
45 Reviews
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An interesting expose'
5 January 2011
In the movie "Dragonfly", Kevin Costner's character says the "F" word once. At that point in the director's commentary, Tom Shadyac says, "...You can shoot a guy 3,000 times and get a 'PG-13', but if you say the 'F' word *twice* it's automatically an 'R'. I'll let that be its own comment." This was when I first started really thinking about the movie rating system as such, though the subject of our society's (by which I mean primarily America) bizarre, obsessive, unhealthy attitude toward nudity and sex is something which I have thought about for a long time. We are obsessed with nudity and sex -- as the old saying goes, "Sex sells," (which is understood to mean nudity, which of course is *not* the same as sex) -- and at the same time, apparently utterly terrified of it. This split has led us, as a society, to a point of hysterical insanity on the subject, and given us the highest incidence of teen pregnancy in the world, and by FAR the highest incidence of rape -- close to 10 times higher than the next-highest country.

This film offers a greatly detailed perspective on one major manifestation of the issue, the movie censorship system -- sorry, I mean "rating" system. The side-by-side comparison of R and NC-17 scenes was particularly revealing. It just boggles my mind that people get so twisted up on this subject.

I love the irony that the very ratings board scrutinized in this film was required to watch it. If there are any honest members on that board, perhaps it got them to think a little more about what they do and how they operate.

(P.S. the explanation of the ratings near the beginning is hilarious!)
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In Plain Sight: Good Cop, Dead Cop (2008)
Season 1, Episode 9
Try Again
27 July 2008
The show up to this point had its flaws, but overall was enjoyable and, importantly, *consistent*. Listen, writers: you establish a character by showing how they behave in various situations. And while this show is still new and the characters are still being developed, Mary sleeping with the witness is *so* out of character with what's been established so far. As soon as I saw that in the promos, I had a bad feeling. If you had at least built it up a little, but instead you fall back on a cliché. And from there it goes from cliché to cliché to cliché. Five squad cars pulling up, sirens blazing, guns drawn, full Kevlar and pick someone up for *questioning*? Not even an arrest? With absolutely zero evidence? The lawyers would be lining up to try that lawsuit.

Hopefully you'll get back on track next week. The preview looks interesting. Learn your lesson from this, and don't do anything like it again.
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Plot Holes, Get Yer Plot Holes Here
24 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Major, gaping, glaring, sucking plot holes. The only thing I hate worse than a bad movie, is a bad movie that could have easily been good. This is a shining example. The basic premise is good, the setup is well-done, the characters are interesting, the acting is competent. And the thing is as full of plot holes as the precinct building was by the end of the movie. I won't re-hash them here; see the thread "Why this movie didn't work... let me count the ways..." in the message board for this film.

The real shame is, those holes could have *easily* been plugged. A little extra thought, a little less laziness and "Eh, the stupid moviegoers won't notice," and it could have been a really good (if perhaps a bit formulaic) movie.
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On the Q.T. (2001)
23 June 2006
Apart from the fact that I didn't really care for a lot of Jari's playing, I enjoyed this movie quite a lot. Jones' performance, as you might expect, was magnificent. Ball and the other actors did a good job, and the production values were generally good.

I think in order to really appreciate the story, though, you have to be the type of musician that Leo is; the kind that just can't imagine not expressing themselves through music. It's not something you do, it's just who you are. Many fine musicians learn to put themselves into their music. But for someone like Leo, it couldn't be any other way.

Interestingly, this is the one thing I would fault the story on -- Jari isn't that kind of musician. He sometimes talks like he is, and Carla seems to think he is, but I just don't feel it from him.

That's a minor consideration, though; overall I liked the movie quite well.
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Misses the Mark
23 May 2006
I have a confession: I haven't seen this movie. Yet. I will, and I may very well enjoy it. I like Steve Martin a lot, and have seen most of his movies.

I have, however, seen the previews, and from the first shot, when I saw that patented Steve Martin smirk, I knew they had missed the mark. The rest of the scenes confirmed it. This may be Clousseau, but it's an entirely different Clousseau.

The thing that defined Peter Sellers' Clousseau, and made him so funny, was his tremendous dignity. This was Sellers' brilliance. No matter what happened, Clousseau was un-flustered. Sellers' Clousseau was not a buffoon, as Martin has portrayed him. Things just happened around him, and it never occurred to him that it had anything to do with him. Clousseau was the straight man, and everyone else was the fall guy. To Clousseau, the entire world was slapstick, and he was the only serious person.

Martin has reversed that, and turned Clousseau into just another conventional slapstick character. If you go into this movie expecting traditional Clousseau, you'll be disappointed. But if you like traditional Steve Martin, you just may enjoy it.
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For Kids of All Ages
12 April 2006
A lot of the reviews here say, "I hated it, the kids loved it," or "Not for adults." In a way, I suppose they're right -- if "adult" means, "someone who's lost their capacity for imagination." Those "adults" who didn't like it -- watch it again. But first, sit down and remember what it was like to be a kid. I don't mean, remember *being* a kid -- anyone can do that. Remember what it was *like*. Then, think about how *cool* it would be if you had been raised by sharks, and had gills and fins and razor-sharp teeth, and your best friend was a girl made of lava, and you both had all these cool powers.

Remember how excited you could get, imagining things. Whether it was GI Joe, Barbie and Ken, or a fort you built with chairs and blankets. Remember? Remember what it felt like? Remember the intensity of an imagination on fire? OK.

Now watch this movie again.
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Babylon 5: Sleeping in Light (1998)
Season 5, Episode 22
Incredible Finale to an Incredible Series
27 January 2006
Babylon 5 was groundbreaking in many ways, not the least of which was its incredibly consistent high quality of writing and acting. Most of the episodes were written by series creator, J. Michael Straczynski, and there are moments throughout the entire series which are simply breathtaking.

But this, the final episode, rightly trumps them all. I truly believe that a finer 45 minutes of of TV (or cinema, for that matter) has never been produced. It's as if Joe took all the joy, all the sorrow, all the victory, all the tragedy, all the passion of the entire series, distilled it down to its purest essence, and put it into this episode. I've lost count how many times I've seen this episode, and it takes my breath away every time.

But be warned: you have to watch the entire show to get to this episode. As Joe always says, "It's about the process." You can't "read ahead" on this one -- you won't get it.

If you have never seen B5, do yourself a favor. Start from the beginning, and watch it. It doesn't matter if you're a sci-fi fan. If you're a human, with feelings, it will touch you.
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24 (2001–2010)
A Nice Try, but Vastly Overrated
3 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me say that there is first-rate acting all around in this show. Sutherland and everyone else do a marvelous job. There are some interesting characters, well-written. And the format, of course, is the inspired part.

But it's as if they spent their whole inspiration budget on that; overall, the show is rather lame. I'm sure it's a tremendous challenge to stretch a single story over 24 hours, keep it consistent and believable and keep the suspense up. Unfortunately, it appears they were not up to the challenge. The plot just gets stretched way too thin, and of course when you stretch something that thin, holes start showing up.

One of the biggest distractions for me was how well-prepared the bad guys were for contingencies they had no idea would happen. I just can't imagine Gaines saying, "OK, Kevin, as soon as these punk kids have the girls, you need to kill her father and pretend to be him, just in case Janet escapes and gets hit by a car and goes to the hospital in critical condition but survives, you can be in the hospital and kill her." I don't think so.

Nina helped way too much all through the show for her to have turned out to be the mole. When she took Kim and Terri to the safe house, she easily could have killed the two agents and then killed the women.

Kim gets kidnapped. Kim escapes. Kim is recaptured. Kim is rescued. Kim is re-captured.....

One of the worst Exploding Car Scenes I've ever seen. A car rolls 20 feet down a soft embankment....and explodes. Of course. I've never understood why people in movies and TV shows carry around raw nitroglycerin in their cars.

This and much more.

But I was willing to overlook all these, until the end. Nina killing Terri was the next to the last straw. After that, I probably wouldn't have watched any more, but I might have. The *last* straw was the EP's lame excuse for why they did it.

There was exactly one rest point in the first season, and that's when the women are rescued from Gaines. I can understand keeping the suspense up all the way through; it's a suspense show. And they do that very well. But at the end you have to give the characters (and the viewers) a rest and a win.
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Ray (I) (2004)
Most Deserved Oscar Ever
3 March 2005
I'm fortunate enough to have witnessed a large part of Ray Charles' career, and very fortunate to have seen him perform live in Las Vegas in 2000. At 70 years old, he was still just as captivating and electrifying as ever. He was a brilliant musician, and a brilliant performer, and contributed more to the field of music than many people realize. Truly a stellar name.

As such, when I heard of a movie about him, I figured they would hopefully do at least a fair job, but didn't think they'd ever truly capture him. I was wrong.

The casting of Jamie Foxx is either the luckiest act in the history of movies, or practically deserves an Oscar of its own. What in Foxx's background could possibly have hinted he could pull off a performance of this magnitude? You've heard people say it -- you forget it isn't Ray up there on the screen. It's true. Frankly it's rather eerie at times. Foxx truly captures Ray -- the look, the mannerisms, everything. If this is truly the level of his ability, I look forward to more.

My hat's off to you, Mr. Foxx. Bravo.
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Not Quite Great
30 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This really is a good movie, but it's not a great movie. Any movie has goofs, but this one has some that are just plain sloppy (e.g. Constance talking without her mouth moving). I figured out the ending very early on (in all fairness I knew from the DVD package that there was "a surprise ending," so I was looking for it, but I still think it was pretty obvious). The car trouble sub-plot was distracting; as a plot device to impede her getting to the prison on time, it really didn't need that much setup. The whole production had a kind of lazy, haphazard feel to it.

But don't get me wrong; as I said, it really is a good movie. The story is interesting. The acting is well done, the characters well-developed, believable and likable. The sets and locations were all well done. I'm not at all sorry I watched it. With a little effort it could have been a great movie, but as it is, it's just good.
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Slightly Bizarre, and Very Sweet
7 January 2005
"Once there was this one day where everybody seemed to know they needed each other. This one day when they knew for certain that they couldn't do it alone." (April, trying to explain the origins of Thanksgiving.) That ultimately is what this movie is about -- people needing people, and the inter-relationships of people. It's about April and her family, but it's also about April and Bobby, the Lee family, Eugene and Evette, and even Wayne, who needs somebody, but misses connecting once again. Jim needs Joy, Bobby needs Latrell, Joy needs her family, she and Timmy need the bikers, and it just goes on and on. We all need one another and touch one another, and those touches spread out and out. Beautiful.

I also loved all the little twists, such as the stiff, middle-aged mother chiding her teenage son about properly rolling a joint; and the puncturing of stereotypes and prejudices. When Bobby's waiting by the phone for Latrell, it's probably tempting to think he's doing a drug deal or some other unsavory activity. But I knew better; I was laughing well before it was revealed what they were up to. Magnificent.

Another one to add to the video library, and I'm going to have to check out more Peter Hedges (though I have seen Gilbert Grape).
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Brimstone (1998–1999)
Not Mindless Pap
12 November 2004
Which is, unfortunately, mostly what succeeds on TV these days. Shows such as Brimstone are just too intelligent, and go over the head of Average Joe TV Viewer (or Average Joe TV Executive). With all the proliferation and specialization of TV channels these days, maybe some day we can have an "Intelligent TV Channel" where shows like these can flourish and those too dim to "get it" can just remove it from their channel rotation.

Black humor is under-appreciated, and intelligent black humor is just beyond too many people, unfortunately. And Brimstone was chock full of it. Add to that a completely original premise, some decent action, good acting and the wonderful, delicious Lori Petty (::melt::) and Brimstone was a real winner. Too bad the suits didn't "get it".

Any TV producers out there reading this -- there's an idea for you. Create an "Intelligent TV Channel", and give us shows like this, or Max Headroom, Key West, Cupid, etc. You could even call it that, as a dig at the mindless drivel that pours off the screen most of the time.
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Cupid (1998–1999)
Not Mindless Pap
12 November 2004
Which is, unfortunately, mostly what succeeds on TV these days. Shows such as Cupid are just too intelligent, and go over the head of Average Joe TV Viewer (or Average Joe TV Executive). With all the proliferation and specialization of TV channels these days, maybe some day we can have an "Intelligent TV Channel" where shows like these can flourish and those too dim to "get it" can just remove it from their channel rotation.

Any TV producers out there reading this -- there's an idea for you. Create an "Intelligent TV Channel", and give us shows like this, or Max Headroom, Brimstone, Key West, etc. You could even call it that, as a dig at the mindless drivel that pours off the screen most of the time.
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Max Headroom (1987–1988)
Not Mindless Pap
12 November 2004
Which is, unfortunately, mostly what succeeds on TV these days. Shows such as Max Headroom are just too intelligent, and go over the head of Average Joe TV Viewer (or Average Joe TV Executive). With all the proliferation and specialization of TV channels these days, maybe some day we can have an "Intelligent TV Channel" where shows like these can flourish and those too dim to "get it" can just remove it from their channel rotation.

Max Headroom was brilliant. One of the most spot-on and funny pieces of satire ever produced. The fact that it was satirizing the very medium that produced it probably had something to do with its short life, as well. I mean, when you're satirizing stupidity, obviously stupidity is going to react, just by definition.

Any TV producers out there reading this -- there's an idea for you. Create an "Intelligent TV Channel", and give us shows like this, or Key West, Brimstone, Cupid, etc. You could even call it that, as a dig at the mindless drivel that pours off the screen most of the time.
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Key West (1993)
Not Mindless Pap
12 November 2004
Which is, unfortunately, mostly what succeeds on TV these days. Shows such as Key West are just too intelligent, and go over the head of Average Joe TV Viewer (or Average Joe TV Executive). With all the proliferation and specialization of TV channels these days, maybe some day we can have an "Intelligent TV Channel" where shows like these can flourish and those too dim to "get it" can just remove it from their channel rotation.

Key West was smart, funny and *very* quirky. No fart jokes or pratfalls, which is probably why it didn't succeed; just a continuous, surreal humor. I didn't even mind that it starred the despicable Denise Crosby. It seemed fitting that she should not only end up in this loony bin, but be in charge of it.

Any TV producers out there reading this -- there's an idea for you. Create an "Intelligent TV Channel", and give us shows like this, or Max Headroom, Brimstone, Cupid, etc. You could even call it that, as a dig at the mindless drivel that pours off the screen most of the time.
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19 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILERS herein) I really looked forward to seeing this film, as I had heard it followed the book more closely than anything previously. I suppose it did, but for Pete's sake, why can't Hollywood just tell a story? What the hell was the deal with the ripping-the-heart-out-and-reanimation crap? I didn't mind that they didn't kill off Henry, and I didn't mind how they shortcut Justine's death -- it made it slightly less tragic, a little less painful. There were 2 or 3 "Huh??!!" moments throughout the film, but nothing too awfully distracting. But then I guess KB decided Mrs. Shelley's ending wasn't quite Hollywood enough, and needed a little more flash and gore.

Overall, the film is very patchy. There are some very good moments, probably even the majority, but they are jarringly interspersed with moments ranging from mediocre to appalling. Too bad. Hopefully some day someone will really tell this story properly on film.

Here's some advice to future filmmakers: it's a *tragedy*. Don't try to gloss it over. If you want to make a film of this story, ignore everything that's been done before, just read the book and keep that in mind. I was quite impressed with De Niro's portrayal of the creature. That was the one point I was most dubious about going into it, but I should have known better. If you can get someone like him, you're good in that department. Don't cast your girlfriend as Elizabeth, unless she truly can portray the grace and elegance of Shelley's Elizabeth, rather than the edgy, grating portrayal here. Be sure you hire a good editor; this film could have been greatly helped with one. And above, all *tell the story*! Don't fiddle with it. I know you can't cover every little detail, but you can keep the integrity.
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21 Grams (2003)
8 September 2004
Just because no one understands you, doesn't mean you're an artist.

Look, if you want to tell me a story, just tell me a fricken story! Don't try to impress me with how inventive you can be by taking your footage, throwing it in a blender and splicing it together in random order, or with oh-so-overused off-color-washed-out cinematography.

A good storyteller disappears. This is the ultimate achievement of good storytelling: the listener forgets it's a story. The listener should be able to focus on the characters and the story, without being distracted by "Look at me! Look at me! Look at what I can do!" from the storyteller.

This is not to say you can't or shouldn't be creative or inventive -- you should. But it must always contribute to the story and not be done for its own sake.

This was a great story and superb acting, almost totally drowned out by "Look at me! Look at me!" from the director. It took a lot of concentration to follow the story through all the racket. Too bad.

Maybe some day some director who's more secure about him/herself will pick up the story and do a remake, telling it properly without having to constantly draw attention and be an "artiste", and the audience will finally be able to experience it.
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8 September 2004
Sy Parrish's life is dull. Now, we've all seen dull people before, but with Sy, it's painfully dull. Take the song, "I'm Blue" by Eiffel 65 and substitute the word "dull", and you have Sy's life. Dull, sad, and lonely.

That is, Sy's life away from the one-hour photo stand at the SavMart. There he comes alive, and is truly master of his domain. And there we learn to love him.

Mark's and Robin's work in creating this character is nothing short of brilliant. You truly feel for him, and, knowing that in the end he's going to do something the detective describes as "not pretty", all the way through the film you find yourself thinking, "Oh, come on, Sy! Don't do what I think you're going to do!"

And the revelation at the end is absolutely spot-on. With those few sentences, the entire film, and Sy's entire life suddenly pop into focus, and we understand why Sy's life is dull, and why he's lonely, and even why he took the job he did. Absolutely, totally brilliant.

I put off seeing this film for a long time, as I had seen "Insomnia" and didn't care for it, and thought this would be the same sort of character. Far from it!

Oh, by the way, Mark -- I saw the riderless horse as symbolizing futility and pointlessness, like Sy's life. It's interesting, the different interpretations of things!
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Holy Smoke (1999)
The Un Movie
21 July 2004
Uneven, uninteresting, uncompelling, unbelievable, unworth your time.

I must admit I came into the movie with doubts, as "de-programmers", "exit counselors" or whatever other names they come up with to call themselves are generally no more than kidnappers and thugs. But I thought with Keitel and Winslet it might be worthwhile.

It wasn't.

Oh, and what's with billing it as a comedy? Was there something funny? I must have blinked and missed it.

This feature of IMDB is mis-named. It's called "User Comments". Well, I'm a user, and the above are my comments about the movie. But apparently user comments are only worthwhile if they're something worthy of Maltin, Siskel, Ebert and Roper all rolled into one. See, the above is all I have to say about this limp film. But IMDB wants more, MORE, *M*O*R*E*!!!!!

So, let's see if that's enough.
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Is 'Gigli' *really* worse than this movie?
14 May 2004
I'm going to have to see it now to compare, because this one sucks horribly. I actually counted: one mild laugh, two chuckles and two almost-chuckles. I like Jim Carrey, and his previous films were great, but this one just misses across the boards.

OK, I see IMDB still has this absurd "10 line minimum" thing going on, so here we go:

This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks. This movies sucks.
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I Am Sam (2001)
Oh. Wow.
27 March 2004
The production values are competent (though the blue casting was annoying and is really becoming overused). The story is sweet. The soundtrack is wonderful. But Sean Penn is, once again, absolutely, utterly brilliant. This man is truly one of the most gifted story tellers of our time. He totally floored me in "Dead Man Walking", and just left me speechless with this performance. I haven't seen "Training Day", so I can't honestly compare, but as much as I like Denzel Washington, I think Sean should have gotten this one.

Dianne Wiest was wonderful as always; I would have liked to learn a little more about her character. Michelle Pfeiffer was competent; I don't really have anything against her, but she's never really caught my attention as an actress. Some other favorites were here: Ken Jenkins, Doug Hutchison, Rosalind Chao, Laura Dern. Overall, a fantastic film.
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10 March 2004
This is a very sweet film. While it has its humorous moments, I wouldn't really bill it as a comedy, but perhaps it's funnier if you're French. But I really loved the characters and the story. Firmine Richard is a real beauty (I'm going to look up more of her films), and I too fell in love with Juliette. I saw "Le Placard" last week, which was my first exposure to Daniel Auteuil; I didn't know he was in this film until I started watching it. There are a lot of great French actors that Americans are too unaware of. Expand your horizons folks -- watch foreign films. There are some real gems out there. Go to your library and check out a few.

Now, this 10-line-minimum rule is really starting to get annoying. I think my comment above is quite adequate, but the system still won't allow me to submit it. You folks really need to change that.
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Amélie (2001)
Twice as Long in English
2 March 2004
This movie will take you twice as long to watch if you don't speak French. The reason is that you'll be laughing so hard you'll miss the subtitles and have to keep rewinding.

This is a very sweet movie, and very, very funny. Audrey Tautou is absolutely adorable, and the other characters are a wonderful mix of oddballs, misfits and lonely hearts who manage to find happiness after all.

That's all I have to say, but once again run afoul of IMDB's silly "10 line minimum" rule. Hopefully this will satisfy the beast.... Apparently not; I guess I don't know what a line is. Let's try this....
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What Is Funny?
2 March 2004
This movie really points up how widely people's conceptions of humor can vary. I've heard of this movie for years, and have always heard that it was very funny.

What finally got me to watch it was William Goldman's commentary on the DVD for "The Princess Bride". That has always been one of my favorite movies -- very funny. But if you see and hear Goldman talk, you'd think he'd never so much as cracked a smile in his life. It amazed me that someone who looks and sounds so gloomy could do something so light and funny as Princess Bride.

In describing how he managed to get together with Rob Reiner, Goldman said he'd seen "Spinal Tap" and had never laughed so hard in his life, and had tears rolling down his face. I thought, "If it could make *him* laugh, it must really be funny." So I watched it.

I think I chuckled once or twice.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not criticizing those who do find it funny. Like I say, it just points out what amazingly wide variation there is in what people consider funny.

Beyond not being very funny (to me), the movie was in fact moderately interesting just as a documentary of a rock band. I fast-forwarded a couple of times, but sat through most of it.
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What A Cop-Out
11 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers

This was a fantastic movie, up until the end. They spend the whole movie telling us you can do something about it. You can make a difference in the world. You can help people.

Then at the end they shrug and say, "Of course, if you do, you'll die."

The director blabbers about, "Well, the boy had to die because this wasn't a movie about the three of them making a family, it was about an idea....blah, blah blah." What a load of BS!

There used to be a TV show on called "Quantum Leap". I loved it, except it had this same unspoken moral: that in order to do anything for others, you have to sacrifice yourself. Or, to put it another way, unless you're willing to give up everything, you *can't* make a difference in the world. You *can't* help people.


What a load of horse-hooey.

Listen: you can make a difference in the world. You can help people. You can do something about it. And you don't have to sacrifice anything except the effort of doing it, which is more than paid back by the satisfaction of knowing you *did* something, rather than just sitting around whining.

This movie spends its whole time and effort putting forth an idea - a very excellent idea - and then, at the end, stabs it in the gut with a knife. Change the ending, and you have a fantastic movie. As it is, it's crap.

Do yourself a favor. If you watch this movie, look for the scene where Arlene and Eugene kiss by the lockers after Trevor's interview. Stop there, and think "Wow, what a great movie," and leave it at that. Then go out and help someone.
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