
23 Reviews
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The Matrix (1999)
Whoa. Fast, amazing and outstanding. Hang on!
9 June 2004
"What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?" -Neo

The Matrix is a very thought-provoking and mindblowing. I always prefer the original over the sequels, mostly because of originality and greatness, and that is exactly what The Matrix delivers. The plot concerns an office worker named Anderson who is told by rebels that he is the savior of their world. The world that Thomas Anderson lives in is the perfect world, but it ends up that the real world outside of the matrix is a place made up of emptiness, with only one city left of mankind. Anderson/Neo's job is to delete viruses in the matrix that are a problem for the real world surviving.

The story is very complicating and hard to understand, but it will eventually catch up to you. The Wachowski Brothers give a great direction, while the acting is good at best. Reeves, Fishburne, Moss, Weaving, and Pantoliano are all good in their performances, but nothing special. The action scenes are excellent, some of the best I've ever witnessed in a movie. Overall, a great film with a very interesting and entertaining storyline and thrilling action scenes.

9/10 stars.
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The Godfather (1972)
The "God" of All Films; A Cinematic Triumph!
9 June 2004
"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse." -Vito Corleone

The Godfather is a great film, though #1 on the top 250 movie fan list, many people underrate it. I have heard many things saying that The Godfather is overrated, cheesy, and boring. I differ in so many ways. What The Godfather did for me was that it made me look at movies differently. It pretty much started getting me into classic films and I have so glad that it did that. The story is about a family of mob business where everything is going well. Once Vito, leader and father of the family, is wounded everything goes downhill. His son, Michael, kills the leader of the people who ordered his father to be dead, and then leaves town for two years. When he returns, the empire begins to fall and Vito retires.

Filmmaking at it's best. Brando gives his greatest and most memorable performance, and probably the same for Al Pacino. James Caan and Robert Duvall also do wonderful in the supporting roles. I've given serious thought about what movie was the best of the 70's, and The Godfather definitely needs consideration. Francis Ford Coppola gives his greatest direction ever in every cinematic angle possible. Easily one of the 70's best.

10/10 stars.
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Batman (1989)
The Best in the Batman Series and One of Burton's best
8 June 2004
"You can call me... Joker. And as you can see, I'm a lot happier!" -The Joker (Jack Napier)

Batman is dark, entertaining, and in some ways funny. The plot of course concerns Batman, with a secondary life as a billionaire who tries to rid crime from the streets of Gotham. Soon, a mysterious Joker (AKA Jack Napier) and his thugs work they're way up for fame as a vigilante. Once Joker offers to give the citizens of Gotham plenty of money, the citizens turn on Batman and start trusting Joker. Now it is up to Batman to stop the Joker, and confront his past where Jack Napier murdered his parents.

This is one of the best superhero films ever made. Michael Keaton gives a very worthy performance as Bruce Wayne (Batman), and Nicholson is excellent as The Joker, earning a whooping 60 million for his role. Tim Burton does a great job of direction and the whole design of Gotham is exactly the way I wanted. All in all, a great film and getting more memorable as years go by.

9/10 stars.
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Less blood, more excitement. Thank you Quentin for making Films a bit more fun.
30 May 2004
"I guess I overacted." -Bill

Kill Bill Vol. 2 is just as fun and good as the first one, but both movies as a whole make a classic. The both were too long to be made into one, so they had to

divide it into two halves, and very many different segments. The Bride continues her quest to kill Bill, and must kill two of his associates first. Kill Bill is a smart tale of revenge and vengeance, and gives dialog similar to Pulp Fiction. Vol. 1 was missing emotional scenes and dialog that was very interesting. Bill and the Bride's (Kiddo) conversations were very fun and witty after watching edge-of- your-seat action scenes. Way less bloody than the first and replacing it with more dialog makes it just as good as the original. 9/10 stars. 10/10 stars for both films combined.
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Tarantino is back with a brutal vengeance!
30 May 2004
"Leave the limbs you've lost. They belong to me now." -The Bride

Kill Bill Vol. 1 is a very good movie, one of the best of 2003. However, it isn't exactly a masterpiece without Vol. 2. The plot concerns a bride who is betrayed on her wedding day. She is left for dead, and four years later she wakes up from her coma. She plots to kill the five people who tried to kill her, and especially Bill. Vol. 1 is one of the bloodiest movies I've ever seen. I have seen Vol. 2, and with the extension of that, makes an instant classic. Both work good on their own, but I don't consider Vol. 2 a sequel. Quentin Tarantino once again writes a great script and selects a great cast. Uma Thurman is great in her role as the Bride with the unknown name. Kill Bill Vol. 1 is a smart and brutal revenge tale that will, if nothing else entertain you. 9/10 stars.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Orange Juice.
30 May 2004
"Zed's dead, babe. Zed's dead." -Butch Coolidge

Pulp Fiction is easily one of the best films of the 1990's. A priceless script written by director Quentin Tarantino makes the film pure gold. The story is

about two hitmen, a mob boss and his wife, a boxer, and two thieves whose

stories are all tied up and connected, told in different segments. The script is hilarious and sometimes serious, it is still a great satire of a film. Again, Tarantino gathers a legendary cast including: John Travolta, Samuel L.

Jackson, Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, Ving Rhames, Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel,

and Christopher Walken. The dialog is never empty at all, the comic humor is

never old, and the suspense is never predictable. While Reservoir Dogs is a

great film, I like Pulp Fiction even better. Tarantino's best and one of the best mob films ever made. 10/10 stars.
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True Romance (1993)
No False in this Movie.
30 May 2004
True Romance is a very good movie, though not great. A very good script and

fast action written by Quentin Tarantino. The direction isn't anything special, and I wish that Tarantino had actually directed it. The story has a comic book clerk named Clarence who meets and falls in love with a hooker named Alabama.

Clarence confronts her pimp and takes a briefcase full of cocaine on accident. When Clarence discovers this, the two head for Hollywood and plan to sell it to filmmakers. The drug dealers pursue them. True Romance is an action-packed

love story that delivers and does well. Good cast including Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, and Val Kilmer. A great cast and an impressive script makes the film shine. 8/10 stars.
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The Unusual Suspects.
30 May 2004
"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy? Or are you gonna bite?" -Mr. Blonde/ Vic Vega

Reservoir Dogs is my second favorite Tarantino film, and my favorite heist movie of all time. The heist that happens is cause by five men who are grouped

together and given the names of colors for their own safety. The men go to rob a jewelry store, and are surprised when the police show up. Each of the men

suspect each other when they realize that one of them told the police. With a great script and direction, Quentin Tarantino has done an excellent job with a debut. The characters are very likable, with a legendary cast including Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi, Lawrence Tierney,

Chris Penn, and Mr. Quentin Tarantino himself. The conflict is anti-predicable and very exciting. Listen in for a great 70's soundtrack and a hilarious DJ voice for the radio station "K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70's". Delightful film.

10/10 stars.
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In many ways, Better than the Original.
30 May 2004
"Hasta la vista, baby!" -The Terminator

Terminator 2: Judgment Day is everything that the original wanted to be and

should have been. Nothing about it is dated at all, and it never gets old or dull.

The story is about another terminator, much more dangerous than Arnold's in

the original is sent back through time to kill John Connor in person. While a

reprogrammed terminator is sent back to protect him. They also head to the

machine's main headquarters and try to destroy the machines once and for all

and prevent the tragic judgment day which cause the war between humans and

machines. T2 is a much more clear and understandable take on the future.

The direction is wonderful, and Schwarzenegger is much better than he was in

the first movie. This may be his best performance, but definitely his most

memorable. The special effects are a landmark and top-notch, and the action

seats are at the edge of your seat with new thrills. In the end, this is an all time

classic film getting only better within age. 10/10 stars.
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Aliens (1986)
Bigger, Badder, and Better.
30 May 2004
"Get away from her, you b@#$%!" -Ellen Ripley

Aliens has always been my favorite of the Alien series. It is action-packed with

top-notch thrills and an impressive direction from James Cameron. The story

starts out decades after the first with Ripley being asked to return to the planet

where she had her first encounter. She accepts to go and save the life form that

is found there. They find a girl there, but they also find more dangerous readings

also. Aliens is a fun film and is much better paced than the original. Sigourney

Weaver was Oscar nominated for her performance, very rare for a science

fiction film. Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton, and Jeanette Goldstein give memorable

lines and performances and all took part in Cameron's Terminator films. Aliens

is an exciting thrill ride which is actually better than the original. 9/10 stars.
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30 May 2004
"I'll be back." -The Terminator

The Terminator is one of the greatest ideas for a sci-fi actioner ever. This is the

film that launched Schwarzenegger's legacy of action hero films to come. The

story concerns a machine sent back through time to terminate the mother of a

human resistance leader against machines, while a sergeant is sent back to

protect her.

The Terminator is an edge of your seat cyber thriller that delivers every time I see it.

Schwarzenegger is good, but is too stiff. Michael Biehn does an excellent job in

portraying his character. James Cameron also gives a great direction. My only

small complaint being the special effects (they show the movie's age), but they

would only get better within sequel. A very memorable and great film from the

80's. 9/10 stars.
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Alien (1979)
'2001' meets Jaws
30 May 2004
Alien is an overrated film, but is still very suspenseful and gives some good thrills at times. Ridley Scott does very good with the direction, and the cast is good as well. The story takes place in space, with a ship investigating a planet with a mysterious reading. When they reach the planet, something has entered

the ship and is killing the crew off one by one. Sigourney Weaver and Tom

Skerritt are good in the lead roles, while Yaphet Kotto, Veronica Cartwright, and Ian Holm are also good. The movie has too many slow paced moments to

actually be an exciting film. The sequel Aliens was superior. Alien is still a good movie, but was somewhat disappointing. 8/10 stars.
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Wow. What a depressing, gripping, and emotional movie.
30 May 2004
"One shot, one shot." -Michael (De Niro)

The Deer Hunter is the most accurate portrayal of events before and after the

Vietnam War. When it does show the war, there is almost no combat, which it

didn't really need because the filmmakers knew that more Vietnam War films

would come someday. Almost none of them were nearly as good as The Deer

Hunter, and even if they were, hey were not as sad. This is a story about three

friends and how the Vietnam War effects them before, during, and after the war. Especially when they are held prisoners and are forced to play games of risky

Russian Roulette. The Deer Hunter is an emotionally draining experience. The

saddest war film I've ever seen, if you even call this a war film. Robert De Niro

and Christopher Walken are excellent in their roles, and John Savage, Meryl Streep, and John Cazale are also very good. Michael Cimino gives a once in a

lifetime great direction. Easily the best film of 1978 and one of the most

important and powerful war films ever made. 10/10 stars.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Dark and triumphant; Arguably Scorsese's Best and one of De Niro's best
30 May 2004
"Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here." -Travis Bickle

Taxi Driver is a great film about desperation and loneliness. Robert De Niro's

character is one of the greatest in the history of film, as he gives his greatest

performance. Taxi Driver is about a night cab driver who becomes fed up with

thugs on the

street and that he feels like he should put an end to it. He is rejected by a girl

who he likes, so he plans to ruin her work by killing her boss, a senator. He also

meets a young prostitute whose pimp treats her with no respect. When he

struggles to help her, he puts another plan into action that will make him a

legend. Taxi Driver is a dark tale that will live on forever with one of the most thrilling climaxes ever. Robert De Niro is

excellent in his role. Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel and Peter

Boyle are also very good. This is Martin Scorsese's best film with the exception

of Goodfellas and Raging Bull. Definitely the best movie of 1976 and an all-time

classic. 10/10 stars.
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The Best Teen Film Ever Made.
30 May 2004
"I just love it when guys peel out." -Debbie Dunham

American Graffiti is the best film about teenagers. It actually has a point, unlike the other teenage films where all that they do is get drunk and party. American Graffiti is about different types of teenagers doing different things on the last night that they all have together in 1962 after graduating. They all actually learn about themselves and what they want to do with their lives. One of the older

teenagers, Curt, is planning on leaving the next day. Steve is trying to work out his relationship with Curt's sister, while John and Terry have their own dates for the night. American Graffiti is a wonderful film on many levels. It is both funny and serious. A great direction by George Lucas and a fine cast with Ron

Howard, Richard Dreyfuss, Cindy Williams, Paul LeMat, Charles Martin Smith,

Candy Clark (Oscar-nominated), MacKenzie Phillips, Harrison Ford. One of the

best films of the 70's and the only teen film in my memory that has had the

pleasure of being nominated for Oscar- Best Picture. 10/10 stars.
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Psycho (1960)
Arguably Hitchcock's best.
30 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"Every boy's best friend is his mother." -Norman Bates Psycho is the best chiller-thriller of all time, tied in with a huge mystery. It is so influential many movies have copied and ripped off of it. The famous story is about Marion Crane, a business associate who steals 40,000 dollars from her boss and then runs away to her boyfriend with the money. She stops at the Bates Motel, and befriends with hotel owner Norman Bates. She is murdered in the shower that night and Norman is scared stiff when he finds her dead. He drowns her body in the swamp that night, but it isn't very long before the police and her family come looking for her. Psycho is definitely the most memorable "scary" movie I've ever watched. Anthony Perkins is great in his role (should have been Oscar-nominated), as is Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, and John Gavin. Possibly the best from perfectionist director Alfred Hitchcock and one of the 60's best. 10/10 stars.
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Platoon (1986)
Very Powerful and Moving; One of the best films of the 80's.
27 May 2004
"Somebody once wrote: Hell is the impossibility of reason. That's what this place feels like." -Chris Taylor

Platoon is my favorite war film based on Vietnam. I really like others like Apocalypse Now and The Deer Hunter, but Platoon is an emotionally draining experience, and powerfully moving. The plot concerns a new recruit in the Army, and his part in the war as he discovers the real meaning of war and which side of the platoon he chooses from, lead by two leaders.

A very haunting version of the war, Platoon is truly a classic in every sense of the war. This may be Oliver Stone's best film and Charlie Sheen's best performance. Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger shine in the supporting roles as the two sergeants. Platoon is my favorite war movie ever, and it might even stay that way.

10/10 stars.

-Jack Alexander
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Now or Never.
27 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"The horror. The horror." -Col. Walter E. Kurtz

Possible Spoilers herein.

Those four words said from Marlon Brando can basically sum up the whole Vietnam War. War is horrific, terrifying, and just plain useless. Apocalypse Now does give that incredible message, yet in a very strange was. Captain Benjamin Willard is sent to go through the rivers of Cambodia to track down a former colonel (Kurtz), and terminate him because Kurtz has gone insane. Kurtz felt betrayed by the country that he fought for, and realizes that war is wrong. As Willard travels closer to Kurtz, he begins to becomes more and more like the man he was sent to kill.

Apocalypse Now is definitely one of the best war movies of all time. It is thought-provoking and strange at the same time. Many people might not understand the meaning of this film. Martin Sheen excellently plays Willard, and two very memorable performances by Marlon Brando and Robert Duvall. Look for Dennis Hopper and Laurence Fishburne in a very young role. Wow, what a film.

10/10 stars.

-Jack Alexander
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The Clock is Ticking.
27 May 2004
"I was cured, alright." -Alexander DeLarge

My favorite film of all time. A Clockwork Orange is the ultimate satire ever that is twisted and brilliant. The story concerns Alex DeLarge, a criminal who is sent to prison, was cured from his obsessions, and was released, When released, he is taunted by his former victims and friends.

A Clockwork Orange had an impact on me like no other movie before. Stanley Kubrick is a master at directing, and here is his best film. Malcolm McDowell is excellent as Alex, giving one of my favorite character performances. If not my favorite film, than at least in my Top 5, and a faithful adaptation to the novel. A masterpiece and easily the best movie of 1971.

10/10 stars.

-Jack Alexander
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Full of Strength.
24 May 2004
"Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket." -Pvt. Leonard 'Pyle' Lawrence

Full Metal Jacket is a great movie. Not the best from Kubrick, but works great as a war film. The plot is about a group of soldiers who are turned into killers in marine training, and are then sent off to the Vietnam War.

Kubrick once again does a great job at directing. Modine, D'Onofrio, Baldwin, and Howard give worthy performances, while Ermey gives an Oscar worthy (not even nominated) performance and steals the show. This is a very realistic look at Vietnam, while the battle scenes and script just aren't as satisfying as they are in the second half. Still, it is a wonderful film.

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The Shining (1980)
Both scary and thought provoking. One of the scariest films of all time...
24 May 2004
"Come out, come out, where ever you are." -Jack Torrance

The Shining is definitely one of the scariest films I have ever seen. It was adapted from Stephen King's novel, and was directed by Stanley Kubrick. Jack Nicholson shines as Jack Torrance, a writer who takes his family up to the Colorado Mountains for the winter to take care of a hotel, but the hotel seems to have secrets of it's past.

Stanley Kubrick's direction and Jack Nicholson's acting are definitely the high points of the film. I was thrilled from beginning to end and definitely didn't find this movie predictable. I have read the book, and I would call this a poor adaptation. But, this isn't King's movie so I can't really compare the two. Truly, a masterpiece of modern horror.

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Now or Never.
24 May 2004
"The horror. The horror!" -Col. Walter E. Kurtz

Maybe that line sums up the whole horrific, terrifying Vietnam War. Apocalypse Now is one of the best war films of all time. A realistic journey through the rivers of Cambodia. A captain is given orders to terminate a colonel who is hiding in Cambodia and forming his own tribe.

Coppola gives a terrific direction, and Sheen, Duvall, Hopper, and Brando gives very good performances. We also get to see a very young Laurence Fishburne. Apocalypse Now Redux is an extended version of the film with better quality. This is a definite war film, one of the best about Vietnam.

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My Number one movie, if not, then at least in my top 5....
24 May 2004
"Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well." -Alexander De Large

A Clockwork Orange is easily the best movie I have seen in a long time. It is the ultimate satire about a young criminal named Alex who went to prison in a not too distant future, was cured from his problems and is haunted by his former victims when he is released.

It is a very strange film indeed, but it really works. It is twisted, disturbing, but ultimately brilliant. The whole idea of the film is so great that it works on almost every level and is almost flawless. Malcolm McDowell is excellent and Stanley Kubrick gives the best direction of his career. Excellent.

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