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Dunkirk (2017)
Good Film but Disappointing at the same time in many ways
25 July 2017
Just watched the movie on 70mm film and the image quality was exceptional. For the most part it was an enjoyable and entertaining history film about survival during war. It had some great suspense and thriller elements to it. In fact some of the sequences were very Hitchcockian in nature that they reminded me of Hitchcock's Foreign Correspondent. If i had to categorize this movie i would say it's an Action-Thriller that takes place during war.

My first problem was the Sound & Music. Both were too loud, annoying, distracting, and monotonous that several people got up and left. I almost did. It's the same problem that the dark knight rises suffered from. They mixed the sound so high to make the action and explosions appear grand but it fails since the visuals don't work. There's only one director who can direct great action and explosions and make it look grand and epic that i almost believe its a work of art, which in a way it is. That director is none other than Michael "Bad Boys" Bay.

Second problem i had with the movie was too many cuts to secondary characters that i didn't care about. Not to mention i barely cared about any of them since I never got to know them. They should have stuck with just three stories: the pilot, the father and son, and the two soldiers trying to survive. Period. I don't care about the generals, random soldiers, or Cillian Murphy's character either.

Third problem i had with the movie was it didn't have a grand scale or scope the way it was advertised. The film tries hard to want to be epic but fails. On the posters it states that over 400,000 men were trapped but in the movie i didn't see that at all. Honestly, it was more like 2,000, then there was like two planes in the sky and a half a dozen boats. Really? That's what you called grand? If you enjoy a historical Action-Thriller that's full of suspense then definitely check it out. Bring some ear plugs if you can.
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Even the Best Fall Down Some Times, even the wrong scripts seem to rhyme
23 May 2017
In 2014, director Ridley Scott stated that the follow up to Prometheus will be the exploration of PARADISE, home of the ENGINEERS. A lot of People hated Prometheus including a lot of so called Alien fans. As a huge fan of the Alien franchise myself, including AVP, i still consider Prometheus a great movie. I was one of the few fans who thoroughly enjoy it. Believe me i got a lot of hate from fanatic NERDS for enjoying Prometheus. Normal people gave me nothing.

CUT TO: Five years later. Alien: Covenant arrives. Verdict? Dead on Arrival. This is not the movie i waited five years to see. The story set up at the end of Prometheus is what i wanted and didn't get. WTF happened? Well to all you so called Alien fans who wanted an Alien prequel, you got your wish. I hope you're all happy. Oh wait! You didn't show up Opening weekend to show your enthusiasm because it sucked and now you're all on here complaining again. Ridley & Fox tried to please these fans and as it turns out, when you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one. Ridley, You should've stayed true to the story of SHAW & DAVID'S journey to PARADISE to find out why the Engineers changed their mind. Period!

ALIEN COVENANT is a REMAKE of ALIEN created on the loose story line from Prometheus with just minor differences. Let me break it down: Alien storyline: Crew on Large cargo ship receives unknown signal. Crew checks it out despite danger and protest from other crew members. Expedition goes to crap and people die. Alien ends up on mothership.

Covenant storyline: Same as above, except crew are scientists instead of merchants. Signal is from Engineer ship just like Alien.


Alien was a horror film in space. The characters were great, relatable, compelling, and different from one another. So you care about them when they're in jeopardy. It was a low budget movie shot on film with no computer effects.

Covenant is a movie that wants to be a horror film and an action film in space but gets confused. Therefore, the characters are dull, boring, not relatable, and forgettable. So you don't care about them at all and end up rooting for the alien to kill them all so the movie can end. This was an expensive 100 million dollar film shot on UHD Video with excessive computer effects. It also has the cheesiest twist ending that will motivate M Night Shyamalan to make some MAC & CHEESE with extra cheese.

Summary: Even the Best fall down sometimes and refuse to shine. If Shyamalan can bonce back so can Ridley Scott.
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Inferno (I) (2016)
Some times you just godda say "What the F**K?
1 November 2016
I enjoyed both DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons. Both films were thrilling and entertaining. Although Angels & Demons was heavy handed on literal exposition the film was still compelling and riveting. Now fast forward seven years later we come to Inferno. I was actually disappointed they didn't make The Lost Symbol instead, but i understand why. The Lost Symbol is very similar to National Treasure.

Inferno falls in that category where the trailer or preview is a superior short film than the full length feature like Terminator Salvation, Watchmen, Body of Lies, Man of Steel, etc.

Inferno is preposterously stupid and amateur. I mean I've seen better crafted TV movies with a fraction of Inferno's budget. Watching it in Imax was just a terrible cringe worthy experience. This film is quite possibly Tom Hanks' and Ron Howards' worst film...ever. It was so sloppy, so rushed, so incoherent that i literally wanted to walk out after twenty minutes but i paid for imax. Directing was film student level and that's saying a lot, acting was mediocre, writing if there was any, i didn't see it, cinematography was garbage. Sound editing and design was laughable. There are very noticeable out of sync dialogue throughout the video.

If you enjoyed The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons then do your self a favor. Stay home and re-watch those films because you'll get nothing from this movie. No emotion, and no sense of care about the characters or the plot. It's just empty and worthless. I would not recommend this movie to anyone...not even my worst enemy. Inferno had not fire or heat at all no wonder Madea booed it to death at the box office.
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Blackhat (2015)
Michael Mann at his Best!
1 June 2016
Just finished watching Blackhat on blu-ray. What a great video or movie from a great Director. He's still got it. This movie flopped and it was trashed by both audiences and critics for their own reasons. I found the film to be thoroughly compelling, engaging, suspenseful, and was always a step ahead of me. It also had some shocking twists i didn't see coming. The movie is also pretty scary in terms of hacking possibilities.

Blackhat is very reminiscent of Mann's other film The Insider. It has the same mood, atmosphere, momentum, pacing, and it unravels in the same manner. Why do people hate this movie is beyond me. As far as I'm concern this movie is another great classic added to his filmography, which his only sort of bad movies are Ali and Miami Vice, sort of. It was also nice to see Michael Mann's signature shootout sequences.

The actors were very believable and i think this is Chris Hemsworth best performance outside of his hammer job.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
M. Night at his BEST
20 May 2016
The Visit is a return to form for M. Night. This video was entertaining, engaging, funny, and creepy. I was waiting the whole time for his signature twist ending and he truly delivered.

It was a twist that i sort of suspected but when it arrived it made total logical sense. The characters were compelling and the actors young and old delivered top notch performances.

I was also surprised at how effective the "Blair Witch Project" look created tension, reality, and suspense for this video. If you're a fan of horror films or M. Night's work then i suggest you give The Visit a visit on Bluray or DVD. Enjoy!
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Mission to Bordem Directed by Brian DeOutdated
2 May 2016
I'm a huge fan of Brian DePalma movies and I've put off watching Mission to Mars for years and finally last night i viewed it. WOW...what a waste of time. I can't believe they spend over a hundred million dollars to finance and distribute this pile of crap. No wonder it failed miserably.

In the theatrical trailer for this film, they put "A Brian DePalma Film," which is followed by "director of Mission Impossible." So therefore i was expecting great suspense, on the edge of your seat thrills, and great action similar to Mission Impossible but on A MISSION TO MARS.

The film does have moments of DePalma's genius with suspense and tension along with his uncut takes signatures shots however, the characters are flat and almost one dimensional. It was hard to relate to any of them and so my viewing experience was just about watching for the sake of watching rather than being immersed in the film.

Most of the visual effects in the film are great however, The Martian looked like an unfinished 1990s carton animatic. Perhaps the most annoying part of this film is its score, which i found dated, boring, distracting, and stupid. I'm not a fan of this composer at all. His music sound like left over crap from The Thing score that wasn't used in that film as well.

This composer also killed another Brian DePalma film that i thought was great, The Untouchables. In that particular film the score made the movie sound like a live action cartoon of Ben and Jerry.
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Does not measure up to the hype at all
22 April 2016
The last installment of this Dark Knight trilogy was absolutely disappointing. I found many parts of the film to be laughable at times, especially catwoman.

The action was underwhelming and sub average which the mixers try to cover up with unnecessary loud sound effects. The director of this film isn't a master of action like Michael Bay and it clearly shows.

One of the problems that i also had with this movie is too much unwanted subplots and characters which created constant inter-cutting back and forth and in turn gave me anxiety and I just gave up caring for any of the characters. The twists that were set up with the subplots also didn't pay off for me but came across more of just reasons to cast actors from Inception then creating depth to the story or film.
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The best Comic Book Movie Yet.
12 April 2016
This film has been engulfed with an onslaught of negative reviews by critics and fans alike. IMDb is filled with negative reactions to this movie and i read a lot of them before i viewed the film.

Well i just viewed the film tonight and it was GREAT! It's the best comic book movie I've ever seen. The cast and crew and the studio did a phenomenal job. I don't understand the negative reviews or reaction to this movie.

This film was so raw, dark, relentless, and gritty i felt like i was watching reality or The French Connection version of a comic book movie. I also found the film to be extremely entertaining but at the same time surprisingly moving. I really enjoyed the parallel opening sequence to Man of Steel and also the set up for the upcoming Justice League. So ignore the butt hurt critics and the sour puss fan boys and enjoy this great film.
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The Fog (2005)
Much better than the original John Carpenter film
1 April 2016
This film doesn't deserve the IMDb rating of 3.0.

The film improved on a lot of what the original film lacked. By comparison the original is more of a live action comedy cartoon than a horror film.

The film takes place in Oregon. Although it does look a lot like Oregon the film was actually shot in British Columbia, which was part of Oregon Country.

If you're a fan of horror or ghost stories than give this film a shot. It's a contemporary re-imagining of the original film and it even pays tribute faithfully to the original. The back story that the film used to explain the fog was pretty cool and makes a lot of sense. Not a great film but a well made effort. I really enjoyed it.
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The Shining (1980)
Not Shining at All
5 March 2016
The Shining was an extremely long, boring, and dull film. It's regarded by many critics and film enthusiasts to be "one of" or the "scariest film" ever, yeah right.

I bought the DVD seven years ago and watched it late at night. It was boring and i nearly fell a sleep. It was not scary at all.

I watched the movie again today twice. Still boring and not scary at all.

Technically the movie was brilliantly made. Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duvall delivered great underrated performances, but the story was flat, hollow, and has no depth. It came across more as a psychological drama disguised as a horror film than an actual horror film, therefore had it has no depth beyond the surface.

Stanley Kubrick is a great filmmaker, but this film was not his best. It's unfortunate because I'm a big fan of all his other films, not including Fear and Desire, that was pretty bad too, but that was his first film. Anyway, I'm not going to lie and say that "The Shining" is a great movie just because I'm a big a fan of his other films.

I later read the Stephen King novel on which this film is based and it's far superior than the film, but then that's almost always the case with any great book made into a movie with a few exceptions (The Exorcist, Dune).
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The X-Files: My Struggle II (2016)
Season 10, Episode 6
Great Finale
22 February 2016
The season finale was great. It ends in X-Files fashion, a cliffhanger.

What i hated about this episode and the previous one are agents Einstein and Miller. Their characters are weak and frankly not compelling to watch or care about. Please Chris Carter stay with Mulder, Scully, and Skinner. I wanted to reach into my TV screen and punch agent Einstein in the face. She was so annoying, stupid, pretentious, and not great to look at it.

Other than that, the episode was thoroughly enjoyable and scary. It was great to see Monica Reyes again and It would have been nice to have gotten more time with Skinner.

CSM also returns in this episode but it's still hard for me to believe how he could have survived through an explosion from a helicopter missile. But as Chris always say, "no one really dies in The X-Files." Great job to the crew and cast. Can't wait for the premiere of season 11.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
A Great Companion Piece to the John Carpenter Film
16 February 2016
I finally got to see this film and on Bluray, which is of course sharp and crisp. This film is hated here on IMDb by fanatic fans of the John Carpenter film. Although I love the Carpenter film and i consider it a masterpiece of horror and syfy, I must say this parallel story is almost just as good.

The movie is pretty faithful to all that was referenced in the 1982 film. It even looks exactly the same in pretty much all departments: cinematography, production design, costume design, sound design, and even the Norwegian characters. What was great about this movie is that you can watch them back to back and it's amazing, but at the same time it's repetitive.

What this movie lacks is the dread, danger, suspense, and paranoia in the original, which is strange because it actually does have it all, but since I've watched the Carpenter version about 8 times a year for the past ten years, I realized that it's the same story and the filmmakers were aware of this. Because the truth is we didn't need a prequel to the 1982 film. Basically what happened in the American Camp is what happened to the Norwegian camp. This film just shows up what we've all imaged happening in the Norwegian camp in 1982.

My other favorite aspect of this film is it showed the alien ship and the alien as it transforms and attacks people without cutting away or low lighting it, because we already know the story and the outcome. The alien or the thing is pretty much like the alien in the 1982 version.

The ending was great. It literally connects to the Carpenter film.

I really enjoyed it and I thought it was pretty great. Great Job to the Cast and Crew. Now they need to make either a prequel to this story on how the alien crashed in Antarctica or a new expedition discovering the alien ship and the corpses of the American characters.
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Fifty Shades of Crap!
3 February 2016
The Fifty Shades of Grey, which this movie is spoofing, was nearly as bad as this one....Nearly. When i saw the preview for this movie i was actually excited to go and watch it. I eventually got tired of watching thrillers and action movies and wanted to just laugh at stupid people. The problem is i only got the stupid people part but no laughs.

It's was dull, egregious, embarrassing, and just plain stupid. The funny days of Scary Movie 1 and 2 are long gone for the creators of this crap fest. Their once promising comedy future has inevitably burned out.

I don not recommend this movie at all. Under no circumstances should anyone view this garbage. Side effects will include: abdominal pain, lower your IQ level, headache, anger, throwing objects at the screen, and financial bankruptcy.

A huge number of the black audience actually got up half way through the movie and walked out, but then there were only 15 people in the theater opening day, I wish i did the same but i stayed since i spend $22 dollars and was trying to get my money's worth. It wasn't. Watch Kung Fu Panda 3. You'll get more laughs and joy for your money. Cheers!
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
The Truth is Still Out There
24 January 2016
Tonight's premiere was great. I can't wait for Monday's episode and the rest of the new season. After a 13 year break or as Chris Carter calls it, a 13 year commercial break, The X-Files finally surfaces with an extremely contemporary reality, maybe a bit too contemporary. The Show references its relationship storyline that was in I WANT TO BELIEVE film, and we also get to see AD Skinner who somehow is still assistant director all these years. No promotion. WOW.

Noticeably is the show's age with its characters and the actors, which it's a good thing because it ain't the 90s anymore or early 2000s for that matter, so don't be expecting Mulder and Scully to be in their 30s and 20s. It ain't happening.

This new episode has all the trademarks that made the X Files great: the iconic theme/ title sequence, Virgina location, cliffhangers, cinematic lighting and camera moves, and CSM, who i can't believe is still alive, especially after the ending in THE TRUTH PART II. Come on! Really?! Fine, I want to believe...too. If you love the X Files, you'll love its return.

However, the one thing that i hate about this new X-Files is the "VIDEO LOOK" that it has like so many other TV Shows. It appears like a "SOAP OPERA" or an "EXPENSIVE VIDEO SHORT" and it makes everything look fake. I wish they had shot it on FILM the way they did for TEN YEARS! It grounded the show in reality and it truly made me believe. This new one...not so much.

CHRIS CARTER! please shoot the next season on 35mm FILM, please. STOP SHOOTING ON ULTRA HD VIDEO! IT LOOKS FAKE! Thank You.
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Interstellar (2014)
Interstellar was anything but STELLAR. It was more like Inter...Stupid.
23 December 2015
After the underwhelming Dark Knight Rises, its director now brings us "Interstellar." Although it's an exceptionally photographed movie, it painfully lacks depth in its story and characters, which were all very forgettable. The only things i enjoyed about this movie were the production design, costume design, and visual effects. The music was one of the worst scores I've ever heard...WOW. Some parts of the movie are over dramatic to the point where its laughable.

The characters were not believable. I was not convinced with Matthew McConaughey's performance as a NASA pilot at all. In terms of the story it was really, really, really stupid.

Hmmmm....let's see. The world is going to end...What else is new. Let's find the best Nasa Pilot in the world. Great, we found a farmer who also happens to be the greatest NASA pilot in the world. Oh, by the way, it just happens that the spaceship is already built, equipped and ready to go with a crew. Awesome let's Go! Oh while on our mission let's tell the audience everything in exposition terms even the ones they heard about time travel from the past syfy movies again. Great. Let's also use a twilight zone twist with Matt Damon's character too. Awesome. Oh and let's have M. Night Shyamalan direct the ending with his signature twist. Great. Now let's loop it back to the beginning of the movie. WOW. Really, really, really Stupid.

Unfortunately Nolan and Zimmer crap the sheets again like they did on the Dark Knight Rises.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
One of the best Thrillers in Years.
27 September 2015
WOW! What a great film or video that is, since it was shot on 4k video and some film? Anyway, this movie has all the elements that one expects from a good thriller. Lou Bloom, the protagonist and at times the antagonist, is a lone wolf, who quickly becomes Johnny on the spot news cameraman as he takes us on a tour of what it takes to make it in the Los Angeles news market. In a broader sense it really reflects reasons why society tunes into the news and why the news itself is manipulated...because we want to be manipulated.

The movie is perfectly executed. It has a low budget and independent feel to it but that's actually one of its strength. Because of this, the story becomes more personal and compelling. It has unique and original set pieces that are carefully structured in a way that you can never fully get ahead of the character but pays off in ways that you don't expect. Jake Gyllenhaal gives his best performance yet.

It's been years since I've seen a thriller that literally had me on the edge of my seat and this one did it. The noodles shop scene is one of the most suspenseful sequences I've ever seen. I don't know if Hitchcock could have done that scene any better, and I've seen all of his films, all 56. Yeah, it's that great. The movie left me wanting more. What is Lou Bloom up to now? I want Nightcrawlers 2.

If you love thrillers or want to see something new and original, then Nightcrawler is for you. Enjoy!
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Fury (2014)
The best World War 2 films since The Thin Red Line and Saving Private Ryan
24 September 2015
I really enjoyed this movie. The ensemble cast was terrific. David Ayer delivered with this film, which was actually shot on film, and it's his best film since End of Watch. His last film Sabotage was well...garbage. In this film we experience WWII from inside a tank, it's pretty grimy, filthy, gritty, and excruciatingly edgy. I would say this film is like The Alamo inside a tank. Yeah, it's that awesome.

What i really appreciated with this film is that i was absorbed and immersed in the movie to the point where i wasn't aware i was viewing a movie at all, but simply an unspoken member of the team inside the tank. This happened because they avoided using the annoying, cliché, over-used hand-held camera crap that's ubiquitous today. The classical cinematography made it more realistic, raw, suspenseful, and tough to the point where you can almost smell the odor of the men and the dirt.

Great job to the whole crew and cast of this marvelous motion picture. Cheers!
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San Andreas (2015)
Thrilling Exciting and Loud
29 May 2015
It is what it is. Don't look any closer on try to examine it. It's a disaster movie. People go to disaster movies to watch the world fall apart. This is just another one. Nothing special except for the visual effects and sound, which i might add was a bit too over the top at some points.

The actors did a good job portraying characters we've seen over and over again. Dwayne Johnson has his moments and glimpses of great hidden acting ability still not fully exploited. Maybe he should do a cop movie patrolling the streets of L.A. or Miami.

If you've seen 2012 and enjoyed it like i did, you will enjoy this movie too although the characters in both movies are bit too similar that sometimes it's quite frankly annoying. The 3D was not great or good by any standard, but one long take in the movie was pretty awesome though.
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Sabotage (2014)
A movie with potential faulters under terrible execution...
25 May 2015
...from almost every department. From the lighting, to camera, to costume, to make-up, to production design, I mean really? The movie has the same plot as an Alfred Hitchcock movie or an Agatha Cristie book, it even has the same plot from the television show "The Shield," and they even tried doing the same cinematography. The result is absolutely amateur at best.

What a waste of talented actors. Terrible writing, cliché, an dumb at times. This movie is a modern B movie, with over the top violence that are clearly cheap and silly, like the CGI blood spatters, muzzle flashes, shitty camera work not mention shitty use of standard definition camera. David Ayer gave us "End of Watch," which is one of the best cop movies, and now he's given us probably the worst. Skip Woods well...what else it there to say? WTF.
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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
M. Night returns to what he does best.
16 May 2015
Wayward Pines started out a bit slow and generic however, it quickly became intriguing and interesting as the story unfolds through the character driven plot.

The cast did a fantastic job. M Night should've made this book into a movie but I'm looking forward to the rest of the episodes and see where it goes. My problem with the show is its "digital video look" it makes everything appear fake like a primetime soap opera and it takes me out of the story. I had the same problem with Sleepy Hollow, Bones, etc. Since it's a 10part mini series they should've shot it on film. Anyway, this show has a feel of David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcok, and the Truman Show.

These are the kinds of stories that made M. Night Shyamalan's career (6th Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, The Village) until he dozed off into BS territory (The Happening, The Last Airbender, After Earth).
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Taken 3 (2014)
Tak3n: it ends here.
9 January 2015
Wow. I can't believe it. I actually lied to myself in seeing this film for the sake of the trailer, which was a better short film than the feature length version. This film is outrageously terrible that i was cringing in embarrassment during the first act. I can't believe how amateur the cinematography, if its worthy at all to be labeled that since it was more like a 5 year old filming a birthday party with a video camera for the first time. The editing is utterly childish. These editors apparently don't know crap about editing action and performance. Wow. I could've directed, edited, and photograph a better Tak3n than this crap. Forest Whitaker, an academy award winner, was nothing more than a stereotype cop that eats bagels the whole movie. Are you kidding me? What a waste of great talent.

The writing is absolutely cliché and predictable to the point where when the twist comes at the end it has no impact whatsoever. Liam Neeson does his thing, but with age, he can barely run in a foot chase with cops half his age, so they chop it so fast that he just disappears like a ghost. Apparently the director of this pile of crap did the last pile of crap and has never learned how to film a car chase or watched The French Connection, To Live and Die in L.A. or Michael Bay films. Even the shaky action scenes and chases in the Bourne films are light-years above this amateur movie. It's a poor man's version of The Fugitive crossed with a B movie version of an old Jason Bourne. What a waste. Hope Run All Night, aka Taken 4, is a better movie.
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Man of Steel (2013)
From the Director of Watchmen & 300 and the Producer who Directed the Dark Knight Trilogy
18 December 2014
The teaser trailer for this movie was absolutely brilliant. It came a across as something new and deeply moving. Therefore my expectation were high. I thought i was going to experience something deep and existential.

Well it was more like...YOU will give THE PEOPLE a disappointing movie, which they didn't really RACE BEHIND, and you ended up STUMBLING and FALLING short of box office and critical expectations, and IN TIME they will start HATING your MOVIE in the SUN, in time they won't help you accomplish WONDERS.

The problem for me was they tried fitting too much into one movie, and then the constant crosscutting became annoying and distracting. It's too bad because the flashbacks to Clark Kent's childhood on earth has hints of a great movie. That was the story i was expecting and was far more interested in however, that was just an after thought in the movie.

Man of Steels is one of the countless movies in history where the Trailer(s) is actually a superior two minute thirty second short film than the actual feature length version. Watchmen is one of those films as well. Hmm I don't wanna say it know.
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From the of GLADIATOR & KINGDOM of HEAVEN, the director's cut of course...
12 December 2014
..comes EXODUS: Gods and Kings. A re-imagining of the The Ten Commandments, Exodus absolutely delivers on a what it set out to do. Its structure is similar to Gladiator with a grand opening battle at the beginning, which is truly immersive when viewed in 3D. Ridley continues to state that he is the contemporary master of Historical Epic movies.

The movie creates a time travel experience to ancient Egypt like never before. All actors deliver excellent performances however, i felt that Sigourney Weaver and Aaron Paul were tremendously under used. Exodus does stay true, for the most part, to what's in the bible however, the parting of the red sea was anti climatic and it came across as more of a coincidental natural disaster than an actual miracle perform by God.

I notice some reviews on here complaining of how slow and boring the film is. I must say the movie is being sold on "from the director of Gladiator," which is to say Gladiator was pretty slow and so does every Ridley Scott movie ever made. Ridley demands more from his audience and he's one of the few directors who refuses to be rushed into the fast paced saturated movie zeitgeist. Whether you believe in the bible or not Exodus is still a great stand alone dramatized biblical interpretation. It's the best bible movie ever made so far. Go see it for yourself.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Ridley Scott restores his Alien Legacy with the discovery of the origins of Mankind
6 August 2014
WOW. This film was a breath of fresh air and a great restoration of the Alien universe. The franchise took an early hit in its line of succession with Alien 3, 4, and then somebody had a bright idea of mixing it with Fox's dead franchise, Predator. Well, we know how that went.

Anyway, Prometheus was over hyped and there was a lot of "oh it's a prequel, oh it's not a prequel" talk leading up to its release. Well, I saw the film opening night and I was amazed at how stunning the film was and how philosophical, spiritual, adventurous, captivating the story was. I just recently watched again on bluray and the film is very layered and complex than most people believe. The characters are well developed and have depth. The film is actually both a prequel but not at the same time. It has the same DNA as Alien and it doesn't really connect until the last 30mints but then it doesn't. Confused? Well, that's why you should checkout this syfy masterpiece.

A lot of people complain at how slow the movie was and yet they claim to be Alien fans. Hmmm I guess they never saw the first movie and they don't know Ridley Scott. If your a fan of the Alien Films, especially the first two, and have a great understanding of Greek mythology and have an open mind to asking the question of where we came from then I think you will definitely enjoy this movie like i did.
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Hercules (I) (2014)
Discover the man behind the legend
25 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well, just as i expected it turns out this version of Hercules was better than the one from January this year. This movie was pretty entertaining and fun. The Rock pretty much did his "The Rock" thing and everyone cheers together in unison. The supporting cast did a great job, especially Ian McShane's character. John Hurt reprises his role from V for Vendetta as the corrupt power hungry king who suffers the same fate. This version of Hercules is equivalent to the idea behind Robin Hood (2010). There's no magic or any mythology crap like in Clash of the Titans as we all know none of those gods actually existed.

So if you're interested in finding out the origin story of how Hercules became The Rock then this one is for you, but if you're gonna argue about crap like him being white and mythology then definitely the Renny Harlin version is for you. Cheers!
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