
21 Reviews
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Casino Royale (2006)
Craig a good Bond, but....
19 November 2006
Full marks to Daniel Craig giving a great performance in Casino Royale but the producers have let the franchise down by worrying too much about whether Craig can do it and not enough about the script and production. It seems silly so far into the franchise to start At the beginning. There was no need for that, it could have quite easily carried on where the last left off. where was the rifle barrel at the beginning of the movie? My favorite thing to get me in the mood for the movie. The title song was a load of garbage, nothing to do with the bond style of music. The music score was equally bad. Please bring back John Barry. The opening title sequence was rubbish, could have been done on a home computer... probably was. Oh Maurice binder where are you (dead)?

The action scenes where good ,a nd there is some good dialogue but it seems to me that since the death of Cubby Broccoli things have not always gone in the right direction. Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson seem not have learned from their time around Cubby.
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Sheer Brilliance
13 August 2006
I remember watching this movie many years ago as a child and it left a great impression. I managed to catch it recently on MGM after maybe 35 years and it hasn't lost any of its zip! James Cagney had along and varied career, from Yankee Doodle Dandy to Mr Roberts and more but this performance of his is just the best.

Today directors use lots of cuts and different angles to tell the story, i am not a particular fan of this style most of the time. If you have an actor on screen of Cagney's stature you want him to take control of the screen and captivate the audience and this Cagney does in this movie. The long dialog and great delivery is reminiscent of a stage production. Just amazing.
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Hellboy (2004)
Brilliant movie
6 July 2006
I am not one for the comic book hero movies and I caught Hellboy by accident on HBO. But this movie is superbly stylized, rich in character and Ron Perlman is totally flawless as Hellboy.

it's an offbeat movie from a comic book I had never heard of but it worked well. The sets work well as does the CGI but it is Ron Perlmans delivery of the dialog that makes his character convincing. Alas it did not do that well at the box office, but I think it might do well on DVD for the collector's or connoisseurs. The only thing I can say what would most of the movie and literary industry do if there hadn't been any Nazis!
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Callan (1967–1972)
Superior TV Series
5 June 2006
I remember watching this as a teenager and thought it was really very good. In retrospect, it still is! Edward Woodward in the series long before The Equaliser (a watered down type of US show) gives a credible performance of Callan. It is reminiscent of The Ipcress File style and all the characters are well crafted. Russel Hunter as Linely the slightly freaky, weird unwilling accomplice with his Taxi as a cover is just superb. went on for four years and spawn a good movie. Spying in those days was a dirty game but one seemed to know who the enemy was most of the time. Today, one has no idea. Would like to see some reruns.
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No Umph
19 May 2006
It is unfair to expect the movie to come close to the book. In fact if you haven't read the book, you will enjoy the movie more. The flashbacks are done well and the casting is good, however I felt Tom Hanks should have been a bit more excitable rather than so straight. There is simply no sense of urgency in the movie which the book had. The music did little to help the movie along. Sir Ian McKellen steals the show and gives the whole movie a more intellectual flavour. I was hoping for Sophie Marceau to play Sophie, there would have been a bit more life there. I avoided reading the Harry Potter books and so enjoyed the movies without asking the question "Why did they leave this or that out?"
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Best in a long while
4 May 2006
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It is subtle in its humour and the characters are well defined. John Cuscak cracks me up just by do nothing, just by given a look. He is the Cary Grant of his generation. Billy Crystal is superb and Catherine Zeta-Jones gives a very good performance as the Bitchy Star! Julia Roberts playing the second fiddle Jones shows just how good she really is. Hank Azaria and the others all give a spot on performance. Alan Arkin has only a small moment on screen but he gives a marvelous performance. Chris Walken as the weird director cracks me up. It is a throw back to the 60's when movies spent more time on character development then they do today.
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Limelight (1952)
Listen to the dialog
26 April 2006
This is about Chaplin's personal thoughts on his life, his career and his loves. The dialog is what Chaplin really thought (for me anyway). For a silent movie star he has grasped the power of the spoken word very well. It is as if I were having a personal chat with him. Buster Keaton and Chaplin together for the only time is worth seeing, what a treat! Nice to see an actor hold the screen for long monologues rather than relying on quick cuts to make up for bad acting most common with later movies.

He is the greatest film maker of all time. Producer, writer, director, actor and composer par-excellent!
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Empire (2005)
What a load...
23 April 2006
Well how about fabricating a lot of Roman History! Augustus just didn't do a lot of the stuff in this movie and it isn't as if Roman history wasn't written down. Augustus joined Caesar in two campaigns before he was 18.

After Caesar's murder there was a lot of political wrangling with Marc Anthony and eventual battles, etc. There is no need to fabricate stories when Roman history is full of good stuff.

There are many occasions in history when we just don't know much and one can speculate then... but... well what's the use... Hallmark seldom delivers on these sort of projects...

Their modern drama are much better...
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The Producers (2005)
Pale copy of the original
20 April 2006
I saw the stage musical in London and just seen the screen musical and it is a pale copy of the original Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder movie. Both Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick are good but no where near as good as the originals.

The songs are totally forgettable (except Springtime for Hitler)and the direction looked small when a musical should be BIG!

One can get away with a lot on stage because of the set constraints but in a movie one has no such restriction.

Uma Thurman was however a bright star in this movie. I am now going to watch the original to reinforce my belief that Mel is a genius.
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Superb Kline
11 January 2005
Just finished watching this movie. Kevin Kline is superb. Good movies are about people and situations not CGI.

I have seen this movie 5 times in the last few months and each time find something in it I had missed the time before.

That's what good movies do.

It is simple but the characters are compelling. Kristin Scott Thomas as the ex-wife in the midst of her own crisis gives good support to Kline's leading role.

Hayden Christensen is very believable as the angry young son, mixed up and confused. Haven't we all been there?
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The Party (1968)
Like Chaplin
11 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I always find it strange that people think a comedy should have you rolling in your chair not so! There are movies that one gets a warm, funny feeling inside and that one appreciates the subtleties of the acting and set ups. Often a laugh a minute movie is forgotten quickly, but those movies that simmer and let the humor seep out slowly often linger in the mind.

The Party is a movie shot in the sixties with all the hang-ups and social undertones that were abundant then. I laughed myself silly then and today I still laugh with the benefit of hindsight and years of social and cultural change.

Peter Sellers' performance is on a level par with Chaplin; a rare achievement for any actor.
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Alexander (2004)
Persian Boy
23 November 2004
First, I have not seen Alexander yet, so I won't comment on the film. There was a book written some 20years ago called 'The Persian Boy' about a Enoch in the personal service of Alexander attending to all his needs, sexual and otherwise. I wonder whether that would have been a better approach to tell the story of Alexander without necessarily getting into to much of the sexual side. He was most certainly bi-sexual but that does diminish his achievements. Sexuality in the ancient world was not as categorized as it is today.

One thing I have noticed with many of the recent epics filled with battle scenes is that the camera is whizzing about like a Looney on a spring! I suspect that is done to make up for the lack of acting ability on camera.
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A good general flavor
8 April 2004
As someone who was born to a German mother and English father (who spent five years in a prisoner of war camp) I come from unique position. One of having to deal with the various Nazis on one side of the family and the victors of WW2 on the other. This miniseries cannot delve into every single part of Hitler's psyche and must give the viewer a general flavor of the situation at the time and as best as one can Hitler's state of mind. In this the series does quite well. Carlyle is very good as is O'Toole, I would however liked to have got more information on the relationships with others in party Because Hitler did not do anything on his own. He had people around him that followed him to the letter often without question and certainly without question later on in his murderous career. What was going through Goebbels, Goring and Hess's mind? It would have been helpful to see more of these relationships. But I hope it will make people research the subject more. It might also make people understand why someone like Saddam Hussein cannot be allowed to continue in power.
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Oh Dear Yet another remake.....
6 July 2003
I have not seen this remake and I probably won't unless it turns up on cable one cold and night and I have been strapped to the sofa. The issue is, why is Hollywood continuely making these remakes? Most do not make money. It seems that the heads of the studios there have very little up top. Relying on title recognition to sell the tickets! As a film maker with more than a dozen original scripts sitting on my desk, it appears to me that originality is no longer the bye-word in Hollywood. It was Hollywood that led the world in originality. Now every movie has to cost US$50M minimum, lacks originality and is full of talentless or ill fitting stars. Charlie's Angels & Mission Impossible screwed with the original style, Psycho should never have been remade.... the list goes on.... for goodness sake someone in Hollywood go and give the studio heads all a labotomy.
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Real Glimpse of a disappearing West
23 June 2003
Well this one makes my top ten movies at number three, just behind Lawrence of Arabia and Seven Samurai. No sympathy except at the end when the four are killed in a shoot out.

It's dog eat dog and the group stick together not because they really like each but they have no other choice. One last time to make it and get out of a way of life that will not be tolerated by the emerging civilized America.


In fact I am going to it watch on DVD right now.
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1 June 2003
Every time I watch this movie, I look for mistakes and cannot find them. It is simply along with The Seven Samurai my favourite movie. Peter O'Toole is brilliant, Omar Sharif excellent and the other player outstanding. Historically a bit wobbly, but Lawrence's essence is everywhere.
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Zulu (1964)
14 May 2003
Yes the movie has a few flaws, but Stanley Baker made it out of love i think. The music by John Barry is brilliant. It shows just why John Barry is one of the greatest film music writers of all time. James Bond, Dances with Wolves too many to mention but the music for Zulu gives it a real kick.
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How not to make a Movie
12 May 2003
Conceived by amateurs executed by ABS CBN known for screwing up, good foreign actors given appalling lines by hack script writers, teamed up with the worst of Filipino talent not the best goes to make a bad movie. This movie together others produced by Mike Sellars have done massive damage to the Philippine film industry, already in turmoil and decline.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Together with Lawrence of Arabia the best movie ever!
2 January 2003
Most most people in the West to really understand Seven Samurai, must either have lived in Asia or have a great understanding of Asia culture. Asians especially Japanese do not show emotion easily but when they do it is often dramatic. This shows up often in the movie. Watch the young Samurai watching the old one watching the sword fight! Little details that build the big picture. I first watched the movie when I was 12, after I had seen the Magnificent Seven. I was blown away! Japanese movies of that time where crafted masterpieces, lead by Kurasawa. Check out also Oni Baba.
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The Worst of them all!
18 December 2002
I have lived all my life with Bond! As a child I went to see Dr. No and have been a fan ever since. However, this latest offering falls far short of what it could have been. Pierce Brosnan is good as Bond and finally in the Brosnan movies the credit sequence is good as well as the opening sequence but then it all goes to pot! Shitty music has dogged the Brosnan movies (Except GoldenEye). What Madonna is doing whining through the opening song, is beyond me! Halle Berry is a great actress but she is miscast! The Villain Toby Stephens is just whimpish! The CGI is over the top, unnecessary and Q should have been a bigger part.

Where are the villains of old, Goldfinger, Blofeld, Scaramanger? No soul too much CGI.
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One of the Best
18 December 2002
Strange how this one seems to be disregarded by most people, yet it is one of the best. George Lazenby seems to be closer to the Bond of the books than any of the others including Connery! It is a 'hell of a movie". Good opening sequence, great titles and a brilliant music score by John Barry. But what most people forget is that it is the Bond aura & soul, scripts, music, locations and stunts that make a Bond movie - a Bond movie! Many of these are lacking in the latest fiasco 'Die Another Day' which is the worst Bond of all.
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