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PK (2014)
PK - A Masterpiece - One of the best this year
25 December 2014
One important thing that the movie managed to do was to remain consistently entertaining throughout.

The screenplay and direction are top notch. Music blends well with the themes. Performances are brilliant.

Aamir, in one of his toughest roles so far, manages to carry the film on his shoulders. Anushka lends able support to the proceedings. Sushant impresses in a cameo. Sanjay, Boman and Saurabh are equally good in their respective roles.

Queen, Haider and now, PK - all three very important movies this year and arguably among the best of 2014.
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17 November 2014
I do not think that I have ever seen a movie with so many memorable scenes in it.

Every scene in the movie, the bank robbery, the pencil trick, the interrogation, the hospital blast, the batman-joker showdown is simply amazing..Nolan has simply outdone himself with this effort. And the effort clearly shows in every shot.

A hell of a ride from start to finish with brilliant direction, rich storytelling, and extraordinary performances, The Dark Knight may be the best superhero movie ever made but it has definitely become my personal favorite.
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City Lights (1931)
14 February 2010
When sound movies were being made around that time, the silent movies always had that slight element of risk of not working due to them. But Charlie Chaplin proved all of them wrong with this one.

The story is simple of a tramp falling in love with a blind girl and the various comedy sequences to follow. And I guess this is the only Chaplin film I have seen in which the film doesn't end in a tragic way.

Chaplin shines throughout the film and perhaps it is his career-best performance. The music is captivating, easily one of the best scores that he has composed till now.

The supporting cast along with the lead actress contribute significantly in this superb movie. More importantly, the comedy sequences are so well handled that you feel that you have never seen anything like this before in a Chaplin movie.

Easily one of the best romantic comedy movies ever made. Don't miss this one. This sure is to leave a smile on your face.
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One of the greatest movies of all time
13 February 2010
There have been many movies made on holocaust issues, Schindler's List and The Pianist being some of the best holocaust movies ever made. And Life is Beautiful is a highly deserving addition to this list.

Roberto Benigni who acted, co-wrote as well as directed this masterpiece does full justice to the role of Guido Orefice. He is so subtle in his performance, so funny yet being so serious at the same time.He always will be remembered for this role.

Dora, played by his real life wife, Nicoletta Braschi did full justice to this role and the chemistry between the lead actors was nothing short of outstanding.

The rest of the cast contribute significantly with Joshua, played by Giorgio Cantarini standing out among them. The background score is simple yet terrific and truly deserved its Academy Award.

This one was genuinely loved and embraced by one and all, resulting in 3 Academy Awards and many numerous other awards. All in all, a movie that truly deserves all the laurels and recognition it is getting. This is one of those movies where you are definitely going to get moist-eyed and also obtain an experience of a lifetime. Please don't miss this one. Life is really short and of course very BEAUTIFUL.
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The comedy movie you wanted to see for years
23 December 2009
Let me put it straight. At the very first instant when we are shown the close-up of Olive(Abigail Breslin)watching a beauty pageant, we come to know that this story is based on dreams and your determination to fulfill it.

The storyline is simple and cleverly written and tells us how a little girl has an ambition to become a beauty queen one day and shows us all the trails and tribulations she along with her family has to go through. It is a story all of us can relate to very easily. It is more of a drama yet you feel it has comedy written all over it. That's the beauty of the movie and its execution.

The cast starring Kinnear and Colette in the leads and very well supported by Abigail, Carrell, Dano and Arkin all manage to bring out sincere performances individually. But the real star of the movie has to be Alan 'Grandpa' Arkin who definitely deserved the Oscar for his eccentric performance he manages to put up for us. He brought out loads of madness and stupidity on screen thorough his role.

There are some extremely funny lines in the movie and the dance sequence by the whole family is extremely hilarious. Special mention to Carrell's performance. I don't know how to describe it but the way he runs throughout the movie cannot stop to make you laugh.

All in all, a very brave effort by first time directors Jonathan and Valerie. Definitely the audience would love to see more movies coming from this duo in the future. If you guys out there enjoy light-hearted comedies, then this one surely tops the list.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump has Oscar written all over it
23 December 2009
The concept of the movie at the first instant might seem a bit absurd because you might seem to wonder how a man can be intelligent and act stupid at the same time. But this is exactly what Tom Hanks manages to do and do it perfectly.

This is a story of a man whose IQ is lower than that of a normal person but still manages to do everything in life on his own and manages to find love in his life through Jenny. Every moment in the film emotionally touches you especially the sequences between Jenny and Forrest. The dialogs are really gripping and makes you take notice of the hard-work put into writing those lines.

Special mention has to go to the writing department. Not easy to create a character to which audiences can relate. A very subtle story, beautifully crafted and perfectly executed. Director Robert Zemeckis has put up a commendable effort for giving us his most-prized possession of his career.

But the film stands firmly on its feet mainly due to Tom Hanks. The actor deserves his second successive Oscar after Philadelphia. He manages to bring out one of the best performances of his career, ably supported by Gary Sinise, a deserving Oscar nomination. The sequences between them are hilarious to watch and they share a great on-screen chemistry.

The movie in itself is a revolution. Such movies are hard to come by. Do yourself a favor and waste no time in catching this movie. Just like in the movie all used to tell Gump "Run, Forrest, Run.", I say to you, "Run, Viewers, Run."
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"The horror movie we wanted to see"
24 November 2009
We have seen over the years how the horror genre has able to portray monsters, vampires ,zombies and other such characters on screen. Nonetheless, some stories had just gore and blood all over them, some stories had a particular message to give but rarely do you get a horror story which scares you and at the same time leaves you speechless. In other words,what do you say? A PERFECT HORROR PICTURE EXPERIENCE.

I myself too have been part of that bunch of people who believe that a scary movie is one which makes you jump off your seat and not have any other romantic or comic element in it. But this movie made me realize what a horror movie can actually do to you. As I said there is definitely a romantic twist to this tale but it doesn't make you feel for a second that you aren't watching a horror movie. The romantic elements in the film are in sync with the theme of the film. The film actually has everything in it, drama,emotion,horror,suspense,romance but still makes you feel you are watching a horror movie.

First of all, the cast has to be praised for their brilliant performances. Kare as Oskar and Lina as Eli have taken their romance in the film to heights never reached before in recent times. You would never actually expect that some 13 year old kids could play lovers on screen. But their compassion and love for each other is so well brought out by the director Tomas Alfredson that you just feel the pain of the characters in the movie. Such good is the direction of the movie.

But the soundtrack of the movie is one you should watch out for. It is one of the best you will hear in recent times, especially 'Eli's Theme' if put down in one word is simply magical. The composer Johan Soderqvist has managed to bring out a very unique music score for this film. And for the guys who have read the very critically acclaimed and popular book, there are bound to be differences because each person has a different perspective about the book so when you have so much altogether in one film, you shouldn't miss this one. Sadly, this couldn't make it to the Oscars but it's their loss as they could not present one of THE best movies of all times.
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Watch it for Jim Carrey
7 September 2009
The title says it all.This movie has Jim Carrey written all over it.'Eternal Sunshine' shows Jim Carrey play an altogether different character which you may have never seen before.The acting by Kate Winslet is simply brilliant no wonder she received an Academy award nomination.The elements of the film are very well put together having many funny and quite bizarre moments.

Kudos to the writing department who put up such a brilliant script so that the actors get enough screen time to display their on screen brilliance. Definitely a big milestone in film making.'Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind' is surely not to be missed.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Arguably the best mob movie since 'The Godfather'
7 September 2009
Another mob film and this too delivers.Goodfellas definitely comes close to The Godfather series in terms of mob violence and acting.And that too is a big achievement.

The pace of the film is what you've got to watch out for.It is definitely fast as compared to The Godfather but in terms of acting it definitely lacks a bit to The Godfather stalwarts.

Ray Liotta,Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro all deliver knock out performances in this gangster drama.Goodfellas is one of the greatest movies ever made and would definitely haunt you for days to come.In one word,Amazing.
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Fantasy cinema at its very best
7 September 2009
The Lord of the Rings series has always been hailed as the one of the greatest trilogy of all time.So there was enough curiosity to watch this one.The first part already a huge box office success was a three hour long movie having enough elements to grab the attention of the onlookers.

First things first.The acting was brilliant from each actor.The cinematography and the special effects were mind-blowing.You might get to see some great visuals, you may have never seen before.

In all, a great movie to catch on a weekend.The first part itself is so beautiful generating enough hype to watch its successors.A true cinematic experience 9/10.
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This movie doesn't move you,it shatters you
19 August 2009
Some movies are always made to make you shed a tear or two but BEWARE this might just bring about a tsunami in your house.It is a Japanese movie made in 1988 so I caught the English dubbed version.There is an anti-war social message and can be easily compared to great war films like 'Schindler's List' and 'Saving Private Ryan'.

The dubbing artists have lent their voices perfectly to the lead pairs in the English dubbed version and retain the same emotions as in the Japanese version.It is definitely going to emotionally stir you and undoubtedly can be called as one of the greatest movies ever made.It's a crime to miss this outstanding piece of cinema.
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One of the best stories ever told
15 August 2009
It is a great movie which received 7 Academy award nominations but lost to eventual winner Forrest Gump and ranked 1# on IMDb.So there was enough curiosity to watch this one.

It is a very intelligent film in terms of story telling.The director deserves kudos for extracting such fine performances from his lead pair,Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman who received Academy award nominations for their respective roles. Now the main question is does it deserve the top spot on IMDb.Well,the immediate answer is NO.The Godfather may be superior to The Shawshank Redemption by all means but it manages to hold its own and is complete as a film.Shawshank is a treat for the viewers.Do watch it for its gripping story well told.
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The Monster wants a bride
15 August 2009
Boris Karloff has proved time and again how good he is after playing the Monster in the 'Frankenstein' and the film was a massive hit.He delivers yet again in 'Bride of Frankenstein' playing the Monster and well supported by the cast of the film.I haven't seen 'Frankenstein' but I know Karloff must have excelled in it too.

The film-making and story-telling is perhaps of the highest quality you'll ever see.Very rarely you get an opportunity to see such outstanding cinema. James Whale would definitely like to work with Boris Karloff in the future after having enormous profits during their two-film collaboration.A true masterpiece knowing the period in which it was made.
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300 (2006)
'300' will rip you apart
15 August 2009
Another adaptation of a comic book after 'Sin City',and this one too a success.Gerard Butler,plays Leonidas,a Spartan leading his army of 300 all the way against the evil Xerxes.

Zack Snyder does not disappoint after his previous work 'Dawn of the dead' being a huge hit and directs 300 beautifully.The performances he manages to extract from the entire cast is what you have got to watch out for.

A terrific display of great visuals,perfect storyline and terrific performances make this film a must watch.The fighting sequences are a treat to watch.300 is a winner all the way.After seeing this,watch out for Snyder's next 'Watchmen'.Another visual treat.
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Better than the first
15 August 2009
Bad boy turns good boy.Arnold Schwarzenegger ,T-800 the evil cyborg in The Terminator turns good in this one.This film overpowers its predecessor in every department.The action sequences are tremendous and the acting is better than the original.

Arnold kicks bad ass in this much-awaited sequel and remains his finest work till date.Rest of the actors are very good in their part.Robert Patrick as T-1000 is mind-blowing. The fight sequences between Arnold and Robert would surely amaze you and is worthy of calling it among the best sequels ever.T-800 or T-1000 who will it be?.Watch it.Know it for yourself.
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The Shining (1980)
'The Shining' redefines the horror genre
15 August 2009
Stanley Kubrick is known worldwide for his sci-fi films all of them being massive hits but The Shining is right up there in his list.The movie itself is a revelation.Initially disregarded by critics all over now widely regarded as the greatest horror movie ever made.This was the effect the film had on us.

It's Jack Nicholson all the way.He is terrific as Jack Napier and is venomous in every scene.After his Oscar winning performance in 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest',he carries the film on his own shoulders.Watch it for his sheer energy.His performance is among the finest you'll ever see.
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Toy Story (1995)
One of Pixar's finest works
15 August 2009
Having watched all of Pixar movies,this comes second to UP.After a string of hits like 'The Incredibles,'Finding Nemo','Cars','WALL-E', and the recent release 'UP','Toy Story' was the first addition to their list. The story itself is a huge bonus to the film's success.Beautifully written and told.And the characters especially Woody and Buzz Lightyear are among the funniest characters to light up the screen.Voiceovers are just about perfect by Tom Hanks and Tim Allen.

What more to say,there are enough comic elements in the film to keep a smile on your face throughout the film.Watch it with your family,it would be a great experience that you won't regret.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
15 August 2009
Martin Scorsese had always maintained that he wanted to work with Robert De Niro after having watched his Oscar-winning performance in The Godfather-II.They came up with Taxi Driver and were surprised by the terrific reaction to the film.

Robert De Niro is all over the movie.Playing Travis Bickle,he gives another Oscar worthy performance.He is surely among the greatest actors that this industry has produced when it comes to an all-round performance on screen.Jodie Foster as Iris is another terrific actress to look out for in the future.She has a brief role in the movie but she brilliantly plays her character.

Martin Scorsese would definitely want to work with these great actors again in the future after their first collaboration being a huge success. Beautiful movie,terrific performances,brilliant direction.What else do you want in a movie.See it for yourself,its superb.
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Batman (1989)
'The Jack' is 'The Joker'
14 August 2009
After recently having watched The Dark Knight , I decided to catch up on the first of the Batman series.It was definitely darker and doomier as compared to The Dark Knight.The music composed by Danny Elfman was much better to the ears.

Bruce Wayne was definitely 'Michael Keaton'.He did full justice to the role.On the other hand , Christian Bale in The Dark Knight did not need to talk in such a hoarse voice.He is better off speaking mildly playing straight roles.Kim Basinger was better than her counterpart Maggie.Just that her occasional shrieks were irritating.

But Jack Nicholson surpasses all with an evil and terrific performance as The Joker.Sad to say that he brought the wildness in the Joker much better than Heath Ledger.No credit taken away from Heath who was wonderful.

Final word? Definitely,worth seeing.Watch it for Jack Nicholson and his madness on screen.
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Aliens (1986)
ALIENS redefined the sci-fi genre
14 August 2009
Having not got a chance to watch 'Alien',I thought watching 'Aliens would not be a good option as I might miss the important links from the previous movie.So I read the story of 'Alien' and then viewed its sequel.

Aliens surpasses the original in terms of story-telling.The story is gripping right through the end.We get to see the aliens which I heard were missing in the original movie.

Sigourney Weaver as Ripley rips the screen apart with her presence and definitely is the star of the film.This is a new era in sci-fi genre and you definitely don't want to miss all the high-octane,blood-pumping and adrenaline-rushing action.
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Fight Club (1999)
A knockout of a film
14 August 2009
It is disheartening to see such a masterpiece was disowned by the critics and was a commercial failure. But that's how it is. Such films are seldom made and is truly worthy enough to garner praise and appreciation.

Edward Norton,an underrated actor brilliantly plays his character to the core. His innocence and charm tells you about the talent this lad has. Helena Bonham Carter is excellent as Marla Singer and is definitely the much needed impetus to the film.

But Tyler Burden,one of the most memorable characters on screen played by Brad Pitt will make you say What a shocker of a performance!. Definitely,his best role till date.David Fincher the director gives us another gem from his pocket after the much critically acclaimed 'Se7en'. This one surely deserves top honors and a mandatory watch for all viewers.
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Musical comedy at its best
14 August 2009
Tim Burton delivers yet again.This has to be among his most prized works since it received a Best Picture Golden Globe.It wouldn't have been possible without Johnny Depp who undoubtedly deserved the Golden Globe for Best Actor.He was well supported by Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman who in their respective performances were terrific.

The songs were to a surprise well sung by the lead actors.It would have definitely looked a bit artificial had the songs been entrusted to a professional singer.Johnny and Alan deserve kudos for taking this film to a higher level.

The characters are well worked out by Tim Burton who deserves special mention for making a special musical film which would be thoroughly enjoyed by people of all ages.
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Casablanca (1942)
Romance reaches new heights
14 August 2009
It is widely regarded as the most romantic movie ever made and there are no two opinions on that.It is true that there hasn't been a film like this in recent times so it is obvious that there is a possibility of liking this to the very extent.

The chemistry between Bergman and Bogart,both brewing with confidence is electrifying.Such great actors definitely should have come more often together.The other actors play their part well.

In short,Casablanca is romance like never before which is not to be missed at any cost.Do watch it with your partner,you never know their chemistry might have an effect on yours.
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Ed Wood (1994)
Weirdest cinema at its best
14 August 2009
I had become a Johnny Depp fan after having appreciated his previous work in 'Edward Scissorhands'.He is truly the weirdest actor on screen and he is no less weird in 'Ed Wood'.

'Ed Wood' belongs to Johnny Depp who plays the central character with humor and precision and Martin Landau who plays Bela Lugosi as if the role was tailor made for him.He undoubtedly deserved the Oscar he received for his supporting role.

This film was a box office bomb in terms of gross revenue but believe me, you won't regret watching this film because if you are up for weird films,then there is no looking beyond this one.
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The best comedy in years
14 August 2009
It's beautiful right from the word start.I had only heard of the beautiful goddess Marilyn Monroe until this movie.She was beauty personified throughout the film.Acting wise,this is perhaps her finest work to date for which she received a Golden Globe award.

Jack Lemmon was brilliant as Jerry/Daphne for which he received an Academy award nomination.Really,he should have won this.Tony Curtis as Joe/Josephine is another great actor who delivers in this comedy caper.

The film belongs to Billy Wilder who gave us a film having an unique combination of sensuality and comedy.STATUTORY WARNING:You will laugh your guts off watching this one.
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