Barbarian (2022)
My Baby !
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A really surprising movie !

I really enjoyed it even if it start pretty slowly with these two who meet and at the first we wondering if Keith its the problem or is he a threat or something . But i was wrong and it was of course the purpose of movie to give that fake lead . When the woman discovered that hidden piece in the basement everything accelerate .

And to be honest that story of the rapist and sexual harassment was clearly not necessary .

But what i found a little bit implcit is the past with that man who bought some baby's stuff but they could make something more explicit or more mysterious about that man and it get a little under developped in my opinion and i really enjoyed how they shot it these past moments and it really give a different vibe than what we used to see in the present .

They could aso do much more in the basement and play more with the rooms and the set design but i guess it was ok .

But what really bothered me was that part when AJ throw Tess : it was a little bit too rushed and it felt like they didnt know how to end it even if at the end we get a little bit sad because we understand thats a woman who just wanted a baby . The breastfeed scene was also kind of scary : that mother wanted so bad someone to take care of that she took that AJ and made a scene a little bit disturbing and scary at the same time . It was a great scene anyway.

But i need to say its been a long time that i didnt get surprised by a horror movie recently and this one get my attention and it delivered some interesting scares, fake leads ,a horrific situation .....

Even if i found some parts not necessary : the introduction of AJ ( the rape charges and stuff ), a beginning a little bit long to give the real scare . And some parts a little bit under developped: the past moments, they could play way more in the basement trough the set design and used the environnment to make some storytelling ( even if we understand trough the TV that it was a mother who want a baby).

I watched also some youtube videos about also something that i didnt really noticed and i found the movie quite implicit and too much messing arround to really understand that theme of sexism and its trough the whole movie but i didnt noticed clearly and i need to say it was clearly not that powerful as the director thought it will be but its ok anyway

But overall it was a nice surprise and i really lije it and i couldnt get away of the screen and i spent a great/horrific moment . Nice !
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