A Martial Arts Masterpiece for Open Minded Viewers.
21 June 2001
If you are one of those people who has seen commercials for Crouching Tiger and thought to yourself... "that flying looks ridiculous", or "I'm not sitting through an entire movie in subtitles", then please do me and yourself a favor and stay away from this movie.

As far as the flying looking ridiculous.... how many of you complained when Superman carried Lois Lane through the sky in Superman? Why should you be upset when Chow Yun Fat soars over rooftops?

How can people watch movies like Jurrasic Park, and never once say...."Oh, that could never happen", but get upset when Michelle Yeoh scales a wall. This is fantasy, people. Some of us are able to go with it, and enjoy it for what it is. If you want reality, try staying home and watching the news.

As far as subtitles... don't be afraid of a little reading. It might actually do you some good. Remember, reading is fundamental.

Now for those of you who are still reading this and willing to watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... you will not be disappointed.

I am far from a martial arts expert, but this is one of, if not the best martial art films I have ever seen. The fight scenes were beautifully choreographed, and lightning fast. The acting was superb, and the soundtrack fits the movie as well as humanly possible.

I was enthralled by the relationship between Chow Yun Fat, and Michelle Yeoh's characters. They are both strong, dedicated, and loyal individuals that have an unbreakable bond. One should be so lucky to go through this life with such a "partner".

In closing, you do not have to be a Kung Fu, or Karate film buff to enjoy this film...... You just have to be open minded and willing to be immersed in a world of fantasy.
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