
36 Reviews
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Wild Hogs (2007)
Good comedy, with some nice performances.
13 April 2007
Wild Hogs is exactly what I expected it to be. It was a mindless, fun romp of a movie. It was funny, actually funnier then I expected. It was decent, which is much more then I expected.

Will anyone win an Oscar for their performance? Of course not.

Was it directed as well as a Scorcese flick? No way whatsoever.

Will you laugh at it a bit, and feel good when it's over? As long as you don't go in expecting anything but a silly, fun movie you will.

I liked the performances by Marisa Tomei and M.C. Gainey also. Gainey always makes the most of his small roles, and Tomei came off as a sexy but sweet local who befriends the Hogs.
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Better Than Expected
13 April 2007
I wasn't expecting much out of this film. I do enjoy family movies, but the commercials for this flick never made me want to run out to see it. I did wind up taking the kids to it this weekend, but mostly because there wasn't really any other kid friendly movies out there at the moment.

The movie was a lot more heartfelt, and touching then any advertisements would have you believe.

The Robinsons are almost a futuristic Adams Family, in that they are odd, and offbeat enough to make them interesting, yet loving and loyal enough to make them enduring.

Like most major films today (especially kid's flicks) the ending is a happy, feel good one (at least I think so) but any other ending for a movie such as this would just feel wrong. I think Walt Disney would be proud of this movie. After seeing it you'll might just quote "Always Move Forward!"
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Fair, but a bit of a letdown
12 April 2007
I was really looking forward to this film. I heard so many great things about it and it was nominated for a few Oscars, so I thought it would be a knockout. I think my expectations combined with sex scenes that really added nothing to the film brought my rating down to a 6 out of 10.

I did enjoy the action in the movie, and thought that the acting was good, especially Ed Harris' performance.

If you have no expectations before watching this movie, you should enjoy it.... but make sure you have a strong stomach first since the movie does contain some very graphic sex scenes, and a decent amount of gore.
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Whomever made this movie owes me 90 minutes.
12 April 2007
This movie took 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back. I am mad at myself for watching the entire movie. I have a habit of not turning movies off so I can be sure to say WHY I hated a movie.

This movie contained nothing worth mentioning. No matter how talented or funny the actors may be in reality, there is no way they could have saved this script.

If I ever see Dane Cook, or Jessica Simpson, I'll have to yell at them for wasting an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back.

P.S. If the movie wasn't bad enough, the deleted scenes and extras are even worse..... I have no idea why I even watched them.
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Elf (2003)
Elf Will Be A New Christmas Classic!
31 October 2003
After seeing "Elf" last night (special preview screening) I am happy to say that I, as well as my children left the theater feeling full of Christmas cheer. I do believe that this movie will become a Christmas classic. I can see this movie being viewed by millions each year on TV just like "A Christmas Story", and "It's a Wonderful Life". Was the movie perfect? No. Will it win an Oscar? Of course not. Did it make me laugh, and feel good while looking forward to another Christmas this year. Without a doubt.

7 out of 10 Stars.
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Jack Black = Comic Genius
6 August 2002
I simply think Jack Black (of Tenacious D fame) is one of the funniest people walking the planet. If you are not a Jack Black fan, then stay away from this film, because he steals the film within the first 5 minutes. Not that the rest of the cast is bad. To the contrary, Amanda Peet, and Steve Zahn are also great in this film. But every little thing Jack does in this flick just cracks me up. His facial expressions, his dancing, his singing of Neil Diamond songs, and his overall awesome comic delivery are pure Genius.

I give this film 7 out of 10 stars due to making me laugh non-stop for 90 minutes or so.
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Is it an Oscar Winner? No. Is it the greatest ever? No. Is it so silly and funny, that it is fun to watch? Yes!
6 August 2002
The Ladies Man was never made to win awards, or put Tim Meadows at the top of the hottest actors list. What it was made to do, is to make you laugh. Now, if you are still interested in seeing this movie, please do so. Not only is Tim Meadows a riot as the fish sandwich eating, houseboat living, stud muffin, but "Wrestling" Will Ferrell, and the rest of the cast are great as well.

I'd give this movie 6 out of 10, just for the goofy jokes, and laughs it got out of me.
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Rashomon (1950)
Rashomon is a movie well ahead of it's time.
6 August 2002
Kurosawa's Rashomon was the precursor to many popular films. The idea of telling a story from several different viewpoints is both interesting and genius, especially considering that this film was released in the 1950s. Kurosawa's pacing may leave many of today's viewers "bored", but as far as I am concerned, cutting from one camera to another each second of a film (like an MTV video) is not boring. I hope to see more of Kurosawa's films, especially if they are as well written, and directed as this one. I will keep this revue short, since I now need to run to the video store to rent "Seven Samurai", and "Ran".
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A children's movie that will actually make the whole family feel good!
28 July 2002
I just returned from the theater with my family after watching Spirit and realized that I enjoyed it as much if not more than my children. Spirit may not have been the blockbuster that it could have been (for reasons that I will touch upon below), but it is a strong film with stunning animation. From the opening frame, the rich textured backgrounds are lush and beautiful. The characters have a very "Aeon Flux" look to them that actually melds nicely with the scenery.

The narration by Matt Damon, and the voice acting of James Cromwell (of "Babe") was also very well done.

Some individuals I know have complained that this movie makes the US look bad while placing the American Indians in a positive light. I love my country (The USA) as much as anyone, but I did not feel that this was the case. I felt that this movie was based on the stallion's fear of ANYONE, not just the white man. It was a movie about freedom, not about an "evil" US government. And, the freedom that this government gives us, enables Dreamworks to present such a film. So if you are opposed to seeing American Indians as shown as having a heart, do not see this film. If you would like to see a good family movie intended for those with an open mind, please do yourself a favor, and see this movie. It may even make you appreciate your freedom.

I give Spirit 7 out of 10 stars.
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Blind Fury (1989)
Blind Fury gives a nod to the great Zatoichi.
28 July 2002
I remember seeing Blind Fury back around 1989 when I was a lot younger and being fascinated by the idea of a blind swordsman. 13 years later and wiser I now realize that this movie was made in honor of the great "Zatoichi" samurai flicks from the '60s and '70s. Rutger Hauer will never win an Oscar but he can be enjoyable in such action movies as "Blade Runner", "The Hitcher", "Night Hawks", and "Blind Fury". If you can get past the idea of a blind swordsman taking on loads of armed crooks, and hitmen, then you may enjoy this film. If you are a Zatoichi fan, then you will be sure to pick out numerous "rip-offs" such as the cutting off of one's eyebrows, or exposing a crooked casino.

I would give this movie a 6 out of 10 (1 point for Rutger, 4 points for putting out an American version of "Zatoichi... the Blind Swordsman", and 1 point for Tex Cobb.)
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Nothing Small about Smallville.
25 October 2001
I've always enjoyed the origin of Superman, and was afraid that "Smallville" would bastardize it for a modern audience. I was stunned to see that they remained very true to the origin that was created over 50 years ago in the pages of Action Comics. I also like how many of the citizens and events that shaped their life were based around Clark's entry into our world.

I really enjoy the relationship between Clark, and his parents, the crush he has on Lana, and most of all the friendship between he and Lex. I look forward to seeing these new "best friends" grow (apart?) as time goes by. If "Smallville" can keep true to the Superman legend as it has for the first episode (or two... which I just saw the other night) then I will be watching every Tuesday night.
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X-Men: Evolution (2000–2003)
More like De-Evolution
25 October 2001
Formula, take one great superhero cartoon (X-Men), take away any similarity to their comic counterparts (especially Wolverine), turn them into Dawson's Creek wannabees, and voila.... you have X-Men Evolution.

I have been a fan of the X-Men comics since 1981, and a fan of the original X-Men cartoon, and I can honestly say, that I am extremely disappointed in this series.

Great characters like the Beast are ignored, while cheap rip-offs (Spyke) of other characters (Marrow) are created.

Ignore this cartoon if you know what is good for you. If you want to watch a superhero cartoon with great characters, great animation, that follows the comic closely, catch a rerun of Batman: The Animated Series.
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The Hot Spot (1990)
A very good Don Johnson movie and performance. Really, it is!
24 October 2001
If you are like me, you might have turned on HBO late the other night, and thought.... "Damn, a Don Johnson movie". Luckily I gave this film a chance and found a real winner. Don's performance is not just good, but I think it is his best ever. Jennifer Connelly is just perfect in the role of the frail and beautiful girl next door. But Virginia Madsen steals the show. She is that woman you just love to hate, but just can't keep your hands off of. Just watch the flick to see what I mean.

As the credits rolled across the screen at the end, I realized that Dennis Hopper directed this "Red Rocks West" like film. No wonder I enjoyed it. I give it a solid 7 out of 10.
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Unbreakable (2000)
What if Comics Were Real?
20 September 2001
I have been a fan of comics all my life. I have always wondered what if there were really superheros? What would they be like? Would they fit in, or would they be considered freaks? I think Unbreakable portrays how a superhero would find out he is actually one, and how he responds to it rather accurately. Of course this is just speculation, but it sure comes off very believable.

I have heard many grumble that this movie was too slow and boring. I did not feel that way. I thought this movie was a great throwback to great directing like Alfred Hitchcock's films. I am not a professor of film, but I know I like the way the movie feels. The pacing, the dialogue, the cinematography..... it all feels right to me.
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Hannibal (2001)
Not as good as Silence of the Lambs... then again... What is?
20 September 2001
I was worried at first. I was thinking can a sequel to Silence of the Lambs really be made? The answer is no, and for good reason. This movie is not really a sequel. Both movies work independently of one another. You do not need to see one to enjoy the other. And that is a good thing. Silence of the Lambs was (and is still) such a great film that a sequel should never have been made. Just like Led Zeppelin never tried to write Stairway to Heaven 2, Ridley Scott decided not to make Silence of the Lambs 2. This movie is a departure from the original. Please view it as such.

The movie does get a little silly now and then for what simply seems to be shock value, but overall is a good film, with some great acting by Anthony Hopkins. Thanks to his and Gary Oldman's performances, I would rate this movie about a 7 out of 10. Without them, it may have been a lot lower.
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Memento (2000)
Not confusing if you pay attention.
20 September 2001
I have heard so many good things about Memento before actually seeing it. I feared I would be let down since the hype was so great. 1 minute after watching the ending....or should I say the beginning, I was a little frustrated since I too am programmed by Hollywood to expect the expected once in a while. Then I thought to myself for a few minutes and it all came together. This is the type of movie that doesn't end when the lights go back on. It sticks with you. It makes you think. And best of all, it makes you want to discuss it with others who have been lucky enough to see it.

The performances given in this movie were fantastic. All three of the main characters were interesting, and had two faces. Check it out, and you'll see what I mean.

If you enjoy movies that make you think like Jacob's Ladder, American Psycho, and Fight Club then this is for you.
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Cast Away (2000)
Hanks says a lot with so little, but what is in the box?
20 September 2001
I was so upset when I saw commercials for Cast Away. I mean, how much of the movie do you have to let me know about before hand? I would have enjoyed the movie more if 80% of it wasn't shown to me in the commercials. That being said, Cast Away was a very enjoyable movie. Especially since Tom Hanks is such a brilliant actor. He says so much without saying much at all. He is a very expressive actor who lets his facial expressions and body language tell it all.

The movie was actually well paced. I have heard many complaints that this movie was slow and boring. As I have said before (in other reviews), if you can not enjoy anything more thought provoking than the latest N'Synch album or the latest episode of Dawson's Creek than this movie is not for you.

I do have one question though? What is in the box? I guess I'll have to scour the DVD for an easter egg with that information. (Hey, maybe I've watched too many episodes of Gilligan's Island. Yeah, that's it... I'm all screwed up like these N'Synch fans... just in a different way.
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A Martial Arts Masterpiece for Open Minded Viewers.
21 June 2001
If you are one of those people who has seen commercials for Crouching Tiger and thought to yourself... "that flying looks ridiculous", or "I'm not sitting through an entire movie in subtitles", then please do me and yourself a favor and stay away from this movie.

As far as the flying looking ridiculous.... how many of you complained when Superman carried Lois Lane through the sky in Superman? Why should you be upset when Chow Yun Fat soars over rooftops?

How can people watch movies like Jurrasic Park, and never once say...."Oh, that could never happen", but get upset when Michelle Yeoh scales a wall. This is fantasy, people. Some of us are able to go with it, and enjoy it for what it is. If you want reality, try staying home and watching the news.

As far as subtitles... don't be afraid of a little reading. It might actually do you some good. Remember, reading is fundamental.

Now for those of you who are still reading this and willing to watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... you will not be disappointed.

I am far from a martial arts expert, but this is one of, if not the best martial art films I have ever seen. The fight scenes were beautifully choreographed, and lightning fast. The acting was superb, and the soundtrack fits the movie as well as humanly possible.

I was enthralled by the relationship between Chow Yun Fat, and Michelle Yeoh's characters. They are both strong, dedicated, and loyal individuals that have an unbreakable bond. One should be so lucky to go through this life with such a "partner".

In closing, you do not have to be a Kung Fu, or Karate film buff to enjoy this film...... You just have to be open minded and willing to be immersed in a world of fantasy.
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This is a cinematic masterpiece, way ahead of its time.
10 December 1999
There are only a handful of movies that were made on such a grand scale and made such a difference in the art of movie making.

"Bronenosets Potyomkin" is one of these movies, and it should be on anyone's list looking to learn more about the history of cinema.

Grigori Aleksandrov & Sergei M. Eisenstein directed this groundbreaking film that documents the horrors taking place on a Russian battleship. When the sailors finally retaliate against their superiors, the locals embrace the them, and support them. Things get ugly when a group of soldiers are sent to the small town to take care of business. What follows is one of the most imitated scenes in the history of cinema. Anyone who has seen "The Untouchables", and "Bronenosets Potyomkin" knows exactly what I mean.

Overall I think this movie raised the bar for film making just as "Intolerance" did a few years earlier. If you do not mind silent films, do yourself a favor, and see "Bronenosets Potyomkin".

If you don't like silent films..... watch "Bronenosets Potyomkin" anyway.
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End of Days (1999)
Not Arnold's best, but definitely not his worst.
8 December 1999
I must admit, I had high hopes for this film. I remember seeing a preview almost 9 months before the films release, and immediately started counting the days until it was to hit theaters.

As anxious as I was to see this film, I did not leave the theater disappointed. Gabriel Byrne was fantastic as Satan, and it was very interesting too see Arnold in a different sort of light. He didn't play his self confident, all powerful super-hero like usual. Instead, he was a lot more fragile, both mentally and physically. This seems to be the right direction for Arnold, especially since he can't keep that Mr. Universe physique up forever.

The script of course was extremely unbelievable, but then again, this is an Arnold flick. It's not like Total Recall, and Terminator were lifelike. None the less, there were very enjoyable films..... as is "End of Days".

This movie should be enjoyed by Arnold fans, and fans of supernatural films like the "Exorcist" and "The Seventh Sign".
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The most disturbing film I have ever seen.
8 December 1999
This is without a doubt, the most disturbing movie I have ever seen. Many viewers of this film seem to feel the same way I do, and that is what makes this film a success. I know that sounds weird, but I'd like to explain my reasoning. This film (in my opinion) was created to get the viewer to react and to get your emotions stirring. It is not meant to entertain in the same way that other movies do. There is no finite story. You would probably lose your mind trying to explain the plot. You are just supposed to let yourself go and enjoy. It is a film that I (and most likely everyone else who as ever seen it) will never forget. How many movies can make such a claim?
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No slashers, no demons, just horror!
15 November 1999
The Blair Witch Project is a throwback of sorts. If you are looking for a slasher flick like Nightmare and Elm Street, or Hellraiser, prepared to be disappointed. On the other hand, if you are looking for a psychological thriller along the lines of Psycho you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Blair Witch is a breath of fresh air to a currently stale and predictable movie industry. It is nice to see a film without a forced sexual relationship, and awful tag-lines do well in Hollywood.

This movie seems incredibly scary to me, because it is so realistic. Not only because of the plot, but because of the style in which it was pieced together. I could see myself in the same scenario as these three students lost in the woods. Would I lose my cool? Yes. Would I start fearing for my life? Yes. And that is what makes this movie so interesting. I can see where many people have been and will continue to be "fooled" by the realism of this flick. To this day I have co-workers, and friends trying to convince me that what happened was real. I guess they are going to be surprised when they see one of the three student film-makers staring in the latest, summer blockbuster in the year 2000.
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This is one of the best films I have seen this year.
15 November 1999
The Iron Giant is a masterpiece. I brought my child to see this film and found myself enjoying it more than they did. As a matter of fact I think I enjoyed it more than anyone in the theater that day.

The Iron Giant will make you laugh, and it most certainly will put a tear in your eye. This is the most heart wrenching and exciting tale I have seen this year. When this movie is released on video I will be the first in line to buy it. It not only is a beautiful film to look at, but it teaches morals like no other animated film I have ever seen (and I am a HUGE animation fan).

Do yourself a favor and buy this film when it becomes available. This film deserved a better treatment at the box office. I only hope that video sales will help to make a profit for this great film. If not, Warner Brothers and other studios might be afraid of losing money on other similar movies and that would be a shame.
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Saving Private is quite possibly my favorite war movie of all time.
15 November 1999
First, let me explain that I am not a big war film buff. I liked Platoon, and a few other films of this genre, but generally I do not enjoy war films. I think the reason for this is that most war films seem to glorify the act of war. They try to make war look fun and cool.

Saving Private Ryan on the other hand shows you just how brutal war is. It puts you right into the middle of one of the most deadly battles of the entire war, and makes you glad that you are not one of the soldiers on that beach.

This movie makes me appreciate our veterans and their struggles even more than I did before. But most of all, it makes me appreciate how lucky I am to not have to risk my life for everything I have. Our veterans have already done it for us.
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Antz (1998)
Adults will like this more than the kids.
15 November 1999
It seems to me that Antz is one of Hollywood's first attempts at making animation for adults on a grand scale. For years other countries like Japan have understood that it is not the medium in which a film is created, but the story behind it that counts. Antz has taken that concept to the U.S. and I am very happy that they did.

I have nothing against Disney animation.... as a matter of fact, I enjoy most of it, but Antz is definitely not a Disney film. It is an adult film that children may enjoy. It is aimed at the adult, but marketed for children. Woody Allen was his typical neurotic self. Sly Stallone played one of his best roles in years. And Christopher Walken was great as usual. Check it out if you get the chance.

P.S. This movie may not be a great idea for extremely young children. There are a few brutal war scenes which might scare a young child (the termite battle for those of you that have seen the movie). You may want to view it before showing it to a child, just to make sure it isn't too violent for them.
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