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Highly flawed and rather inane movie
15 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly cannot get why supposed Star Trek fans like this movie. If ever there was a Star Trek movie that spit in the face of everything Star Trek was supposed to be about, its this one.

The major issue is the entire Zephram Cochran storyline. Cochran is known, to long time fans of the series, as the man who invents warp drive. The device that gives the "trek" to Star Trek. So the lame producers and writers of this movie have decided that we have to see how it happened. What they do is take the supposed heroism and creativity of Cochran and toss them in the toilet.

Cochran ends up inventing nothing. The Enterprise crew comes back in time and does all the work for him. Cochran creates nothing and does nothing. So there is the initial warp drive trip to take. Instead of the implied solo flight of Cochran, Geordi and Ryker go along with him. No reason for this is ever given.

So we have a supposed hero who knows for a fact that his flight is going to work, and people from the future have come back to take care of all the work. What exactly is heroic or interesting about that? Its lame...completely lame.

Never mind the sudden need to have the Vulcans already running around in space warping wherever they want. What that gives us is some interesting contradictions regarding why the hell would the United Federation of Planets be based on Earth after this? Why would the center of the Star Trek universe be on a backwards planet that is literally hundreds of years behind the advanced universe? It would be like turning New Guinea into the home of the United Nations.

This is all ignored, because the simple minded mouth breathers that created this crap movie just wanted it to "look cool". They don't care about logic or achievement. All they care about is making James Cromwell act like a drunken idiot for comedic effect. If you are a Star Trek fan that likes this movie, shame on you for being as unthinking as the people that made it.
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A Serious Man (2009)
Garbage masquerading as art
12 February 2010
You will read multiple reviews on this site extolling the intellectual and philosophical virtues of this film. Do not believe any of them. This is a film about the director and writer being sadistic...first to the protagonist in the movie, then finally to the viewing audience. The major problem with that is people are desperate to appear smart, so they have to see something deep and important in a movie. So the Coens gets all sorts of awards and praise for this incomplete, lazy piece of trash. Now they will go out and put even less effort in their next pseudo intellectual pile of stinky manure.

There is nothing worth seeing here. I promise you this as someone that loves good writing, good stories and good movies.
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District 9 (2009)
So many plot holes. Drags you out of the film.
17 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the acting and look of this film, and it comes from an interesting idea, however the entire movie is rife with plot holes a thousand miles wide.

SPOILERS TO COME First of all, why would fuel for a ship genetically modify someone to turn into an alien. It makes no rational sense at all, even if you are trying to suspend disbelief with the old, "Well its alien, so it can do anything." Second of all, why are almost all the aliens mindless drones, except the one guy who is actually technologically advanced. Why are these aliens, who live in an area filled to the brim with alien technology only they can use, allowing themselves to be abused like they are? One alien infected human could pick up one of their weapons, and invade a highly protected secret government site...the same guy is able to get into a single battle suit of the aliens, and defeat dozens of heavily armed humans without a speck of training. Yet over two million of them sit around, being physically abused day after day, and do nothing. The aliens are shown being both physically and intellectually superior to human beings, but then made into placid cows only to advance the paper thin plot.

I do not get the gushing over this film. Its all right, but its no better than something like Cloverfield last year. It seems like because a Sci-Fi film attacks a now dead subject like Apartheid, it gets a free pass into the world of Sci Fi elite.

Its not that good a movie, people. Its an all right action film, but it has serious plotting and character development issues that keep it from even approaching being a great movie.
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Typical recent Smith film
17 May 2009
Kevin Smith is falling into a rut, from which I don't know he is capable of coming out of.

He found love in his personal life, and every movie he has made since then has treated relationships as simple, fairy tale things. Boy and Girl meet, (Or in the case of this film, already know each other.) and right from the first scene they are perfect for each other. They have the same sense of humor, the same way of interacting with other characters, and essentially are two sides to the same coin. It happened with Jersey Girl, it happened with Clerks 2, and it happens in Zack and Miri. Smith seems incapable of writing a female character that acts anything LIKE a female. Zack and Miri has some amusing parts, and Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks are pleasant and work hard, but the script becomes predictable and the ending of the movie is hardly any sort of surprise.

Maybe Smith can one day create a lead female character that is less than perfect. You know, one that doesn't just love comic books, or appreciate toilet humor, or be willing to make a porno for the heck of it. He has now gone three straight movies with essentially the same plot, and the same lead characters. He still writes some funny stuff, but this movie has staleness all over it.
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The Spirit (2008)
The sad decline of Frank Miller
15 April 2009
Anyone who has been reading any of Millers comic work the last decade or so, has to realize how mediocre his work has become. Comparing his Daredevil comics or The Dark Knight to the hyper-kinetic underwritten material like The Dark Knight Strikes Again and the abysmal All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder.

The Spirit is all about style over any substance at all. I really wanted to like it, because I want to root for Miller to succeed, but no amount of desire is going to change the garbage he keeps turning out. This movie has no direction, (And Miller is the director) and almost no real script. (And of course Miller is the writer.) Miller has turned everything he touches into broad farce and parody. From this movie I don't think he could write a dramatic scene that isn't dripping with irony if you begged him.

I have no idea why Miller felt the need to use Will Eisners iconic character as the subject of his directorial debut. The names are all there, The Spirit, The Octopus, Sand Saref, but the characters in no way resemble the ones that Eisner created. They are simply toys for Miller to use to "pay tribute" to Eisner. The tribute would have been a lot better if the movie was halfway decent.

The Spirit is a bad movie, that is trying to become a cult film. It wont. There is no hidden gem here. Its just a lazy project from a disinterested, middle aged man whose best days are long behind him.
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Watchmen (2009)
Good but not great
7 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Visually stunning, with entire scenes that seem to jump out of the comic book. (It WAS a comic book people, it was not a graphic novel.) The casting most excellent,Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach, Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan and Patrick Wilson as Night Owl being particularly good. The only weak acting, (Or choice in acting) seems to come from Matthew Goode as Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias, with him being portrayed in a far less heroic fashion, and more like a really arrogant big businessman.

I enjoyed the look of the film, and entire great sequences are brought to life, sometimes even better than the original source material.

I was however, left very cold by the ending. I will not ruin it here, but lets just say that it comes completely out of left field, with no clues or signs of its arrival. In the comic, every single issue had clues leading to why what was happening, was happening. In this movie it is just thrown out there, without any real attempt to build a mystery about it.

I am a huge fan of the original comics. I still own my original 12 bought back in 1986. This movie is a good attempt to try to bring that comic to the screen. Its not perfect, but well worth watching, especially for long time fans.
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Boring, pointless sequel to movie greatness
10 December 2008
If ever you need proof that Francis Ford Coppola lost his ability to make great movies sometime back in the 1970's, here is the living proof.

Coppola decides to create a movie centered around family, by using way too many members of his own, woefully untalented family.

Talia Shire, a minor character in the first two movies, is now brought front and center in this film. The fact that she is Coppola's sister cannot overcome her weakness as an actress. For a serious drama like this, her complete lack of gravity and presence weakens the film.

The biggest issue with the actors in the film, is Coppola's own daughter, Sofia Coppola, in the part of Mary Corleone. A large part of the movie centers around her character, and the younger Coppola is completely out of her league trying to act the part. Never once do you believe the character she tries to create.

Other lightweight actors populate the film. Instead of the WASPish Robert Duval, as the family adviser, we instead get the even more WASPish George Hamilton, the very definition of lightweight actor.

The only part of the movie that is in any way compelling, is the relationship between Micheal Corleone, played by Al Pacino, and his illegitimate nephew Vincent, played by a very good Andy Garcia. Unfortunately this aspect of the film is not the centerpiece of it, and everything around it is pointless. overlong, and poorly written.

If you have not seen this movie, but have enjoyed the first two films, do yourself a favor and just skip it.
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Knight Rider: Knight Rider (2008)
Season 1, Episode 0
Simply horrible
18 September 2008
I cannot believe how bad this show is. The acting is absolutely dreadful, maybe the worst seen on a network television series...ever.

Needless to say, the writing doesn't help the horrific acting any. I have only seen the pilot episode, and it was about as poorly plotted and thought out as monkeys trying to type Shakespeare.

Its hilarious that there is an entire team of people working here, and seemingly every one of them is roughly 23 years old, gorgeous in some way, and we are told that all of them either have multiple advanced scientific degrees, or can "speak nine languages".

Justin Bruening, as "Mike" accomplishes the seemingly impossible task of making David Hasselhoff look like Laurence Olivier. He is so bad, that it almost becomes entertaining when he tries to "act".

Its a bad bad BAD show. Whoever got this on the air, needs to be prevented from ever pitching any sort of entertainment that could be seen by people ever again.
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The Prestige (2006)
Ending is worse than horrible
8 October 2007
THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAINE SPOILERS Slowly paced thriller, that comes apart at the seams because of very lazy writing.

The filmmakers decided that the concept of being able to fool people a hundred years ago was not enough. They needed to create tricks that were so advanced and that relied on a science that is not even close to existing TODAY.

The entire resolution of the movie relies on turning the main characters into super magicians. They can now do things that are quite simply just magic. This is thrown into a movie that is supposed to be about two guys obsessing on how good the other guy might be in their chosen profession.

It is a lazy resolution to a high concept idea.

It is quite possibly the worst ending to a top flight production in the last twenty years. Why do this? Why create a machine that cannot possibly exist? Why not have something clever or smart be the reason for how these guys can perform the seemingly impossible, but instead resort to abra kadabra thats just the way it is? There is no way to get over this gigantic plot point, that leaves anyone with half a brain watching this movie feel like they have been completely cheated.
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Upscale Torture Porn
25 August 2007
If you feel that renting a movie like Hostel, or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is beneath you, yet you enjoy watching people get whipped, beaten, cut, and even having eyes poked out, this is the movie for you. There really is nothing else to make this film interesting to anyone, except of course that someone told you this was the "real' story of Christ. It isn't...not at all.

Thanks to Mr. Gibson and company, people can safely go into Blockbuster, and pull this off the shelves, and get the exact same experience you would if you rented any other bad slasher picture out there.

There is no message of Christ in this film. There is simply some sick people getting off on being able to film a man being slowly beaten to death.
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Complete mess of a movie
3 June 2007
A disappointing third act to a rapidly tiring franchise. No resolutions to several plot lines. Mediocre villains, and rather inane motives for the heroes. WAY too much Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly, which adds even more to this bloated mess. The comic relief is out of place, the action is mind numbing, and the writing wavers from terrible to dreadful, with not a lot in between that.

Plenty of people say they like it, but I have no idea why. Usually I can understand why something is considered good, even if I don't think so myself, but in this case, its just bad, with nothing to redeem it.

Its a mediocre film. Waste your eight bucks, or Netflix cue space if you want. Don't say you were not warned though.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Disappointing all around.
20 May 2007
They took the first family of comic books, and made a mediocre movie about them. The biggest issue is the lackluster script, with changes made in the basic characters that just did not need to be made. Dr. Doom, the comic worlds ultimate villain is worst served by this, making him into a smarmy businessman whose big threat is he wants to make more money. (The comic book Doctor Doom is a vicious dictator of a country who is a legitimate threat to take over the world. Now Dooms powers are all part of being part of the same accident that gave the Fantastic Four theirs, rather then him being a super genius inventor. The plot, what there is of it, is thin...the Four get their powers, don't know if they want them, and Doom attacks them. Thats it.

The casting also suffers from Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, who, in this version of the FF, is not only a hot babe, but supposedly a genius on par with Reed Richards himself. Pointless since her supposed genius is never used in this movie, and Alba is not capable of creating an intelligent character like that.

The other "Four" are good physically, with Michael Chiklis being an inspired choice for Ben Grimm, the Thing. The special effects for the group are also passable, again with the make up for the Thing being quite good.

All in all its just a bad film. With WAY too many "X Games" scenes involving Johnny Storm, scene after scene of the Invisible Girl turning invisible for no good reason, and Reed Richards, Mr Fantastic shown having the common sense of a 13 year old boy.

One of the worst of the wave of comic book movies to come down in the last dozen years or so. The WORST part being that essentially the same cast and crew is coming back for the sequel. I do not hold out much hope that this group can do any better the second time around.
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Clerks II (2006)
Mediocre Smith film
29 November 2006
For some reason Kevin Smith seems to be obsessed with making a relevant grown up movie. (What he seems to forget is he already did, with Dogma.) Here he takes the very shallow characters of the first Clerks movie, and tries to make them grow up in some way. One major problem with this is, almost the entire cast of Clerks, while earnest and eager, were really bad bad actors. Here, in the sequel we find that the talents of Jason Mewes, Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson have not grown much. This becomes a real nuisance, because in this film, there are also real actors in it. So you have the junior high school acting talents of O'Halloran playing off the real acting talent of someone like Rosario Dawson. O'Halloran is incapable of emoting enough to show why a babe like Dawson would be interested in an aging troll like him.

The movie is a mish mash of maturity and childishness, professional and amateur. It has some funny moments, and occasionally sparkling dialog, but overall it is one of the weaker entries in the View Askew universe.
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Quirky, Amusing, but all in all kind of bland
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was worth seeing, but it certainly is not worth as much praise as it is receiving. Its a decent little film, with an excellent cast, and some very funny moments. Its also unbelievable in parts, so jarringly so that it takes you out of the experience of watching it. Each main character (With the notable exception of the mother) has some sort of issue or problem they are dealing with outside of the main plot point of trying to get Olive, the young girl, to the titular beauty pageant. The suicidal uncle, the failure father, the rebel without a cause brother, the drug addicted grandpa....all of them face their demons, so we get to all watch. The exposition of these sub plots is where the movie really loses its way. The coincidences involved in some of these things happening defy belief. (You go ahead and see how long you would have to wait at a gas station in the middle of Arizona for someone you know to wander a for instance.) Of course such an event happens in this movie, The always underrated Greg Kinnear does a fantastic job as the driven, yet doomed to fail father. Steve Carrell is not called on to act much, as the Uncle, (Unless staring with glassy eyes, and speaking with a monotone is acting) however he does have a few good moments. The most interesting and funniest character in the movie is the grandfather, played by Alan Arkin. For a guy that is so familiar to so many movie goers, you will forget its him in just a few seconds of film time, and really believe he is this whacked out, obnoxious yet loving grandfather.

All in all, see the film, enjoy it for what it is, but don't expect it to be a life changing experience.
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NOT even close to a complete movie
9 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It is usually a bad sign if a popcorn movie like this clocks in at well over two hours. the amazing thing about that running time is, that not a single plot point is resolved in this film. Everything that is brought into the movie as being there for our hero's to overcome, is still there when the credits roll those ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MINUTES finally end. Two and a half hours, just to set up a third movie? I'm sorry, but that has to be the biggest rip off since Manhatten and those beads and trinkets used to buy it.

To be sure the cast is still beautiful, (At least the leads are) and the action comes fast and furious, but it leads absolutely nowhere. The first movie was a complete film. There was a resolution at the end, and if there never had been a sequel made, it would not have affected what people thought of that movie one bit. This film requires you to see the unreleased (and let me add, not due to be released for almost another year.) Watching Johnny Depp act in these films is worth the price of admission, and its not a bad movie, just a pointless one. Personally I now know I could have saved my time and money, waited till next summer, and gone to the ACTUAL sequel, not this clumsy attempt to pad this into a five hour epic. Sheesh they were able to tell Gone With the Wind, Ben Hur, or Lawrence of Arabia in far less time then the five hours that these two movies will eventually need to resolve issues that everyone in the audience already knows the ending to.
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Fever Pitch (2005)
Sweet, but just not very funny
9 April 2006
I am a pretty big fan of the Farrelly brothers comedies. Kingpin, There's Something About Mary, Dumb and Dumber. Some of the funniest stuff to come out of Hollywood, ever. All these movies had a little bit of pathos, and whimsy, but that was dwarfed by the sheer fun. There has been a very noticeable tilt in the progression of their movies, with less comedy, and more "maturity". Fever Pitch is the height of this, with the entire movie being a rebuttal of all the immaturity and foolishness of guys that never grow up. It may be an important lesson, but it certainly isn't very funny. Fever Pitch is a pleasant enough diversion, but its hardly a comedy. Drew Barrymore is serviceable, and actually looks about the best she ever has. Jimmy Fallon is well cast as the shallow portion of his character, but when called upon to be the serious, newly mature grown up the script demands, he is way out of his depth.

I'm just one of those odd people that likes his comedies funny. The Farrelly Brothers have obviously decided that because they have grown up, that their audience has to also. In that they have lost the ability to make some amazingly funny movies. Instead we get rather bland films like this one, that would be perfectly at home on basic cable stations like Lifetime or Oxygen. Pure romantic fluff that tries to teach a lesson, rather then be entertaining.
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One of Stewarts best
27 April 2005
This is a movie that gets better each time I see it. There are so many nuanced performances in this. William Tracey, as Pepi, is a delight, bringing sharp comic relief. Joseph Schildkraut as Vadas, is the only "villian" in the movie, and his oily charms are well used here. Frank Morgan, is delightful as the owner of the title shop, Mr. Matuschek, and his familiar manner is well used here. I especially liked the performance of Felix Bressart, as Pirovitch. Very believable in every facet of his role.

The two leads are equally accomplished, with Margaret Sullivan doing an outstanding job of portraying a slightly desperate, neurotic, yet charming and attractive woman.

This movie belongs to Jimmy Stewart though. The movie is presented from his point of view, with the action rotating around him. Mr. Stewart is more then up to the task of carrying the movie, with an amazing performance that uses a wide range of emotions. Just watch Stewart, when he is fired from his job, because of a misunderstanding. He is able to convey the shock, anger, fear and embarrassment that so traumatic an event causes, so perfectly. In my estimation, James Stewart is, without question, the greatest film actor in the history of the medium. There is no one else that has ever been captured on film that is able to so completely convey what he is feeling to an audience. At the time he made this movie, he still had most of his career ahead of him, yet he is completely the master of his craft. This is one of Jimmy Stewarts best movies, and also one of the sweetest, most enjoyable romantic comedies you will find. I greatly recommend this movie, especially for those that appreciate the work of Stewart.
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Batman (1989)
Great looking movie with nothing inside.
18 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Batman is the ultimate example of a movie I desperately wanted to like, but could not do so. The set's and designs are amazing, and they have proved to be very influential on countless films since this was made. That is the only really redeeming feature of this movie.

The script is flat out awful. Some of the worst dialog in a major motion picture you will ever see. The Vicky Vale/ Bruce Wayne scenes at his manor are downright wretched. The entire "Dancing by the pale moonlight" stuff is pathetic, and the frankly weird need to try to tie Batman and the Joker together by making him be the one to kill Bruce Waynes parents, thereby "Creating" Batman is not needed, and severely strains the credibility of the movie.

The casting, which some have praised, is even worse than the script. From the top on down, every single role is wrong. Keaton doesn't have either the menace or physical presence to play Batman, or the light devil may care attitude that is the face he is supposed to put on as Bruce Wayne. Nicholson was already too old to be playing the spry and limber Joker (Again not physically right for the role.) Jack had already played the same character at the end of The Shining, except with less makeup. Kim Bassinger is wasted as the slight love interest. Most annoying of all, this is right in the middle of the film career of Robert Wuhl, one of the most annoying, untalented actors to ever grace the silver screen. In this film he portrays himself, a fast talking smart ass who always seems out of place in every scene he is in.

I guess its the best of the four Batman movies, but that is faint praise indeed. When compared to Superman, Spiderman or even the X-Men movies, Batman comes up far short of what a comic book movie can be. Hopefully the upcoming batman movie with Christian Bale will begin a move towards a Batman that fans of the comic books and the movies can all appreciate together.
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A classic fable
15 May 2004
This is a highly underrated movie, that tells the story of one mans quest to find himself, and his soul.

Tom Hanks, before the Oscars, gives as good a performance as anyone has on screen. The scenes of him at the factory in the beginning are priceless.

Meg Ryan is also wonderful in several flashy roles. She is able to create different characters, all with the same basic undercurrent of sadness and desire.

Many wonderful cameos and short scenes with Lloyd Bridges standing out as the man who sends Joe Banks on his quest.

This fantasy film is a great barometer of those that "get it' and those that don't. To me, it was perfect, and I wish they made more movies like this today.

A ten out of ten. Easily.
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The Goodbye Girl (2004 TV Movie)
Mildly enjoyable fluff...but why make it?
17 January 2004
It is almost impossible to watch this movie, without comparing it to the 1970's movie. Jeff Daniels does a servicable job in this role, but to my eyes he seems miscast. He is just not desperate or manic enough in this part. Patricia Heaton is actually an upgrade over Marcia Mason in the female lead.

This is just an odd film to remake. The original was not exactly out of date. They did not make any big changes in this version, except very minor mentions of more current events. If you are bored, the source material this comes from is still pretty good. However if you really enjoy this movie, take the time to rent the 1977 version. I promise you will appreciate it being better.
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Around the Horn (2002– )
Complete garbage
15 January 2004
A pathetic attempt to be "in your face" and repeat the success of the far superior Pardon the Interruption, also on ESPN. Max Kellerman, quite possibly the single most annoying host of any show this side of Ryan Seacrest, does his level best to show that the special education programs in this country have him as a success model.

The basic premise of the show, is to have Kellerman score the comments of various newspaper writers from around the country. The more outrageous and annoying, the higher Max scores them. One thing you will learn from watching this show is the reason none of these guys went into television. Some of the ugliest, most poorly spoken humans to ever live on the planet are presented here. It is amazing how these college educated, men (mostly) can be completely devoid of any speaking skills.

It was being on shows like this, that pretty much cost the once great Boston Globe reporter, Bob Ryan any credibility. He got so used to trying to be as obnoxious and stupid as possible, that he made degrading and idiotic comments about a basketball players wife. Mr. Ryan forgot to restart his brain after working on this show.

Around the Horn got some of the worst reviews ever when it first premiered, all of them deserved. ESPN ignored the pleas to remove this abomination, apparently because the ratings were pretty good. What I figure is the show is on late enough in the afternoon that the mouth breathing troglodytes with Neilson boxes are too drunk to bother changing the channel.

Avoid this crap. Dont reward the dumbing down of America by watching this show.
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Asks endless questions, gives no answers
16 May 2003
Interesting effects, and well-filmed scenes do not make up for the fact that this movie is VERY poorly edited. It is obvious that a really kick ass, hour-long movie is in this over 2 hour spectacle. Unfortunately the makers of this movie realized that gushing fans would be more than happy to shell out their eight bucks twice to see this movie and the quick arriving sequel in November.

Almost every scene in Zion was a waste of time. The extended dance sequence reminded me of a Coors Light commercial, and really seemed out of place here. The endless repetitions of the odd philosophy lessons not only got old, they got annoying.

I enjoyed the Greek myth allusions, and can see many ways they can wrap up this movie trilogy in fine fashion. But as a stand-alone movie, The Matrix: Reloaded, is mediocre at best, and horror of horrors, boring and bad at worst. People saying, "You need to judge this movie, based on how good the next one is." are just making excuses for the poor quality of THIS movie.

All in all, do what I should have done. RENT The Matrix: Reloaded on DVD late in October. Then when November comes along, head into the theatres and see the final leg.
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L.A. Story (1991)
A true modern fairy tale.
30 November 2002
Steve Martin has made a few gems in his life, but this might be he best movie. Its not his funniest or his most ambitious, but it is his most sincere and sweetest. Martin plays a weatherman that wants more out of life, but doesn't know how to go about getting it. Forces beyond his understanding conspire to force him to change himself. Sarah Jessica Parker steals every scene she is involved in, as a bubbly California blonde, while Marilu Henner does an outstanding job playing a superficial bitch. Victoria Tennant is very good as Martins object of desire, and Martin is supposed to have written the movie as a love ode to her. (Tennant later left Martin, so apparently the love ode was not good enough) Despite the real life sad ending to this tale, the movie itself holds up incredibly well as a look at superficiality and finding what is most important in life. This movie is a rare gem, and well worth any effort to find and watch.
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One joke stretched out for 110 minutes
29 November 2002
The entire premise behind the "New" Brady movies has pretty much been run into the ground. Yes, they are clueless. Yes, they are from an age that never actually existed. Yes, we can all see the references to old Brady episodes sprinkled throughout the movie. (Mikes plans in the tube, the broken vase from playing ball in the house, Jan jealous of Marcia, etc., etc.) but it is just not funny the third time around. Mike becomes president because of his insistence of finding out who owns a lottery ticket Bobby found. Hilarity is supposed to ensue when the evil of Washington takes on the blissful naive goodness of the Brady's. It's just one joke though. It is funny a couple of times, but mostly it is the theatrical movies scripts put into a cheap White House set. Nothing new here, except the kids that play the Brady children.
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Great American Cinema
28 April 2002
This is one of the finest movies ever made, from any time. The story of redemption and faith is touching, but not over the top. This is by far the best acting job Kevin Costner ever does in his career. You actually think Ray Kinsella is a decent man that you would like to get to know. The music is perfect, and this film has some of the best cinematography ever done. Do yourself a favor and realize that people that badmouth this movie, have either not actually seen it, have the attention span of a hyperactive spider monkey, or just plain don't like it when a movie makes them feel good. This is a great movie, do yourself a favor and watch it. Even the DVD is chock full of extras, and has a wonderful, and informative commentary.
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