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All about father
11 November 2019
The characters in the film seem to lack a proper father figure. Theres a huge gap left in their lives with the absence of a masculine figure and because of that the women in this film tend to be a mess but however they push themselves to be stronger.. and the few male characters shown in the film are transvestites except the son of the protagonist with whom the plot begins as he queries into the identity of his never-seen father. The film is essentially about coping up with loss and acceptance.
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Joker (I) (2019)
King of comedy + taxi driver
2 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Joker was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode in pop cultures face. So is the character Arthur played by Joaquin, an explosion made by time and pressure of/by/in the society which couldn't bother if someone was dying on the streets or starving without food. A society which will ridicule the isolated for being isolated and laugh and call him/her a clown for not achieving anything. What follows when one man stands up against the hypocrisy and injustice is anarchy and as we all know joker is a symbol of chaos. The film definitely hits the right nerve in the audience who would notice the relevance of the themes and concerns put forth to our current period and it may affect the wrong person..but the film doesn't end with the creation of joker but the birth of Batman. Chaos is not left to be celebrated but to remind us why we need order. The film is poetic in every sense though it falls slightly under to call itself a masterpiece. Joaquin Phoenix is a Master of his craft and a spectacular sight to see. On par with Ledger.
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Midsommar (2019)
Oscar for best student film category
28 September 2019
The film is technically sound! Its so beautiful and immersive in every aspect except it has no story. Whatever story there could be is all maybe beneath the layers in the form of symbolism. The plot however exists and its a plot from which we can't complain about the predictable nature of the film. It reminded me a lot of wickerman for obvious reasons and I don't understand the people who complain that these two films turned out to be predictable. A film exceeding all predictable notions is of course the best cinematic experience but a sophisticated viewer knows that each film should be seen and processed by considering the creators intention. Ari aster hasn't failed by making the film predictable but neither has he won on that regard.. where he has clearly won is in showing us exactly his intention and making it prodigiously his own.. a natural auteur. Unfortunately that win is not one with which, us, the regular audience could fully celebrate because idk about you but i wanted it to end differently than it did. Not exactly in a "Hollywoody" way but something a bit more Tarantinoesque and by that I mean a little heroic.
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Best mockumentary
8 September 2019
One of those films that gets you to laugh from the very first scene till the very end.
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What you should expect
4 September 2019
A 1 hour setup of the island of pagan worshippers and a last 20 minute pay off which is only shocking if you've never seen anything like it. Nevertheless its a fun movie of weird.
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Onibaba (1964)
Cinematic excellence
19 August 2019
One of the most captivating film experience for me. Set in a vast field full of tall grass lives a widowed girl with her mother in law and a young neighbour- few miles away. In between them theres no one seen except the occasional samurais who pass by and if its their unlucky day the lady's kill them and rob their gear to trade for food. The bodies are dumped in a deep pit in the middle of the field. The story then develops into themes of lust, betrayal and questions of the supernatural. All this is presented in a very atmospheric approach. The sound of the wind cutting through the grass is present throughout the film and at times becomes a character of its own. What captured about the cinematography is how it's edited to build that atmosphere.

A good film should move you. And that doesn't always mean "make you cry". Onibaba is cinematic excellence and i wish to study more of kaneto's works.
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Green Book (2018)
18 August 2019
One of those films that remains in your memory for a long time because of the way it made your heart feel.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
The only review you need to read
16 August 2019
Tony soprano the sociopathic gangster screams "i got it! I got it!" After his little peyote experience while looking at the sunset.
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Parasite (2019)
Another bong masterpiece
8 August 2019
Thought provoking, self reflective, socio economic critique. Highly entertaining film that mixes genre styles or tropes giving a wholesome movie watching experience. The agony of poverty and class inferiority is the raging theme of Parasite. At first, knowing the title of the film and the directors previous films i thought this was going to be a "Apocalyptic virus outbreak" kind of film, But it turns out a metaphor for the plot of the story - A poor family finds a rich family and slowly becomes a part of their house and their life and in the end the parasite does what a parasite does.
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Cure (1997)
Asian tarkovsky?
7 August 2019
Slowly simmers into a hauntingly thrilling story. The way the film has been shot and put together evokes a very captivating cinematic experience, Stepping into the paranoia and nightmares of the characters in a slip of moment without realising we've slipped is nothing short of excellent editing and direction.
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Subtle comedy
3 August 2019
Its fun if it's your kind of fun. Its one if those films thats not too heavy which you can watch if you got nothing else to do.
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Elephant (2003)
Genuinely terrifying
30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad i watched it without knowing anything about it. I thought the film was going to be an art house coming of age romance until the boys walked into school geared up in camo carrying 2 bags of heavy artillery.

Gus van sant takes us through the daily life of a few students in a school Within a day, we see what emotional experiences they have to face everyday. These are long shots following the characters from point A to B and again from a different perspective when seen through other characters crossing their path. The sequences are structured simple and eloquently which makes it a very immersive experience.

Now coming to the core of the film, the story and the message makes the film a very important topic of discussion. As we dwell alone in those corridors getting to know the kids it makes enough time for us to experience the actual terror of what's about to come. Because we're not just knowing the kids but literally following them, walking with them and sitting down with them. The natural isolation of existence we feel in our lives between action is allowed for us in this film. To walk in those corridors, to be there, felt too real. The setting became very much temporarily habitable. That is good direction. So all this is well prepared for us and finally when the shooters come in we feel the terror like no other film made. The message, we see bullying and shaming and authoritarianism all affecting the growing minds of the kids. In the end the shooter says to the principal to listen to the kids when they come in to complain about bullying and other things that might affect their life. And also how easy it is to get guns in America? The ridiculousness of the gun culture can't be shown more rawly. Wtf? The kid just ordered and the fedex guy just wanted a signature and bam.
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Watch it if you got time for wisdom
29 July 2019
A revolutionary artist who cares for the well being of people has a very spiritual approach to freedom, while being imprisoned by the authority of a fascist country. A policeman arrives at his doorstep one day to escort him to a ship back to his country. On the way he's stopped by people after people to whom he sings songs of wisdom.. songs on love,marriage,evil&good,death. Meanwhile a little girl finds peace in her unresolved heart because of him. Each song is animated by different artists who bring their own uniqueness. I loved the animation. The film looks like an independent effort of someone who just wanted to bring khalil ghibrans sweet words to more attention. My favourite song was the one about freedom, with crows tied to a tree.
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Buffet Froid (1979)
Absurd and free
29 July 2019
A parody of the noir genre where everyone's reactions to actions are not what it should be. It appears to be a strange dream where the protagonist is living in but as the story moves the absurdity catches up to him wishing to wake up from it. It's not a dream, it's a guy who's stuck in some crazy world created by Blier I think. It's an oddball experimental film coming from Bertrand bliers playful cynical mind. Goes to show what a filmmaker can do if he's truly free to do what he wants.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
A film that I've grown to love more and more everyday.
29 July 2019
Listen, watch this movie. Stfu and watch it. Its a miracle that this movie exists. Just stfu if you don't end up enjoying it. F you.
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10 for the animators
29 July 2019
3 short films capturing the distance between two hearts. In the first film we see the love between two childhood crushes and the longing between them as one moves to Tokyo. In the second film we see two friends so close to each other but far away in terms of dreams. The 3rd film is similar. Overall there's not much stories but just confessions. Confessions they wish to make to each other but we're the one to hear them. Me,Coming from a strict diet of 3 act structures and films with a plot line, it's a little difficult to digest but since every film was less than 20 minutes I could manage... but however, a couple of minutes into it, the film starts to create an atmosphere of solitude and beauty. The montages and photography creates an awesome experience. This is a film for those who've been in love or for people like me who live for awesome atmosphere in cinema.
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F##k the academy
29 July 2019
The film focuses on a single mom and her daughter moonie living day by day with carefree happy attitude and Follows the lives of the people living in the cheap highway motels in Orlando through the eyes of the children living there. Most scenes is of the pranks and 100 metre adventures the kids engage in and the little misunderstandings between the adults and their way of coping up with the life. Director Sean baker has become my new favourite director. I believe a good director is someone who could get the best performances. The kids have played their part so well and it seems like Sean baker just took a camera and followed into their secret lives and conversations. In the end the authority try to seize the child and relocate her. The happy badass punk kid moonie we've seen throughout the film breaks our heart when all her rainbow happiness breaks down and she is brought to bare reality by the situation. She runs away from the authority and goes to her best friends room and says "this may be the last time I'm might see you" and cries. Her cry is something no one is ever prepared for as a child. Most of us who've had a traumatic moment in our childhood can instantly relate to her. And those who haven't had any will also be left in tears, because that's how well the actor has played the part and that's how well Sean baker has directed the film. Florida project is a highly impact full film and has taken a place forever in my little fragile heart.
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Mahanadi (1994)
Beautiful cruel world
29 July 2019
An innocent and naive father with two motherless children living a happy content life in a village gets lured by a shady townsman who claims to be a businessman and promises to make him rich. The naive father then goes through a series of kafkaesque events. One thing leads to another driving the man's life into a downward spiral. The height of which would be his thirteen year old daughter being trafficked into prostitution. There are ways in which the film appears to be an echo, Patterns of similar action takes place at different point throughout the film which makes us more familiar with the characters and the overall theme of the film hits us stronger, really putting us in the shoes of the protagonist and what insanity of a world he's experiencing. The continuous background of railways. The growth of the family dog. The repetitive shady men. And most importantly the daughters habit of speaking during sleep. We see her innocent dreams to her most traumatic. All rivers start from somewhere, then gets separated and in the end reunites. So do the characters in the film. Mahanadi is a cautionary tale for those who didn't already know and a social commentary for those who see the obvious. For me Mahanadi was all about the side effects of being naive and irrational in a cruel cruel world.
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Battle of will and defeat
29 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What I like the most about this film is that it has achieved binding the entire mythology that's been built in the previous films in the series. From resurrecting our memories of characters and tying up their ends with more information of how the new characters are connected with the old. But most importantly "who is Batman?"

In Batman begins a terrorist organization wants to completely annihilate Gotham city because of how corrupted Gotham is, with its mob bosses and corrupted corporations and government. In the dark knight we see the people and the authority of Gotham facing a villain who's only goal seems to be proving the madness within us and destabilizing or exposing order as a lie. The ultimate goal was to see the people turn against each other, A fall of civilization through mass hysteria and paranoia. Throughout the series we see a similar theme- a socio/ political reason for the destruction of society. The dark knight rises presents itself with a temporary actualization of what the previous films were warning us. Unlike the joker who wanted this by making the people go at each other, bane does it by military invasion and a more stable vision. A vision not born of madness but one of ideal and hate. All these villains have one thing in common, they were all unaccepted and in return didn't accept. Every film tests Batman and his ideals. In rises we see him truly broken and literally rising from a metaphorical hell. The one bane calls home. Every good story is adventurous and every good adventure story has something to reveal about the protagonist - a search for identity. In some films the identity search becomes the central theme, and a conscious effort by the characters. In Batman, Wayne seems to be quite clear of who he is though he always carries an air of mystery about him. True we know his secret cosplay shenanigans but the drama and obstacles that happens around him and his response to them reveals to us more about who he is at the core. A film shouldn't be interpreted so much but the dark knight films are very inviting. I think in the final chapter Batman completely dies. The entire pit climbing(the metaphorical yet literal hell)sequence is purely Bruce Wayne. Every last beat of his heart beats for Gotham and Wayne makes the jump like the child. At that very moment, he's reborn. And like an innocent child would trust a snake, the first thing Wayne does is trust someone who betrayed him. And by death Batman becomes immortalized - a statue is built
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Beautiful movie.
12 April 2019
A surrealistic romantic trip down art and literature history. Has a lovely ending.
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20 January 2019
This film broke my heart. Please watch it. Children are angels :'(
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Aquaman (2018)
21 December 2018
So bad we walked out after 1st half. This is the worst DC could get. Worst the entire superhero genre could get. Cheesy cliched punchlines and overdone cgi BS... ugh why? Just why? Or how can someone work , make a film without any passion or care or love. This film lacks a soul, simple. Save yourselves time and money. #winterishere.
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9 July 2018
I'm writing this as I cry after that climax. It's a beautiful movie paced well set upon beautiful locations and lonely people. Thank you ang lee.
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Noah (2014)
Great film
28 June 2018
Do humans deserve to live? Are we all bad? Should men follow the heavens or their will? Can the answers to these questions arrive without going through madness? The human condition is not an easy thing to be judged, after all Saints and sinners have walked on this planet wearing the form of men.

I haven't read the big book but I know the story of Noah's ark. This film is a great adaptation of the ark story and puts the mythology up there along with the likes of the lord of the rings films or any other great fantasy films.

Darren's Noah is not embraced now. But it will be in the future.
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Prisoners (2013)
The greatest film of this decade. Villleneuve's genius is a slow poison.
27 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this film I thought "well lazy writing of how a case is solved through chance". I watched it again. The brilliance of this film is in its realistic take on chance, and the presentation of the film and the godlevel acting of the actors. Two characters, jake a detective and hugh jackman a father who's sworn to protect his family from the cruel world, now has lost his daughter. Jake and Hugh discover clues on their individual quest which could solve the case logically if they work together and know what each other found, but Hugh is a rogue detective, a father. Even though they don't work their clues together , but because of each other's actions affecting where they're supposed to be at the right time they are led to the ultimate ending of this beautiful film.
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