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Good comedy! Would recommend
2 December 2020
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The story behind this movie, "She's Gotta Have It," is all about a woman named Nora Darling. She did quite a good job acting, along with all the the other actors. The story itself was very good and I would say realistic. There was only one complaint I would have about this movie, but other then that I would definitely recommend.

This movie is all about how Nora doesn't want to settle down or be a one man woman. From a watchers experience, the movie lets you really get to know Nora and the three men who she talks to on the regular. She will not let herself be tied down to any of them. She has a free sexuality and allows herself to understand and get to know all three of the men, who are Jamie, Greer, and Mars. The one thing that bothered me quite a bit about this movie was the scene of her being raped. If a woman is screaming "STOP!" and "It hurts", then a man should stop, and if they continue to have intercourse then that is rape. Nora kind of goes on like nothing ever happened and doesn't seem to learn from her mistakes.

I think I would recommend this movie to anyone. It is a very good comedy with great actors. The movie shows a very strong Black woman who goes through life not wanting to be completely tied down.
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Easy Rider (1969)
Pretty Boring at first, but good acting
2 December 2020
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Through the first half of the movie, it was very boring, the movie is about two hippies named Wyatt and Billy. They are bikers who ride around on their motorcycles and pick up hippies. The transitions of each scene is pretty terrible in the first part of the movie, but eventually it did get better.

They end up traveling to New Orleans and while on their way there they have to make a drug deal of which is a white substance, which looked as if it was cocaine. One thing this movie really exceeded in was the music and the backgrounds. It really showed great science of what traveling across the United States is really like.

The ending of the movie you don't end up finding out if they make it or not. The movie could've had a better ending, instead of leaving it to the imagination. The bikes end up stolen and in flames.
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Sad movie but Great!
17 November 2020
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This movie was quite sad but definitely an amazing movie. It shows a small town in the 1950s. The townspeople are all quite down because the town has nothing left to it and its not exactly how it used to be. There were only two things that brought this town together, the football team and the movie theater. Sadly, the movie theater was closing and the football team was no longer any good. Timothy bottoms was in love with the girl who dated his bestfriend, so instead he started to become a thing for this basketball coaches wife. That didn't end up working out. In this movie no one can seem to find love or even leave the town. The young kids are trying to find who they are and what they want in life. The movie truly is sad and upsetting. It shows how life can be for people in a small town who struggle. I think there are definitely people out there who could relate to this movie.

The acting in this movie is phenomenal. The actors perfect every part of the movie. The expressions on their face prove how upset they are. Definitely a great movie for anyone.
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The Bank Robbers
16 November 2020
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I would recommend this movie to anyone. It really is a great movie that puts you in the shoes of the bank robbers. Bonnie and Clyde is a great criminal movie.

It is the ultimate "boyfriend and girlfriend," in a team as criminals. They rob banks during the great depression. It was a true love story between the two once they met when Clyde tried to steal Bonnie's mother's car. Bonnie was very intrigued by Clyde and what he had been doing. He began to bring her along on the crimes he did, and later they became a team. In the beginning, it was only small type crimes, but after eventually getting a whole team together they end up doing quite a bit of damage to the southwest. They hated banks and other places that had made money because they were doing so bad financially. These include shootings and stealing cars.

The ending will shock you and it's something that had never been done before in movies. This movie brought a whole different level of sex and crimes to the tv screens.
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Worth the watch, but not the best
14 November 2020
This movie is disturbing but shows how it can be for people who have experienced such trauma. The pain the man went through almost makes you feel bad for him but after, the way he treats people is terrible

Sol Nazerman was a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, though being a survivor sounds good, it may not always be. He lost his family in the time of the war and also lost his meaning in life. He only cared about money. He is now a pawnbroker who really only cares about money. He treats almost everyone around him poorly which almost makes you not like him, but because of the flashbacks that he has of his time in the concentration camps, you can kind of see why he may be the way he is. It is a crazy ending that absolutely shocked me.

I would recommend this movie to anyone, especially people who are into history and the time of the war. This movie does have some great camera angles and I would say it was shot very well. Definitely worth a watch.
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10 days after, but love will never fail
14 November 2020
For the time this movie came out, I think it really sheds light on the problem some may have with interracial marriage. This movie is a fantastic watch. Watching this movie in 2020 and knowing that there are people that still have an issue with interracial marriage concerns me quite a bit.

Joanna Drayton falls in love with a sophisticated black man named John Prentice. John wants to marry her almost immediatly but feels as it they should have their parents blessing. They become engaged and then travel to San Francisco to meet Joanna's parents. Not by surprise in this time, the parents did not approve of her new love. Even after he said things such as, "There is nothing I wouldn't do for your daughter to keep her as happy as the day I met her." This movie really shows that anyone can love eachother and it shouldn't matter the skin color.

I would recommend this this movie to anyone. The way this movie sheds light on the problems with interracial marriages is amazing and it shows that love is love, and no one should disapprove of that. The quotes in this film are absolutely fantastic.
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Vertigo (1958)
A must watch
14 November 2020
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This movie has to do more with obsession and what love can make someone do. At the beginning of the movie, you see Scottie and another detective chasing a criminal from rooftops. As they are jumping roof to roof, Scottie ends up slipping and hanging on the gutter, which is when he began to experience a fear of heights. This fear made him have vertigo whenever he looked down, hence why the movie is called Vertigo. Scottie quit being a detective because he felt if he could no longer help with his new problems.

A bit later he was asked by his college friend to follow his wife. The man said his wife was acting strangely and he wanted to know what was going on. Scottie comes to the conclusion that dead Carlotta is taking over Madeleine's mind. While on his job of following her, he did save her life a few times from attempting suicide. While doing so, he began to fall for her.

Scottie then believes he should take Madeleine to the old mission to stop this from happening to her. She climbed up the bell tower and ended up dying. Shortly after, he ended up seeing a woman named Judy who looked exactly like his first love Madeleine, and then he wanted to recreate her. He became almost obsessed with trying to make Judy look just like Madeleine.

The story only gets better from there, but it is definitely a great watch and a must see! The movie shows great picture and really comes down to love and romance.
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Psycho (1960)
Different than the new horror movies!
14 November 2020
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As a Teenager watching this film, it is definitely different than the new horror movies. This movie is for sure a must watch! I absolutely love movies like this, and most of the time these days, horror movies are not even scary.

This movie is about a woman named Marion Crane. She is in love with a man who was recently divorced, his name is Sam Loomis. He wants to marry Marion but says he won't until he pays off the money he still owes his ex-wife. Marion was asked by her boss only a bit later if she would put one of their client's money in the bank. Marion agreed and took the money which was 40,000 dollars. Instead of bringing it to the bank, she decided to take it and run away from the city. During her run away there are scenes of course that make it feel as if she is about to be caught, but lucky enough for her she wasn't... or maybe she would've been in a better situation if she was caught?

After getting away from the cops she ends up at the Bates Hotel. This is where she meets the owner whose name is Norman Bates. He ended up offering Marion to dinner, in which she accepted of course. She later went to her room where she took a shower. As she was in the shower she suddenly saw a shadow and was brutally murdered by Norman. The end is crazy in this movie and really leaves you at the end of ur chair!
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On the Town (1949)
Great Actors, but a bit boring
14 November 2020
As I watched this movie, there is not much of a plot to it. It is mostly just singing, the songs for the most part aren't too good either, in my opinion.

The movie is about three sailors named Gabey, Ozzie, and Chip. It consists of their adventures through New York City during their shore leave. They had 24 hours for adventures. The things they did- destroyed a dinosaur, got chased by the police and picked up girls. During the whole movie, it was the three sailors which became matched up with Brunhilde, Claire, and Ivy. The dancing in the movie was very good. It was fantastic for the woman in the film. I kind of believe that the only reason this movie got so much attention was because of Frank Sinatra.

I would recommend this movie to people who really enjoy musicals and classic movies. I would say Singin' in the Rain is definitely 10x better than On the Town.
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This Musical is a Must-Watch
14 November 2020
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Personally, for me, I don't usually enjoy musicals and love stories. This movie really shocked me with how well the dancing and audio was put together in the 1950s.

This movie is definitely one of the most iconic movies. Lockwood who has famous had been taken over by fans, but that one night he meets Kathy he completely fell head over heels for her, just as if it was love at first sight. Lina had forced Kathy into dubbing her voice for almost 5 years. No one knew that it was actually Kathy. She was supposed to be the singer in the movie, The Dancing Cavalier. But later found out that Kathy is dubbing her voice. The major scene in the movie is when the premier for The Dancing Cavalier takes place. During this scene Lina makes Kathy sing behind the curtain and acts as if she is singing the song to the fans. As she was singing the crowd absolutely loved it. Unfortunately for Lina, Don, R.F, and Cosmo were on the side of the stage. Halfway through Lina's "singing", they pull up the curtain which exposes that Kathy is the actual one singing. The crowd became shocked and Lina was very embarrassed so she stomped off stage.

This movie I can only imagine took quite a bit of time for the actors to learn the dances. The dancing in this movie is fantastic, along with the picture. The movie was seen as one of the best musicals not only because of the amazing acting and singing but also because it was all filmed outside while it rained. They also had to make sure to get the lighting good during the scenes of the rain because rain as most people know, isn't easily captured in pictures.
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By far my favorite! For anyone who loves crime and drama.
14 November 2020
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The hitchhiker was is by far my favorite Noir Film, for anyone who enjoys crime and dramatic movies I would definitely recommend this film to.

This film is about two men who were friends from the war. Their names are Frank Lovejoy and Edmund O'Brien. As they were on a fishing trip they decided to go a bit south to the Mexican border. As they were on their way they picked up a man whose name was William Tallman. His car was broken down. As they helped him they learned that he was a convict who had escaped prison. He had already killed someone and was looking for someone else to kill. He ended up holding Frank and Edmund hostage. During his time of holding them hostage, he made the friends hold a rifle up to their friend. He was forced by the convict to hold up a tin can while the other shot at it. William Tallman, the convict, had told them that they would die before the end of the trip.

One thing that really stood out to me was when William Tallman said that the friends could have gotten away from him easily. This showed that since they were together in the war they wouldn't leave each other and I think that shows a true friendship. In the war, it is always said not to leave one behind, and these two friends would not leave each other.

This film is produced by a woman named Ida Lupino in the 1950's is absolutely amazing. During this time, and honestly even nowadays it is shocking to hear of a movie that was produced by a female. The movie is based on a true story which really brings out the intense feelings. I think this is a movie that showed that females are just as capable as men, even back then.
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Detour (1945)
Interesting Noir Film
14 November 2020
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After watching this film, I would say it is a haunting but very interesting movie. In this film, Al Roberts, who is a piano player lives in New York. He is in love with a singer named Sue Harvey, who has moved to Hollywood for her dreams of becoming a big time singer. Once she moved to Hollywood, California, Al became upset and missed his love. He began trying to save some cash to go see her in Hollywood, but after still not having enough money and truly missing the woman he had fallen in love with, he decided to hitchhike to her. As he was on his way he accepts a ride by a man named Charles Haskell. Once Al is in the car Charles told him a story about the nail marks on his hand from a woman hitch hiker he had picked up.

While on there way, Charles ended up dying and Al got scared that people would think he murdered Charles. Instead of calling for help he took his car and his identity and picked up another hitch hiker. The woman name was Vera. When he got her she noticed that he said his name was Haskell and she knew of Haskell and said that Al was not Haskell and accused him of killing Charles.

It was a great watch, I would definitely recommend it to other who enjoy noir films.
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Mildred Pierce!
2 November 2020
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I love the beginning of this movie. It gives Citizen Kane vibes with the way it opens, especially with the death! A man by the name of Monte Baragon was shot 6 times and gasped for air, before dying. It begins with this mystery of who killed this man. There are also flashbacks that begin shortly after the questionings the police give to the suspects, one being Mildred Pierce, who considers suicide because of these questionings. This film was such a big hit because of the leading actor being a woman! This movie mixed two different types together which was big, and the script was nominated for an Oscar because of it! It mixed gritty film noir and soapy women's picture, which led to this movie being a big deal and actually the first "film noir" told from a women's perspective. This movie was a huge success and was nominated for 6 different awards. It created a very dark atmosphere and was very emotional in terms of Mildred herself and her head/thoughts. Mildred pierce was such a great type of murder mystery/women's soap story and movie, and it actually brought the revival of Warner Brothers and broke their slump. One of the most important pieces to this movie was Joan Crawford. She played a huge role in this movie and cast. Overall great movie that comes with a lot of history.
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Stagecoach (1939)
Stagecoach (1939)
2 October 2020
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Stagecoach (1939) is a motley crew of 8 people taking a stagecoach from Tonto to Lordsburg. An apache chief Geronimo and his apaches are on the loose in the territory. Buck, an affable if silly driver, takes the reins beside Marshal Curley Wilcox. In Tonto, Doc Boone, an alcoholic doctor, is being kicked out of town for his incompetence, along with a local prostitute, Dallas, and they both get on the stagecoach to Lordsburg, along with an exceedingly polite whiskey salesman, Mr. Peacock, and a corrupt banker, Gatewood, who is making off with a large sum of cash. Also aboard is Lucy Mallory, a wealthy Southern woman who is traveling while pregnant to visit her husband, who is a soldier stationed in Lordsburg. Looking to protect the fragile Mallory on the trip is Hatfield, a former Confederate soldier and disingenuous gambler. This movie was one of the first and pioneers of using a specific geographic location, in this case monument valley. Overall a great and one of the first great western films, and a very recognizable one.
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Imitation of life
2 October 2020
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Imitation of life (1934) is about a widow struggling to raise her daughter. A woman, Delilah, shows up at Bea's doorstep. Delilah is a black mother, and Bea a white mother. They decide to live together and raise the daughter together. As they grow older, they find great success in a pop up restaurant they created. Their daughters however find struggles growing up and there is a controversy with the light skinned daughter. This film is considered a prime example of a women's picture, meaning vast majority of the cast is made-up of women. This film focuses mostly on motherhood and female friendship. Also a main part of this film is the drama and race aspects put into it. Overall a great movie for its time, and probably even ahead of its time. Imitation of Life depicted strong female relationships that revolutionized cinema in ways we aren't given enough of in today's cinema.
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Screwball Comedy!!!
2 October 2020
My Man Godfrey (1936) was was of the winners of the screwball comedy time! This was a beautiful film that the vast majority of people say looks better in black and white than color!! Every scene had such beautiful textures and materials and the outfits were on point in this film. The cinematography and light fixtures were also a very key point in this film, it was all just so good! The whole story line was very implausible and hard to follow, but that's what makes the movie so great with the love of Irene and Godfrey together. With the storyline being a bit confusing, this lets you focus on the details like scenes, camera angles, light fixtures, textures, and most importantly the screwball comedy itself! Overall great and quirky film.
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King Kong (1933)
King Kong!!!!!
2 October 2020
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King Kong (1933) is an expedition brought together by Carl Denham to go to a remote South Asian Island. He goes with this idea in mind that a big beast still lives on the island and the local natives fear him. Carl Denham is a filmmaker. He makes friends with a woman robbing a stand and they go off on the adventure together, and with a crew. During the night the girl is taken, and the natives drug her and summon kong with 3 strikes to the gong to come sacrifice her. She screams and a giant 50 foot tall ape snatches her up. The crew must go and get her back. The film King Kong is one of the greatest fiction films still till this day in my opinion which is shocking. It was so frightening especially for being 1933 film, and it inspired many film makers and many more King Kong movies, or spin offs of it. Overall a great classic fantasy film that has and will go down in history.
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Frankenstein (1931)
The classic horror movie
2 October 2020
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Frankenstein (1931) is about an abnormally large monster figure with bolts perturbing from his neck and a flat head. It starts off with a prologue telling you generally what is about to unfold and I like this, it is definitely a different way to start a movie back then. Dr. Henry Frankenstein and his hunchbacked assistant Fritz, take a bunch of different body parts all from different corpses, and put them together. Fritz gets the brain from a criminal and doesn't tell Dr. Frankenstein about this. They electrify him, and shockingly he comes to life. He kills multiple people and causes rampage around the town. I liked this movie because it was a very interesting and quirky idea to have such an odd horror monster for the character and the storyline that goes with it is fantastic.
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Scarface (1932)
Classic Gangster Movie
2 October 2020
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This movie is about a crime boss, and is loosely based on the uprise of gangster Al Capone. This film is about Tony Camonte, a gangster, and follows him through his crimes and his life. He assassinates one of the last old fashioned gang leaders, paving the way for even worse crime to begin. Scarface was not one of the first gangster films, there was plenty good ones before this, but scarface was the most realistic when it comes to violence and depiction of what happened, especially the crimes. This film featured great new ways of editing and camera work, and great action behind the camera itself. A great interesting watch for those into old classic gangster movies, especially for an Italian!
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Great Watch
2 October 2020
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I am a fugitive from a chain gang is a movie about a man who was in WW1. He came home and wanted to take up a new career path. His parents wanted him to continue his job that was saved by their buddy, the owner of the factory. He doesn't want to do this and refuses once he sees the constructing of a new bridge across the street from the factory. He runs all around the country looking for work in engineering and construction because that's what he did in the war. He becomes friends very quickly with the wrong guy, who forces him to be apart of his robbery. They got caught and he is falsely accused to years in jail, but manual labor instead. He got put and was apart of a chain gang. He then plans and plans to run away and eventually gets it right while they are mining. He slips out of his chains and is chased after by dogs, hiding underwater and breathing out of a straw. He runs back home where he is still being hunted down, and his old girlfriend blackmails him to becoming her husband.

This was one of Warner Bros first social dramas, and one of the favorites. They were the most famous studio during the Great Depression era, because of their style, and the way they made/produced their movies. This was a great old, more classic gangster movie to watch and I would recommend it to all audiences.
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Steamboat Bill - 1928
2 September 2020
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Steamboat Bill is Buster Keatons last film of 9 feature films and one of the last silent comedies. William Canfield known as steamboat Bill owns the riverboat Stonewall Jackson. He had a rival, the town banker, storekeeper, hotelkeeper, and the richest citizen in the town is trying to put bill out of business by making a new river packet, which he named after himself, the king. Bill goes to meet his son at the station. He wanted his son to be his partner to battle off the king with him. He realizes quickly that his son is a shrimp who plays a ukelele. Willie meets a girl and falls in love with her. This girl happens to be the daughter of J J king. Bill ends up in jail after many disagreements and fights with king. His boat is condemned. Willie tries to get his dad out of jail, and goes to the hospital due to a cyclone hitting river junction. Willie ends up saving the stonewall Jackson, his love (the girl), his father who was floating down the river in the jailhouse, the king, and a preacher. I liked this movie for the amount of action involved. During the cyclone the amount of houses crashing down, beds everywhere, trucks driving with boxes flying off, everything was just getting destroyed. Buster Keaton falls and slips numerous of times which is very funny during this cyclone. He even ends up in a barn at one point in a bed! This film was very action packed and hilarious.
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The General (1926)
The General - 1926
2 September 2020
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The General was a great silent movie. For this movie being 94 years old, I think it used great technology and was ahead of its time. The story line was very interesting to me, especially how it was Based on a true story. A man in love with his engine and his Fiancé. Johnnie Gray is a talented engineer who enlists in the confederacy along his girlfriends brother and father. The confederates saw him as a very valuable engineer more so then a soldier so he was denied, but they never said why. Due to this his girlfriends family thinks he's a coward, and she cannot go near his engine ever again. The northern army steals the General and johnnies girlfriend. Johnnie is after the northerns and he reaches the Texas, another engine like the General. Johnnie picks up a large cannon at one point, but realizes it's too much danger for him to handle. He gets to close to the enemy territory and abandons the Texas. Johnnie finds the house his girlfriend is in, changes clothes to blend in, and rescues his girlfriend and the General! They go home as fast as possible. They are being pursued by the northern army. They set booby traps to slow down the army. They arrive at the town. When the battle commences, the Texas drives over the bridge, just for it to be destroyed and the engine is sent flying into the river. Johnnie then joins the fight and is a big impact. The north retreats. Johnnie realizes he captured a 4 star northern general, he goes to March him away and a southern general stops him, and commissions him a confederate soldier, and a Lieutenant rank for what he's done. He gets his girlfriend Annabelle and his engine back. What I liked about this movie is the cut scenes in between scenes that tell you what's going on, sometimes it's hard to put the pieces together but especially in a silent movie! What else I thought was so ahead of its time was the huge train the Texas breaking the bridge and falling into the river! Very interesting story and great use of machinery during this time period.
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