
50 Reviews
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Man on Wire (2008)
It was really attractive and spectacular
13 June 2024
In a word and in a simple way, it is a true story of a part of the exciting life of the famous French tightrope walker Philippe Petit, who decided to jump rope without a life belt between the twin towers of the World Trade Center on August 7, 1974. Maybe this story from the perspective of someone who has never experienced such a field, or has no interest in it, or does not even understand the concept of why a human being must walk on a tightrope, is very boring and long. Without any special tension, which we correctly see at the beginning of this film that Philip Petty himself, as the narrator of the story, raises the same questions and at the end he somehow answers that he himself does not know the answer and simply lives in a tightrope walk. Looks. But what is depicted in this movie is much more than playing with strings and doing something that may be pointless.
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The Reader (2008)
That was interesting
13 June 2024
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Reader is a very deep movie. This movie is a celebration of culture and reading. But not only this film raises big questions. In the years of trials of Nazi officers and criminals, Germany, like any country freed from captivity, is looking for a way to vent its anger. This issue makes the issue of the courts to follow very seriously. But what does this mean? Do not be mistaken! I do not mean that justice is not a noble goal. I want to say, what does it mean for a country to withdraw its foot from all the responsibilities and many tears that have been shed, and hold only a few dozen people responsible for all the ugliness? Didn't thousands of people raise their hands and shout Heil Hitler! Were they not the angry spectators of the courts? I love when you get to the part in the movie where Hannah asks the judge: What would you do if it were you? Hit the stop button and answer yourself. Fear brings obedience! It's a shame that might go away with the death of a few people. Shame that made Hana keep silent. Each of these shames came from something different.
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Milk (I) (2008)
A beautifull film about gay rights
13 June 2024
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I don't think if you go through all the social networks or polling sites, you will find even one person who will name Milk as their first favorite movie. Of course, unless he has homosexual tendencies and is this the weak point of this movie? Absolutely not. Apart from all the problems of the film, this treatment of Hollywood taboos is valuable. In this movie, you can see how a simple homosexual becomes a fighter. One of the biggest strengths of this movie is the director's honesty and trustworthiness to the story. To the extent that some of the pictures were taken in the original Harvey Milk store on Castro Street. And some of Milk's real friends and colleagues have been used as black troops. The filming style is similar to the films of the 70s and 80s, which, combined with the documentary images used in the film, creates a real mentality close to the original atmosphere. Even I had to see some images several times to understand which one is documentary and which one is not. The thing that is a bit annoying in this movie is the overemphasis on Harvey Milk's sexual orientation. As far as it seems, this film is more an introduction of Milk's tendency than the story of his efforts. And the major flaw of Milk's movie is that the director uses stereotypical behaviors and characteristics of bisexuals to show Milk's homosexuality, and with the characteristics we see from him, Harvey Milk should have played the role of a woman in his relationships, which is not the case. With all the faults that were brought to this film and the problems that arose for Sean Penn, at least it was worth it for him. Because the judges of the Oscar Academy, who have never hidden their preference for certain roles, presented Penn with the Best Actor Oscar this time. Milk's relationship scenes are a bit disgusting for eastern viewers, but the narration of the story is so smooth and attractive that it will keep you interested during these 2 hours. But as I said above, the director's excessive effort to introduce Milk as a homosexual affects the story's rhythm to the point that in the last 20 minutes of the film, you will be unprepared for things that you never expected during the film. In short, it is not bad for cinema friends to see this movie, but for special audiences who are looking for special games or authentic biographical movies, it is necessary to watch this movie.
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Damsel (2024)
The story of the film was very feminist
13 June 2024
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Well, before reviewing the film itself, you should know that the new Netflix fantasy is based on a western metaphorical story or proverb that refers to the helpless maiden. In this well-known story, a young woman is placed in a harmful and dangerous situation most of the time as a result of the incompetence of men. In fact, the young woman in this situation is scared and confused. She also undergoes severe trials and tribulations until she is finally rescued by a male hero. But the important thing here is that the purpose of the movie Maid is to be different. This means that in the story of this film, there is no man who saves the young woman, and it is the girl herself who is our only hero.

Critique of the film Miss Damsel, a feminist fantasy This approach of the film shows a clear message for women's empowerment; A topic that is of great interest throughout the film. Maybe you say why I say this?! If you watch the movie, you'll see that we clearly see how marriage in this film, historically, is portrayed as human sacrifice. Where a helpless young woman is subject to the whims of her new family. Besides, at the very beginning of the film, a voiceover proudly declares that this isn't another story about a brave knight in iron armor rescuing a defenseless doll from a dragon. This means let's say no to gender stereotypes!
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This episode was more beautiful than previous episodes
12 June 2024
Tiger Crouching Dragon Hidden Dragon is a landmark film that has had a significant impact on the film industry and popular culture. Stunning visuals, compelling storytelling, and powerful performances continue to inspire and influence filmmakers and audiences alike, and its legacy as a classic of the martial arts genre is secure.

Another notable aspect of Crouching Tiger is the hidden dragon of the film's use of music. The film's soundtrack, composed by Tan Dan, features a combination of traditional Chinese instruments such as the erhu and pipa with Western orchestration. The rousing and rousing score heightens the film's emotional resonance and has become one of the most popular film scores of all time.
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Alien (1979)
A special genre in its time
9 June 2024
The Alien has achieved such achievements that it does not seem to be a revolutionary film at first glance, in fact, the Alien follows the stereotype of cheap movies. Some people are trapped in a closed and remote space, which this time has changed from a cabin in the middle of the forest to a spaceship in deep space, and a ruthless monster hunts them one by one and kills them in horrible ways, and finally the lonely girl who has to fight with this monster in the finale of the film Go head-to-head and defeat it with his intelligence and return home bloody and tired. The point is that maybe the alien story line starts with such a cliché, but Ridley Scott and his team have dissected the stereotypes of the horror and science fiction genre in such a way and extracted a new meaning from them that the result has become something completely different, perhaps the film follows the framework of the other films. This is the genre, but the details that Scott created in content and form were such that it separated Alien from all the films before it and turned it into an original and refreshing work. In other words, it's as if Scott and his team knew what kind of B-movie material they were dealing with and since they weren't interested in making a B-movie, they executed their script with all the sensitivity of a AAA movie.
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A 4-hour masterpiece
9 June 2024
This special and tangible visual treatment of the story makes you always have different conflicts between yourself and Once Upon a Time in America in a meaningful series of events. Always listening to a certain music reminds of many bitter or sweet memories and makes you understand the story in different moments at the emotional peak. In the world of such a masterpiece, a special kind of filming has a special meaning. When an absolutely music-driven sequence plays out, you learn what to look for in it, and when dialogue comes, you always imagine a more impressive depth instead of taking it purely on the surface. All of these are valued because Sergio Leone, unlike even some well-known directors in the world, gives an amazing importance to entertainment and is aware that the deeper you go into the film, the more you watch it over and over again. The better and more accurate you'll find a fantastic puzzle, always have fun first. Always be able to tell your friends to watch this movie, to fall in love with it and to fall in love with it in seconds. Watch the movie to improve your understanding of the cinema, but be sure that you will lose your hands and feet in front of its long and amazing story!
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The story was interesting
9 June 2024
In the course of its narrative, the series tries to blur the border between reality and fiction with various measures in order to warn the society to be careful; Because all these events may happen in the reality of everyday life - at least they have happened before.

But despite all these words, the series has some weaknesses and its path is moving in a way that leaves room for concern for the audience. We have to wait and see what dreams the creators have for the audience in the upcoming episodes and whether they can properly cope with the expectations and mysteries of the series or not. The road ahead is challenging and risky.
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I did not like the movie at all
9 June 2024
In Ang Lee's action and emotional film, The Tiger Rises, the hidden dragon of Shepherd Fat walks the screen with pride, mastery and calmness. She's Cary Grant with a ponytail. Here his mood and cleverness are used beautifully and the film is even more attractive than it should be. Any film that is the product of the collaboration of Ang Lee, Shepherd Fat, Michelle Yua, Yuyoma and the wizard of rhythmic martial arts, Yuan Wu-Ping, raises a lot of expectations for fans of such works. What do they do together? In fact, they display their expertise to make a Hong Kong action film that has a sense of confidence.
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Challengers (2024)
Unnecessary time jumps lead to confusion instead of helping to advance the narrative
8 June 2024
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Unnecessary time jumps lead to confusion instead of helping to advance the narrative! In fact, instead of adding depth to the film and story, this technique leads to ignoring key moments; And finally, it causes incomplete relationships between the characters. To be more precise, these excessive jumps from the present to the past lead the story to extra edges, and in the end, it causes boredom and prolongs the time of the movie for no reason! Of course, this is not the only negative thing about the direction of Challengers! In many scenes, there are so many exaggerated elements that not only do not increase the impact on the audience, but also accentuate the showy aspect. For example, in the final sequence, excessive use of directorial elements, such as stretching the sequence and showing the characters from different angles, using music with high beats and rhythm, and many other points, caused the film to lose its serious atmosphere.
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Crash (I) (2004)
It was beautiful and meaningful
7 June 2024
A complex yet simple work that often maintains its uniformity and tells a story. The film "Paul Haggis" has a relatively complex structure, and this complexity is not an expression of artlessness, but serves the cinema and the audience's sense. This complexity has been solved in the narrative structure as well as the visual texture of the film so well that it does not bother us at all when we as the audience encounter this work for the first time. We completely understand the story and can accept this multiple story without serious ambiguity. We focus on the exact collision so that it may be an escape among the multitude of absurd and meaningless works that are the product of this weak cinema. So that maybe we can take refuge in it as a modern human being and become a little more human. The collision will do this to us.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
I personally did not like the series
6 June 2024
Now, Shogun's story is also based on James Clavel's epic novel during the transitional period between the feudal and Edo regimes and the events before the actual battle of Sekigahara in 1600. They are based on real historical characters. If we want to compare this ten-episode mini-series to another work, we should say that the Shogun series is in many ways the Japanese version of Game of Thrones, although without the dragons and dark fantasy elements present in This story may at first present itself as the heroic John Blackthorne of Cosmo Jarvis in Japan, but it soon becomes clear that Blackthorne, alias Anjin-sama, is merely an overseer of a game of thrones led by Lord Yoshi Toranaga Hiroyuki Sanada and His rival Lord Ishido Kazunari is performed.
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An interesting movie in the family genre
4 June 2024
The daughter of the Cronk family goes to Peru for a humanitarian internship. But her departure date is scheduled just a few days before Christmas, and Nora is very disappointed because she wants to spend Christmas with her daughter. The Cranks then decide to take a ten-day cruise on a cruise ship and boycott Christmas, which causes discontent among their neighbors. However, their daughter tells them at the last minute that she is finally coming home for Christmas. Nora is very happy but Luther prefers the cruise. So the couple has to deal with all the last minute planning. The daughter of the Cronk family goes to Peru for a humanitarian internship. But her departure date is scheduled just a few days before Christmas, and Nora is very disappointed because she wants to spend Christmas with her daughter. The Cranks then decide to take a ten-day cruise on a cruise ship and boycott Christmas, which causes discontent among their neighbors. However, their daughter tells them at the last minute that she is finally coming home for Christmas. Nora is very happy but Luther prefers the cruise. So the couple has to deal with all the last minute planning.

In general, it was a beautiful family movie and had an attractive and pleasant environment.
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Breathe (I) (2024)
Why was this funny movie made?
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Breathe is a 2024 American action, science fiction, mystery, thriller and drama film directed by Stefon Bristol and produced by two companies, Capstone Studios and Thunder Road Pictures; The screenplay of this movie was also written by Doug Simon and artists such as Jennifer Hudson, Milla Yovich, Konzeni Wallis, Sam Worthington, Kamen, Raul Castillo, Dan Martin, Kalisova Brewster, James Saito, Sonya Gidding, Kimberly L. Jackson, John Xavier Lambert, Madison Latham and others have played roles in it; The movie Breathe was first released on April 26, 2024 by Variance Films in the cinemas of the United States, then in the United States, England, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Taiwan, Tunisia, Luxembourg, South Africa, Switzerland, Argentina and other countries were simultaneously published online; Breathe is jointly produced by Will Flynn, Joe Gatta, Esther Hornstein, Basil Ivanyk, Rosanna Kagian, Erica Lee, Per Melita, Christian Mercury, Kelvin O'Bryant and Ryan Donnell-Smith. The soundtrack is by Isabella Summers. It was compiled and edited by Oriana Sudo; The story of the movie "Breathe" takes place in a world where the oxygen level on the earth has decreased and life on the planet is impossible without specialized equipment;
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The best actors who could handle this role
3 June 2024
Not only does the film not consider the formation of this relationship to be strange, but with this sentence at the beginning of the formation of the sexual relationship in the tent that (there is nothing else that comes to our mind here) it completes the argument for us. This relationship seems to be over with a simple goodbye between Jack and Ennis after finishing the shepherding job, but the meeting of these two people after a few years upsets all the calculations. Now they both have families and children and live in two American states that are 14 hours apart on average, but this distance does not prevent Jack and Ennis from meeting each other monthly. The screenplay shows Jack much more eager, while Ennis is shown as a realistic person, and this makes us not understand until the end of the movie if Ennis had the same desire as much as Jack was eager to reach and live with Ennis. Or not... the sequence where Ennis prefers his daughters to Jack or the part where Ennis is willing to give up a shepherding course for his daughter's wedding if he didn't do it to see Jack makes the opinion stronger that with this Despite everything, Enis sees a future in her daughters that is less in her relationship and life with Jack. The script moves on the border between confirming and denying this relationship. In one part, it depicts the pressure caused by the distance between these two, and in another part, it shows us the cries and depression of Anis's wife. In the middle of the night in the mountains, Brokeback (lust) shows us that it leads to interest and four years later, other angles of this interest. Family and friends about the sexual relationship between two men, but should we really ignore the ugliness of this relationship?
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We miseed you rick
1 June 2024
If you have already been to The Walking Dead, you should know that the best are gathered here. Good-looking Andrew Lincoln with the spirit of leadership and victory - who, of course, is involved in this spin-off with his frustrations and helplessness and is even ready to tell his own story - next to Michonne or Dana Gurira with her special and strange hair - which you probably like me. You ask how he can clean them. The story is full of mystery and attractive and will surprise you many times in the first two episodes. Incredible events included in the story to make you feel the warmth and charm of the best seasons of The Walking Dead again.
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Rear Window (1954)
The least cut film of Mr. Hitchcock
30 May 2024
The movie scenes cannot be discussed; Directing is something beyond technique, that is, it is not limited only to technique and filming. The most important component in the movement of the camera is its views. Half of the film is on the window and here, the camera does its job. We said that he doesn't enter the house, it's really peeping, it's really sneaking and with a hunting camera! The behavior of the camera conveys this: it does not come close, it takes from the window, we see the yard from the window, we see people from the window, even the houses! From the window of their window, and from their window, we see themselves and their house; So unexplained... but perhaps, one of the most uncut films of Mr. Hitchcock.
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It was a good movie but the movie was very fast
30 May 2024
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The movie Blind Sword 2 (Mu zhong wu ren 2), also known as (Eye for an Eye 2), (Defiant 2) and (The Blind Man 2), is a historical, action movie. Wuxia is a 2024 Chinese drama and thriller directed by Yang Bing Jia and produced by Er Dong Pictures. The script of this movie was also written by Yang Bingjia and artists such as Tse Miu, Yang Enyu, Huang Tao, Pi Kuishan, Pema Jiad, Liu Fengchao, Jampa Testen, Xiao Songyuan, Jiang Yixuan and others have played roles in it. ; The movie Blind Swordsman 2 was first released on February 10, 2024 by Er Dong Pictures in Chinese cinemas, then in America, England, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Taiwan, Tunisia, Luxembourg, South Africa, Switzerland, Argentina, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and other countries were simultaneously published online; Blind Swordsman 2 is jointly produced by Wang Yuchao, Yang Wen, Zhang Song, Song Jia, Wang Boquan and Wei Junxi, edited and edited by Xiao Jiancheng and Yang Binjia, and shot by Zhao Xiaofeng. Has been This movie is the sequel and the second part of Blind Sword movie produced in 2022;
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The movie had a beautiful style
29 May 2024
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The movie Blind Sword with the original title (Mu Zhong Wu Ren), also known as (Defiant), (Up Your Nose), (Eye for an Eye) and (Blind Hero), is an action, drama, It is a historical and exciting product of 2022 in China, directed by Yang Bing Jia, which was produced and released by Er Dong Pictures (Tianjin); The script of this movie was written by Yang Bingjia and artists such as Miao Zi, Weiman Gao, Hao Xiang, Ben Liu, Di Zhang, Housen Zhang, Yi Gao, Xuan Kang, Junji Hu, Jian Yin, Shuji Gan, Ning Yan etc. Have played a role in it; The Blind Swordsman movie was first released on June 3, 2022 by Er Dong Pictures in Chinese cinemas, then in America, England, Canada, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Australia, Spain, China, South Korea, Mexico, Japan, Finland, Holland and other countries were simultaneously published online; The movie "Blind Fencing" is about a blind man with many skills known as the blind swordsman who meets a young girl named Nie Yan in a restaurant who has been a victim of evil and criminal people in the past. Now Cheng is unintentionally involved in the fight against these dark forces and in this way his true identity is also revealed; After the release, this movie received a lot of positive feedback and was widely welcomed by the audience, so that for the attractive performance of the actors, especially Miao Zi, the story line, the script, the action sequences, the costume design, the atmosphere, the characterization, the stage design, and also the way of directing. It was praised.
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Tiger 3 (2023)
Interesting story with good acting of Salman Khan and surprise of Shah Rukh Khan
28 May 2024
The noteworthy point here is that this movie has sold more than 300 million dollars worldwide, which is very remarkable. Tiger 3 was the most expensive film of Yash Raj Films because it was made with a budget of around 38 million dollars.

It is interesting to know that the screening of this film was banned in the countries of Oman, Kuwait and Qatar because they believed that the faces of these countries were shown in the negative film. The score recorded for the film Tiger 3 on the IIMDB site was 7.5 out of 10. Also, the website Rotten Tomatoes assigned a score of 5.7 to this movie based on 14 reviews.

The film received mixed reactions from critics and was highly praised for the actors' acting and action scenes, and was criticized for the film's story and soundtrack.
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Casablanca (1942)
27 May 2024
In Casablanca, we are basically dealing with the psychological side of the war, which has cast a shadow on the relationships of people like Rick and Ilsa and made everyone hesitant. This war requires Rick's ultimate sacrifice. Also to a strong alliance between Renault and Rik. In order to be influential and to stick to his former political views, Rick decides to help the future of war by rescuing Laszlo. Similar to the dialogue he said to Laszlo: "We all try, but you succeed!" In the end, Rick's efforts must end in favor of Laszlo's success. Rick is ready for a complete change. He leaves the cafe to somehow overturn his intellectual system. As during his battle, he also uses weapons where necessary. Finally, Cortez makes him disappear in the depth of the frame in the final shot.
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that was perfect Whatever I said, I said too little
25 May 2024
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Synopsis: After a group of Indian and Pakistani nurses are captured in Iraq by a terrorist commander named Abu Usman, Indian security agents find Tiger. He and his wife Zoya, who is a Pakistani agent, must carry out an operation to save the nurses.

About the movie Tiger Zinda Hai A note on the movie "Tiger is alive" The story of the film begins from the same place where the previous film of the Tiger series ended. Indian security agent Tiger (Salman Khan) and Pakistani agent Zoya (Katrina Kaif) have preferred a quiet family life to dangerous missions, but their plans are soon delayed because another mission has arrived and they must Act quickly. This time, an Iraqi war commander has taken a number of Pakistani and Indian nurses hostage, and the security agents of the two countries must rescue them in an operation.

From this point onwards, the film is completely at the disposal of Salman Khan and his star image. His strong presence on the screen is complemented by the cooperation of Katrina Kaif, who also intervened to save her countrymen. The visuals of the movie are spectacular and Salman Khan's self-confidence in the role of Tiger makes his dialogues hit the viewer's ears like a check and keep him watching the movie. The best part of the movie is the excellent performance of Salman Khan, but the script of the movie sometimes takes the attention away from him and causes the audience to be distracted from his story and the speed of the movie slows down. The supporting actors who are present in Tiger Team all provide acceptable performances and apart from them, Katrina Kaif's action movements are really impressive and the fact that she played the role of Zoya without stunts deserves praise for her work.

The film is based on the true story of a hostage situation that took place in 2014, in which India's role in freeing 46 Malayali nurses in Iraq was very important and influential. Of course, this operation was done so carefully that no one was even injured. What happens in Tiger Alive happens as long as you want. Although the movie is long (160 minutes), you can be sure that its action scenes and the presence of Salman Khan are so attractive that you will not get bored while watching the movie.

Author: Lasipiriya Sundaram

A note on the movie "Tiger is alive" The story of the film begins from the same place where the previous film of the Tiger series ended. Indian security agent Tiger (Salman Khan) and Pakistani agent Zoya (Katrina Kaif) have preferred a quiet family life to dangerous missions, but their plans are soon delayed because another mission has arrived and they must Act quickly. This time, an Iraqi war commander has taken a number of Pakistani and Indian nurses hostage, and the security agents of the two countries must rescue them in an operation.

From this point onwards, the film is completely at the disposal of Salman Khan and his star image. His strong presence on the screen is complemented by the cooperation of Katrina Kaif, who also intervened to save her countrymen. The visuals of the movie are spectacular and Salman Khan's self-confidence in the role of Tiger makes his dialogues hit the viewer's ears like a check and keep him watching the movie. The best part of the movie is the excellent performance of Salman Khan, but the script of the movie sometimes takes the attention away from him and causes the audience to be distracted from his story and the speed of the movie slows down. The supporting actors who are present in Tiger Team all provide acceptable performances and apart from them, Katrina Kaif's action movements are really impressive and the fact that she played the role of Zoya without stunts deserves praise for her work.

The film is based on the true story of a hostage situation that took place in 2014, in which India's role in freeing 46 Malayali nurses in Iraq was very important and influential. Of course, this operation was done so carefully that no one was even injured. What happens in Tiger Alive happens as long as you want. Although the movie is long (160 minutes), you can be sure that its action scenes and the presence of Salman Khan are so attractive that you will not get bored while watching the movie.
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Ek Tha Tiger (2012)
24 May 2024
Ek Tha Tiger, also known as Once There Was a Tiger, is a 2012 Indian action, adventure, romance, thriller, and drama film directed by Kabir Khan. It was produced by three companies, CounterPunch Studios, Fantastic Films and Prime Focus; Aditya Chopra, Kabir Khan and Nilesh Misra jointly wrote the script of this film and artists such as Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Ranveer Shorey, Girish Karnad, Roshan Seth, Gavi Chahal, Rajendra Sethi, Avinesh Badal, Bhupesh Singh, Sanjay Gorbakhani, Samar Jai Singh, Ashok Awasthi, Xerxes Khandadia and others have played roles in it; Once upon a time there was a tiger was first released on August 15, 2012 by Yash Raj Films in Indian theaters and managed to gross $62.5 million at the box office, then on November 19, 2016 by Amazon streaming service. Amazon Prime Video was released online simultaneously in America, England, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Taiwan, Tunisia, Luxembourg, South Africa, Norway, India and other countries. ; Once upon a time, Tiger was there, after participating in many international festivals, it won 19 awards, including the best film, the best actor, the best actress, and the best special effects, and was nominated for 16 other awards, among them We can point out the nominations for the best dance, best film, best actor, best actress and best action film; When Tiger Existed is the first part of Tiger's film series in the spy world of YRF (Indian Cinema Spy World.
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Attractive and spectacular
22 May 2024
Humans live their own lives. They are caught in their own patterns in some of the traps of life and are not going to find the same escape routes. The movie A Street Cat Named Bob, which of course has weaknesses in storytelling, is about a man who was saved by a cat from a critical mental and emotional situation. This cat suddenly entered through the window and kindly met a man who was looking for a way to improve his life.

By getting to know Bob, James gets the chance to reconcile with his past, get away from constant pain and even create a better work of art. This is not a dream story. A Street Cat Named Bob is based on a true story.
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Annie (2014)
The story of the movie is repetitive and average downwards
22 May 2024
How much do you know about the content and story of the movie Annie? Annie was written by Aline Brosh McKenna and Will Gluck.

In the synopsis published either by the media team of the work or by other media about the story of Annie, we read: "Annie is a happy orphan who decides to try to reach the streets of New York. He was left alone by his family when he was a child and they promised him that they would return one day. Now life with his stepmother Mrs. Hannigan is very difficult, but everything is about to change..."

Annie movie is similar to different works in terms of structure (form), content and production environment. According to various indicators, it can be said that the related works of Annie are: Annie, Cinderella, Princess Diary, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day and The Parent Trap.
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