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A dull tedious pile of garbage
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most badly made and unconvincing movies of all time the production values looked cheap and fake and the costume designs were poor the acting was just as bad and I hated everything else the chemistry between statham and forlani is so dull they make a contender for worst onscreen couple of all time and the performances from Burt Reynolds as the king and Mathew lillard and ray liotta were all terrible they acted like they didn't care and even when John Rhys Davies who is the only one who tries and is I guess the most tolerable is still bad here as his character was killed off at the end truly one of the worst movies in cinema history.
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What an absolute crapfest
12 April 2022
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Wow This sequal is a steaming pile of hot crap garbage it should be unmade at all costs what we're they thinking it's like the syfy channel and hbo created and epic piece of trash and turn it into a movie that is one incoherent pile of junk and this has everything that makes a movie a steaming pile of trash the cgi is garbage the acting is atrocious the action is dull and the way it's executed is just abusive and shameless why did they have to kill of charachters and make a funny one from the previous a villain the original was no masterpiece but it was an enjoyable popcorn monster flick and Guillermo del toro knew what he was going for and he did a brilliant job with that here however there is none of the magic of what del toro did to the first film and he isn't even directing the sequal it has a stupid premise and a bad screenplay and storytelling the fact that is says about the kaijus are the villains and the Jaegers need to destroy them is just dull and what is more atrocious is that they make kids do it to while it is dangerous and needed to require skills to use a jaeger and have a partner for it I don't know what went wrong but it could perhaps be the new director Steven a denight well shame on him for directing this the man has no talent and should be permanently banned from ever making a movie again this is a crime against humanity and needs to be aborted from production the next time they even try to make a pacific crapfest avoid at all costs this gets more than a triple thumbs down 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 0/10.
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Ambulance (2022)
Another great Michael bay action classic except even the best in a while
31 March 2022
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I heard a lot of rumors of this being Michael bay's most restrained since 13 hours and his most heartfelt action picture since the rock and i saw it and it was awesome the action scenes are outstanding they are there for a purpose unlike in transformers movies the action is there for a reason and you can tell what is going on the car chases, explosions and gunfire scenes as well as sparks spraying throughout the air all of it is well done I love it for the phenomenal filmmaking from Michael bay we see jake gyllenhall play as a man along with his friend steal an ambulance and it then turns to a blast as it takes us back to the golden age of action movies the era when action movies were the pinnacle of entertainment cinema and popcorn cinema those who are fans of hear, speed, die hard , Rambo , face off con air and even bad boys , the rock and con air they will love this and even find that now it has been made the golden age of action cinema is back and hoping more action films like this will be made lately in the 21st century many action films have not been good resulting for being released straight to dvd well this is not among them this is one of the Better action films released in the 21st century along with battleship, White House down, and even 6 underground few directors can make good action films like Michael bay unlike most action films bay's ones have more screen time for action with explosions chases gunfire scenes and sparks spraying over the air this is all of those thing and even more it is an exhilarating mind blowing action adventure about spectacle and cgi special effects that also has some good charachters I can connect with even when not being the most memorable or developed when it comes to these action films they say check your brain at the door because it doesn't have much brain to it and is even said to be mindless but ambulance actually has brain cells to it while still being a typical action blockbuster that is for fun and entertainment and to get exited more than thinking or using your brain, the previous action spectacular from Michael bay 6 underground I thought was a very decent and solidly entertaining ride but it was brainless and check your brain at the door and didn't have much humanity even though the characters were funny and witty though not memorable but not hollow and empty either it is entertainment just plain entertainment not empty entertainment and it was memorable for its action this film with jake gyllenhall is much better than ambulance it is one the same level but except has humanity, heart and charachter development and once in a while Michael bay gets a chance to team up with a famous actor he did with Sean Connery, will smith, Bruce Willis, ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson and now jake gyllenhall and it works here it's nice to see jake gyllenhall in a Michael bay film he gives a good performance but Michael bay's filmmmaking is what is the best thing about the movie it is solid and takes you back to the early age of the director when he did a smaller budget this may well be his most critically praised film in a while I don't understand it having a 6.5 it should be at at least a 7.1 where it was originally before earning it's first reviews and that's the rating of many of the action films from the 90s this is on par with being as good as those movies great job michae bay bravo keep up the good work I hope to see you make more movies like this for the rest of your career the next actor bay should team up with for another action classic should be keanu reeves it would be cool to see Michael bay team up with John wick for a slick exiting action movie this is one of the best movies of the year so far let's hope the avatar sequel does as good.
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Postal (2007)
Absolute garbage
22 November 2021
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This is a loathsome detestable piece of trash from the one and only talentless hack uwe boll it features some some group trying to solve a problem of a terrorist attack it's a parody film like team America and disaster movie it's dogs$$t a heaping crapile of dogs$$t the plot makes no sense the action scenes are unconvincing and boring and the jokes are disgusting what was jk Simmons thinking before he stared in this he gives perhaps the most emmbarasing performance of his career and nothing helps either of the close ups and the same usual stupidity that uwe boll does in his usual crapfests I can't understand how anyone would actually like this it is a typically uwe boll film and that's anything but a good thing the talentless hack is terrible at making movies and deserves to be banned from ever touching another film avoid this abomination at all costs if your looking for a good film.
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The Favourite (2018)
Perfectly directed, brilliantly acted and masterfully crafted, overall great film on of 2018's best 👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is brilliantly made it reminded me of a historical drama that was made in the 60s the ensemble is also fantastic this is a perfect example of a comedy film mixed with history one of the best parts of the film was Olivia Coleman's portrayal of Queen Anne she gave a truly outstanding performance and definetly deserved her Oscar win for it the other main leads Emma stone and Rachel weisz were also brillian lt in their roles knowing exactly what they are doing putting in a lot of effort and never sleep walking, Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos gives you a sweet delight and an emotional ride of interest and that is what this movie is it is a groundbreaking ride of joy and interest and it makes you interested and being engaged the whole time what is going on and that is what this movie offers a very interesting take that makes your brain engaged I have read all the reviews and the critics championed the film it has a well deserved 93 percent on rotten tomatoes and i am surprised that the audience reactions were not that positive I don't understand this is a great film and audiences and moviegoers need to like it too use your brain and trace what is going on this is a masterpiece of a black comedy mixed with history if al of you like all about eve or Stanley kubrick's Barry Lyndon you should like this it's an amazing film the director cast and crew did a brilliant job creating this creative masterpiece it definetly deserved it's ten Oscar nominations it earned.
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Con Air (1997)
The lawrence of arabia of action films
26 June 2021
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Make no mistake Jerry bruckheimer' Avon air is the Lawrence of arabia of action films it has everything you need to make an outstanding action film the cast ensemble is brilliant the production is fantastic and the acting is some of the best to come in years it has Nicolas cage as Cameron poe a prisoner who once had a wife and a child he even made a letter to her, he joins other prisoners with really cool names like Cyrus the virus Grissom played by John Malkovich who serves as the antagonist he gives an excellent performance as a reckless relentless and ruthless prisoner who wants to cause as much bad crimes as possible, Garland the Marietta mangler Greene he also did bad crimes and is technically villain but has a unique personality as he later in the movie acts nice by after meting with a little girl and he therefore gets a Hobby of singing as it happened while the plane was crashing in los Vegas, the film also has John cusack a police commander who discovers about the criminals and later works with Cameron Poe to stop the escaping criminals Cyrus Grissom and swamp thing. And there is a scene we're Cyrus is killed by some head grinder. This is arguably one of the greatest producer of all times best films it also strongly feels like a Michael bay film wich I will even praise Michael bay for this films existence any person can conclude this film looks directed by Michael bay his imprint is all over this film lots of explosions, chaotic action scenes that are visually stunning just like in any Michael bay film and I believe this came out around the time when Michael bay was a critical darling the directors did an amazing job with the film and it is the best movie of 1997.
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Poseidon (2006)
Such a poor and utterly dreadful excuse of a dumpster fire disaster flop
23 June 2021
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Where do I even begin oh yeah the charachters are hollow, the special effects were garbage, the story is dull it drags forever very muddled and meddled with pointless subplots and soap opera drama oh and let's not forget the ensemble between the actors, oh my god what are these people doing togeather mushed mashed togeather and miscast well except for maybe anyone outside of Kurt Russell or Richard Dreyfus, but anyway these actors cannot act and they can't seem to be gifted for a disaster movie like this and how does it flop even more let me count the ways of how this disaster dreck is on the list of the bottom films ever made

Bassicallly this is a remake of the film from the 70s as well as a rip off from titanic. But except the disaster of the ship wreckage begins earlier in the movie right after celebrating a Happy new year party, really who on earth would celebrate happy new year on a cruise ship it's a pointless idea the film is directed by Wolfgang Peterson the same dude who made das boot wich he somehow was nominated for a best director Oscar well unlike that here he gives a horrendous direction to the movie his directing is bad in this movie it's like as if he wanted to just get paycheck. Or just to a favor of someone perhaps a person who wanted to ruin a reputation of a mainstream classic by remaking one the film also has Emmy rossum who must have been cast in this monstrosity just because he was in the day after tomorrow where she gave a much better performance in. In here she is engaged to some pretty boy who doesn't know how to act either and they have absolutely no chemistry at all you even root for them to not get married, Richard Dreyfus (who once won an Oscar but is perhaps known for being in some of Steven Spielberg's earlier films) here is wasted as some retired old elder who wants to feel young again but fails especially on how he wants to live and you feel that perhaps an elder would waste his money going on a cruise ship just to get in a drama of a disaster wreck, the charachters are again shallow and boring and you don't care for them at all and some scenes in the film prove that first of all there are two lousy charachters who join the surviving group and they die easily and their so hollow and you don't care for them so much that even the other charachters don't care when they die. In one other scene the gang are trying to get through an elevator shaft where Richard Dreyfuss and another hollow side charachter valentine whom he once says he cares for him tries to get through but josh Lucas charachter tells Richard to shake him off and he somehow listens to him and does it because he has no choice but who cares anyway he is too old and I'm sure some elders are so grumpy that they don't care if they die even in a not peaceful way and you even root for that here, valentine is impaled by a long sharp needle from something broken and is crushed by the elevator causing flames and explosions to happen. Speaking of josh lucas's charachter his acting here is terrible arguably the worst performance of all the horrible performances in the movie Later there is a scene when they get out Kurt Russell's charachter dies and you don't care for him either and this is the most unconvincing scene he isn't even mentioned after his death and fails to escape with the others even his daughter and her annoying boyfriend survive but without acting and seeming sad that her father just sacrifices himself this is supposed to be a sad moment but you don't feel for them, and the other passengers die despite saying they will be safe but they were not. And that is the end of this pathetic story. Wow what a piece of crap this is the dialogue is clunky and quality is crappy it's just an absolute messy train wreck of a film. Don't waste your time or bother with it avoid it at all costs and if you want a better disaster blockblusters film just watch 2012 or any other Roland emmerich film.
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The greatest Most Magnificent, spectacular, fantastic, intelligent, awesome, interesting, and influential epic of all time
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Peter Jackson's The lord of the rings trilogy is considered the most influential fantasy film of all time, it has the magic, heart, artistry and intelligence to make a great fantasy film so beloved and acclaimed that it is made long and is ended of in three parts just like how the Star Wars movies were made, and the trilogy is so good that even the moronic critics love it to while not all of the critics are mindless they are often disagreeable with how they review movies but sometimes they can also be agreeable and here they have a point the LOTR trilogy is the most influential fantasy trilogy of all time and it is well worthy of the hype it gets but it's not what the critics say it's what the audience and the public says and here all of them say the trilogy is beyond great and I agree in fact I love it the most of them all I loved fellowship of the ring and return of the king this one which is two towers is in the middle it's still a cinematic blessing but while it's dangerously close to being as good as fellowship of the ring and return of the king it's not as great nevertheless it is a very good movie and I would grade it higher than a 10 if it was possible.

The film starts with flashbacks of Gandalf fighting the balrog, Frodo dreams it's and wakes up he and Sam later continue their journey and then they meet Gollum who they eventually use him as a guide throughout the film Sam doesnt get along with him though Frodo is ok with him and he eventually learns his real name is Sméagol. Meanwhile Legolas, Aragorn, and gimli are still on their quest and try to find out what happened to hobbits merry and pipin on their road they encounter riders of Rohan they meet somber played by Karl urban who is one of king Theo dams servants they also reunite with Gandalf in the woods and tells him how he cast down the balrog, they return to Rohan were gandalf releases the king from the corroupsion they are tasked to evacuate to helms deep where a big battle happens the action scenes are shot very well, Peter Jackson is very good at it he has a skill of making a good fantasy sword and scorchers flick with lots of battles and action scenes the ensemble is great, there is also one point where merry and pipin, meet Treebeard the leader of the ents they first think they are Orcs but later realize they are hobbits then they are told to go to a fight they first refuse but then they decide to go on the last march they storm Isengard, killing Uruk hai, and later flooding the whole place, Frodo Sam and Gollum are captured by gondorians led by boromirs brother faramir they encounter a battle at osgiliath and then set them free, Gandalf then shows up at helms deep with a big army and then gain victory and kill off the army of Saruman who is locked up in his tower.

This second part of the trilogy is still the best and it is the best book adaptation ever made it was all good that they even made a prequel called the hobbit trilogy which I thought was also really good it was a great prequel to the most influential trilogy of all time, everything in all the middle earth movies are great, they deserved all the awards they have recieved, the book was very good but the movies were much better even when the books have more details like i said. This film is fantastic and it is another great film in the trilogy, the film deserved oscar nominations for , best picture, best director( Peter Jackson) best arti direction, best sound mixing, best sound, best film editing, best visual effects
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The Wrestler (2008)
Surprisingly good
19 August 2020
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I am not a fan of aronofsky I know some people are and I respect their opinion he is not a great filmmaker nor one of the greatest directors of all time but still he has some style he is an indie director who tries bvery hard to make his films thought provoking and he succeeds sometimes his films can be interesting even when they are very confusing and boring at times requiem for a Dream was a very interesting film with some interesting charachters and a good concept and as was his first feature pi. Though he also made films that i strongly hated the fountain, Noah and mother are one of the worst films I have ever seen they remain cinematic abominations but still he has made some good films to and has proved to be a good filmmaker before

The wrestler is one of them and like I said aronofsky makes indie films that are basically experimental and avant- grade in cinema form aronofsky sometimes proves to be an experimental filmmaker and sometimes impress moviegoers in this film aronofsky makes and indie film that is not like the previous films he made he tells a story about a Proffesional wrestling guy named randy the ram Robinson played by Mickey Rourke he gives a very good performance and aronofsky shows how tortured he is with his life and he captures it brilliantly Robinson also has a daughter who is played by Evan rachel Wood other cast members include Marisa Tomei and mark marigolis they also give solid performances, the cast ensemble is very decent although the film doesn't have a big cast still it's decent and aronofsky does a great job with making a good sports drama about a wrestling guy who gets in matches and often wins even when he is hurt and how he retires for a while and does one more round of wrestling at the end, this film is very emotional and heartbreaking, and it has a good script unlike the other aronofsky films many of them have a very weak script especially the fountain, Noah and mother it's because he was working with a horrible writer who is a loathsome Swiss chimp who is ari Handel he is horrible at writing, but here he doesn't work with him instead he works witg a writer named Robert Siegel he writes very god the script is phenomenal, this film is however very overrated based on its ratings. Still it's a good film and it's definetly one of aronofsky's better efforts, the film also has a Bruce Springsteen song featured in it and I liked it I also like that this film features some hard rock elements, the main charachter randy Robinson is likeable and I felt bad for him, while the this film doesn't have big charachters still it's a good film and the one charachter who was the most important was randy Robinson, and this film portrayed him really good and most people say this is Rourke a best performance and I have to agree he was good in other movies to like sin city and iron man 2 but here it's his best performance for sure and this is what made him become unique to his acting career, and director Darren aronofsky did a good job directing it and as long as he doesn't work with that loathsome Swiss chimp ari Handel he can make a good indie movies with a decent script and here he accomplished that

Thumbs up for director aronofsky and Mickey Rourke for making this film 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Mickey rourke even recieved an Oscar nomination for this and he deserved it,

Again good job to Mickey rourke for portraying the wrestler and to Darren aronofsky for directing it and capturing it brilliantly you prove how great you are at making indie films you are one of the best indie directors.
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The Rock (1996)
One of the best movies I have ever seen, a cinematic blessing
8 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this cinematic blessing more than ten stars I would this has got to be the greatest action movie of all time as well as one of the best movies I have ever seen Michael bay has made another great film while it's not his best film wich is Armageddon it's still among his very best Michael bay is often tossed in as being regarded as one of the greatest things about modern Hollywood I think bay is a blessing and a hero to cinema as well as a cinematic superstar( I sure hope he gets the star on the Hollywood walk of fame) he deserves the largest admiration, love, praise and respect for the blessings he has done to Hollywood cinema and so does producer Jerry Bruckheimer possibly the greatest Hollywood producer of all time bay and Bruckheimer were a very great duo they worked togeather very good it's too bad they don't work togeather anymore they should reteam for another fantastic blockbuster and continue making more cinemetically acclaimed spectacular action blockblusters they are the best summer blockblusters of the year they are released and here they deliver one of their finest.

the film depicts about the prison Alcatraz known as the rock and here the movie has well developed charachters it has Ed Harris who plays hummell, Nicolas cage as Stanley goodspeed and Sean Connery as mason they all play their roles correctly as a general, an agent and a captain. Other actors in the film are Michael beihn who plays commander Anderson and John spencer as fbi director Womack They do good with their roles too. Goodspeed first plays a doctor and a chemist who has a girlfriend and mason is first playing a prisoner who later gets free and then he unites with goodspeed and they work togeather to stop the rouge group of force marines from launching rockets on San Francisco.

Other events happen like when the pentagon fbi develop a plan to take the island with the u s navy seals. This film has a great concept and entry shows a great depiction of military and a Group of teams in a mission to stop a launch, lots of meaningful action is shot they are all very convincing and very impressive and as always Michael bay always knows what he is doing and shoots it in different angles with more than just fire explosions💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 but also Car chases and shooting🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘 he has a very skilled talent and if you are into very intelligent propaganda action films Michael bay's movies are likely your type as well as if you are a film fan you will love and adore Michael bay he depicts action, story and patriotism.

Later the commander hummell is working alongside marines frye, darrrow, and others and they eventually betray him by undoing his orders but they are eventually stopped by goodspeed and mason who part ways and kill them while doing. The film ends with mason faking his death by saying he was killed in a bomb explosion while he wasn't and goodspeed with newlywed wife stealing a microfilm from a church.

Again the rock is a masterpiece and Michael bay and jerrry Bruckheimer have made another unforgettable classic and deserve the biggest praise. This film shows great courage, has meaning and a heart and it shows great patriotism as all the other Michael bay films do, the musical score is good hans Zimmer always delivers he is one of the best composers of all time and the script, cinematography were good to. bay is America's most beloved director and we will always love him he is a great filmmaker who deserves 100 percent love and admiration and a big fat 0 percent hatred and criticism he is an approval to Hollywood and one of the reasons cinema is important and great he will always be on our list of best directors ever and best directors in cinema history, he is a skillful craftsman a treasure master, a visual auteur, a brilliant artist, a cinematic superstar and an intelligent genius, as well as the American Federico Fellini. The rock is another example of how he is very good at making movies and always has the pleasantly adorable style that is never confusing and shows what a real action film is supposed to be made this is how it's done we will always love him and Michael bay has done a great job well done man we love you keep going make more movies and never stop you can stay with the film industry forever and never leave 😄😄😄😄😄😊😊😊😊😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 and this has also got to be one of few action films that deserve Oscar nominations along with, the French connection, the fugitive, or witness those films were also very spectacular action fests and this is the best of them all it deserved Oscar nominations in these categories

Best director: Michael bay**********

Best picture: don simpson, Jerry Bruckheimer**********

Best film editing******

Best cinematography**********

Best screenplay*******

Best original score: Hans Zimmer********

Best sound mixing****
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A strong contendor for greatest war movie of all time
7 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Saving private Ryan has got to be the best war movie ever made it shows a great portrayal of being in battle and fighting for ones country it depicts the invasion of Normandy in world war 2 which the film takes place in It is set during world war 2 and it depicts graphic violence and intensety of the on assaults in battles in the film it's directed by steven Spielberg the guy behind a lot of cinematic blessings I love him as a director he always delivers his best talented and has a great eye for visual storytelling, entertaining power, brilliant skills and a very interesting concept his films are all kinds of greatness he has made all kinds of movies and here one of the biggest and strongest strengths he has is filming action.

Yess Spielberg has the best eye for directing action like in his other movies like Indiana Jones franchise, duel or war of the worlds he also blends in in with sci fi and does it really good it's no wonder why he is a largely admired filmmaker who has a gift for making films good with all the right ingredients and he is always the perfect director for every film he is hired to direct or a film he chooses to make he has al the creative force to make a film that is good and always sticks to different genres while he does them perfectly:

Here Spielberg makes the best war film of all time saving private Ryan. He depicts war very well with his brilliant eye for filming action and showing great story the film stars Tom hanks as Captain John Miller, Edward Burns as private Richard reiben, Matt dampn as private James Francis Ryan, Tom sizemore as seargent mike horvoth, Jeremy Davies as corporal Timothy Upham, and giovani Ribisi as medic Irwin wade the film also has other actors including famous action star vin diesel, Paul Giamatti and Adam Goldberg the cast ensemble is vey good I loved how they portrayed their soldiers correctly and the acting in this movie is powerfully great especially Tom Hanks he gives one of his most greatest performances ever Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors and he always acts good in movies he has never done a horrible acting performance his entire career, he is among my most favorite of all the greatest actors of all time Along with Ben kingsley, Liam neeson, Gary Cooper, Spencer Tracy, Jimmy Stewart, Russell Crowe, Morgan freeman, Clint Eastwood, marlon Brando, Johnny depp, Geoffrey rush, Tom Cruise, Robert Downey jr, Anthony Hopkins, Leonardo DiCaprio, brad Pitt and Robert De Niro. Hanks is a very skilled special actor and I love him as an actor, he delivers a beyond fantastic performance, none of the actors are wasted and they all deliver outstanding performances most notably Matt damon, Tom Hanks, vin diesal, Giovanni Ribisi, Tom Sizemore And Edward Burns Their supporting roles were very good.

While the film is not quite the best movie of 1998 ( that title goes to Armageddon ) It's still among the best of 1998 along with shakesphere in love and is led by Armageddon as 1998's best. The film is the best and most greatest of all the best war movies of all time which include the thin red line, Pearl Harbor, sands of Iwo Jima, midway 2019, black hawk down, 1917 and dunkirk, they are all the greatest of all war movies and saving private Ryan is the best of them all,

This film definetly worthy of the hype it gets cause it is beyond great, with a great cast ensemble, great script, great action , great directing and very great acting. The biggest thanks goes to legendary director Steven spielberg he has created another unforgettable experience I love al of his movies and the ones I loved the most are still the extra terrestrial, a I articlficial intelligence, the adventures of tintin, the Indiana Jones movies, schindlers list, and close encounters of the third kind, and here saving private Ryan is the best of all the Spielberg classics he even won the best director award at the 1998 oscars for this masterpiece and he deserved that award and the film also received other Oscar nominations in the following categories

Best director: Steven spielberg**********

Best actor: Tom Hanks**********

Best picture*********

Best original screenplay******

Best cinematography********

Best art direction********

Best sound********

Best film editing*********

Best sound editing********

Best original score**********

Best makeup*********
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Rampage (2009)
Bad movie, bad as always from uwe boll
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how people can give this pile of garbage a free pass it's an uwe boll movie so its bad none of uwe bolls films are good none of them are they are completely bad and meaningless all of them are the worst films on the planet they are beyond bad

Everyone can say all they want how bad battlefield earth is because it was an abomination to cinema with a crappy plot and a bad script but at least it was a funny bad movie because it's just laughter all the time it was still an enjoyable bad film if nothing else

This film on the other hand is not good whatsoever just like all of the other uwe boll crapfests, alone in the dark, in the name of the king, bloodrayne, postal and house of the dead which were all large pieces of crap though they were released to theatres and they rival battlefield earth as being the worst movie in the world and the worst of all bad movies

While rampage was direct to video and the later films uwe boll made were direct to video because of how bad they were even worse than his bad films that were in theatres even though nobody went to see them and they were box office bombs.

Rampage is a completely terrible film , it has everything you need to make a bad crappy action movie, bad acting, bad plot, trash action, crap writing and horrible production design like in all of uwe bolls films all of them are bad he hasn't even made an ok or decent film all his films are completely beyond bad with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and that is pretty much what this is when I watched it I was bored to tears i fell asleep and I couldn't wake up it was basically about some kind of story of a man on a crime mission to go kill people he uses all types of weapons as pistols and he does it for money.

It even looks like a bad rip off from falling down a better crime mission thriller with better developed charachters better cast better acting better filmed action sequences and a more meaningful work of art

This film has none of those things and is the exact opposite of that.

Uwe boll has never made a good film his entire career and none of the critics like him and neither do the audiences he has absolutely no talent at all he is not an auteur and he is not a craftsman he is a talentless hack who cannot direct action properly to save his career and he remains the worst director in the world.
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Billy wilder at his best
5 July 2020
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Sunset boulevard has got to be one of the greatest movies I have ever seen and not to mention it was directed by billy wilder who has been described as one of the greatest directors of all time and here he delivers one of his greatest finest films of all the history of cinema

It first shows flashbacks of when joe Gillis ( William Holden) tells then events of what happened before his death such as when he sells paramount pictures to producer sheldrake, this film tells about Hollywood and movies joe is a screenwriter who tries to sell records on a story

The film like said has elements about doing films it also shows a silent film star Norma desmond( Gloria Swanson) who plans to play her role on screen the film has fictional charachters who are movie makers and it also has some real people like Cecil b demille who is working at paramount and they also work on a screenplay

The film ends with joe being shot and falling in a pool and later max sets up a scene where Norma defends her grand staircase

Overall it's another unforgettable classic from billy wilder and it recieved Oscar nominations including best actress, best actor, best director and best picture
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Transformers (2007)
Michael bay is the Martin Scorsese of action movies
30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was the first film in the transformers franchise and the one that is concidered the best of them and like Michael bay's previous films before this here he takes the has to figures and makes it into a sci fi film it has army rangers working at a military base and a deception comes and attacks

Meanwhile later Sam played by Shia labeof is a school kid who trlls about his great grandfather archibald and how he explored the arctic circle and here the film has a decent storyline and unlike the sequels this one was the most coherent of them all while I find the first two sequels enjoyable and the fourth and fifth installments not good and the worst of the series this one is the best and the most enjoyable and interesting the film also has Megan fox who plays mikaela she does a mediocre performance but that doesn't effect the film it's still a god sci fi film mothers it's like in ET and like how Steven Spielberg made it charming with a beard here Michael bay makes his own and he killed it he captured it brilliantly a lot of series of events happen like when all the other autobots arrive and the leader optimus talks how they are trying to stop the deceptions and it also tells that there was some of the all sparks cordinantes on the glasses that have ended up in the possession of witwicky and they also explain that archibald accidentally reactivated megaton.

Later more charachters come such as agent Simmons of sector seven played by John turturro who gives a fine performance and they capture bumblebee who was the first auto or who came to earth and was sams car the other autobots, ironhode, ratchet, and the leader optimus prime later continue their mission then when all the humans including Sam, makaela and the other team members find megaton Dorsey up he then awakens and signals all the deceptions and then escapes.

Later a battle in Chicago happens with autobots fighting the deceptions and as you se this is were the biggest action is done and Michael bay gives his best directing performance and like I also said he is one of the best action directors he is the Martin Scorsese of action movies and he directs it well I ca easily tell what is going on and in the end megaton is defeated when Sam is tasked to push the cube into optimus chest so he can sacrifice himself but instead pushes it into megatroms chest and later the film ends with autobots back togeather and this is how they started to work with humans and defend the planet.

This is among the best summer blockblusters of all time and is among bay's best movies I get how he has been loved, admired and praised by moviegoers and film critics and here it's among his greatest directing debuts this film deserved oscars for best director( bay , best picture, best screenplay, best sound editing, best sound mixing, best visual effects, best cinematography, best film editing, best original score and best original song I would definetly ask people to check it out if they want a good movie and pure entertainment.
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The anti pirates of the Caribbean
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the worst pirate swashbuckler films of all time it feels like a boring rip off from pirates of the Caribbean but except that this was made a few years before pirates of the Caribbeanwas even made.

I just cannot recommend this piece of dreck to anyone and I would tell them that if you want a better swashbuckled pirate film watch pirates of the Caribbean and what also bothers me is that it doesn't have a good sense of ability to show what a real enjoyable entertainment is and there have been other good movies in genres but there was only one movie that is the best one to come out in a genre like lord of the rings with fantasy, aliens with sci fi horror , godzilla and King Kong with monsters, blade with vampires, 300 with Greek times and the Michael bay films with action and comedy as well as disaster and like how pirates of the Caribbean is the best movie to come out in the genre swashbuckler pirate adventure cutthroat island is the worst movie to come out in the genre it was like that with in the name of the king wich was the worst fantasy film and alone in the dark was with sci fi horror, as well as bloodrayne with vampire, and the legend of Hercules with Greek mythology as well as Greek times.

In the film there is geena Davis, Mathew modine , Frank langella and several others including a cameo of Renny Harlin, but guess what there's no chemistry between them , their cast ensemble is awful and not convincing whatsoever,

The film was also a box office bomb and that means that unlike pirates of the carribean which was a major box office success which became one of the highest grossing films of all time this was the lowest grossing as being one of the ones that failed to attract audiences and the reason I think it was a flop at the box office is because either the people who went to see it were unimpressed and told people that it was bad causing them to decline watching it or that it just wasn't an interesting adventure film and back then the pirate genre was not interesting at the time until the pirates of the carribean films were released, and there we're times when bad films in each genre that were rip off from the best film of its genre were box office bombs like in the name of the king , alone in the dark, or legend of hercules, and the films they were ripped of from aliens, 300, lord of the rings, blade were all box office successes.

And as I see the acting is atrocious And director Renny Harlin was Davis's husband at the time, and he wasted her talent I'm not sure if this is what led to their divorce but I'm definetly sure this film was one of the reasons Renny Harlin is one of the worst directors of all time and that this is possibly the worst film Davis starred in, overall cutthroat island is a cinematic train wreck and again like I said I would not recommend this film to anyone do to how I felt when watching it, it was so bad I fell asleep and couldn't even finish it and it's no wonder Harlin got razzie nominated for it, he did a terrible job directing it and the actors gave their worst performances as well as having bad casting and a horrible ensemble, just again go watch pirates of the carribean which is the real fantasy swashbuckler adventure film if you want a good pirate adventure film I could call this the anti version of that again watch pirates of the carribean if you want a better pirates adventure movie otherwise don't even bother watching.
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Dream House (2011)
The cinematic equivalent for unwatchable dreck
29 June 2020
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How on earth was this horrible piece of dreck even made and why did Oscar nominated director Jim Sheridan even make it, it baffles me cause this movie is truly awful

What it's really about is how a man named will quites his job to be with his family but then they realize a mother and children were murdered by the father of the family who is a man named Peter ward but as I can see it says will atenton and Peter ward are the Same person and it makes no sense whatsoever nothing in this film makes sense it has a very confusing plot.

The film stars Daniel Craig, Naomi watts , Rachel weisz and others but the cast ensemble here ain't good this was basically supposed to be made as Some type of horror film that borrows elements from the horror films made by Alfred hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, John Carpenter, Wes craven, George a Romero, Roger corman or even the Michael bay produced horror remakes it's really trying to be the next one of those as well as being as watchable, interesting, terrifying, or even thrilling as those horror classics but it comes across being more on the same level of horror as the films made by uwe boll and the notorious Ed wood and speaking of uwe boll and ed wood this film looks more like a horror film they would do but the truth is that this incoherent pile of junk was directed by Jim Sheridan though it doesn't look like it because Sheridan makes classic dramas with strong acting and a plot that has a point and knows what is trying to tell it's audience and not this godawful uwe boll stylish psychological horror crap

And another huge major problem with the film is that it's not a real horror film and this is not what real horror movies are supposed to be it has a stupid looking love story about will and his wife with their children but you know what there is no emotion, and Craig and weisz have absolutely zero chemistry and I can't understand how on earth they even got married in the first place and they say this is what got them togeather but they are just so bad together that you don't even see them togeather in most of the film it all looks just like imagination and as always the characters are unlikeable and especially weisz's she is really horrible in this film Craig and weisz don't even act like they are in love it's all to pretentious and it baffles me that how a couple who have no chemistry in a crappy psychological horror drama just all of a sudden decide to get married in real life while they are not a good match they don't go togeather they have like the worst chemistry I ever experienced even Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen in Star Wars 2 had better chemistry than them, and again with the films genre there might as well be another director whose films are what this crapfest comes across similarities with, and that is m night Shyamalan and yess he has made some confusing thriller films that failed to make him the next Alfred Hitchcock but Shyamalan will never be like Alfred Hitchcock he is no Alfred Hitchcock this film is as bad and confusing as some of the bad thrillers Shyamalan made but at least they had a point and made me feeling the horror of them this film however does not do that at all whatsoever and also it has Naomi wats who plays Ann as the neighbor and later her estranged husband attacks her and peter and it reveals that he hired a man named Boyce to take revenge on jack and Ann's divorce by killing Ann but instead kills peters family instead, really this is the worst storyline ever, and the directing was crap Sheridan is better than this he had no right to make a film so he can be like boll, Shyamalan, or Ed wood, he should have just stuck to making films like the earlier films he made with Daniel day Lewis which were my left foot and in the name of the father which I thought were really good films with strong acting and a fantastic storyline with great directing, even though I am not a fan of sheridans work he still has made several good movies throughout his career he is a good director but this movie is just horrible it may well be his worst film he has ever made as well here he has made his worst film yet.

I have a lot of expectations when i see a daniel Craig movie and pretty much almost all of them I have saw were all horrible movies that were pretentious and had bad acting with unlikeable charachters and they fail to show what true drama is it all turns out into a pretentious bore any way around they are all train wrecks that don't get much attention and have no strong impact on the audience and this could be his worst performances the biggest thing I can say about him is that he is not a great actor and most of the performances he gives in movies are bad the only films he was in that he had strong performances in were cowboys and aliens, the James Bond series he was in and his latest whodunit drama those were the only movies where he gave very good performances in

Overall dream house is a incredibly horrible film that is just a huge unnecessary waste of time it's just not recommended it beyond bad and it is one of the bad examples of unwatchable dreck just whatever you do don't see it.
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The Island (2005)
Another fantastic sci fi action flick from the talented Michael bay
27 June 2020
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This film is like a mixture from Logan's run and titan a e it has swan Mcgregor and scarlet Johansson they play some type of agents named Lincoln six echo and Jordan two delta they work for the government community that have a strict set of rules they do a lot of experiences such as when they have a dream and when dr merrick (Sean bean) a scientist who propes Lincoln's body to cerebral activity,

This film has an amazing concept as well as a good storyline and good writing the acting in this movie is really good ewan mcgregor and scarlet Johansson have good chemistry if not great they work togeather good and as I see this film looks so realistic that it makes you want to go to the actual island itself

There is also several car chases and crashes it's like in a fast and furious movie but I think this is even better than fast and furious especially because of the fact is directed by Michael bay and here this film proves how talented a director Michael bay is he is a very talented director who knows how to make a real good action movie and this is a good popcorn action flick

Like I said no one can make a good popcorn fun action flick like Michael bay he kills it and I adore his direction he is the best filmmaker in America so far and I sure hope he keeps making more movies and never retire even at the age of 88 I hope he still makes more and I hope he makes a film that has a 100 percent fresh on rotten tomatoes

Later in the film more series of events happen such as when he hires berckinabe mercenary and former gign operative to find the compound they also mention about the facility residents that are clones of wealthy sponsors and the film has controlling of behaviors and it has several missions including when Lincoln is sent to the compound to destroy the holographic projectors and it ends with Lincoln killing merrick and freeing the Jones as well as when he and jordon sail away in a boat togeather after seeing the outside world for the first time,

This film is one of the best most amazing and impressive sci fi action films I have ever seen and Michael bay has done it again I have always been a fan of science fiction films and there have been many great sci fi directors like James Cameron, Roland emmerich or even Steven Spielberg as well as other action directors, joe carnahan, Walter hill, Wolfgang Peterson, Stephen chow, brett ratner, takkashi Mikke, John frankenheimer, John McTiernan, John woo, Sam peckinpah, Antoine fuqua, rob cohen, George lucas, Peter Jackson, f Gary gray, zack Snyder, Wilson yip, Quentin Tarantino, Jew won Kim, Francis Lawrence, Guillermo del toro, luc beeson, christopher Nolan, William friedkin, Franklin j shaffner, Hal Needham Simon west, John Ford, Andrew Davis, Edward Zwick, Peter berg and several others but none of them can be as good as Michael bay not even Christopher Nolan, Quentin tarantino, zack Snyder, Roland emmerich, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron ,Guillermo del toro or even the great John Ford can beat him to being the best action director and nor only is he one of the best action directors as well as being the best of all the action directors But being one of the greatest and best directors of all time and all of his films are all the best of the year they were released as well as them being the best movies of the last years and this film is among the very best of them and it makes me want to become a critic myself and when I make my list of best of the decade, or best of the year I would make an award called the Michael bay award for best movie of the year or the Michael bay award for best action movie of the past decade and the Michael bay award for best soul reducing sci fi drama. Again here he did it all well he is the next Stanley kubrick as well as being a spawn of Stanley Kubrick this film he made reminds of of Kubrick and Michael bay made another awesome masterpiece great job to Michael bay for doing it Stanley Kubrick himself would be proud. Overall and anyhow the biggest thing I can say about this movie is that it's another fantastic sci fi drama directed by Michael bay and it is among being one of the best films of 2005
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High Noon (1952)
The epitome of why old western classics Are great
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is without doubt one of the greatest 1950s westerns I have ever seen I first learned about these old amazing classics from by parents and my grandparents there were many genres at the time these were made and one of the most famous ones were westerns and this was my grandfathers most favorite of all the westerns that were made at the time

This film has great actors and a good ensemble that is very interesting it has grace Kelly an Oscar winning actress who was also the princess of Monaco as well as Lloyd Bridges who is the father of A great legendary Actor Jeff Bridges and the biggest part it has Gary cooper one of my all time favorite actors of the golden age of cinema here he gives a largely fantastic performance as a Marshall who in the beginning gets married to Amy Fowler played by grace Kelly, she then becomes Mrs will Kane as well as amy Fowler Kane, Will is set to retire as sherif and move to a different town with his wife but then realizes that Frank Miller and his gang are planning to come and kill him as a result he decides to stay but his wife wants him to come with her to a different town she as a result goes without him will meanwhile finds out how frank escaped and is coming after him Kane was supposed to leave town before he arrives but he has a strong duty and power Miller would hunt him down anyway even if he leaves,

Later when the time starts everyone is hiding in their homes and then the train arrives with the Miller and his gang arrive at town and they and Kane engage in combat with a gun duel lanes wife Fowler then drops off of the train and decides to go back to town meanwhile Kane kills already some of the gang members and even one of them is killed by Fowler herself then Miller finds her and takes her hostage but then Kane shoots him dead and he and Fowler are reunited with Kane finally retiring as sheriff and then leaves town with his wife

Again this is a great western film and the actors did a fine job, and also this was also lee van Cleef's first movie as I see he played one of the gang members who was named jack Colby van Cleef is another one of my favorite western actors though he had major roles in the 1960s there were other great western actors as well along with him who were, Clint Eastwood, James coburn, Jack parlance and several others but before they became famous there was Gary Cooper who was one of the biggest major stars of Hollywood he, Henry Fonda, and John Wayne were the biggest to star in westerns at the time and here this is possibly cooper's best performance he has always been a great actor who chose his roles wisely and never had a poor performance his entire career.

He was nominated for several oscars and he won two of them this was his second win he deserved it and this film is very intelligent and important and it will always remain an unforgettable classic that was made in the 1950s and this is among the best of them

This film definitely deserved its Oscar nominations it was nominated for in the following categories

Best actor: Gary Cooper**********

Best director: Fred Zinnemann********

Best picture********

Best original score*****

Best film editing*********

Best song****

Best screenplay*********
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Pi (1998)
A descent low budget sci fi
19 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film was like eraser head when a crazy person is under an influence director Darren aronofsky in his directorial debut makes an interesting thought provoking indie sci fi film about a man obsessed with a number and it turns to a fairly decent film at its best no it is not one of the best of 1998 but it is definetly one of aronofsky's better films even if there are confusing stuff in it but in the end it works for what it is and it doesn't disappoint it delivers most of what it promises.
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Bad Boys (1995)
Truly amazing, and truly awesome arguably one of the very best films of 1995
19 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best action buddy cop detective action films I have ever seen and this was also one of Michael bay's earlier films especially the ones that started out this career and it released him to become part of Hollywood cinema for good here he makes a very decent buddy cop film with Will Smith and matin Lawrence who play mike lowery and Marcus burnett they have great chemistry and the work togeather really well I also like the fact they then team up with Julie Mott played by tea Leoni this was also one of the movies that began her career, a lot of action happens and I really like how Michael bay directs this film its the best part about it bay visualizes it very neatly and outstandingly with very stunning and well choreographed action scenes as well as amazing cinematography and impressive car chases and depictions of explosions although here there aren't too many of them as much as there are in other of his films he did great directing it and critics should love and praise him for this I believe this was back when critics used to love praise and be kind to Michael bay And in my opinion bay deserved a Best director Oscar nomination for this

the film was also produced by Jerry Bruckheimer one of the most prestigious film producers in Hollywood being responsible for producing some of the best movies of all time that are also the reasons cinema was invented as well as being produced by his then co producing partner don simpson who produced most movies with him before his death and when director Michael bay himself filled him in for producing his next movies with Jerry Bruckheimer like I said they made a great team and it's to bad they don't produce and do movies together anymore this movie is the reason Michael bay is part of cinema he is the superstar of cinema and he is also like i said the reason blockbuster cinema exists,

this movie is pure gold it has everything you need to make a great film with a fantastic cast ensemble an amazing direction from Michael bay and awesome chemistry between smith and Lawrence this is also among will smith's best movies Michael bay casted both smith and Lawrence properly and did not waste their talent once he makes it so perfectly that I would just watch this film over and over,

I would gladly recommend this to anyone looking for themselves to get entertained cause Michael bay knows how to make a watchable popcorn flick

this is among bay's best films as well as being among the best films Will smith stared in and is the best film Lawrence was in the bad boys franchise would never exist without Michael bay and Michael bay wouldn't exist without it the films are again like i said the reason Michael bay was put in cinema he makes films anything but crap watch it to get yourself in a good mood. This movie is a proof bay has great scale and gift for visceral amazement entertainment and enjoyment he deserved get widespread critical acclaim for this outstanding masterpiece of a movie and this film also deserved in these other categories

Best director: Michael bay***********

Best picture: Jerry bruckheimer, don simpson**********

Best sound mixing********

Best sound editing*********

Best cinematography********

Best original score******

Best production design********

Best screenplay*******
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BloodRayne (2005)
One of the worst most horrible and nastiest video game adaptations I've ever seenych.
11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the worst movies to ever be adaptated from video games and this one is based on the game with the same name which is a third person shootout game and here it takes place somewhere in Romania and tells about how Rayne is a breed from an evil vampire and shows how she wants to take revenge on her father Kagan who is played by Ben Kingsley who beat up her mother this is the worst plot ever everything here is confusing and uncomfortable I was bored the whole time I watched this the action scenes were poorly shot and the blood and gore looked fake and unconvincing and the worst part is that Ben kingsley actually accepted his role in here it is a big waste of his talent I hated every aspect of this film and all the other actors did a poor job as well the acting is terrible and the main charachter reins who is here played by Kristanna Loken is also poorly developed Loken cannot act and she screams horribly it hurt my ears and gave me a headache and as always uwe boll's directing was bad, the cast ensemble was awful and most notably the writing was terrible rarely do I trust a movie to be good if it's a video game adaptation and I have always been looking for a video game adaptated movie to be good and this was not none of the uwe boll adaptations are and every time a person talks its all so annoying they are like growling all the time and mimicking each other and that scene were Rayne killed her father kagan was so poorly done this is also another one of the worst films to ever have an ending of how a villain gets defeated I believe Ben Kingsley even regretted being in this godawful dreck he delivers his worst performance this film also feels like a rip off from blade which is a better vampire movie although it doesn't take place in Romania is still much better and the main charachter who was blade played by Wesley snipes was better developed and here loken tries to be like him with trying to portray Rayne but she failed so miserably she is no Wesley snipes and speaking of being a rip off from a much better film uwe boll who has been badly known as the worst director in the world since the mid to late 2000s has done his video game adapted piles of junk like they were borrowed elements from better movies like when he did The godawful alone in the dark which had elements from alien and predator and the boring and annoying in the name of the king which was ripped off from lord of the rings, Conan the barbarian and destroyer and dungeons and dragons he failed to make them as good a film ripped of from a better film can still be watchable but here it is not like that at all uwe boll fails on every level with trying to make it entertain and the only redeeming feature about his crapfests is that not many people even know about them and they all failed at box office there are many films that were box office bombs but when it comes to the uwe boll stinkers they are even bigger flops they make like very little to no money at all does this prove that uwe boll is the battlefield earth of filmmakers it could be one of them and another one of the worst parts here is there is no chemistry and the plot is all over the place along with bad special effects and bad sound editing and bad music so basically there is not one good thing about this atrocity and it remains a film we all wich didn't exist and that we would just right away delete it from our minds this film even recieved razzie nominations and of deserved them. Again uwe boll is the real worst director ever and he must never be allowed to touch a film again.
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It's not that bad
6 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I barely understand why this film was harshly panned and it even has a 0 rating on rotten tomatoes but I wouldn't go that far sure it's not a great movie or even a good movie but at least it was entertaining and has a decent cinematography for action flicks it may not be as good an action thriller as the Michael bay films nor the citizen Kane of entertaining popcorn action flicks but at least it has good explosions like a usuall Michael bay film has and speaking of that this looks just like a Michael bay it felt like he may well have made it because it really looks like a film of his and also it has a good performance from Antonio banderas it is basically about secret agents trying to fight an enemy who is sever but she and Ecks however become teamates after sever real eases him from prison things are a little pointless here and that the story is unrealistic and nonsensical but this film is at least something similar to being a guilty pleasure for a watch it may be bad to most moviegoers and reviewers but at least it's better than battlefield earth, Inchon and the uwe boll drinkers such as alone in the dark which somehow has a 1 appproval rating of rotten tomatoes I thought that was what really deserved the 0 rating and ballistic ecks vs sever only a 1 approval or perhaps it should be at least 20 or 30 perfect rotten it is very underated and could possibly be good for a cult classic or a misunderstood masterpiece i personally would say its on the same level as ghost rider spirit of vengeance and the league of extrordinary gentlemen I would rank this on the same level as them with movies that don't deserve their poor rating anyhow this film is really not as bad as the viewers have said its not a good movie but at least it's cool to watch when you want to turn off your brain and have fun with dumb fun action films and this is one of them.
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Noah (2014)
An atrocity
4 June 2020
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This movie has everything you need to make a terrible film, bad acting, bad directing, bad writing and bad music I can fully understand why people hate this pile junk and I probably hate it the most the charachters were unlikeable especially Noah all he was doing was letting the remaining humans die and only let his family and the animals on the ark but he is doing unfair things to his family he was acting like a serial killer he was even planning to kill his newborn daughters but thankfully he didn't still I hated everything that was done here it was supposed to be based on the book wich was a billion miles better than this crapfest it's bad it's horrendous and it's really really dumb you can't even tell much of what is going on because the acting is so terrible they once act like they are serious but then change there mood randomly

the film looks like a combination of movies made by great directors Michael bay, Peter Jackson and Roland emmerich, viewers think it was directed by them because it has elements from 2012, the lord of the rings and transformers it may look like it but personally I think this movie is so bad that is doesnt look like either of the directors Michael bay, Roland emmerich or Peter Jackson would make it. And it wasn't it was directed by Darren aronofsky whom I have never ever been a big fan of because his movies are very confusing and pretentious and the only movies I liked from him were black swan and the wrestler the other movies he made ( pi, requiem for a dream, the fountain) all crap and this one is as far as I'm concerned much worse than those pieces of crap and the worst part about the movie is aronofsky's directing it was really bad and another thing I really hate is how he put rock monsters in the movie really why would he do that there were no rock monsters in the Bible, stupid huh I don't know how they got the idea of putting them in the movie but it was a big mistake and this movie disrespects the book and is an insult to the Bible this is one ugly mess of a movie and it is a disgrace to the art of filmmaking and also an insult to cinema.

It doesn't even deserve to exist and it was no wonder why it got banned in certain countries not only that but I think it should be banned worldwide not be shown anywhere the story is unrealistic and incoherent the acting was really bad, aronofsky's directing was really bad and the cinematography was really bad this film deserved razzie nominations in all of the categories especially worst director( aronofsky) worst screenplay (aronofsky, Handel) and worst screen combo ( the rock monsters) this is a large atrocity to cinema, a huge waste of russell Crowe's talent, the worst movie of 2014 and it is also the new plan 9 from outer space

This film also has an ending song that is bad and the song was mercy is by patti Smith I hated it and she did a poor job with singing the song for this film it was so depressingly bad she sung it like she was nervous of dying.

And to the other cast members of the film to Logan lerman, to Jennifer connolly, to Douglas booth, to ray winstone, to emma watson and to the actors who voiced the ugly abominable rock monsters, nick nolte, Frank langella, Mark margollis and Kevin Durand shame on all of you, you have all done your roles poorly this movie is a crime against humanity and absolute blasphemy I surely hope all of the discs for this abomination get incinerated and burned they should throw away all the dvds and blu rays for this nasty film like I said it must not be shown by anyone, avoid it at all costs.
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Inception (2010)
Awesome, interesting, amazing, brilliant and in other words great movie
31 May 2020
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I can understand how this got a lot of love and praise from critics and audiences I saw it myself and decided to watch it again because it really was that great the acting is amazing, the story and writing was well done and most of all a fantastic direction from the legendary Christopher Nolan who I consider to be one of the greatest filmmakers of all time he is without doubt one of my personal favorite directors along with James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Ridley scott, Martin Scorsese and even the amazing thought provoking action auteur Michael bay himself here Nolan makes a thought provoking science fiction action film that first resolves Leonardo DiCaprio as Dominic Cobb and his partner Arthur played by joeseph Gordon Levitt perform corporate espionage using experimental technology to infiltrate and search information there are also times when they dream and have to wake up It's also interesting when dom tells how he lost his wife and later when he works with a adriande played by Ellen page the cast ensemble is good the cinematography is excellent and it was well made it ends with dom passing the u s immigration checkpoint and when he finally reunited with his children. This movie has a great plot and is another masterpiece from Christopher Nolan. It is one of the best movies of 2010 and it is very good for watching once in a while.
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Holy maniacs this movie is terrible
31 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This may not even be a movie at all just a nonsensical clip of a Scientology's mockery I get the fact this was based on the book by l Ron Hubbard and the movie makes a mockery of the book not just that there is way more of why it's a very terrible movie it was panned by critics and audiences and was also a commercial failure everything is awfully done here the art direction was bad, the cinematography is bad, and most certainly the acting is bad here they have psyclos planning to take over the earth but they don't act serious and there isn't even a real screenplay the aliens are just laughing at each other all the time like maniacs this is stupid and every time they laugh I became sleepier and sleepier I met a person who told me he saw this in theatre and he couldn't even leave because of all this silly nonsense laughter he finally left the second time it ended and he had to try hard not to think about the laughing I tried watching this a few times and I felt uncomfortable because the film was that bad pretty much I sleep most of the time i see this piece of garbage the other actors in this are Forest Whitaker who plays ker possibly travolta's sidekick or friend but in the end he joins the good guys and speaking of good and evil here the roles of them are portrayed poorly Barry pepper plays Jonny but he doesn't act like a hero at all he was the worst hero ever he cannot act and also It was so bad that I even cheered for the evil to win stupid and pointless things happen such as when Jonny throws a stick at a psyclo ship thinking it would destroy it but it wouldn't it would just scratch it seriously this is the stupiest way of trying to destroy a ship and all the costumes look ugly and nauseating to look at they are poorly designed the aliens have long hair and bear claws really ugly the effects are terrible they don't even look like they are even real it looks all fake and the looks of those psyclo aliens are also fake everyone in the movie looks like an idiot and other scenes where Jonny runs with his arms flying around and when John Travolta makes someone eat a rat saying do you want lunch it's all meaningless others I meet say they turned it off in the middle of watching and every time i ask a person or anyone I meet they even say battlefield earth is the worst movie in the world and it is an atrocity to cinema and it is the epitome of everythinv wrong with Hollywood, making this movie was a mistake and I don't know if John travolta regraded or was proud of it he shouldn't have came up with the idea of making it and another thing that was really bad about the movie Was especially the directing it was atrocious and only a hack would have made it I first thought it was a uwe boll film I thought only uwe boll made it because he is considered the worst director in the world and the most completely reviled of all terrible filmmakers no praise or admiration whatsoever I checked to see if the talentless uwe boll made it but it was surprisingly not it was roger Christian who was the production designer for Star Wars and alien despite realizing it was he who directed it i still kept thinking it was uwe boll who made it but everyone says Roger Christian made it and so I eventually agreed it was really roger Christian who made it but roger Christian is a good production designer he is not good as a director but he is actulally better than uwe boll it would make sense if it was uwe boll who directed this atrocity and not the talented production designer roger Christian but unfortunately it was and even the people who say it's roger Christian wish it was uwe boll who made it in our perfect world it was uwe boll who made battlefield earth not roger Christian but like I said it is and that's how the way it is uwe boll didn't make the movie despite that it looks like a uwe boll movie the film ends with Teril who is Travolta's charachter in a cage first laughs but then lee laughs with Teryl miserable and then ker joins the humans to rebuild their civilization. This is the worst plot ever and I could actually laugh at the fact that this movie exists and was released theatrically and most people didn't even go watch it and even those who saw it all considered it a waste of time and left the theatre upset and the film recieved several razzie nominations For worst actor and even worst picture of the decade and Guess what they won pretty much almost all of the awards they deserved their razzie wins and perhaps if there were razzie categories for worst cinematography worst costume designs or worst production designs this would likely be a contender to win those awards again this movie is an atrocity and must be aborted from being seen before anyone gets sleepy, irritated or bored.
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