
102 Reviews
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The Artist (I) (2011)
11 February 2012
I just saw this film and will probably see it again. I'm sure that one can't absorb all the magic the first time. This movie is about a silent film star who cannot adjust to "talkies." He meets a young dancer, Pepe Miller, who is set to go places in in the movie industry.

The film is largely silent with a wonderful musical score which soars. The black and white background lend itself the the nostalgic feeling and evokes the right emotion.

I must mention the little dog which stole the show. He is Valentin's faithful companion throughout all his trials. The dog is so good, he almost deserves his own award.

Highly recommended for the discerning moviegoer.
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No Movie for Movie Fans
30 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When Josh Brolin gets killed 15 minutes before the end of this movie, I should have turned off the DVD.

The psychopathic killer who chases Josh Brolin all over Southwest Texas became so boring, I wanted to yawn every time he stared at someone, every time he flipped a coin so see if they died or not, every time he entered a scene.

This is not a "best picture." "Atonement" was robbed.

I guess Tommy Lee Jones' character, the sheriff, is supposed to be deep. He is tired of the vicious killing. He doesn't understand it. By the end of the movie you don't care if he does or not. You just want the whole thing to end before it puts you to sleep.

Just another chase movie but no fast cars.
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Atonement (2007)
Passion, Truth, Repentance, Atonement
17 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a lovely film with incredible acting by characters who never leave you. The setting is England in 1935, a country estate, right before WWII.

"Atonement," based on the novel could have been a very pessimistic, sad affair because of the unfair accusation against Robbie, the son of the family's housekeeper. It never is, though, because the passion between the leads, Keira Knightly playing Celia and McCvoy, as Robbie, is so human and redeeming.

This is a beautiful movie, which begs to be seen again. There are many nuances not caught the first time which the second time can explain better.

The young girl, Briony, who makes the false accusation suffers her entire life for ruining her sister's and Robbie's lives. She was only 13 at the time,with an overactive imagination, burgeoning hormones, and equal parts innocence and spite. Her emotions overtake her--resulting in tragedy. In the end. the book she writes names names and gives her sister and her lover the happy ending they never had.

Definitely a keeper, "Atonement" is an excellent film of the highest caliber.
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Beowulf (2007)
18 November 2007
This I have to see in 3-D. I am hoping to get out of my little town, to to a big city and do just that.

Beowolf the movie is BASED on the classic tale. It is not the SAME as the epic. So purists relax. Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle.

I have to see this again.

Great lines-- "I have always loved you my queen." "And I, you, my Lord." "You are Beowolf--slayer of monsters and hero. I will hear no more." For people who like Scooby Doo, Beowolf won't do it for them. Needless to say it did it for me.

I guess as a devotee of "Lord of the Rings," I am a sucker for this kind of thing. But give me more.

I loved Beowolf!
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Apocalypto (2006)
Beautifully Done
6 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I would be grossed out by the violence in this film. However, it is so artistically done, I forgot to be horrified and just went along for the ride. And it is a ride!

The Mayan civilization is collapsing; its people kept pacified by human sacrifices and blood

This is basically a chase movie about a man who wants to save his family and survive. He is a savage and primitive but you can sense his essential decency.

This movie held me on the edge of my seat from its beginning until the missionaries arrived.
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What I Wanted
18 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think the concept of this movie is great. A chauvinist male suddenly understands what every women around him is thinking. I actually liked that part. The sound track is also enjoyable.

Where this movie falls down is in its portrayal of the actual women in the film. Mell Gibson is very good in his part. Helen Hunt, although a very good actress, has zero chemistry with Gibson. The actress who does have great chemistry with him, Marisa Tomei, is literally written out of the movie with a quirky excuse that defies credibility.

I still enjoyed the movie but would have enjoyed it more if someone other than Helen Hunt had gotten Mel in the end.
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The Holiday (2006)
A Pleasant Surprise
6 August 2007
I wasn't expecting to like this movie as much as I did. Although it is fluff, it is very good fluff. The acting by Diaz, Winslett, Law, Black, and Wallach is excellent. Each characterization is done more superbly than the next. The chemistry between the love interests is great.

I watched it on DVD and wished I had seen it in the theater. "The Holiday" left me feeling good with a smile on my face.

The subplot between Iris (Kate Winslett) and Arthur (90-year old Eli Wallach) was very sweet. Also for those who think Jack Black is little too much, don't worry. His character is warm and vulnerable, and I found him totally believable in his role.

What more can you ask of a romantic, escapist comedy?
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Broken Hearts
10 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After all the hype I didn't know what to expect when I saw this movie on DVD. First of all, it's not about "Love is a Force of Nature." A tornado is a force of nature--that doesn't make it a good thing.

The acting is outstanding as is the directing. This is an expertly made movie.

I haven't heard or read of anybody else saying or writing this, but "Brokeback" reminded me of "Anna Karenina. In that classic by Tolstoy, Anna is a very sympathetic character, but her adultery with Count Vronsky has tragic consequences including her suicide. In "Brokeback Mountain," the people really affected by Ennis and Jack's love affair are their two families. Both are destroyed. Adultery always has consequences--bad consequences whether it is two men, two woman, or a man and a woman.

Ennis Delmar and Jack Twist made the decision not to stay with each other but to marry and go on with their lives. When they made that deal, they should have kept that deal. By not doing so, they hurt their wives and children eventually destroying their marriages.

Another lie I've heard is that this is about two gay men. Wrong. This is about one gay man, Jack Twist, and another more heterosexual man, Ennis Delmar who is obsessed with one male--Jack Twist. Along the spectrum of homosexual/heterosexual love Jack was over there, and Ennis is definitely over here. Jack has other lovers, he has to get sex in Mexican border towns, and eventually is having an affair with another man when he is killed. Not so Ennis. He loves Jack, true, but he dates other women. There will be no other men in Ennis Delmar's live now that Jack is dead. Ennis is not gay.

I found this movie very powerful. I loved the women in the movie and think their roles are underrated. I especially loved the scene when Ennis promises to attend his daughter's wedding.

Ennis is a good and tender man. I believed his character and thought the whole movie was tremendously sad.
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5 November 2005
The greatness of America is her people. This documentary took me out of my neighborhood and town and made me realize the true diversity and greatness of America.

We see one of the last of the cowboys out West, a family of New Orleans magicians, a Vermont dairy farmer, Latino immigrants and so much more.

Every one of the subjects in this documentary demonstrates hope. These people are true Americans with the spirit of perseverance. What I found most refreshing was the way they all loved what they were doing.

As a high school special education teacher, I plan to show this film to my students.

"America's Heart and Soul" is completely non-political and enjoyable.
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A Lot Like Real Life
8 October 2005
Oliver and Emily have a brief sexual encounter midflight from California to New York. Although you can have sex in a half hour, it takes years to develop a friendship. Actually, it takes Oliver and Emily seven years to be exact.

Both of their lives include different jobs and several relationships with other people in the ensuing years.

The portrayal of family life and friendship is positive. Emily's friends and Oliver's brother are very funny and touching.

"A Lot Like Love" has going for it real chemistry between the two leads. The movie's genre is romantic comedy, but it is humorous as well.

I found this movie enjoyable and very believable.
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18 September 2005
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Based on actual events, The Great Raid tells of the rescue of 500 American POW's interred in the Philippines by the Japanese. The Japanese, during WWII were fanatical fighters and brutal captors. They considered surrender dishonorable not only for themselves but for anyone who surrendered to them. To be a prisoner of the Japanese during WWII was to suffer.

These 500 Americans were scheduled for execution by burning as hundreds of prisoners had perished before them.

Another overlooked fact about the war in the Pacific was the bravery of the Philippine people, both their soldiers and civilians.

This movie hasn't been a big hit so far, but it deserves to be.
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The Island (2005)
Surprisingly Good!
1 August 2005
Futurisitic film, "The Island," is set in the world of 2090. Two people, McGregor and Johannson, suspect that not all is perfect in their antiseptic environment. Supposedly, the outside world is contaminated and the only hope of the survivors of this global contamination is to win a lottery which enables the winner to a place on a paradise called, The Island.

The movie is very exciting and moves along without skipping a beat. This film is also very pro-life as it shows the dangers of genetic engineering on human beings.

It is difficult to describe the plot without spoiling the movie.

The Island is chillingly realistic but ends on a note of hope.
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Inspiring Story and Top Notch Acting
12 June 2005
Russell Crowe deserves best actor, and Paul Giamatti deserves best supporting actor in this true boxing comeback story.

Ron Howard has become an excellent director.

Although my parents described the Great Depression to me, this movie made me experience the poverty and despair as if I were living it. Out-of-work men desperate to feed their families, no jobs, no hope, and no money.

Jim Braddock has to put his family on relief. As soon as he has enough money, Jim goes to the welfare office and pays back every cent. Incredible as this seems to us today, to Jim and his generation--it was the right thing to do.

I haven't been so moved by a movie in a long time.

10/10 but keep little kids away because of some gory fight scenes.
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Back to The Future
29 May 2005
I rank Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Episode III right up there with the first Star Wars. I would have give it a 10 except for the hand-wringing angst about childbirth.

Altogether, this episode makes for very pleasant outing at the movies. The special effects have improved tremendously in 20 years, but that isn't why this movie is great. The atmosphere of the first film is present in this one.

Watching Anakin Skywalker turn into Darth Vader is fascinating.

All actors do a credible job including the guy who plays Obi Wan Ka Nobi, reprising the Alec Guinness role from the first Star Wars.

I was made uncomfortable by the sly political commentary throughout the film. Obviously, George Lucas doesn't like George W. Bush.

All that didn't keep me from thoroughly enjoying Star Wars: Epside III, Revenge of the Sith.
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27 May 2005
Splendid performances by Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, and Scarlett Johannson.

Dennis Quaid plays the 51 year old ad executive whose company has been taken over by mogul Teddy Kay. Topher Grace is the hot shot who is sent into the mix to shake things up (fire people).

The interactions among the three stars is wonderful. I also enjoyed the genuine affection the family members had toward each other. It is nice to see family life portrayed in such a positive light.

The movie engaged me from beginning to end. The characters grow into their parts as the movie progresses.

By the unexpected ending I was totally engaged, caring about each one of these people.
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The Aviator (2004)
26 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a committed non-fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, I was taken by surprise by his excellent performance in The Aviator. Scorcese also scores after the Gangs of New York failure.

Cate Blanchett is wonderful as Katherine Hepburn. Her mannerisms seemed forced until I realized that her portrayal of Hepburn was more than superficial.

DiCaprio as Howard Hughes conquers a difficult role. Hughes suffered from paranoia; he was also obsessive-compulsive with a fear of germs.

The film masterfully shows how this illness progressed from minor eccentricity to major disability.

This film is about more than one man's inner demons. The aviation side of the story is fascinating.

All aspects of The Aviator are stunning. I loved the soundtrack, dialogue, costumes, and direction.
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A Gentleman and a Great Golfer!
13 May 2005
My dad loved golf, and I wish I did. Unfortunately, I'm like my mom--as unathletic as you can get. But I enjoyed this film about the greatest amateur golfer who ever lived.

Bobby Jones didn't do it for the money. Isn't that an anachronism in this sports-crazed age of million dollar salaries! Bobby's record as the only golfer to win the big three of golf tournaments still stands. He walked away from it after this accomplishment to devote his life to his family.

I really like this movie. It portrayed a time when values meant something. Jim Caviezel does a great job as do the rest of the cast. The guy who plays Jones' arch rival, Walter Kagan almost steals the movie.
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I Am David (2003)
From Death to Life
23 April 2005
David is a young boy of 12. He has been held prisoner in a Bulgarian Prison camp since being forcibly separated from his parents at age four or five.

David has become an automaton, the only hope in his life, a fellow prisoner played beautifully by Jim Cavielzel. The days in the prison camp are monotonous and gray. David's days are filled with fear. He never smiles.

We follow David on his journey from hopelessness to freedom of his body and his soul.

This is a beautiful movie.
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28 March 2005
I loved this movie. My two granddaughters, four and seven, loved it too. The Incredibles is one of those few films which all generations enjoy. Brad Bird who collaborated with Pixar to make The Incredibles previously produced The Iron Giant, another great movie.

The technology has become so advanced that the pictures we are seeing on the screen look real. The voices were also excellent with Craig Nelson voicing Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible and Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Mrs. Incredible.

The family is darling--all three children. Violet, the pre-teen going through puberty, Dash, the middle child, frustrated because he can't show how exceptional he is. Even Jack Jack, the baby, has hidden powers which don't become evident until the end of the film.

The villain of the piece is Jason Lee playing Syndrome, The Incredibles' nemesis.

There is humor and loving affection among all the family members and their friends. Samuel Jackson is excellent as the voice of Frozone.

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Passionada (2002)
A Celebration
16 March 2005
Too bad that the most beautiful films have the skimpiest release dates. This treasure probably slipped by all but the discerning moviegoer.

Passionada has going for it: Perfect Setting--New Bedford, Massachusetts, a little bit of Portugal.

Perfect Casting-- Milos as Celia Andonte, a Portuguese widow. Celia is supporting her mother-in-law and teenage daughter. She sews in a textile mill by day, sings in a cabaret by night haunting Portuguese ballads. Through her singing, she tells us of her love and longing for Joseph, her dead husband.

Jason Isaacs--the Brit who is a professional card counter, down on his luck. He is fascinated by Celia, a falls for her completely and very much against his own will.

Emily Rossum as the teenage daughter playing her as rebellious but loving.

Perfect music and background themes.

MIlos as Celia is entirely believable. We know she loved her dead husband passionately, thinks she has died with him, but the passion is there. It slowly comes alive again when she meets Charley Beck (Isaacs) Charley Beck (Isaacs) plays his part so that the viewer almost falls in love with Celia through him.

Passionada is an altogether satisfying experience.
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A Life-Changing Experience
16 January 2005
As of now, "The Passion of the Christ" has made $600 million and has been seen by millions.

The film has been out for a while, but I put off seeing it because of the violence. I finally watched it today and was blown away, incredibly moved by this piece of work.

Although "The Passion of the Christ" deserves to be the best picture of the year, or at least nominated--it won't be.

The movie's Christian message is too frightening to Hollywood. Tinsel Town's anti-religious bias is well documented.

The acting, the Aramic sub-titles, the direction, scenic casting, music are all first rate. I felt I was there, in first century Rome.

I felt every lash of the whip, writhed with each nail pounded into Christ's flesh.

Anti-Semitism doesn't exist in this movie. Simon of Cyrene, a Jew who helps carry the cross, is one of the most sympathetic characters. If anything, where is the Italian Anti-Defamation Leaque? The Romans are portrayed as mindlessly, joyfully sadistic. The Jewish Sanhedrin are just corrupt Roman Collaboraters. Most of the Jews are horrified by Jesus' torture and death.

"The Passion of the Christ" is a life-changing, extraordinary movie.

It will have a profound effect on the world.
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Superior Action Film...
12 September 2004
This is a superior action film with the added bonus of good acting by Joan Allen, Matt Damon, and Karl Urban among others. The camera work is amazing.

I especially liked the on-locale settings of Russia and Germany.

Jason Bourne is a walking CIA specimen whom the agency deems to dangerous to live. Not all the facts are known about some mysterious murders in Berlin but Jason Bourne is suspected. You know his idyllic life on a remote island will be blown from the first.

How this all is resolved takes the viewer on a non-stop chase through various foreign countries.

Good flick!
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Peter Pan (2003)
Great Adaptation!
13 June 2004
Peter Pan was the first Disney movie I saw. I remember as a child of six or seven trying to fly off our porch and even looking longingly at the garage roof. How many broken arms and legs resulted from Disney's Peter Pan.

I never thought that a live-action film could do justice to this J.M. Barrie classic. I was wrong.

This rendition of Peter Pan is excellent. It follows the storyline more faithfully than the animated version. The acting and special effects are marvelous.

I loved the movie. Hook, by the way, is played by the same man, Jason Isaacs, just as he was played by Hans Conreid in the Disney version.

Children and adults will appreciate Peter Pan. Young children may be bothered by some stabbings, hook rattling, and a huge computer- generated crocodile.
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Miracle (2004)
First Rate!
28 May 2004
I'm a movie buff--If I like one, I see it again. I've seen this one three times.

"Miracle" has it all--acting, plot, realism, fast-pace, and suspense. It's an excellent sports movie representing the best of that genre. Kurt Russell plays Herb Brooks, the hockey coach who forged his amateur team of all-star prima donnas into a family. Patricia Clarkson is Patty, his wife. She is excellent and an underrated actress.

These guys became a family and outplayed the Russians at their own game.

Because I'm a special education teacher at the high school level, I look for films that exemplify courage, hard work, honesty, integrity and persistence to show to my students. "Miracle" has all these qualities plus that indescribable something called passion.

Highly Recommended.
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In America (2002)
14 May 2004
"In America" is one of those artistic triumphs which occur every now and then when we most need them.

I didn't know quite what to expect when I put the tape into my video cassette. I'd heard and read comments about poverty, a black, menacing drug addict, and Hell's Kitchen. But the reviewers seemed to like the movie, so I gave it a try.

The family is entering New York from Ireland via Canada. From the first luminous moment when those two adorable children peep out from the back of the car, I was hooked. The acting is superb, but you can have fine acting in a lousy movie. "In America" doesn't make do with fine acting. In the film there are the relationships among the four Sullivans, father, mother, and two darling daughters. Bless them. The family is still in grief from the loss of Frankie, little brother and son, who died in Ireland. The father is frozen in grief, just going through the motions of life.

The family settles in a drug-infested neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. They scrimp and save and try to love each other. Johnny takes a night job and the mother works as a waitress in order to send the girls to a Catholic school. He keeps trying to get an acting job. A new baby is conceived in an erotic, very, sensitively done love scene.

Matteo, the mysterious black man, who lives downstairs is dying of aids. The girls make friends with him when they insist upon playing "trick or treat." He is the only neighbor who answers the door. He is huge and frightening. The girls aren't scared. Their innocence wins Matteo's friendship. He indeed turns out to be an unexpected angel.

The movie has not been seen by enough people.

It deserves your attention.
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