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A Serious Man (2009)
Dour, funny, and removed from the front lines of the sixties cultural chaos
27 November 2010
I'm sure this film upsets a lot of Jews. In about the same way Madea upsets some black men. These films(the Coen's and Perry)magnify and at times exaggerate the traits outsiders associate with black and Jewish people. In all fairness Perry has a way to go to catch up to the Coen's. This film is rich and laser sharp witty. It truly is adult although there's very little nudity or violence.

I can't remember such a God centered movie outside of the Tyler Perry's films. Tyler's answer was to make Madea his deus ex machina. The Coen's create a space within the film's textures for something metaphysical, supernatural to be discerned. There's a quality here that I can only describe as sadly satisfying in how the story develops and concludes. The Coen's provide you with all the information and then when the film is done you have to consider what you've experienced(in real life and in the film)to come up with your own idea of what it all means. It is worth the trip.
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A "Last Year at Marienbad" for our times
12 September 2010
This recent film embodies my guiding statement at the bottom of this review more than any other in the last ten years or so. If you've made your way to this section I won't bother with plot descriptions. I still am not sure what I saw. Some of what occurs in the film defies the laws of physics. That is a wonderful thing in itself. This is not a film about your typical hit-man. His target is something most assassins would not begin to imagine taking on. As I mentioned in the summary title, Last Year at Marienbad is the closest comparison I can come up with. Beautiful locations, exquisite visual compositions and haunting music soundtrack. Jarumusch's pace can put people off if they aren't accustomed to it.It works for me. The fact that this is a big budget Jarumusch project also is important to note. When I think back to Stranger Than Paradise and how his style has matured up to this film is mind blowing. Kudos to the cast. Bill Murray is one of Americas acting treasures. Tilda Swinton is incredibly sensuous and Isaac de Bankole is starting to hit his stride as a leading man in world cinema. I doubt if Hollywood will shackle him down but there are plenty of film directors outside the U.S. Who will know how to use his talent and energy in their projects.

I watched this with an acquaintance of mine and they hated it. Each to his own. However, if you need a break from standard pop movie fare give it a try.
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Lottery Ticket (I) (2010)
Nothing wrong with silly comedies, however...
4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This poverty sit-com tries to fit everything in for an entertainment starved audience. These are some of the dumbest people ever depicted on film. Ice Cube needs to think about real motivations and limitations before he commits it to celluloid. Watching Terry Crews and Keith David in this I was hopeful but those hopes were dashed quickly. To think those two guys have worked with truly top shelf writers and directors and now its numb-skull time. Gotta pay that mortgage. Its funny. Ice Cube is this short, chunky guy who has to be the toughest guy in the movie. Not always plausible, dude. Just putting a scowl on your face doesn't make one a bad ass. Watch some Burt Lancaster films and you'll understand what I'm talking about.


The helicopter at the end was cool. Never seen a heli in the 'hood before. Loretta Devine and Charlie Murphy could've have stolen the movie but are pros and kept their characters reined in.

Would Ice Cube please do one movie without facial hair or is it some religious thing?
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Route 66 (1960–1964)
Better than average television from the Camelot era
1 August 2010
There are too many great episodes to go into and so many future stars to list. The episode with Julie Newmar, 'Vicki', sticks with me. It seemed like a set up for a spin-off. Maybe not. Many of the episodes had Buzz and Tod resolving others problems. Some dealt with their own search for female companionship. They weren't Lotharios, that is clear. There's a streak of conservatism in some of Buzz's basic outlook on life. The show is quite liberal in what it delivers to the audience. Tod, though a college grad hasn't gotten enough street smarts for some of the situations he encounters. Its also clear how shows like Twin Peaks, ER, Miami Vice owe a small debt to this program. Something must have happened in the second season because Martin Milner was doing introductory v.o. for many of the episodes in the latter part of that season. Many fascinating actresses passed through: Sylvia Miles, Marion Ross, Lois Nettleton, De Ann Mears and Inger Stevens among them. Big directors as well with Arthur Hiller, Sam Peckinpaugh and Robert Altman. A rich piece of television if you've been avoiding it because perhaps Milner might turn you off. These shows reveal that he could've gone on to better projects if fate were kinder to him.
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Good Hair (2009)
Aiming for profundity Chris Rock does a Michael Moore on a segment of Black culture
22 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this a little over a week ago and it is still kicking around in my consciousness. Chris Rock has made a very strong critique about how black people live. Quite a bit of it is discomforting, dealing with the lengths black folk we'll go to achieve a certain beauty standard. The entire segment on chemical relaxers should make anyone think long and hard as to what that product does to the body and brain cells of young children. Chris Rock the documentarian is not the peer of Chris Rock the comedian and that comes through often in the bluntness and heavy-handedness of his presentation of the subject matter. The negative reviews I've encountered seem to try to deflect potential audiences from the truth that Mr. Rock is getting at. Some white people are going to be uncomfortable with this many will likely be bored. They may likely say that its a black folk issue but the more perceptive ones will realize that western culture beauty bias is at the root of this situation. The whole segment on hair weaving and extension which points at Central Asia and the Far East as gaining a powerful hold over black female hair culture is arresting. Interspersed throughout the film are Q&A's with Rock's Hollywood colleagues. Some blithely give answers that border on profound self-contempt and others get the point of question's secret agenda and attempt to deflect its full intent. Even Rev.Al Sharpton does this. The film comes to a close after the big Bonner Bros. expo. It acknowledges that because of black people's(particularly the female)traditional position in wester culture that that it has been a massive strain unlike their white female counterparts to feel good and beautiful in their own skin and hair. When that occurs so often those negative feelings spread because not only does misery loves company, misery will create company. I think Chris answered his daughter's question but it will be sometime before she's ready to accept it fully.
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This film does for Watergate era blaxploitation cinema what Inglorius Basterds does for over the top WW II films
9 May 2010
This movie may never receive any prestigious awards but those of us who know this era well will keenly appreciate what Michael Jai White and his partners are doing here. It is a subtle and clever film trying to pass itself off as dumb. With nods to Fred Williamson, Jim Kelly, Jim Brown, Robert Hooks, Richard Roundtree and Rudy Ray Moore movies BLACK DYNAMITE presents a scenario at first simple-minded then enlarges its scope to include a murderously lethal Richard Nixon. Headier films of that time: The Spook who sat by the Door Three Days of the Condor and even Enter the Dragon become part of the blend for this pastiche.

The casting is sharp with talent like: Myketi Williamson Phillip Morris Tommy Davidson Arsenio Hall Salli Richarson. I wish that in the bad guy roles that they had the nerve to get Daniel Day Lewis and James Gandolfini taking their screen personas and twisting them a bit.

The movie in its weird way honors Frank Wills, the security guard that started the whole Watergate investigation. That is why comparisons to this and Inglorious Basterds seem apt. The idea of taking widely accepted history and tweaking it into an absurdist vision for entertainment sake.

If you can feel the funk and hang loose this flik will sock it to ya. Can you dig it?
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Putney Swope (1969)
That brief window of time: '67 to '74
3 April 2010
Putney Swope along with a number of other films: Uptight, Zabrieski Point, The Spook who sat by the Door, Easy Rider, Midnight Cowboy depicted the times of the big change of America like no other. No matter how much conservative America may want to pull the country back to the pre-60's these films show that the change became irreversible. Putney Swope has its problems(editing and much of the acting is amateurish)yet holds up well for being over forty years old. The topics still ring quite true. While viewing this one can't help but wonder if the folks that make the AMC show MADMEN are influenced by this film. The ending, though funny, has a politically horrific feel to it. A foreshadow of 9/11? The irony that Robert Downey is the father of one of America's best and most popular movie stars adds to the entertainment and poignancy.
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Crash (2008–2009)
Impressive first few episodes of Season 1
20 September 2009
Like other LA stories of the last 12 to 15 years(on cable primarily)this show wants to give a broad overview of the City of Angels. It has good pedigree considering its creator just came off The Shield. The show also has the humor and sometimes off-kilter meditative quality of the film. The other thing that comes through is that this is the TV show Mulholland Drive might have become had ABC allowed David Lynch to continue.Don Cheadle definitely has delivered a high quality show with Dennis Hopper as its anchor. Lots of great new faces and a few familiar older ones. I've seen some complaints about Ben and Anthony's relationship. Some people read it as slave and master. I'll admit I haven't seen enough of the show yet. We'll see. Right now it seems more familial.
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Art house satire that occasionally stings and bites
16 August 2009
A welcome addition to the Spike Lee family of films and the growing number of films that don't pander to the lowest common denominator for African-Americans: Daughters of the Dust/ Native Son/ Magic Love/The Spook who sat by the Door.

No stunt casting like P.Diddy in Raisin in the Sun.

The concept of alternate universe storytelling is radical for black filmmakers. That they found so much material to support the imaginary world they were creating was astonishing. My only real complaint is the level of acting on display. Some of it is passable but much of it was amateurish, community theater level. Ultimately, the audience for this film will grow over the years and will be discovered by all kinds of movie fans and film buffs.
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
A solid first season, Jeffrey Donovan brings levity and lightness to sometimes harsh and grim situations
13 June 2009
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I like the premise of this character out of work and having to get his 'grind' on. His hustle on. I mean aren't we all to a certain extent? The show references a lot of other TV gumshoes: Magnum PI Have Gun Will Travel Hawaii 5-0 Rockford Files MacGuyver and others. It doesn't rely too heavily on those references, though. Nice guest stars as well, like Ayre Gross, Ray Wise and Lucy Lawless. The episode featuring the latina villainess I really wished they'd cast Lisa Raye. I haven't liked her in anything I've seen her in but would have enjoyed watching her character blown up. Oh well. The editing, art direction and cinematography often rises to the feature film level. The cast is quite excellent and credible. I've read a few complaints that Donovan isn't big enough as a tough guy and those viewers miss the point I think. He pretty much acknowledges that he is not a tough guy but he is a well trained and highly skilled operative. He keeps his cool. I plan on catching future seasons. I suspect there may be a sophomore slump next season but we'll wait and see.
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Anna Christie (I) (1930)
Anna Christie and Emperor Jones: O'Neill on Film
11 April 2009
Viewing both of these films concurrently is not a bad idea to get a sense of early film production and acting for the camera styles. I give the nod to Garbo(but not by much)in regard to her naturalness. Robeson is majestic. But his performance is aimed for a large proscenium theater. Something else that struck me was the movies themes of empowerment for women and minorities. There hadn't been any films coming out of Hollywood yet that allowed the voices of marginal characters like Anna and Brutus to take the foreground. These were very progressive films for their time. It's quite probable that O'Neill saw the writing on the wall way before everyone else did about the future of America.
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Atypical Harrison Ford outing that works for me
15 February 2009
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I don't get all the hate coming at this movie. It seemed to me a pleasing enough satire on the level of SHOWTIME. One way to 'get' this film is forget its a cop movie. Think of the Ford and Hartnett characters as actually a realtor and an actor who happen to chase around criminals and screw beautiful women. Nobody is taking the plot that seriously and that's kind of a good thing. There is the exception of the Isaiah Washington character who seems to be imported from a completely different type of film. There is also an odd echo, from of all things: BLADERUNNER. I realize to compare that classic to this bag of french fries may disturb some movie lovers but there were certain moments(Joe's initial interview with Antoine, the rooftop climax)that seemed to purposefully comment on the earlier film. I don't mind the idea of a sequel for these characters. The issue that a lot of people aren't getting is that Ford is a great light comic actor in the Bob Hope tradition.
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Hancock (2008)
A lot of interesting concepts and unanswered questions
13 December 2008
When its a Will Smith movie on the queue I kinda hold my breath. Will is capable of just about anything and everything. He can do art house films and multi-plex packing movies. This one almost seemed to be trying to be both at once. I'll avoid talking about the big high concept idea of Will and Charlize's characters because it opens the door to too many questions. The film wants all our focus on this degenerate superhero, or, more the point how do we common people relate to someone who has extraordinary gifts. Do we kowtow to them? Do we excuse their inexcusable behavior? Is anyone so essential to keeping the peace and order that they are given allowances for shortcomings and deeds that the rest of us would be imprisoned for(i.e. Jack Bauer, Vic Mackey, Dick Cheney). The script isn't going anywhere near answering those questions in a real, cogent way.

On a side note, some folks believe this is a racist film. I don't agree with that perspective. I believe if this script were around thirty years ago this would've likely been a Richard Pryor vehicle.
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Madea Goes to Jail (2006 Video)
A funny, sometime serious and deeply Christian romantic musical comedy.
15 November 2008
My resistance to the Tyler Perry vision is crumbling. I'm not sure exactly why. I'm. still an agnostic and some of the humor is sub-Martin Lawrence. But when more of an artist's work rings true than not true I have to sit up and pay attention. I watch all kinds of films and television and I can proudly acknowledge that Tyler Perry is up there with Marc Cherry, the creator of WEEDS and SOUL FOOD, Ryan Murphy and UGLY BETTY. Perry has a tremendous grasp of classic Greek drama and arguably Elizabethan drama, too. He speaks to his audience clearly and warmly. I can't wait for the film version of this play. Somehow, he even goofs on THE MATRIX in this work. He's deserving of major props and respect.
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Contempt (1963)
Difficult, challenging yet ultimately transfixing and penetrating big-budget Godard master work.
10 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
No one dares makes films like this today. Casting alone would be a hazardous chore for the mind. I'll attempt to:

Elisha Cuthbert David Marciano(The Shield) Pierce Brosnan Wim Wenders(in the Fritz Lang role.

Deconstructionism is rarely successful or easy for mass audiences to enjoy or comprehend. Most would say that it's mental masturbation. I don't believe that. It does challenge and doesn't allow the audience an easy way out as seen in the film there's a performance by a female singer in auditorium. The audio of the song is manipulated in a way that lessens the singer's impact but draws attention to the idea of incidental music in all films. The concept of enhancing the context of the narrative either matching the mood or ironically going against the grain is not certain. It's just there.

Visually, it is a spectacular moving canvas. Even long static scenes are incredibly gorgeous. When the story moves back out to Capri we treated to very long distant shots of the sunny and idyllic terrain and flora. The big set piece of the disintegration of the relationship is poignant even though Godard is working feverishly to avoid sentimentalism and mawkish performances.

Steven Soderberg's FULL FRONTAL is the only film I can think of that contemporary audiences could relate to this film and it's not a great comparison.
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Sherman Oaks (1995–1997)
A neglected but snappy show from 15 years ago
9 November 2008
This show should be brought back or SHOWTIME could do something really innovative and bring some of the characters back but on their current series like WEEDS and Californication. I made a comment awhile back about cable shows of the nineties set in Los Angeles: Larry Sanders Show Strip Mall Rude Awakening Beggars and Choosers but somehow I forgot to include this ultra hip comedy. It was sexy, clever yet very cheaply made. The same aesthetic and production budget levels as Reno 911. Where is Tane McClure? Damn! She was hot on this show. Peter Billingsley's character was quite a double-edged creation. Most of the time you would laugh at his character but occasionally you would have to laugh with him. Oh we'll, maybe someday a DVD release.
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Dark Shadows (1991)
A romantic, albeit stilted horror drama
2 November 2008
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The positives of this show are Ben Cross, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Barbara Steele. They consistently made this show highly entertaining and watchable. Fyfe and Lysette Anthony were memorable as well. The look of the show was very classy. It seemed to me at the time and now coming back to it after all these years that the producers were attempting to ride the TWIN PEAKS wave. It wasn't successful. The Victoria Winters character just wasn't strongly conceived enough. I have to say that Roy Thinnes as Trask should have been given more focus. The great Jean Simmons is wasted but its more the problem with a script that doesn't offer a lot to do.
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Voodoo along with Quantum Physics and the I Ching are the old tools to affect serious change
28 October 2008
I like this film and I always perk up when Bill Pullman is cast. Pullman doesn't get nearly the credit he deserves. Whatever happened to Cathy Tyson? The late great Paul Winfield contributes to this somewhat contemporary academic look at the voodoo phenomena. Brent Jennings also needs to be lauded and celebrated, he has saved many a movie. Being a Black American I'd always heard that the black people from the islands were a bit...unusual. Some would say downright weird and not a little dangerous. I know that those are prejudicial ideas however the practises of Voodoo are still being researched by major universities all over the world because like quantum physics and the I Ching there are modern applications still being discovered. The military is always looking for new ways to either assault or defend. Of course medicine and the other hard sciences make inquiries as to how these three ancient disciplines can improve all of our lives.
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The Fury (1978)
Thirty years before HEROES or 4400
12 October 2008
Thirty years before HEROES, Brian DiPalma works in the paranormal chiller mode. DiPalma always sets up gorgeous settings for the most awful things to happen to his characters. Biggest complaint is the hiring of Andrew Stevens. Eric Douglas was a much better actor than Stevens and it might have provided the boost in confidence Eric needed at that time. It may have helped resolve those issues between Kirk and Eric. Great spfx work and a warm yet gritty performance by ol' man Douglas.

Whoa, Fiona Lewis was hot back in the day. There's no real reason given as to why the Irving and Stevens characters are held other than they are being trained to be weapons of mass destruction. That leads to my comparison to HEROES and 4400. Of course it also leads to all kinds of conspiracy theories, analyzing and who needs that, right?
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A very smart, dark comedy of ill manners and dubious ethics
12 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've read a number of these comments and its interesting the number of people who are not getting or are turning a blind eye to what this movie is about. If you haven't seen it stop reading this now.

This is the story of how a very successful prostitute commits manslaughter and drags a Federal Agent down into her amoral world by accepting his proposal in marriage. She has trysted with a number of naïve and ethically challenged men(and manipulated them)and now she's landed a cop who'll keep her out of jail. She'll dump him when the moment presents itself.

Mae West was the Britney Spears/Jenna Jameson of her time. She was the people's bawdy comedienne. There's no contemporary comparison for what she did unless there was a porn star who somehow made it to the A-list of Hollywood legit actresses. The movie definitely is risqué and arch. The society it depicts is a rough, desperate and generally hostile one. It also has the attitudes of gender and race of that time as well. Fortunately, Mae West doesn't deal out anything to others that she can't endure herself. Her persona as the shameless hussy is legendary. It is a feminist fable of sorts of using what a woman has to control her destiny.

Its worth a look if all you normally watch are Kate Hudson comedies
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Posse (1993)
Where are the fiddles? Where are the banjos? Anachronisms and vanity keep this from being a good film.
11 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted very much to enjoy this film. When it was released I wasn't interested in watching any westerns. I'd come back to it because I believe Mario Van Peebles has a great film in him. Unfortunately, this one is not it. It is ambitious and the multi-racial cast gives it a good go. The various skill and talent levels aren't blended correctly to make an organic, cohesive whole. A shame because its clear that Robert Hooks is trying really hard as is Billy Zane. Seeing old school players like Lawrence Cook and Pam Grier trying to make sense out of their brief story arcs was a chore. The biggest problem for me was Mario at some point decided to make it a vanity project because it started out a decent, 40's style western(albeit with nudity and some extreme violence)that morphed into a weak Clint Eastwood imitation. The contributions of rap star Tone Loc were pitiful at best but Big Daddy Kane worked harder and his work was credible. Richard Jordan and Blair Underwood are so intriguing together that they are almost in a different, better movie. There are a lot of moments like that in this film where you sit frustrated at the editing and continuity decisions made by the director and the cinematographer. What is clear is that the script is pointing to a much, much better film than what is being delivered. Oh, BTW, the word 'motherfucker' has its origins in the antebellum slave culture of North America. I've seen many complaints here about the usage of that epithet and how it shouldn't have been used during that era(1898). Research the word and you will discover its bleak and stark history. If you were a fan of the show DEADWOOD you would have noticed that the character Swearingen peppered his remarks with the word and it even popped up in the film Heaven's Gate. I have to give it up again to the Billy Zane for his spectacular death scene. I didn't have that big of a problem with the New Jack Swing musical stylings imposed on the film's soundtrack but I did take issue with the lack of banjos and fiddles.

A blown opportunity for greatness.
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Soul Food (2000–2004)
I needed a show like this 35 years ago.
5 October 2008
Its a great show, it also sets a new standard. In 1973 there was nothing like this on the air. There's a heavy influence of Lorraine Hansberry in the show's writing(which is a good thing) with a dash of the supernatural. What a cast! Rockmund Dunbar is A-list and hope he gets some big films in the future(haven't watched PRISONBREAK yet). Nicole Ari Parker is already A-list and this show underlines that she is one of the best in film or television. The thing that kept me attuned to this show was its pace and its daring to take on tougher than usual African-American dramatic topics. I wouldn't expect a show like this to morph into The Sopranos, TWIN PEAKS or Desperate Housewives. It did deliver some striking tableaux and establishing shots that aimed to be as arresting as those other shows. My biggest complaint is that it was not shot widescreen style(I feel that 16:9 aspect ratio is the way to go when it comes to drama). Another thing that made the show were the guest stars. Whoa, top shelf pretty much across the board with standouts like Tyra Ferrell, Dennis Haysbert, Gary Dourdan, Richard Roundtree, Nikki Micheaux, James Avery and Isaiah Washington. Irma P. Hall popping up then and again was a treat as well. I'm coming late this show and I have to admit I was resistant because I thought it was going to be mawkish and too sentimental for my tastes. I was wrong and I stand corrected.
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Ambivalence hangs over enjoying this series
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start off by saying what incredible artisans and crafts-persons Fleischer, Segar and Co. were. They achieve a type of brilliance that even Disney(during that period)doesn't quite match. Now, that said I seriously doubt I would allow children to watch it even though I did. Its just too violent and the consequences of the extreme nature of it is played for laughs. Popeye's world in the cartoon is an impoverished one and its heavily suggested that the violence is a necessary part of that environment. I see it as part of life during an economic depression. Everything is heightened, gender roles, racial stereotypes and a sense that the rug has been pulled out from under all the characters(they change jobs a lot). Spinach takes on a weird quality and I thought about street drugs being the actual little helper that Popeye may be using. PCP anyone? Sherms? Crack? Crank?
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How dealing with racial prejudice is tantamount to trying to cure allergies and chemical intolerance's
18 September 2008
This old gem delivers. Sidney in his classic mode of a man too smart for his own good. Here he tries to cure a man who's extremely damaged. Because the man's problem is such that he's almost unapproachable for this particular doctor the tension is heightened. It is a great two character piece. There are flashbacks and they are pretty chilling. Tic Tac Toe is twisted in a way I've never witnessed before. Its the last segment of the film when it becomes clear that the powers that be aren't willing to keep the man under the doctor's care where Poitier's character starts to lose it. I personally understand his frustration but certain individuals cannot be "cured" of their feelings and that those emotions are hard wired into their view of the world. The best one can do is keep an eye on an individuals like that and stop them if they start to act out negatively. One of the interesting side stories is the casting. Robert Redford was up for this role. Very interesting. I could also imagine Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, Marlon Brando and Dean Stockwell.
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Barabbas (1961)
A speculative Bible story
18 September 2008
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A what if story from the Bible. What if there was this lowdown, dirty bad guy and for the briefest moment he was held at the same level of Jesus Christ. Who would the people go for and why? I appreciated the fact that this movie seems to be made specifically for skeptics and agnostics. Stipped down and hard boiled. Existential and quotidian but the spiritual still emerges and commands the narrative. The death of Christ coinciding with the real solar eclipse has immense visual power with Barabbas observing both events. From there the film keeps asking the audience is the Jesus Christ figure one that a man this hardened ever find worth following and strive to follow his teachings. There's a lot besides Quinn's performance to enjoy here. The gladiator section is extremely well done as and seems to be a bonus movie within the movie. Jack Palance in full dangerous he-man mode with his trademark scary/funny quality.
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