
198 Reviews
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Scarface (1983)
Terrific Dialogue and Feel, But Runs out of Bullets
15 June 2024
Astonishing in parts with expert writing, 'Scarface' has all the markings and makings of a great movie. Director Brian De Palma puts a huge amount of meat and grit into the character arcs, but by its ending the movie becomes tiring due to it manic and unfocused screenplay.

Al Pacino is excellent for the most part. He brings in a confident, nothing to lose thrilling persona that is likeable until the script changes him into a psychotic freak in which he does what Al Pacino normally does - go into long rambling monologues and shouts around the place.

The crime world, their bosses and how they operate are the most interesting parts of the movie. The second half however feels as if it didn't understand what the first half was all about, and we are left with a lot of argumentative and unfunny romantic adult debacles and cheesy chase/action sequences.
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Unbecoming and Difficult to Attach To
15 June 2024
Although interesting in parts, director Morten Tyldum fails to focus sufficiently on what is interesting and instead creates a character drama that drags too much and looks like an amateur college production in parts. This is due to an unnecessary dullness and darkness to try and artificially date the locations and visuals.

Benedict Cumberbatch is amazing as always, but his character comes across inconsistently, sometimes overconfident and arrogant, while other times childish. Keira Knightley is an actress I've always struggled to engage with, and again she comes across more annoying than compelling. Charles Dance is the best of the cast, and the absence of his character in the second half is detrimental to the movie.

Overall by focusing almost solely on the main group involved, 'The Imitation Game' fails to create a sense of world building on how these events here mattered to their superiors and to their families. This not only made it hard to stretch the running time, but dampens some of the impact the key scenes create. It's a shame because most of the dialogue is very good.
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Indulgent and Presented with Gravitas
13 June 2024
Highly interesting, and comprising of the emotional as well as the factual, 'Monarchy with David Starkey' is a deep, meaningful and thought provoking insight into the life of nobility and the effect on their families and counsels.

David Starkey is a phenomenal historian, who takes life seriously and gives the material he covers the deepest respect. When the speaks he uses his eyes to communicate as a king would.

Complimenting him is fantastic editing, wonderful enchanting music, and an array of actors/actress portraying the figures. The location work is incredible and really captivates you into the world of greatness and grandeur.
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Troy (2004)
A Complete Triumphant Story
11 June 2024
Engaging and emotionally driven, 'Troy' is a great film directed by Wolfgang Peterson who puts his heart and soul into the characters and the action.

The casting is perfect. Brad Pitt is phenomenal, and his keeps his sometimes overconfident ego in check and produces a grounded and likeable champion. Eric Bana is sensational and proves once again that he means what he plays. Orlando Bloom surprisingly plays a role perfect for his frame, timid and weak, instead of the brave strong characters he would later mistakenly be cast for. Peter O'Toole for me has the best scenes with his voice reaching deep into my soul.

It's a huge story that should be complicated, but it is told so masterfully to the point that you really care for the events and for the characters. Contributing to this are competent sets and well scaled battle action. It's a mighty movie that gives you a lot for its running time.
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Nasty and Sickly, but Gripping in Parts
11 June 2024
A hard film to really make, director 'Benjamin Ross' creates a horrifying and unsettling psychological horror that is, during its first half, gripping and mentally disturbing to the point of nearly making you want to vomit.

It's an odd cast. Hugh O'Conor is a quite splendid in the roll, managing to remain confident and certain in the character's decisions. Ruth Sheen transforms quite grotesquely during her screentime. But Roger Lloyd Pack feels out of place.

There are effectively two films here. The prior being a certain horror and the second being an investigation. It reaches high levels of tension and suspense, and there are injections of comedy that are actually sometimes to its credit, but overall it really struggles to balance the two and it's a difficult film to digest without your stomach turning.
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The Wrong Film for the Wrong Audience
11 June 2024
Abundant in quality CGI and great cinematography, 'Where the Wild Things Are' is a strange and somewhat non child friendly animated movie with an unexpected amount of angst.

Max Records is a great childhood actor with powerful eyes, and he brings in the necessary reactive element to the array of arguments held by the 'monsters', all of whom are voice acted well.

The big gripe with the movie is that it is at war with itself. One side wants it to be a light-hearted kid friendly show, and the other side a triggering emotional breakdown drama. The result pulls it towards being geared for adults instead of children, and young children in particular are going to be bored and confused. It's a shame, because there is a huge sense of caring, and the dialogue is very good in the last two acts.
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Awkward Direction
9 June 2024
With stunning performances from all the cast, 'The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc' is a powerhouse of energy and madness, thanks to the amazing Milla Jovovich who commands the screen with both fury and anguish. The way she moves and conveys emotion cements her as the big carry for this film. In many ways its her defining movie.

The location work for the most part is great, but the film places itself in a difficult position as the writing and emotions of secondary characters lends them to be unlikeable, and despite it being an historical film, feels more poetic than insightful, with the political entanglement and religious bigotry not being executed with sympathy or excitement.
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The Beyond (2017)
Beyond the Reach for the Writers
9 June 2024
Complimenting the unique presentation, combining first person and third person, 'The Beyond' is more of a character drama rather than a mystery investigation Sci Fi.

Jane Perry feels like the right pick for the cast, she comes across like a parent with the underlying guilt over her decisions. Nigel Barber needed a bit more emotional anchorage. Noeleen Comiskey is fantastic and feels very human given the humanity and lightheartedness that was required against her trepidations.

The first half the movie is very promising, but the second half clearly demonstrates extreme lack of effort and ambition, almost to the point of causing offence. The screenplay and cinematography is great, but the CGI is mundane almost to the point of appearing like tacked on stock footage. Overall it's a failure, but a hearty one with a glowing spirit.
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Visuals Stunning but Narratively Impossible
9 June 2024
Quite poorly told in a lot of areas, 'Howls Moving Castle' is not an anime for those expecting a good honest fantasy or Sci Fi. Many of the aspects of this fantasy is random, similar to stories by Terry Pratchett.

The film's large error is that it doesn't set it rules out very clearly, and introduces characters that end up becoming so different from their initial first act that it derails the energy and enthusiasm.

It's one of these animes that is niche for those 'in the know' behind what is supposed to be happening, but looking at the pretty picture in on itself from a blank canvas, it makes little sense and its world is almost incomprehensible.
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Flightplan (2005)
Committed and Uneventful
9 June 2024
A movie that's too ambitious for its script 'Flightplan' doesn't really compute in the logic department, but does try hard to produce a meaningful and emotional rollercoaster ride.

Jodie Foster is phenomenal given the lacklustre script and Sean Bean is surprisingly attractive, managing to stay professional and serious with the nonsense unfolding. Peter Sarsgaard is very forgettable.

This type of movie really needed to stay in the air midway with some real thought and progression, but as the movie unfolds it becomes clear that its all sauce and there is nothing attracting the audience to care about what happens next due to its increasing unlikeliness. It overall feels very short, and shouldn't have really been made, even though in parts its quite competent.
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Too Much Flamboyance
9 June 2024
'Gangs of New York' is insatiably violent, largely to its detriment. It drives into the precursor of violence as a flex for characters to provide exposition, but the script isn't strong enough to make meat out of it, and the film comes off as being quite confusing.

Leonardo DiCaprio is an A tier actor, but here he feels too subtle and lacking the energy and oomph that he always brings to the table. Cameron Diaz is forgettable, as unfortunately most of her roles are. The absolute star of course is Daniel Day-Lewis, who steals the show with every scene he is in.

Unfortunately that ultimately becomes one of its big problems - it becomes the Daniel Day-Lewis overacting show, and everybody else is either underacting or written so poorly that there is no chemistry. The movie is also shot poorly at times, with the story all mangling together to become hard to care about.
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Overburdened and Uninteresting
8 June 2024
Ridley Scott is a director I can't admire or commend. He takes good ideas with epic proportions, often presents violent battle scenes, yet with 'Kingdom of Heaven' he produces a movie that is incredibly boring.

This is partially due to him not getting the best from his huge array of cast and characters. Orlando Bloom is horrible, and is one of the worst casting choices for a strong blacksmith in cinema history. Eva Green is gorgeous but spends most of the time staring hoping we would be entertained by her eyes and implications. Liam Neeson makes a strong impression but does not get enough screentime. Ghassan Massoud is the most engaging; his scenes being captured with high amount of gripping feel and I wished the movie focused more on him and his followers.

The critical flaw is that the movie has far too many characters, and overall its impossible to get invested when each have such little time to emotionally invest in. And for honesty's sake, the historic context is far from the ideal theme for an entertainment movie.
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Hanna (2011)
Too Arty for a film Requiring Guts
8 June 2024
Being quite lazy in parts, 'Hanna' underdelivers with little substance. After an initially interesting and promising first act, all the momentum dissolves into a lukewarm child's fantasy that feels akin to a teenage comic. To compliment this, the movie has an array of strange and unlikely secondary characters, most of which feel like they've come out of an 80s family sitcom.

Saoirse Ronan is quite a wise pick with her charming face and anime killer eyes, but this idea of her character is rejected for a wooden doll replacement. Cate Blanchett is fantastic as always, but literally stumbles around the screen with all her grace removed. Eric Bana always impresses, but his character is not fully fleshed out and becomes meaningless.

Overall the movie is a waste of a good cast. Director Joe Wright clearly didn't want to make a blockbuster here, and his lack of motivation is evident in the final result.
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Replicas (2018)
Senseless and Mindless
7 June 2024
Starting off on a sensible foot, 'Replicas' lays the groundwork for a potentially interesting drama about human sentience and ethics. Then it abandons this premise entirely, creates something new from nothing, and expects the audience to play along.

Keanu Reeves is surprisingly very good. He is the emotional grounding that the film desperately needed, and without this most honest attempt here, the movie would be a failure for him. Alice Eve is fairly okay, taking a slow and composed approach to her simple character. However Thomas Middleditch is horribly unlikeable and nauseating with a character that spends a lot of film looking down or away from the camera and ruining every scene he is in. John Ortiz doesn't seem to care about the very little writing for his character and almost appears to troll the movie.

The script is abominable and demands complete obedience to its ever changing ideas in order to enjoy the story. The screenplay, cinematography, use of colours and CGI are all good, but the heart of the movie is torn from the audience very early on, and instead the movie is replaced with the fake essence of other movies slapped in without true focus and direction. Plot holes are very evident in the final act, and there is a level of disrespect from the writers that I can't ignore.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
All the Right Pieces, all the Wrong Executions
7 June 2024
Not well cast, and slightly unlikeable in parts, 'Pearl Harbour' is not Michael Bay's best work, and is a mix of unfunniness and lack of respect despite some interesting secondary characters.

Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnett all fail to engage with the film's manic and uncontrolled momentum, as the movie just doesn't seem interesting in holding a scene with any real heart or intention. Only Jon Voight is memorable and rises above the script.

Planes and the bombing of stationary ships does not make for particularly interesting action. A lot of the movement and camerawork is riddled with repetitiveness and confusion with quick cuts and overall poor cohesion. It's also too depressing, and not much fun.
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A Strangely Nothing Film
7 June 2024
Like mist itself, director Bertrand Tavernier creates one of least insightful and visionary detective movies ever made, yet within itself lies a few good qualities.

I've never been able to truly appreciate Tommy Lee Jones. He's a very busy and popular actor, yet I have found every performance from him failing to reach the top tier standard. Here he is given the primary runtime, and that's ultimately the second biggest problem for the movie, especially when he is outacted hugely by the magnificent John Goodman.

For the film's positives, the dialogue is good, and the screenplay and cinematography is fine, but critically nothing happens of any interest in the script or story and the unexciting execution doesn't make you care about anything.
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Promising in Parts but lacking Depth of Character
7 June 2024
With a broader vision and some subtly in parts, 'The Way of the Dragon' is Bruce Lee's second best film. The ensemble of cast are given a bit more to do and there is some humour thrown in that works. I can see and understand what Bruce Lee is trying to do with his direction of the movie, but the end result is a mixed bag.

His acting still isn't up to par, and that's a big problem. He's stiff in emotion and his character is rather forgettable. Ping-Ou Wei is more memorable largely due to his funny over the top facial expressions, although it makes English dubbing hard. The biggest negative is that incredible Chuck Norris is barely in it as a character, and he clearly had the acting chops to make a huge impression.

The martial arts, to a degree, is its saving grace, but the overall result is still quite mediocre and lacking in emotional layers.
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Fist of Fury (1972)
Too Rigid
7 June 2024
Bruce Lee the legendary martial artist makes it look too easy, in this rather too straightforward revenge martial arts movie.

Bruce Lee's acting is not at his best here. He doesn't convey that depth and anger that is required, and he seems too casual for the darkness of the script. He isn't given any interesting secondary characters with any meaningful chemistry, and there isn't any emotion behind the events. There is a sense of world building and racism, but it isn't explored enough beyond the surface level.

In addition to a bland and unengaging story, the sets are repetitive and there isn't a great deal of adventure. It's very dated overall.
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One of the Greatest Martial Arts Movies of all Time
7 June 2024
With a lack of a competent director, it wasn't until this movie that Bruce Lee gets the opportunity that he deserves to truly kick ass in a variety of styles. His acting ability is better displayed through a variety of close ups and clearer definition.

But what makes this movie truly shine is the perfect interjection of Americanism into the Chinese culturalism through the smug but charming John Saxon and the confident and spirited Jim Kelly, who creates one of the most successful blending of the two cultures. Kien Shih makes a perfectly evil insecure villain, who composure shielding his fragility is evident through his terrific acting.

One of the best credits to the film are the beautiful and rich interior sets and the lush environments. The camerawork is almost perfect and the screenplay is exciting. It would have been difficult for any director to have topped this amazing creation with Bruce Lee.
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Eccentrically Original and Incredibly Fun
7 June 2024
With incredible sets and outstanding CGI, 'The Fifth Element' is an amazing creation by talented director Luc Besson and is one of the best Sci Fi movies ever made.

With a huge degree of interesting ideas, the movie is extremely pleasant to the eye and is sumptuous in its visuals and set designs, with incredible detail throughout.

Bruce Willis has never been an outstanding actor, but the director brings the best of his humourful and cool qualities. Milla Jovovich portrays a true and sincere caring character that brings a tear to my eye. Gary Oldman successfully embodies a truly insane antagonist in one of his best roles. Chris Tucker is mad as a fish and is the type of actor more modern films need. The star for me though is Ian Holm, who I consider to be the world's greater actor - he is absolutely hilarious.

The film is perfect for all ages, and incredibly well executed. It is firmly within my top ten movies of all time.
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The Founder (2016)
Sensible and Respectful
4 June 2024
Going into this movie without any spoiler was hugely to my credit, as the film is about finding wonder and opportunity in a changing world. With masterful screenplay by John Lee Hancock, on paper 'The Founder' should be boring but shines strong due to a fantastic performance by Micheal Keaton who is thoroughly energetic and interested in the character. Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch are humane and believable, providing an intelligent insight into their world and their vision.

It's a perfect example of how simple, clever filming, combined with thoughtful and involving dialogue, can produce a soothing masterpiece that is certainly best enjoyed on its first watch without pre knowing its premise.
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Action Packed, but Overall Clumsy
4 June 2024
An action packed historical epic with fantastical over the top combat is not recommended when your primary means of war are wooden ships - this ultimately becomes '300: Rise of an Empire' biggest problem. The exciting hand to hand combat is replaced by insane ship swarming, crashing and impossible acrobatic feats.

Sullivan Stapleton struggles to follow in butler's footsteps, and he fails to bring enough gravitas to the role. He is massively outacted by the sensational and menacing Eva Green who transcends past her poor character writing.

The tone of the film is off in the second half, but it does deliver some excitement and thrills that would be visually engaging and memorable if it wasn't for all that water dribbling over the screen.
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Thoughtful and Charming, with a little bit of Hurt
4 June 2024
A priceless gem with real courage, 'A Little Princess' is magical in its imagination but heartbreakingly realistic in its portrayal, creating a movie that is powerful and tear jerking.

Liesel Matthews is a delightful and competent young actress who charms the screen. Vanessa Chester is excellent and gives the movie those moments to take in the incredible screenplay and wonderful cinematic direction. Eleanor Bron is a rare treat of truly showing insecurity and narcissism, but with a realistic believability for the setting at the time.

The costumes are amazing, and the variety of colours are appealing to the eye. The hardships can be difficult to bare and at times I wouldn't recommend to young children, but it will grasp you make you believe in hope against cruel authority and systematic unfairness. In criticism the movie does have a couple of dull spots, and it certainly is not an 'exciting' film.
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Constantine (2005)
Frustrating, but Intriguing
4 June 2024
With too much religious nonsense and with little or no sense of environment to back it up, 'Constantine' relies instead on character building and emotional development. This is hard to do with Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz who have little chemistry and struggle to engage as interesting characters relying on secondary characters to motivate the mood as best they can.

The set pieces, such as the CGI creatures that invoke madness are interesting and, if presented in a better film, would have been more memorable.

But the lack of realism to counterbalance anything makes for difficult contrast. The fantasy element is not fantastical if you have empty backgrounds and boring bland set designs, and many parts of the movie feel like I required a prequel to really care or understand what morals or meanings that the movie it is trying to convey.
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Intriguing B Movie, Well Directed
4 June 2024
In the pile of VHS tapes once found in a family member's bedroom, 'Forbidden Sins' is quite good in a lot areas outside of the obvious.

Amy Lindsay is an acceptable actress in parts, but she lacks the necessary subtlety and competence to deceive convincingly. Timothy Vahle is hilarious and provides the best moments of the movie, but also does Corbin Timbrook who feels very experienced and delivers his lines well. Myles O'Brien provides a sense of heroicness and decency to counterbalance the evil.

The overall screenplay and some interesting camera work in certain scenes elevate the movie, and overall it's better than your average late night softcore affair.
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