
24 Reviews
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Lacks Heart and Comic
2 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As cringe worthy as Tobey Maguire is, you always like him at the end of the day. As cheesy as the original film is, it has a heart and a comic book feel. We felt something during Uncle Ben's speech in the original film. In this film, it is merely glossed over to something that's supposed to add up to more or less the same thing. Also, doesn't anybody ever poke an eye at Peter during all the great powers he has? Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man is perhaps more fitting but he's just missing something. He doesn't have the corny comic book feel to him in this film.

I guess this is a more "serious" version of the Raimi film but there is no substance here. You have a giant lizard running around doing nothing interesting. Everything that relates to Spider-Man just feels glossed over. I don't even think we find out anything about Uncle Ben's killer. We never see him again! Peter isn't even responsible for anything! There is no guilt felt! There are some subplots in here that don't amount much to anything.

To the film's credit, they sure did pull off a better love interest for Peter. Gwen is cute and an actual character. I also do feel like Peter is almost more relatable here. Him and Gwen do process chemistry and are cute. But sometimes we need a bit comic book to it. Or something to it. Something like a story. As stupid looking as the Green Goblin looked in the original film you remember him for his cheesy lines. He was at least a character! This lizard dude is nothing! The film fails to add anything new to the Spider-Man mythos and you forget most of it by a year. Where's those little warm feelings you get when Spider-Man kisses M J for the first time (as bad as her character is)? The film is not memorable nor does it have a warm spider heart. It just feels like your average mediocre movie.

Putting comparisons aside, there really is nothing here to marvel at. Peter is likable enough but nothing that special. Nothing special in that there's no character development. He starts fighting and stuttering and ends fighting and stuttering!

But the Stan Lee cameo was cool...
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This is an art gallery
30 May 2015
This truly is a one of a kind. I showed this film to my brothers as a half joke, as "not much happens" in the film. My brothers were appalled by it saying, "Nothing happens to warrant it being good, but nothing happens to warrant it being bad. But it's still bad for being boring." I, personally, don't think anyone is stupid for saying harsh things about this. Afteral, this film is about making you feel through images rather than dialogue. If that doesn't appeal to you, I understand that.

Film is more than story. I firmly believe that. If you were to take music out of certain films they wouldn't have nearly the same effect. This film is about simulating real life space travel. Actually, well I can't completely tell you what this is about as the film itself has the effect of an art gallery. You stare and behold art. Maybe you respect it, maybe you think art is overrated.

The film does, like most works of Stanley Kubrick, make me feel uncomfortable at times. Just the way it looks and feels. It's eerie. Which is the point. Space is so vast and we know so little and we've come only so far. Barely the amount David Bowman made on his mission.
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Transformers (2007)
It Still Isn't That Good
20 April 2015
The film is boring. It throws stuff at you and you feel nothing during the whole thing. This is supposed to be the good one but it really isn't. Shia LeBeouf is bland as anyone else, only anyone else is more interesting. Megan Fox... pulls a guys pants off... so yeah we're subjected to that.

The Transformers do actually look awesome and for a little bit when they first appear I'm into it. But then a plot starts that nobody cares about comes along and blows up the movie. There isn't enough corny dialogue that's needed to get us in. This kind of thing needs quirks.

It feels like any other movie you see. That's my slogan. Cool robots, yet any other movie you see.

There really isn't much to say about it other than go watch something more creative. Stick with the old Terminator movies.
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Glee (2009–2015)
The Real Problem with Glee
20 April 2015
Glee is the best worst show ever conceived. One week, you loved it. The next you questioned what kind of dumbass you are for getting sucked into this kind of s**t.

Let's start with the title. Glee. It's a show about releasing yourself. A show that has garnered recognition for being the gayest show on television. Any serious critic shutters to look at it with any self esteem. That right there is a problem with the show. It does look like what critics say. Yet I don't hate the show.

Right off the bat, most anything past the first season is historically awful. There is a self awareness through the whole show but what makes the early episodes stand out is that the characters struggled with teen problems yet we could always laugh at these situations. Finn is a dumbass, Rachel has an ego that needs to be stopped, Kurt is iconically gay, and Quinn struggles with teen pregnancy. All these situations are hard to deal with in real life but are so innocently depicted it makes them funny while not making us feel terrible for struggling with them. It's just a happy show.

The show dwindled into an obscure subject by the time the new characters were introduced. But I want to make the point that it wasn't entirely their fault. Sure a big chunk of it was but it was by no means the reason why nobody cares about the show anymore. People don't care because it doesn't stand for the same message.

The second year was when Glee rightfully deserved its reputation for being a sponsor for gays. I am no homophobe but the problem the show has with this is that it just depicts gays as being gay. Let's shove as many jokes as we can towards these characters as possible. The first season's mentality was to depict all these hefty struggles in an innocent way. The second year was more about a gay love story. By all means, there is nothing wrong with a gay love story I'm just making the point that the show was already straying from its original idea.

By the third year, these gay jokes just look pathetic. We're supposed to laugh at these jokes. Suddenly things aren't as innocent. We are treated to a joke in the third year based around a masculine female football coach. She's a little overweight so "naturally" they thought it would be funny if they had a character say, "I have a tent you can sleep in over at my house." This joke is intended to be funny. That's not innocent. We're supposed to be aware of the fact that some people are different. Then why is that joke played for laughs? Suddenly this show is now on par with the likes of the worst sitcoms imaginable.

A show that started out about these kids that uncomfortable with themselves are now shown doing well choreographed dance moves by the third with no explanation because the past episodes were built around telling something else.

The second year is when the writing went wrong. Not the fourth when the new characters were introduced. Not the third when the jokes just became ignorant. It was the second year when the focus changed. A show about different characters was now becoming the focus for shipping. Let's have characters break up and cheat on each other for no reason.

I give the show a half rating. The one half is based solely on that first season. Just avoid anything after it.
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I Like This Take on Writing
20 April 2015
The film encourages me on a personal level. I am a writer and have always been interested in whatever form it may take. Carson is a journalist who wants to have a future outside of this horrid town. In some ways, our main character is a bully. But what I like is that he actually is right on his views. His blackmailing people might be questionable but he makes the point that people stop believing in their dreams. This guy might be a dick but he believes in something. Think about how clichéd we can get in school. This guy rants and makes them feel it. I can relate to wanting all the stupidity around me to stop. And look, at least, you can tell why this guy is a dick. Just look at his parents! One need not look further.

His point on ideas and where they come from is especially something that I think could be touched on little bit more both in this film and all films really. But this has the right feel and moral and outlook on life that I would love to see more people take seriously.
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One of the Greats
19 April 2015
What I love about this is... everything really. The catchphrases, the kid that isn't annoying as s**t, and of course the Terminator himself. The first film rocked and intrigued me. There isn't much to say that hasn't been said.What I like is how many times you can just sit back and watch it. It's always entertaining.

I'll try to explain why this works in the way I do best: comparisons. What did this get right that Terminator 3 didn't? The story. Terminator 2 feels pretty conclusive but a story can be pulled out of anything. What makes Terminator 2 stand out is that it offers a triumphant, yet a little down ending. Terminator 3 just feels down. Terminator 3 doesn't have a niche going for it.

Terminator 4 just feels blah. It looks even more boring than Transformers. Terminator 4 is just something you forget about. Terminator 2 sticks out because of its epic tone and heart. Terminator 4 offers nothing. Not a niche. Not a soul. Not even fun action. Terminator 2 you can just chill and watch stuff blow up while also cracking a smile at the remarks.

What makes this stand out from all the Transformers flicks is the fact that the action is intense.The action is everywhere to the point where you don't know what's going on. Terminator 2 let's you see what's happening and it let's you know how it feels!

Why Terminator Genisys or whatever it's called is going to suck because you can see it's trying to look and feel like the second one. They've got all the lines and they've got all the gimmicks in the trailer. But what are gimmicks are merely gimmicks. The people who made Terminator 2 knew it would work because it was different and exciting. You know Terminator Genisys won't work because the creators are just relying on something that they know has worked before but don't really know why. And to be honest, Terminator 2 is conclusive.
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World War Z (2013)
Fun, But Not Much
19 April 2015
The film is simply a ride. Nothing special. It's not cheap or anything bad. The music makes it all worthwhile. It has perks such as Philadelphia is the first city you see get wrecked. The zombies are different from what we see in something in The Walking Dead. These are zombies that pile on top of each other so that they can climb long walls. The film is a world war and it takes us around. Not too many character moments but it's all fine for the romp. Because this is something where you just want to chill back, relax, and enjoy the show. It's not mindless like Transformers but not of any high entertainment that sticks out in your mind as others might have. But give it watch if it's on TV.
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Serenity (2005)
Spot on Sci-Fi
19 April 2015
If you go into this without having seen Firefly, the show this acts as a sequel to, you can follow it. You'll be a bit lost with the characters. But I think this is something Joss Whedon got right. In his work on the Avengers I always felt the characters didn't do enough together. As in relating. This is a similar situation. Avengers needed five films to build up to it and Serenity had to build upon a cancelled TV show. Where this excels where Avengers doesn't is in character moments. This has all the dark parts needed to tell a story but we have fun watching because the characters are witty. We get a sense of who each of them are just by the first opening scenes of them together. It's obvious as to what kind of people they are whereas Avengers kinda just gives us the witty dialogue part. Avengers doesn't give us defining character moments like this does with Malcolm. In one scene do we get the idea of what Malcolm and the preacher's relationship is. Just by the beginning do we get a sense of River's position.

You can follow this without the show but it might be confusing. As in a "what's happening and why are they doing this?" kind of way. Nevertheless it doesn't hurt the film much because you really do get a sense of who these kind of people are and that's what makes it.
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Pretty Solid Kills
19 April 2015
The Hunger Games takes us to a future where we are sent off to be killed by each other and only one will survive. Well, good premise. Of course this has to be a love story. But who doesn't want a love story while being tracked down by fellow sane humans?

The film is flawed but I enjoy it for having one of favorite things in the world: Hot Badass Female. Screw the damsels in distress, this should be who we look up to! .This teenager has to go out and fight real human beings for sport because that's how the system works! She faces a love interest Peta and it becomes something that we can truly say is something real teens should look up to. Screw Twilight. This is a real story that we want to see turn out okay. And I think that's a good movie.
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19 April 2015
What I like about this film is that it creates a new and exciting story to audiences who have no knowledge whatsoever of the original. I've never watched the original but the premise in this gave an appreciation for this franchise.

What you get is a man that raises a genetically engineered ape who will be locked down in a cage with fellow less intelligent apes. The apes look and sound epic and we grow to like them more than any human character

The film does, however, feel like a setup. We've seen how the story started but we didn't get much out of it. We get the consequences of this story by the ending and it does rule. I just feel like we didn't see everything that the story was telling. I feel like there wasn't a lot of connection between all of the apes, but then again this is the beginning of a story and it does right to get us hooked for something more fulfilling.
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Only the Worst
19 April 2015
Where to begin with where this went wrong? Look, when you can't even get the f***ing names rights you know there is something wrong! I grew up with the cartoon and I came into this, you know, a little optimistic. If it's good, good, if it's bad, bad. But right from the start, when Aang starts talking is where I'm offended. I will always shutter, "I had a problem but I'm okay now." Listen, Aang was a FUN kid in the cartoon! He wasn't sad or didn't act like a crybaby. Yes he got upset at times but it was all in his insecurities. This character you don't even get to see a remote quirky side at all.

Katara was brave. She gave the speech that made hopeless earth benders stand up for themselves in a prison of metal! She wasn't a plot exposition explainer. She was a real deal! Aang doesn't even show any interest in her. Outside of the fact he's a gay in this, I wonder why (no offense to gays, you guys have way more color than this piece of cardboard).

Sokka (pronounced like Ahsoka from The Clone Wars) is just brooding and angry. The real Sokka's "jokes" are way more funny than this guy!

Zuko is the only one that I won't say is terrible. I still don't like him but he's the only one that maybe, just maybe, could have bared a reasonable script.

The show was quirky but had sooo much life to it! It had tragic moments. It was mythical. It was, above all, colorful. This is just brooding and at the same time more meant for kids than the "kids" show! The acting is awkward. The actual bending looks like dance moves your grandmom would cringe at.

Just pray, and I mean pray, that M Nightmare Shitupon never goes near this franchise ever again. Or anyone for that matter, because the cartoon is perfect and you can't beat perfect.
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The Avengers (2012)
Avengers: Overrated
18 April 2015
Okay Avengers is good. The dialogue is witty and the action is action. Not a movie so much around telling a story as it is telling jokes. I like that style. But going by the director, Joss Whedon's, quote, "Make it dark, make it grim, make it tough but for the love of God tell a joke." Well, you got that last part right. But where's the build up? And I'm not talking about the boring beginning.

I guess I just feel like the characters got to wisecrack each other but they didn't really demonstrate that they "got" each other. I feel like I'm missing something. We didn't get that one moment that was serious, something that I feel like Joss said himself was important to the build up.

As I said, I find the beginning to be rather boring. It doesn't grab me with a defining character moment. I don't feel like Avengers is one of the great movies. I don't even feel like it's the best of the series. They did better in The Winter Soldier. They did a better ensemble in Guardians of the Galaxy. It wasn't as passionate as Spider-Man 2. It doesn't compare to the writing of The Dark Knight.

They built up to this film with five other character flicks which, I guess, is the reason why this works. I just feel like something more meaningful could been done. I feel like we could have seen how the characters relate to each other. Guardians of the Galaxy could be accused of having the same problem but I feel like they at least joked about relating. Avengers doesn't do that. Hawkeye is there and he does nothing. Iron Man attempts a sacrifice and we don't feel much. Cap is there and he doesn't offer as much American spirit as he could. Thor has some good remarks. Black Widow is hot and... badass. And if there is something I like about life it's a badass hot female.

What I'm doing at the end of the day is nitpicking. I mean what I say about this film but it is fun. It is a good comedy. Don't let a couple flaws distract from this. I actually feel like in some ways this film was a build up. We have them all together and they know each other so perhaps they can accomplish more in The Age of Ultron.
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
A Futuristic Avatar Setting
19 January 2015
Well technically not really futuristic but more modern and similar to our world. Its evolved and we learn more about Spirit World through the show.

This show doesn't follow one villain as the Last Airbender series did and instead focuses on a new one each season but the themes remain the same. The themes they pose in this show are very intriguing and a little political so I almost feel that this show is for people that grew up with Avatar rather than for a new audience.

Twists to the knowledge of what we knew about the Avatar cycles are unraveled and made more compelling. I was afraid they were going to try to rehash the old characters or story lines but they honestly don't. Bolin and Sokka are opposites. Sokka was a genius but always failed with his humor, now Bolin is a funny guy but sucks as a man in action.

Watch it with an open mind you might be pleased. The humor is true to the first show, the characters are full of color, the story lines are intriguing, and its fun.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
It's Deep
18 January 2015
If you are not a fan of deep moral references please don't bother with this show. This show is short for fantastic. I watched the original version on Netflix and kept trying to like it because even though it was a cheese fest the story interested me. "The idea that life started out there." A story of twelve colonies representing their own planet.

The story in the most amusing way can be described as the human race running from evil robot Christians. Robots that have evolved to look and even believe they're human and have come to the philosophy of a one true God in opposition to the human's polytheism.

All but one of the colonies have been destroyed and must search out for the long lost thirteenth colony, Earth.

It's a good show on its own but when compared to the original its phenomenal. It goes to show how even the cheesiest of ideas can be made brilliant in the hands of a good writer.

And for feminist appeal, a couple main characters from the original have been changed from male to female and actually being for the better. Outside of being hot, the characters really are believable.

All the actors pull the dialog off with a straight face and are far from fake. These are all characters that make mistakes that will go on to affect the next episode.

Indeed, anyone who can take a show like the old Battlestar Galactica and make it into this deep serious complicated story deserves a medal.
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The Moral Of What You're Doing With Your Life Watching This
8 January 2015
Star Trek has always been about the moral of the story and this one has some value to it. You gain experience points by watching it. After you watch it you really will wonder what's wrong with life. It deals with ideas such as if there's a god. Could god exist in Star Trek? Is it worth it to know by thrusting your through a 70 year old naked lady? These are the answers to life. Couldn't you be out enjoying yourself and not watching and bitching about some terrible Star Trek movie?

For those that don't know, the Star Trek films are said to be cursed. In that the even numbered ones are vastly better than the odd numbered ones. To go over them, Part I had balls for being different than The Original Series but lacked color, Part II had the color and actual people that were in tough situations, Part III focused on telling a story of getting someone we love back while facing consequences, Part IV had a message, a heart, people, and comedy, and Part V is about telling a fake god off. So I don't actually believe the curse is real because 3 in all honesty isn't bad and 1 was brave enough to be different. The also appears to stop by First Contact.

Star Trek V is gross and doesn't make us feel good about ourselves the way the previously ones did. It's a work of evil. You will gain an appreciation for how good the other films are once you watch this so that's about the only plus.

Star Trek V will really make you think about what you're doing with your life. Star Trek V is only to be watched if you want experience points in life. Because it is an experience I must say.
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An Ending That Fits And Inspires
8 January 2015
It's been a fun ride these past few movies but it's time to settle down for this crew. Will the klingons allow them to rest, though? It comes down to how these characters have grown since the beginning. Kirk this time around becomes an ass for a moment, discriminating against all klingons for killing his son. Can it get in the way of a peace treaty?

Well, this time he gets framed by them for murder he committed and Mr Spock must solve a mystery. But how much as has Spock changed? Believe me, you'll feel the difference by the end.

Part VI does not offer the most creative storyline of the first six but it is a fantastic ending for fantastic characters.
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To Get One Back There Will Be Costs
8 January 2015
With a possible way to bring Spock back from the dead, Kirk will stop at nothing to bring his lover back, but perhaps he must break one of Spock's most memorable quotes to do so. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." Kirk, in search of his friend, will steal the Enterprise back and put everyone he knows in danger of death from the evil klingons. How human and illogical. But you know, that's us. We really aren't capable of letting go of someone we held so dear.

Watch this movie and determine for yourself if what Kirk goes through is really worth it. This film doesn't undermine Part II it's just about getting someone back with costs than losing someone with victory.
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How We Differ From Them
8 January 2015
This film sees the original characters going back in time to the 80's to bring two hump whales into the future to save the earth! Now that's a good damn premise!

These characters stick out as you would imagine and it actually turns out to be quite comical. Mr Spock understands all different science equations but fails to understand the simple question of "how do you feel?" Well, this sees him in the 80's so obviously an impact will be made on him.

The film is vast entertainment for not just Trekkies but everyone with a sense of humor. Just seeing the characters be so out of place in their enviorment is so much fun you cannot even comment on the all the strange technobabble the shows are known for.

Give this a fair chance even if you hate Star Trek.
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The Story of the Ship That Flew Really Slow
8 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Not a whole lot happens in this movie. In fact you could even use the words awful and boring to describe it. Maybe because it's not about the characters we're used to. The characters we see are lifeless except for maybe Dr. McCoy. The original series characters weren't bland they were just calm and didn't argue a whole lot. These people have their characters stripped away and we are forced to endure a ship flying into a giant space cloud.

The film's tagline claims to be about the human adventure but that is a lie. Humans have flaws and come with remarks that make them them. But perhaps we're missing the picture. The Motion Picture. Which is the starship Enterprise. It's about staring at it for two hours. Seeing how far we could go. What's lingering behind that space cloud? Could it be life? If we're going to focus a whole movie on staring at a starship going to explore what might be alien life why not have the Enterprise itself become a source of harvesting alien life that's growing inside it? (a concept they did in the Next Generation) If we have to do a story about staring a starship for two hours why not turn a twist? Have the Enterprise literally be The Motion Picture that we are watching. Or maybe explain why it's going so slow. Maybe an alien is screwing it up and Scotty has to fix the engines while ship slowly drifts toward an asteroid?

The music score redeems the film somewhat and is the only reason to watch it. All and all, this is not the deep grand story of us in space that was the purpose.

UPDATED: After giving this film a second chance to grow on me I can say I liked this in a different light now. After taking a look at 2001 and Interstellar I think I get this kind of thing now.

The film is something beautiful to look at if it's on TV and there are things. The film is at least profoundly boring. There is something about it to be talked about and made fun of. I stand by that this is not the human journey that it should have been. But even so, it is closer to the mark of getting its morals across than perhaps The Original Series was. This did have balls for trying to be different.
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Here We Have People
8 January 2015
The interesting thing about this film is that it's actually about humans and what aspects of them make them them. Something that was clearly lacking in Part I. If you're new to Trek and you started with the first movie don't be dismayed this has all the action, emotions, and characters of the original series.

One thing I will say about the original series is that I always felt the characters were never used to their full potential. They fell victim to some bad writing and to the cheesiness of the 60's and quite get their full stories told. See 60's lacked that ongoing story arcs that we've come to be fond of, which made it slightly weak. This time we get to hear about Kirk and Spock's characters and how they actually relate to each other.

The character Khan is a very sophisticated one. Kirk marooned him on a desolate planet a good fifteen years ago and now, after years of being stuck with nothing but classic literature, he gives his damn best to defeat Kirk's over the top acting.

Now, with a machine that can create planets, we actually get a film that deals with the morals of a story. The morals of revenge, love, space, hammy acting, and action that are the ways of people. People have flaws and are not always so calm and reserved as Part I depicted them as.
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
Most Annoying Worst Show Ever
1 January 2015
The Nanny mostly consists of utterly terrible "jokes" that are punch in the groan literal worthy. That sums it up. Nothing more needs to be said. Shows are about escaping and getting to know people. People want to watch shows that make them feel smart, happy or relatable. The Nanny poses as one of the worst characters that could be conceived. The laugh track makes you want to get boozed up.

Why would somebody subject themselves to a show that makes them feel like the biggest dumbass? This isn't much of a review because this isn't much of a show. A show is supposed to be entertaining but there is nothing to speak of here.
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The Full Story
29 December 2014
One thing the prequels were missing was a twist and a new side to some of the characters. For example, is Obi-Wan really as "cerebral" as he appears in the films. When was Anakin ever given any kind of a responsibility, or how many contrived ways can we bring back a popular underused character?

Ahsoka gets a lot of hate but she actually isn't that bad of a character as we go on. The humor regarding the battle droids is pretty awful but putting minor things that are irksome behind the show is not terrible. I do like how it goes into on how the clones might too be people with personalities.

We didn't get a chance to know the Jedi in the prequels very well so I'd recommend this for that purpose. Going into season three you actually get some insights on this Chosen One philosophy. Anakin's nicer qualities are given a chance to shine if that's one of the things that constantly bothered you in the prequels.

The characters they meet on the different planets can either be entertaining or very bothersome as so to speak. I'd give it a mixed rating, but if I had to be specific on what some of the good parts are I'd say the last eight episode of season five are really good.

If you're a prequel basher with nothing better to do with your time, please accept the fact that you're not a kid anymore. Remember when we used to just sit back and be entertained by a story?
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Mythical, Funny, and a little Tragic
29 December 2014
A simple kid's show treats it's viewers like they're stupid and prefer to rely on cutesy kids or creatures. This is not one. The show features the characters going through guilt, their own personal struggles, and revenge. The villains are never shown to just be dastardly clichés and are often made tragic instead.

No one is perfect and this show more than demonstrates. See, the Avatar, who acts as a bridge between the physical world and the spirit and who is in charge of maintaining balance, runs away from his destiny and ends up getting frozen in an iceberg for one hundred years. During this time, the Fire Nation destroys his people and he is the only one remaining.

When he is free from this iceberg he befriends a brother and sister, who are far from lame sidekicks, both having their own strengths that are built on as the show goes on. On top of that, the avatar rides a flying bison! It is badass and don't act like it's not awesome. Let your inner kid be brought out by this. The humor isn't embarrassingly bad (for the most part) so even if you're an adult give the show a little chance.

When I said inner kid I mean take the time to stop being so down with every day life and just sit down and watch the story.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Extra Cheese - Do you like it?
26 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
For those that don't know, Star Trek was the original science fiction show to win over a massive fanbase. It is appreciated for having inspired many to boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Is it as timeless as Shakespeare? Well, perhaps in the way Shakespeare inspired the onslaught of perverted literature this inspired of a new cheese.

A cheese with floating green energy hands in space trying to grab your starship. It certainly has an exotic taste but it's not what you're accustomed to and it feels really awkward. Like that seems out of place kind of way. It certainly depends what you're using the cheese for. It's certainly a different experience and you're interested in what else this culture has to offer. Ther's always something new to try. Watching this is a step of boldly going where at least you've never gone before.

This show was meant to be way of secret communication at the time for issues that were being hotly debated. An analogy The show features three great characters in Captain Kirk, a full blown womanizer, Mr Spock, who values his logic to the death with which I can sympathize, and Dr McCoy, who will always make sure you know he's a doctor. The side characters are also fun but I always feel like they're never delved into to the full potential. There aren't very ongoing stories because everybody just seems to get along which I honestly don't buy completely into. But that is, I must concede, the point. A future where in everyone likes each other. This does make for the interesting relationship between Mr Spock and McCoy where McCoy favors compassion and emotions but Spock as a Vulcan chooses to shun these things and let what's interesting just be interesting.

The downside to me I must stress that I am a story person. A person of character growth to be more specific. I rarely feel like anything one episode matters in the next. This I must say is the hole in the cheese.

Speaking of the cheese comparison, I must say the special effects and costumes are so fake it might occasionally appeal but mostly makes one cringe. Now speaking more so of cheese I must comment on an episode where Abraham Lincoln appears floating in space and him and our main characters must fight against the evil historical figures. That is in all fairness a potential brilliant idea. But that's really all it is. An idea not used to it's potential. No interesting remarks made between him and the villains or what makes them good or bad. Nothing of that sorts is discussed. I never felt, in any part of the series,(except maybe the pilot) like morals were being pushed. This show is praised for featuring the first interracial kiss on television but in all honesty it doesn't count. They were forced to kiss by an evil godlike being! It was not two genuine lovers finding solace in each other. And on top of that the quality of that particular episode is atrocious in a way that's not even so bad it's good. The show has it's so bad it's good moments such as William Shatner's over the top acting.

Overall this was the most intelligent bad show there was. A show that had guts but not the best writing. Or perhaps the cheese is just too foreign to me. Something I'm glad I tried because nobody likes a picky eater that won't try anything.
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