IMDb Polls

Poll: Patriotic Movies for Independence Day

Each year on July 4th, the US celebrates Independence Day, the anniversary of our country adopting the Declaration of Independence, which announced that the 13 original American colonies were coming together as a new nation, and were no longer part of the British Empire.

Entertainment Weekly magazine has created a list of the "25 Most Patriotic Movies" to celebrate the birth of our nation. Which do you feel is most patriotic?

Discuss the list here

* all text descriptions of the films come directly from the original EW article

Results of 773 votes:

  1. 1.

    Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    #1 - Steven Spielberg's tribute to the Greatest Generation places you in the boots of the D-Day soldiers who fought and died—and others who lived to wonder in the face of such loss, "Why me?"…
  2. 2.

    Independence Day (1996)

    #13 - Roland Emmerich's blockbuster may revel in aliens blowing up the White House, but when Bill Pullman's American president urges mankind to unite in the fight for survival, it's one of the most he…
  3. 3.

    Top Gun (1986)

    #8 - Thanks to one impossibly cocky fighter pilot named Maverick, Reagan-era America never felt better about itself—or its military might. Tom Cruise was the grinning poster boy of red-white-and-blue …

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