
47 Reviews
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Rewarding Movie
29 October 2013
I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. I'm a big fan of WWII era movies and this production captures the era beautifully. How refreshing to watch a movie without sex, violence and special effects which is about the only thing the rot coming out of Hollywood these days is capable of delivering.

So, if you want to see a film with authentic sets and costumes and values of the period, plus a heart warming plot (albeit nothing very original) don't miss Beautiful Dreamer. The cast was excellent and the all the characters seemed like real people. Honestly, I don't see why anyone would give this movie a low rating.
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Lost Gem
10 May 2013
I really enjoyed this film a lot. The other reviewers don't seem to do this movie justice or give it its due. The only name I recognized was that of Warren Hull so it wasn't famous stars that drew me to it. The premise was silly enough to make it part screw-ball comedy and part romantic comedy. There was an agreeable combination of both. I thought the cast was equally good and there were plenty of hardy belly laughs whenever a character said a witty line; many of them a spoken staccato-style which I think is pretty characteristic of movies of that era. If you're looking for easy viewing for an evening's light entertainment, this is an excellent choice.
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Rendition (2007)
Leftist propaganda film
25 August 2011
The movie had no subtitles when the characters were speaking Arabic so it was almost impossible to follow the plot or to know who was supposed to be who. The movie is nothing more than left wing propaganda against torturing enemies of the USA. One can only hope that these lefty pinheads become victims of radical Muslim fanatics some day; maybe then they will see why torture has been used for centuries. It works. Personally, I'm getting tired of trying to find a movie free of liberal "ideology". I don't want or need to be spoon fed this leftist tripe when going to the cinema. The good news is that most of this type of movies are box-office bombs and are attended by ever decreasing audiences. I want to be entertained not manipulated into swallowing what the Hollywood elite think according to the latest politically correct dictates.
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Vintage Charmer
4 July 2011
Any movie that shows a child using a gas stove unattended and playing with a detective's gun can NOT be all that bad! Hey, this movie is straight forward, honest '48 entertainment. The cast, replete with an obnoxiously sweet little girl, is excellent and a lot of them are recognizable character actors of the time. The movie is a gem as a study of mid-40 home decorating, clothes, manners and attitudes. But there's a bonus, it's entertaining. Footsteps are heard at midnight by an alert mother. The parents go their child across the hall. The tyke swears that a pretty lady sat on her bed and told her she was adopted. Naturally, they don't take her seriously until things develop to where they find out someone might be trying to take their adopted daughter away and the father feels he must hire a private eye. There are enough false leads to keep you guessing until the end. I'm glad I watch this movie.
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Rabbit Hole (2010)
What's the point?
27 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I should not have seen this film because I am fed up with Hollywood movies that have depressing themes. What is the point of making movies like this? Make me cry? Depress me? It's didn't bring tears to my eyes but it sure didn't cheer me up. No wonder Bollywood is growing in popularity. At first, I felt like some creep lurking on a grieving couple. But less than half way through, I changed my mind and concluded the two main characters deserved each other. I just wanted to get to the end. There was only one scene where the main character's mother who coincidentally (pretty handy one at that) has also lost a child explains that the pain never goes away and feels like a brick in your pocket. The rest of the movie was predictable and to me I could see the writers feverishly bending the plot to suit their purpose. That purpose alludes me but then I really don't much care what they had in mind. I regret I spend an evening watching this rubbish.
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Hop (2002)
Glorifying Terrorists
23 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Content wise this is without a doubt the worst movie I've ever seen. Glorifying illegal aliens and Communist terrorists. What could possibly go wrong with a movie based on that? Plenty. I knew the movie was going to be dripping with politically correct leftist views but when the twelve year old protagonist builds a bomb using two cell phones, I was sure the movie was going to go down hill from that point. I wasn't wrong. How anyone can give this movie more than a 1 beats me. I guess there are plenty of effete snobs on this website who drool if their warped point of view is glorified, but unless you've had a lobotomy you can't give this crap any credit for what it is. Rubbish.
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Vile Porno Posing as "Art"
20 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just when I think the moral reprobates making films these days have hit bottom, I stumbled onto this disgusting movie on Hulu. (At least I didn't have to pay to see this rubbish). The movie has virtually no redeeming qualities. Two adults, who have separated, each use a teen age boy to their own ends which is nothing short of child abuse. The wife has sex with the boy and the husband approves! The movie goes down from that point. There is nothing entertaining or interesting about the characters. Indeed, if ever there were an argument for disallowing couple to become parents these two would be candidates of the first degree. Don't waste your time on this pointless movie. Let the effete pseudo-intellectuals that wrote glowing reviews of The Door wallow in this filth. I'm sure you can find something better to do with your time.
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Daytime Soaps Have Better Plots
15 June 2010
Oh, great, the first Danish film I see turns out so bad as to scare me from future attempts to see movies from Denmark. Well, at least the glimpses of Copenhagen during the movie were worth while. This movie is so riddled with coincidences that it makes daytime soaps look like Shakespeare. In the interest of sparing you unintended spoilers I won't enumerate them; you can keep a tally for yourself as the movie rolls on should you decide to watch this. There is nothing quite so irritating as a contrived plot line that is so obvious you can practically see the "writer" chucking as he manipulates his his characters into situations that will give him the desired outcome. So happy viewing to you if you want to practice your Danish otherwise clean your ear canals or something useful rather that suffer though this trite movie.
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Parole, Inc. (1948)
Totally Entertaining
29 April 2010
There's nothing like a movie made in the 40s. There is a simplicity of perspective that is utterly refreshing when compared to the rubbish that passes for entertainment these days. The entire cast is excellent, the plot clean and easy to understand. Well before the half point of the film, I was rooting for the undercover agent to succeed. I like the fact that the crooks were't so smarmy as to be stereotypes. They were rotters but somehow still seemed human. The end of the film has a strong build up. I really enjoyed this forgotten movie. I wonder how many other B movies are so good. Working my way down IMDb list of available films online, I may soon know.
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Nothing to Drool Over
22 April 2010
This movie is more rubbish from the perverted mind of Bunuel, who like most men of the left, is great a criticizing western society and the things that made it strong and workable but never offers solutions that might better it weak points. I am not one of these film buff idiots who thinks everything Bunuel did is brilliant and something to be revered. Frankly, this movie offers nothing. No humor, no real life characters, not even an interesting plot. Bunuel and Michael Moore are pretty much one and the same, propagandists who are more interested in spreading their gospel of Marx than in creating entertaining films to which most Americans can relate. With any luck, they will both be forgotten even the the pseudo-intellectuals who write glowing reviews on this site about every trite thing that their guys crank out. The general public has no use for this nonsense I am glad to say.
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Best Forgotten and Buried
23 February 2010
You can have the best directors, costumes, set designs and musical score in the world, but nothing is going to take away from the fact that this movie celebrates infidelity and makes light of it. As such, it only goes to show that the values of Hollywood film makes haven't changed that much since the 30s. No wonder the Hayes Code put a halt to this moral decay if this is the sort of stuff that was being cranked out. It's not "sophisticated" or "clever" as those who have no moral compass would have you believe. It's immorality glorified at worst or at the very least dismissed as nothing serious enough to break up a marriage.

I was expecting a light delightful musical instead what I got is an improbable plot, characters totally unbelievable and a music that was thoroughly forgettable. This "gem" can stay buried forever as far as I am concerned. What a total let down.
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More Catholic Bashing Rubbish
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea why this movie was ever made. It's truly horrible. I mean what was the point? Lapsed Catholics are troubled people? None of the male characters is the least bit interesting or sympathetic. They are all total zeros. Given that the three brothers are absolute jerks, the contrived, blissful happy ending which is completely predictable is not in the least bit warranted in any of the three couples lives. The profanity is on a par with the number of beers consumed. I think I should have had a few before sitting down to this. The wife of the eldest brother who is married is about the only interesting character in the movie. She should apply for sainthood for sticking with a cheating husband. As far as I am concerned this is just more Catholic bashing from that Hollywood can not get enough of. Don't spend a minute watching this dreadful film.
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About as funny as a cry for help
28 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Having read the reviews that some IMDb contributors made, I was looking forward to this movie. I should have known better. The morally bankrupt set that is making movies these days is not able to produce anything that isn't loaded with sex, twisted liberal values and thoroughly rehashed rubbish. My problem with began with the end-of-reel flickering style opening credits which were annoying along with the music played. Virtually all the characters are stereotypes:

1). the temperamental leading lady who is more diva than artist

2). the lecherous leading man who can't keep his hands off 14 year

old girls

3). the crooked politician well, you get the idea.

Sure there are some clever lines here and there but on the whole this movie stinks and is illogical to the point of absurdity. For example, the leading lady won't expose her breasts but strips naked in the lead writer's hotel bedroom before he can close the door. The writer is supposed to be a Jew but has a WASP name. What's he hiding? Frankly, I'm getting fed up with this sort of rot that passes for humor. It should come to no surprise that the townspeople succumb to Hollywood's degenerate values by the end of the movie. Hey, why not? Look who produced this trash.
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I Felt Cheated by the Ending
15 April 2009
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While I can accept the cheap Hollywood horror movie clichés that are rampant in this movie, I can not accept the ending of the movie which, when I had time to think on it, I was not be able to unravel how the perpetrator was able to manage to do what she did. I read what others had said about the end being a surprise. Fine, I was surprised but the more I thought about who the villain was the less and less probable the plot became. She simply could not have manipulated that many factors and gotten away with her crime. The ending, which is supposed to make clear all the plot twists, goes so fast that it didn't allow me to absorb how it was possible for anyone to do what she did. So I concluded that it simply would have been impossible. What a gyp! The only reason I gave this movie a 4 was that it has no pretense of being anything other than a B film and it wasn't totally boring.
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Before Sunset (2004)
Snooze Festival
6 April 2009
There's not too much I can add to the negative comments made so far. Suffice it to say, two minutes into the film I knew this was a movie full of liberal dribble, pretentious beyond anything a normal person could imagine or even begin to care about.

The acting is so forced that the minimal chemistry between the leads is all too apparent. And neither character is interesting or compelling enough for me to care about. The more they chatter, the less likable the become.

I guess the people involved in this stinker all rushed to IMDb and started to write their favorable comment in hopes that the movie would not tank. Their efforts were in vain.
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Stupid Movie Title, Great Western
13 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I do NOT like Westerns. In fact, I never watch them because most are so clichéd as to boring due to the repetitions of the proceeding western. That said, I am glad that I read what other people wrote as my curiosity was aroused. Boy, am I glad I saw this movie on Turner Movie Classics! It has to be one of the best kept secrets in film making.

How refreshing to see Cagney in a different type of role he's usually cast in. He shines. Watch his face during some of the scenes where he's shot close up. His expression(s) speak more than any words a writer could put in his mouth. Personally, I didn't find Papas that compelling but that's just my take.

One of the strong points of the movie is to watch how Cagney's character changes from a hard nosed, determined man to some one who gains a different perspective from those he admires, the young ranch hand and the woman whom he befriended.

As to the movie title, this has to be one of the most misleading titles of all times. Cagney is not a bad man by any means in this film. Trying to protect what you've worked all your life to build up makes you a bad man doesn't make you bad. And if you have to take the law into your own hands since there is not law where you live, so be it.
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Duets (2000)
Beyond Lousy Movie
19 February 2009
This movie is so retarded that it would be hard to find anything really good to say about it if you are looking for a film that has even the slightest pretense of being realistic. None of the characters are drawn from real life. I mean people just do not act the way they do in real life. If this were a comedy that might be acceptable for the sake of getting a laugh, but this pretentious, disjointed work isn't even a black comedy so there's no real reason to accept what you see on screen. None of the people in the movie are very likable. If the lead male character was focused on as someone having a dreadful midlife crisis, I might have overlooked some of the plot silliness but he's not. If you want a by-the-formula movie, full of improbable action and absurd coincidences, vile profanity and needless brief nudity, then spend your time watching this piece of junk.
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Pure Entertainment!
14 February 2009
Don't pay attention to the ratings. The numbers should be at least an 8 not a mere 5+. This movie is pure entertainment with enough funny lines to fill a book. All the characters are memorable and lots of fun to watch. Read the Quotes section under FUN STUFF to get a preview of what you will enjoy. I don't think I've laughed so often and so hard in a long time watching a movie. This one is a must see.

Turner and Quaid as Mr. and Mrs. Blue, a happily married spy couple, is as much fun as the Thin Man series was. And the Blues have a baby which the bring along on most of their escapades. I have seen this movie two times and it got better the second time around because I was able to catch some of the fast throw away lines which are real gems.
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Absolutist Digs Her Own Grave
1 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The good news is that print media is dying but bad news is Hollywood elite still are living by the template that reporters matter and that their snotty, self importance counts for something significant to society. Compromising national security? Why not. I'm sure I am right and everyone is wrong.Despite pulling out all the tricks in book to make the reporter a sympathetic character, nay, even a hero she comes out a self-righteous. arrogant twit who is willing to sacrifice her husband, her son and her freedom for some misguided principal even to the point of getting some one killed. In short she's a moron. I found myself cheering every time she got deeper and deeper into manure pile she created for herself. This plot reminded me of "Doubt" only this time it's a holier than thou reporter instead of a nun who creates havoc. I gave the movie a 5 because I enjoyed watch her dig her own grave.
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Stupid Movie From Start to Finish
1 January 2009
Wow! this movie has got to be the biggest stinker of 2008. My idea of entertainment is not to watch to totally manipulated characters go from alpha to omega in what they want out of life. People don't just work for years to achieve the American dream only to throw it away suddenly on some sill whim. The characters don't seem real to life, rather they exist to give expression to the author's point of view which is pretty stupid as far as I am concerned. If the writer(s) wanted to examine suburban living and come down on it as empty and shallow, they did a pretty crummy job. Two hours of fighting and screaming hardly made me think achieving the American dream is not worth it. Rather it bored me silly and I couldn't wait for the credits to start rolling. When will Hollywood make a movie about happily married people? I don't think I'll live long enough to see the day.
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Doubt (I) (2008)
Hollywood Continues Its Catholic Bashing
16 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
No doubt about it. This movie stinks. There was no reason to use the Catholic Church to express the theme of this drama, but the liberal Illuminati that run the movie industry have yet to miss a chance to bash Catholics or Mormons. Until they reduce American to a spiritually dead place--like Europe--they won't stop. Happily,I didn't pay to see this movie. It stinks for a lot of reasons.

1. Merle over plays Sister Alyosius to the point of creating a cardboard stereotype. She does her usual accent stick which is becoming a bit boring and adds nothing to her character.

2. There is a deliberate and obvious attempt to make her character a villain.

3. The writers go overboard in creating a contrast between the sister and the priest. An example is when the two groups are having dinner. The nuns are eating in total silence and the priests are enjoying a raucous meal. Nuns with moral standard=bad priests=rule benders and friends to minority students (i.e. bleeding heart liberals) good.

4. The dumbest part of the movie is the end. After getting the father transferred, Sister Alyosius blurts out she never was sure of her accusations. Oh, come on! The whole plot depends on her being an absolutist versus father who practices moral equivalence. Hence the movie comes apart in the final scene.

5. It's not clear why Father Flynn doesn't fight back against the child molesting charges. Is he really guilty? The viewer is not left with any clear clues so it's perplexing to say the least.

6. The relationship between the principal and the nun who teaches there is bogus. As her superior, Sister Alyosius would not have been so chummy with Sister James. No garden tete-a-tetes or stunning confessions would have happened between them due to their difference in status.

7. And as a bow to the gays the black student may be homosexual. Good grief, they writers needed that to create sympathy? I'm surprised they didn't put him in a wheel chair as well.

Save your money. Don't see this rubbish no matter how many meaningless awards the industry insiders give it. That alone should be a clue that this is a propaganda project like so much that is being cranked out these days.
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Surprisingly Good Movie
3 December 2008
Generally speaking movies about poor struggling immigrants (the leftists running Hollywood can't seem to sympathize enough with their plight) do not attract my interests. I'm not to big on bleeding heart writers and directors who never met an illegal they didn't like. That said, imagine my surprise when I started to watch this film on television and like it very much! I was first pleased by the reality of the characters. They seemed like real people with real problems. Next, I found the two principal actors likable, flaws and all. Since I didn't know any of the actors--famous or not--I didn't have any preconceived notions about their abilities. They all fit their parts fine as far as I could see. Then I enjoyed the intertwining of the party girl and the male stripper in the ESL class and out of it. The writers did provide a plausible happy end so that wasn't hard to accept. Finally, the actors spoke clearly so I could understand when they were speaking Spanish as well as English. I'm not going to rush out an buy the DVD, but if this movie is on television again, I will gladly watch it so pick up on the missed details.
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Predictable but Entertaining
21 November 2008
This movie is about a socially awkward American man and British woman who meet in London, get to like one another and may have a future together. The plot has been done a zillion times. I pretty much knew what was going to happen twenty minutes into the film. What saves the film from being one huge predictable snooze fest is that the author is clever enough not to fall into too many clichés so things seem possible if not probable. And there is the excellent casting of Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. Their characters are quirky enough to be believable and both are very sympathetic. And there's no silly Hollywood ending with rockets bursting and doves flying into the sunset. There's a chance they might make it as a couple despite differences in age, culture and countries or they might be in for a huge disappointment and hurt--something both have known in their lives.

If you're expecting a movie that will entertain, be free of gratuitous sex scenes and violence with a charming backdrop of London landmarks, then this film is for you.
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Plot Doesn't Make Sense- More Holes than Swiss Cheese
21 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's impossible to believe that a woman who has a child with a terminal illness and is a doctor decides to end her boy's suffering when it becomes intolerable would not be found innocent or get a minimal sentence. Who defended her at her trial a blind, deaf mute? I mean come on! Any half wit could have avoided a 15 year sentence for his client even if she didn't say a word during the trial.

Then there's the age difference. The main character is supposed to be a doctor. Med school plus internship she'd be at least 35. Her sister is supposed to have been 8 when the crime was committed. A 27 year difference in their ages and yet the younger sister alluded many times in the movie about their growing up together. Huh? Was the doctor sister studying medicine online from home? Stupid plot error. Then there's the mother who is English. The older (doctor) sister speaks English but the younger sister doesn't. Please explain writers. It's too bad because the movie seemed quite good when I was watching it. It was only after I thought about it that things didn't add up.

There are also minor irritations like her younger sister who is a teacher having a colleague who just happened to teach in a prison so he and the main character can have a potential love interest. And no explanation as to why the parole officer who befriends the main character knocks himself off. How did that add in any way to the story? Or the nutty mother whom the girls visit once and nothing is done with the idea. Or the old medical report on her son's illness just suddenly falls out on the floor so the younger sister can see it and finally realize her sister's motives for killing her own son.

I am mad for Kristin Scott Thomas so seeing this film still was a joy for me. She's outstanding. Just don't expect a plot that makes sense and you will be okay with the movie.
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The Cooler (2003)
More Hollywood Garbage
9 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is typical of what is coming out of Hollywood these days. All it amounts to is sex, violence, drugs. The script has neither a compelling story or an interesting interaction between any of the characters. Plus the plot is based on total rubbish about a"cooler". No one can bring or take away luck from a person gambling in a casino and the movie's main character is supposed to be able to do that Yeah, right and the Tooth Fairy is for real. What makes this film utterly laughable is the happy ending. All that was missing was a sparkling rendition of "Happy Days Are Here Again" in the sound track! Don't spend a minute watching this rot.
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