IMDb Polls

Poll: Mind-blowing theories in Films

(WITH NEW ENTRIES) These unproven theories scattered around the internet and people still debate whether these theories were true or not. We were really wondering what the film-makers are really trying to say. Which of these mind-blowing unproven theories in films actually make sense to you?

Credits to and as my source to this idea. Thanks to TsarStepan. jamesh5 and Drvobradi :)

Discuss here

Results of 12,083 votes:

  1. 1.

    Toy Story (1995)

    All Pixar Movies actually existed in the same universe. Go to this site so you can learn more about Jon Negroni's Pixar Theory:
  2. 2.

    Titanic (1997)

    Jack never existed. He was only a product of Rose's imagination because she was depressed at the thought of marrying Cal so she dreamed up her perfect man, Jack. (c)
  3. 3.

    Pulp Fiction (1994)

    The bandage on the back of Marsellus Wallace's head is there to cover up the hole created when his soul was removed, and his soul was put inside the briefcase. The fact that the briefcase’s combinatio…

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