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Mark Wahlberg leads cast of diverse talent in crowd-pleasing heist flick.
17 August 2003
It's funny how the same movie can spark such different opinions. While many people seem to have a problem with this movie, I think it's an above-average, entertaining popcorn-flick. The acting is good throughout. And the story twists and turns enough to keep you involved, while keeping up the pace. And special praise has to go to Edward Norton for putting in such a quality performance, considering the well-publicized quarrels he had with the studio. You would never know he did this movie against his will.

IMDb rating: 7/10
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Pumping Iron (1977)
In a word... Intriguing
29 June 2003
Liking Arnold or not linking Arnold, liking bodybuilding or not liking bodybuilding, this seventies documentary is an interesting study of the discipline, willpower and guts it takes to succeed in a (let's be honest) rather extreme sport. The film shows the athletes as real people, not merely as empty shells of testosterone. And while some of the views expressed in the film are quite humorous, others are (surprisingly?) balanced and deep-felt.

Nice documentary. IMDb rating: 8/10
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Lots of action - not much else!
28 May 2003
I'm afraid it never really got to Joel Silver what made the original Matrix such a success at the box-office. At least, that's the impression you get when watching this latest installment in the franchise. See, what I really liked about the first film was that not only did it have some amazing action sequences, more importantly, it also had a great and wholly original script, offering a very intriguing world vision. "The Matrix Reloaded", however, fails to deliver equally on both fronts. Particular attention seems to have been paid to perfecting the visual aspects of the film -- and the results are impressive, I have to say. It just doesn't cut it. It cannot hide the fact that the basis of this film is a... well, pretty weak script. I definitely would have liked to see much more emphasis being placed on story, while cutting back on some of the action. That would have made for a much more engaging film -- catering to the MINDS of people, as well as to the EYES.

Rather than joining company with films like "Crouching Tiger..." and "Minority Report", this Matrix enters the "Blade"-category.

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Chicago (2002)
Newfound respect for Catherine Zeta-Jones.
8 April 2003
I must admit that prior to seeing "Chicago" I never really thought much of Catherine Zeta-Jones. OK, she did show some promise in "Traffic". So perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised that in "Chicago"… she is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! The same has to be said for Richard Gere and Renée Zellweger, who are equally superior as they light up the screen in this spectacularly entertaining razzle-dazzle of a musical!!!

IMDb rating: 8/10
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Silly but ultimately gratifying... A Real Charmer!
3 January 2003
Already a big fan of Reese I may have been biased going into to see this movie. Anyway, I found myself enjoying ‘Sweet Home Alabama' quite a lot. The movie is well-cast, with Josh Lucas and Patrick Dempsey being good, but not obvious, choices. Also the ever-so-graceful Candice Bergen is very good, supplying her particular brand of humor – as could recently be seen in ‘Miss Congeniality'. However, the success of the film can be attributed to the charm of the wonderful and witty Reese Witherspoon. She just has a certain charisma and sweetness about her that is so wonderful to watch that audiences somehow magically forget how trite the story really is. Certainly, only Reese can turn an otherwise mediocre film into gold at the box office.

IMDb rating: 7/10
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Academy Award-winner Halle Berry!
31 August 2002
I just returned home after watching this riveting motion picture. And what a cast! The always brilliant Billy Bob Thornton delivers an exquisite performance as the troubled corrections officer. And Halle Berry...! what can I say about Halle Berry. The level of sincerity and honesty, not to mention vulnerability, she puts into her role is just awe-inspiring, and definitely unequaled this year. For sure, a career-defining performance!

IMDb rating: 9/10
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Cruise & Spielberg work magic in very 'matrixi' sci-fi thriller
10 August 2002
Very intelligent sci-fi thriller that follows in the vein of The Matrix and Blade Runner. Tom Cruise is perfect as Detective John Anderton, chief of D.C.'s Pre-crime Unit, who falls victim to a set-up he struggles to understand. Also, rising star Colin Farrell, yet again, displays his talent as FBI agent Danny Witwer, who is brought in to oversee the Unit's work.

All in all, Spielberg has crafted a very stylish and modern film that challenges you to reflect on the future.

IMDb rating: 8/10
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Miscast lead heads a contrived story with a dull plot...
27 February 2002
Sadly, Hallström's latest U.S. production is stripped of the poignancy that we have come to love and expect from the Swedish-born director. Unlike `The Cider House Rules', and to some extent `Chocolat', `The Shipping News' fails to capture its audience by presenting an intriguing and compelling story. Instead we are left with a pretentious piece of filmmaking with a contrived plot at its heart of one Mr. Quoyle's (re)-settling in rugged Newfoundland.

Besides, casting the talented Kevin Spacey in the lead role as the secluded ink-setter was a terrible mistake. He somehow seems phony. The rest of the cast fits the bill nicely, though. And the prolific Cate Blanchett is especially wonderful in the role of Quoyle's rebellious wife Petal.

IMDb rating: 5
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Swordfish (2001)
Matrix for Dummies
22 September 2001
To my mind, what makes the Matrix such a great movie is its unique blend of spectacular action sequences and very intriguing storyline. As for Swordfish, however, the action sequences ARE impressive but the story is somewhat lacking. The performances, though, are spot on... Cheadle is good, so is Jackman, and Travolta sparkles in the role of semi-psychopathic terrorist Gabriel. ...Berry? Well, she isn't asked to do much else than strut her stuff and look absolutely luscious in every scene. And in THAT she does succeed.

IMDb rating: 7
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Proof of Life (2000)
Sorry Meg...
19 March 2001
As a big Meg Ryan fan I'm not at all too happy to report that this movie didn't live up to its potential… or my expectations. The problem isn't the story, though. What seems a bit phoney is the developing on-screen romance between Meg and Russell. At least Meg seems very distant and fails terribly in conveying a sense of a affection for Crowe's character. One, inevitably, wonders if the real life romance between the two actors made it difficult for them to PLAY each other's love interests. Anyway, go see the movie for yourself and make your own judgement.

IMDb rating: 7
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19 March 2001
It is hard for me to fathom that anybody would even think about comparing this Van-Damme League stupid man's suspense thriller to the superb and absolutely riveting Air Force One!!! Here's a thriller packed with action and edge-of-your-seat suspense. But THIS. what can I say. It is foolish and I feel sorry for Kurt who truly IS a great actor. Only see this movie if you like M:I-2, Passenger 57 and True Lies. Do NOT see this movie, however, if you prefer Where Eagles Dare, Das Boot and The Cider House Rules.

IMDb rating: 5
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Chicken Run (2000)
Chicken Run ain't no Chicken Fun!
17 October 2000
What is it about this film that, apparently, has everyone cheering and giggling. I don't see it. I just don't. I mean, having watched over and over again the superior Wallace & Gromit trilogy one's entitled to expect a certain level of quality. However, Nick Park and Peter Lord fall terribly short with Chicken Run. It seems to me that the Hollywood influence (Jeffrey Katzenberg/Dreamworks) has been counterproductive in terms of the originality of the script and the depth of the storytelling.

The animation, though, is splendid!

IMDb rating: 6/10
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
Nail-biting suspense all the way!!!
28 August 2000
This riveting suspense thriller is sadly one of the most unappreciated movies of '97. And that is despite the fact that it, unlike the bulk of movies in the genre, truly keeps you on the edge of your seat. You also gotta credit the performances of Kurt Russell and Kathleen Quinlan. - They are spot-on! And J.T. Walsh is, of course, unsympathetic as always.

Rating: 8/10
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Escape from Sobibor (1987 TV Movie)
Schindler's List SURPASSED!
26 August 2000
This is one of the most terrifying accounts of the atrocities which took place during World War II. In terms of realism it far surpasses Schindler's List, to the extent that it's quite frankly hard to sit through. But the sheer realism is also what makes it such an important piece of filmmaking. Certainly, Escape from Sobibor has coursed some reflection on my part.

IMDb rating 10/10
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Certainly not the pinnacle of Basinger's career.
25 August 2000
Certainly not the pinnacle of Basinger's career. It does, though, have its share of thrill and chill but overall it is a bit corny, and you may wonder why this movie was made in the first place. After all, it doesn't reach such a high level of quality as Agnieszka Holland's very underrated religious drama "The Third Miracle".
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Ronin (1998)
One of De Niro's worst!
25 August 2000
In this movie, one of De Niro's worst, John Frankenheimer once again shows us that he is way past his prime, which was in the late 70s-early 80s with movies such as the superb "Black Sunday". The plot is uniquely incoherent and unless you are turned on by myriads of car chases, this wannabe-suspense thriller is definitely one flick you would like to miss.

IMDb rating 5/10
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Das Boot (1981)
24 August 2000
This movie is without a doubt the most realistic war movie ever, and likely the most involving and captivating drama ever conceived.

What more can I say... it's just perfect!

IMDb rating 10/10
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Good. Yet a bit too corny to really succeed.
10 August 2000
I liked this movie. However, I found it a bit too longish, and for some reason the aspirations of Darabont to make "another one of those 'Tom Hanks movies'" were annoyingly transparent throughout the film. Praise has to go, though, to the entire cast which delivers very convincing performances.

IMDb rating 7.5
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The Patriot (2000)
Good... not great.
5 August 2000
As it turns out, one moviegoer by the alias of 'rrowell' has already said about this movie what needs to be said.

"Really great dramas leave you speechless. Good dramas you leave wondering why your not. This was a good movie. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it thoroughly, but it was missing something. There is just something about a movie like Braveheart or (don't laugh) Titanic that just rips your guts apart. They made me cry, as where I never came close in the Patriot. The pain and the joy just didn't come through for some reason. At almost three hours long, I can't see myself watching it again anytime soon, as where I've watched Braveheart a dozen times, thrice in the theater. That said, it beats the hell out of 85% of the movies I see."

I couldn't agree more.
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Amazing... even worse than The Witch Called Blair
5 August 2000
Undoubtedly the worst movie I've ever seen, this movie tells the story of... well I'm not quite sure actually. Ewan McGregor seems to be some kind detective-turned-stalker whose obsession with Ashley Judd's character results in a fatal ending. But what happens along the way (that's what we usually refer to as the plot) remains a mystery to me.

Be sure to miss this one!
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Beautiful and deeply touching!
4 August 2000
This picture is undoubtedly one of 1999's most compelling and touching cinematic achievements. Lasse Hallström tells the warm and heartbreaking story of an orphan child who initially seems rather secluded but in the end finds his place in the world. Superb.

IMDb rating: 9
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
What's all the fuss about?!
29 July 2000
What is it about this movie. Why do people hold it at such high regard. I simply don't get it... In my opinion the story is vague, the dialogue stupid and the performances, well, average.

Certainly, Travolta made a bigger impression in the much underrated eighties suspense-drama "Blow Out". For great Sam Jackson performances, look no further than 96's "A Time To Kill".

Besides, I didn't like the score either...
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Oops!... we forgot about the plot!
27 July 2000
I cannot believe how bad this movie is. Yes, the effects ARE well made and so are the action sequences. But, frankly, the movie fails profoundly in terms of compelling storyline and real suspense. John Woo has once again delivered a myriad of action but also a movie which's desperately looking for a plot.
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More than just spectacular effects...
24 July 2000
I went to see this movie in its opening weekend and I wasn't disappointed. Not exactly Petersen's best work, this picture delivers both in terms of great story-line and neatly generated effects. The story is gripping while the suspense is noticably intense.

All in all a great movie in line with 'Air Force One' and 'In The Line Of Fire'!!! (A perfect 8/10)
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