
53 Reviews
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Twilight (I) (2008)
I just loved it....
2 January 2009
I've managed to see it several times, people who bash it take it too literally, imo, this movie works perfectly for the crowd that its aimed at, and it should be seen as that. I've read the book, its very addicting and it was well adapted into a movie, for the most part, i wish they worked on Bella & Edward's romance bit more, but i guess you cant have your cake and eat it too. Its not Godfather or Slumdog, its a teen vampire romance, and it helps that Rob Pattinson is dreamy, if you're into skinny pale rocker type ;) Enjoy it for what it is. It absolutely grows on ya :) Im not a teen girl, im a 22 year old female, and every friend i took to see it, loved it.
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One of the worst movies of the year!! What a disappointment!!
1 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this movie more than anything, since I'm such a big fan of the whole x men franchise, and once i got out of the movie theater, i was angry, disappointed and i wished i didn't see it.

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! I couldn't believe what they did to these characters, such as Cyclops, they kill him within first ten minutes of the movie and they don't even properly show his death. He is one of the most important characters and yet he is gone like he never existed. This movie was so overbloathed with all kinds of characters that the characters who really mattered didn't have room to develop and showcase their emotional and physical development as they should be able at this point, following the first two movies. Jean Grey returns as the Dark Phoenix, and she looks more like a zombie rather than a phoenix goddess. No fire, no nothing, dark phoenix was a complete dud. I was mostly looking forward to the Angel character, and u know what i got, NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. At the end, when Wolverine tries to stop phoenix from killin everyone, was probably the cheesiest and the most boring thing i have ever seen. He stabs her while she levitates and thats it. BOOORINGG!! How cooler would have been if they had storm/phoenix face off, storm with all her lightning and stuff and jean with fire, and just have a wonderful brawl. That would have been a lot cooler, and more appropriate to the story and the characters.

END SPOILERS All in all, the movie had some cool effects but the characters where undeveloped, u really don't care about who lives or who dies. If u like the first two movies, do not see this one.
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2 December 2003
First of all, let me say that the action scenes and special effects were awesome, no questions about that, but the story and characters, oh man, what a dissapointment. Ending left me with so many questions, and none of the main characters really mattered anymore. Neo and Trinity are absent for most of the movie, which is simply stupid. I dont think i really cared if main characters lived or died, because nothing envolved around them. Im still going to recommend this movie for its entertaining value, but if you are looking for answers and conclusions from the first two movies, you've come to the wrong place. Its your choice.

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Absolutely Brilliant!!!
30 November 2003
This movie defines word MASTERPIECE, it disturbing, satirical and funny, it keeps you interested from beginning to end, and even after the end, you still cant stop thinking about it. Its that good. When people read these user comments on this movie, most of them are positive, and the positive ones are absolutely true. Kubrick, you are a genius.
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Awesome movie
11 November 2003
I really enjoyed this movie. It had more character development, more action, stunnig special effects etc etc. I even bought it on DVD recently. But as every movie, it has flaws.Its not as good as the first, of course. Some scenes looked like preview from x-box game and it was just too cheesy (100s smiths scene), and scenes from Zion were totally unecessary and extremely boring. All i could hear in my head was blah blah blah blah because none of that stuff really matters, it has nothing to do with Matrix or the characters. Very pointless. But again, i dont want to discourage anyone from seeing this movie, because effects and action are totally worth it. Its a definitive MUST SEE!

Ratings 8/10
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Its good, not great
18 August 2003
I kinda had great expectations for this movie, story about 5 sister who killed themselves sounded like something i would like to see. Movie is good, for a first time director, but sometimes i just felt like it went on and on, and i still cant figure out the real reason why they did it.
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Jaw dropping!
17 August 2003
This is probably the most depressing and disturbing movie i have ever seen, and i've only seen edited version. Words to describe this movie are amazing, great, beautifly shot and acted, story is so real it makes you never even think about taking drugs. Its reality is what it got me. I cried, and i couldnt sleep for hours. ITS A MUST SEE!!!
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Entertaining and fun to watch
27 July 2003
This movie is not made to be a brainteaser, it was purely made for fun and entertainment. Summer blockbusters were filled with male heroes (except for charlies angels, they embaressment to all women), and i am glad that this time a woman gets to be a hero. This movie has eye candy for both male (angelina jolie) and female (gerard butler) audiences. It has good action, undeveloped romance, thin story and great visuals (gerard butler he he ) ) I recommend it highly!!

Ratings 9/10
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Just Married (2003)
Probably one of the WORST MOVIES EVER!!
25 July 2003
I absolutely hated this movie. After 15 minutes i wanted to turn it off, but i gave it a chance because im very open minded about all kinds of movies, but this one just blew, even eye candy Ashton Kutcher (whom i love as Kelso on that 70's show) couldnt save it, and Britanny Murphy is just painful to watch. I've never felt so bored in my life during a movie experience. If you want to waste 1 1/2 hour of your life and kill some of your brain cells this is movie for you, but if you want a funny comedy with great characters THIS IS NOT A MOVIE TO SEE. Two words: IT SUCKSSSS!!!!

Ratings 1/10 (1 point for Ashton Kutcher being very hot in this movie)
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One of the BEST summer blockbusters!!!!
17 July 2003
I really enjoyed this movie. Its highly entertaining, and performance by Johnny Depp was amazing. I just love him. I only have one small complaint: romance between Orlando Bloom's character and Keira Knightley character, was not believable at all. They had no chemistry, no sparks, nothing, at one point i asked myself "why is he risking his life for her?". Well, i guess u cant have it all. But it doesnt matter, this movie is highly entertaining, with good actors (johnny depp), good action and good story. See it!!

Ratings: 10/10
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Phone Booth (2002)
Something new and different
8 July 2003
This movie is definitely something different from all the other movies, not a big budget, filmed in only 10 days at one set, i thought it was great. To some people it didnt make sense, but if u look at it the right way, you'll see the point of the movie. Great experience, I trully recommend it. 9/10.

Great performance by my favorite actor COLIN FARRELL!!!
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27 June 2003
This is probably one of my favorite shows on vh1, I've seen it more than 10 million times and every time it gets better and better, Hal Sparks and Michal Ian Black are very very funny, i love both of them but Hal is definitely # 1. Watch this show, its entertaining and u might learn something about 80's that u didnt know!!

I LOVE THE 80s!!!
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One of my all time favorites
26 June 2003
The biggest reason why i love this movie so much because im from Balkan and Romania is my neighboring country and they are also Orthodox like myself. But thats not the only reason of course, movie was just wonderful (even thought it had low budget), Rudolph Martin was also great, location and music everything, I just loved it so much. The only problem i saw was the cover of the movie. Its very misleading, because this movie is definitely not about bloodsucking creatures, its about a Prince who would do anything to bring justice to his people and his country, even become a catholic, and his actions were seen as fight against God and his soul was condemned forever. Its a must see, especially for the people of Orthodox orgins.
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Lolita (1997)
Thought provoking and controversial
21 June 2003
I really cant understand why is Humbert viewed as pedophile, when clearly Quilty is sick and immoral. Some people say that this movie promotes pedophilia, but in my opinion, it only represents pedophilia as something sick and wrong. You really want to hate Humbert, because of what he has done, but this movie has some tender moments (ending) when you finally realize that pedophilia was never part of his case, but that he actually fell in love with much younger girl. Jeremy Irons is probably one of the best actors, and his portrayal of Humbert was great. I do agree that movie has very disturbing sexual actions which should not be allowed, but im saying again, in my opinion its not about pedophilia at all. Who ever thinks so, please view movie again, and if its possible DVD, so that you can see comments by Addrian Lyne. I agree with director completely: every movie should be thought provoking, and being able to be discussed when its over, and the day after that, and day after that. Great movie, I trully recommend it to anyone who is open to talk about it and debate on it. This movie can be really loved, or really hated.

Ratings: 10/10
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The Pianist (2002)
I lost my trust in Academy
11 June 2003
This movie is absolutelly BRILLIANT. Everything seems so real and happening. Many people view this film as a Holocaust movie, but in fact, its about survival, and that is why i will NEVER understand, why did Academy award Chicago for the best movie. 10+/10
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This movie is absolutely awesome!!!!
9 May 2003
I have no words to describe this movie. Its far better than original, more action, more character development, amazing action sequences, great new cast (nightcrawler especially). I loved every second of it. Movie starts with great introduction to Nightcrawler, and stories just develop. Original cast is back Professor X, Storm, Jean Gray, Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Magneto, Mystique (my favorite) etc. and also many new ones with great mutant powers (nightcrawler and pyro). I highly recommend this movie, and if first x men left you with some questions and dissapointment, X2 will make up for it.
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Probably one of the worst movies of 2002
6 May 2003
I expected so much more from this movie, and it sucked so bad. Those are two hours of my life i wont get back. Just avoid this movie, its sooo bad. Definitely one of the worst movies of 2002. Lucy Liu and Antonio Banderas are good actors, but this was a huge mistake for both of them.
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South Park (1997– )
Very Intelligent and funny show
23 April 2003
I absolutely love south park. Every single aspect of our society is targeted and nothing is left out. There are certain messages in each episode, and if you cant pass by "bad animation" (which i think is also very smart characteristic of this show) do not watch it. To me only ignorant people would say that this show is stupid. But thats just me.

My favorite character is definitely Cartman and of course KENNY IS BACKKK!!!!!!!!!! :) :):):)
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Best comedy ever!!
5 February 2003
It took me 5 months to see this movie, and when i finally saw it, i was amazed. I just loved this movie. Its very funny, and i relate to it alot because im a Serb and Serbs are very close to greek, of course there are differences but we are very close custom wise. I recommend this movie to anyone. I cant wait till its available on Dvd, because im buying it!!! 10+/10
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Scary Movie (2000)
Whats wrong with you people??
23 December 2002
Whoever said this movie is pathetic, or waste of time etc, whats ur problem, this movie was not made to win any awards, or teach important lesson, its simply there to make u laugh and ridicul those stupid "horror" movies. So what if there is lot of sex related humor, who cares, its funny, we all need break time to relax and laugh, and this movie is just for that. Geez, give it a break and chill. Ratings 10/10 (for being really stupidly funny)
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Brilliant, Magnificent
22 December 2002
Two towers in truly the best movie of 2002, every moment, every second, every spoken word, every character was incredibly good and thats why i give this movie 10+++++++/10. Go see it now!! Great job Peter Jackson!! I cant wait till LOTR return of the king.
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Extreme Ops (2002)
Very very stupid movie with good action scenes
20 December 2002
This movie is a waste of time and money. I hated characters, i hates the story, there so many plot holes, and i dont wanna even start with Serbian criminals. Ridiculous, i mean its just horrible. That accent is not serbian, trust me. DO NOT see this movie!!
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The Knife (1999)
Its much more than a movie
9 December 2002
This movie left me breathless. I will never forget this movie as long as i live. Actors were brilliant. I dont have words to describe it. Dont watch it unless you dont know Yugoslavian history or else you wont be able to understand this movie. There is truth behind it that needs to be discovered.
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Very very very very very FUNNY!!!
1 December 2002
This movie is hilarious despite the fact that f word has been used constantly, but there is just something about movies with extreme profanity, you people can say anything about this movie, but i bet each and one of u laugh at some quotes used in this movie.
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1 December 2002
No offence, but Hollywood cannot capture feelings and visions of Balkan tragedy in movies, only directors from Balkan can make masterpieces like Underground, Lepa Sela Lepo Gore etc. and they show reality of the Balkan, some say true, some say not true, but these movies are based on situations that Balkan had and its suffering. Welcome to Sarajevo is not a good movie, its very tragic but soooo much is lacking.
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