
25 Reviews
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What a nice surprise
10 January 2013
Talking about entertainment, this movie has it.

When someone asks me what this movie is about, I have no answer, because there is no answer to it. It is a pointless movie which exists only to make you laugh and enjoy. But thats actually more than most movies deliver in this day and age. .....

Im surprised this movie wasn't more successful. Unlike those brainless "Blockbusters" like TDKR, Avengers and The Hobbit, this movie is enjoyable.

I always enjoy Christopher Walken on screen, but this time I also liked Collin Farrell and Sam Rockwell. And it was really funny to see "Jimmy" and "Rothstein" in the beginning of the movie.

I would definitely put this one in my Top10-movies of 2012
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I want more
4 January 2013
I don't know, maybe my expectations were too high after waiting so long for this movie and endless reading of the script. But I wasn't fully satisfied.

It felt a little rushed, even though it was almost 3 hours long. I wanna see the uncut version. The time flew by, which obviously says a lot about the quality and entertainment of this movie.

In the script there were a lot more scenes with Kerry Washington and Walton Goggins(BillyCrash/Ace Woody). They were obviously all cut. But I still would say that Kerry Washington had the most intense scene, when Django remembers her getting whipped. I almost teared up like a pu..y.

Anyway, its still easily the best movie of the year!
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M (1931)
You wont believe its from 1931
30 December 2012
This movie is so intense and enthralling, it doesn't have to hide from even the most amazing Action-movies. But unlike the most action-movies, it really has a story to tell with a very interesting conclusion at the end.

When people talk about Fritz Lang they always talk about Metropolis, but I think this is his masterpiece. This movie MUST HAVE inspired pretty much every police movie or show ever made.

Rarely have I rated a movie a 10 with more confidence than this one.


....... so I don't have anymore lines, but they make me write "10 lines" apparently, so Im writing this. I know a joke ...ehm, well, its not a good one, so I will quote GEORGE BEST:"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered"
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23 December 2012
Boal and Bigelow have achieved what Karl Rove and all the money in this world couldn't. They made torture look efficient!!!

I simply couldn't believe what I was witnessing today. CIA-propaganda from the makers of the great "The Hurt Locker".

There was rarely a film that was praised so high by the critics. But there was NEVER a movie, that was loved by the critics and hated so much by me. Using falsehoods to make torture look efficient, glorifying the CIA, what the hell happened to Boal and Bigelow?

I don't know what to say really..... Im just so disappointed. Disappointed in Boal, in Bigelow, in the reviewers and their reviews.
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Homeland: The Choice (2012)
Season 2, Episode 12
Episode 12 to the rescue
18 December 2012
Yes, thats it. Thats the stuff I want from this show.

After a glorious season 1, season 2 got more and more boring with each Episode and sometimes even hilariously stupid. A huge disappointment for me ........ but then came Episode 12 and really saved the whole season.

Now there are so many possibilities where this show can go, its just fantastic. I cant wait for season 3. And I was about to turn my back on this show, luckily the Wriers managed to argue against that with this Episode.

One thing though, a few acting lessons for Claire Danes would be nice.
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Hype yes, but not much after that
16 December 2012
Its always sad when money beats art, but its just not understandable when people like Jackson (like Lucas before him), who already have made more than enough money, are still greedy enough to choose money over art.

Sadly "the Hobbit" is exactly that what I feared. 1. Money-grabbing-machine and 2. There just is no story for 9 hours of film. Heck, there is not enough story for one 90-minute-movie.

And yesterday I saw the horrible result of this combination. Every Tolkien-Fan will be disappointed, every LOTR-Fan wont care anymore after watching the first movie(or maybe after you read this, you wont even go see the first) and everyone else will probably leave the theatre before the movie ends(like some people did at my local theatre).

So, Jackson has destroyed his name, Im not sure if the Studio gets their money back, the actors look ridiculous(so they can forget a Hollywood-career) and its not even their fault.

You see - everybody loses here. The Director, the Writer, the Actors, the Studios and most important WE lose, the Audience or the Fans.
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Much needed Series
11 December 2012
There is a lot of things Americans don't know, but when it comes to history, we look even worse.

Oliver Stone has teamed up with Kuznick to tell us the history of the United States, the UNTOLD history. By which Stone means the history that was once known and reported but isn't taught in schools today.

I have seen 5 Parts, or Chapters, as Stone calls them, and I must say Im very impressed. Sometimes it sounds a little too Soviet-friendly, but all in all pretty fair. And the acts that are presented can NOT be disputed. Thats the most important thing. So that people who don't agree with Stone can make up their own mind, like I did in some cases.

I must say though, its not easy entertainment. Its pure informations for 60 Minutes. I had to pause the show once in a while so I could focus again.

I just saw Chapter 5 (Eisenhowers time) and there were a lot of things that I didn't know. I knew the CIA had overthrown a few Gouvernments and installed some puppets, but I didn't know that there were so many.
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Boardwalk Empire: Two Impostors (2012)
Season 3, Episode 11
Now we talking
26 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A fantastic Episode. These last two episodes were tremendous, two of the best of the whole show and def the two best of the season. If they have a major bang in the last Episode, Im naming season 3 as my favorite. Its already way better than the 2nd season.

Great job by the Writers. I think they have finally found the tone of the show. Let that Oh-Margarete-gave-my-money-to-the-church and Margarete-has-sth-with-Owen and oh-Im-so-depressed Nonsense be and focus on the Gangster stuff.

The scenes with Maseria are always great, Gyp has given this show real life and we finally see Chulky play a major role. This last Episode is gonna be awesome, Im telling you. Nucky with Eli teaming up with Chulky and Capone ..... and probably with a little help from the "Tinman" against some crazy Italians. This must be good.
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Boardwalk Empire: A Man, a Plan... (2012)
Season 3, Episode 10
Great Episode
20 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode was one of the best. Hitchcock taught us that sometimes its better not to show things, it makes em much more scarier. Not to show Owens death and see him dead only when Margarete does, was a great decision from the Writers.

I don't know why this Episode doesn't have a much higher rating. It really impressed me. So brutal that I couldn't watch.

Finally we see the ugly truth of the mob business. Till now, as ugly as it was, I felt we saw a little too much romanticism of the 20s Gangsters.

I already would say that the 3rd season is better than the 2nd.

I------------------------------------------ HAVE--------------------------------------- NO------------------------------------------ MORE--------------------------------------- LINES------------------------------------------ IMDb---------------------------------------------

Whats with all this demand for more Lines?
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Warrior (2011)
Surprisingly good
15 November 2012
I don't really know what to tell you. If I had to explain this movie to you, it would sound like a typical average brainless Hollywood-movie.

The Thing is though, this movie has something. I don't know what it is, maybe it is best described with "heart".

This movie got heart.

I had never expected I actually might get emotional from this movie, after a brutal fight between two men who look like killing-machines, but it managed to do so.

Once again, I have no idea why.

I have to say though, the IMDb-rating shouldn't be this high. It shouldn't be in the TOP 250 movies of all time.
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Missed opportunity
26 October 2012
Could have been better or should I say should have been better. This is one of the movies where you can see that the Director didn't do a good job. Bob, stick to acting! .... would I have said if he hadnt directed "A Bronx Tale", where he did a good job.

I liked the story and the conclusion of it. Liked the actors, even Jolie was believable for once. BUT the magic wasn't happening. I said it before, its the Directors fault.

I don't know why the costs of this movie were so high. Actors? Probably.

I would say this movie is definitely worth watching, but nothing special. Which is very sad, because I feel it really had a lot of potential. Assuming DeNiro stuck to the screenplay, I have to say that its a great script. I can understand why they spent 90 mill $ for this film, but they were unlucky with the Director.
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City Lights (1931)
Unbelievably funny
12 October 2012
I still cant believe how funny this movie is. Laughing out loud the entire time. And if you think that I was sitting and watching this movie with a lot of other people(which makes movies way funnier), you are wrong. I was watching it alone and I just couldn't stop laughing which led to stomachache after the movie.

I couldn't understand Chaplins Humor when I was a Kid or a Teenager, but now I acknowledge: He is the Master of Comedy! Forget Carlin, forget Gervais, Chaplin rules 'em all. And all this without saying a word. Can you believe it?

This is his masterpiece! 10 stars truly deserved.
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Modern Times (1936)
The Tramp finally speaking
12 October 2012
The first half hour might be the best critique anyone ever did on the society of the 20th and maybe 21st century. Chaplin was surely inspired by "Metropolis" here, but evolved the idea and made it understandable for everyone. We all know, Humor is the best way to tell the ugly truth. Even the first picture of the movie with the sheep and the men in the subway is epic.

Another reason to see this movie is the sexiest woman I've ever seen on screen. I mean Chaplin always knew to pick his actresses, but this one is just breathtaking. Another reason: his dance and singing at the end of the movie. I really enjoyed that.

So, "Modern Times" isn't as funny as "City Lights" or as touching as "The Kid" or as important as "The Great Dictator"(which achieved something, nobody had ever done before. It managed to break Hitlers heart), but I can promise that you will enjoy these 83 minutes of your life.
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If you have a heart ..... and (at least) an average IQ....
12 October 2012
...then you will love this movie. I mean how can you not? This is the 2nd movie that made me cry, but its the only movie that made me cry AND laugh, sometimes at the same time. I don't know how Benigni did it .... or if you actually see him and listen to him for a minute, you know.

Benigni shows us that life can be beautiful no matter the circumstances. As an usually pessimistic guy, this movie influenced me tremendously. The music of Piovani was more than perfect. His music for this movie was kinda like what Morricones music was for Sergio-Leone-movies.

I don't know if this is my favorite movie("Pulp Fiction" and "The Good,the Bad and the Ugly" are just too good), but its surely the movie I love the most.

Benigni and this movie was the reason I learned Italian.
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Looper (2012)
Talking about stupid movies.....
9 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Looper is stupid even compared to the BS-movies we see these days. I have no problem with fiction in movies, but when they don't even play by their own rules, don't care about the reality they have created but want us to believe it, that makes everything else obsolete.

So, in the year 2074 they cant get away with murder, but of course they have no problem with killing Bruce Willis' wife.

But other than that this movie is just bad. Its so typical for todays movies, very promising beginning and horrible everything. I don't wanna criticize the plot, because I haven't read the script. I know how Executives can destroy a perfectly good script.

I couldn't watch till the end, watched it about 60 mins then had to fast forward. It was just too much bullshit. I don't wanna rate a movie with 1star, but they leave me no choice.
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
Genius ........ehm, well okay ......... what now? ........ ridiculous!
31 August 2012
After a furious beginning, now this show is taking a turn for the worse and sometimes even a turn for the ridiculous.

This is no way near the brilliance of West Wing. Aaron Sorkins drug abuse seems to show its effects. The reason why I still rate it 7/10 is because of the genius beginning and the first few episodes, which were good and sometimes, I might say, extraordinary.

Sorkin doesn't seem to know a lot of things, especially when it comes to economy and fiscal policy. What? You say that he doesn't have to know? I agree, but then he should NOT present it in his show this way (this way:wants to lecture the Nation). This review is all comin from a real leftist. I would never vote for the Democrats, they are way too right and way too corrupt. For the Republicans I don't even have a word. Maybe lunatics or sth.
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You ppl make me ...
25 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I actually would rate this movie a 7 or 8, but seeing that this movie is rated 8.8/10 and is at the moment the 30th best movie of all time, I just have to vote it down.

You people are just ridiculous, all of you who rated this movie with a 10. You are destroying IMDb! I can understand if you really liked "The Dark Knight", but this one? It was still a good movie, but it isn't even in the TOP 10 of this years movies, yet you voted it as its like a classic, a MUST-SEE.

Go educate yourself, watch some movies! And if you don't know which movies to watch, go down the List of IMDb's TOP 250 and watch those movies which are at least 12 years old.
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20 July 2012
This movie lost itself. It wanted too much and in the end it didn't say practically nothing. The first 40 minutes should have been told in 15-20 minutes. Unnecessary scenes, bores the audience. Usually the thing with these kinda movies is that they don't try to give an answer. And I would have been OK with it, but this one really looked as if it had something to say. Sadly they choked in the end.

I rated it 5/10 stars. The only good thing was the little sweet girl and the acting of the actors who play Kevin. Tilda Swinton is an excellent actress, but she couldn't save the movie, hell, she couldn't even make her character at least understandable to the audience, because of the bad writing.
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Casino (1995)
Very underrated
10 June 2012
OK, I get it, some people just don't like Scorseses style as much as I do, but why the hell is "Goodfellas" rated so high then? Not that Goodfellas doesn't deserve that rating, but Casino should be rated way higher. I mean, how can it not? This movie has pretty much everything. Or maybe this is the problem, maybe there is too much going on, so the average viewer is simply too stupid to understand it all. This is Scorseses best work, forget "The Departed" and forget "Goodfellas" and forget "Raging Bull".

This movie is on my TOP 10 and I argue that everyone should see it, so they can LEARN what a good movie is.
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Unforgiven (1992)
10 June 2012
I don't understand this IMDb-rating. Way too high for this movie.

This movie has nothing to say really. Well, not all good movies have sth to say, but they make up with sth else. This movie doesn't. Its just a story that is being told with many sequences where u just get bored as a viewer. Its a typical average movie.

I wouldn't have rated it even 6/10 if it wasn't for those actors, they did a good job, especially Gene Hackman.

Giving the Oscar for best Picture to this movie, makes those Hollywood suckers look even worse. I don't know which other movies were nominated, but Im pretty sure there must have been a better one.
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Oldboy (2003)
Wow, simply wow
29 January 2012
It's a COMPLETE movie!

It really has everything. Normally when you see such a great storyline in a movie, the director focuses only on that. Because it speaks for itself. Its risky to put your money in such a movie, because you don't know how the movie is gonna come out. And thats the reason why you don't find people who give you a lot of money to make such a movie in the first place.

Oldboy is an exception. Either they got the money they wanted, or they used the little money very smart. Because this movie really is great in every possible way. Storyline, as I said before. Script! Cinematography! Acting! You even have Action-Scenes, and not only some action, but the best uncut fighting scene I've ever seen. And I'm not even a fan of those kinda scenes, but in this movie I loved it. Oh, the soundtrack "the last waltz", simply fantastic.

I don't know how successful this movie was, but Im sure that, would it have been a Hollywood-movie with some famous actors, it would have been one of the most successful movies ever.

Anyway, I can only praise this movie and envy those who made it.
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A little too complicated for this stupid world
23 January 2012
6.5? Are you serious?

Its always the same, as soon as a movie demands some attention to actually know whats happening, a lot of idiots mark it as a bad movie. Go watch some Harry Potter or whatever you people like!

Anyway, for those who like interesting stories which don't define the world and people in good and bad, you should see this movie. I rated it 9 instead of 10, simply because they tried to make it more mainstream instead of sticking to the original intention.

This is one of the few movies where I actually liked Nicole Kidmans acting. Sean Penn was, as always, pretty good.
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Drive (I) (2011)
I was expecting so much more
26 September 2011
I kinda liked the 80s music and style.

Also liked the beginning very much. But in the end I have to say:nothing special! And why do u get an actor like Bryan Cranston when u have no intention to give him more than 2 minutes in a 95-minute-movie?

I was expecting a lot from this movie, after I saw the rating on IMDb.

I really have no idea why its rated so good. Guessing all the women love Gosslin, so they got what they wanted, that explains maybe the rating.

Anyway, an OK-movie but nothing special.
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Pretty good movie
1 August 2011
Definitely one of those movies you should see. This movie has it all, great story, an even better end, great actors and its very entertaining.

9/10 I would say. To very few films I've given 10/10.

I must say, every movie I've seen from Argentina was a good one. They really know how to make great movies with a low budget.

The movie plays from the year 1974 to 1999. And if you will it is a movie against death penalty if you will. At least it makes a very good case for a life in prison for the murder, instead of the death penalty.

Yeah thats about it, I don't wanna say more. Watch it!
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Dogville (2003)
I think Im a killer
30 July 2011
(Spoilers following!!!!!) The scene where Nicole Kidman is in the car with her father, she says:"there is a family with kids, do(kill) the kids first to make the mother watch, tell her you will stop if she can hold back her tears, I owe her that"

Not only that I didn't felt sorry for that family, I enjoyed Grace sayin that so much that I actually had a hard-on. omg, save yourself from me!

And surprisingly it didn't matter at all that there was no scenery. I remember, when I went to see that movie and saw the first scene, I went: wtf? But its a really great movie, anyone should see it. And the length of the movie(about 3 Hours) didn't disturb me at all, there was not a minute when it was boring.
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