
41 Reviews
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Proof (2005)
Proof that movies can be thought-provoking
3 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see {Proof} with reservations, being in theatre I had heard much about the award-winning play, but had never had the chance to see it. I still hope one day to see it.

Proof is an interesting movie. I am still not 100% sure what my reaction to it was. I left the theatre feeling both touched and puzzled. To me that's actually a good response to a movie - one I've not experienced since I saw Possession a few years ago.

Paltrow's acting ability is once again spectacular as she tackles the extreme emotional upheaval of a daughter dealing with her own worries/sanity and those of her family. You can almost see the lines as she cracks under the stress, only to realize that ultimately her life is determined not by genetics , but by her. Hopkins is particularly heart-wrenching in his dry (and I mean that in a positive way) and honest portrayal of her father ("Crazy people don't sit around wondering whether or not they're nuts - they have better things to do with their time").

However, I found that the formatting of the movie didn't work as well for me as it probably would have on stage. I found the cutting back and forth from present to past quite difficult to follow in some places - but perhaps that was the point.

All in all, a very good film, and one I'm still mulling over....
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Little Voice (1998)
I feel I should clarify
8 December 2004
Having read a few of the other reviews posted since I last commented on this film I feel I should clarify exactly what I was disappointed in. I did not receive what I felt was put forward by the film's promotional campaign, and therefore my entire experience of the film was badly tainted.

The acting in the film is excellent, and as many have mentioned, the vocal talents of the lead are amazing. I simply think that that talent should have been given more screen time. That does not mean I think that it should have been turned into a Hollywood-ised positive falsehood, simply that more time should have been given to what the movie was promoted as. As for the ending, I have no problem with unconventional endings - I usually enjoy them a great deal more than typical ones. I always enjoy endings that are not what I expected. What disappointed me so greatly about this one is that it didn't appear to go anywhere..I saw no joy or change in Laura's life, no deeper appreciation of herself (which I would have enjoyed far more than a 'success' story in the first place), nothing. I'm all for not tying up all the loose ends - it keeps up the suspense, but introducing and ending that does not address, in my opinion, and of the issues of self-awareness and personal independence put forward in the film is lacking in something.

Perhaps if/when I return to see the movie again (as I said my first viewing was tainted) I may see what everyone else is seeing. For now, it remains a disappointment.

And,though I do this seldom, I feel the need to respond to one specific comment

"Surely it isn't implied that a 'good' movie dealing with someone dancing around the edges of the entertainment business only happens when the protagonist 'makes it' in the industry? presumably with attendant drug usage, alcohol abuse, sexual libertinage et cetera? even better of course if we are permitted the Schadenfreude arising from his subsequent collapse into whichever variety of nastiness is currently most titillating. Heaven forbid that such a person may realize that there are more important and rewarding pursuits in life!"

No. A good entertainment movie deals with the trials tribulations and hard work involved in getting into and staying in the entertainment industry. Whether they make it or not. I said more screen time, not success. This the movie handled well - but failed to note the balance between the pain and the enjoyment that comes with working in the arts. In reference to your comment about drug use etc...that is a stereotype that most artists do not fit and go to lengths to avoid. Yes, the industry can destroy you, and for many it has. But making it a 'presumption' that anyone involved in the arts is a druggie and an alcoholic is an insult to those of us who work in the field and take our profession seriously.

The entertainment industry is and important and fulling pursuit and it is a tough one, and this movie does do a fine job of showing the tough aspect of it. I simply think that certain aspects of it could have been handled better or emphasised more.
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Badlands (1973)
Bad-lands aptly named (Spoilers)
21 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin, I was astonished to find the rave reviews this film has garnered from various sources. I found it to be one of the poorest I have ever sat through. Not offensive at all, or disturbing ...that I could maybe appreciate as part of the film's intention...but just poorly done overall and very very boring.

The film is so slow paced as to be standing still, and when it does move it's excruciatingly predictable. I found myself sitting there saying 'Oh great, bet he shoots someone else and runs away now" and sure enough blam someone's dead and they're running again. I like slow paced films sometimes, but this went past slow to simply dead. The acting on the part of the two leads was incredibly poor, and there was no chemistry whatsoever between them. While I understand that the lack of chemistry between the characters is, in a way, part of the story, there must always be a little chemistry between the actors themselves on the screen in order to make a decent product, otherwise their performance is simply painful to watch. If I had ever given consideration to watching another Sissy film this has completely wiped that idea from my mind...there was not a single time in the film that she actually seemed the least bit interested in what was going on in the film... the flatness of her acting made her character completely unbelievable and extremely annoying. I mean come on...her boyfriend shoots and kills her father and she not only doesn't cry, but goes with him! Oh yeah that's really realistic.

I wish I could find a single redeeming feature in this film, I really wanted to like it...but with the dull sameness of the setting, the repetitive nature of the plot and the extremely flat characters and poor acting I simply cannot bring myself to find any good. Take my advice save the rental money for something a little more worthwhile.
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The Care Bears (1986–1988)
Charming, enchanting and sadly....seemingly lost
21 October 2002
The Care Bears seem to mean different things to different people, some hate them with a passion that is almost holy while others, like myself can look back at them and see the warm fuzzy memories of childhood. There are doubtlessly other variations between those two extremes, those just happen to be the two examples I've run across.

I have always loved the Care Bears, like so many of the cartoons of the eighties, the combined good animation (well at least good for the day), that has held up relatively well over the years, with interesting storylines that don't feature the violence and sheer stupidity that so many 'kids shows' do today. Even when the 'new care bears' was released (and it wasn't quite as good) Care Bears continued to actually teach kids something about life through it's cute little half-hour episodes...can you really say that about Barney and Friends or Teletubbies? Please.

Some of the episodes are still out on video, do yourself a favour and pick one up...a walk down memory lane never really hurt anyone.
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Remington Steele (1982–1987)
A Deep Dark Secret (Contains Spoilers)
16 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I am an unashamed Remington Steele-aholic. I have almost every episode on video, including the marathon that A&E ran several years ago.

I have constantly tried to pin down what it is that I like so much about this show. Perhaps it is that I just happened to stumble into it at the right time, perhaps it is because I am a hopeless romantic. I have never really been able to come up with an exact answer. To me it has just always had the perfect combination of romance and mystery that created a nice kind of tension in the show as a whole. You couldn't really separate the two elements, the mysteries seldom stood on their own without the subplot of Remington and Laura, and their romance thrived on the mysteries. I have heard that PAX tried to air the series and cut out all the romance scenes, I've never quite figured out how that would work.

For those who are not Steelites (and I realise that RS is not really that well known a show), the stories of each episode centre around the characters at the Remington Steele detective agency. At first glance it's just your normal PI Office, bullets flying, phones ringing, femme fatales wandering through the door every afternoon and a head man to keep it all under control. But there is one minor difference, that headman is a Remington Steele by name...though none know if that's his real name.... who takes all the bows while the real head of the office, Laura Holt, does all the dirty work. Add in their unlikely, and constantly challenged desire for each other...and you have Remington Steele.

One of the shows that unfortunately got lost in the 80s, RS is worth checking out if you like mysteries and/or simple romance...before everything became graphic and over-explicit. And if anyone out there has a copy of the Steele Threads episode that they are willing to part with, please let me know :)
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Possession (2002)
23 August 2002
I had not, and still have not at this point, read the book when I went to see Possession only a few days fact I didn't even know that there was a book. Likely I will read it later...the movie however, was one of the most amazing I have seen in a long long time.

Truly if someone asked me what Possession was about, I would have to though this is most definitely a love tells that story by showing how life can throw challenges at you. Everything is not always happily ever after in the way you expect. The ending of this film is absolutely perfect, and it leaves you thinking about it long after you leave the theatre. But it is also unexplainable; you have to see the picture for it to make any sense.

I mentioned to a friend of mine that this was a chick flick...but only in the respect that it is a very romantic movie (it definitely deserves it's billing as 'most romantic film of the year'), but it stands out on it's own. It is a visual tribute to the extreme power of the written word, and how that power doesn't always fade through the generations.

I can't think of a single casting in the film that wasn't spectacularly played...everything flowed together seamlessly. Normally I am leery of movies that blend more than one storyline, but, though this film takes place in two different time periods, it is really all one story and the two time periods blend in and out of each other so easily that it is not in the least bit confusing.

Definitely a top ten movie, 10/10.
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Octopussy (1983)
A Sweet of the best
23 August 2002
I have heard it said that Moore treated the Bond movies he was in, and this one in particular, as too much of a joke. Personally I have never really agreed with that point of view, I thought that Sean Connery was a bit too much on the serious side, but it is true that this is one of the more light hearted bond flicks in the series.

Octopussy is by far my favourite Bond movie, perhaps because it is so over the top...but mostly because of the performance and character of Maud Adams as Octopussy herself. Rarely do you find a Bond Girl character who is actually Bond's equal; Octopussy is, not only intellectually, but also professionally. She is at least as good a spy as he is, but from the other side of the tracks. She is not seduced by him, but rather accepts him, for a moment of be tossed aside when she wills it rather than the other way around. Maud Adams' sophisticated beauty and wit absolutely shines in the role.

That being said, the film can also stand on it's own. It has countless excellent merits. Aside from comedy, there is plenty of suspense, action and even some surprise...a fair amount for the normally predictable Bond romps.

Also standing alone is the score, complete with one of the more beautiful title Bond songs ever recorded. The music perfectly underscores the important moments in the movie without ever overstating itself...using subtle variations on the main theme's amazing how one song can express so many different emotions.

All in all, a great addition to any action, comedy, or, of course, romance collection. Definitely worth watching more than once.
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Wonderful Cast...disappointing movie (contains spoilers)
23 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
First off let me say that I love the rat pack. The cast of this film simply cannot be beat and they all perform wonderfully well as usual in some great musical numbers. The film itself however, left me extremely cold, if not actually angry that such a classic story could be twisted in such a horrible way.

****Spoiler warning****

In and of itself, the concept for Robin and the 7 Hoods is a great one, and, especially considering the cast, I settled back to enjoy it. I always love to see an old story reworked, it's interesting to see how they handle the characters and morals involved in the classics while still making it refreshing and interesting. The problem with this film is that it is NOT the story of Robin least not any version I know.

Set in prohibition times, the story starts out quite well, an out-gunned Robbo (played to perfection by Frank Sinatra), doesn't like the fact this his pal Big Jim has been hit by the now-mob-boss Guy (another wonderful contribution by Peter Falk) he sets up on his own. All the stock characters from the classic tale of good and evil are there, recreated in a modern setting, right down to the sheriff of Nottingham, although this time he's the corrupt Sheriff of Chicago, and I won't go into his fate. Everything goes along swimmingly until the entrance of the Maid Marian character. Now Marian is supposed to be Robin's true love, she's supposed to be on the side of good and aid him in his quest...yeah..not this Marian. She wants to be the new mob boss, and will stop at nothing, not even hitting Robbo, to gain her goals.... after her introduction the story may as well have nothing to do with Robin Hood. She is without a doubt the villain of the story...and get this, she wins too (and nabs herself one of Robbo's supposed 'faithful' followers in the proceedings too...going against everything he's preached throughout the movie as well)! In what Robin Hood story does the villain (or in this case villainess?) win and leave Robin Hood demoted to begging on street corners?

This movie is entertaining as long as you realise it has nothing whatsoever to do with the true story, I wouldn't really even call it a's more of a parody of what a tale of robbing from the rich and giving to the poor shouldn't be. The film has great potential, but it twists the whole point of the story so much that it crushes its possibilities.
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The Shadow (1994)
"You called...?"
8 August 2002
...You heard?"

This movie truly shows the elegance and class of the 30's (I only wish today we had clubs like the Cobalt Club) along with the spirit of the original radio series. Yes the plot is rather predictable, but that's part of this movie's charm, and the plots of the orginal radio series were not always that original themselves. All in all it is well worth the rental money, and well worth's a charming elegant gem that will be a welcome addition to any collection.
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Truly the best retelling of the classic tale ever put on film
25 June 2002
I saw this movie when I was a child, and it is still among the favourites in my video collection. I am shocked more people have not heard of it. This film is a fresh retelling of a story that has been told for generations, only this time it is told with genuine originality. The characters have motive and depth, especially Lynette (otherwise known as Red Riding Hood) a rebellious young girl who, just like her mother once did, shows no fear...even in the face of a cunning werewolf. The music in this version is enchanting, and will ring in your head for hours afterwards; it is a shame that they never released the soundtrack.

This is most definitely a welcome addition to any collection, children's or otherwise.
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Beautiful and touching, an all around feel good movie
25 June 2002
Why this beautiful movie is only rated a 4.4 on the IMDB scales is beyond me. It is a wonderful touching story about love and the conflicts that go with it. Unlike most others who have seen the movie, I hated Phoebe in this movie, both her character, and her acting! Emmanuelle however, became one of my role models soon after seeing this movie, she does so much with basically NO lines and is able to convey more emotion and feeling with a glance of her eyes than most other actresses I have seen. This is a chick flick yes, but it's a good makes you feel good, which is unusual with movies these days. There is no violence (which is why some people probably find it boring) and nothing that cannot be enjoyed by the whole family. Also, if you look deep enough, this movie teaches you how to look beyond the surface of people...look at Patty, she's supposedly perfect but what lies under that surface is not as pleasant. This is a movie about making choices and learning to believe in fate at the same time. Give it a chance; you'll probably like it.
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Fitzwilly (1967)
years ago the very privileged lived the way we still do...
21 June 2002
Fitzwilly without a doubt is one of the BEST Dick Van Dyke movies ever made. It is sleek, elegant and has a sophisticated brand of comedy that has become an almost extinct breed. The story moves along at a fast clip, with just enough suspense that you wonder what will happen next at the same time you are laughing hysterically and a touching romance to boot! Although kids could watch this movie and get some laughs out of the few sight gags, it's unlikely that many would understand the more subtle dry humour that reigns throughout; still this is a movie that can be watched and enjoyed by the whole family! I am eagerly looking for a DVD release!
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Chocolat (2000)
A delicious surprise...SPOILERS
14 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see this movie in theatres, but circumstances prevented it, and the more I learned about it the more hesitant I was to rent it when it came out on video. Finally I went with my instincts though and sat down and gave it a chance.

Boy was I glad I did!

Chocolat is a wonderful, tasteful...and in some ways inspiring movie! With great casting, good accents (an unusual find) and a strong storyline.

Although it is billed as a 'chick flick', it isn't really, the romance plays very little part in the main plot and is not really brought in until the very end. This is really a movie about life, about traditions and what it takes to change them, and why that change is sometimes necessary. It is one of the few movies that I simply sat there for a few moments afterwards and thought back over what I had just is not a surface flick that you can get everything out of in one sitting, but rather one that you will find something new in every time you watch it!
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Good...but not great (minor Spoilers)
14 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie with hesitation, I had heard good things about it...but I'm always hesitant to rent a comedy billed as hilariously funny as they somehow never quite live up my expectations. That being said I did like this just never quite lived up to it's potential.

A great deal of the humour in this film is the clumsy slapstick variety, and there is only so far you can play that before it gets dull. I spent most of the movie feeling sorry for the main character rather than laughing at her as I was supposed to. Also the ultimate villain of the film...well that twist makes absolutely no sense, if the villain was established to be nuts, well that would be different, and there are some tries at that. It is not however pulled off well enough to make the ultimate revelation any are literally left sitting there agreeing with the head FBI agent in thinking 'what on earth would she do it for?'

There was, however, one part of this movie that I absolutely loved: the very first scene in the playground, which runs during the opening credits. This scene was truly hilarious, and heart-warming, however that effect simply did not last for the rest of the movie. I mean we never even find out Hart's motivation for joining the FBI (another short scene after the playground could easily have filled in that gap), and this lack of character development makes it more difficult to understand her actions later in the film.

So overall, a decent film that doesn't live up to it's rep. Good but not great....5.5/10
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Little Voice (1998)
A classic example of deceptive marketing leading to disappointment
14 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*** possible minor spoilers***

From the trailers, and the box covers (which were basically all I had to go on when I rented this movie) this was billed as a comedy. I returned it and for the first time complained at the video store and got my money back since I felt I had been totally deceived. They agreed with me.

For a movie like this it should at least be noted that this is a DARK comedy, so dark as to be depressing. There was one 3-minute scene that showed some of the sparkle promised by the promotions, and yet after that it plunged right back into darkness again. There was no resolution for the main character, her life didn't get any better...and her talents went to total waste. I was left sitting there thinking that I had been totally gypped.

The only thing that saves this movie, in my opinion, is the vocal talent of the lead...who does all her own work and is quite amazing. There is not enough of this however, since most of the movie is just the horrid antics of the character of the mother.

If you are in the mood for a dark British drama than this is the movie for you, if you looking for what this movie bills itself as, an inspiring dramatic comedy then look elsewhere.
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A Serious let down
14 June 2002
I rented this movie expecting a light, romantic comedy, which is exactly what it was billed as. That's not however exactly what it is. While it is a romantic comedy, and parts of it are funny this movie just doesn't cut it in either the romance category or the drama category, instead it sort of floats along in the middle.

Also it has what I consider a rotten ending, throughout the whole movie we are cheering for the main character to make the right choice and he does...only to change his mind in a seriously disappointing twist which leaves you thinking 'why on earth did I bother with that?'.
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Mulan (1998)
Excellent but still
14 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I do love Mulan, but I do not rank it up with what I call the four new classics (the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and Hercules...yes you did read that right). Instead it ranks the next level down, along with Tarzan (another movie I loved but that had some annoyances in it I just couldn't ignore).

This is a great movie with several good songs (Reflection being one of is quite beautiful) but one of the problems is that there were NOT enough of them! The songs that are there are great, but there are so few that it just doesn't do the movie justice.

Although the movie overall is wonderful, and well well worth watching, there are two scenes that stand out from it as, in my opinion, spectacular. These are SPOILERS: the transformation scene where Mulan disguises herself as a boy (the background music and pouring rain in this scene make it simply breathtaking) and the final scene in China, which brings me to tears every time I see it.

The only reason I do not rank this movie with what I call the fab four, is the very end, which is one of the weaker endings I have seen in a Disney movie. With such a strong story throughout the ending seemed to be simply thrown on at the last minute. While I understand that the romance aspect did not really work with this movie, surely they could have done something slightly better than (and I quote) 'would you like to stay forever?" I mean please! Even if it were Mulan who says this line it would make it better.

Other than the ending though, and the fact that there simply are not enough songs, this is a wonderful movie that will make a great addition to any Disney collection.
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Hercules (1997)
The last of the new classics
14 June 2002
Although I know I have heaped praise on several other Disney films...Hercules stands out as my favourite among them all. After this movie the Disney features once again seemed to slip downhill. However I can watch this movie again and again, it has a spectacular Greek chorus, gospel type score, which will ring in your head for days (and you will like it!). The characters are all likeable, even the villain and it is absolutely hilarious!

I have never understood the panning this film got from Disney fans, as I have never comprehended what there is to dislike. The animation is beautifully done, although it is done in the style of Greek art, which may not be to everyone's taste (very similar situation to Sleeping Beauty which was disliked by some because it was animated in the style of a medieval tapestry), but it works wonderfully for the film.

Take a chance and watch it...and when you're done watching it for the sixteenth time, go out and buy the soundtrack!
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The Lion King (1994)
One of the best of the recent classics
14 June 2002
The Lion King is one of the few recent Disney movies that has it all: an enchanting score, great vocal talents, good casting and a charming original story. It will entertain young and old with just the right amount of romance (a very sweet romance too I might add), adventure and suspense. Worthy of it's extended run on the big screen by far, it was also the only disney movie I can think of that got a half decent sequel...(unlike Aladdin whose sequels are not even worth calling cartoons let alone movies), this beautiful story about the balance of life will hold it's charm for years and is destined to be passed down from generation to generation as a true family classic!
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Aladdin (1992)
Another gem in an already glittering (although swiftly tarnishing) crown
14 June 2002
Ranking even above the classic Little Mermaid, but not quite level with the enchantment of Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin came around when Disney was still breaking in it's new, smoother animation process, and it came with a splash of typical Disney glory.

Aladdin is a wonderful movie, handling an old story with a new twist and fresh sense of humour. The casting is well done, though there is a distinct lack of accents in the main characters (perhaps merely for understanding purposes. Arabic accents are difficult to decipher sometimes).

Despite all the action, adventure and romance in this gem of a family film, there is one thing that sets it again apart from the rest...the music. The score in this film is one of the better I have heard, it is quite beautiful, especially the various love ballads. Only one Disney film in my opinion can top this with an entire score (others can maybe top one or two songs, but not the entire school) and that is Beauty and the Beast, which stands, in my opinion in a musical class of it's own which has yet to be topped by any Disney movie past or present.

Overall, Aladdin is a wonderful family experience with elements that can appeal to everyone that will live on with a select others rather than fading into the abyss. However, one word of advice, avoid the sequels at all costs...they are a waste of film degrading to the original classic.
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A rebirth and a classic in it's own right
14 June 2002
This, in my opinion, is the movie that saved Disney from fading out of existence, as we know it. Before the Little Mermaid there had not been a blockbuster Disney animated feature for years (specifically not since the Great Mouse Detective) while Oliver and Company was released the year prior to this it was following the old formula and was not, to my knowledge, particularly successful.

The Little Mermaid revived the breathtaking beauty of the classic Disney films like Sleeping Beauty and the classic Snow White with it's tale of innocence pursued by evil, and true love conquering all.

With something for the whole family this gem of a film is really a classic in it's own right. It stands alone as one of Disney's most enchanting modern creations for a new generation. It bears repeated viewing remarkably well, and the musical score is both original and entertaining with many different styles included throughout.

Rent it today and enter the true magic of what Disney should really be!
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Charade (1963)
A truly classy film SPOILERS
14 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I have heard many people say that this film attempts to imitate Hitchcock...they're right, it does, and it succeeds remarkably and yet retains it's own unique style.

From the beginning when the main character walks into her suddenly empty luxury apartment you are on her side, then the mystery man walks into her life and you think she's about to get some help. The thought is the first you have of a series of twists and turns that will have you desperately trying to figure out who is a villain and who is a hero.a question that is not answered until the very very end of the film.

A suspenseful, yet romantic gem that is well worth the 'price of admission' and makes a great addition to any film fan's collection.
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Fame (1980)
Wonder who'll come out shining like a jewel in the Fame school?
4 June 2002
Well, okay so that quote isn't from the movie, it's from the stage musical, which is WAY better!

Having read all the reviews on this movie and found them all to be positive, I have to wonder if I saw the same film! The one I saw only had one major song, that being the awesome title number (which, don't get me wrong, I love!) and nothing else really of interest. The characters were flat and the story line totally predictable. Some films don't age well, and this one doesn't.

If you really want to see this kind of story brought to life see if you can get a chance to see a good (notice I say good, the bad productions can be very painful) version of the stage musical. It can be awesome. It's set after the movie, has way more and way better music, more believable characters and a (if only slightly) better storyline (lines like "If you've come here expecting your going to live forever, or envision dancing on top of cars down 42nd street, you're humming the wrong tune!). That being said, amongst the theatre crowd at the university I go to, you've suffered the ultimate shame if you've performed in Fame...still it is a fun show to do and can be a blast to see...this movie on the other hand, while legendary is a flat outdate yawn that doesn't at all live up to it's reputation.
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In the Beginning
3 June 2002
"Before a young lion became a king, before a beauty tamed a beast and before Aladdin unleashed a genie there was a little mermaid who dreamed of something more..." AND before all that...was this, the very first and still one of the very best.

Snow White when held up to today's supposedly superior digital animation, well it may not be as glitzy but it definitely holds it's own especially against something like A Bug's Life (I hate computer animation)...what makes this film hold so well, is the love that can almost be seen in every frame, every tiny movement is a hundred HAND DRAWN animation drawings, hours and hours of work to create a masterpiece that is not really a child's movie.

Today Disney is almost synonymous with childhood, but in the beginning it wasn't the case. Snow White wasn't really made as a kid's movie it was made as a family movie perhaps, but was definitely aimed at a more adult audience (and parts of it are scary for kids) with the peculiarity that it is animated. When you watch Snow White you are watching an art that was almost better in it's infancy that in it's so called adult hood, now there are few hand animators left and instead of sweating over a flip board they are hitting buttons on a computer...and it's missing something somehow. This will always stand out as a dedication to Walt's true dream, and hopefully it will hold forever.
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Mame (1974)
Despite critical hatred, this is a WONDERFUL film
2 June 2002
One of the last of the truly great musicals, MAME has suffered in the critical eye for far to long. I have always thought that those who dish out this criticism are those who fail to see the true beauty and message of the film, if you let yourself simply fall into this beautiful film's zest for life it goes by way too quickly.

As for Lucy, yes her singing is not wonderful, but her charisma and honesty in the lead role more than make up for that! Always excluding Angela Lansbury, she is the perfect Mame from her uphearted parties to her desperate search for a job. I have heard the music in this film called instantly forgettable, I have never been so shocked, the score to this film is fabulous! It will be ringing in your head for days after you see it.

At the risk of sounding cliché there are very few films that have literally changed my life...this one did. It taught me a new, and better outlook on things and that we really should 'open a new window everyday'

So give it a chance and see it for what it is! A wonderful musical in which all the pieces come together to make a beautiful, inspiring whole.
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