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Bad Eggs (2003)
Very Entertaining
31 July 2003
While it doesn't quite match the best of Australian comedy, Bad Eggs is a fantastic second movie from Mick Molloy. The story here is complete and well thought out, a rarity for comedies like this.

Mick Molloy, Judith Lucy and Bob Franklin all played superb roles, never slipping out of character while their individual comic genius kept us laughing. Special mention must go to Alan Brough for his part as Northey, he owns the screen every time he's on and some of the best laughs are his alone.

All up a great addition to Australian comedy, and another success for an aussie comics transfer to the big screen. Well done Molloy. 8/10.
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Great in almost every way
26 April 2002
The Coen brothers have outdone themselves with O Brother Where Art Thou. A thoroughly enjoyable movie that takes you back to depression era USA to follow three escaped inmates across the state looking to find a great treasure.

George Clooney does surprisingly well in his role of Ulysses Everett McGill, never once slipping out of character or out of accent for even a moment. John Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson were perfect as Pete and Delmar respectively, and were a joy to watch. The often confused Delmar has many of the finest and funniest lines in the film and seems happy to go along with everything and anything. The small parts of John Goodman as Big Dan T and Michael Badalucco as George 'Babyface' Nelson do little more than reinforce the many references to Homer's Odyssey, but are still a welcome addition to the film.

The cinematography also deserves a mention with many wide shots of the open plains and fields of they early 1900s, along with radio shacks, town halls and general stores. Each drawing you more into the film.

And finally the soundtrack. Absolutely brilliant!! I can't say enough good about this. The fact that the soundtrack was more successful than the film, alone says it all. The pure sounds of blues, bluegrass and old timey are easy on the ears. I would, however, like to have the chance to hear Clooney singing In Constant Sorrow himself (it was dubbed even though he practiced for months), perhaps a feature on the DVD...

Overall a film that will have you tapping your foot and crying with laughter. See this film. You won't be disappointed.
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Braveheart (1995)
18 October 2001
From the start to the finish of this movie you can't help but feel inspired by the acts of pure heroism, passion, friendship and revenge. Mel Gibson in the role of William Wallace could not have been better cast. His acting really brings out the character of a vengeful commoner who unites a nation to bring freedom to Scotland.

Patrick McGoohan as the stubborn longshanks made it easy to hate this character, portraying a vicious, egotistical maniac who will stop at nothing to rule Scotland, he steals the show every time he appears on screen, with a wicked glance, a cruel word or a ruthless order.

In a testament to the amount of emotion this movie can evoke, I have seen many MEN (especially those with Scottish heritage) cry at the execution of Wallace. There are so few movies that can do that now.

Although there is much violence in this movie, it rarely goes over the top and only adds to the harsh reality of the time. Overall a spectacular film not to be missed. Congratulations to Gibson, he's done extremely well as both an actor, and a director.
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Is this the movie... or the trailer.
11 September 2001
The story of us is a moving romance, yes. The main parts are played very well by Bruce Willis (surprisingly) and by Michelle Pfeiffer, again yes. But does the movie work, unfortunately not. Throughout the movie there are quite a few flashbacks about different issues in their marriage, but they come all too often. The disjointed makeup of the film made me feel like I was still watching the trailer, showing bits and pieces that might interest me. This makes it difficult at times to realise what is happening now and what happened years ago.

Rob Reiner and Rita Wilson inject some much needed humour into the film but fail to save it. This has been the only Reiner directed film so far that I have not liked or loved. The flashback can be useful, but when overused as it is here, it becomes nauseating.

A reasonable film, but it just isn't entertaining.
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Vampires not as monsters, but living things.
14 July 2001
This movie showed us the other side of the vampire, the side that, like us all, is searching for the meaning of it all. The side that loves, that feels lonely, that seeks companionship. Unlike movies such as "From Dusk Till Dawn", who care to portray vampires as ugly, primitive, uncivilised monsters, we are presented with vampires that yearn to discover the meaning of it all, yearn to move with the times and yearn to see once again the sunrise they have forsaken.

The acting by all characters in this film is quite extraordinary, with special mention going to Kirsten Dunst for her portrayal of Claudia. Every facial shot of her expressed so much emotion for such a young girl making us truly believe she really is a much older, wiser, killer. Tom Cruise also deserves mention. Although many tend to see Lestat as a villian, I saw him more as just a vampire who enjoys what he is, unlike Louis who has just come to grips with the endless killing. The fantastic make up for all the vampires, especially Lestat's, also gave much to the film. Quite a brilliant scene when Lestat returns from the swamp playing the piano. Spine tingling!

Other excellent points about the film include the soundtrack, following the timeframe to perfection. The costume design, again with special mention for Claudia. And the architecture of everything from New Orleans to London to Paris.

For a different, and refreshing view of vampires. See this movie. A brilliant movie on all counts. 9 out of 10. See it, you won't be disappointed.
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Makes you realize how good an actor Al Pacino really is.
20 June 2001
How many actors are there who could play Satan to such perfection? Al Pacino does no less than a superb job portraying John Milton, a man of power, women and money living in a world with no guilt. A great moment in cinema when he makes his final speech to Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves). But his acting only the icing on the cake of a brilliant film. The script also deserves mention for portraying the devil not as a bloodthirsty monster but as a being of temptation and desire. While not really being a drama but not really being a thriller either, you truly feel for the characters but are put on the edge of your seat at the same time, the second half of this movie will hold you in constant suspense. The nudity and violence are a bit gratuitous but never for their own sake, everything you see is there for the movie, any less and it wouldn't have worked as well.

Overall a fantastic film and a must see for all thriller fans and all drama fans. You won't be disappointed.
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Predator (1987)
Hunter vs hunter
28 April 2001
I'm not sure what it is about this movie that makes it so good but it most definitely is a brilliant film. Perhaps it's the fantastic story of this other worldly hunter, perhaps it's the perfect casting of Schwarznegger and the rest of the commandos, perhaps it's the special effects that while not brilliant, are still impressive. Or perhaps a combination.

Whatever it is, see this movie. The hard ass portrayal of almost all of Dutch's team, especially Mac and Blain, suits the role perfectly. The scripting of Predators on-by-one hunting is utterly fantastic.

I can't possibly express how great this film is in words, just go see it. Now. If you're any kind of a sci-fi fan you won't be disappointed.
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Commando (1985)
Dumb, but oh so good.
28 April 2001
As you'll read in so many other reviews here, this movie is fantastic. Not for the plot (quite thin), not for the realism (Arnie vs Army) but for the sheer fun of it all. If you're in the least bit cynical you may not like this movie unless you can watch it through the eyes of a 14 yr old boy. The action is non-stop and the one-liners hilarious, one of Arnies best stupid films. Leave your brain at the door and enjoy it again and again and again.

For action fans, for Arnie fans, for one-liner fans, you won't be disappointed.
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Highlander (1986)
Connery Rules!!
13 July 2000
Highlander is a brilliant film. Stripped to it's bare essentials, it is a movie of good vs evil. The good immortals vs the evil immortals. The Highlander vs the Kurgan. But surrounding that, are many other things. Both the benefits and struggles of eternal life that Conner must deal with, lost loves, lost friends, revenge.

The pairing of Lambert and Connery is excellent. Connery plays the older, wiser and stronger mentor Ramirez perfectly. His scottish accent only adds to his wisdom and the dialogue he is given definitely has some quotes to remember. Lambert also does very well with Connor MacLeod, his non-specific accent suits the traveling immortal that he is: "You talk funny Nash, where you from?" "Lot's of different places." The rest of the main cast are close to perfect in their roles, and Clancy Brown delivers a stunning and frightening Kurgan. His punk dress and vulgar speech is neither inadequate or excessive. The soundtrack by Queen also deserves mention. With some great songs that suit the movie perfectly.

Watching this movie once is not nearly enough, in order to see it all watch it a few times. It only gets better.
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Reasonable plot, good acting, incredible cars.
10 July 2000
The acting in this film is quite good and the dialogue reasonably interesting but the cars steal the show. If you're a car buff I definately recommend this film, if you're not then see it anyway for what it does have, it's a good film.

The plot revolves around a retired car theft gang having to steal 50 cars in one night. But not any cars, a list of exotic, expensive, rare, classic, and beautiful vehicles. When this happens you have to expect that the cars will steal the show. The car chase is brilliant because it's not just a demolition derby of a chase. Seeing that the cars need to be kept in good condition, the driving is more of a ballet of excellent car control. The thieves really love the cars (especially Memphis) which results in the viewer really wanting the theives to win.

A wonderfully brilliant movie for the car buff. Just brilliant for everyone else.
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The Prophecy (1995)
Would you ever really want to meet an angel?
10 July 2000
I love this film for many reasons, one being the unique way this picture presents angels. Director Gregory Widen was willing to portray them as what they probably are, the henchmen of God. The highly religious will most likely hate this film for the same reason I love it, but if you can, try to at least see why they are painted this way in the film. Whenever God needed someone killed, he sent an angel, a life of devotion with one wing dipped in blood. Christopher Walken was perfectly cast as the angel Gabriel, searching for a soul to turn the tide of the war in heaven. The philosophies in this film are very good, as is the plot, acting, script and camerawork. A brilliant film for all to see, except maybe the overly religious, but give it a go, it deserves it.
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One of the funniest movies I've seen.
10 July 2000
When four people team up for armed robbery then all try to keep the whole lot for themselves, hilarity follows. The humor in this film is clever and constant, never letting up for a minute. Watch especially for Kevin Kline's performance of Otto, it's one you'll remember for years to come. His attitude and his character suit him so well. His contrast with John Cleese's Archie Leach is phenomenal. A must see for all. Brilliant film.
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You, your partner, and The Princess Bride - Perfect.
10 July 2000
This is undoubtedly the best movie to watch with a partner. The love story is one of the best I have ever seen, rivalling and possibly surpassing Casablanca. The script that goes with it is brilliant as is the acting and screenplay. Rob Reiner has created a masterpiece that must be watched by anyone and everyone.

Some great acting performances by almost all of the cast, watch especially for Billy Crytal's cameo. Andre the giant does quite well with Fezic, the kind-hearted giant, and Mandy Patinkin's performance as Inigo Montoya is incredible.

The swordfight scene between Wesley and Inigo deserves special mention as it has been voted the best in any movie by IMDB and displays the talent of the fencers very well. The conversation they have during the fight is also excellent.

I cannot praise this movie enough and can find no flaw. Watch it, and watch it again, preferably with girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. You'll both enjoy it tremendously.
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Stereotyped, but still good.
10 July 2000
This whole film is stereotyped in every way, from the names of the two main characters (The American Jack Burton and the Chinese Wang Chi) to the eccentric behaviour of the wizard. Before you start yelling "rip off" at the character of Lightning, remember that this film is far older than Mortal Kombat. The storyline is again, a rehashed one but it offers some interesting and original differences that make this movie one to see. Kurt Russels arrogant character matches him almost perfectly. The fight scenes are well done as is the rest of the movie. Not the greatest film ever but pretty good and still worth seeing.
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The movie that made Schwarznegger famous.
10 July 2000
One of Arnolds earlier films puts him in the feudal ages with no shirt and a big sword. The storyline is surprisingly quite good, more than you would expect from an early Arnie movie. The best acting performances in this film must go to Akiro (??? ???) and Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones). Akiros narration through the first part of the film is a brilliant touch, and Thulsa Dooms stare remains clear in your mind days after seeing it. James Earl Jones was perfectly cast for this part, his menacing glare and authoritive voice fit Doom's character to perfection. The fight scenes and cinematography are also very well done.

The musical score deserves special mention as THE best in any movie ever. Never has the music in a scene fitted so well with what is happening on screen. You will be humming and whistling it for days I promise.

Overall a great film, highly recommended.
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They're on a mission from God.
10 July 2000
This is one of my all time favorite movies. The performances of both Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi are just brilliant. The script is wonderful and the music incredible. The car chase is the best I have seen in any movie, ever. The jokes are great and the dialogue witty. A great film. Just don't watch the sequel - it's terrible.
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The Matrix (1999)
Welcome to the real world.
11 June 2000
The Wachowski bros have truly excelled in this brilliant film. The direction and special effects are incredible but don't take away from the plot or the acting which is so often the case with this kind of film. All aspects of the film come together so well, the frightening plot, the awesome special effects, the insightful direction, the great acting and the gripping script.

Lawrence Fishburne is perfectly cast as the wise leader Morpheus, his character is always cool and delivers some very memorable quotes ("Fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony.") perfectly, every one of his movements is planned and deliberate.

Keanu Reeves proves that he still has some acting ability in his portrayal of Mr. Anderson, Neo. Being totally out of his depth for the first half of the movie and then turning into the one who can do it all was very well done.

The Agents also deserve praise for their roles. Hugo Weaving could not have done better, everything from the monotone voice to the constant menacing glare was bone chilling. By the end of the film you can really see how much he hates being in the matrix, being a sheperd to the more primitive prisoners.

From the sunglasses to the boots, the costumes for each and every character suit the film to a tea. And the sets compliment everything, the interior of the Nebuchadnezzar especially.

Overall a brilliant film that is a must see. One of the few I've given a 10/10.
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If you liked the first one - don't watch this one.
11 June 2000
I saw the original Blues Brothers for the first time many years ago and still watch it regularly. It was a brilliant film, but Blues Brothers 2000 is an insult to it. It takes all the good things out of the original and does them again far too much. It takes the "mission from God" idea and turns it into a mockery. While some things in the original were outrageous but COULD have happened, BB2000 puts a miracle in every scene including flying people and underwater driving. I found this movie so insulting to the original that I don't enjoy watching it as much as I used to anymore.

Do yourself a favour and stay away from this film. Go get the original instead.
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What was the point?
11 June 2000
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Robin Williams fit into the part like a rhino would fit into a tutu, even so his performance was still pitiful. Kurt Russell was more believable but still was awful. The plot left much to be desired and the rest of the acting was also terrible. The only thing this movie had going for it was the trailer, which suckered me in to wasting 90 minutes of my life which could have been better spent trying to lick the back of my head.

Do yourself a favor and burn this movie if you have it. If not, just be happy you don't.
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Finally, a believable Tarzan movie.
11 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Greystoke is without doubt the best tarzan movie I have ever seen. Christopher Lambert portrays a very believable man trying to return to the world of mankind alongside the fantastic Ian Holm. The struggle of John to leave the jungle and the apes who raised him is quite stirring. Some very memorable scenes including where Lambert makes the jungle noises to the romantic interest, and the scene where he witnesses his ape father's death. Tarzans feelings for both worlds is well developed and really makes you feel for him.

An excellent and underrated movie.
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Acting, screenplay, music, cinematography - all brilliant!
12 May 2000
The Ghost and The Darkness was an excellent film about the true story of the building of a bridge being stopped by two man-eating lions. The movie captures everything so well. Although Kilmer's accent was abysmal, his portrayal of John Patterson was very well done. John Kani was perfect as the tribe chief and foreman, who is also a friend of John's, his slightly cynical dialogue added humour to the film.

The plot continued quite smoothly and kept you on the edge of your seat. While the close up shots of the lions' eyes were incredibly chilling. I still remember them clearly. The wider shots of the African landscape were awe inspiring. Combine these with the attack scenes and the resulting cinematography is just brilliant.

The soundtrack of the movie added to the African feel, especially with the African chants incorporated into it. All aspects came together to create a masterpiece that is definately worth seeing.

You won't be disappointed.
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The Perfect Movie
4 May 2000
This would have to be THE best movie that I have ever seen. The story of a wrongly convicted man. And the story of a man searching for meaning. And the story of an institutionalised man. This movie takes several different stories and turns them into one fantastic film.

Watch it a number of times to see all the stories come together in an inspiring manner that touches the soul. I can't recommend this movie enough. Morgan Freeman's performance of the narrating Red, and explanations of prison life are truly touching. Tim Robbins' portrayal of Andy is near perfect, no, it IS perfect.

Watch it, then watch it again.

You won't be disappointed.
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The Rock (1996)
Good plot, great characters, brilliant movie.
3 May 2000
A highly ranked general in the US army steals 15 nerve gas rockets and threatens to send them into San Fransisco from Alcatraz to teach the government a lesson for lying about soldiers killed in the gulf, desert storm etc.

The only way to stop him is to break IN to Alcatraz. Mason (Sean Connery), is the only person who ever escaped alive, pulled out of Max security to get them in, he is played very well by Connery. Smart, arrogant and full of one-liners you're never quite sure about him.

Once in Stanley Goodspeed (Nicolas Cage), has to disarm them. A chemistry superfreak Goodspeed is way out of his depth and has no idea of what to do in a combat situation, played incredibly believably by Cage this is the character we like the most. Watch for how different he is in the office, and in combat.

Ed Harris is masterful as the general torn between duty and honour. One of his best roles to date.

I highly recommend seeing this movie. You won't be disappointed.
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Connery, Baldwin, Jones. Together - a masterpiece.
3 May 2000
This film showed me just how much acting ability these men have. Sean Connery had an enormous screen presence as usual and played his part of Captain Ramius superbly, (even with the scottish accent and lisp). Not once did he lose character .

Alec Baldwin was great as the pensive hero Jack Ryan. His personality and determination brought the storyline together. One of his best performances I've seen.

James Earl Jones was incredible as the authoritive figure, his two sides of Jacks best mate and commanding figure were entirely believable and made you shudder when he gave orders with his magical voice.

These actors were truly brilliant and added to an already superb story. Tom Clancy's great novel has transformed into a brilliant movie. See it and love it.

You won't be disappointed.
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Wild Target (1993)
Hello, my name is Victor Meynard, I am 55, and I work as a professional killer, would you like some tea?
12 April 2000
This is one of the best examples of black humor I have ever seen. The sub titles do NOT take away from the excellence of this film. Jean Rochefort is perfect as the highly disciplined assassin, expertly contrasted by the art thief who's name eludes me.

Keep an eye in the background as well for some hilarious gags especially during scenes with the mother. The black humor might not be as funny to some but if you like it, this is one of the best examples you'll find anywhere.

You won't be disappointed.
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