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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
Oh man, another priceless night!
6 March 2005
Word on the street has this thing being cancelled. Not the smartest thing Fox has done but if it is I'll rest easier knowing they went down fighting all the way.

This season is getting BETTER than last season! The inter-woven themes in each episode and the stuff you barely understand before they are clubbing you over the head with something else. Total concentration required to get half the stuff they are tossing at us!

There is no sense in describing the plot line because it is all over the place and worth whatever the cast hand crew have to sweat through.

NICE work!
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Sean Austin - the heart of the movie
22 December 2003
The lenght of this movie didn't really bother me. The effects were great and Jackson has done an admirable job translating a LOT of detail from the book into these movies. The only part I REALLY missed was the reclaimtion of the Shire by the hobbits at the end of the movie and the death of Sauraman. And no matter what anyone says Sean Austin is THE heart of this movie. Generally speaking, everyone else seems legendary or 'one-note' - Austin is all over the place as far as acting...
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Read the book
16 March 2003
The book 'The Prince of Tides" is exceptional - full of great dialogue, interesting images and riveting events. The movie, screenplay by the author of the book, tries but doesn't succeed very well. In his defense, this sprawling book doesn't lend itself very well to filming - too much goes on and too much depends on several characters development from childhood to adulthood, and adulthood to old age, and friend to lover.

And geesh, I'm not crazy about Barbra but her obsession with herself borders on megalomania. She is not Lowenstein (at least from the description in the book) and thinks she is much prettier that she appears in this movie.

Read the book...
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Geesh, it's not bad!
25 December 2002
I actually enjoyed this one better than the first one. In reading the comments on this film before attending yesterday I couldn't imagine saying an animated character should be nominated for any award that isn't specifically digitally based, but the animators and Andy Sekis deserve something special for their work! I was COMPLETELY riveted to every moment of Gollum screen time. I've read the books and this character is the most developed thing (character and animation combined) I've every seen. (Although I admit, this accomplishment wouldn't have meant as much if we didn't have Jar-Jar to compare him to!)

Lots of action most of which you couldn't tell from live-action versus digital. Beautiful photography. It's a pity the Ents don't come off better in this movie - they are naturally methodical and slow moving creatures. The Ent parts of the book were excellent and the they suffer in the fast paced movie Peter Jackson has put together.

Looking forward to the special edition DVD!!!
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Big Daddy (1999)
30 November 2002
Yes, this movie is bathetic (yes, bathetic)and deliberately sentimental (right down to the clique music playing at the 'touching' moments). It doesn't have great role models or soul-searching value.

But you know what? You catch Sandler actually acting in it - and acting pretty well. Of course we get his anti-social ranting, played before in Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison, but you also get Sandler handling the love interest well and interacting with the kid on more than one level. 'Punch Drunk Love' shouldn't be such a surprise to critics or audiences after the work he does in this movie and "The Wedding Singer".

The movie has it's usual Sandler moments (gross/disgusting/questionable moral value), but he was also showing us a little more heart and a little less psychotic behavior with this one. So he may have been doing this to bring more women and children into the theater? The fact is he is CAPABLE of doing it (which I sincerely doubted before this came out) and that should be worth a few points.
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Sports Night (1998–2000)
Like a majority of comments...
10 November 2002
... I didn't watch this show when it originally aired on network TV. I've been catching it on Comedy Central the last month. No question it is an exceptional show.

The writing is great, repetitive, fast, sharp, thought-provoking, funny and, when it needs to be, sad. And all these adjectives apply to each and every episode!! Not a lot of TV shows can say that. In fact no more than one or two actually...

The actors are great at matching their characters to the lines, handling the rapidfire material, dealing with complex changes in pace and 'feel' of the scene. I'm ALWAYS upset when the 1/2 hour is over.

It's unfortunate that it was canceled after only a few seasons but maybe that's a good thing - no chance to go downhill.
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Special effects put you there...
19 May 2002
Sitting through this movie put my in the frame of mind of sitting through "Phantom Menace". I was totally enthralled with the horizons, landscapes and digitally created worlds. I love what Lucas creates through ILM. He has once again created seamless worlds that you want to visit. Ummm, you want to visit them to see how beautiful they are, not for the riveting conversations you see on the screen or the characters that are as flat as pancake.

One of serious complaints "Phantom Menace" had was the wooden performances. You would think Lucas would have improved on this and I suppose he has - by throwing a love story at us. I'll grant you that Anakin and Amadala are good looking kids, but so far the Solo/Leia have the love story hands down - and without the windy exposition and whining.

As a credit to Lucas and his marketing/film-making I still am looking forward to episode III. The train wreck you know is coming (Skywalker becoming Dart Vader) should be worth seeing. The few moments when you see Skywalkers reaction to the forces that will turn him towards the Dark Side are completely riveting and you can't wait to see what happens.
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Airplane for scary movies
5 May 2002
This movies serves itself well in the genre they were aiming for. The satire is mile-a-minute in the "Airplane" mode. The gags come so quickly you really don't have a chance to figure out if they are funny or not. (Sometimes that's a good thing!) Worth a look.
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Roxanne (1987)
worth it for the tennis fencing alone!
4 March 2002
For anyone that likes a well written scene, see the part where Steve Martin begins actually talking to Roxanne under her balcony. Brilliant writing - soul-searching and personal.

And the beginning where Martin gets the 'dueling' from Cyrano out of the way - very nice!
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I think that was part of the point...
3 November 2001
Clay's attitude in the 80's and 90's was 'shock value' (in the same vein as Pryor, Bruce and maybe Zappa as a musical equivalent). Anyone that didn't expect this walking into the theater has GOT to be guilty of being dumber than a bag of hammers. Being offensive is part of the package...

And he surprised some of us with coming up a credible movie. (Up your Ebert, you pretentious stooge!!!) The plot works - even if it's not the greatest - because it fits Clay.And the one-liners he throws out are hysterical. If you are reading this you can already quote 10 that you use (not in mixed company).

1. Presley redeems herself well (shades of 'Naked Gun' movies released after 'Ford') and even Wayne Newton isn't too greasy, although he's not really bad guy material. 2. Gottfried is gone (fried) too soon here. Clay and Gilbert make sure they are as obnoxious as possible. 3. Ed O'Neill is great as the washed up singer now a cop ('Booty Time, Booty Time'!!). 4.Even the kid and Ford interact well - a little scmaltzy, but consider this a ploy to get girlfriends to like the movie a little while their boyfriends are wetting themselves with laughter.

No taste at all in this movie and none needed. A '10'!
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Geesshhh, this is good stuff
3 November 2001
This stuff cracks me up every time I watch it. I've been watching for about 5 years now and I still choke on Oreos when I'm watching.

Lots of comments flipped out there that are vague or obtuse and you just laugh at the sarcastic wit that comes at you a mile a minute.

I still have a fondness for the "Joel" shows but Mike has a take no these movies that's just as funny. And the robots, in the SOL theater or deck are great too. I REALLY miss Dr. Forester!!
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Sellers = the only redeeming feature
3 November 2001
I like Peter Sellers in almost everything - except this thing.

I sometimes miss the point of movies but this film was boring and when on for DAYS! I like subtlety but not so subtle that you have to dig through mounds of dreck to get to it.

Maybe because I wasn't around in the cold war this movie isn't supposed to make sense.

I just hope people aren't voting for this one because of it's cult status. God knows we have enough movies that are 'excellent' because someone else says they are!
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Harpo was right...
7 July 2001
Frankly I was expecting something worse than what I just saw on HBO. Sure the movie was bad and boasts another shamelessly overacted role by Travolta. (THIS is a surprise? What about Look Who's Talking, Lucky Numbers, Face/Off, Broken Arrow, Grease - all the way back to Welcome Back Kotter...)

Sure it was gloomy and had HUGE plot holes. Sure the camera work isn't stellar (not that I could do a better job) and, yes the music was maudlin and smaltzy.

Still, to quote Harpo Marx - 'No worse than a bad cold".
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Dafoe/Malkovich... worth a rent
12 June 2001
I'll have to agree with quite a few users - this was an great idea for a movie, the cast is excellent, the photography is great and this movie just goes on and on and you think it's never going to end.

From the beginning credits (the art deco backdrop) you have a feeling this movie is begging pretentious people to just LUV it.

Malkovich was very good as Murnau (there isn't very much he ISN'T good in...) and Dafoe was great. He played this one for every nuance and he comes off as creepy and funny. (I couldn't help but think of Martin Mandau in Ed Wood watching him!)

Sure the ending was supposed to get across some meaning that missed me and the story drug but it's worth it to watch Dafoe preen and snarl and sniff with the funky ears and LOOOONNG nails.
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Does Brooks thing ANYTHING he does isn't funny?
21 May 2001
This guy is in love with everything he does. He can't image writing something he doesn't think is hysterical. Or seeing his face repeatedly in nearly every movie he makes. For the 3 or 4 good laughs in this movie are 15 painful moments when you sit and stare at the screen and wish to God he was as funny as he thinks he is.

I took a look at this for the first time in about 5 years and I guess I grew up or this guy was NEVER THAT FUNNY TO START WITH.

Geesh, the farting scene? Funny in 7th grade. When Brooks is the Gov or the Indian chief? You wonder why he didn't just (over)act every part and save everyone a lot of time.

The only thing saving this from the bottom of the barrel is an excellent cast (Little, Kahn, Korman, Wilder) that tries SO hard to make something out of a junior high school script by a man that is seriously not all that funny.

Okay, this movie is still about 100 times better than Spaceballs...
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Hannibal (2001)
What's the point?
18 April 2001
I'll be the first to admit I was looking forward to this movie. I thought Silence of the Lambs was gory but extremely interesting. The by-play between Hannibal and Clarice was riveting and if I rent the video now I usually fast forward to the times they are interacting.

This 'Hannibal' thing doesn't have whatever charm it's predecessor had. And Lord knows I do not buy Julianne Moore as Clarice. Not to say she didn't do a good job - just not the same as Jodi Foster. (And was I the only one thrown off by the fact that at one point in the movie they played cassette tapes of the first film and used Jodi Foster's voice?)

I suppose it's all in the fact that the thrill of discovery that I had when I first watched Silence of the Lambs is gone. In 'Hannibal' Dr. Lecter is older, Clarice looks and sounds different and I never got to see Dr. Lecter eat Dr. Chilton.
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Soapdish (1991)
This one is worth it
15 April 2001
It's funny. It's not Arthur Miller or T.S. Elliot, but man this is funny. Kline and Fields are great. (Her toss-off line "God, you are so disGUSting" as she climbs in his window - great! Kline's running into the door after scoping out Teri Hatcher - great too!) Robert Downey Jr. and Kathy Moriarty work together flawlessly - until he finds out who she really is... a soap opera turn if there every was one!

The scene near the end in the chinese dining area had my kids and I rolling on the floor - that scene alone is worth the rental price.

Doesn't solve any world problems or show the seemy underbelly of daytime T.V. (I hope). Just a lot of fun.
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Oh, this was BAD.
9 December 2000
Nothing about this movie was very amusing. Not the main character or any of the peripheral characters. Watched this with my nephew (14) and HE didn't even laugh. If you can't get a 14 boy to laugh at stuff like this, how good can it be??
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