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Carmen (1984)
A poorly filmed opera, not a movie
16 May 2008
This will not make you fall in love with opera as others have ignorantly proclaimed. It will make you hate opera, hate this story, and shudder at the sheer mention of the name "Carmen." The film has no redeeming qualities. The cameras only purpose is to relay the opera to you without any cinematic qualities. It just lingers from scene to scene in tepid apathy. The acting is exaggerated, but that parallels the story, which itself is exaggerated, melodramatic, overdrawn, etc. Perhaps then its not entirely the filmmakers' fault then, as the story they had to work with was little more than one of the thousands of soap opera scripts that have been produced during daytime TV.
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A jolly-good time
14 November 2003
A fascinating film that would only bore(the common critics complaint) if you went seeking the typical Hollywood swashbuckler. This film is much more rooted in reality and true history. It is full of a light-hearted humor and eloquent fiddle music. Russel Crowe has again brought to the table all he has to offer and it shows. He leads the strong cast(which contains a surprising strong link in a child) with his sea-toughened charm and leadership. Bettany also shined with easily his best performance of his career. An admirable job. I think that the reason this film could be considered boring is that the reviewer went into it under the wrong impression. It is a very scantly plotted film. There is not much to it. It is really just a series of events, cause and effect. The plot, if there is even such a literal thing, would be Aubrey, a British captain in 1808, is on chase with a french ship which recently attacked it aided by the element of surprise. But the film does end up much more then that and as I said its the series of events that dictate this. The battle scenes on the sea are unparralled. The effects blend wonderfully in with reality. This all creates arousing battles which hold the attention and excite the heart. Master and Commander is highly reccommended as a contemplative yet occasionally thrilling nautical adventure.
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Tarantino Has Done It Again
9 October 2003
The film is a masterpiece, my favorite of the year. Tarantino has really outdone himself, the film is amazing. Every scene is something new and unbelieveable. The film is style over substance at its most equal point. Candy is for children. This film is visual narcotics. Its addicting and memsmirzing. You are sucked into the intensity and immensity of the magificent masterpiece. There are constant homages to the films he loves. The fight scenes are near mind-blowing as well as hilarious. A 17-year old Japanese girl in a school girl uniform wields a long-chained flail in a spectacular battle that will leave hundreds dead. They die with gushes of comical blood and join their fellow obstructions wiggling limbless or headless on the blood-red floor. Uma Thurman kicks ass and the film's fight scenes top without FX what the Matrix did with FX. Ok. I need to stop I am hyping the film way too much. Just see it. If your a QT fan you'll enjoy. Otherwise, if your a Bergman type guy pass because I do not want to hear your bitching.
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Solid and Consistent
12 September 2003
For anyone who has seen Adaptation you have witnessed what Nicolas Cage can do. You've seen his talent. In Matchstick Men he steps it up a notch. His character is Roy, an agoraphobic (afraid of the outdoors) with nervous twitches and an obsessive compulsive disorder revolving around threes but only specified to certain actions. However, as long as hes on his meds the symptoms are managable. Cage is incredible in the details he uses to bring out this character. He keeps the twitches consistent and is constantly surprising you from one scene to the next. When paired with the talented Rockwell he excels even more playing off the snappy chemistry between the both of them.

Roy and his partner Frank (Sam Rockwell) are polar opposites. Roy likes everything neat and has a closet just for cleaning supplies. Frank lives in a pig-sty of an apartment reminscent of Joes hole in Joes Apartment. But together they make an incredible team who can design and execute some of the most brilliant cons around. But in there next con an obstacle has presented itself. Roy's 14-year-old daughter suddenly arrives on the scene. Interestingly enough she expresses an interest in her Dad's work and quickly becomes involved. But her eagerness and inexperience could prove to be destructive as well fueled by their own twisted motives.

Its a brilliant dark comedy. It slides from one genre into the next with the sleight of a magician's hand. Cage delivers more than a few quotable lines and the con games run like capers. But also there are touching father-daughter scenes that reach their climax during a nail-biting car chase through an airport parking garage.

The film's atmosphere brought to mind Catch Me If You Can. Ridley used clothing and decorations to evoke a feel for a past decade. Hans Zimmer and his mix of lounge songs solidified this hypothesis.

Although this is not an epic Ridley still showed off his talent. He exploited the close-up and used quick editing more and more as Cage's ever changing condition would worsen. In one particular scene Cage is sittting at a table in front of a door and a woman opens the door to let the dog out. Blinding light fills the screen and we seen a close-up of Cages twitching eyes. Everything through his point of view becomes exaggerated and anxious tightening your own chest. Then as he leaves the house the film calms down as Cage calms down. It was a wonderful technique used effectively throughout the film.

In conclusion the film is solid. It is successful in all areas leaving few kinks in its armor. The acting is superb and leads the film through it's innovative plot. Drama/Comedys that work powerfully on both levels are hard to pull off. A film that can have you laugh out loud, sweat in suspense, and reflect on the complex relationships has something few other films have. Matchstick Men is unqiue and strange, consistently surprising you all the way to when you are blindsided by the twizzelered ending.

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2 Drunk 2 Care
23 June 2003
My sister had just gotten out of the sisterhood of nuns so we decided to celebrate by going to see something at the cinema. Oh the bloody agony. The film is a corny disrespect to the film media. Why this is not listed as I comedy I have no clue. Oh and Paul Walker was a bit blurry and slurred his woprds(or maybe that was me downing a few with a drunken nun). Anyways like good Irish twins we took we a drunken leak on the screen on the way out and were arrested. But boy it a jovial time ripping apart this awful, awful, auto film. The worst part was being there. The second worst part was bing taken out of there cuffed. Dont bother.
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Katzelmacher (1969)
Stay Still Camera
23 February 2003
The lingering shots, the long continous takes allow for the story to unfold without distractions. Accenting this also is the stark black and white. These uneventful shots and use of black and white also symbolize the bland lives of the people. Which sets-up an uncommon reaction. Since there lives have no action. A simple arrival of a foreigner has these natural gossipers excited and mysteriously annoyed. Soon their jealous and rumours are started. A quiet man only looking for work is transformed into a beast.

Thus the film becomes an engrossing social commentary on prejudice and the effects of that and of jumping to conclusions. As well as taking an anti-gossip stand. The film would be a wonderful example in illustrating the events of any countries racial issues.

In may be demanding of the viewer though. The long shots and an hour of simple conversation and savage romance become tedious. Hanging on through the whole film though will be rewarding.
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Panic Room (2002)
Fincher Influenced into Popularity
17 December 2002
After watching this a second time I noticed how much Fincher influenced this predictable thriller. Without his dark tint of the screen or curious camera the film would be boring. A simple script with a badly cliched tradtional horror film ending. It needed someone to draw you away from that and loose you in it's visuals. Fincher suceeded. 8/10
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The Others (2001)
No Repeat Value
17 December 2002
After the first time the film is boring with it's futile telling solely leading up to some inadequate finale. The fulfillment you recieve after the second time is actually full of some negative energy. It drags you down. You realized you just watched 100 minutes for no reason. Like making a pie for 100 minutes and feeding it to the dog. All the work right down the esphocogus.The film after the first watching was an easy 8 now its a gracefully given 4. 4/10
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Dead Man (1995)
Poetry that dulls at the end
17 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The films opening and other parts of the film reminded me of A Hard Day's Night. The inventive, oddly humorous train ride and the constant search for Tobacco as the parallel in Hard Days Night was the constant notice of the clean old man. Then the scene of the tranvestite (which was intelligently cynnical), the guy with the British accent and the more down to earth red neck was of a british style of humor. But I have to say the most hilarious thing was Depp's clown suit or with the hat looked more like a leprachauns suit.

The film is the first Western to authentically represent the true west. Unlike all other westerns I have seen this film brings out the dirt and truth of the time period. Even though the film is not really a western. I would label it more of a art film.

The direction was amazing and the cinematography of the woods was particulary enchanting and beautiful. But the art behind the camera did not stretch to the music. I found it noisy and annoying even at times blatantly telling me to hit the mute button. But i endured through it, the worst part of the film.

Thankfully(minor spoiler in only this sentence), Thel, was killed early. Her acting was lost. She sort of hovered in the camera altering her emotions constantly seeming unsure how to act. Compared to the professionalism of Depp I am grateful she had less than 5 minutes of screen time.

Jarmusch did a very through(sp?) job of his script. His characters were filled out and overflowing in personality. The Indian(" Stupid ****ing white man.") was easily the best though. His humor balanced out the otherwise slightly bland art film. The bounty hunters had their strange qualities even their ironic ones(one sleeps with a Teddy bear). Or the fire sitters with even their shot amount of screen time. "Big George: What's a philistine? Sally: Well, it's just a real dirty person."

The film started dragging towards the end. The camera man times would just stand there, too long, in front of Depp's face for no apparent reason. The humor also died down, leaving the film in the hands of its spiritual and poetic counterpart. One not all exciting. It also gave way to Depps transition into hardass that happened too quick. An over the night reformation doesn't happen especially if it involves going from not being able to shoot a gun with glasses to being able to with out them.

The film moved gracefully and poetically. It was easily watchable apart from those final 20 minutes that became to lost in finalizing it's philospohy to provide entertainment. Dead Man was good but the masterpice some of the reviews claimed is as surreal as the film.

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Hard Boiled (1992)
"Go back to China!" Woo
17 December 2002
Hard Boiled's stark cinematography of the nicotine stained Hong Kong night scene portrays the toughness and rawness of probably the greatest computer unaided action film made. As well, the cinematography supports the toughness of our hard boiled hero.

Articulately directed, the care Woo shows is astounding. Every frame is some sort of slow mo, odd angle or intense bout of testosterone. Fueled by this pace the file contradicts a dream. Lasting hours but feeling like only seconds.

Being so enthralled in the action I did not pay too much attention to the acting other than that to say it wasn't bad enough for me to notice nor great enough for me to be in awe.

Scene by scene the action progresses hardly letting up during its long (about)30 minute end siege. "You can never get too much of good thing," would be an unfitting quote here. This constant, endless seeming, action sequence becomes redundant. As over and over people are getting shot or huge explosions are happening. Eventually it loses its adrenaline rushing touch.

My favorite part of the film was the fact that the grisly, one eyed, psycho did not fit the stereotype. He cared for the innocent people. I was blown away by this never seeing it coming. First time I ever seen a character as such not fit his blood hungry stereotype.

Too bad Woo ever came here. Hollywood has made him suck and looks like ruined what talent he had back during this film and the Killer's production. After watching Windtalkers im weary of anymore of his new films. In a nonracist way Woo should go back to China. 9/10
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Pepe Saves the Day!
6 December 2002
I am still waiting for that dark muppet film where we won't know how it ends from the beginning. I think Linklater could do one hes experimented with animation. This time I was intelligently not expecting such a thing but deeply wishing.

Joan Cusack sucked. She moved to a made-for-tv level lazily acting this one with cliched cynic. The muppets were more life-life than she was. A disappointment.

But then the entire film was, bar Pepe. I loved him. He was the only one to ever get me laugh(while Goldbergh as God got me choking and cursing). If we can't see a dark muppets than how about at least a PG:13 one with more of Pepe's controversial jokes and Animals metal-head, egg-nog-chuggin persona.

The worst Muppets I saw even the boring Christmas Carol beats this one out. The muppets need to avoid this over commercialized holiday.

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Film - 6/10, Norton - 10/10
6 December 2002
A dark comedy that doesn't quite succeed but lets Norton shine. His performance saved the film while the few jokes couldn't. The funniest part of the film is it's premise of a hitman out after a Pink Rhino that stars in a children's show. Robin Williams pulls off the psycho well. His character is also, thankfully, not all that predictable. The film is promising and I'd recommend it those that are fans of Devito, Norton, or Williams. But not to those interested in the dark comedy genre. 6/10, Norton 10/10
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A plotless simple glimpse of some unimportant point in time
6 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Am I mistaken or was Hayden Christensen just playing the same character fomr Life as a House? A rebellious son, independent and who doesn't need the help of anyone?

The film had no blatant plot. It appeared they rolled the dice and by chance this year of Star Wars history faced up. So they just cut at on end then the other coming up with a film that more a glimpse than anything with a story. It felt like a day in the life of type story. Just arrive film and leave. No reason or event to be there.

This then presents some issues. Episode III must be very long or the opening very long because we have only one film left for Anakin to change and become evil, reach high power, and appear as Darth Vader. Also he must marry the Queen have 2 kids and what were they thinking making Episode 3 so void of anything except (SPOILER) Jengos death.

A few action sequences that got the ticker pumpin' but yoda with a sabre was more funny than exciting. The corny: dialogue, avenge my mamma, romance and all other plot points ruined the film, embarrased the series. I am glad I am not a fan of the series its bad enough Im a religious follower of the Bond Tradition when something like DAD opens.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
My Inspiration
6 December 2002
I almost had to wait another two years when Im 18 before being able to see this. I made the mistake of trying to watch it when tired and I fell asleep, my mom woke up. She came into the living room to read in coordinance with the infamous rape scene. Next morning she told me I couldn't watch it because it will teach me the wrong way to treat women(as if im so manipulative but thats another story). Well the next day after school they went to my sisters basketball games. House was free for 6 hours.

I cherished those 6 hours especially the two when this piece was playing. The directing is something Im sort of aspiring to now. Into my memory I wrote down every scene. If I ever get into film this will be my biggest influence. This is unusual I never pay so close attention. My thoughts disagreed though this time and Ill remember this as a directing masterpiece.

The films beginning though was forced into action too fast. When Lynch could have led us to discover certain things. He instead chose to just have it spelled out for us through some dialogue. Specifically, after the boy's first visit to the apartment. He--when telling the inspector's daughter--comes to many assumed conclusions, that sadly were all right. I disliked this way of moving the plot along.

The boy also healed extraordinarily fast and the parents of the young blonde were poorly shapen and without much background, merely set pieces.

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Legend (1985)
Dont bother
6 December 2002
Legend I love my kitty but she kept me from turning this pansy film off. Laying there so cute on my legs, my "sleeping" legs. I endured it though and was no happier at the end than when I heard Jack(Tom Cruise) didn't use weapons. Dumb fairy flicking, fawn frolicking figment of some losers imagination.

The effects of blowing pocket lint, obvious masks and spaceball-esque costumes ruined any hopes for production value stars. The plot was same old good vs. evil gotta rescue damsel in distress. The films only star came from the makeup. Tim Curry was buried deep beneath a frightening mask of one of Satan's avatars. Well done and haunting. Very believeable. Although his dialogue was stolen from teen romance tv-shows of the time. Cornier than the entire film. Heavily disappointed as I am a fan of the fantasy genre and of Ridley Scott. His worst film.

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6 December 2002
A damn fine film. The Beatles acting is lacking but the dialogue dismissed that. The entire first scene was hilarious. It introduced the film correctly but was only the beginning to all the games.

This inspired my British Humor post. A film that needs to be watched once under only a firm understanding of the British humour. If you dislike the original "Whose Line" or Monty Python. I would avoid this film. But for the blokes that "get" those monuments of comedy history you shall enjoy this wonderful comedy. I recommend this for all that already have the needed requirements.
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Hamlet (2000)
Hamlet is an underrated masterpiece!
4 December 2002
An enthralling modern retelling of the Shakespearean play Hamlet. Hamlet captured me into it's stylish storytelling convincing me it is the best of the 4 modern retellings I have seen(10 things..., Othello and Romeo+Juliet). It quickly became a favorite of mine, flashed onto my favorites list as soon as the DVD snapped into the DVD case secure.

Ethan Hawke, the guy fit the role. You love him as you pity him in his distraught but then you want to avoid him, hes got anger issues. Overall though you relate to him. Hes the underdog fighting money hungry parents. A minority but in love, he kills his love not directly but through his actions. Hes hopeless and lost it all. Ethan Hawke portrays this all in rival of Kenneth Branaugh.

I had no bother to find flaws with this film. Product placement, reciting the most famous line in a Block Buster, are poor tries at any discovering any of the issues the film could contain. I just aboanded the thought of having to look for any flaws, I was too into it. Sucked into it. Sad that another great film will have be bumped off my list. But then vibrant with the thought of sharing this most beautiful work.

A masterpiece. 10/10
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Anatomy (2000)
Germany's answer to Scream
1 December 2002
A horror picture set ultimately to parody but still in it's play out could scare a few of those that are frailed nerved or easily disgusted when they see whats under their skin. I laughed at it though. It was easy to decipher the true killer and his acting didn't help. This only led to Potente looking even better. Anatomie is not much of a horror picture for those foreign of the genre but those contained should get a few unintentional laughs and an interesting peak at German horror cinema. 6/10
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Thesis (1996)
Too Twisted for me To Care
1 December 2002
The film was trying so hard to confuse you multiple times with many unneeded twists and scenes that made you guess yourself that it ran too long. Then ended with a horror cliche ending. I'm not sure why this was considered so violent. 8mm was worse. 5/10
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What a film
1 December 2002
A delightful balance of action, comedy and a thrilling plot. Although it was a little starved. But still D:3 did not embarrass the series nor become the red-headed step child. Willis and Jackson had a chemistry reminiscent of Danny Glover's and Mel Gibsons. The film was well made, solidly directed and hope that upcoming 4 is at least as good. WATCH the commentary it gives a lot of interesting insight. 8/10
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Gettysburg (1993)
Too Long
1 December 2002
I watched this at school(2nd time) and my biggest complaint was the poor editing. It could have easily been made a more normal 3.5 or even 3 hour picture. My history teacher fast forwarded through parts it got so bad. But the film was decent. Couldn't say much for some of the costumes where the beards were as phony as Britanny Spears chest. But the acting under the them bar Tom Berenger was excellent.
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Naked Lunch (1991)
Sleeping was more Entertaining 3 times in a row
1 December 2002
A boring bizarre film that was too hard to want to follow. I found sleeping it away 3 times(finally finishing it on the 4th) more enjoyable. An interesting story just not scripted well. It starts off great than slumps over shot dead by its own ambition to break its monotony. 4/10
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Horrible but had Potential
23 November 2002
The film was indeed horrible. Even some great actors humiliated themselves. The effects were unintentionally hilarious and the film an overall mess.


The film did have much potential with it's different take on the origins and history of Dracula. The Judas story is a clever explanation except for perhaps Dracula's garlic loathing. But the film was mishandled and it explained this all rather than letting it slowly bleed through. And it jumbled the entire story. If this was taken into the hands of a better director and had a tighter script this could rival John Carpenters masterpiece and Interview with a Vampire. Simply for it's brilliant creativity.5/10
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Enigma (2001)
Solid Film Making
23 November 2002
An example of classic film making. An even, gradual, pace peaking at the proper place for supreme climatic effect. With a nice slow complex story building up to an action filled ending. The acting was good not great or bad. As the film overall is. The traditional Hollywood romance took away from the film. But that only kept it from being great. This is just a solid film. Nothing extraordinary but done by the book therefore classic.7/10
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Trainspotting (1996)
Still In Prime even after 3rd Viewing Time
23 November 2002
A great film. The accents, directing, acting, script all perfect. It moves at an exhilarating pace which keeps you awake and watching. Its hilarious while being sentimental about the dangers of drugs. The surreal scenes are also hilarious as much as they could be disgusting. One of my favorites. 10/10
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