
34 Reviews
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Clerks (1994)
Praise the lord...
30 January 2001
Watching this movie, and most every other movie that takes place on the East Coast, it makes me realize how lucky I am to a) not live on the East Coast, b) not talk with a New Yawk/New Joisey accent (pathetic) and c) not live like these bums in the movie.
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Brainscan (1994)
Extremely underrated!!!
20 February 2000
Brainscan is without a doubt one of the better horror movies to come out in the 90's. Since it isn't attached to the SCREAM money machine, it is often overlooked. Well take my words that this movie is extremely original, well directed and well acted. A good cast makes this movie...and a great movie it is. Do not miss this or overlook it. It should be viewed and then decide for yourself. A rating of 9 out of 10 was given.
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Aliens (1986)
20 February 2000
Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Did I say perfect? I meant to say pure genius!!!! It does not get any better than this film. If there was a rating of higher than would get it!!!
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Trespass (1992)
Could have been better...
19 February 2000
Trespass had the potential to be a much better movie, but the studio decided to get two gangsta rappers to star in this movie, which was why it failed. Ice-T could not act to save his life and Ice Cube seems to have somre sort of a speech impediment. Combine this with stereotypical lines for both the white AND black "actors" really make this movie hard to watch. Creative camerawork helps this movie along and the idea is a good one. Too bad they decided to make the two white guys a bunch of sniveling wimps and the black guys too predictable. Walter Hill has done much better work, namely The Warriors and Southern Comfort.
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Twister (I) (1996)
Great fun!!!
18 February 2000
Twister should not be confused with great cinema classics such as Gone With the Wind (no pun) or The Godfather, but it is a truly excellent action movie that is loads of fun to watch. Eye-popping effects, solid acting and magnificent camera work and directing make Twister a great, great movie. If you are looking for a stoic, stuffy, serious, artsy movie...forget it...this movie aint for you. Fun loving movie goers need only watch this one.
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Awful...just plain awful!!
31 January 2000
You know, just because a movie that has a few Oscar winners in it and if it is filmed in black and white, does not make it a great picture. This horribly slow, plodding movie did absolutely nothing for my viewing enjoyment. Not to knock the acting job done my the cast involved, but this movie just was tooo slooooowww for my taste. Maybe it may have frightened my grandmother at one time, but it is truly laughable now. Jeez...and to think it was nominated for a few Academy Awards?!?!?! A rating of 1 out of 10 was given.
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Flatliners (1990)
Boy, did this movie SUCK!!!
29 January 2000
This movie and its director seemed to be in love with trying to make the movie LOOK creepy with different lights, camera angels and props but there was not a single scary moment in the horrible movie. Is it just me, or does that medical school seem a bit....weird?? With clear plastic sheets hanging EVERYWHERE, blue lights not only in every room but every part of the city, dark corners....this movie was just plain horrible. A terrible script wastes the talents of an all-star cast. The only redeemed quality of this movie is the intriguing storyling that should be re-done in hands much more qualified than Schumacher's. who has WRECKED the Batman frachise. A rating of 3 out of 10 was given.
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Real Genius (1985)
Entertaining film....
25 January 2000
Grouped as one of the many "teen" movies made from 1982-88, this is a very entertaining film thanks in large part to Val Kilmer. Kilmer does an EXCELLENT job of bringing his character to life and all the eccentric and idiosyncracies to fruition. A good supporting cast also immensely helps this film. Good to watch when you need a laugh. A rating of 8 out 10 was given.
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The Fog (1980)
Excellent ghost story
21 January 2000
John Carpenters's THE FOG is a truly exceptional ghost story that lures the viewer right from the start. A follow-up to HALLOWEEN that in my opinion, works equally as well. Good performances by the entire cast, with an extra nod to Adrienne Barbea who really pulls off the sexy DJ Stevie Wayne (great name!!) voice!!! It takes a little bit for the story to develop but once it does, it comes together nicely. Excellent effects that shroud the "pirates" in fog makes for a really creepy effect. As far as this movie goes for its genre, a rating of 9 out of 10 was given.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
To the Point!
3 April 1999
Taxi Driver is an extremely disturbing but one of the best movies made of the 70's. A detailed story of a mentally disturbed Vietnam Vet, that wallows knee-deep in human misery. The cinematography excels to the point where you can actually smell the stink from the streets and feel the vibes from the street people. A vivid story that is recognized as a great film, and rightly so.
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To the Point!
1 April 1999
A very different and entertaining vampire movie, albeit slow during certain times during the movie. An excellent performance by Dunst surrounded by above average to average jobs done by the rest of the cast. Sumptuous designs, sets and photography definitely make up for the slow periods in the movie. But, when the scenes are good, they are very, very good. A rating of 7 out of 10 was given.
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To the Point!
1 April 1999
As good as a remake that's out there. Good performances by Sutherland and Adams, as well as the rest of the cast. Standard special FX definitely are a plus in this film, but the movie slows down at some points in the movie. However, overall a very entertaining film. Look for Robert Duvall in a very brief scene. This movie got a rating of 7 out of 10.
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To the Point!
31 March 1999
Halloween 4 is without a doubt, one of the better sequels made to a horror movie (see Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm St). The movie is technically well made and Danielle Harris gives a suprisingly good performance at a young age. Not much gore content as far as horror movies go, and the movie relies more on suspense. A very good movie by itself, but even better considering its a sequel. A rating of 6 of 10 was given.
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To the Point!
30 March 1999
The third installment of the Indiana Jones story is an extremely entertaining film. It has included all the ingredients of the first two films and then added a spectacular supporting actor in Sean Connery! Speilberg and Lucas definitely know how to make an enjoyable movie for film enthusiasts. Make no mistake about this movie; it truly is a masterpiece of film making. Genius!
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To the Point!
30 March 1999
Being one of John Carpenters biggest fans, I am usually very biased when it comes to rating his movies (I loved Escape from LA). However, I just could not get into this movie. It moves very slow and the screenplay is horrible. It tried to he a horror movie, but what was scary about it? NOTHING. Donald Pleasance gives a fine performance (as usual) but the rest of the cast is below average at best. This movie just does not pack the punch that JC's other movies do. I gave this movie a 3 out of 10 rating, and that was because I could not give JC a rating of 1 (even if the movie sucked).
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Lifeforce (1985)
To the Point!
30 March 1999
Usually, any movie with Steve Railsback in the lead is a good movie. However, this movie does not conform to that opinion. Lifeforce is a below average movie that is extremely confusing in the beginning (reminds me of Star Trek: TMP), but is able to pick things up a bit towards the end when London becomes Zombie City. A horror/sci-fi mess that is very hard to sit through, although the naked spacegirl/vampire is very easy to look at. This movie deserves a rating of 4 out of 10.
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DragonHeart (1996)
To the Point!
24 March 1999
This is a well made and very entertaining movie. Dennis Quaid does a very good job job at playing a "noble" knight and Sean Connery matches him with his voice as the last dragon alive, Draco. This is one of the few CGG movies that actually look like the graphic (in this case the dragon) is actually a living breathing part of the set. An outstanding job by ILM, and very good movie to boot. A solid 7 out of 10 rating.
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Weird Science (1985)
To the Point!
24 March 1999
Weird Science is a true reflection about the films and pop culture of the 80's. A very good movie that can be enjoyed by anyone who grew up in that decade. The movie offers very good acting and a flow that makes the movie seem almost too short. This movie deserves a high recommendation for anyone who hasn't seen it, but beware; it is dated. It may bore teens who grew up in the 90's, who have become desensitized with the "extreme/in your face" crap that is being fed down their throat, but if they want to enjoy a decade that was truly enjoyable, here's the movie. I gave it a solid 7 of 10 rating.
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To the Point!
20 March 1999
Is this a great movie? NO!!! Is this a average movie? Getting closer. Is this a below average movie? YESSSS! I'm not sure what the producers/writers/director where originally planning with this movie, but it sure did not come through on the big screen. However, oddly enough, this movie works fairly well on the small screen and doesn't seem quite so bad??. The acting is not bad and Keanu Reeves does look good in the movie. Many of the movies detractors will tell you the continuity problems were just too much to overcome, as with the script. I agree if you paid $7.00 (or more) to see it in the theater, but the movie is worth $1.00 at your local video store. Despite many of its shortcomings, this movie received a rating of 6 out of 10. Enjoy, but be aware!
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To the Point!
15 March 1999
Simply put, this movie is GENIUS! Superb acting, story, direction and editing makes this movie a "must-see". Nothing else needs to be said.
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The Howling (1981)
To the Point!
15 March 1999
As far as a horror movie goes, this isn't very horrifying, although it has a few excellent scenes. The movie starts out very promising, but loses steam quickly. It picks up again about 3/4 of the way through, when it was discovered that Eddie Quist is not dead. Good acting and a mediocre story makes this a decent movie but a very good werewolf movie (but loses when compared to AAWIL). I gave it a rating of 6 out of 10.
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Hideaway (1995)
To the Point!
11 March 1999
This movie is mediocrity to the extreme. Jeff Goldblum and Christine Lahti deserve better that this, but I guess it's their fault for picking this horrible movie. In fact, it is so bad it isn't even good on a bad scale. But, you have to give credit where its due. Goldblum and Lahti do their best with the crappy story/script. The best part of the movie is the eyecandy Alicia Silverstone provides. This movie deserved a 5 out of 10.
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To the Point!
10 March 1999
This movie is an obvious homage to the "spaghetti" westerns of the 60's and 70's. Sharon Stone does a fine performance as a "tough" gunslinger, who turns out to be not so tough after all. Supporting performances by Hackman, Crowe and even Leo DiCaprio makes this movie very enjoyable, but it could have been disastrous without the star actors. Authentic sets also give this movie a very dusty feel. I gave this movie a rating of 7.
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To the Point
9 March 1999
All the Right Moves is a very good movie that tells the story of an ambitious high school football player, wanting to get out of his small, iron-smelting town via a football scholarship. It paints a very good picture of life in a small town where the residents live of its high school football team and its players. There is a subplot that involves Seth (Tom Cruise) and his girlfriend (Lea Thompson) but it only helps to reinforce the main story. I highly recommend this movie to anyone interested in it, but don't be fooled; this is not a masterpiece.
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Demons (1985)
To the Point!
4 March 1999
This is an extremely entertaining film, for fans of the horror genre. Even though it screams 1985, this movie does an excellent job with the hand it was dealt. Groundbreaking special effects make-up are the highlight of the film. This movie is definitely NOT for everyone, but fans of the "Living Dead" series will enjoy this film a great deal. I gave it an 8 out of 10.
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