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Goodfellas (1990)
i almost wanted to be a gangster
5 June 2024
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So yeah its pretty interesting : i mean we just witness the life of a man who is part of the mafia or the Goodfellas and we basically see the corruption: money , violence ,power.

The difficulties and the problems with the police . Its a journey into a mafia life and it was kind of believable even some situations get pretty weird ( when the guy shot the young man on the foot and killed him after), the lies between the friends : the betrayal .

The prison life too , the difficulties to come back in a society after this . The drugs , the illegal business . Some comedy moments too and some cult shots , moments ( the long sequence in the restaurant .....)

A nice movie anyway even if sometimes a little bit too simple and get a little bit old in 2024 when i saw before the sopranos and others mafias theme movies related . But it was great anyway and being a mafia its really problems after problems.
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The tapes of Fake
4 June 2024
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I dont know what to say except that i didnt get into that false documentary about fictional events of a serial killer .

This kind of found footage movie rely on credibility: i dont know if its the actors or the tapes that put me off several times but i didnt get that feeling that what i was watching was true . Everything fell apart for me : the scene with the little girls selling cookies , the tapes and feel just violent and cruel for nothing and it was over exaggerated and these scenes on the car next to the gas station left me pretty bored and the reaction was weird ( "no handles on the doors" who said this ? In a tense situation this just before killing a woman )

So everything was a little bit too much and i feel too much the "mise en scene" and feel not very natural.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
My head come off too
2 June 2024
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Im a little bit sad to put a 6/10 of this movie but its just a matter of subjectivity: im not a huge fan of fantasy and i dont really like to be disconnected from reality but i enjoyed it anyway.

The investigations arround sleepy Hollow , the headless horseman was interesting and give some nice work to our main character nicely performed by Johnny Depp .

The end was a little bit too much out of reality and get into the fantasy more and thats why i talked about this and the end and the revelations about the headless horseman was nice but too much mixed between reality and fantasy . I enjoyed it anyway and spent a great time . It have some nice vibes, mood and a particuliar atmosphere and i really appreciate that part .

So yeah good overall.
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The Platform (2019)
A platform , a repetitive mechanics .... boring
1 June 2024
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Im sorry but that movie didnt do it for me : too much implicit , a message ? What message?? I didnt understand a thing and its not that clever in the writing i mean .

A lot of vulgar scenes , words and i understand its a message also about solidarity, food waste but all that scenes for that ? It become very repetitive pretty quickly , too much useless scenes and violence even racism sometimes and i still have hard time to know why they took all this time and i was getting more confused and its very not mysterious but more confusion and i didnt get it to be honest .

The characters are not deep, the story is very simple but meaningless ( it end more confusion because too much implicit), too much repetitive and it was a little bit too much for so little .

So what was that message ? I dont know and its not that clever or smart writing but only a simple thing that they tried to stretch it and to make a whole movie about it but it didnt worked , at least for me . Big disappointment.
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The last stop at Boring County
31 May 2024
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This movie is a complete mess !

The start was promising and let us know that something is happening but everything gone completely illogical and dumb .

The only thrill that i got from this movie was the beginning when the waitress know that the two guys were part of the robbery and when she tried to phone the sheriff , she got interrupted by the two guys . The only scene that i found tense to be honest .

Whats the movie about ? I dont really know . Its two mens who tried to get away quick because they made a heist and there is no gas .

The decisions of the characters make just no sense and they act in a illogical way and the mise en scene is a little bit too much visible : it should be more dynamic and need to be natural and here its a complete mess.

When all the guys are dead and it remain the guy who hide under the table : im sorry but at this moment i completely get uninterested and witness a build up that was not necessary .

Im completely shocked with the reviews of the users of IMDB : did we watched the same movie ? Im really confused : what is so interesting in that movie honestly ? We see people come and go : the tension get down very quickly and i still dont understand why the guy took the waitress in hostage : why ? So many things that have no sense for me !

It was promising but fell apart quickly in the story, characters and purpose of the movie . Avoid that movie !
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Invention and creativity
30 May 2024
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Still impressed by the work at this time and how that man was pretty creative and tried something . Its tell in a funny way with that man getting his head bigger and bigger until it explode suddenly . So yeah this one was much more longer than the four heads shorts and look nice too . So yeah i really like this kind of way to test things and see how it work and i still dont know what they used and how processed they made to create this kind of effect but i really enjoyed it and found the work interesting . George Melies was clearly ahead of its time and produced some nice effects very early with his creativity and just for that :

Well Done !
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A man ahead of its time
30 May 2024
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Dont know what to say !

Except WoW!

Just look the time when it was made and just realised something : that man was just very creative and to be honest i dont know how he made this ! Maybe by cuts ? I dont really know !

But it look very clean and the effects its very well made and work .

Im impressed and even if its pretty short ,its pretty impressive for this time and that man must have work on its own very hard to pull something like this that was very ahead of its time and look very well made even in 2024 . So yeah very impressed and cant say much because it was only a minute about that effect but it was WOW !
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A old robbery
30 May 2024
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A Nice silent movie .

Pretty interesting all along even 121 years laters . We got everything we need trough the images and we didnt need more . The music is pleasant too and make it tense when it need to be and get more calm when its more calm .

The visuals give us everything to understand and we didnt need any introduction or dialogues because everything its clear : we saw the mans who want to robbed who attack the train and try to steal and we get worried when they attached the man : who will stopped them then ? But e we got that man who get helped and saved it in a suspensful and tense way . It was short and intense and love how the story is tell only by the visuals .

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People stuck in a house ...... and ?
30 May 2024
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Its my first Bunuel movie and im...... pretty disappointed ; i didnt get into that movie : the beginning was interesting but everything become just some people complaining , acting like some childs and i didnt found the purpose of the movie .

Its a little bit absurd : some people stuck without no reason and even more stupid everything get a little bit non sense , illogical and we dont. Know what to wait . The characters are just complaining , the story is completely missing and we got just a weird situation that i still cant understand why the director put things like this ? Its very boring and get pretty childish . Nothing happened during this hour of movie and they used some weird ways to entertained us : Bear, animals in the house but what it supposed to mean ?

Does all this movie want to tell us that people cant live together ? Cant really listened to each other ?. I dont have any clue !

Weird situation , weird movie and weird characters .

When i saw the reviews , i cant stop thinking : did i watched the same movie as the others ? I mean it was clearly non sense for me and it dont served anything : the story is very flat . I really dont understand the purpose and let me disappointed .
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Score (2016)
Movies and Music
30 May 2024
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A nice documentary about the music in the movies and it was very interesting but here too i think they could go more deeper . We have a lot of talk and some of these talks was not necessary and it will be more interesting the composition and how they composed it .

But anyway its enough and we got to see some famous movies : Star Wars , Indiana Jones, Titanic, Jaws, James Bond .....

We got also the story about the orchestra and how it evolved with the years with Zimmer and that was interesting but i need to say that i was disappointed to not see the exorcist mentionned : very disappointing but otherwise , that documentary was interesting enough to see how original some composers must be to try new things with new instruments and have that open mind .

Very nice documentary anyway even if i wanted something more deep with the composition , the notes... But it was good enough.
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And..... CUT !
29 May 2024
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A Nice documentary with the past and present of editing with the use of the hands or the technology . Editing remain the same thing over the years despite that now we do it more digitally than before who was manual : they litterally cut the frame .

It was interesting to see all the cuts and examples with known movies but if i can make one complain about that documentary is that they didnt show more in depth and stay pretty superficial and didnt show that much . We hear more talks of different directors and editors trough the whole documentary and it was instructive : i like the part when they talk about the russians and their editing during war and how they discovered the power of emotions and influence trough the cut .

And thats true , as a editor we can feel powerful in some way by cutting , making decisions and try some things to make that cut interesting by reactions .

I found the documentary interesting enough even if i prefer something more deep but it was ok and it cover most of the stuff about editing : how it was discovered ? By who ? The progress of editing and the power of it too . So yeah its kind of correct as a documentary and i enjoyed it anyway and found it instructive and interesting enough.
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Exhuma (2024)
Soul,spirit and confusion
29 May 2024
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Im pretty disappointed of the movie .

It have some interesting scenes ( i enjoyed the moment where they tell what can contain the coffin and they tried to open it at the same time : nice suspense build )and well done effects , make up and a nice photography .

But the movie bored me mostly by the story that go deeper and deeper .... into confusion . I just finished it and it was kind of unclear and implicit moment that make me confused more than really thrilled or scared . Its a slow rythm , slow dialogues too . If you are interested, i found another movie with that kind of horror but much more well made even if its pretty slow : "the wailing" and i dont really like to compare movies but enjoyed more the one that i mentionned than this movie . A little bit overhype in my opinion .

So yeah its very slow and you need to take patience before it tell everything but even if it tell you all, you will surely end up into confusion too probably or just bored by the slow rythm .

Its frustrating because it have some nice shots and some nice effects but i couldnt really get trough the whole movie without being confused or bored . Sad.
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The Devil Express
22 May 2024
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Really suprised by the movie .

I found it on IMDB and i said why not and i didnt regret to have watch it .

Just a little something that i wanted them to do its to play more with mysteries with the box at the beginning and get slowly revealed but anyway i spent a great time watching it .

The sound design really helped the immersion too and love also how they made it more tense during the killing and the panic.

I never heard about that movie and it was pretty interesting . I like at the end that the one who get possessed by the demon was the religious man and yeah nothing else to say just i really appreciate the ambience , the special effects (white eyes), the sound , the story ( even if its a little bit more sci fi with the monster parts and who is he and it dont go that deep in explanations).

I really recommend the movie and i enjoyed how they made it.
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Devil (2010)
devil go away !
20 May 2024
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Im pretty disappointed with the movie .

Cant really say that it intrigued me in any kind by the stories , characters and the situation . It was pretty weird and the events get illogical and the reactions of the actors put me off many times and we get some exaggerate moments or illogical and i really didnt get into it even by the policeman's investigations and that religious man saying weird things that didnt feel mysterious by any way .

I get bored pretty quick and i didnt see any devil except some lights going on and off at many times . It lack of purpose and we had that kind of situation going on in the elevator put i dont really see the interest : there is maybe a devil inside : so what ?

I dont know it really get me off many times and i didnt found it that interesting in any way despite a curious start but fall apart pretty quick sadly.
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Shutter (II) (2004)
a Pic , a past and a girl
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty surprised by that movie

It got that little vibe and get pretty spooky. I like how they slowly installed that ambience and the girl that we will learn that she knew the main character later .

The effects was really well made and i enjoyed all the girl sequence when Natre appear and found that pretty creepy . What i like also is that the movie feel very believable by its story and the events that can happen in the movie when they talk about spirits that is not calm after their death . We dont really know why Natre come haunt Tun but when the revelation come its pretty unexpected : we slowly start also to see that the main character is not innocent in the rape of Natre and i enjoyed how they hide it .

Jane is shocked too as the viewers and of course the end is more disturbing with Natre who will never get away of Tun .

I found brilliant how they made some shots ( the end with the reflections on the door to make us understand that Natre is still there , Natre in the room with all the pics ....)

A very underrated movie and i enjoyed how they made it and found it pretty believable ,spooky and have an interesting way to reveal some parts of the story and the truth about Tun .

I spent a great moment anyway and im glad that i discovered that movie .
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Triangle (2009)
All this for a bad behavior ?
19 May 2024
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Im really disappointed of the movie .

It started pretty well : it sound and look promising..... and they introduced that loop time or i dont know how they call this and everything get more and more confusing , meaningless and the movie pretend to be clever but its definitely not.

The developpment of characters are not existent except for Jess the main character and her bad behaviour and we understand what happened with her son and all the dialogues make sense but all this for a bad behaviour ?Come on !

For me i dont see why she needed to kill everyone on that ship : it dont make any sense : the plot have big holes that is hard to cover . The reason is not there and everything fell apart .

The only moment that could be interesting was the moment we get revealed that she beat her son but its clearly too short and get meaningless.

I dont know how that movie get released in that way : many things dont make sense and its clearly not smart and i think that movie didnt know what to talk about and found that excuse of time loop . I really didnt get into that movie but i clearly need to say that the actor who played Jess made a fantastic acting despite the lack of sense of that movie but even if i get trapped in a loop time i will not watch again that movie . One time was enough for me . It look promising at first but get disappointed.
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where is Childish Gambino ?
19 May 2024
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Im pretty shocked : what the hell is this ? Where is Childish Gambino ?

It start like a movie and have that vibes but what the hell ? I didnt really love this and feel childish as hell and dont understand why he made that : its completely non sense .

It got that Jazz vibe and stuff but the music ..... come on ! The mise en scene was interesting but fell apart with that music and the lyrics and it dont fit what they build up, the visuals and the tone . I dont know i didnt really get into that music . It start like a movie and end like a cartoon and was a little bit weird to be honest .

I hope to see more of him but something more meaningful . But it was ok.
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Cube (1997)
A movie about Cubes
18 May 2024
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A really nice movie !

Im glad that i watched the movie and found it very interesting even if the movie dont answer to all our questions at the end : why they were there ? Who did all that ? What was the plan to all this ?

But it really had some tense and thrilling moments and some surprising one : when Quentin dropped in purpose Holloway, the madness of Quentin , the fact that Kazan is the only one who survived to this .

We had also some interesting talks about governments , when David revealed that he designed that cube and all this to make that movie believable and slowly we dive into the situation and how they will all try to get out and try to understand . Each character had something interesting to reveal ,to hide and it was interesting to see all their personnalities and how they think .

Even a little bit disappointed at the end because we still dont know but i guess it was not the purpose of the movie but i really enjoyed it anyway.
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Hell house and lack of plot
13 May 2024
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Dont get me wrong , i appreciate some moments and i found some scenes pretty well made but something bothered me all along : the story

It clearly lack of depth and really didnt was that interesting in that case and we had also these people wearing black suddenly appeared without knowing anything or given a clue about them . It take a very long time before it start to be interesting : a lot of flashforwards and flashback that was a little bit distracting and let be honest : is that start really necessary ?and they showed again the same images at the end .

I appreciate the sound design and really give more immersion and tension. The scenes that i really found frightening or tense was with the clown standing and moving all arround the house , the heads of the dolls moving but i really found that they could play more with that and give more story to these dolls and give them a background like real human : make them feel that they had a past or something.

The end was more chaotic than scary until the guys with the black dresses come but everything was more hard to understand to get a scare but it was more effective after .

The big disappointment was the story and the lack of depth and creativity at some parts but i enjoyed it anyway even it take a little bit time to really start and have some unecessary parts in my opinion but its clearly watchable and have some scenes that really worked at least for me and have that ambience , mood that was really interesting .

So nice discovery and nice movie even if i expected way more in some situations or stories but it was kind of interesting anyway.
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Barbarian (2022)
My Baby !
12 May 2024
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A really surprising movie !

I really enjoyed it even if it start pretty slowly with these two who meet and at the first we wondering if Keith its the problem or is he a threat or something . But i was wrong and it was of course the purpose of movie to give that fake lead . When the woman discovered that hidden piece in the basement everything accelerate .

And to be honest that story of the rapist and sexual harassment was clearly not necessary .

But what i found a little bit implcit is the past with that man who bought some baby's stuff but they could make something more explicit or more mysterious about that man and it get a little under developped in my opinion and i really enjoyed how they shot it these past moments and it really give a different vibe than what we used to see in the present .

They could aso do much more in the basement and play more with the rooms and the set design but i guess it was ok .

But what really bothered me was that part when AJ throw Tess : it was a little bit too rushed and it felt like they didnt know how to end it even if at the end we get a little bit sad because we understand thats a woman who just wanted a baby . The breastfeed scene was also kind of scary : that mother wanted so bad someone to take care of that she took that AJ and made a scene a little bit disturbing and scary at the same time . It was a great scene anyway.

But i need to say its been a long time that i didnt get surprised by a horror movie recently and this one get my attention and it delivered some interesting scares, fake leads ,a horrific situation .....

Even if i found some parts not necessary : the introduction of AJ ( the rape charges and stuff ), a beginning a little bit long to give the real scare . And some parts a little bit under developped: the past moments, they could play way more in the basement trough the set design and used the environnment to make some storytelling ( even if we understand trough the TV that it was a mother who want a baby).

I watched also some youtube videos about also something that i didnt really noticed and i found the movie quite implicit and too much messing arround to really understand that theme of sexism and its trough the whole movie but i didnt noticed clearly and i need to say it was clearly not that powerful as the director thought it will be but its ok anyway

But overall it was a nice surprise and i really lije it and i couldnt get away of the screen and i spent a great/horrific moment . Nice !
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Hope is a good thing
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the movie .

I really was a little bit bored at the first hour and how things get a little bit too much the same thing but everything accelerate after .

So we follow two guys charged for murder and both of them live in prison . And we see what happened and how they try to stay strong despite the problems . We know that Dufresne was not guilty but it get there anyway .

And the life in prison is a little bit boring but what i really enjoyed are these relationship moments and how they stay together with jokes and they helped each other like a family .

Dufresne got a chance to maybe clear his name by a testimony but the director of prison is corrupt and they killed the guy who could save Andy and it was shocking and we felt that injustice .

But the big moment its when we know that Andy had made a holemto get out of prison and it was unexpected . We felt like Ellis ( the funny thing is that from the beginning Ellis seemed to know everything and when he get worried about Dufresne that he could do something wrong we get the same worries ) so yeah we get fooled in some ways and that freedom moment in the rain was very well made .

Friendship,injustice,Justice are some big themes in that movie . And i really love that they talked about the life before prison and after too . The talk about some prisoners who cant get used to society anymore because they have been in another condition that dont fit in that kind of living so we see the death of that old man and the redemption of Ellis who moved on in life with a new business and project with Dufresne and i really like that opposition of fate about Ellis and the old man . And reinforce that friendhsip was really important .

A very nice movie and keep up until the end : you will get surprised about how things turned and about some dialogues who have another meaning .
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The house and some ghosts and some secrets
10 May 2024
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Pretty surprised !

I need to say that i really enjoyed that movie and i was scared at the beginning because when i saw his daughter and wife get killed i was a little bit worried that the movie will talk only about how that man get sad in that house alone with their presence as ghosts but i was completely wrong and glad that i was wrong .

So it have some mysteries about the house and the previous people who lived there and we got also a dirty secret about a legacy that someone steal it . So yeah it was pretty well made and the investigations trough the whole movie was really interesting and that sound design really make us in complete immersion in the movie pretty quick .

The part where they talk about the spirits was also pretty scary and was fascinating .

I never heard about this movie before and i found him completely underrated and im glad that i watched it and indeed we dont make these kind of movies in 2024 but im glad that it was made by someone at this time .

A nice discovery !
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Indika (2024 Video Game)
Nun , riddles and prayers
8 May 2024
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A fantastic indie game .

With a direction that cant let indifferent . I really get into that story but i really think it could get more deeper and more complex but the game is a little bit too short for this so its understandable .

I like also the gameplay even if i found that too much riddles but some of them are really well thinking and made . I enjoyed trying and trying again and again .

We got also that 2D part mostly when she talks about her past with her father and how dramatic it turned . So the game become a 2D platformer and get little tricky with the rythm .

The story also make some interesting themes pretty common in religion : talk about bad and evil , Sins , mens , purpose ....

the relationship between Indika and the guy with one arm was interesting and get more intimate when we get to know them better .

A very great surprise and just for the originality its totally worth it and keep in mind its an indie game and i really think they did a fantastic job in the story , visuals ,gameplay , riddles and the dialogues too even i expected something more complex and deeper about the meaning of life and religion but it was ok anyway and i really enjoyed my time playing that game .

I recommend.
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Eraserhead (1977)
Confusion , baby and pure cinema
6 May 2024
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Ok , so what i did just watched ? I dont really know . It start in a logical and understandable way with that story of a new born baby and that the father take care of him .

But after that , everything become so implicit ,so weird it feel like i dreamed . I dont really know what happened but i saw some frightening visuals and a dramatic end : with that man who tried to kill his own baby and it became a nightmare with a lot of Moments that i had hard time to understand and that got very confused .

Im pretty familiar with the work of Lynch and i know that sometimes we need to watch multiple times the movie to understand all the smalll details and all that stuff but for this one i just think it was a fantasy world with a strange situation and we witnessed all of that .

I like also how the movie dont explain everything and let the images speak but here its hard to really understand . But the images was there and it shift between like a normal situation to something more like a nightmare with dramatic consequences

I enjoyed the visuals, the shots and the mise en scene despite that i didnt fully understand it . Nice anyway.
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Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome between power and confusion
6 May 2024
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Im pretty confused about what i just watched .

The story was a little bit weird and all that hallucination and reality stuff make me really confused about what really happened and what didnt . Its like enter another dimension .

I appreciate the special effects , the weirdness when it come about Videodrome and all that universe but it was hard to understand : maybe too much sci fi for me . The scenes where they include the body horror was well made and worked pretty well but like i said the movie is prettty implicit : does our main character get controlled by Videodrome by all these tapes he watched ? The effects with the TV was well made and it really helped with the immersion but yeah focus because its not really usual to see and to keep up about the strangeness of the movie but it was interesting despite all that .

And the nudity really was sensual and exciting to watch . The relationship with Nicki and Max was interesting and sensual too.
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