
29 Reviews
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You were never really a film
26 July 2018
Boring and slow but also very infantile. Slow and filled with repetitive useless transportation scenes, not that difficult to reach up the 90 minutes that way. Beside the amateurish arty direction nothing made much sense.
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So and so
5 September 2009
Despite the acting of a few most of the movie looks like a fiction. The story was interesting enough but the flow is very very slow and some of the dialogs are pretty much irritating (I'm Italian, people do not speak like that). The photography and the camera work is all right but nothing more than a television film, pity because the location and the setting deserved more. Toni Servillo is always a good actor and lead the film easily but often he has to deal with average if not amateur actors. He did a great job with his character making it believable as well as most of the lead roles, all the others were bad, pretty much. 30 minutes shorter and it could have been a good TV film. On the other hand the story failed. Up to a certain point it was still smart, then it just felt into some obvious and predictable conclusion, which seemed to be just the end they could finally make but I think they could have resolute the movie differently, giving to it a better twist. This film should give inspiration to young Italian filmmakers because despite all other countries it seems like in Italy it's quite easy to make movie, don't need much for the producers, camera and photography can be as simple as possible, no fancy shooting and the movie can be shot in two weeks maybe. It's done with little money and it shows.
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Captivity (2007)
bad, really bad - spoilers maybe
16 December 2007
One of the worst films of the genre I have seen. The plot don't make any sense, there are huge holes in it. A lot of mistakes of all kind. For instance the guy is scratching on the paint to write a msg to the girl and she scratch back to reply... excuse me how is that possible. The paint is on both sides? Then the guy scratches away the paint while she is sleeping... mh On the other hand it was so predictable... who the guy was I mean. No surprises really. Just a few extreme scenes, for the gore fans but I think they can be smarter than that. Ah yeah, acting was really bad. There are films from Lions Gate that should really be avoided, this at least had a better photography.
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The Village (2004)
the usual mediocrity
16 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As usual the director has made another mediocre film. It's basically a student film far too long. The story could have been told in less than an hour episode and it could have been as well as a TV film. Such a waste of actors but I guess they have to pay their bills as well. Dialogues were at time even irritating for how they were obvious and bad. Cinematic ally speaking the film had nice images, not special though but that's the job of a cinematographer who is another person employed for the film. This director strangely enough writes and direct overrated movies, still manages movie after movie. For one thing is very skilled of is finding financiers and producers because anyone else coming out with those "thin" scripts with one plot would be impossible to sell even the ideas. I believe at film school they might teach story constructions and all but perhaps he didn't even go to a film school. He was already a genius, check out his homemade film he is so proud to show in each DVD. It's insulting the intelligence of the audience. I wish only that the reviewer would write honest article when his movies are released but because of what probably the distribution companies pay to the magazine by the time the film is going into the theaters all reviews are great (even though many magazine don't even get a screening copy or preview, weird isn't it?!) but months after that the same film magazines publish other reviews and usually those are more "realistic", in fact the latest I read finally told the truth, this movie sucks!!!
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what's the story?
8 August 2004
What's the story? Really. Characters are flat, boring and you can't really like any of them even if you try. As for the music some of the tracks are obviously attempt to copy some more famous songs of the time and therefore after a while, at least for me, it all become irritating (I guess they couldn't get the right for the original material i.e. from David Bowie which I read somewhere wasn't interested in the film when they asked him in the first place, ... understandable), okay there are quite a few famous tunes but it appears as they are "left over" or something, probably the cheapest they could put their hands on... Going back to the film, I think it was a waste of money. Surprisely it was even nominated for an Academy Award, which is sad to hear that such films get what other much better pictures don't even get close to... :-(
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Gerry (2002)
Pretentious and pompous
21 July 2004
First of all there is far too many people in the crew for such an experiment but I guess Gus can afford this production but I am sure that an average independent director wouldn't have had any chance at all to have this produced. The idea and partially the film is interesting but I believe that it exaggerated stretching the patience of the audience. I can watch any film of any kind but at the end I had to push the forward button because I couldn't stand it any longer and I was so disappointed by the end that I find empty and rushed. As someone already pointed: was it really necessary to have a mile of tracks? Of course the filming was really a good job, and you can see how improvised it was specially when the steady cam is following the actors improvised wandering around. I think it lacks of dialogues, it would have helped with a little bit more. I don't walk with a friend for days without talking... but that's just my thought. I wouldn't warn people not to watch this experiment but I think is getting a little bit overrated after all it was probably just a joke or a bet made between the actors and the director. A walk in the path for who has no problem in getting financing.
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Hulk (2003)
Terrible (maybe Spoiler)
22 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Another comic book superhero becomes a horrible movie. For sure Ang Lee was not the right director for this film. The movie is terribly slow and become annoying after a little while, to me allready from the start. Lets say that a good chunk of it could have been removed in the editing, so that one hour of good material could have been the result of the final film if not less... but regardless the script... Fancy cut away F/X from scene to scene and split screen aren't enough to give a good tempo to the movie. The 3D Hulk is bad, nothing compared to the TV show. Honestly why did they do it? But the worst of it is the story. It's impressive that such a crappy story even get produced these days. My reccomendation is to avoid the film so that they won't make enough profit and in the future those kind of silly production would be avoided. Isn't that Ang Lee is getting a little bit overrated now. I believe any other director could have done a decent work they didn't need him, he has certainly slown down the film a lot... without considering the many jump cuts through the whole picture, what's with that?
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Almost Blue (2000)
Bad, very bad....
31 August 2003
One of the worst movie I have seen. When are they learning that you don't only need neat shots and cool camera angles but also a story first of all? The script is ridicolously silly and the acting is terrible. All of the actors, there is no-one who's actually good. You could almost predict every line in the movie. Incredible that there is people who actually talk good about this film. If you have been watching movies you'll notice all the cliche' used in this film and specially all the stealing/plagiarism. Then if we talk about logic the whole movie doesn't even make sense, there are holes everywhere and most of things are not even well explained, resolution is dumb and I feel stupid to have bought this movie. Avoid at any cost, watch "Il Colore della Notte" or "L'Imbalsamatore" instead.
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Thumbs Up!!!
31 August 2003
Very, very good. Finally a new italian movie that is actually well made. Based on real events. The dialogues are great and the acting is excellent. Lots of references to classic though such as Taxi Driver but these days every movie refeer to some others...
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What's up with the U2
3 August 2003
Great epic films, just what you expect from Scorsese. Only one thing, what's up with the U2? I mean nice everything, impressive set, great acting and so forth but the title that closes the movie (by U2) is the only thing that bothered me. I didn't even finished listening because I watched it on DVD. I probably would have walked out from the theater and the video on special features didn't interest me either. It just doesn't match with the rest and personally I find it very boring. In fact it would have been great an instrumental tune instead I think. The lyrics aren't interesting either. Well that's all I have to say.
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Adaptation. (2002)
8 July 2003
Finally a different movie. This movie has many meanings, it might be pointless for some people but again I have read reviews of someone who hasn't even seen Fellini's "8 1/2" which is one of those films you must have seen to talk about movies in fact I advice those people to watch any Michael Bay movie then they will find what they are looking for. Also this movie is not really for everyone, it's full of irony, metaphors, satire and it even makes fun of the movie industry in a point of view we haven't seen for ages. I guess this is the best movie I have seen this year.
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5 July 2003
just one word: slow. As usual the music takes over the movie. Too noisy, everywhere, annoying and so forth I hope in the future one DVD option would be to be able to shut the soundtrack score during the movie or at least to lower the volume of it. Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now... should I add some more?
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The Animatrix (2003 Video)
seen it before
18 June 2003
Enough with the Matrix. What's the story? All reviews and critics are negative, that's a fact. I have never been impressed by this matrix, well with the first one I liked the effect and the look but less the story beeing a heavy reader of science fiction (novels and comics) I never found it original. William Gibson wrote those plots long time ago and there were a few comics published in the beginning of 90 by a group of italian artist under a magazine called "Cyborg" and they wrote allready those kind of stories. So, as I wrote above: "seen it before". It's all so pompous, exagerated, it gives you the feeling that those brother really believe in this, they are so convinced of the matrix that I wouldn't be suprised to see them walking around with a black jacket and sunglasses. About this collection of short, some of those were really boring, I don't know what they think the audience is but I have seen lots of anime and this one collection did not impress me much. There are a couple of good ideas in all but I don't think that's enough to make a story. Same goes for the Matrix... how long does a film like that should take to have it done? Please...
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The Lie (1985)
There are much worst...
18 June 2003
Disagree completely with the comment. This film is based on a novel by Alberto Moravia who was a very famous italian writer whose books has been made into film by various directors including Godard. This can be a bad film for the ones who has seen little and probably interested in action and blockbuster stuff, in that case yes, avoid it like a plague. You'll get bored. But I suggest the vision of this movie to a mature viewer or at least someone who appreciate good cinema.
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Lilya 4-Ever (2002)
Lilja Enough!!!
16 June 2003
One should watch "Mandragora" instead for a more realistic portrait of human tragedy. It is funny to read comments such as"this is the best film I ever seen", then again I would say to this people you haven't seen much films, haven't you? What if I add "Christiane F" as well to the above mentioned title? Haven't all of you seen that one either? Lilja 4ever is a puerile film with holes all around, nothing special from a director who hasn't got much to tell. Probably we are going to see him direct the next video of T.A.T.U. since he seems to like young girls. Pretend he to be the next Larry Clark? Well then perhaps he should do a film of things he knows best, there is enough material in Sweden to make that kind of stories but after all he is swedish he wouldn't be able to write an original story or a consistent script, you need to make researches and read a lot to create a good story but that doesn't seem to be a common practice around here.
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Auto Focus (2002)
So and so
13 June 2003
Great performance and design, nice sets and all but somehow the story is pretty slow. It actually work for the ones who remember Crane or knows who he was otherwise the whole thing becomes not that interesting. Interesting though.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Not good (maybe spoiler?)
7 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I have read a few of the comments displayed here and I must assume that many of the reviewers are not aware that RING is a remake of a Japanese movie. This "Ghost Ship" is full of ideas stolen from lots of movies. It doesn't really make sense. Also it has a lot of holes in it and honestly it doesn't work neither is a rally scary movie. Apart that the name of the boat is mispelled. You would say "Grazia" not "Graza" there is no italian word or name such that. There was an italian movie from the early 80ties, I believe is called "The Bermuda Triangle" or something. Which is a far superior film. Scarier to begin with and for sure more original than this which obviously takes a lot from the italian movie. I am sure the writer/writers (how come you need two to write such a bad script?) have seen that movie all right. Movies like this give you hope. If they produce them then it means that there is a chance to get your own script through or at least the illusion. This was one of the worst and predictable script I could think of. Me and a friend could anticipate all the scary scenes... Well, I am always surprised to read comments such as "The best horror movie I ever seen" and I wonder what the reviewers saw until now if they can only mention "Resident Evil", "Ring" and so on? No one thought that this was also a bad copy of "The Shining" for instance? Bad, very bad and stupid.
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Open My Heart (2002)
Open what?
5 June 2003
This film is worth nothing really. Poor acting, amatorial direction, silly and obvious script. Of course it is a success being made by a woman and diplaying nudity... well that tells it all. Beside it has nothing to do with "noir" and the movie "Donnie Darko" that is a much better film. And it has nothing to do with italian film, please!
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Signs (2002)
Bad (maybe spoilers)
5 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This guy is the most over-rated director around. The film is nothing special, it could have just been a 30 minutes tv film. There is no story really, just one plot and some attempt to create characters, but it's too superficial. Nothing to compare to any other film of the same kind. A copy of many other pictures, in the features he mention to have been inspired by three very famous classics but I don't think so, I guess he has copied something else. Is an amateur movie. Any film student could have done it better, but the question is: who made this guy an A-list director? This is (if it didn't have Mel Gibson and Joaquim Phoenix in it) nothing more that a b-movie or direct to video. Roger Corman himself I don't think would have produced it the way it was. The script needed a revision, rewriting, the dialogues are silly and predictable, the sub-story is silly. And on top of that the director shouldn't try acting. He is patetique, to begin with is not even cast right. He doesn't match with the film, that goes for any of the ones he made.

Also, a movie like this does not really cost that much money to make. Very little set (you don't need to build a house for that or grow a field of corn), very few scenes (with good actors you can film the whole in a week), as for the special effects, why making a CG character when a man with a costume would have been enough? >
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Nothing like the original TV movie...
5 June 2003
Funny that in the DVD bonus they never mention that this movie is a remake of a TV movie starring Richard Chamberlain (1988) which was a far better film. I personally don't think that you make a good action film just shaking the camera around like crazy, MTV style. There was more in the original movie and in the book that they left out in this "easier" version; so much they left out that this movie doesn't really have legs on its own. I reccomend the vision of the "old" film instead of this. Franca Potente doesn't really make a good acting in this one just like the other female role in the original film who is a very cold and empty character. Most of the characters in this new version don't have personality, they just stand there in the movie... MOst annoying is the boring soundtrack and the special bonus video by Moby. What does that have to do with the film? Another one of those useless video for a completely out of tone soundtrack. Some nice action but because of the shaky camera you don't really enjoy those, at least that goes for me...
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28 December 2002
This movie contained a lot of continuity mistakes, it was kind of a TV film but with a bigger budget. Very annoying was the soundtrack, completely out of place in most of the film. It could have done better with silent moments. Plus the music was everywhere, specially over dialogues that might have helped the movie to have a sense. At the end it was the typical "cheap" action movie. Actors just above average but mostly cliche', of course the girl should have been english for instance. The Morgan Freeman character was not even developed and the script to me seems pretty rushed.

Sometime I wonder why people hire Jerry Goldsmith to score films, lately is music never contains a theme and it just "covers" and "suffocates" the movie instead of supporting it. The end of the film is a complete mess, it don't make sense and I believe it wasn't ready when they start shooting.
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Two and half Thumbs Down!
31 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
You can hardly believe this film is written by a woman. I haven't seen such a crappy picture since ages. The jokes where very very silly and most of all - the situation where "stretched" for too long, really, as like they needed to "fill" the film. Repetition all over even in the dialogues. Let's not even analyse the dialogues though. Have you seen "Sex and the city", "Absolute Fabolous", "Friends"? Well this is just a very bad combination of the three... or should I say "plagiarism"?

XXXXXX Spoiler, maybe?! XXXXXX

And suddenly this "movie montage"... do they really believe the audience is so brainless? What's the point for that, in the story I mean?

I don't know, thank god I borrowed the film. Do not waste your money with this. The movie must flop so that some people could start thinking of stories more than "two gags movie ideas"...
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Two Thumbs Down
22 August 2002
Nothing special with this movie. "Slick" is not enough and you also need a story, that is as far as I concern. The dialogues were basically boring and obvious and again: "who talks that way?". The characters are all designed to be extremely cool but at the end is not that you really care for them and for what they are trying to do. At the end: very predictable, boring and most of all "arrogant" if you please...
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Two Thumbs Down!
18 August 2002
This movie was just terrible. Awful script, was that a script? Useless notorius actors... you didn't really need those names, any face could have been in the movie. In total, one of the most boring and useless was movie ever made. For the ones who haven't seen it yet, don't waste your time and money. There are dozens of classic and good war movie that have the right to be seen before this one. Someone even said about this film "no stop action"... I don't think so, check out "Saving Private Ryan" and compare the action, acting and technique just to keep in the most recent movie areas otherwise as I said there is a lot to chose from. Ridley Scott is failing one film after the other, really what happens is that his films are flopping but nobody writes about that, sometime you might forget he did "Blade Runner", "The Duellist", "Alien" it is obvious he does movie for the cash these days. As for my final advice: don't expect too much from movies produced by Jerry Bruckheimer...
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The Hole (2001)
two thumbs down
10 August 2002
Started good but placed lots of hints that really didn't make much sense in the story. Too long. It could have been paced in a 30 minutes film in fact at the end it moved too slow. A couple of good twists but still a too much overrated movie. Anyway pretty disappointing.
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