took to tell the story was just right. I found it interesting that we got to see the "supposed" killer from the victim's viewpoint throughout the film. I am used to watching films where you know whether or not someone is a killer. It is a good tool to convey suspense. The story was rather convincing in that I thought that he was a killer. I was especially convinced after the scene with Cary Grant talking to the portrait of his father-in-law after he finds out that they aren't getting much of an inheritance. He says something to the effect of her father winning this one. I thought that the acting was brilliant and that the soft light did a good job in conveying the mood of the story.
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Film noir gone slightly wrong
4 November 2009
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I liked the style of the film in that it did a great job of telling a murder story in which you got to see the police go through the process of trying to figure it out and prosecute. I would have liked to see more of the mystery part. Additionally, I am not sure how I felt about the love story. I think the film could have done without it. It seemed artificial to me. I had a really hard time believing that a trapped woman would meet a man and with him kill her husband, and then stay with him. I think it is easier to believe that she would use him and then leave. However, without the love story, there is no "postman ringing twice," with any significant emotional impact. I also felt that there were a lot of side stories that didn't really add to the plot. Like the story about the woman that he met and ran off with while Cora was with her family. Even the story about her mother being sick wasn't necessary. I thought that the beginning of the movie was really slow-paced, and then the director attempted to fit a lot of the story into the last 45 minutes of screen time. I think that this movie could have been a masterpiece if Tay Garnett and his team had done a better job with the storyboard.
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Not a cohesive story, but good acting and design
4 November 2009
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I had a really difficult time understanding the script. I found myself wondering what was going on for most of the film. I thought that it was more complicated than it was though. I think that this is a direct result of a lousy script. I like that Orson Welles acts in his films. I thought that he was very convincing in his role. I really liked Rita Hayworth. I thought that her character had great depth. I never knew what she was thinking. The diversity in setting was wonderful. One minute they were on a boat, then on an island, then in a fun house. The mirror scene was very creative. I also liked the ending because they were cruel people and they got what they deserved. I would have to say that my favorite scene was when Rita Hayworth was lying on her back and singing. It was so beautiful, and it really made me feel the slightest bit sorry for her predicament.
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Casablanca (1942)
Brilliant film-making and wonderful acting
22 October 2009
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I have a poster of Casablanca on my wall because my fiancé has seen it and he made me put it up. I never thought that I would see the movie, but now that I have, I am glad. I thought that the lighting was outstanding. The use of the spotlights outside the windows gave it a suspenseful tone. The spotlight on Sam, the piano player, definitely made him stand out. The camera was very versatile, with close-ups and long shots combined in a very artistic and meaningful way. I noticed that the face of Bergman seemed almost perfect through the use of lighting as well. Rick was definitely the protagonist in the movie, but he was not a hero at all. He was mostly concerned about his own well-being throughout the entire movie. The antagonist in the movie was the Nazis. I enjoyed the fact that the movie touched on the fact that the Nazis were human beings as well. It showed the weaknesses that they have. I don't think I have ever seen a film in which the Nazis are portrayed in this way. I also noticed that there was a lot of sound in this movie. The piano was playing almost the entire time, there was singing, and there was humming. It really brought it all together and significantly contributed to the verisimilitude of the film.
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Fluid movie, tragic yet beautiful love story
22 October 2009
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This was a long one, but it wasn't all for nothing. I thought that the acting was spot on, except for the children. Their acting sort of made it seem like a musical. The interactions between Betty and the children were definitely dramatized but it was to emphasize the fact that they came from a broken home and she would do anything for them. The antagonist was the wife and what an antagonist she was. I absolutely hated her by the end of the film and I wasn't the least bit sad when she died. The protagonist was Betty and she did a great job playing a tame, respectful, and well-mannered governess. The design of the movie contributed significantly to the verisimilitude along with the acting. The house and the dress was magnificent. I don't think that the camera-work was anything spectacular, and I feel the same way about the lighting. However, there is one scene that stands out and that is right before the husband kills the wife and you see him from her point of view. He looks absolutely mad and he is coming right at the camera. That was pretty cool. Other than that, the film was meant to seem ordinary in order to seem believable. All in all, it was a wonderful story and definitely called for tears.
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Stagecoach (1939)
Okay for a western, great for a film.
12 October 2009
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I liked how the film touched base on the concept of good vs. evil with respect to human nature, but in a very deep and meaningful way. I thought that the characters portrayed this concept brilliantly. The drunken doctor was my favorite character by far. I noticed that they used the same shot of the valley a lot in the film. I am not sure where they were going but it seemed like they never went anywhere...maybe I am crazy. I also thought it was funny that the number of Apache Indians never dwindled during the last action scene and that barely anyone in the stagecoach seemed to get injured even though there was nothing protecting them. Other than that, I thought the film was filled with suspense and it even had a little romance to boot. I certainly didn't expect the ending, so that was a nice change.
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Holiday (1938)
Very romantic
12 October 2009
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I really enjoyed this film because it was very sentimental and I find that I am a sap for a great love story. I saw Katherine Hepburn in "Bringing Up Baby" as well, and I have to say that I thought this role suited her better. I thought that she did a marvelous job; Cary Grant always does well. The design of the film really brought everything together. The clothes and the house really made you feel like you were there. The content of the film was in proper sequence and it was balanced nicely. The flow was similar to what you would see today if you were to watch a well-done romantic comedy. I think that the camera-work was clean, however there weren't any particular shots that stood out as excellent. The romance was very wholesome and that contributed to the verisimilitude of the film. It certainly leaves you with a great feeling about life.
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The best western I have ever seen
7 October 2009
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I don't usually choose to watch a western, but I am glad I watched this one. The acting was superb and the design of the film made me truly believe that I was right there in the movie. I really liked Henry Fonda as Wyatt Earp. He had this calm, cool, and collected air about him even when his two brothers died. He was truly professional and a great mediator. If there is one thing I did not like about the movie, it was that the action at the end seemed a little dull given the circumstances. I would have liked to have seen a little more creativity with regard to the shootout at the O.K Corral. However, this did not take away from the movie in the least bit. I thought that the characters had a lot of depth and the actors did a wonderful job portraying this. I also liked the fact that it was not your classic Hollywood ending in that you are left wondering if Wyatt Earp will be with Clementine. Truly a beautiful and noteworthy film.
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Freaks (1932)
nice idea but the story has no depth
6 October 2009
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I thought that the idea was creative for the time and I am sure that it made a lot of people uncomfortable back then. I can say that it didn't draw that reaction from me. I am more accepting of people who don't conform to the norm. I actually found the movie boring because the story was right in front of me and I didn't have to guess at anything. I found it sad that the world can be so cruel, but I can get that when I walk out my door. I don't have to watch a movie about it. I did like the fact that the story was actually going on in the past because I think that is the first time I have seen that in the films that we have watched thus far. If I had to say one scene that I found the most eerie, it would be the one where the "little people" are coming after the lady in the rain underneath the carriages (or whatever you call them). I didn't like that scene because it made me feel like I was supposed to find the "little people" frightening.
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Full of laughs and emotion
29 September 2009
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I really enjoyed the actors in this film, but I thought that the roles limited the actors. It kind of made the film seem annoying after a while in that respect. However, the comedy made up for that, even though it wasn't what I am used to. I found myself laughing a lot throughout the entire film. I was especially intrigued by the scene with Baby and the dog playing because I couldn't figure out how it was created without the dog dying. It was very creative and suspenseful. I found the story interesting because it was tied together nicely; from the dinosaur bone being buried by the dog, the leopard actually belonging to the aunt, to the fact that an actual leopard had escaped from the zoo and almost maimed Hepburn. In addition to the humor, the film did give the general impression that you should marry for love, which is always a good message. There was a lot of commotion in the film and I think that the camera captured it beautifully.
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Brilliant and hilarious
29 September 2009
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I have seen this film three times before, but I decided to watch it again because it is one of my favorites. I read the play when I was in high school and I thought that the film did a wonderful job portraying the characters and the story. I think that the acting is outstanding, especially by the two aunts. They do a really good job convincing the audience that there is nothing wrong with killing lonely gentlemen who have no family. Practically the entire movie takes place in the dining- room, but it doesn't take away from it because the circumstances are so entertaining. I noticed that they did a close-up of the brother when he walks in to make him seem scarier. Also, there was a scene in the basement when the brother is talking to his assistant and the only thing you can see is his shadow. It is a nice way of making him seem intimidating. There was also a lot of play on sounds. The horn for example, and the whistling, and the clock. Additionally, there was a lot of repetition, but it didn't have a negative effect.
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Scarface (1932)
Better than the remake
22 September 2009
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I really liked the storyline a lot better in the original scarface as opposed to the remake. It reminded me of the godfather and that is the type of gangster movie I like to watch. I thought that the actor who played Tony was great. I liked how comedy was intertwined with reality. The part where the guy is trying to get a name on the phone while the store is being shot up was funny. I also liked how almost every time someone was going to be killed, there was whistling. I thought that the scenes where they were taking out the north side were very advanced for the time. Overall, the story, directing, camera-work, sound effects, and acting came together beautifully to create a masterpiece.
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A timeless classic
20 September 2009
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I was pleasantly surprised at how modern the film seemed. I felt as though this exact thing could be going on right now in America. Obviously it is not, but you get the point. I liked the sound effects that were added but I thought that the dogs barking during the chase was a little off. I was completely captivated by the camera-work. It was so advanced for the time. I really enjoyed the shot from underneath the water because it added so much suspense to the scene. The end shot was extremely creepy and sad. The desperation in his eyes was intense. I liked the addition of the map to show time lapses and location changes. It gave it a unique quality for films of the time. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and I thought the story and the acting were excellent.
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Wonderful, Ironic, and Sad.
15 September 2009
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I really enjoyed this film because I could relate to the subject matter. I found it especially ironic that "the yellow man" came to England to spread Buddhism and ended up shooting and killing someone. I liked that the movie was kept "pure" because it added a little something extra to its value. I thought that the acting was good and I really liked the "yellow man." I thought that the girl did well playing the role of a battered child. I wanted to run in there and pick her up and take her away, which is what the yellow man tried to do. However, the results were not the best. I never thought that I would watch movies from this time era and be so entertained. I definitely recommend watching this film.
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Sunrise (1927)
Surprisingly Great Film
10 September 2009
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I thought that the subject-matter in Sunrise was heart-wrenching. I found myself feeling bad for the cheating husband despite his wrongdoings. I was surprised by this because adultery is not as culturally acceptable anymore in America and most films that you see today make this very evident. I was pleasantly surprised by the camera-work as I thought it would be minimal. I have never watched a silent film before and I thought that I would be bored out of my mind, but I could not get enough. It was an awkward experience to watch a movie in which a woman knows that her husband is cheating and then he tries to kill her and then they go to the city and have a great night out. The whole time I felt like I was in a nightmare and I couldn't wake up. Magnificent.
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