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Horse Girl (I) (2020)
26 March 2020
This one starts slow. It almost lost me in the first 20 minutes, but Alison Brie pulled me in with her stunning beauty and quirkiness. Then she took me down a rabbit hole I wasn't expecting. By the 45min mark I simply couldn't turn away. I knew very little about this film. This is a very special piece of cinema. The entire cast sells it. If you've ever witnessed the horrors of mental illness, or maybe something bigger, The Horse Girl will hurt you and heal you in ways that just might expand your perceptions. When a film does that for me, it becomes a classic in my collection.
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The Corridor (I) (2010)
Haunting and unsettling
8 November 2012
The Corridor tells the story of 5 childhood friends meeting in a remote wooded cabin to mourn the loss of one of their mothers. The trip also doubles as a chance to get their friend back on his feet since he suffered a violent mental breakdown after his mother's suicide. This is heavy stuff and this film doesn't shy away from the difficult scenario. Each character is dealing with their own midlife difficulties as well and the cabin stands as a reminder to all of them that those simple days of youth are drifting far behind them now. The entire setup is presented with such a delicate precision in both acting and writing that I found the story seeping beneath my skin long before the horror aspects began. The snow covered winter setting just added to the bleak and somber tone. These men seemed like real people with real problems and not your ordinary horror movie cutouts. Soon one of the men discovers an indescribable supernatural entity in the woods. From there we begin a slow and not so subtle descent into madness and the unknown. This film has some similarities to "The Dreamcatcher" in it's setting but is vastly different in tone. "Dreamcatcher" was popcorn bubble gum horror with some fun moments and few actual scares. The Corridor stays on target and rarely lets you up to breathe from the opening shot to the final haunting music piece "Various Stages" that is played over the credits. I've read several critical reviews addressing the lack of explanation with the encounter. The same critique was given to this summer's Sci Fi Horror epic "Prometheus". Both films raise more questions than answers. Instead of wrapping it all up in the last 20 minutes, you are left with a great deal of mystery to ponder. This is closer to real life, situations are more often then not left unexplained. An explanation would on have lessened the actual horror. When it was over I sat until the end of the credits. This is something I rarely do. For the next few hours I couldn't get it out of my head, always the sign of a well done film.
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Laid to Rest (2009)
An Icon is Born!
27 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I read several negative reviews for L2R that delayed my viewing of this masterpiece. That's the last time I let reviews influence my decision to watch a Horror flick. L2R is the smartest, goriest, best written, best acted, Horror film I've seen in years. We start with a poor woman awakening in a coffin without a memory. She doesn't know who she is or where she is. We also learn through some clever dialog that she has limited memory of all things in the world around her. A single scene where she asks for a water makes this apparent. This look on her face says it all. She says "Water" as if she just discovered what it is. Soon our nameless victim runs into Tucker. This man is the best written Horror hero I have ever seen. He is a simple man of modest income who loves his wife and has solid moral values. Tucker is genuinely kind in all respects. His stoic values and comforting personality are the direct opposite of Chrome Skull's. In most Horror flick's we are presented with cardboard cut outs for characters. Few films create such a good vs evil battle as L2R. There's so much going on here its hard to believe what was accomplished on such a low budget. What comes next is a single night in hell. Our characters play cat and mouse with an unstoppable killing machine who's motives are as much of a mystery as Princess's lost memory. The kills are very graphic and the best I've seen on a technical level. The kills were reminiscent of "The Prowler" on their brutality and realism. L2R never falls into the tongue in cheek Horror trap that so many do these days. It carries a serious and desperate tone that never lets up until the credits roll.
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The most comprehensive and lucid horror documentary to date
3 July 2010
"Nightmares" is as much of a social and political history lesson as it is a documentary of the origins of Horror films. I was taken back at how extensively and intelligently this film covered my favorite genre of film. There is a constant link made between the different subcategories of horror that have emerged over the years and the different social and political ties that drive them. "Nightmares" ended up being far more philosophical in its approach to the reasons why our society craves horror and violence on film. This is the closest I've ever seen to a "Ken Burns" history lesson on Horror Movies. I not only loved it, I learned something.
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28 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished I'm not sure what else to call it. It's 2 hours of watching 2 people, fight, drive, eat, f**k, swim, fight, f**k, drive, eat, pee, f**k, and ON and ON and ON!!!!!!! Eventually, they are raped and killed. All this happens in the mystical beauty of the American Southwestern Desert. So, was it good? I have no idea. Was it art? Sure, why not. One thing I will say is that every time I wanted to shut this film off, I didn't, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because the lead actress was smoking hot and couldn't seem to keep her clothes on for more than 15 minutes. Maybe it was because I really wanted to see the main guy if this film get hit by a bus. Why does every guy in this movie scream when they have an orgasm like somebody just dumped boiling water on their genitals? Ugh?!?! Would I watch it again? Probably not. 29 Palms will undoubtedly haunt my mind for a few days. If this is what the director was going for, then bravo. I've also received the same effect after seeing a 300 pound women in a bikini. That incident didn't take 2 hours of my life away. For what its worth, the two lead actors did a damn good job acting like a dysfunctional couple on a road trip. I've been there, only nobody raped or killed me because of it.
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I'm impressed!
23 June 2009
First off, I'm not a die hard LOTR fan. I enjoyed the trilogy and consider them a notch above most Fantasy films out there. I was surprised by all the positive reviews here about this little "Fan Film" online. I guessed they were all coming from the LOTR geeks out there who invade the web with positive reviews for anything with the word Gollum in it. In the first 30 seconds of watching this film I was instantly transported back to Peter Jackson's Middle Earth, I was shocked. In fact, I was so shocked that I couldn't really enjoy it the first time through because I was too confused by the quality of this film in all its aspects. The acting is great, the cast is great, the cinematography is great, the fight scenes are some of the best in the entire LOTR series, the pacing and attention to detail are at a level that has been lacking in Hollywood for some time. I've now watched this film 3 times and it seems to be getting better with each viewing. My only gripe with "The Hunt for Gollum" is that it ended so soon. I could have very well sat for another 2 hours watching this skilled director spin his web. Forget about Guillermo del Toro, hand "The Hobbit" over to Chris Bouchard. He is the only director out there who has proved himself worthy of the task.
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Carried Away (1996)
One of the most beautiful films I have ever seen
6 June 2009
Carried Away is nothing short of a masterpiece. Every single scene and piece of dialog in this film has a solid purpose. The camera work is the so gentle and subtle it crosses over from camera work to camera art. Every actor on screen is perfectly cast. The story of a Midwest farmer in the early 1960's whose life is jolted out of a monotony of safe boredom and into a dangerous moral dilemma. Not the kind of danger we see these days like CGI robots from the future, but the real danger of your entire life as you know it crumbling in front of you and your helpless to stop it, or yourself. The story unfolds before you like the slow blooming of a flower and in the first ten minutes I was so gripped by the subtle nuances, I felt like I was transported to the small town of Howardsville. I simply cannot say enough about this film. Watch it and you'll understand.
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Turdinator: Full Throttle
27 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see this film since the trailers were excellent and made it out to be something worth seeing. Once the opening credits started, my suspicions began. The opening credits really sucked. The words "A McG Film" came up on the screen and the theater burst out into laughter. What kind of douche waffle names himself McG? That wouldn't even be cool if he was black let alone the whitest guy on the planet! Anyway, I can sum this entire movie up like this; A couple of above average action sequences dispersed among several below average action sequences that are over reliant on CGI shaky cam spaz vision, and endless boring cheese-drama scenes that all go on 8 minutes too long where Bale screams every single line of dialog as if everyone in the future were deaf. Plot? Not really, its so stupid you won't care and so predictable you won't need to. The casting of this film is so god awful, it never had a chance of being taken seriously. Its good to know that the post Nuclear Holocaust future will be inhabited by supermodel jet pilots, perfectly trimmed hunks, and everyone will have their hair styled. I hoped this film would reflect the dirty, gritty, future we were given a glimpse of in the first Terminator film. Instead we're given the usual Hollywood apocalypse 90210 crap bogged down in CGI hell. It spends far too much time paying tribute to the other Terminator films and thus never really finds a reason to stand on its own legs. We do get to see Terminators killing and getting killed, and for that it cannot be considered a complete loss, its no Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. However, much like the brief scene of a CGI Arnold we are forced to swallow in the end, this film ends up being a familiar skin on an empty shell. Hopefully someone will go back in time and terminate McG's mother. That would be worth watching.
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The "Part 5" I always wished for
13 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Way back in 1985 I watched in confusion as the favorite horror series from my childhood took an awful and unexpected turn for the worse. FT13th 5: The New Beginning truly was the beginning of the end for the king franchise of all slasher films. Year after year and decade after decade the sequels continued rolling out. These were often fun films and not a bad way to waste 90 minutes (with the exception of part 8 which is simply unwatchable). However, it seemed that the further away the formula strayed from its roots the more irrelevant and pointless our beloved Jason character became. Sadly, after 24 years of dedication and pure devotion to the art of slashing, Jason was no longer scary. He had become more of a joke than anything. An unstoppable zombie with all the boredom of such a title. Gone was the mystery and thus the fear of a vengeful and deformed retarded redneck with a serious attitude problem. I personally think the Kane Hodder sequels of FT13th are comparable to the George Clooney sequel of Batman. This has all changed my friends. Jason is BACK! And with him comes a whole new list of questions and mystery. He is no longer supernatural which is exactly why he is once again frightening and as terrifying as he once was way back in the 80's. There is nothing to say about this film other than it was awesome and it simply maintained the exact formula of parts 1 through 4, this is why it rocked! It gave us a glimpse of the past and also raised some questions of the present and a possible future. SPOILER ALERT: Jason seemed far more productive and busy in this installment than we've ever known him to be. He was clearly up to something here as far as a career path was concerned and also protecting his investments. They also eluded to some possible contact with the locals. Hmmmm......
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They Bite (1992)
Its sad how overlooked this movie is
8 December 2008
I found this one in the loser bin for $1.00 on VHS. It looked bad but I figured, what the hell, my collection is full of bad, one time viewing, crap. All I can say is, this movie has it all! Yes, the production starts off pretty low quality but is pretty impressive by the end, what really surprised me about this one was the plot. It was well written and actually has some depth and twists to it. Also, the characters are very likable and even somewhat believable. Every time the film comes back to the film crew their dialog had me laughing my ass off, and not because it was bad. This is rare in the genre. They reminded me of the group of friends in "40 year old virgin". This movie really delivers in the breast department. Very few movies have so many boobs. I'm not sure what else to say. I've watched it about 8 times now and it keeps getting better. All my friends agree. Its a perfect movie to sit around and drink beer to. "They Bite" is the kind of film "Slither" was aspiring to be. Watch it if you can find it. Pure classic horror from an era that is long gone.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
There is "bad".....then there is this
23 September 2008
If you enjoyed Prom Night (2008), then I feel bad for you. Because you have been lied to throughout your undoubtedly short life by many people and institutions. Mostly though, you've been lied to by yourself. This is less of a movie and more of a giant commercial for everything that is wrong with our dying nation. This crap-fest has nothing to do with the mildly enjoyable predecessor that it shares the same name with. Other than the name "Prom Night", the only thing it has in common with the original is that there is a prom. Only now, Proms apparently are more glamorous that any Oscar celebration and there are no long fat people or kids with acne in high school. Plus, money is no object for the most annoying characters you'll ever endure. Never have I rooted more for a killer in a horror film. They spared us any suspense by showing us who the killer is in the first 4 minutes of the film. From there on the viewer is subjected to painful dialog and unbearable music that fills each ocean of time between the letdown killings. Everyone in this turd acts embarrassed to be there, as they should. Any evil person or group to churn out crap like this onto the public and stamp the name "Prom Night" on it should hang there head in shame at the disservice they have imposed on their fellow humans. The way this movie sucks so effortlessly is a reflection of how the United States is fast slipping into the footnote of history. Prom Night (2008) is a simple reminder that all is lost and that we deserve the demise that awaits us. After watching this, I realize that we are now one step closer to oblivion. I hate this movie. Not even God can help us anymore. Prom Night (2008) will forever scar my brain with its putrid and unyielding assault on everything that is good in this world. Hunting down and destroying every last copy of Prom Night (2008) may not undue the damage that it has inflicted upon our universe, but it is a start that may protect future generations from such careless and irresponsible film-making.
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Starts off good, gets worse, then....really bad.
22 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've purposely waited to write a review on this film since I first saw it a few months ago. I figured Indy deserved a second viewing before I labeled this film as a turd. I will say that I left the theater after the first viewing angry and cheated. I felt like my childhood hero had been castrated before my eyes. The second viewing confirmed much of my previous anger, but I will say that the second round left me hating it a little less, just a little. The first twenty minutes of the film are the only redeemable parts worth seeing. In fact, I would suggest watching this film as a short. When the A-Bomb is ignited simply shut it off and walk away. You will be happier if you do. After the spectacular opening we are spoon fed scene after scene of a tired looking Indy spouting off terrible dialog to a surrounding wooden cast of empty suits. One bad CGI scene leads to the next one, only to get progressively worse, much like the pointless plot. In between the action we are given overlong segments of dialog that explain some stupid story that nobody cares about. Then they slowly destroy our beloved Indy by injecting a mushy and unwarranted love story that is as uncomfortable as it is out of place. The sidekick Mutt is only defined by his hair combing. The Russian female villain likes swords. Indy's old war buddy Mac is so two dimensional it is impossible to believe he and Indy were ever friends. Karen Allen reprises her role from Raiders, only this time she has no personality or anything interesting to do or say. Furthermore, couldn't they have sent this woman to the gym? Or had her hair dyed by a professional? I don't mean to be mean, but she looked terrible and unappealing. Every Indy flick has a hottie, until this turd. Indy's love interest resembles a frumpy 5th grade school teacher. Only see this turd of a film if you want to tarnish you view of a prefect trilogy. Total piece of crap. Shame on you again, Lucas.
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The Ruins (2008)
Decent Little Creeper
13 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Ruins follows the same old Horror formula that will never get old for me. Attractive youthful people are having a great time and then they unknowingly make some horrible decisions that ultimately end their short and wonderful lives. The big twist with this one comes in the form of some highly evolved and carnivorous plant life. Some of the characters were a bit on the annoying side, but overall tolerable and realistic. The shots of Mexico were beautiful. This film shines in its limited gore scenes. The entire audience cringed whenever they would occur. I found The Ruins to be about exactly what I expected from the trailer, perhaps even a bit more.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Great experience!
20 January 2008
Lately I've been waiting for something different to crawl out of Hollywood for a change. Cloverfield did it. I have to admit that I went into this film rather skeptical, mostly because of its overblown media blitz. That's usually a sure sign of a stinker. It's much easier to make a good PR campaign than it is to make a good movie. This monster film has some notable similarities to The Blair Witch in its approach, but far surpasses that film in intensity and execution. What I liked about this movie is that it used all the usual Hollywood Blockbuster tricks such as CGI and explosive sound, but it remembered to be intense for the viewer and not just 90 minutes of eye candy. Too often these days films are so focused on the special effects that they seem to forget that people are trying to watch a story unfold instead of a series of CGI effects promos strung together like a bunch of Super Bowl commercials . The effects in Cloverfield take a back seat to the reactions of the characters in an apocalyptic scenario. The unknown actors were perfectly cast as over-privileged twenty-somethings, who've had the world handed to them, suddenly faced with a real survival situation. There is a large amount shaky-cam on screen, probably the most I've ever seen. I don't know how this film could have maintained the realism without it though. It was a necessary evil. Most Hollywood action films use the shaky-cam to make up for poor direction. Here it is forgivable because it adds to the atmosphere and realism. People don't typically run for their lives wearing steady cam rigs. Some have complained about the lack of an explanation for what happens in the plot. These monkeys have completely missed the point. Having your imagination fill in the many blanks is what makes this film work so well. For all of those people void of any imagination, I would suggest watching a turd like Gozlilla(1998). There you will have every little detail in the plot spoon fed to you like a 2nd grade geography class. Overall Cloverfield feels more like a terrifying nightmare than an actual movie. It was an incredibly engrossing and engaging experience for me from the opening shot to the final credits. When the last shot played out I realized that I forgot I was in a movie. I can't remember the last time that happened.
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I challenge you to sit through this.
14 August 2007
This isn't even Fun Bad, its just bad. I'd even go as far saying its depressing. A giant bug movie should be at the very least, FUN. Not this one. We are forced to sit through endless dialog delivered at a junior high level. What makes this movie sad to me is that it seems like some of the actors really tried, but still sucked. Its like watching a kid at the Special Olympics line up for the fifty yard dash and then proceed to run in circles, for 90 minutes. I really felt bad for Jeff Fahey. What happened to that guy? He made some good movies in the past. The bug effects need to be seen to be believed. They wouldn't have been acceptable in 1983. I can't imagine showing up to the set of this turd each morning. Knowing that you were working hard each day to end whatever dreams you had of a career. At least Dinocroc was fun and didn't take itself too seriously. This movie made me feel terrible. I can't believe I sat through it.
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Altered (2006)
12 June 2007
What Altered lacks in budget, it makes up for in atmosphere and tone. The story follows the lives of four men who were abducted by aliens as children. The fifth member of their group was killed during this event. Three of the men have spent the last 15 years of their lives trying to capture one of their captors. To their surprise, they manage to do so! However, capturing the alien is as far as their plans have ever gone. What to do with this being becomes the focus of the story, as well as revealing the back story of their past through heated dialogue. Their alien hostage proves to be far more dangerous and menacing than they ever expected. It seems that all horror films these days tend to inject ridiculous humor into their script. Altered stays on point, the serious tone remains throughout the entire film. This was a rare and welcome surprise. This film also manages to do something with its characters that I have rarely seen before. The characters that I really disliked in the first 20 minutes of the film I found myself having great sympathy for by the end. Such character development is very rare in low budget horror. The gore FX were excellent, and the makeup work was second to none. There's no doubt in my mind that this film will become an instant cult classic, if not already.
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Hostel, sort of....
8 June 2007
The follow-up to the gritty realistic masterpiece that was Hostel takes us back to everyone's favorite Slovakian torture chamber. However, this time around, things look and feel a little different. What made the first film, so creepy for me was the feeling that this could be happening right now. The sequel borderlines on some twisted level of gore fantasy. The bad guys have learned from their mistakes made in the first film and have ramped up their security significantly. It also seems that their clients are far more demented. In the first film, the torture chambers were essentially dirty vaults with drainage holes in the floor. In this film, each torture chamber is an elaborate theatrical set piece. This became a little hard to believe. Also, the characters were far less likable, and the acting was a bit wooden at times. The lack of believability made this sequel, far less frightening to me than its predecessor. The first half of the film was pretty damn boring as well. All in all, once the action picks up, it becomes a pretty fun run. Hostel 2 plays good enough as a horror sequel. Could have been better, could have been worse. The original is one of my favorite films and is a tough act to follow. The first film was a methodical descent from heaven into hell with the redemption of violent revenge. This film just moves from one gory scene to the next with little suspense in between. The gore was plentiful but somehow less brutal and more comical. I did enjoy the film and felt I got my money's worth. I hope they learn from the Saw trilogy and stop at part two, before they ruin the whole franchise for us.
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Hey, Stop Stabbing Me! (2003 Video)
Pleasantly Surprised
15 February 2007
This movie surprised the hell out of me. It was shot on a nonexistent budget but these guys, (and girls) use the lack of funding in clever ways. I was laughing out loud in the first ten minutes. This continued for the next hour and a half. The film follows a college graduate's life as he deals with new roommates, new career, nympho girlfriend, laundry stealing monsters, kung-fu children, serial killers, and bad musicians. There's never a dull moment in this flick. The cast was great. Everyone played their parts deadpan. I didn't like Dorm Daze. It's hard to believe the same guys directed this. This hidden gem is like a cross between Better Off Dead and The Evil Dead. If you can find it, Check It Out.
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Bloody Murder (2000 Video)
19 April 2006
Never see this film. It will disappoint you on all levels. I have never seen a worse attempt at anything I'm my life. Bloody Murder is now the bottom by which I judge all things. I challenge the universe itself to create anything on par with the Craptastic nature of this Turd. There has never been a worse film made in all eternity. This is the very worst it can get. Anyone remotely involved in creating this endless black hole of tripe should be hunted down and executed slowly. Words simply cannot express the level of shear insult this movie will leave on your very existence. Every last copy of Bloody Murder needs to be rounded up and thrown into the fires of Mount Doom. Only then will humanity have a chance.
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Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005 Video)
22 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a piece of crap, which is sad because I really enjoyed "Deader". The twist ending was so pointless and impossible. It was a stretch even for a Hellraiser film. Why would anyone go through so much trouble to kill some people and then ultimately fail? The only thing this turkey's got going for it is the look of the mansion party, but that even gets overused probably due to budget. "Deader" had some real interesting moments, DID THIS GUY JUST FORGET HOW TO DIRECT?!?!?! The lead actress is pretty hot. They should have had her run around fully nude for the last 30 minutes of the film. That would have made this watchable. Instead we get some not-so-hot chick going topless with the world's most annoying guy. If I had to choose between watching this again or opening that "Lament Configuration" box thingy, you can bet I'm choosing the hooks'n chains. Pinhead should show this movie to his victims for an eternity if he really wants to torture them
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King Kong (2005)
Schindler's List with a Gorilla
24 December 2005
This has got to be the saddest most depressing film ever made. You know the story, Girl meets Gorilla, Gorilla and girl fall in love, Girl and Gorilla meet capitalists, Capitalists exploit and murder Gorilla in front of girl. The original is kind of sad but the dated cinematography lets it slide by as an action film. Jackson's direction puts so much depth and feeling into the two main players that it feels the way the original should CRAP! "Crap" in the sense that it is the most painful forbidden love story I've ever seen. I went into Kong expecting a summer CGI action flick. Instead I got "Love Story" with gun wielding Bi-planes instead of terminal cancer. The CGI looked a bit rushed in parts but the Kong CGI was breath taking. It's pretty bad when a CGI gorilla acts better than half of Hollywood. Go see this film if you want to run your heart through a wood chipper. This film will make you want to leave the country and devote your time to plotting the demise of the human race. I recommend this to anyone who is miserable, it'll show you how good you have it.
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Cujo (1983)
Cujo is a Soldier of Karma
31 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Possible Spoilers- What makes this film for me is how "simple" it is. A rabid dog killing people. The first half is a little slow, but it builds the main players up well. The second half plays out like "Jaws on Land" with the victims stranded in a broke down Ford instead of a boat. The acting is top notch. The boy playing Tad does some of the best child acting I've seen, I really felt bad for him. The dog attack scenes just look real. No CGI crap. The ways the attacks are edited just make them appear more violent and realistic. Cujo has aged well and doesn't feel dated. I'm pretty sure if this film was remade today the attack scenes wouldn't look any better or more realistic. I wouldn't classify this as a Horror film; it's more of a Suspense or Nature Gone Wild film. Cujo has no motives. He's just doing what rabid dogs do. He didn't have some bad childhood or lazy camp councilors to blame. This doesn't mean some scenes aren't scary. As Cujo slowly gets worse he becomes sensitive to certain sounds, this was somehow quite creepy to me. Toward the end the poor guy seems to be losing his mind. At one point the endless screaming of the mother and child make Cujo attempt suicide via a car door. Most of the folks who get killed in Cujo have it coming to them. This makes the dog some kind of "Karma Soldier", taking out the white trash so-to-speak. I mostly just felt bad for the dog.
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Horror doesn't get much better
8 August 2005
This is classic horror. This gritty grindhouse masterpiece starts with an immediate shock that will make any sane male viewer cringe. From there on the film makes a very slow and erie build to what is possibly the best horror ending ever. The last fifteen minutes of this film goes right where so many slasher films go wrong. If you don't know of this film's bizarre ending, avoid finding out until you see it. It has a universal shock value that surprisingly hasn't been repeated since. The color of the film alone adds to the overall tension as well as the lack of a music track in certain places. The digital age has ruined a certain feel in present horror that was captured perfectly in JBD. The dark scenes are very dark while the day scenes almost glow with the soft light. The acting is far better than what this genre usually produces. It appears as though someone actually thought about the dialog and storyline. Where body count was priority in this era, too often the writing and acting suffered. This is probably why we almost lost this film into obscurity. Don't expect lots of gore or a high body count. Director Jeff Lieberman dares to let us get to know the characters before he snatches them away. 45 minutes into this film you feel like your camping with these people. Horror fans with short attention spans should avoid this film. JBD is more on the level of a seventies indie film. This film even makes a social statement of how different cultures can have zero respect for each other. Just Before Dawn is a true horror masterpiece.
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Secretary (2002)
A perfect film
3 November 2002
Secretary is a rare gem. This is an awkward tale of two social misfits and their most unusual decent into love, redemption, and healing. It's not often that characters are painted so complex with such perfection. The bizarre behaviors of Lee and Mr. Grey are dark the result of abuse and neglect. What was surprising to me about this film was how it dealt with such serious and dark issues with such a lighthearted and humorous viewpoint. Films of this topic usually exploit the S&M theme and end up looking more like softcore porn. The sexual scenes in Secretary manage to only increase the depth of it's Oscar worthy leading cast. It's obvious I loved this movie, it's sad that films done this well receive such little publicity. Don't miss this one.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
29 October 2002
WARNING: Ghost Ship is "NOT" a horror flick. The poster of this film is much scarier than any scene. Minus one scene, this film is completely void of any gore. I was partially entertained by the set and what could have been made of this film. The set up is your classic `Haunted House' genre. I think the director couldn't decide whether to make an action film or a horror film. It's clear he never made up his mind. Somewhere along the line I was left thinking `What happened to the horror movie I came to see?' The ending was so cheesy I've still been laughing about it. Death by explosions, gunfire, and `falling like and idiot' isn't my idea of `Horror'. This is Braincandy to be seen on late night cable movie stations. Beware, and enjoy.
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