
24 Reviews
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Like a very good "X-Files" episode
26 December 1999
Very much enjoyed this film . . . the magic of it, and the beauty of it. All the actors did a great job, and lots of wonderful scenes of Tom urinating! :-) The Gary Sinise part (defense atty. for Coffey)was perhaps unnecessary, although nice to see Tom and Gary together again! It seems that something could have been done to pardon John (who, by the way, was WONDERFUL!!!). Did they not have any scientific tests available back then to rule-in/rule-out suspects? Isn't it obvious (in the "real world") that just because someone is holding a dead victim, it doesn't necessarily mean he/she is the perpetrator? I would liked to have seen more of the trial and had more information as to what efforts were taken to acquit John. Despite his wish to die, was not Hanks obligated to help John be free -- KNOWING he was truly not only an "innocent," but obviously a wonderful miracle-worker?!? Same argument for the warden. Wasn't the joy of seeing his wife healed enough for him to do everything within his power to see John freed?!? But,then again, were these things pursued, it would have been a different movie. Although the fact these things were not pursued frustrated me slightly, still, I very much enjoyed this film, and very much look forward to one day making it a part of my own personal film library.
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What I liked . . . and what I didn't like . . .
27 November 1999
Or, what was strong -- and what was weak. What was weak was: 1) the relationship between Bullock and Quinn was not believable; nor was (2) the women of the town coming to their aid during the "possession" crisis. However, I really liked all the "witch" women/girls: their performances, and what an attractive family coven! The locations (in Washington state) were marvelous! I think this young director shows promise, and will likely get better as he goes. The soundtrack was very nice, and have placed it in my shopping cart. This could have been a better film, but it was not a bad film, and there were certainly moments of good "craft"smanship. I didn't quite understand the black hair/red hair multigenerational thing -- but I liked it!
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The most amazing thing about "Meet Joe Black" is . . .
26 November 1999
Claire Forlani! The quality of her acting was eclipsed only by the quality of her beauty. What an extraordinary face! Kudos as well to Sir Anthony, who is perhaps incapable of a poor performance. There were some touching moments to this film, and I found myself liking it better than the critics said I would. I can hardly wait to experience more of Ms. Forlani!!!
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Many layers of meaning . . .
3 October 1999
This is an excellent film, very honest and savvy -- depicting and dramatizing many of the issues and questions that besiege us in a society that grows increasingly more complex. The narrator, Kevin Spacey, tells us of the questions and confusions that come along with adolescence . . . referring to his daughter he says, "I wish I could tell her they will pass -- but they don't." Is this not a correct statement? There is a WHOLE LOT woven into this tale . . . it is perhaps the best film of the year . . . very funny, entertaining and provocative.
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I gave it an "8" because . . .
1 September 1999
I found several places in it quite moving. I particularly enjoyed the lines and performance of Angelina Jolie -- she was quite good. All-in-all, the script was intelligent, authentic, and interesting. The performances were solid, and I laughed out-loud in a few places. There were some very nice touches -- including genuine tenderness, and a certain beauty and truth that I found very refreshing.
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Mystery Men (1999)
Forks, Farts, and Stupidity
24 August 1999
reign in this worthless piece of trash! I want my money back! I want my time back! One can't even trust the reviewers any more . . . this crap is getting good review by several critics that I normally respect. In fact, on the strength of their recommendations, I went out and spent $7.50/ticket to watch something that can only appeal to junior high jocks who still get a thrill out of lighting farts at low-life parties. This movie totally STINKS, and not because of Pee Wee . . . but because this so-called "film" is void of intelligence, wit, and all the things that enable the delivery of "true" humor and entertainment. This is the first movie I walked-out on in 20 years. I hated it!!!
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Crumb (1994)
Dynamite movie!
18 August 1999
This film is one of the best films I've ever seen, but it's hard to explain just why. It was exceedingly candid, honest, informative, educational, appealing, revolting, gray, and black and white. Perhaps one of the reasons I liked it so much is because I was espousing similar views only a few weeks prior to catching this excellent documentary on the IFC. What I really connected with were his views on society . . . his comments about all the wires and technology all over the streets, with total disregard for blending in with nature . . . total disregard for esthetic considerations. All the advertisements assaulting us nearly wherever we go . . . and how masses of people walk around with logos/advertisements all over their hats, shirts, jackets, etc. It like we're living inside a giant circus! The only thing missing is a big tent on top of it all! If you "really listen" to what this guy, R. Crumb, is saying -- it's obvious how intelligent, perceptive and refreshingly "real" he is. He is an incredible talent that has not "sold out." Watching HIM draw, made ME want to draw! The excellence of his art was very inspiring. One of the most brilliant scenes takes place towards the end . . . his drawing of the same corner, as time goes by, and the corner takes on more and more "crap." This is a "DON'T MISS" film. Whether you agree or disagree with Crumb's statements, attitudes, etc. . . . whether you like, or dislike R. Crumb, these things are somewhat moot . . . this is EXCELLENT film making, with a completely fascinating subject, and much of what makes it great cannot be reported. You must experience it!!!
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"That's it?!?"
8 August 1999
This is a comment I overhead from a female audience member as the movie ended. I must confess, I felt somewhat the same way. This movie has been "hyped" so much, that it has almost become a "don't miss" movie -- and the viewing I attended was nearly full. Although the film did create interest, and build a certain amount of tension, it never-the-less at times had the feel of an episode from MTV's "Real Life." I mean, a lot of it was about the interactional dynamics among the group members. The supernatural, for me, was almost secondary. The ending is somewhat creepy, but was also hard to follow . . . the cheap, home-movie feel became a bit tiresome after a while. I told my daughter, on the way to the theater, "There is no way this movie is going to live up to the expectation." -- and, it didn't.
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The Edge (1997)
Good title!
8 August 1999
Living life "on the EDGE" sometimes helps us discover our true natures. Our hidden strengths and weaknesses. Our courage, our cowardice. Excellent story. Excellent script. Excellent timing and delivery by Anthony Hopkins as a man who, through an experience of trying to "stay alive," becomes "alive," in a way he has never known before. Much of his "book knowledge" is set free to become "experiential, practical knowledge," and he is enriched beyond measure. He is forever changed. He likes what he finds in himself, and we do too!
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A mixed bag . . .
18 July 1999
Not all is clear . . . but one thing's for sure -- Stanley loves Nicole's body. In fact, perhaps a hour of going over her body with the lens . . . from all angles . . . would have made a better picture (at least for the guys in the audience). What we got, was not too far removed from that. I think this movie ran way too long. Not sure what the point was of having a child in the picture, except to demo how Tom has almost zero relationship with her. Tom, as a doctor, kinda had a false ring to it . . . Some of the mood and imagery was interesting, and kinda "artsy," however, it did not seem to fully develop. To paraphrase Garcia, "What a long, strange trip" this was. Did I enjoy it? Sorta. Does it compare with his best work? No. My suggestion: wait for the video.
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Tombstone (1993)
Not a motel . . .
18 July 1999
but a "Best Western!" This is one of the best westerns of all time. It has great mustaches . . . great dialogue . . . great acting . . . great action .. . great colloquialisms . . . It is difficult to find any flaws in the this film. Outstanding characterizations by Kurt, Val, Powers (when has there been a more likeable and appealing villain?!?!), Sam, Bill, and yes, Billy Bob . . . What a great film!!! (and, relatively speaking, historically accurate too!)
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Summer of Sam (1999)
11 July 1999
I was looking forward to this movie. I enjoy Spike's films and feel he is one of our better film makers; however, this film did not "do it" for me. I was hoping for something the caliber of "M X." Something far more artistic. It focused too much on very unappealing, seedy scenes. I believe perhaps a documentary would have been more interesting and educational, and perhaps better deliver "the goods" that he was looking to deliver.
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I don't "get it" . . .
6 July 1999
What is the point? The cinematography was excellent . . . and something ethereal about the ceaseless wading through the "sea of grass" . . . I guess "the point" is the whole "War is hell" statement. I don't know . . . after this movie I'm sick of war pictures and plan not to take in another one for a looong time. This was no "Silence of the Lambs," -- meaning: a movie can be great, regardless of the subject matter, if the script and the acting and the sets are great. "Silence" didn't "do it" for me because it was about "sickos," etc. No, it was because of Hopkins and Foster . . . that picture was "art," -- I suppose I was hoping for the same thing here.
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Lolita (1997)
For me, almost immediately I recognized that this...
5 July 1999
For me, almost immediately I recognized that this film had a certain class, quality and tenderness that is missing from many films. The photography was most "affectionate," i.e. the lens seemed to embrace, caress and respect (with passion) whatever it beheld. The over-all aura of the movie captured me, and held me throughout. This is an "art" film, and it is exquisite. I, too, was very pleased to see Morricone directing the score. This is an intelligent, impassioned, well-made film (nevertheless, one whose subject matter will certainly not appeal to all tastes).
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Summer of Sam (1999)
"Sam" sucks!
3 July 1999
This film had all the charm and allure of a cheap porn movie. In fact, at times, I thought I was watching a cheap porn movie. I'm not sure what I was expecting . . . I don't know . . . I guess -- "art." M-X was a great film. I think Spike is a great talent; but I could hardly wait for this film to end. If realism was what he was after, I think this subject matter could have been handled better, and far more artistically, as a documentary. There were some good performances . . . but much of it was like watching the video of the Rodney King beating. Wasn't there better ideas and images to offer us here? I felt quite crummy when I left the theater, as did my three companions. We all agreed, "This movie sucked!"
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A lot less laughs
21 June 1999
This sequel had some good laughs, but not as many as the first. Too many of the jokes from the first movie appeared in this one and they seemed stale, nonspontaneous and unfunny. I very much looked forward to this sequel, but was quite disappointed. I don't recommend it.
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One of the WORST movies I've seen in a long time
29 May 1999
I saw this on the recommendation of Roger Ebert, whom I generally respect; however, we surely do not see eye-to-eye on this DOG of a movie! There was nothing to care about in this movie -- not the story, the characters, NOTHING! It would have been a complete waste of my time had it not been for the PEPSI-sponsored commercial before the film that shows what happens to noisy patrons, etc. Quite funny! In three words, THIS MOVIE SUCKS.
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Hombre (1967)
A Character Study or A Study of Character
23 April 1999
Is this movie not a micro-view of society? We have a certain class structure. We have heroes and villains. We have one man, who, perhaps by virtue of his Apache affinity, is essentially "at one" with himself. He tells the person who comments that they had mistakenly believed that he was taking the money for himself, "What you think is your business." He is unaffected. He knows who he is, what he's about, and is not "on the string," dancing to the tune that others would call for him. He has his own code; his own values, and he demonstrates them -- in action -- throughout this fine film. Richard Boone is great as Grimes, and the overall cast is very good. This movie, in some ways, could be taken apart, viewed, and reviewed much the same way as Henry Fonda's "12 Angry Men." There is much to admire about this movie . . . much to admire in the character, John Russell.
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Needed a big box of tissue
20 February 1999
Being a musician, this film touched me deeper than perhaps the same film would dealing with a different art form. Just minutes into it I was sobbing and continued to do so, off and on, until the credits rolled. It was extremely well done, in all aspects. I highly recommend it!
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Pi (1998)
Very unique and interesting film
20 February 1999
I found this film extremely fascinating, thought-provoking, and well worth any serious movie-goer's time. The soundtrack was excellent and a great fit for the mood and theme of the movie. I highly recommend it!
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A major disappointment
11 February 1999
This movie had a hollow ring to it. It was too forced. The events that were intended to be funny, cute, whatever . . . landed with a thud! I liked the cast, but in my opinion, this movie was really bad!
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Swingers (1996)
Hate to say it, but, IT'S THE MONEY!!!
29 December 1998
Only hate to say it because it's soooo shop-worn by now. For me, this movie was a "sleeper." I only watched it at the insistence of my teenage daughter. I am 45 years old, always an avid movie- goer (and armchair critic), and thought this was going to be yet another mediocre "20-something" sit-com that I really didn't care to try to relate to. I was VERY wrong. Right from the opening I was pleased by the images, music and style. I am very much looking forward to more product from this director, and I think the main actors -- especially Vince and Jon -- were very interesting and appealing. I predict Jon, with the right projects, could go quite far. His timing is wonderful! His facial expressions are on the "money!" I think Vince might garner more (well-deserved) kudos, but Jon is an extremely talented young artist that I am very much looking forward to seeing more of.
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Made my TOP FIVE of ALL TIME list!
15 November 1998
I have been an avid film fan for almost 40 years! So, a large database from which to make comparisons -- in terms of quality. This film swept me away! It has "magic" in it! The young actress, Scarlett Johansson (as Grace) was incredible! The Redford character (Tom) was/is a model to follow. What calm and equanimity! A modern-day sage. The qualities obvious within him are little different from that of any Zen or martial arts master. The "love story" aspect, for me, although well-done, is not what this movie was about. This is a film OF, ABOUT, and FOR -- the "spirit." It is a "spiritual" movie. Redford has tapped into the "eternal" within him, and offers us a film of incredible richness and beauty -- an almost-perfect work of art.
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14 November 1998
The conversation that ensues, in My Dinner With Andre, is of a dialectical nature . . . something to keep in mind when one studies dialectics . . . something to keep in mind when one watches this fine film.
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