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Masterpiece Directing and Performances
7 April 2024
10 of 10 stars.

Absolute Masterpiece by one of the best and most influential Directors in history, John Cassavetes. Cassavetes filmed this with a raw feel as he did with most of his Films. I think it is one of his 5 best Films, absolutely brilliantly performed and captured.

Cassavetes died so young that he only Directed a dozen Films during his career, but most Film Historians say that 9 of them were Masterpieces. If you've never seen a Film Directed by John Cassavetes, please watch one and you will see why he was so influential. He filmed them 'raw', they feel real. The only Masterpiece of the 9 listed below that is filmed 'normal' and less raw is 'A Child Is Waiting', and it shows he could Direct a Masterpiece in a normal and traditional style if needed. It's a good Film, but not a 'Masterpiece' imo, so I'd watch any of the other 9 if you've never seen his Films to give you a better idea of why he is so unique, and what he 'usually' did. Most Film Historians would probably put his 9 Masterpieces in this order:

1. A Woman Under The Influence (1974) 2. Love Streams (1984) 3. Shadows (1958) 4. Opening Night (1977) 5. Faces (1968) 6. Gloria (1980) 7. A Child Is Waiting (1963) 8. Minnie And Moskowitz (1971) 9. The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie (1976)

I would put his 9 Masterpieces in this order:

1. Faces (1968) 2. A Woman Under The Influence (1974) 3. Opening Night (1977) 4. Love Streams (1984) 5. Minnie And Moskowitz (1971) 6. The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie (1976) 7. Gloria (1980) 8. Shadows (1958) 9. Husbands (1970)

Minnie And Moskowitz stars Gena Rowlands and Seymour Cassel, alongside Val Avery.

Rowlands is on the short list of the best actresses in history, period, and it is performances like this that cause some Drama majors to watch her in a Film like this and change their Major back to finance. Her performance is free, natural, completely believable; a masterful performance. And it is almost perfectly matched by Seymour Cassel. He somehow keeps up with her every emotion, which shouldn't surprise anyone as he was such an amazing performer himself. Cassel seems to dance on high-wire without a net during the entire film, but never makes me think he even has a chance of losing his balance, incredible.

Val Avery is in a few scenes and is absolutely fantastic, almost perfect.

In a smaller but important part, Cassavetes includes a scene with Cassel and Timothy Carey. Carey is brilliant, absolutely A+ performance that helps set up Cassel's characters depth & personality, perfect in-set by Cassavetes. Cassavetes even has a small part in a couple of scenes, knocks it out of the park, he was almost as good of a performer as he was a Director.

Everyone in smaller parts, including the 2 Mom's (1 of which is played by Cassavetes real life Mom) is great in their roles.

This Film is a must see. Absolutely great performances captured brilliantly. This Film is a truly great piece of Filmed Cinema.
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Extremely Good Film, but not a Masterpiece as Film Historians suggest
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
7 of 10 stars. This is an extremely good Film, let me get that straight right from the start. However, this Film is known as a Masterpiece; it barely falls short of that. Mainly because the story near the end takes twists that Plummer's character never would've agreed to. He never would've agreed to return to the Bank at the end of the Film. It simply takes the rating of this Film down a notch.

The Film is Directed well by Curtis Hanson and Daryl Duke. Both had great careers and Hanson later Directed the Masterpiece L. A. Confidential.

The Film stars Elliott Gould and Christopher Plummer, alongside Susannah York. Gould does a good job, delivers a good performance and I feel like I know and understand his character by the end of the Film. York delivers a good and believable performance also.

In a smaller but very important role, Celine Lomez does fantastic and brings some much needed fresh air into the Film, just when it needed it.

Then there's the legendary Christopher Plummer. He does what we would expect, delivers a great performance. Gould does good, but Plummer is such a great performer that the scenes that do not have Plummer-I'm simply sitting around hoping that Plummer is in the next scene; and he usually is!

We lost Plummer a couple of years ago at the age of 91. He was still performing at a high level when he passed away, and was still highly sought after until the end. He was so influential on other Performers. He's a treat, I've always said, Plummer could act between the tip of his nose and the bottom of his chin better than many competent performers could with their entire body. He was amazingly talented. I don't think it's a secret how he was thought of by other Performers and Directors; great Performers like Al Pacino, countless others, would attest.

People have asked, what are the best Films starring Christopher Plummer? I believe if I asked 100 of the Worlds most respected Film Historians, they would generally have slightly looking lists, but I think this would be their Top 10 consensus; and I believe they would consider all 10 Films in his Top 10 to be Masterpieces. Here's what I believe Historians would call his 10 Masterpieces (and they would include this Film):

1. The Man Who Would Be King (1975) 2. The Insider (1999) 3. The Scarlet And The Black (1983) 4. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011) 5. The Tempest (2010) 6. The Sound Of Music (1965) 7. Beginners (2010) 8. Caesar And Cleopatra (2009) 9. Hamlet At Elsinore (1964) 10. The Silent Partner (1978)

I would have a different order, but I believe those would be Historians 10 Masterpieces. I believe that his 2 best Films are 'The Insider' and 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'. I believe they are true Masterpieces, and better Films than 'The Man Who Would Be King' and ' The Scarlet And The Black'. Just me. But what a truly Masterful Performer he was!
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Masterpiece-3 Masters Together
3 November 2023
9 stars of 10. Masterpiece. This is a truly great piece of filmed cinema starring Robert DeNiro and Jerry Lewis, alongside Sandra Bernhard, and Directed by Martin Scorsese.

It is truly magical to see the scenes with Jerry Lewis and Robert DeNiro together! And there are many! DeNiro is brilliant throughout the Film, as he usually is; this Film is no exception. We are seeing one of the 10 best performers in history at his peak in a role that we hadn't really seen him before, as almost always, completely and unquestionably believable.

Then there's Jerry Lewis; absolutely amazing in this role. Arguably the performer that bridged the gap of the comic geniuses of early Hollywood, like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, to the comic geniuses that came after him like Eddie Murphy, Billy Crystal and countless others. It could reasonably be said that, like Charlie Chaplin, Jerry Lewis almost surely directly or, at least, indirectly influenced every great comic performing Actor that came after him. I'm not sure it can be overstated how influential he was, how famous he was, and probably more than any other performer, Jerry Lewis was that bridge. Lewis is brilliant in this role, and watching Lewis and DeNiro performing together in so many scenes together, I'm simply seeing two masters of their craft grow wings and take flight. Both could've easily overreached, but neither do while leaving next to nothing on the table. An early scene like the 'limo' scene with Lewis and DeNiro is masterful, a scene which creates an early aura of uncomfortableness, a scene that would not work without two truly great performers, a scene that most Actors watch and know how amazingly impossible it is to pull off a scene to that level, but a scene that seems simple to the normal viewer. All of the scenes with those two have some type of underlying intensity that is truly superb.

It's magical, and we have arguably the best Director in history there to capture it, and he captures it brilliantly.

Sandra Bernhard has the other big role in the Film, and she does a fairly good job. She delivers the role a bit over the top, and the goal is to go over the top and braise my forehead without making me flinch; it's really hard to do, and for the most part she does, but unfortunately I flinched a couple of times, I thought she caught herself falling back in her chair, but she ended up on the floor a time or two. I'm not trying to be hard on her, and at the end of the day, she delivers fairly good, but the three Masters (Lewis, DeNiro and Scorsese) are flawless. So that had to be incredibly hard.

The parallel to 'The Joker' 2019 is almost undeniable. It also starred Robert DeNiro, and of course a brilliant performance from Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker. The story is so similar, no question heavily influenced by this Film as far as the general story goes.

Scorsese is such an amazing Director. I just read an article that said, in his opinion, Scorsese has Directed 19 Masterpiece Movies. He said his Top 10 (and this Film made the list, and 7 star DeNiro):

1. Goodfellas (1990) 2. Taxi Driver (1976) 3. Raging Bull (1980) 4. The Departed (2006) 5. The Irishman (2019) 6. Killers Of The Flower Moon (2023) 7. Mean Streets (1973) 8. After Hours (1985) 9. The King Of Comedy (1982) 10. Hugo (2011)

What an incredibly hard list to make, having to leave 9 Masterpieces off the list!

What are DeNiro's Top 10 (6 of his 10 are with Scorsese)-an Actor that many would say has starred in 21 Masterpieces; some would say:

1. Goodfellas (1990) 2. Taxi Driver (1976) 3. Raging Bull (1980) 4. The Irishman (2019) 5. Brazil (1985) 6. Killers Of The Flower Moon (2023) 7. A Bronx Tale (1993) 8. Mean Streets (1973) 9. The Deer Hunter (1978) 10. Heat (1995)

Jerry Lewis-I heard a Film Historian say that he starred in 33 good Films just in the 18 years from 1950-1967. I would probably agree with that. Talk about pumping them out! The Historian said none of the 33 were Masterpieces, though some were close like 'The Ladies Man'-1961 & 'The Nutty Professor'-1963, but 33 he considered good or extremely good; and they were all comedies. Ironically, he said the 2 Jerry Lewis Masterpiece Films were both dramatic roles, not comedies; and they both came after his youth. They were this Film-'The King Of Comedy'-1982 & 'Arizona Dream'-1993. Lewis was a genius that I wish would've made more dramas, he was a King of Comedy that obviously could also play dramatic roles with incredible skill also. Many comedic Actors that came after him, like Bill Murray and Tom Hanks to make a couple, mixed in dramatic roles, heavily in the case of Hanks.
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Fences (2016)
Absolute Masterpiece
14 January 2023
10 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider Fences to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I 100% agree. A truly, truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Denzel Washington and Viola Davis, alongside Stephen Henderson. Henderson does a fantastic job, breathlessly keeping pace with the Masterful Performances that are delivered by Denzel & Viola, which is saying a ton. He never over-reaches, which a lot of Performers would've and easily could've done in this role, but he also leaves very little on the table and turns in a very natural and believable Performance, fantastic delivery, impeccable timing.

In smaller, but very important roles, Russell Hornsby and Jovan Adepo do good. At times the two of them have scenes where they seem to fall back in their chair, but catch their self at the last second, creating a sense of unbalance that does nothing less than adding to the realism of the overall Film. Also in a smaller but hugely important role, Mykelti Williamson turns in a great Performance! His character calls for him to go over the top and braise my forehead, without making me flinch; a nearly impossible task, but he pulls it off almost perfectly!

The 2 stars shine. Viola Davis is magical, masterful. The scene in the backyard with Viola and Denzel when she confronts him about cheating is one of the most powerful scenes I have ever seen in cinema, period! It is the single best scene to be Filmed in the 2010s in any Movie. It's amazing what she does in the scene, captivating, powerful, vulnerable, adamant, passionate, sad, glorious, all at the same time. She cries, snot rolling out of her nose, down her face; again, it's the single best scene I have seen in any movie in the past decade. She's amazing throughout the entire Film, and simply explodes with emotion and delivery that could never be taught; amazing!

Then there's Denzel Washington. Along with starring in this Film, he also takes this great story (written by August Wilson) and Films and captures it brilliantly. He's one of the best Performers in history, but many forget, Denzel is also a great Director. He's only Directed 4 Feature Length Films to this point in his career, and to this point, all 4 are good Films; and along with Fences, The Great Debaters (2007) is also a Masterpiece. It's a good start, 4 for 4 as far as good Films, 2 for 4 as far as Masterpieces (and Antwone Fisher-2002-is at least a borderline Masterpiece). He directs this Film traditionally, which is exactly what it needs, with great balance and vision. Greatly Directed.

Then there's his Performance; like Viola Davis, Denzel puts on a masterful delivery. This is saying a ton, but I think it's the best of his truly amazing career. His backyard scene with his son, the 'where does it say I have to like you' scene is a truly great scene, powerful, passionate, confusing, clear, blurry, focused, everything rolled into one, opposite dynamics converging on captivation. Like the Viola Davis 'cheating on me' scene, this scene is legendary. These are both scenes that College Drama Professors could show their Acting class and remind them there are a small handful of Performers in the World that can do this, and 95% of Films do not contain a scene to this level, and we have 2 in this Film. Absolutely incredible!; both scenes; the entire Film!

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic completely believable Performer.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would have this Film on the Top of his list. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians, Fences is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema. It's not often that I rate a Film 10 of 10 stars, but this is one of those rare Films.
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14 January 2023
9.5 stars of 10. Most Film Historians consider American Gangster to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree. It's a truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe, alongside Chiwetel Ejofor. Ejofor is such a capable Performer and he does fantastic in this role. The supporting cast also does very well in their smaller but important roles, and a strong supporting cast it is, including: Cuba Gooding Jr., Josh Brolin, Clarence Williams III, Ted Levine, Roger Guenveur Smith, Armand Assante, Ruby Dee, John Ortiz, Idris Elba, John Hawkes, Carla Gugino, to name some of them. Well done.

Russell Crowe is great, as he almost always is, just an absolute commanding and believable Performamce by him. He amazes me in many Films, including this Film.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later. All of these Performances are captured brilliantly by its Director, Ridley Scott. He's such an amazing and influential Director. He has had such a great career, Directing such Masterpiece Films like The Duellists (1977), Alien (1979), Blade Runner (1982), Thelma & Louise (1991), Gladiator (2000), Black Hawk Down (2001), The Martian (2015), The Last Duel (2021), just to name a handful. It shouldn't surprise anyone that a truly legendary and great Director like Ridley Scott would have a part in capturing these Performances & help make this Film a Masterpiece, he's absolutely fantastic, what a career!

Then of course there's Denzel Washington. Denzel brings a very dynamic and believable Performance with seemingly impossible intricacies. This role calls for Denzel to Perform at various levels of intensity & dynamics, from subdued subtleties to intricate intensities; he does them all with balance and skill, seemingly naturally and believably.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic completely believable Performer.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would also include this Film, but even higher up the list. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians, American Gangster is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema.
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Inside Man (2006)
8 January 2023
9.5 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider Inside Man to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree. A truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Denzel Washington and Clive Owen, alongside Jodie Foster. Foster does fine in her role, delivers the part well; as does Clive Owen, such a capable Performer, and he is fantastic in this Film.

The supporting cast does really well too in their smaller but important parts. Chiwetel Ejiofor is superb as usual; Willem Defoe, who can Perform with the best of them, does a great job in a role that many would've over-reached, but Defoe does nothing of the sort, turning in the subdued part that was called for, perfect. Then there's Christopher Plummer, what a genius Actor, and what an amazing career he had. I've always said of Plummer, he can act better between the tip of his nose and his chin better than many Actors can with their entire being. He's Masterful at many aspects of Performing, but I've always thought his greatest strength is the 'simple' scenes, like a scene over a cup of tea, he puts on a clinic on 'how' to Act in simple scenes like that. Spike Lee goes to Plummer's strength's perfectly in this Film, like the 'let me know if I can help' scene in the negotiation truck, brilliant by all in the scene, and brilliantly captured by Spike Lee.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later, but now that I brought up the Directing of Spike Lee; this Film is greatly captured and Directed by Lee, envisioned Directing. Lee is so talented that he is like a Jazz Musician in a way; he can Direct more 'theatrically' like he did in 'Do The Right Thing', he can Direct with his own 'created gravity' like he does in 'Malcolm X', he can Direct more 'traditionally' like he does in '25th Hour'; he's so talented, like a Jazz Musician he can go in and out of styles, incredibly hard to do; but he does it with ease. And in this Film, though he Directs more 'traditionally', he also mixes the other styles in throughout the Film, creating an amazing creation of self balance that is brilliant. He nails it, usually does, and this Film is no exclusion. He's had such a great career as a Director to this point, including Masterpieces like She's Gotta Have It (1986), Do The Right Thing (1989), Malcolm X (1992), Crooklyn (1994), Get On The Bus (1996), 25th Hour (2002) & Blackkklansman (2018), to name a handful. This is a student of Directing, with a deep respect for the craft, with the passion and ability and greatness to capture the delivery there of.

Then there's Denzel Washington. He is absolutely captivating in this Performance, an absolute Masterful Delivery with nuances and intricacies that few Actor's in history could deliver. Like Plummer, Denzel can Perform between the tip of his nose and his chin as well as some capable Actor's can with their entire being, but we don't just see the bottom of his face, we get to see his entire body.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic Performer that captivates.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would also include this Film. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians in the opinion that Inside Man is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema; a must see.
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Training Day (2001)
8 January 2023
8 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider Training Day to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree. A truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke, alongside Scott Glenn. Scott Glenn is such a good Actor, and he pulls off the role with skill and ease, well done.

The supporting cast does a good and effective job also and includes an impressive list of Tom Berenger, Harris Yulin, Dr. Dre, Raymond Barry, Snoop Dogg, Macy Gray, Eva Mendes & Raymond Cruz, to name some of them; and we'll done by them.

Antoine Fuqua captures all of the Performances well and allows the friction and underlying intensity to unfold on screen by its 2 stars, filming it wonderfully.

Then there's the 2 stars, Denzel and Ethan Hawke. It's a treat seeing these 2 amazing Performers together in a Film that insists on amazing Performances to lift the Movie from good to great, and its exactly what they do. The 'shower scene' with Ethan Hawke is brilliant and few Actor's in history could have taken the scene to the level it was taken to in this Film, an absolutely amazing scene. Denzel and Hawke create completely believable and crazily intense moments that create an aura of uncomfortability for me as the viewer. A level of discomfort that is created by these 2 amazing Performers. Not many Performers could've taken it to the level they do. It's a treat and a class in how to Perform, period.

Once in a generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke come along, emotionally dynamic Performers that captivate.

I think Denzel and Ethan Hawke are among the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career, even more than Ethan Hawke. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10 Denzel list:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

And they would say Ethan Hawke has starred in 10-15 Masterpieces; I think this would be their Top 10 Masterpiece consensus on Ethan Hawke:

1. Before Sunset (2004) 2. Boyhood (2014) 3. Before Midnight (2013) 4. Before Sunrise (1995) 5. Dead Poets Society (1989) 6. First Reformed (2017) 7. Maudie (2016) 8. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) 9. Gattaca (1997) 10. A Midnight Clear (1992)

I would change both of those lists slightly. With Denzel, my list would include this Film. My Denzel Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians in the opinion that Training Day is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema; a must see.
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The Hurricane (1999)
8 January 2023
8 stars of 10. Most Film Historians consider The Hurricane to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree. It's a truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Denzel Washington, alongside Vicellous Shannon & Deborah Unger. Shannon & Unger both do well in their roles. The supporting cast also do well in their smaller but important roles, and a strong supporting cast it is, including: Liev Schreiber, John Hannah, Dan Hedaya, Clancy Brown, David Paymer, Harris Yulin & Rod Steiger, to name some of them. Well done.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later. All of these Performances are captured brilliantly by its Director, Norman Jewison. He has had such a great career, Directing such respected Films like The Cincinnati Kid (1965), The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (1966), In The Heat Of The Night (1967), Fiddler On The Roof (1971), Jesus Christ Superstar (1973), ...And Justice For All (1979), A Soldier's Story (1984) & Moonstruck (1987), just to name a handful. Hurricane is considered, by most Film Historians, the last Masterpiece of Jewison's career. He hasn't directed a Film in 20 years, and he's in his mid-90s and still doing well, approaching 100 years old! It shouldn't surprise anyone that a great Director like Jewison would have a part in capturing these Performances & help make this Film a Masterpiece, he's absolutely fantastic, what a career!

Then of course there's Denzel Washington. Denzel had worked with Jewison 15 years prior on another Film that is considered by many a Masterpiece, A Soldier's Story; a Film that many consider to be the 1st Masterpiece of Denzel's career. Denzel brings a very dynamic and believable Performance with seemingly impossible intricacies. This role calls for Denzel to Perform at various levels of intensity & dynamics, from subdued subtleties to intricate intensities; he does them all with balance and skill, seemingly naturally and believably.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic completely believable Performer.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would also include this Film. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians, The Hurricane is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema.
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Crimson Tide (1995)
7 January 2023
8 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians would say Crimson Tide is a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree. This Film is a truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman, alongside George Dzundza. Dzundza does a good job, without over-reaching, which would have been easy to do. Good performance.

Gene Hackman plays his part with skill, such a good Actor, and he doesn't disappoint in this Film, he rarely if ever does; he brings dynamic energy at key moments with balance, a treat to watch him Perform.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later, but this Film was Directed brilliantly by Tony Scott. He captures the brilliant Acting & friction that is created through fantastic Performances perfectly. Scott was great at creating an aura of creativity that allowed performers to perform freely in their Films, as if there were no net. His use of camera shots in this Film, and throughout his career, is magical. He seems to create his own balance and gravity by the way he uses his shots, seemingly unbalanced while in complete control to create his unique gravity. He was brilliant at that. Unfortunately we lost Tony Scott less than 20 years after this Film at a young age as he was only in his late 60s when he passed away. He left us Masterpieces like this Film, and True Romance (1993), to name a couple.

Denzel Washington is brilliant in this Film, creating friction, adamant, dainty, triumph, failure; in & out of all of these willfully, but gracefully and with unquestionable believability. The scene with Denzel, Hackman, and others around the table talking about the art of war is a scene that is simplistic, but magical in the underlying friction it creates; a scene that simply can't be taught, but would be shown by College Drama teachers as of how to Act & Direct, and how this simple scene is almost impossible to pull off without amazing Performers & a great Director to capture it.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic Performer that captivates.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would also include this Film. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians in the opinion that Crimson Tide is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema; a must see.
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Philadelphia (1993)
7 January 2023
8 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider Philadelphia to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree. It's a truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington, alongside Jason Robards. Robards had such a great career, a good Performer, a commanding Performer, and he delivers as such in his role.

In a smaller but important role, Antonio Banderas delivers a very strong Performance with a subtlety that he delivers without leaving much on the table, with moments of dynamics, a strong Performance by him.

The Film was Directed by Jonathan Demme, and he captures the Performances wonderfully. Unfortunately we lost Demme over 5 years ago, but he left us with some highly respected Films like Something Wild (1986) & The Silence Of The Lambs (1991), just to name a couple.

Then there's the two stars, Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington, 2 of the best Performers in the history of motion pictures, together, and they don't disappoint. I'll start with Tom Hanks; he delivers a completely moving and emotional Performance, completely believable and nuances that could never be taught by College Drama teachers. It's a Masterful Performance. It's amazing how amazing he has been during his career thus far; and it's amazing how many Masterpieces he has starred in to this point in his career. Most Film Historians would say that Tom Hanks has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces to this point in his career; here is a list of some of those Masterpieces: Big (1988), Forest Gump (1994), Apollo 13 (1995), Saving Private Ryan (1998), The Green Mile (1999), Cast Away (2000), Catch Me If You Can (2002), Captain Phillips (2013), Bridge Of Spies (2015) & A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood (2019), just to name 9 or 10 that quickly come to the forefront of my mind, though there are just as many Masterpieces that he has starred in that I didn't name.

Denzel Washington is just as strong as Tom Hanks in this Film, a role that asks for a less emotional role as Hanks, and Denzel delivers it with balance and skill, a role that many capable Actors would've over-reached and hurt the Film, but Denzel never over-reaches, but leaves very little on the table, and leaves the perfect amount of space on the table for Tom Hanks to lay his emotions on; a table that, by the end of the Film, is completely full, but somehow nothing fell off of that table. Watching the 2 Perform together was a treat, 2 Masters that Deliver in the same Film.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks come along, emotionally dynamic Performers that captivate.

I think Denzel and Tom Hanks are among the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career, just about as many as Tom Hanks. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10 Denzel list:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would also include this Film. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians in the opinion that Philadelphia is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema; a must see.
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Malcolm X (1992)
7 January 2023
9 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider Malcolm X to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, I agree, it's a truly great piece of filmed cinema.

I don't think I can overstate what a powerful and influential Film this was when it was released, a cultural phenomenon that influenced and re-directed social thoughts of teens and young adults at the time; an intense, adamant and passionate re-direction. I don't think it can be overstated. And now that it has been over 30 years, it's good to see the Film is still revered as a Masterpiece.

It stars Denzel Washington, alongside Albert Hall and Angela Bassett. Bassett and Hall do good in the Film, delivering good Performances.

The rest of the cast delivers as well in their smaller but important roles. Spike Lee, who Directed the Film, even does very good in his smaller role; and Al Freeman knocks it out of the park in his amazingly important role, captivating, subtle, dainty, dynamic-flat out works. The legendary Christopher Plummer has a small part, and as I would expect, he's brilliant in his role, and watching Denzel and Plummer together is an absolute treat, 2 Masters going at it, with neither over-reaching but somehow creating intensity, what those 2 do together simply can't be taught. It's a treat. Then there's Delroy Lindo, and he absolutely turns in an amazing Performance that is pivotal in bringing depth to the Film, a Film that was already layers deep without him. He commands the screen and I can't take my eyes off of him in his smaller but amazing role.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later, but then there's the Directing of Spike Lee; brilliantly captured and Directed by Lee, envisioned and passionate Directing. He nails it, usually does, and this Film is no exclusion. He's had such a great career as a Director to this point, including Masterpieces like She's Gotta Have It (1986), Do The Right Thing (1989), Crooklyn (1994), Get On The Bus (1996), 25th Hour (2002), Inside Man (2006) & Blackkklansman (2018), to name a handful. This is a student of Directing, with a deep respect for the craft, with the passion and ability and greatness to capture the delivery there of.

Then there's Denzel Washington. He is absolutely captivating in this Performance, an absolute Masterful Delivery with nuances and intricacies that few Actor's in history could deliver. He can Perform between the tip of his nose and his chin as well as some some capable Actor's can with their entire being, but we don't just see the bottom of his face, we get to see his entire body.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic Performer that captivates.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would also include this Film. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians in the opinion that Malcolm X is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema; a must see.
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Glory (1989)
7 January 2023
9 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider this Film a Masterpiece. No argument here, this is a truly great piece of filmed cinema, and one of the best Civil War Films I have ever seen, if not 'thee' best. Brilliantly Acted and well Directed.

It stars Matthew Broderick, alongside Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman. Matthew Broderick is absolutely great and completely believable in this Film; and I would say it is the best Performance of a long and successful career to this point.

Morgan Freeman is superb in this Film, as he so often is, and doesn't disappoint. He's had such a great career, and like in so many of his Films, he completely commands the screen with his subtle intensity.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later; the rest of the cast also performs well, and in smaller but very important parts, Cary Elwes (such a good Performer) puts on a great Performance, as does Andre Braugher (also a good and capable actor) and Cliff DeYoung who explodes off the screen in an amazing Performance.

Denzel Washington is absolutely mesmerizing in this Film, completely dynamic, peeling the onion of the craft several layers deep in a way that can only be done with a complete understanding of the Art & Craft itself.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic Performer that captivates.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this Film would Top their list, and this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would include this Film, though it wouldn't be #1 on my list. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians in the opinion that Glory is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema; a must see.
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7 January 2023
8 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider this Film to be a Masterpiece. No argument here, it's greatly performed and well directed, a truly great piece of filmed cinema.

It stars Howard Rollins, alongside Denzel Washington and Adolph Caesar. The 3 stars shine in the Film. Howard Rollins is fantastic in the lead role and gives a needle threading performance that he delivers with subdued intricacies mixed with moments of intensity and dynamics; a role that lesser Performers would have over-reached, but with Rollins skill he never over-reaches but also leaves very little on the table. Unfortunately we lost Rollins a dozen years after this Film, at a very young age as he was only in his mid-40s when he passed away. He was such a good Actor, and left us with some Masterpieces.

Rollins starred alongside Adolph Caesar and Denzel Washington. Caesar puts on an amazing Performance, absolutely captivating. Unfortunately we lost Caesar a couple of years after this Film was released and he also passed away at a young age, only in his early 50s when he passed away. He peels the onion of the craft layers deep with his amazing delivery, it flat out works.

I'll get to Denzel Washington later, but the rest of the cast does well, and Art Evans and Larry Riley put on very strong Performances in their smaller, but very important and impressive roles.

All of these great Performances are captured brilliantly by its Director, Norman Jewison. He has had such a great career, Directing such respected Films like The Cincinnati Kid (1965), The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (1966), In The Heat Of The Night (1967), Fiddler On The Roof (1971), Jesus Christ Superstar (1973), ...And Justice For All (1979), Moonstruck (1987) & The Hurricane (1999), just to name a handful. He hasn't directed a Film in 20 years, and he's in his mid-90s and still doing well, approaching 100 years old! It shouldn't surprise anyone that a great Director like Jewison would have a part in capturing these great Performances & help make this Film a Masterpiece, he's absolutely fantastic, what a career!

Then of course there's Denzel Washington, a young Denzel as he was still in his late 20s when he starred in this Film, the 1st good Film that he ever starred in, and the 1st Masterpiece he ever starred in. Denzel jumps off the screen and his Performance is different from Rollins, which is different from Caesar; and part of the many reasons this Film works so well is these 3 very different but very effective deliveries from the 3 Stars; it keeps the Film in constant motion but somehow never loses its balance. Denzel brings a very dynamic and believable Performance with seemingly impossible intricacies that we all now know about him, but didn't at the time.

Every generation, if we're lucky, a talent like Denzel Washington comes along, an emotionally dynamic completely believable Performer.

I think Denzel is one of the 10 best Actor's in history. It's an impossible list as there are 50 I want to have in my Top 10; but I would say these are the 10 best Actors in history (listed in order from oldest to newest):

Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Shia LaBeouf.

Most Film Historians would say that Denzel Washington has starred in 15-20 Masterpieces thus far during his career. I believe if I talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, naturally they would all have slightly different lists, but I believe if they came to a consensus, this would be Historians Top 10:

1. Glory (1989) 2. Much Ado About Nothing (1993) 3. Malcolm X (1992) 4. The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021) 5. Inside Man (2006) 6. American Gangster (2007) 7. The Hurricane (1999) 8. Fences (2016) 9. Philadelphia (1993) 10. Crimson Tide (1995)

I would have a slightly different looking list, my list would include this Film. My Top 10:

1. Fences (2016) 2. American Gangster (2007) 3. Inside Man (2006) 4. Glory (1989) 5. Malcolm X (1992) 6. The Hurricane (1999) 7. Philadelphia (1993) 8. Crimson Tide (1995) 9. A Soldier's Story (1984) 10. Training Day (2001)

I agree with most Film Historians, A Soldier's Story is a Masterpiece; a truly great piece of filmed cinema.
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The Gold Rush (1925)
1 January 2023
8.0 of 10 stars. Most respected Film Historians would say that Charlie Chaplin Directed 15-20 masterpieces during his career, and this would certainly include 'The Gold Rush' from 1925. No argument here, this is a truly great piece of filmed cinema, a masterpiece. His 15-20 masterpieces are about an even mix of full length feature films and short length films, probably 9-10 of each.

'The Gold Rush' was not only Directed by Charlie Chaplin, but he also Produced, wrote the Music and Starred in it, which is the case with almost all of the Films that he Directed. This film has so many legendary scenes, with 'the dancing rolls' being one of the most famous short scenes in the history of filmed cinema. It is Masterful, the way he uses his eyes and eyebrows, it's simple but magical. Chaplin stars in this film alongside Mack Swain and Tom Murray, and they both do an extremely good job in this Film. Georgia Hale has a smaller but critical part in the film and she is tremendous, jumps off the screen and is somehow able to show the vulnerability on a level that Chaplin does, which is saying a ton. Her role also calls for her to show opposite traits at the same time-adamant conceit while having a dainty vulnerability at the same time, and it works tremendously good, she is great in the role.

Chaplin was the first to really put multiple emotions in the same Film-mixing humor, sadness, vulnerability, glory, failure, triumph, undertones, overtones. The viewer could not only laugh or cry in the same Movie, but sometimes even in the same scene. It's not that he was the first Director to do it or Pioneer this concept, though that is special in itself; but what makes him so influential and legendary, and what makes him, 110 years later, still on the forefront of today's great Directors, Actors and Historians minds is the fact that he did it so masterfully, so well.

I once heard a respected Film Historian say that the best Director and the best Actor in the history of Hollywood are one and the same person, Charlie Chaplin. I do not believe that Chaplin is the best Director ever, but I do believe he remains one of the 10 best ever. In my opinion, the 10 best Director's of all-time are (listed in order from oldest to newest): Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, John Cassavetes, Martin Scorsese, Stephen Spielberg, The Coen Brothers, Quentin Tarantino and Paul Thomas Anderson.

Chaplin also remains one of the most influential Director's of all-time, and most all in that Top 10 are. Chaplin helped define what Motion Pictures could be, period. Hollywood's first huge star, and still almost 110 years later his image is still recognized by almost everyone, even kids that have never watched a Chaplin movie; but they somehow know his image and if shown the image, they know it's Chaplin, like it's born into us at birth. Never has there been an Actor/Director that we can say that about, other than Chaplin. And during the 1920s when this Film was released, it can't be overstated, he was the biggest Star and the most recognizable person in the World; and the highest paid employee in the World.

In my opinion, 'The Gold Rush' is his best Film, 'thee' masterpiece of a man that made many. It has almost become a National pastime for Film Historians to argue what the best Chaplin Films are. I believe if we talked to the 100 most respected Film Historians around the World, they would all have slightly different orders, but I think this would be their consensus; the Top 10 Films Directed by Charlie Chaplin:

1. City Lights (1931) 2. Modern Times (1936) 3. The Circus (1928) 4. The Kid (1921) 5. The Gold Rush (1925) 6. The Great Dictator (1940) 7. Limelight (1952) 8. Monsier Verdoux (1947) 9. The Idle Class (1921-short film) 10. A Dog's Life (1918-short film)

I would have a slightly different order, and I would include 'A Woman Of Paris' (the only masterpiece that he Directed but did not Star in). My order would be:

1. The Gold Rush (1925) 2. The Kid (1921) 3. A Woman Of Paris (1923) 4. Modern Times (1936) 5. City Lights (1931) 6. The Circus (1928) 7. A Dog's Life (1918-short film) 8. Limelight (1952) 9. Monsier Verdoux (1947) 10. The Great Dictator (1940)

The Gold Rush is a must see, a truly great piece of Filmed Cinema.
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Extremely Good Film
29 January 2022
7 of 10 stars. This is an extremely good Movie, as most Film Historians suggest; no argument here.

It stars Venessa Kirby alongside Shia LaBeouf and Ellen Burnstyn. Kirby delivers a fantastic Performance, never over the top, but with believable emotional range; really good delivery.

Ellen Burnstyn also Performs well, as we would expect. She has had such an amazing career, and she does not disappoint in this Film.

This Film is Directed by Kornel Mundruczo, and he hasn't made a bad Film yet during a career that has thus far been quiet, but very successful with the fore mentioned.

Shia LaBeouf puts on a very good Performance also in a role that at times needs him to Perform with dynamic intensity, and at times with grounded subtleties; he does both with skill, as expected.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Many Film Historians consider this Movie a Masterpiece, I agree
29 January 2022
9.5 of 10 stars. Many Film Historians consider this Movie to be a Masterpiece, no argument here, I agree.

This Film Stars Zach Gottsagen alongside Shia LaBeouf and Dakota Johnson. Gottsagen does fantastic in this Film and puts on a good Performance.

Dakota Johnson delivers a completely and unquestionably believable Performance; she's such a good Actress and is in the process of adding to her already impressive list of good and great Films that she has starred in.

All of the supporting cast also deliver strong Performances. John Hawkes is wonderful; Bruce Dern is near perfect; Jon Bernthal is fantastic as usual; and Thomas Haden Church lights up the screen with a level of delivery that invites and allows Gottsagen to grow wings and leave the ground; without nearly going over the top, Church puts on a wonderful and balanced performance.

And all of this is Directed and captured wonderfully by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz, who also wrote this great script.

Then there is Shia LaBeouf. He had released a Masterpiece earlier the same year with 'Honey Boy'. What better way to follow a Masterpiece with yet another Masterpiece in 'The Peanut Butter Falcon'?

LaBeouf puts on an extremely good Performance in a role that he could've easily over-reached on; but he never does that and subtly, but with raw grit, delivers a believable and touching Performance.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Honey Boy (2019)
29 January 2022
10 of 10 stars. I have rated dozens of Films, and if memory recalls, this is only the 2nd '10 of 10 stars' that I have ever given to this point. As many Film Historians consider this Movie to be a Masterpiece, there is no argument here from me, I agree, this is a Masterpiece, a truly great piece of Filmed Cinema, and I would say one of the best Films to be released around the World in the past 5 years.

The Performances are great. It stars Shia LaBeouf and Noah Jupe alongside Lucas Hedges. The Film is about Shia LaBeouf, and is written by Shia LaBeouf, and amazingly written. He changes his name in the Film to Otis, but it's about Shia LaBeouf. Jupe plays the 'young' Shia LaBeouf (Otis). Jupe blows me away, he was only in the 8th grade when this Film was released and puts on a Performance well beyond his years, a truly great and deep Performance. I am seeing a multi-layered Performance from a 14 year old in this Film, a truly great Delivery from Jupe.

Lucas Hedges plays Shia LaBeouf (Otis) as a young adult. Hedges also puts on an extremely good performance, he's such a capable Actor, and he delivers greatly in a very complex role.

LaBeouf plays his own Dad in the Movie, and LaBeouf puts on one of the best Performances of his career in this Film, perhaps thee best of his career; of all the great Performances of his career, only his Performance in 'Fury' & 'A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints' come to the forefront of my mind for comparison.

This had to be a painful Film for LaBeouf to star in and write, leaving himself completely naked and vulnerable to the World as the Film unfolds; a Film where LaBeouf almost says, yes I'm a pile of pain to others, and this Film may shed some light on the 'why', without calling it an excuse. We are left with a truly beautiful Film. As the brilliant Bob Dylan once said, "behind every beautiful thing, there's been some kind of pain."

All of the Performances from the supporting cast are very good also. FKA Twigs puts on a very good Performance in a smaller but very important role. And also in a smaller but important role, Clifton Collins puts on a great Performance. We all know that Collins can put on amazingly dynamic & intense Performances, but this role calls for subtle intensities, and Collins threads the needle and delivers without over-reaching; such a great Actor.

All of this is Directed & captured fantastically by Alma Har'el.

This is a truly great piece of Filmed Cinema.

Ironic that after this Film, LaBeouf unfortunately continued his off the screen messes, and it included FKA Twigs from this Film. I was hoping that making this Film would end those behaviors, but it didn't. I wish LaBeouf the best, such an amazing Performer, hopefully he can keep it together and guide his passions off the screen as he does so wonderfully on the screen; as LaBeouf has suggested off the screen, he hurts the people closest to him, causing mental pain, not only to others, but to himself. We all know he's been a mess off the screen, and he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Masterpiece, beautifully Performed & Directed
29 January 2022
9.5 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians consider this Movie to be extremely good, I would give it a slight upgrade to the Masterpiece level. It is Directed by Janus Metz, and this is the only Full Length Film he has Directed thus far in his career; great start, 1 Movie, 1 Masterpiece. He Films the Movie almost perfectly, capturing a subtle dynamic intensity through the Performances on screen, never crossing the line, but moving that line with ease throughout the Film.

The Film stars Sverrir Gudnason alongside Shia LaBeouf and Stellan Skarsgard. Gudnason is a relative unknown, but he puts on a great Performance with many subtle and almost internal dynamics, and it flat out works.

Skarsgard knocks it out of the park, such a skilled and capable Actor, and he simply delivers a needle threading Performance in this Film. Such a great career he has Delivered to this point in his career.

LaBeouf also delivers extremely good in his Performance. Knowing what we know about how McEnroe was back then, LaBeouf seemed the perfect choice for this role, with all the seeming parallels of McEnroe and LaBeouf. Having said that, with those parallels, LaBeouf could have easily over-reached and/or over-acted in this role; but he doesn't, and he delivers enough dynamic intensity while mixing in just enough subtle restraints to make the role unquestionably believable; leaving very little on the table without over-reaching, very well done by all 3 stars, and it's captured fantastically by Metz.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces, which includes 'Borg Vs. McEnroe':

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Masterpiece, extremely good Performances & Directing
29 January 2022
9.5 of 10 stars. This Film is considered to be an extremely good Movie by many Film Historians, I will give it a slight upgrade to the Masterpiece level; a truly great piece of Filmed Cinema.

This well written Movie is Directed by Andrea Arnold and she Films it with clear vision, bringing a reality that is unquestionably believable. Arnold has Directed only good Films to the point in her career, no bad ones yet; and she's quietly had a very good career as a Director to this point in her career.

The Film stars Sasha Lane alongside Shia LaBeouf and Riley Keough. All 3 of the stars deliver and the supporting cast doesn't disappoint either in raw but believable Performances. Lane does fantastic in a delving & moody Performance that flat out works. Keough also controls the screen with a commanding Performance. Then there's Shia LaBeouf, he knocks it out of the park with a tremendous Performance that is dynamic and sincere. It's hard for my mind to not go to a place that thought this was close to home for LaBeouf with the problems he has had off the screen; a great Performance by him.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces, which includes 'American Honey':

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Fury (2014)
Many Film Historians consider this Movie a Masterpiece, I agree
22 January 2022
9.5 of 10 stars. Many Film Historians consider 'Fury' to be a Masterpiece, and I agree, no arguments here. It's written & Directed very well by David Ayer, and the Performances are incredible, absolutely incredible.

Ayer delivers this Film with clear vision, letting the tensions and dynamics of the Performers shine through, and he captures it almost perfectly.

The Film Stars Brad Pitt alongside Shia LaBeouf and Logan Lerman. Lerman does a terrific job, puts on a great Performance with nuances that flat out work, unquestionably believable throughout; Lerman has quietly had a very good career, starred in a lot of good Films with good Performances. Pitt of course is such a huge Star, Starred in too many great Films to count, a truly great Performer. LaBeouf and Pitt put on great Performances, truly great; a clinic on how to Perform. There's a scene in the Film near the end where Pitt tells his crew he's going to stay with the tank, and they can go on into the woods. It is among the 10 best scenes to come out of Hollywood in the past decade, period. In the scene, LaBeouf throws emotion out, not only with his delivery of words, but with his eyes, face...his entire being, in an incredible moment of Filmed Cinema; it mixes pain, passion, beauty, anger...few Performers alive could have done what LaBeouf did in the scene; and then Pitt's response is just as amazing, a completely different level of emotions that only a Performer with Pitt's talent and ability could've pulled off; it's the perfect response to what he just witnessed from LaBeouf; Pitt delays with perfect timing that could never possibly be taught, comes back in response at an entire different level that is as magical as LaBeouf's initial emotion but in a completely different frequency, but it is unquestionably on the same parallel latitude as LaBeouf's. I am simply seeing 2 amazing Performers take anyone who is watching layers deep into the onion of the craft, going several layers deep, and perhaps to the core of the craft. You'll know the scene when you see it. Jon Bernthal and Michael Pena are in the scene also, and add to it with great Performances also, and Lerman is the 5th in the scene, and does fine, keeps up. The scene is a scene that College Drama Professor's would show their students on how magical a scene can work when amazing Performers delve deep with natural & spontaneous emotions, while pointing out how it's almost impossible to do; which is why we rarely see it done to this level. The scene is magic. LaBeouf and Pitt go to another Planet in the scene, and Bernthal and Peña never come close to losing sight of them and seem to know the exact telemetry the voyage is on, even though it's undoubtedly spontaneous emotion to a script. A truly magical scene. The scene certainly made me say 'oh fudge' to myself, only I didn't say fudge, lol.

Jon Bernthal and Michael Peña put on great Performances throughout in smaller but very important roles as part of the 'tank' team; they flat out deliver, very good and capable Actors and they do not disappoint.

Even taking away the 'magical' scene; all the scenes work in this Film; tensity, dynamics, different intricacies and nuances are created, delivered and captured throughout this Film and it's truly great Performances. The Film is a Masterpiece. Masterful Performances.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Lawless (2012)
This is a Good Movie, as many Film Historians suggest
22 January 2022
6 of 10 stars. Most Film Historians suggest that 'Lawless' is a good Movie, and I completely agree, no argument here. The Film is about the Bondurant Brothers, true story of their making and distributing illegal Moonshine during prohibition. The Bondurant Family is still making and distributing good Moonshine and Whiskey today, legally, of course, now.

Talk about all the pieces being in place for a good Film! We have a good Director and a superb cast; gotta love it! This well written true story is Directed by John Hillcoat. Hillcoat does a really good job Directing this Film, and while capturing the Acting well, he seemed to create an aura of creativity that allowed these great Performers to Perform with freedom, and seemed to allow them to create the Personalities of their Characters, along with some input from him, it unquestionably works. Hillcoat hasn't Directed a bad Movie yet during his career, and this Film is no exception.

The Film Stars Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Jason Clarke as the Bondurant Brothers. As we know, these are 3 tremendous Actors that can flat out Perform, and they deliver in this Film, all 3 of them, with precision and without over-reaching, while at the same time leaving very little on the table. It's a treat seeing the 3 Perform together in simple scenes, and with their skills, even the simple scenes are clinics on how to Act for Drama Students in College. Plain and Simple, but we know it's harder than it looks, and these 3 somehow make it look easy.

In smaller, but very important roles, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska put on good Performances that work and are undoubtedly believable.

Also in smaller but tremendously important roles, Guy Pearce, Gary Oldman and Dane DeHaan put on amazing Performances. DeHaan always impresses me, and we all know that Oldman can Deliver with his toes touching the line without ever seeming to cross; and Guy Pearce blows me away in this Film, as he does in so many of his Performances. The Character that Pearce helped to create for this Film and the Performance he delivers simply light up the screen with dynamic intensity. He goes over the top just enough where it braises my forehead without making me flinch; an absolutely great performance from Pearce.

LaBeouf also does good in this Film, and Hardy and Clarke have more of the dynamic Characters in this Film, and they deliver that intensity with great skill; that leaves LaBeouf the task of a more subdued and subtle character, and he delivers the Performance with great balance, and the 3 stars Performances all compliment each other Masterfully, but quietly.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? This Film belongs in his Top 10. Here is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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An Average Movie, not a Good Movie as Film Historians suggest
22 January 2022
5 of 10 stars. This is an average Movie, and perhaps a fairly good movie if I'm looking at the glass half full, but it is not a downright good Movie as many Film Historians suggest.

We have 3 great Performers starring in this Film and a great Director Directing the Movie, and they all do their job fine, but we are left with an average Film. It happens.

Spielberg is the Elvis Presley of Films, if you'll allow me to make a parallel to music, and I mean that in a good way. Spielberg makes hits, but like Elvis, they are also good songs. Spielberg Directs the Film well, no question. Look, Spielberg knew he wasn't making 'Saving Private Ryan' or 'Schindler's List' here, or even 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark', but he Directs the Film well, no question.

And the Film Stars Harrison Ford alongside Cate Blanchett and Shia LaBeouf, and the 3 Stars do their job well. Ford delivers in his style that he has Mastered and almost invented during his career, and it flat out works, such a capable Actor, and he delivers well in this Film, as he almost always does.

Blanchett is one of the best overall Performers around, she does fine, delivers good without over-reaching, which many Performers would've done in this role. John Hurt and Karen Allen do good in their smaller but important roles. LaBeouf, like Blanchett, is capable of incredible Performances, and he delivers the part well also without over-reaching. Look, everyone did their job fine, but I am left with an average Film, it happens.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, and through interviews he has been hard on his Performance regarding this Film, but he did fine in this Film. He's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen in many of his Films is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Transformers (2007)
This is a Bad Movie, not an Extremely Good Movie as many Film Historians suggest
22 January 2022
4 of 10 stars. This Movie is considered to be an extremely good Movie by many Film Historians, but it is not, it's a bad Movie. Look, sometimes a Movie is made where everyone involved put on good and/or competent Performances, and the Director does his job well, but we are still somehow left with a bad Movie. That is what I have here; everyone did their job fine, but the Movie is still bad.

The special effects are fantastic, they still hold up 15 years later and were certainly tremendous for 2007, but it doesn't save the Film from being bad. Michael Bay does fine, he's a competent Director, and he Direct's this Film with competence. Tyrese Gibson and Josh Duhamel star alongside Shia LaBeouf and Gibson and Duhamel deliver their Performances with competence, no problems there either. This was a huge budget Film, so there are a lot of heavy hitter's in smaller roles in this Film like John Turturro and Jon Voight; they do fine. Look, Turturro knew this wasn't a Coen Brothers Film, Voight knew this wasn't 'The Tragedy Of Macbeth', they knew what they were getting into, they knew what this Film was going to be. Having said that, they deliver the parts well, and they could've over-acted, but neither did, they deliver the part well. Kevin Dunn, Bernie Mac, Anthony Anderson, Megan Fox; they all do good and/or competent in this Film in their roles also.

LaBeouf delivers in the starring role for sure, good Performance, bringing enough dynamics to the role without going over the top. Again, everyone does fine, the Directing is Fine, the sound effects are great, the special effects are wonderful...but the Movie is Bad. It happens.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Disturbia (2007)
Fairly Good Film, but not Extremely Good as many Film Historians suggest
22 January 2022
5.5 of 10 stars. This is a fairly good Film, but many Film Historians consider it to be extremely good, it is not. The Direction is competent by D. J. Caruso, but it has a bit of a made for TV polish to the general Direction & Production, even though it was a big budget Film; again, I do not want to take the complete wrong side of this argument, it is not poorly Directed, but the polish that is left on the Final Product is a bit too shiny for my liking, if that makes sense.

The film Stars Shia LaBeouf alongside David Morse & Sarah Roemer. Roemer barely pulls off the part & is simply not on the same level of depth as LaBeouf & Morse; I'm not trying to be too hard on Roemer, because she delivers the role competently, but it's like the Directing, in my opinion, just too polished & not on the same level as LaBeouf & Morse.

Morse is such a good & capable Actor, & he delivers a good performance in a part that he easily could've over-reached or could've gone over the top on, but he does neither & delivers the part well. In a smaller but important role, Carrie-Anne Moss delivers like Morse, a good delivery without over-reaching as she is a capable performer that also could've over-reached, but does not.

LaBeouf, like Morse & Moss, delivers the part well, could've easily over-reached, but delivers a balanced Performance while bringing just enough intensity to bring in some true to life intensity.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Though 'Disturbia' is a Fairly Good Film, it doesn't belong in LaBeouf's Top 10 either. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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Masterpiece: Great Performances and Great Raw and Envisioned Directing
16 January 2022
9 stars of 10. This is a Movie that most Film Historians consider to be an extremely Good Film, I upgrade it to a Masterpiece. The Directing by Dito Montiel is clear and envisioned, with a raw and realistic feel that bring truly great Directors like Martin Scorsese and John Cassavetes to the forefront of my mind. It was the 1st Movie that Montiel had ever Directed, and it's interesting because many argue he has made a bunch of bad movies after this, and there may be some truth to that; but his 1st Film, this Film, 'A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints' is a Masterpiece, greatly Directed.

It Stars Robert Downey Jr., Shia LaBeouf and Chazz Palminteri. All 3 Stars Deliver. Downey opens the Movie with a great Performance in the opening scene of the Movie that sets the tone for the Film, and the Movie really never lets up, it keeps delivering scene after scene. Downey is great in this Film, as he usually is, and certainly delivers with the talent that we all know he possesses in this Film. It's amazing how many good and great Films Downey has starred in during his career thus far, add this to his Masterpiece list. Palminteri also delivers his part with a complete understanding of the craft, and I personally think it is up there with his tremendous Performance he delivered in 'A Bronx Tale', great performance, such a capable Actor.

Really, the entire supporting cast delivers very good Performances also, and Dianne Wiest and Channing Tatum have smaller, but very important roles, and they both knock it out of the park with amazing deliveries!

LaBeouf stars in this Film alongside Downey and Palminteri and LaBeouf puts on a truly great Performance also. It's amazing to remember that LaBeouf is still only in his Mid-30s right now as he wasn't even of drinking age yet when this Film was released in 2006, only 20 years old at the time.

LaBeouf has often been a mess off the screen as we all know, but he's a very complex Actor; and many suggest that part of the reason he is able to peel the onion of the craft of Acting so deep on screen is because he's a mess off the screen, and there very well and likely may be some truth to that.

What would Film Historians consider to be the 10 best Films that LaBeouf has starred in to this point of his career? I believe if I asked 100 of the most respected Film Historians around the World, there would naturally be different orders, but this would be their consensus; and they would consider the top 4 to be Masterpieces:

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 2. Honey Boy (2019) 3. Tru Confessions (2002) 4. Fury (2014) 5. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 6. American Honey (2016) 7. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 8. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 9. Disturbia (2007) 10. Transformers (2007)

I disagree with that order, strongly; Tru Confessions and Transformers in Film Historians Top 10?!? Really?!? Not me, I don't think so. Who am I to disagree with Film Historians? is my Top 10 Films starring Shia LaBeouf, and I consider the top 6 to be Masterpieces:

1. Honey Boy (2019) 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) 3. Fury (2014) 4. Borg Vs. McEnroe (2017) 5. American Honey (2016) 6. A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006) 7. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) 8. Pieces Of A Woman (2020) 9. Lawless (2012) 10. Constantine (2005)
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