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Finale worth the wait!
16 May 2002
It takes it's time to warm up - Attack of the clones - but the last 30 minutes of so is worth the wait, the 3 year wait, that is.

The only other worthy mention which many people have ignored is Hayden Christiansen's brooding Anakin - watch the way he mimmicks Darth Vader's gait and mannerisms. Unfortunately, the plot is confusing, the acting is amateur, and the digital monsters disappointing, but... The Clonetroopers were cool!! My rating: 9/10 for the final 30 minutes and forget the rest...
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A jumbled piece of Sci-fi brilliance
15 September 2001
This film is mixed-up due to the directorial influences of Spielberg versus Kubrick. If Kubrick were alive, this would have been a very different bleaker movie. In some parts Kubrick's influence is glaringly obvious. This film wouldn't be the same without Spielberg's gleeful vision and without Kubrick it would have lacked that extra bite. However, the many themes of the film are maintained throughout. The actors in this film are also quite brilliant: Hayley Joel (Sixth Sense) Osment is great as David, Jude Law is electrifyingly perfect as Gigolo Joe, and the side-kick of the year award goes to TEDDY!! The one weakness of this film is the editing. Parts of the story seemed to be cut-out while some parts were kept that I felt should not have been there. Overall, I'm a Sci-fi fan and this is a brilliant Sci-fi film.
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Nurse Betty (2000)
Renee Zellwegger's commanding performance
31 August 2001
This movie is held together perfectly by an outstanding performance by Renee Zellwegger. She was duely rewarded by winning the Golden globe award for this performance. This movie show us the fine line between fantasy and reality, and the psychological coping mechanisms of dealing with traumatic experiences. Most of all this movie is another one of La Bute's dark comedies to which he debuted with "In the company of men".

Rating: Renee Zellwegger 10/10; La Bute 8/10; Overall: 9/10
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A Lack of Directing Style
31 August 2001
The overall feel of the third Jurassic Park movie is relatively low-grade, without Spielberg directing. Spielberg has the ability to create "blockbuster" action sequences like in "Jurassic Park 1 & 2" or "Raiders of the Lost Ark" or "Saving Private Ryan". This movie lacked that style. Most of all this movie lacked coherency because of shoddy post-production editing (probably because they went over-budget). I could give numerous examples of this throughout the entire film's running time.The story lacked suspense, and became quite improbable at times. The characters apart from Dr. Grant were very uninteresting.

My rating: Spinosaurus 10/10 the rest eaten by editing 0/10.
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Titanic (1997)
Why did it succeed?
11 August 2001
Four years and many notable awards (including Best Picture Oscar) after, and the all-time box office number one position, why did Titanic succeed?

Personally, it was magical. The recreated ship, the sinking, the digital effects, were all a beautiful backdrop to one thing - the love story. The love story was the fantastic notion that love has no limits, love crossed class barriers and it won our hearts in the end.

Even if "true" love like this doesn't really exist, it's nice to think that for three hours, here, at least it does.
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It'd be nice to forget the original but...
10 August 2001
It'd be nice to forget the original but, this is not an original idea. The shock value provided by the original 1968 film is lost here. Hollywood is running out of creative ideas for films every time they "remake" old movies and make movies based on video games.

People say Tim Roth was excellent in this film? I could hardly understand him under the growling and mumbling. Helena Bonham Carter's make-up was Amateur and Mark Wahlberg was awful.Luckily I'm a male and Estella Warren provided the stimulation for me, even though she got to say about five dumb lines.

What's good about this film? It looks good, just like Estella too bad there wasn't anything else.

Rating: 5/10
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Forgot the human element!!!
26 July 2001
This movie looks great but that's about it. So what? the best animation seen on screen this side of Roger Rabbit but it lacks everything cinema-goers crave - the human element. People go to the movies to escape to put themselves in someone else's shoes for a couple of hours. I couldn't put myself in Aki Ross's shoes because I knew I could never aspire to be a 3D-animation. I knew she wasn't real, no matter how well the producers made her look real (eg the hair). So, after the first half an hour of salivating over the CGI, Final Fantasy's story line leaves you totally bored and unconcerned over the fate of this world of fantasy... Rating: 5/10
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Bang, Bang, kiss, kiss
21 June 2001
Do You want to hear the worst, cliched dialogue ever in the history of film? go and see Pearl Harbor for 3+ hours of dribble. Do you want to see a 35 minute commercial for the integration of CGI and real life action? go and see the second hour of Pearl Harbor. Do you have a spare three hours to WASTE? go and see Pearl Harbor. Do you want to see a beautiful woman? go and see Kate Beckinsale in Pearl Harbor. Have you got a life? Then you wouldn't even consider seeing Pearl Harbor. Final verdict: 2/10
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Memento (2000)
"Don't believe his lies"
6 April 2001
Well, where do you begin to describe Memento. I loved the way the scenes were shown "backwards" and forwards till they met in the middle to reveal the climax. But, even the end may not be what it seems to be. This is a true classic a masterpiece which may go unnoticed and not truly acclaimed for it's brilliance. But, I think twenty years from now "Memento" will be a landmark film. A cult classic. (10/10)
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Red Planet (2000)
A complete waste of time and money
6 December 2000
Movies are supposed to be unadulterated escapism for 1.5-2 hours of your life, you take a seat and for that time you are: Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker, The Terminator, or Neo. A movie about my life would be more interesting than any of the cardboard cut-out characters lives in this movie. I'm not saying my life's exciting, gee, I'm writing comments on a movie website think about it. Some say this movie was better than "Mission to Mars" (another utter timewaster). No, both of them rank alongside "Battlefield Earth" as the worst Sci-fi movies ever made. What happened to Val Kilmer's career? He was such a great prospect to become a superstar, and then he made movies like "The Saint" and "At first sight" and now this. I used to be a huge Val Kilmer fan. (Not now)
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Eventually emotions come into it!
1 December 2000
This is a great investigation into the challenge of having a merely sexual relationship with someone without letting emotions come into it. But, eventually emotions come into it because sex is more than just the release of biological urges. The two main characters Josh and Cin are perfectly portrayed by their players David and Susie. I'm sure they would have put a bit of themselves into their roles. The toughest part would have been filming the sex scenes and for the director filming the scenes without a hint of pornography. My rating: 8/10
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Unbreakable (2000)
Beautifully crafted and directed!
1 December 2000
Unfortunately, comparisons have to be made with the debut film from Shyamalan. This is a great follow up but... Plot-wise this isn't quite as intriguing as SENSE. Character-wise the way in which Willis has to come to terms with being who he is, does not compare with the horrors young Haley Joel had to face. In fact the best character in this film is Robin Wright's loyal, enduring wife. Did it need the "twist" at the end, or was it merely expected? Both films were beautifully crafted and directed. Mixing first person perspective camera work (eg the fall into the pool) with vouyeur camera work (eg on the train). My Rating: 10/10 for direction, 6/10 for plot
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Jolie Shines! Love is Complex!
11 November 2000
This otherwise ordinary, drab film is saved primarily by two things:

1. Angelina Jolie as Joan, paired with Ryan Phillipe as Keenan make the movie actually mean something. Joan is a tough talker who's really not-so-tough on the inside. This was the only worthwhile story of all of them in this movie. I watched it on video and fast forwarded the rest till I got to a Jolie/Phillipe scene.

2. It was good how all of the characters lives were interconnected at the end.
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True Horrorshow!
11 November 2000
I've been waiting for this movie to come out on video for years. I was banned on video in my state. I'd heard a lot about this film. I wasn't disappointed. I am in awe of Malcolm McDowell's performance as Alex De Lage. His performance deserved more than an oscar, if there's such a thing. Almost thirty years on, "A clockwork orange" looks far from dated. You could be tricked into thinking it was made this year. The soundtrack is outstanding, Beethoven never sounded so good. Kubrick's applies his trademark direction using first-person perspective and wide/varied angles to perfection. Anyway, I could go on and on about this film. Just see it if you haven't and viddy it again and again. RATING: 10/10
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The Worst Movie of the Year!
13 October 2000
This movie was awful. The dialogue was lame. The action was uninventive. The characters were uninteresting. The actors were on autopilot. I expected a lot better from the likes of Ben Affleck, and Gary Sinise. For them to even consider making this movie was a bad career move (or they were in it for the money). They had to throw in some gratuitous nudity to keep people interested.

How many times was "Rudy" almost shot dead because he kept saying he wasn't Nick. It was repetitive. Why didn't they just shoot him. It was repetitive. Why didn't "Rudy" just leave when he had the chance when he got out of his Hotel Room. By then, he'd already discredited Ashley as a genuine, caring lover.

Anyway, there's too many things wrong with the whole plot, it wouldn't be worth the while going over each and every flaw. The film's not worth thinking about. I just want to forget it.. I have forgotten it. (Rating: 0/10)
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Who needs Special Effects, when a movie like this exists?
13 October 2000
Simple, Original, and Romantic. "Before Sunrise" is about Chemistry. The casting of the two lead actors: Hawke, and Delpy was a master stroke. Sure, at times it looks like they are just saying their lines, but most times their reactions to each other are spontaneous. The scene in the listening booth, conveys so much while saying so little. The magical first meeting was also majestic, as two strangers meet as if they'd known each other for their whole lives. The scene in which they pretend to talk to their friend over the phone describing their meeting of each other, is a fascinating way of telling one another, how they feel.

It'd be nice just once in life to have an encounter like the one depicted in this movie. The setting is also very romantic and adds to the genuine "magic" of the film. The conversation is interesting and not overwhelming. Most of all the pleasantness conveyed by both lead characters makes you wish for more. (Rating: 9.5/10)
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X-Men (2000)
X-men or the day Wolverine stole the show
13 July 2000
X-men would not be half as good a movie as it is without Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. He portrays the character with brute anger at times, along with a little sensitivity as well. Also, Patrick Stewart was born to play Professor X, no-one in the world is perfectly suited for the role.

I wished the movie wouldn't end that's how enthralling the experience was for me.
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Chemistry NOT action
13 July 2000
This movie would have been a complete failure without one thing- that is, the chemistry between Ethan (Cruise) and Nyah (Newton).

the rest of the movie is just unrealistic fill without their unique interaction.
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Gladiator (2000)
When in Rome...
8 May 2000
This film reaches some fantastic heights here are my personal highlights:

1. When Maximus(Russell Crowe) reveals himself to Commodus(Joaquin Phoenix) after his first victory in the colosseum.

2. The battle in the colosseum: Maximus versus the undefeated gladiator and the lions.

3. The final duel in the colosseum. This was not a long duel, and was represented realistically. An untrained Emperor versus a highly experienced wounded Maximus.

4. ...and any other battle scene in between.

Gladiator looks good, sounds good, and really lifts you, that is you want to be Maximus and avenge the wrongs which have been dealt upon you. A classic good versus evil story.
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2001 left unchallenged by this one!
17 April 2000
This film features some of the worst dialogue, heard on screen this side of "The Phantom Menace". No, the dialogue in this film makes the dialogue in "The Phantom Menace" Shakespearian. The acting is very plastic too. Take the seen in which Woody dies, very badly acted indeed.

The only thing that may save this film is the SFX. (Barring the very poorly rendered alien)

My Rating: 8/10 for the SFX, 1/10 for the rest.
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An intriguing movie
7 October 1999
I don't understand the critics reviews for this movie. I thought the plot was constructed well, and the characters were also developed well. I thought the acting was superb too, Cole was portrayed brilliantly, and Bruce Willis's - Dr. Crowe, was also great. The support cast were good too.

It has taken a couple of months for this film to reach Australia. So, I've watched its progress at the US Box Office over the net, and I've read the poor reviews as well. So, I can't explain why it did so well ($220+ million) at the Box Office because it isn't really a mainstream cinema-goers movie. On the other hand, I thought the critics would love it, but they definitely did not embrace it. So, the IMDB voters poll is, in my opinion the only true poll for this movie at 8.8 avg. I thought it was great!!
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Notting Hill (1999)
It's Good, not your typical romantic comedy!
23 June 1999
Notting Hill packs some surprises. The lead (Hugh Grant) goes through a lot of turmoil to finally, get the girl (Julia Roberts). On one hand, I liked the way his character, William, acted toward, Anna Scott. He didn't go all gooey over her star status. I thought is was good at first. But, when he finally realises that she likes to be with him, he doesn't go out of his way to keep her.

There isn't a whole lot of chemistry going on between the two of them either. It's like "Okay, let's have dinner. Or Okay let's jump this fence." Not much passion there.

The supporting cast is great, I especially like Bella, William's wheelchair bound ex-lover. His welsh flatmate was at times too far-fetched. (Jar Jar-esque)

Overall it was a good movie, with character and plot something that's missing in most films these days!
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Shag-a-delic yeah baby!
20 June 1999
Austen's back, and so is Dr. Evil. This was a fun, funny movie.

Although, the first movie was original, this one still has many funny side splitting moments. Who'll forget the mind numbing crude jokes about "fat bastard". Heather Graham is great as the sexy Felicity Shagwell. Mike Myers is great in his trio of roles. Go and have a laugh with Austen and the gang today!
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Better the second time
4 June 1999
I saw "The Phantom menace" twice in the same day. The first time I expected a movie equal if not better than the original trilogy. I was disappointed.

The second time around I viewed the movie as a separate entity from the original trilogy. If you view it that way then it is a great movie. Remove the "Star Wars" tag and think of it as another sci-fi movie and "The Phantom Menace" will live in your memory. My advice to anyone seeing the movie is to view it this way and not compare it with the other "Star Wars" tagged movies.
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The Best of The Trilogy
6 April 1999
The Empire Strikes Back is the best film in the Star Wars Trilogy (Episodes 4-6). The characterization is exceptional, we've all come to love and hate, Luke and Vader. The twist at the end was widely talked about during its release.
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