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A little help.
7 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Somebody commented here that nobody is supposed to understand this movie. It's just David Lynch's weird mind and it's

not supposed to make any sense. That's bull. This movie has a

very particular (and very very good) story line that is 100%

understandable if you can do one thing; you have to understand

the sequence of events that Lynch twisted around so much. For

the convenience of everyone reading this (and anyone dying to

understand this movie) I have set up the sequence of events as I

understand them. Watch the movie again, and pay attention to the

10 keys that Lynch provides. Print this out if you need to : )

Sequence of Events in Mulholland Dr. (according to

1. Diane wins the Jitterbug contest. Her family (the old man and

old woman) is there and cheers for her. (this is much earlier than

any of the rest of the movie. years possibly)

2. Camilla and Diane fool around on the couch (notice the

ashtray). Camilla says that they shouldn't do that anymore.

3. Camilla and the director talk and kiss in the car for the movie. 4. Diane gets a phone call and is told to get in the limo. She is

dropped of at the bottom of the directors house. The dinner scene

occurs in which she finds out that her lover Camilla and the

director are getting married.

5. Diane sits in a restaurant with the hit-man and tells him to kill


6. Diane returns home and feels guilty.

7. She falls asleep on the pillow.

8. Diane has a long dream. What happens in this dream is

coming from guilt and the people surrounding her life. The

director who is getting married to her x-lover has a terrible life. Her

x-lover loves her again. Diane is an amazing actress and does a

great job. The part with the men in the restaurant and the monster

is all just a part of the dream. The cowboy has nothing to do with

the movie for the most part. He was just seen by Diane at one

point and he stuck with her so he's in her dream. Her dead aunt

shows up. She mixes up names just like everybody often does in

dreams. None of this is real. There are many things her dream

feeds off of... to many things to try to explain. The dream begins

with Camilla (Rita) in the car and ends with the cowboy waking her

up. That is all within her dream.

9. A knocking wakes Diane up. It is her neighbor looking for the

rest of her belongings. She picks up her ashtray (notice the blue

key) and says that there are detectives looking for Diane.

10. While making coffee, Diane thinks she sees Camilla (who

she just had killed). Its just a daydream.

11. Diane goes and sits on the couch and stares at the blue key.

Someone is knocking (I think that this could be the detectives

looking for Diane). The little people are her family representing

her conscience. She gets scarred of the knocking and the

haunting visions of her loved ones and she runs into her room

and shoots herself.


This is the order in which the movie plays out. See why it's so


1, 7, credits, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 end credits

Hope this helps everyone and please stop saying that this movie

has no point and its just a bunch of thrown together scenes. It has

a very definitive purpose and meaning. You just have to do some

thinking to figure it all out.

********* 9 stars *********
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Signs (2002)
A story about faith, not aliens.
3 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to many beliefs about this film, I truly feel that it is a film

about faith with a surrounding of an alien invasion; not a film about

an alien invasion with faith thrown in. Signs is an extremly well

written story and very wonderfully shot. M. Night Shyamalan is not

the most amazing director, but he is by far the most amazing story

teller of our time. Watching one of his movies is like listening to

your grandmother slowly reading a bedtime fairy-tale to you and

letting your imagination run away with the concepts. It might

sound corny, but it's true. None of his films are big on glorious

special effects or awesome action sequences... they are all based

upon a genuine flow of story. The ambiance Shyamalan creates

is so perfectly eerie that it reinforces my strong belief that its what

you DONT see that's scary. Also, I think that the young actress

who played Bo stole the show... I have no idea where they found

such a perfect little girl for the part, but she did amazing compared

to other child actors in movies today. Joaquin Phoenix also did an

outstanding job and almost made Gibson look like an amature


POTENTIAL SPOILER: The best and most frightening part for me

was the birthday party on the news... VERY well done...

********8 stars********
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Gosford Park (2001)
Don't understand the nods
20 April 2002
The idea for this story is excellent. The acting is great. The directing is remarkable. So why did it turn into such a disappointing movie for me? For one thing it was boring. I am usually the type of person who yells at people for hating movies just because they don't have a lot of action or comedy in them, but for some reason I just couldn't force myself to follow Gosford Park. I don't think it was a bad movie at all... In fact, I think that it deserved most of the awards that it got. HOWEVER, the worst part of the entire night of the Oscars was when Gosford Park beat Memento in the best original screenplay category. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? The two supporting actresses were excellent and the directing was worthy of a nod, but best picture? I really have no idea why this movie was so highly regarded by the academy. Maybe I missed something while I was trying to stay awake.

*******7 stars*******
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The 'Burbs (1989)
The greatest screwed up suberb until American Beauty
21 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers

This movie was one of my favorites when I was a kid, but I just saw it again for the first time in 10 years. It's so funny! The 'Burbs is a far better comedy then most movies today and deserves far more appreciation then it gets. It's a small movie, not a huge budget I'm sure, but it looks great. The acting isn't even that bad! Tom Hanks is so pathetic in his role as the "skeptic" of the group, and, although he has a small part, Henry Gibson is freaky. And did you know that Carrie Fisher is in a movie other than Star Wars?

Other than its comedic value, The 'Burbs has an excellent moral value too (yes, only I would look for value in a movie like this). It shows us that even though we see others as being weird or creepy or stupid, if we look at ourselves we may find that WE are really the weird ones. But then again they did murder some people... so that moral doesn't really work. Ah well, see a great actors beginnings. See The 'Burbs.

Mmmm, anyone care for a pretzel and sardines?

*********9 stars*********
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One of my few 10s
5 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
may contain some spoilers

I saw this movie when I was 16 and I loved it. It still amazes me how good acting can get... There are very few movies where there are two actors this good. Anthony Hopkins is absolutely fabulous as Hannibal Lecter and Jodi Foster is perfect for her role as Starling. The way they interact is so bitter-sweet it's incredible. However, as good as the acting is, the feeling of their scenes together could not be achieved without the wonderful cinematography. When Lecter touches Clarices' hand when he gives her the notes back is almost emotional. That is the only time they make physical contact in the movie, yet it feels like they've loved each other forever. The pervertedness and gore is used very well. I am so glad that Silence of the Lambs didn't turn into some kind of a Scream slasher and it remained a true suspense thriller until the very end.

Oh, and Senator, just one more thing: love your suit!

**********10 stars**********
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Snatch (2000)
Hilarious and smart
4 March 2002
Entertainment weekly gave this movie an awful review. Why? I dunno... oh well, I thought it was great. It's so funny and almost as good as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Benicio is the man and everybody else did awesome too (even Brad Pitt!). The music is great and fits perfectly with the movie. HA the milk part is the best... Guy Richie is awesome... but... who would marry Madonna?

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Ghost World (2001)
I can relate
4 March 2002
The best part about Ghost World was the way I could relate with EVERYONE in the movie. I know far to many people like the "We'll totally have to do something this summer!" girl and I usually give the same reaction as Enid. Thora Birch is amazing and gives her character so much depth that most actresses wouldn't be able to do. Scarlett Johansson would be great too if she didnt smile... eek! She's almost attractive until you see her teeth. Steve Buscemi was so pathetic looking and he should have gotten a nod for being Seymor. The parts that take place in the art room were my favorites. I knew exactly how she felt when she displayed all of her ideas. Ohh, and don't turn it off at the credits... if you do you'll miss Buscemi beating the crap outta the gas station dude... awesome.

********8 stars********
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Love the red hair
4 March 2002
I was so amazed when I saw this movie. I have been a firm believer in chaos theory ever sense I read Jurassic Park and saw Back to the Future. It's so cool to see another movie that supports it. The animation is kinda weird, but I think it adds to the style of the movie. The only thing that disappointed me was that it wasnt longer. I would have liked to see her run one more time and maybe see more peoples backgrounds and futures (those were some of the best parts) but that might have been a little to much for one movie. Was this movie up for the best foreign oscar? If not, it should have been.

*********9 stars*********
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Alien 3 (1992)
Ummmm... It sucked
4 March 2002
Alien was such a good movie... Aliens ALMOST topped it... but this? What is this movie? Where is the suspense? The terror? The awesome feeling you get from watching Alien for the first time? It seems to me like this movie was targeted at 14 year olds (or immature adults for that matter) who like to see blood and people getting hacked up. The beginning alone was awful. Everybody died!

Producer: "Hmm... since nobody wanted to remake a classic and they all hated the script, they refused to be in it... well, lets just MURDER THEM ALL AT THE BEGINNING"

Anyways... This is a sad movie... and Alien Resurrection isn't a whole lot better. The only value that this movie has is if you have a girlfriend who doesnt like blood... maybe she'll get closer to you... eh, but then she would break up with you cause you showed her such a stupid movie... what am I talking about... Dont see it, thats all.

***3 stars***
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Great Classic
4 March 2002
I started liking movies a long time ago, but I never really wanted to sit through old movies (by old im talking 60's. Hey, im only 18). Planet of the Apes was the first movie from this time period that I actually watched and I loved it. For some reason, after I watched PotA, I started watching a whole bunch of movies from the 60's and now they are some of my favorites. I already knew the ending... I mean, its on the damn cover of the dvd box. But I still thought that it was excellent. The beginning crash was cheezy, but I think that the makeup and costumes were awesome (for the time period especially). Anyways, great movie, classic ending, awful sequel... Go rent it but don't look on the case if you don't know how it ends.

********8 stars********
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Magnolia (1999)
Hard to describe
1 March 2002
I have seen this movie three times. I own it on DVD. I recommend it to people. But I have no idea if I like it or not. Isn't that weird? I am so caught in the middle that it makes it impossible for me to decide. There are a few factors that swing me both ways:

The editing - Most people think that Magnolia needed to visit an editing room once or twice (at least), but I personally kind of like the un-cut style it has. It's very different, and it makes the movie quite long, but at least it's original.

The length - 3 hours? It's long... but I think that in order to have the plot that it has, and the depth that it has, it needs an extra hour to fit everything. It does a pretty good job of using up the time it takes.

The plot - I'm not usually the quickest person when it comes to following screwed up plots (although The Usual Suspects is one of my favorite movies) so this one took me a few viewings to understand. However, I think that finding the way people connect to each other and the hidden influences they have on each other makes the movie more fun than annoying.

Overall I would have to give the movie an 8. The acting was excellent. William H. Macy is so... pathetic! And Tom and Julian are so beautifully... sadly... amazing. I don't know how many people will be able to stand the plot, length, and editing, but if you are able to, I highly suggest this movie. It will really make you think about people in your life and unresolved issues between you.

********8 Frogs. Err... stars********
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Dragonfly (2002)
Mom loved it
23 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers

I went to see Dragonfly expecting little. Little is basically what I got. It wasn't a terrible movie, it had a great attempt at a script and an ending the ladies will like. The acting however, was almost stomach turning. It was hard to watch an actor like Costner fall... again. Kathy Bates was decent but her part was small and, although better than Costner, wasn't performing at her best. I was also confused as to why this movie was considered "eerie" by most... or, "a thriller". There were about 3 "jump scenes" and none of them made me jump. The only reason I went to see it was because my mom wanted to. Needless to say, she thought it was one of the greatest movies to be released in the last few years. I suppose movies like this can satisfy the less artistic people in the world but I still prefer ones with decent acting and maybe a few less cliches. Again, not a great movie, but if you like a decent attempt at a story line and more than cheezy acting, then you should like Dragonfly.

******6 out of 10******
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