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23 February 2022
I love how angry this season is making some of the fans. The queens sign up to play the game, and some of the queens are playing the game. If you're not competing to send home the best after being the best of the week, then what's the point of competing? A fan-favorite queen eliminated another fan-favorite queen, and then that fan-favorite queen gets a dose of her own medicine and gets eliminated the following week.

That's the game. Don't rank the show's ratings just because you're upset your favorite queen went home. That's what they all signed up for. All of them. Stop sending them hate. All of the queens are friends, or at least civil, outside of the show anyways. There is no reason to get THAT upset, y'all. It's just TV! Enjoy the game and support your favorites without dragging down the ones you don't like.
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The most faithful book-to-screen I have ever seen!!
23 March 2012
Just came back from a midnight premiere, and I must say I was rather impressed. Normally, when my expectations are very high (as they were with this one), I tend to get disappointed. This film struck me with that rare instance of satisfaction. This knocks the first Harry Potter out of the water, and needless to say it tops Twilight by a million miles. I was actually a fan of the hand-held shots, even though most hated them. I thought they added a sense of realism. I will admit though, that the hand-held shots during the action sequences blurred out some stuff and made it hard to see what was going on, but I'm sure that was necessary to hold the PG-13 rating.

Speaking of which, the film was actually quite violent for its rating. Yet, at the same time, it still could've been more violent. Not necessarily more gory, but I would've liked it to feel more gritty and raw. It didn't quite capture the intensity and peril from the book.

Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson both did FANTASTIC with their roles. Excellent acting from each. Donald Sutherland (Snow) was a wonder to watch as well. Elizabeth Banks (Effie) and Woody Harrelson (Haymitch), also did a wonderful job, bring some comic relief at times. Stanley Tucci (Caesar Flickerman) and Wes Bentley (Seneca) were also well acted. The rest however... let's just say their performances were average, and I wish some tributes had more screen time, damn it!

My main complaint, though, is the sheer lack of character development. The reason why this film will probably only get an average rating of 6 out of 10, is because the people who haven't read the book will NOT connect with Gale, or Rue, or Katniss and Peeta's relationship. They won't have any idea what is going on, and they won't feel any sympathy for certain characters' deaths.

But, all in all, this film and the next two (or three) are in good hands. Apart from a few minor things I would have liked to see get incorporated into the film, this is as close to perfect as a book adaptation gets.

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Scary as hell.
28 October 2009
I walked into this movie knowing that it was going to be scary, because I had read all the reviews. But I never get scared of horror movies. Or any movie. NEVER. So I just walked in thinking this movie wouldn't affect me at all.

I was dead wrong.

I went to see it with a couple of my friends, and after the first half of the movie, we were holding on to each other practically crying. Don't get me wrong, we all loved the movie, but I texted one of them when I got home and she said that she could not fall asleep. I didn't either. I couldn't. I was so terrified.

This movie sticks with you for hours, possibly even days, after you see it. It leaves an imprint on your psyche that's very hard to get rid of. It's possibly the scariest movie I've ever seen, even scarier than Texas Chainsaw Massacre or High Tension.

I'm probably one of the few people that loved the ending, probably because it scared the hell out of me. But it's just so disturbing. How they shot this movie for $15,000 I'll never know, because the effects are so convincing and are just absolutely brilliant.

I'm seeing this movie again this weekend with more people that are dying to see it, so hopefully I won't get scared again... which I probably will.

See this movie. It will blow your mind, and shatter your senses, and fry your nerves. Guaranteed.

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Coraline (2009)
Simply amazing!!
21 February 2009
I have read the book multiple times and I have to say I haven't gotten tired of it. It has a magnificent and totally original storyline.

And so does the movie. But, I have to say, that I'm 14, and even though it was rated PG, I STILL was creeped out a little bit. The friends that I saw it with were creeped out too. I would say 12 and up... not for children.

But back to the review. I LOVED IT!! I didn't want it to be over!!!! Almost nothing was changed from the book, except for some events that happened and different times (like when Coraline receives the stone with the hole in it), AND for the Wybie character, which wasn't even in the book at all, and I thought there was really no point to it. And why the crazy old man was blue I'll never know....

The animation was almost perfect!!! For a stop-action or stop-motion (whatever it's called) film, the flow of it was seamless. I loved the movie. Everything about it. If it got off track from the book, it somehow found a way to get right back on track. This movie was a visual masterpiece. I still can't believe someone actually made this into a movie, seeing as the book wasn't so popular, so a huge thanks for the people that made one of my favorite books to one of my favorite movies =].

I think this movie definitely deserves on Oscar!!!! 10/10.
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Murder (2007– )
One of the best shows on television!
29 August 2007
When I saw the first episode of "Murder" I was absolutely blown away. After every commercial my heart was beating faster and faster, waiting for answers to show up.

The crimes they have to solve are very brutal and very gruesome and explicit and very disturbing. This show is definitely not for the faint of heart.

The show is very suspenseful in many ways: Number One: The put the commercials at the right times, to make you wonder what's going to happen make your heart beat faster and your brain think more and more.

Number Two: You want to solve the crime and find out what really happened.

Number Three: There are many varieties of crimes and murders and it's just interesting to see how one differs from another.

I would recommend this to anyone, but not to people with weak stomachs.

If this was a movie, I'd rate it: PG-13: Explicit Images of Crime Scenes and Brutal Murders, and for Language
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Halloween (2007)
Rob Zombie reinvents a legend. Better than the original.
25 August 2007
I saw 'Halloween' at a special sneak preview last night and I really enjoyed it...a lot: One of the best, scariest, and brutal horror movies I have ever seen in my entire life. It is longer than the original, so it holds more terror and blood than ever before. And it's a lot more bloody than the fact bloodier than all of them, if you can imagine that.

But it's directed by Rob Zombie, so what do you expect?

In the original, they left a lot of the blood flow to your imagination, but in this terrifying remake, there is more blood than you would expect...even if it is directed by Zombie. It is very brutal and bloody and terrorizing.

But it's 2007, so what do you expect?

A lot of people think that this movie would totally suck...but they're totally wrong. This Halloween is better than the original. Rob Zombie really brought it into modern times and extended it, bringing more and more modern things as the movie goes along. The girls are hotter than the original (well, duh), and there are more details about even the little things in the remake than in the original.

There is a lot more behind Michael Myers in this movie than in the original. There are a lot more details about how he became a sicko-killer, and about why he is doing all of this. Rob Zombie seemed to know what he was doing.

This film will make a lot of money, I can guarantee it. This is a big deal and a big remake. Rob Zombie really invented a legend. It is a lot better than the original...a lot better.

If Rob Zombie continues to direct, I'm looking forward to sequels!

Official MPAA rating: R: Strong Brutal Bloody Violence and Terror Throughout, Sexual Content, Graphic Nudity, and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Brutal Bloody Violence and Terror Throughout, Sexual Content/Nudity, and Language

My Canadian rating: R: Brutal Violence, Gory Scenes, Sexual Content, Coarse Language
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Premonition (I) (2007)
I CANNOT believe almost no one liked this movie!
19 March 2007
Why does almost everyone hate the movie just because the ending is not what they wanted (keyword: 'wanted', not expected)! So what if a gripping psychological thriller (much like Premonition) has a somewhat happy ending? ***MINOR SPOILER*** Well, yeah, the husband dies at the end, as he does in the beginning, but the good news is, Linda (Bullock)is pregnant. ***MINOR SPOILER ENDS***.

It is almost sickening to find that everyone wants a shocking/disturbing/violent ending to every horror or thriller movie. Why can't it be different for once and just be a happy ending? I mean, you got your shock at the ending, but then it went on to something happy. At least you got some of a shock!

And, there were absolutely no plot holes, except for one: how can someone wake up and all the days are mixed up, and someone being dead one day and alive the next day? But that was the only one that made the movie unrealistic. Otherwise, excellent storyline, almost no plot holes, good acting, awesome movie, and a gripping psychological thriller.

Official MPAA rating: PG-13: Some Violent Content, Disturbing Images, Thematic Material, and Brief Language

My MPAA rating: PG-13: Some Violent Content, Disturbing and Violent Images, Thematic Material, and Brief Strong Language

My Canadian rating: PG: Mature Theme, Frightening Scenes
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Dead Silence (2007)
Sooooooooooo SCARY!
13 March 2007
I saw a sneak peek at the mall the day before I wrote this and I seriously had nightmares after I saw this. It was so freaky! And the fact that I hate dummies made the nightmares and movie even scarier.

And the music is so has a doll/ventriloquist-type feeling to it, but it was also unsettling but cool! The fact the writer and director of 'Saw' wrote this...and that the same director (James Wan) is directing this!

This movie is going to be another surprise like 'Saw', when almost everyone thought it was just going to be one of those stupid slasher movies. But no, this one is not just one of those stupid slasher movies. In fact, it's not even a slasher. Well, it is, but in doll-form...haha.

The acting, however, wasn't as good as I expected it to be, but the good jump-out-of-your-seat and keeps-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat scares covered all of that up.

The storyline...well, yea, it's unrealistic, but it kicks in some good scares.

The only major bad thing about this movie though, was the effects. could just automatically tell that it was fake. But, other, than that, it was awesome!

Half the people in the theater walked out in shock, and the other half walked out saying, "That was so cool!" I was one of the few people that did both.

You should definitely see this movie! It is so worth your money!

Official MPAA rating: R: Horror Violence and Images

My MPAA rating: R: Horror Violence and Images, Terror, and Language

My Canadian rating: 18A: Violence, Gory Scenes, Frightening Scenes, Disturbing Content
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Ghost Rider (2007)
A thrilling thrill ride that's...thrilling.
7 February 2007
I saw this movie at a special sneak peek at our movie theater yesterday and I could not believe it! 'Ghost Rider' is the best action/thriller movie of the year so far.

Nicholas Cage's performance is absolutely incredible. His performance (and the movie) is stunning. The special effects are awesome. And the motorcycle scenes (especially when it's riding on the skyscraper, as seen in a trailer for 'Ghost Rider') would be great in IMAX. I can't believe they aren't releasing it in IMAX. It would look so cool! I think this movie will be a great hit when it comes out in theaters. I'm hoping the box office for 'Ghost Rider' will be at least $150,000,000.

Like I said, the special effects are awesome. The way the creators made Ghost Rider is so cool. I love the design for the Ghost Rider character.

And the climatic fight between Ghost Rider and Blackheart is absolutely stunning. The sequence kept my heart racing and my pulse throbbing. 99 out of 100 people will not be disappointed with that sequence between the two characters.

The movie is a furiously quick movie that seems to go by in a half-hour, although the movie is 114 minutes (1 hour and 54 minutes).

When I walked into the special sneak peek at our theater, honestly, I wasn't expecting much. I was just expecting a clichéd comic book thriller that would be a cheap, cheesy, B movie that would last in theaters for at least two months, but I was wrong. This is not a clichéd comic book thriller, and it's not a cheap, cheesy, B movie. It will last at least four months in the theaters...I hope so, anyway.

All in all, an awesome movie with cool special effects and awesome performances.

This is a must-see!

Official MPAA rating: PG-13: Horror Violence and Disturbing Images

My MPAA rating: PG-13: Horror Violence, Disturbing Images, and Some Language

My Canadian rating: 14A: Violence, Frightening Scenes
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Gruesome. Gory. Grisly. All what Hannibal Rising is about.
31 January 2007
I just saw the preview for the film on television and then I saw a special sneak peek at the mall a couple weeks ago and I could not believe it. Many gruesome deaths and mesmerizing music. I never thought that a 5th movie in a series could be as good as its 3rd one, Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal Rising is definitely better than Silence of the Lambs.

The tale begins in Eastern Europe at the end of World War II. A young Hannibal Lecter watches from only steps away as his parents violently die, leaving his cherished young sister in his care. Alone and without any means of support, Hannibal is forced to live in a Soviet orphanage that once served as his family's beloved home. He flees to Paris after he intentionally brutally injures someone at the orphanage. There, he finds that his uncle has died, but his gorgeous and mysterious Japenese widow, Lady Murasaki (Gong Li), kindly welcomes and takes care of him. But even her kindness and love cannot soothe the nightmares and sorrows that plague him. Showing a sly aptitude for science, he is accepted into medical school, which serves to hone his skills, and he finds the right (and pointy) tools to exact justice on the war criminals

'Hannibal Rising' is so terrifying and shocking, yet you can't take your eyes away. This film was done so well, that when the DVD comes out, I'm going to buy it on opening day, and I'm going to watch it over and over and over again.

And the color tones: the reds, the browns, the blacks, and other dark tones really set the mood for this film.

Even though Hannibal Lecter seems like a bad guy in this movie, he's really not. Once you see the movie, you begin to feel bad for him *****MINOR SPOILER HERE****because of his parents dying in the war, which drives him into madness.****MINOR SPOILER ENDS**** Therefore you are on his side. At least I was. You may have a different opinion.

Gaspard Ulleil was utterly fantastic. Absolutely stunning performance. He can pull off frightening parts, smooth and silky yet clever and menacing talks with the Inspector, and even emotional parts so well.

Inspector Pope (Dominic West) is also quite good. He did better than his character from 'The Forgotten'. This movie also stars brilliant unknown (at least in America) actors Gong Li (Miami Vice), Rhys Ifans (Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (the voice of McBunny)), and Kevin McKidd (Kingdom of Heaven). I realize that Gong Li is HUGE in China, and Rhys Ifans is HUGE in Britain, but we haven't seen them in many popular American movies. I am saying that because I got complaints from people about that subject. I am truly sorry and that's why I fixed this.


All in all, a creepy, mesmerizing, scary, and hypnotic revenge story that has a very dark tone to it, and many gruesome and unsettling deaths. I loved it.

Official MPAA rating: R: Strong Grisly Violent Content, and Some Language/Sexual References

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Grisly Violent Content, Some Strong Language, Including Sexual References

My Canadian rating: 18A: Gory Violence, Frightening Scenes
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The Number 23 (2007)
WOW! OMG! This is an awesome movie!
30 January 2007
I just saw a sneak peek of this movie at the mall yesterday and I couldn't believe it. I thought this would be an awesome movie since the first time I saw the trailer, but I was wrong. The Number 23 was not an awesome movie...IT WAS UTTERLY FANTASTIC! And it was scary, too. The plot line is very well thought out and unsettling, and the characters are very complex in their own ways.

The Number 23 is about an animal control officer named Walter Sparrow, that receives a birthday gift from his wife, Agatha Sparrow. The birthday gift is a book that's called, 'The Number 23'. But the first word he reads from the book changes his once placid existence into a whirlpool of psychological torture and mayhem that could possibly lead him to his own death and the deaths of his loved ones. 'The Number 23' book Walter receives is a chilling murder mystery that seems to mirror Walter's life in dark and uncontrollable ways. The life of the book's main character, a brooding detective named Fingerling (also played by Jim Carrey), is filled with moments that copy Walter's own history. And as the world of the book starts to come alive, Walter becomes infected by the most frightening part of it: Fingerling's dark obsession with the number 23. This obsession permeates the book, and soon the book begins to control Walter in dark ways. He soon starts to see the number everywhere in his own life and becomes haunted by the fact that he is damned to commit the same horrific crime as Fingerling--murder. Now Walter is on a dangerous quest to understand the mysteries of the book. If he can unlock the dark power of the number 23, he may just be able to change his future.

Anyway, this movie is awesome. The use of colors: reds, browns, and blacks really set the hazy and unsettling tone of the movie. Also, the Fingerling sequences were really hazy and dark and they make you seem as though you're floating in the depths of hell.

Joel Schumacher, the director, finally did something original, and this is a movie that is way better than his badly directed, 'Batman and Robin'. He finally made an improvement. And this is his 23rd project...just wanted to say.

Virginia Madsen (Agatha Sparrow, Fabrizia) got better than her parts in Firewall and Candyman. Her acting in Firewall was better than in Candyman, and her acting in The Number 23 was better than both movies.

Everyone else was quite good, too.

Oh, and, the opening credits were unbelievably unforgettable! The music is so unsettling and creative. The opening credits for 'The Number 23' is the brother of the opening credits of 'Se7en'. Absolutely awesome!

All in all, a really creepy and unsettling (and funny, for the first half of the movie) that gives you the chills after you walk out of the theater.

Official MPAA rating: R: Violence, Disturbing Images, Sexuality, and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Violence, Disturbing Images, Sexuality, and Some Strong Language

My Canadian rating: 14A: Violence, Mature Theme, Sexually Suggestive Scenes
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Sensationally creepy.
30 January 2007
I saw a special sneak peek at a mall yesterday, and I was absolutely blown away. I walked in expecting another cheesy horror movie, but I was wrong.

'The Messengers' is about a family that movies into a dilapidated, run-down sunflower farm. As the farm begins to revive after years and years of disrepair, the family begins to notice uncomfortable, alarming, and disturbing changes in their father's behavior.

They use very creepy special effects that are similar to, 'The Grudge'. ****MINOR SPOILERS**** You see gray decapitating legs under a bed-sheet when a woman is making the bed. But they aren't just laying down. The legs are standing up, as if a person was actually standing under there, but the top half of the body is gone. If you saw the trailer you'd know what I'm talking about. ****MINOR SPOILERS END****

Although the story is not *totally* original, it still has a good plot line and very creepy special effects. The character named Ben, which is the character that can see things that adults can't see, as the tag line says, should win an award. He brings intense unease and creepiness to the movie, which is what I love about him. Also, Kristen Stewart (Zathura) is brilliant, as she was in Zathura (2005).

All in all, a sensationally creepy film with unsettling special effects, a creepy storyline, great acting, and a semi-original horror that's not as cheesy as it looks.

Official MPAA rating: PG-13: Mature Thematic Material, Disturbing Violence and Terror

My MPAA rating: PG-13: Mature Thematic Material, Disturbing Violence and Terror, and for Some Language

My Canadian rating: 14A: Violence, Frightening Scenes, Disturbing Content
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Crappy band. Okay movie and TV show.
28 January 2007
Nat's singing voice sucks. His songs make so sense at all. They're creative, I have to admit, but they just make no sense and they're all about the most random things you could think of. 'Crazy Car'? 'Motormouth'? Come on! Those are so corny. Like I said, Nat's singing voice sucks. His normal voice is awesome, but his singing voice sounds hoarse and rough for one song, girly for another, and a very bad heavy metal rock voice for another song.

Alex's drumming, however, is awesome. He has a really rare gift and he's using it for something so crappy. He should dump his own band and move to professional rock bands like Evanescence and All American Rejects and Green Day and other bands. "He's easily the best drummer in the world." (Nat Wolff, preview for 'The Naked Brothers Band' movie). And that's the only thing I agree with Nat on. Alex Wolff is the best drummer in the world.

Also, the movie has extreme sexual immaturity, potty mouth, even a blocked out 'S' word, USED BY NAT HIMSELF! Why isn't this movie rated R for potty language and sexually vulgar humor? Okay, it shouldn't be rated R, but it should be PG-13. The TV's rating is Y7, not TV14! Come on! But Rosalina and Nat (I'm saying another nice thing about Nat) are the only ones that bring actual maturity to this movie.

The middle was somewhat shocking...if you were paying attention.

Overall, a crappy band, and an okay movie and TV show. But the movie is so much worse than the TV show series, but it's still okay.

My MPAA rating: PG-13: potty language and some sexually vulgar humor

**1/2 out of *****

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The Hitcher (2007)
Suspenseful and scary...and bloody
18 January 2007

Absolutely mind-blowing and shocking. It was very brutal and bloody and intense, and that's really all this movie is meant to be.

Sean Bean (Flightplan, National Treasure, Silent Hill) is absolutely horrifying. He plays the part so well it actually made me believe he was an actual hitcher/murderer. Surprisingly, the other unknown actors were pretty good. Most of them weren't in many big films.

So, the whole plot line: A college couple Grace Andrews (Sophia Bush) and Jim Hasley (Zachary Knighton) encounter a hitcher named John Ryder (Sean Bean), and little do Grace and Jim know, that he is very, very dangerous. They pick him up in their 1970 Oldsmobile 442, and Grace's and Jim's waking nightmare begins. Their initial encounters with John Ryder are increasingly uncomfortable and off-putting for Grace and Jim, and they bravely fight back when Ryder ambushes them. But, they are horrifically blindsided when he involves them in a terrifying slaying and continues to shadow them. And soon, the open highway road becomes a dangerous place and becomes a battleground of blood, metal, and guns, and trying not to avoid Ryder but also the New Mexico State Police Lieutenant Esteridge's (Neal McDonough) officers, Grace and Jim must bravely and terrifyingly fight for their lives and face their most nightmarish fears head-on.


--A man is tied between two trucks, and is then torn apart. --A man's throat is slashed, and blood spurts and sprays. It's very graphic. Yay.

I can't think of any more gory parts at the moment, but I think those will give you a pretty clear idea on how gory the movie is.

It's a brutal adventure and it's an awesome movie. The best movie of the month.

Violence/Gore: 8/10, Sex/Nudity: 5/10, Profanity: 6/10, Drugs/Alcohol: 2/10

Original MPAA rating: R: Strong Bloody Violence, Terror, and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Bloody Violence, Brutality, Terror, and Language, and A Brief Scene of Sexuality/Nudity

My Canadian rating: 18A: Gory Violence, Frightening Scenes, Disturbing Content, Coarse Language
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Primeval (2007)
Very brutal. Very intense. Very scary.
12 January 2007
I feel like I'm the only one that likes this movie. I don't know why people hate this film. I thought that it was pretty damn graphic and gory and brutal and intense.

I didn't know this film was based on a true story...but that just makes it scarier. ***MINOR SPOILER HERE***---->Knowing an alligator is a serial killer (which they technically are) is pretty scary...<----***MINOR SPOILER ENDS*** especially if the movie is based on a true story.

Anyway, back to the real thing. This movie is very intense and brutal and extremely gory. The action was nonstop and the terror was constant. Like, you knew something was going to happen...but you didn't know when. And just because it has that element, it doesn't mean the movie is predictable, because 'Primeval' IS NOT predictable.

And the movie didn't have well-known actors, but I thought they did pretty good. Also the alligator played a huge part in the I guess the alligator did good, too...although I don't think the alligator even knew what it was doing.

All in all, the movie is very intense. Very brutal. Very gory. Very terrifying. Very disturbing. Very graphic. Very violent. Very gory. Very sick. Very frightening. Very scary.

See it. Unlike most people, you will not be disappointed.

Original MPAA rating: R: Strong Graphic Violence, Brutality, Terror, and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Graphic Violence and Disturbing Content, Brutality, Intense Terror, and Language

My Canadian rating: 18A: Gory Violence, Disturbing Content, Coarse Language, Frightening Scenes
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Pulse (I) (2006)
Why do people hate this movie so much?
10 January 2007
I think this movie rocks! I think it's one of the scariest movies of the year. I just don't get why people hate 'Pulse' so much. But I think I know why. I think people watched the preview, and it seemed like it had a pretty good storyline. And then when they watched the movie, it had a totally different storyline than they thought it would have.

I'll admit, when I saw the preview, it did look scarier than the movie. But the preview left a lot of stuff out that the movie didn't have. It's hard to explain, but once you see the movie, you'll know what I mean.

'Pulse' is a very chilling film that is about the dead finding a portal in computers, cell phones, etc., into our world. And because of this plot line, people might get scared of their own computers and cell phones. I think that's a really good way to scare people because instead of 'Pulse' having lots of jump-out-at-you surprises (which by the way, it does), it has a way of scaring people in real life.

I'm just surprised they didn't think of televisions as portals for the dead to get through. The only things mentioned and seen in the movie for the dead to get through from were computers and cell phones.

'Pulse' is full of jump-out-at-you scares and other kinds of surprises that make your mouth fly open in shock. Each scare kept eclipsing the last and each thrill kept eclipsing the last, too.

All in all, 'Pulse' is a very chilling movie that is well...chilling.

Oh, and when you read the back of the DVD, at the end of the summary, it says 'astonishing surprise ending', or something like that, but I know it said surprise ending. Well, the ending isn't really that surprising. But, to see an astonishing ending, read this tips:

1. Go to the special features menu on the 'Pulse' DVD.

2. Go to Deleted/Alternate scenes.


3. Go to the 'Dexter Dies' deleted/alternate scene.


4. Enjoy the deleted/alternate surprise ending.

I don't know why the filmmakers didn't keep the scene there. The ending would have been so much better.

My MPAA rating: PG-13: Intense Sequences of Sci-Fi Terror, Deeply Disturbing Images, Language, Some Brief Sensuality, and Thematic Material

My Canadian rating: 14A: Frightening Scenes, Disturbing Content, Mature Themes
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The Da Vinci Code....WOW!
4 January 2007
I haven't read the the book yet, so I can't compare it to the book yet. But, I can say that this is a good movie that will be more effective with surround sound and in complete darkness.

Tom Hanks (Apollo 13, The Green Mile, The Terminal) and Audrey Tautou (Nowhere to Go But Up) are absolutely perfect. They really make the movie seem real. Also Ian MacKellen (X-Men trilogy) and Paul Bettany (Firewall, A Beautiful Mind, A Knight's Tale) are also brilliant. Bettany's performance is absolutely mesmerizing and hypnotic.

The beginning was kind of disturbing, when Silas (Bettany) was doing some ritual (I forgot what it was called) was pretty graphic. Also, the discovery of the secrets of Da Vinci's paintings were pretty amazing. Are they just coincidences? Or are they real...? The middle was also thrilling and amazing, which was the part where the secrets of the paintings were revealed. But after the middle part, the movie just got kind of boring and somewhat confusing, which is why I gave this an 8, and not a 10.

All in all, a great movie that is very thrilling and hypnotic...all up to it's thrilling surprise won't be able to take the eyes off of the screen!

Violence/Gore: 7/10, Sex/Nudity: 4/10, Profanity: 5/10, Drugs/Alcohol: 3/10

My MPAA rating: Disturbing Images, Violence, Some Nudity, Mature Themes, Language, Brief Drug References, and Sexual Content

My Canadian rating: Violence, Mature Themes, Disturbing Content
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Darkness (2002)
Gets better the more times you watch it
16 December 2006
When I first saw this film, I was disgusted. This had to be the worst horror movie ever. But then I thought, maybe I just viewed it wrong. A couple of months later, I popped it into my DVD player again, and it got a little better, but it was still horrible. Now, a year later, I watched this film again (by the way I have the Unrated Version), and I realized this isn't that bad.

If there was a 6.5 on this website, I'd give it that, but since it didn't, I gave it a 6. Anyway, this film is loaded with tense moments and violence. By the way, I'm only talking about the Unrated Version, I haven't seen the PG-13 version yet.

The Unrated Version has more blood and more violence and more intensity and more disturbing images and more language than the PG-13 version did. I just know that for a fact. There was about F-words, a man literally drinks pills which causes a disgusting bloody scene that you couldn't see in theaters. Also, this version has extended scenes, but sadly it has no more sex/nudity.

This movie is supposed to make you scared of the dark, but it didn't really work. But, if your house has an ancient curse, it should work for you. But since I live in an un-cursed house, I wasn't scared a bit by this movie.

Frankly, this movie is hard to decide whether a person will like it or not, so just read the back of the DVD case. You decide. I couldn't tell you.

Original MPAA rating for the PG-13 version: PG-13: Disturbing Images, Intense Terror Sequences, Thematic Elements, and Language

Original MPAA rating for the Unrated Version: R: Terror/Violence and Language

My MPAA rating for the Unrated Version: R: Intense Sequences of Violence and Terror, Some Brief Disturbing Images of Blood, Frightening Images, Language, Drug Use, and Thematic Elements

My Canadian rating for the Unrated Version: 13+ and 14A: Violence, Frightening Scenes, Coarse Language
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An insult to Christmas, but, otherwise, an okay gore-fest
16 December 2006
I would have rated this film a 5.5, but since they don't have it, I just gave it a 6.

Black Christmas. A HORRIBLE remake of the HORRIBLE 1975 version. That's saying something. An absolutely disgusting idea for a movie on Christmas. Although, in a way (and by the way I'm being positive, here), it's a somewhat clever idea...but it's still disgusting. But, whatever. It's also an insult to everyone who believes in God and who celebrates Christmas. The filmmakers could have at least released this film after Christmas. But still, that would have been an insult.

Also, this film contains terrible acting and an abhorrent script and very cheap special effects that make you roll your eyes. Only some were somewhat amusing, but if I tell you what they are, I'll spoil the movie...which I wouldn't mind doing because it's 100% predictable.

Anyway, other than the terrible acting, the abhorrent script, the cheap special effects, and the insult to Christmas, this movie wasn't really that bad. I'm a huge fan of intensity and horror and gore, which is why I gave this film a 6 and not a NEGATIVE 4. It has a lot of blood and gore that really made my stomach churn, but that's the only thing to like about this movie.

Even though this film is totally predictable, people who are blood and gore fans should absolutely see this film. It's intense and gory and totally shocking at some times. And even though the special effects are very cheap (by the way their budget was $1,500,000), it's still pretty gory and violent and suspenseful.

Oh, and another thing to HATE about this movie. It's too short. It's only 84 minutes long. No wonder the filmmakers' budget was so small ($1,500,000). Saw's budget was $1,000,000, and it became a big hit and became very sucsessful. But Black Christmas is already dropping like rain and it hasn't even been released into theaters yet!

An okay movie for people who aren't Christian, and for people who love violent and gory movies.

If you're Christian, or if you just don't like horror movies, just save your money and go see a decent movie, like, Apocalytpo or Eragon (which by the way Eragon was worse than expected, but it's still a lot better than this).

Original MPAA rating: R: Strong Horror Violence and Gore, Sexuality, Nudity, and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Horror Violence and Gore, Disturbing Images, Sexuality, Nudity, Language, and Some Drug References

My Canadian rating: 16+ and 18A: Gory Violence, Frightening Scenes, Coarse Language, Sexual Content
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Eragon (2006)
A humongous disappointment. If the movie was exactly like the book, it would have been so amazing. Boo!
14 December 2006
The book of Eragon was excellent (at least until it got like halfway into the book), but the movie was such a disappointment.

Eragon stars Edward Speleers, Jeremy Irons (The Lion King (the voice of Scar), Die Hard: With a Vengeance, Reversal of Fortune), Sienna Guillory (Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Love Actually, Inkheart (filming)), Robert Carlyle (Dead Fish, The Mighty Celt), John Malkovich (Ripley's Game, The Libertine), and Garrett Hedlund (Four Brothers, Friday Night Lights).

Okay, the only reason I gave this movie a 5 and not a 2 was because of the awesome special effects!

Eragon. A film that is loaded with absolutely stunning special effects, although a couple that just made you roll your eyes. Edward Speleers was okay. He didn't really know how to really, oh, what's the word, um...act very good, or impress the audience. Everyone also was either okay at acting or really sucked at it.

The special effects were absolutely stunning. Saphira the dragon looked so real! The filmmakers did Saphira so well that they actually made it seem like Saphira actually existed! And her voice wasn't quite what I had expected, but it was still fitted Saphira's character so well. But, Saphira seemed to be the only thing the filmmakers focused on. All of the other special effects made me roll my eyes or made me sigh heavily.

If the movie would have been exactly like the book, it would have been totally amazing. It would have been so much better than what it is now. Hopefully Eldest won't be such a brutal disappointment as Eragon is. Why is it that all of the great books turn into horrible movies? The only good books that turn into good movies are Harry Potter, A Series of Unfortuante of Events, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. Like I said, hopefully the Eldest movie won't be as disappointing, because the Eldest book was so much better and amazing than the Eragon book.

The movie may be a PG, but it's pretty violent. It's almost as violent as the book! It's like one millimeter away from being a PG-13. Even The Chronicles of Narnia was going to be a PG-13, but the filmmakers cut some stuff out of there that would've been to violent for younger children who loved the tale and the movie.

Violence/Gore: 8/10 (strong for a PG), Sex/Nudity: 1/10, Profanity: 1/10, Drugs/Alcohol: 0/10

Original MPAA rating: PG: Fantasy Violence, Intense Battle Sequences, and Some Frightening Images

My MPAA rating: PG-13: Fantasy Violence, Intense Battle Sequences, and Some Frightening Images and Moments

My Canadian rating: PG or 14A: Violence, Frightening Scenes
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Saw (2004)
The best horror movie of the decade--no wait, the best horror movie EVER!
10 December 2006
Saw. What an amazing film. Not only is it grisly, but it's also very psychological and very disturbing. You should think twice before you do something bad to yourself...Jigsaw might be waiting.

Saw stars Leigh Whannell (writer for Saw II and Saw III), Cary Elwes (Twister, Liar Liar, Ella Enchanted), Danny Glover (Angels in the Outfield, Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2, Lethal Weapon 3, Predator 2), Ken Leung (X-Men: The Last Stand, Vanilla Sky, Red Dragon), Shawnee Smith (Saw II, Saw III, Carnival of Souls), and Tobin Bell (Saw II, Saw III, Black Mask 2: City of Masks).

Oh, my God! This movie is so scary! It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be before I watched it, but it was still so frightening! I almost peed in my pants when this film was finished! Like 'Se7en', there is a bloodcurdling twist at the end which forces you to let your mouth hang open for the rest of the week. You can't move. You can't think. You can't even breathe. But, since my friend ruined it for me and told me the ending, I wasn't as shocked as I would have been....

Cary Elwes was good and bad at the acting. Like when he cried to get his wife and child back from Jigsaw, he was so horrible at acting! That was a huge disappointment, because Cary is an excellent actor. But, otherwise, he was very good, along with everyone else.

I can't tell you the plot without giving too much away, but I can tell you that it is very well thought out and very tense. Like, you know something is about to happen...but you just don't know when.

This movie is very grisly and graphic and is exceptionally disturbing. Saw is definitely not for children under 15. Fifteen years of age and up can absolutely see this movie without an adult. But fourteen and under absolutely need to be accompanied by an adult if they want to see this movie.


Saw also has very nasty sound effects and frightening images. For example, we see a brief glimpse of bloody intestines. We see a man trigger a tripwire, which activates four guns hanging on the ceiling to shoot a man in head, making several splatters on the wall and a bloody torso. We don't however see the man's head when he gets shot. We only see his head after he gets shot in photographs.


Overall, this film is the best horror movie ever made (so far). Followed by Saw II and Saw III, and Saw IV hopefully coming out in 2007. See Saw! You WILL NOT be disappointed!

Violence/Gore: 10/10, Sex/Nudity: 3/10, Profanity: 8/10 (constant F-words), Drugs/Alcohol: 1/10

Original MPAA rating: R: Strong Grisly Violence and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Grisly and Disturbing Violence, and Language.

My Canadian rating: 18A: Extreme Violence, Frightening Scenes, Coarse Language
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Apocalypto (2006)
A stunning masterpiece. One of the best films of the year.
7 December 2006
Mel Gibson is a very talented director, but he always seems to direct violent movies. For examples: The Passion of the Christ, Bravheart, and now this? Apocalypto was very good. And it is ultra violent.

Children under the age of 16 should not see this because it is extremely violent and disturbing. But, unless you want your kid to have nightmares, then I wouldn't take him/her.

Anyway, enough with the bad stuff! Onto the good stuff! Apocalypto is a beautiful film for scenery. The sets of the jungle and other places were absolutely extraordinary and really realistic...absolutely gorgeous. Also, the acting was superior. There is nothing to hate about this film. Not even about how violent it is. Apocalypto is definitely one of the best films of the year...and one of Mel Gibson's best films.

Apocalypto is truly extraordinary and unforgettable, and I'm sure you will think the same.

Violence: 10/10, Sex/Nudity: 4/10, Profanity: 4/10, Drugs/Alcohol: 0/10

Original MPAA rating: R: Sequences of Graphic Violence and Disturbing Images

My MPAA rating: R: Sequences of Strong Graphic Violence, Disturbing Images, and Nudity

My Canadian rating: 18A: Extreme Violence, Gory Violence
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Turistas (2006)
Do you dare watch Turistas?
3 December 2006
Oh, my God! This is definitely the scariest movie of the year. It is extremely horrifying and violent. Definitely not suitable for ages 17 and under...and I'm only 12. I still can't get over how extremely graphic and grisly the violence and torture was. And the plot line was very disturbing. I've been having nightmares ever since. This is definitely NOT suitable for children like myself. Your kids will never get over how horribly and terrifyingly frightening Turistas is. If you let your child see this movie, you will regret it.

But on the bright side this movie is very intense and graphic...and I'm a big fan of graphic gore and intensity...and disturbing images. The theme I couldn't handle though...too disturbing. See Turistas. If you're over 17, you will not be disappointed.

Original MPAA rating: R: Strong Graphic Violence and Disturbing Content, Sexuality, Nudity, Drug Use, and Language

My MPAA rating: R: Strong Graphic Violence and Gore Including Torture and Disturbing Content, Language, Sexuality, Nudity, and Drug Use.

My Canadian rating: R: Extremely Gory Violence, Coarse Language, Sexual Content
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Better than it looks!
27 November 2006
Cold Creek Manor. A clichè, but effective. Very psychological.

This psychological thriller stars Dennis Quaid (Flight of the Phoenix (2004), Yours, Mine & Ours, Traffic, The Alamo, The Day After Tomorrow), Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct, Basic Instinct 2, Antz (voice of Princess Bala), Sphere, Casino), Stephen Dorff (Rescue Me, Blood and Wine, Blade, FeardotCom, Alone in the Dark), Juliette Lewis (Starsky & Hutch, Aurora Borealis, Enough), Kristen Stewart (Catch that Kid, Zathura, Undertow), and Ryan Wilson--no major movies or TV shows.

A very creepy and disturbing film. Very suspenseful. The plot is very scary and really digs deep down into the dark areas of your mind. The story is very vividly told at a fast and creepy pace. There some times in the movie where a character says a certain line that makes you know there's something bad coming--but you don't know when. That's what I liked the most about Cold Creek Manor. You know something's coming, but you don't know when. I like that in a movie.

I also love the unique music. Has lots of funky but intense piano music that makes the intense sequences more, well, intense. There are also awesome snare drum parts kicking in with the piano sequences.

See Cold Creek Manor. Since so many voted this movie as bad, I can't tell you this movie is really good, because you might think differently. But, see it if you want to. You don't know what you are missing! NOTE: This movie IS NOT for younger children: strong language, deeply disturbing images, and violence (there are some terms of shoving a large hammer with a spike at the end of it into thousands of sheeps' hit, they're dead...and that can really creep someone out). Also, there is a strong scene of sexuality where a man thrusts violently against another woman from behind (otherwise known as, 'humping').

Violence/Gore: 7/10, Sex/Nudity: 5/10 (some violent thrusting), Profanity: 7/10 (20+ F-words and MotherF-words), Drugs/Alcohol: 5/10

Original MPAA rating: R: Violence, Language, and Some Sexuality

My MPAA rating: R: Violence, Strong Language, Disturbing Images, and Brief Sexuality

My Canadian rating: 14A: Violence, Coarse Language, Mature Theme, Sexually Suggestive Scene
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Casino Royale (2006)
The best Bond movie EVER!!!!
16 November 2006
Wow! OMG!! This is the best Bond movie that has ever been...and ever will be.

This movie stars Daniel Craig (Munich, Archangel), Eva Green (Kingdom of Heaven), Mads Mikkelsen (Pusher, Pusher II), Judi Dench (Chronicles of Riddick, Chocolat), and Jeffrey Wright (Syriana, Lady in the Water).

Whenever I hear or think of James Bond, or 007, I think of Casino Royale (2006). This movie is amazing! It really brings a message that evil never overpowers good.

The action is amazing! The stunts are awesome and breathtaking! And the lovely sex scenes are sexy, too! The dialogue is just entertaining and fun to listen to! The movie can really drag on when there are no action scenes involved, but it's still really entertaining to listen.

Daniel Craig gives an Oscar-Caliber performance! He is absolutely amazing! The acting, the action, and the stunts! All tyte! He really helps make the movie become a whip-lashing roller coaster ride! And it is. Casino Royale (2006) really is a roller coaster ride.

The special effects are totally awesome. They look so realistic--since most of them were computerized. But the explosions and the construction site scene and the crane fight scene were absolutely fantastic! The torture scene was somewhat stomach-churning, but that's what makes Bond, Bond!


The torture scene is very stomach-churning. I mean, what man would want to have his genitals (penis) beaten with a carpet beater? Not me.


See Casino Royale (2006). You WILL NOT be disappointed!!

Violence/Gore: 8/10, Sex/Nudity: 5/10, Profanity: 4/10, Drugs/Alcohol: 5/10

My MPAA rating: PG-13: Intense Sequences of Violent Action, A Disturbing Scene of Torture, Sexual Content, Nudity, and Some Language.

My Canadian rating: 14A: Violent Scenes, Frightening Scene
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