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Star Trek: Discovery: ...But to Connect (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
Welcome aboard on USS Boredom
1 January 2022
And here we have the mid-season finale. An episode with a lot of action, suspense and a big cliffhanger at the end.

At least this I epected before watching this episode after having watched 6 very slow episodes of this season so far. But here they again offered the opposite.

Again nothing appreciable happens, we see dialogues of Michael Burnham with the computer about its feelings but also of Saru with a Vulcan woman, giving her a kind of flower to thank her for...(I don't know as I skipped)

I really hoped that something like a plot or even a bit of action would finally begin with this episode, but no. We just see the same feeling talks all people are so tired of. And it is so ridiculous to spend several episodes for talking about a computer suddenly developping feelings and becoming human. Why not finally meeting the species who is responsible for the threat? Why no confrontations/fights/talks with them? Now just 4 episodes in this season remain to deal with all fans are waiting for since episode 1.

At the end of this mid season finale I just feel frustrated having wasted another 45 minutes of my life for this bedtime episode.
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Flashforward: The Garden of Forking Paths (2010)
Season 1, Episode 17
The best episode of this series so far!
19 June 2010
I really like the series FlashForward. Despite of the many strands the topics have always been very interesting and suspenseful. But the episode "The Garden of Forking Paths" exceeds all expectations. It is so thrilling and dramatic than no other episode before. The story, the actors and also the music are responsible of this. I watched this episode twice and not only one time like the episodes before and I can safely say that this is the best episode of FlashForward yet. I'm really looking forward for the upcoming episodes. It's a pity that series will end after the first season. Especially because the end of this episode shows that there would be enough topics for a second or a third season.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: Regeneration (2003)
Season 2, Episode 23
What an episode! The best of Season 2!
22 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Regeneration is really an excellent episode. No other episode of "Enterprise" in Season 2 is as thrilling as this one! The Borg, which wanted to prevent first contact of the humans with the vulcans by destroying Zefram Cochrane's missile base are found near the North Pole by an exploration team. Not knowing what kind of aliens they are the explorers dig the Borg out of the ice and bring them to their camp. There the Borg suddenly awake and assimilate the exploration team. They go into the explorers' vessel and attack a transporter vessel. The Enterprise picks up the transporter's emergency call and beams two survivors aboard the Enterprise. But the survivors have already been assimilated and suddenly assimilate Dr. Phlox. Finally Captain Archer manages to get rid of the two Borg while the Borg nano probes attack Dr. Phlox's immune system. The Enterprise follows the explorers' vessel which has been altered by the Borg and now can fly much faster and also has an improved defense system. At the end the Enterprise manages to destroy the vessel and Dr. Phlox can be hailed by some kind of radiance. All in all this episode is very thrilling and cannot be compared with any other Enterprise episode of season 2. It is very worth watching!
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Star Trek (2009)
An excellent Star Trek movie!!!!!
8 May 2009
Despite being a bigger fan of "Star Trek-The Next Generation" I think that this Star Trek movie is one of the best!

The film is really thrilling and with 127 minutes not too short. The Enterprise appears much taller than in the original series and much more modern. The actors are really convincing and replace the old crew very well.

You do not need to be a big Star Trek fan to understand the story and like the film. I have heard from some Star Trek fans that they do not like the movie because it is not enough "Star Trek". In my opinion this is one of the best films!

I really look forward to Star Trek 12 which we can see perhaps already in 2011.
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Not as good as the first three movies
23 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is by far not as good as the first three films. The positive things: 1) Although Harrison Ford is already 65 years old, he is still Indiana Jones! The jokes, the action scenes are in the main as good as in the other films. 2) I like the reference in this movie to Marcus Brody and Indy's father (Sean Connery). I also like that Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood, who featured already in the first Indiana Jones film, again participates in another Indiana Jones movie. 3) John Williams' music is really excellent! The Raiders March is played several times in different variations and a bit more often than in the first three movies. As I like the Raiders March this is very positive!

The negative things: 1) I do not like the story of the film. Some scenes are unfortunately quite confusing. The scene with the ants and especially the scene with the apes are ridiculous. 2) Why does Indy's son always combs his hair???? Simply ridiculous! 3) What have aliens and a starship to do with Indiana Jones? This is not Star Wars!

All in all every Indiana Jones fan should have watched this movie but mustn't have high expectations before having watched it.
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The 4 episodes don't fit to each other
11 November 2007
"Lockruf des Goldes" is not an outstanding mini series. The greatest problem is the plot. The movie consists of four parts which all differ from each other a lot which I have never seen at any mini series before! Surely the series has its good moments and is sometimes really exciting. But sometimes I had the impression that the director did not know how to fill the single episodes and so he expanded some scenes too much which made the film sometimes quite boring. While the first two episodes last about 90 minutes, part 3 only lasts 70 minutes! The actors were quite good, the music was good as well. But if the director had made just 2 or 3 episodes of that series it would have been enough!
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Fargo (1996)
The worst dialogues I have ever seen in a film!
27 July 2007
I have just seen "Fargo" and I must say that I was a bit disappointed. The first twenty minutes of this movie were very thrilling and promising. But then the film became weaker and weaker. Especially some dialogues are just horrible! Sometimes I asked myself, whether it was a thriller or a film for children learning English. The plot became boring, uninteresting and daft and all suspense went gone! The actors were quite good, the music could have been more diversified. All in all the film is not bad but the dialogues and the many deviations weaken the movie's quality a lot! It's a pity, the movie could have been much better!
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Alien (1979)
A huge disappointment!
13 January 2007
Before I watched the movie I only heard recommendations to watch this movie. But when I watched it I was highly disappointed. Many shots of the film are dark, too far away or too near. O.K., the characters are in a small star ship but many scenes are too complex. The film starts without an introduction so you don't know in which year the astronauts are for what reason in space. The rest of the movie is quite boring, sometimes Jerry Goldsmith's make some themes exciting by using appropriate music. The rest of Jerry Goldsmith's score is not bad but also not above average. I can't believe that it got a 8.4 in average at IMDb. My advice: If you want to look an alien movie, watch Star Trek, f.e. Star Trek Voyager, episode "Scorpion".
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Creepy but disappointing
21 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Pet Semetary is a very creepy and scary movie. A lot of scenes are bloody and the movie is quite thrilling. The actors play well, Denise Crosby also known from "Star Trek-The next Generation" plays her role well. But the plot leaves much to be desired. Most of the plot is illogical and far-fetched. I did not read Stephen King's book so I can't say if the plot of his book is also illogical. Especially the characters act very illogical. For example: 1) Why does Mr. Goldman lead Mr.Creed to the graveyard at all when he knows what horrible things happened in the past? 2) Why does Mr.Creed bring his wive to the graveyard too(after her death) although he knows what horrible things happened to his son and the cat? I know that horror movies are not logical very often and that horror is the most important element. But this movie exaggerates a bit which its horror and so also with its illogicalness.
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The Haunting (1999)
A weak horror movie!
21 December 2006
The Haunting is a very disappointing movie. Although the actors play well the plot is so absurd, weak and ridiculous that it is not a good movie. The first 30 minutes of the movie are quite boring and nothing happens. Then the persons in the castle are attacked by ghosts and the plot becomes absurd. I really wondered how film-makers can have such absurd ideas by developing the movie. The only point I like is Jerry Goldsmith's score. The main theme which is related with the score of "Hollow Man" makes the atmosphere at least a bit scary. But all in all this film is not a good horror movie. There are many other films which are much better!
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A good movie!
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Perfume- The Story of a Murderer is a really good movie. The actors are convincing, also Ben Whishaw whom I did not know before. It is the story about a man,Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who kills women because he wants to gather their smells in order to mixture a perfume. He does not have a bad conscience by killing the women because he is only focused on their smells. When he has killed about a dozen women his mixture is ready but he is capped and should be killed in a very painful way... Although I did not read the book I think that the story is really convincing and that it is a really good movie which is never boring. Especially the end which is very strange makes you thinking about the author's intention.
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Coma (1978)
A very thrilling movie
4 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Coma is a very thrilling movie. Geneviève Bujold and Michael Douglas play their roles very well and convincing. Several people fall into a coma in a hospital. Nobody knows why but also nobody cares about it because sometimes an operation does not have gone off well. Except Dr. Susan Wheeler. She finds out that somebody has manipulated the oxygen supply during the operation and that there have been ten residual coma incidents during the last twelve months. Then the movie becomes more and more thrilling. Dr. Wheeler is persecuted by a man who wants to kill her. She suddenly does not know whom she can trust, not even her friend Dr. Bellows. Jerry Goldsmith's score makes the movie even more thrilling and interesting.
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9 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is really excellent! It is with 70 minutes not too long and at never boring. You get to know what kind of instrument was used for the main theme of "Poltergeist 2", you get to know that Goldsmith used two weeks to find a theme for "Medicine Man" and you get to know a lot of background information of "The River Wild". There are many excerpts of movies which make the documentary very interesting. And of course there is a lot of Jerry Goldsmith's film music. You can also see interviews with f.e. Alexander Courage which are also quite interesting. In every case this documentary is worth watching and every Jerry Goldsmith fan should watch it and will like it!
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An excellent film
7 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really excellent. A blind girl,Selina, falls in love with a black man. The girl is treated very bad at home where she lives with her mother and Ole Pa. She has to clean the house and sometimes gets out into a park where she sits near a tree. One day Gordon, the black man, meets Selina and gives her a pineapple juice which Selina has never drunken before but which she likes very much. Gordon visits the park the next day again, goes shopping with her and takes her to his house. Selina tells him of his horrible past and her father who was responsible of her blindness. Selina and Gordon meet again and again and one day Selina tells Gordon that she loves him. Gordon is surprised but knows that Selina does not know that he is black. Then Selina's mother sees Selina and Gordon together and at home she tells Selina not to meet the "nigger" again. In the meantime Gordon has found a place at school for Selina because she never has been there and Selina escapes from home secretly and finally arrives in the park where Gordon is waiting for him. Gordon takes her to his home again and tells her that a school bus will arrive in some minutes. Selina again says that she loves Gordon and wants to marry him. Gordon does not want to do so because he thinks that Selina does not know that he is black but then Selina tells him that her mother already told her of Gordon's skin color. Then Gordon realizes that Selina really loves him but then the school bus arrives and takes her away. The very good drama with good music by Jerry Goldsmith criticizes the prejudices against black people.
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Deep Impact (1998)
An excellent film!
3 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really excellent. It is very thrilling because an asteroid is flying directly to earth and humanity tries to stop the asteroid. You think that somehow humanity has to survive but then the small part of the asteroid causes many deaths,also of protagonists like Jenny Lerner and her father. I think very interesting is the way the Americans try to rescue themselves. There are caves where about 1 million people can survive. The rest has to die. Especially lower-class and old people are so not allowed to go into these caves. The music by James Horner is also very good, especially main theme and end credits. All in all Deep Impact is a very good Sci-Fi. movie and worth watching.
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Disappointing and boring
19 May 2006
This movie is not a good movie. First of all for a film with so little action 2.5 hours are much too long. Some scenes only seem to be confusing. Then the many subtitles are also very peeving. Some scenes like the whip-scene are very brutal and superfluos. Like the book the plot of this movie is really strange and I assume that Dan Brown only wants to talk about a topic no movie before talked about in order to earn money. The actors are good, especially Tom Hanks and Ian MacKellen. The music at least at the end is reasonable. All in all Tom Hanks is not able to make the movie better because of its very strange topic and a too dark atmosphere.
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Unter uns (1994– )
A great soap
11 May 2006
Unter uns is a great daily soap. It is funny and deals with daily problems people have. The soap wants to tell the audience which mistakes everybody should avoid and what he can do in difficult situations. Of course love is a major theme of the soap. It also tells gives advices how to act when you have fallen in love with somebody and also how to make toward the person you love. This soap began in 1994 and has more than 2500 episodes and can only be seen on the German TV channel "RTL". One problem is, of course, that many actors leave the soap, that others replace them until they also leave the show. Sometime it is a pity that a sympathetic actor leaves the soap but then other follow who have a different character which is also quite interesting.
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Very interesting
3 May 2006
This 45 minutes long documentary film is very interesting. You get to know a lot of information who this film was produced. The actors are interviewed and tell of their experiences during shooting the film. The documentary film is hosted by Jonathan Frakes who also shows how the bridge of the Enterprise looks in reality. You can see that there is nor real screen where usually space can be seen. Not only the actors are interviewed, there are also interviews with Gene Roddenberry, Michael Piller and Rick Berman. So there will be no Star Trek fan who will be bored during the 45 minutes long documentary film. Very worth watching!
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An excellent series!!!!
3 May 2006
This is the best Science-Fiction series I know! There are 178 episodes and nearly all of them you can watch several times. In contrast to the original Star Trek this series is more ambitious and not about senseless fights á la Kirk. My favorite episodes are:Where No One Has Gone Before, Conspiracy, Where Silence Has Lease, Time Squared, Allegiance, The Best of Both Worlds, Remember Me, Future Imperfect, The Inner Light, Time's Arrow, Schisms, Frame of Mind, Parallels and All Good Things. Most of them are very exciting, thrilling and also funny. Different episodes have different themes. The episode "The Game" for example deals with addiction or "Where Silence Has Lease" deals with death. These episodes are very interesting and very worth watching. Not every episode is very good and interesting like "Masks" or "Shades of Grey" but despite of them this series is excellent and many actors became well-known after playing in this series.
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A good movie
3 May 2006
Sleeping with the Enemy is really a good movie. The actors play very well and it is exciting. But the plot is a bit short. Laura is married with Martin and lives in a house on a small island. The surroundings are very beautiful. But Laura is not lucky. Martin is only interested in having sex with her and becomes very envious when Laura looks at other men. One day he hits her because she looked at the postman. When Laura and Martin drive with a boat suddenly the weather changes ans Laura seems to have fallen into the water. Martin cannot find her and thinks that she is dead. Up to that moment about 15 minutes of the movie are gone. Then the viewer gets to know that Laura swum away and went to another town and bought a house there. There she meets her neighbour Ben and falls in love with him. Martin finds out that Laura is still alive and also finds out where she lives. He goes to her house and tells her that he loves her and wants lo live with her. He also threatens her with a pistol.Laura is scared but suddenly Ben comes in and fights with Martin.Martin loses and dies. End of the film. This movie is good but after Martin thinks that Laura is dead the movie becomes a bit boring. But the end of the film is very exciting again especially because of Jerry Goldsmith's excellent score.
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29 April 2006
When I saw this movie I was very disappointed. The problem of this film is that it is not stirring. There are many disgusting scenes where you think why you are watching that movie at all. SPOILER: Freddy Krüger's oddments come together again and he is "alive" again. He kills the three remaining Elm street children within the first 20 minutes of the film and Alice is responsible of their deaths because she takes them with her into her dream which is very, very strange and beyond belief. When the three are killed Freddy starts killing Alice's friends. Many scenes are disgusting and never reach the grade of the first movie. At the end Alice is in a church (why?) with Freddy and can kill him by showing him a mirror. Freddy sees his face and dies because all the children's souls which he keeps imprisoned fly away. He disappears. The first movie is much better and also the third one. Here is no real plot,some scenes seem to be far-fetched.
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Someone's Watching Me! (1978 TV Movie)
Excellent, full of suspense!
8 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Someone's watching me is a very thrilling movie! From the beginning to the end I was fascinated by that huge amount of suspense. Leigh Michaels moves into a room in a high-rise block after the woman who lived there before committed suicide. Leigh works for the Television and does not have any boy friend. One day she gets strange phone calls.A man whispers her name and Leigh does not know why. Then she gets presents like a new brassiere and Leigh finds out that somebody has been in her room when she was working. The phone calls continue and then she gets a letter on which is written that the sender wants to kill her. The police does not help her on the grounds that nobody has attacked her. She tries to find the strange man who wants to kill her. Then her colleague Sophie is killed by that man and Leigh is very afraid but has encountered a man, Paul, who became her boy friend. Then Leigh finds out that the strange caller lives in the high-rise block opposite of her. Then one day Leigh comes home from work and suddenly her door is locked and no light can be turned on. The man is in her room. Suddenly she is attacked by him and he wants to throw her out of her room onto the street. But Leigh can injure him and finally he jumps out of the window and dies. All the time the spectator is enchained by that amount of suspense. It is an really an excellent movie and you must watch it!
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Good, but not the best
8 April 2006
This Nightmare on Elm Street movie is good but not the best one. There are many exciting scenes, for example the TV-scene, the bathroom scene or the scene when they try to find Freddy's oddments. But compared to the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie there is not much new. Freddy Krueger tries to kill adolescents while they are sleeping. This time the movie plays in a mental hospital for adolescents, which all have nightmares and are persecuted by Freddy in their dreams. As in "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" the nurse does not listen to her patients which is one positive element of the movie and criticizes society. The music has also been better in the first movie, the special NOES theme is only played twice. All in all you can say that it is exciting but the first movie is better.
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Poltergeist (1982)
Not a good horror movie
8 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I do not like this movie very much. A family's house is infested by a poltergeist. This sounds interesting, so I watched it. But the poltergeist is only seen by the youngest daughter in the TV after close down. Then suddenly the daughter disappears and the family tries to find the daughter. Her voice can be heard but they do not know where she is. This is combined with very boring but also very brutal scenes which is the reason for the Certification of 16 years. If they would have left these brutal scenes the movie's certification would be about 6 years and interesting-for children. Never the less the end of the movie is not bad and quite exciting. So 5/10.
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8 April 2006
This is one of the best Star Trek movies! It is exciting, funny and supported by Jerry Goldsmith's fourth Star Trek score. In contrast to Star Trek-First Contact very many scenes of the film do not play on the Enterprise, but on the paradise-like planet of the Ba'ku. This film is not only exciting, it also criticizes society. In many countries, for example in Ireland, people of the same races fight each other. This movie illustrates that these fights are senseless and that all people belong to one race. Jerry Goldsmith's score is also very extraordinary which makes the movie even more worth watching. Especially the Ba'ku theme is so good that you have after having seen this movie a good impression of it.
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