
14 Reviews
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do the right thing
30 April 2015
I love spike lee movies. do the right thing just so happens to be my favorite. it shows a lot of hardship a lot of people in the inner city of new York had to go through. my favorite scene is the love hate speech with radio. I love that scene so much because you rarely hear him speak and then he just goes on with this fight of love and hate and it just made so much since. to me this might be spike lees best film ever, I don't know how the ratings went for him with this movie but he gets a thumbs up from me. how hot it was in the city really connected people because heat in minority neighborhood's can really drive people to do crazy things.
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Annie Hall (1977)
new fan
28 April 2015
iv never seen a woody Allen film besides antz (which is a really great movie) even though its animated woody Allen's character still has a lot of his traits, smart and very sarcastic, also extremely witty and sort of shy. but this film was really great for the first time of me seeing it. the whole time in my head I watched this film I mistook woody Allen for woody Harrison boy was I way off. for some reason all his characters in his movie are always connected with sex, was this guy a sex maniac in his younger years or is this something that has always been in his background? And woody Allen is not the most attractive guy (no offense) but what made him want to go that angle, I just the 60s and 70s everyone was a sex addict.
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The Graduate (1967)
first time lover
16 April 2015
this movie blew my mind completely, secretly this is like the American dream for young men, I think every man that watched this movie wished they were in the same position as him (no pun intended) track star of a wealthy family, and just graduated college. he sure sowed some wild oats. iv never seen this movie till I watched it in class, I absolutely loved that Dustin Hoffman was in this film, had no idea. he was hilarious! hi character just seemed so shy borderline weird and I loved it. he was so non chalet, everything that anyone said to him kind of just went over his head. he'd be so in his own mind sometimes, I can defiantly relate to that. I love movies that connect with you as a viewer.
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pretty good pretty good
1 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
i like the film overall, i was fascinated by how fast her business grew. seen it for the first time in class. i really don't have much to say on this film, its one of those kinds of movies where everyone has there own opinion on how to handle things. because i say her daughter was extremely way to spoiled and should have been handled when she was young. she was so rude when she saw the dress she was given, and her mom just sat there heartbroken. why? were kids not being punished at the time? even when they were taken her away at the end her mom was crying and she just didn't care. At that point i think she just snapped and went crazy.
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Casablanca (1942)
first timer
5 March 2015
Never seen Casablanca before, iv herd a lot about it, iv seen cartoon remakes of the movie but never the actual movie. Seeing it for the first time I actually thought it was really good. lighting was great throughout the entire movie you always saw just what you needed to understand and feel connected to the movie. never seeing the movie and hearing a bunch of quotes on the movie really blew my mind. iv herd "here's to you kid" somewhere before and I just was shocked it was from that movie. the lovers quarrel in the story was really good I learned a lot about the history of the war in this movie a lot more then I though I would.
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Fantasia (1940)
came here to listen
19 February 2015
I love Disney movies, even though this one didn't have any dialog besides the conductor or narrator I still thought it was a really great film. there's so much music that iv never herd before, or I have herd and just didn't no from where. I loved the mickey mouse part of course. haha, I never understood why right before the mickey mouse skit, mickey came out and congratulated the conductor, why? I also loved the dinosaur part. I'm a big dinosaur fan and I loved how they used actual facts with a little imagination to. the nutcracker blew my mind, one , because I didn't know the song was that long. two, because the art they used throughout the song was on beat the entire way. every color every stoke and line had the perfect effect to match the sound.
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Stagecoach (1939)
new to the game
19 February 2015
iv never seen a john Wayne flick until now. and honestly, I enjoyed it. there weren't any loose ends the movie left you with. you kind of got a feel for each character the moment you see them. I wish john had a few more lines or at least a couple more stunts or something. with never seeing any of his movies and people calling him possibly the greatest American actor ever (which I have herd) I kind of expected him to do a lot more. but this film is pretty much what started his career so I understand. I just wish I saw the John Wayne that everyone else has seen, the big hero the big great actor who saves the day, instead you kind of see him just does as he's told.
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The Struggle (1931)
pretty good
19 February 2015
this movie really bugged me out. I didn't really get why this mad got into drinking so heavy. his wife did everything for him, cooked, cleaned, stayed home to watch the kid while he worked, and took care of him. what was going on in his life that caused him o drink so drastically I didn't get it. the way he was drinking you would think his jobs sucks, he has a crappy marriage or something. but everything was perfect she worshiped the ground he walked on , constantly forgiving him every single time he messed up. unless there was something happening that they didn't show on screen I honestly think this guy just didn't like life. like he drank until what I believed to be him loosing his eye sight like his daughter would be right in his face and he would ask "where are you?" was that because he was too drunk or sick?
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Sherlock Jr. (1924)
pretty good silent film
17 February 2015
this movie was pretty good, iv never herd of it until recently and no one told me it was a silent film, so I was surprised by how much I actually did like the movie (not a big silent film kind of guy). this Sherlock jr guy is kind of off I thought at first, like was that all it took to become something at the time, just read a "how to" book? I thought that was really funny. his character kind of gave me a Charlie Chaplin vibe. he was very accident prone but real slippery to get out of any situation. that made me think, why didn't Charlie Chaplin take this role? I don't know, not a huge Charlie Chaplin fan so I don't know what he was doing at the time. Just saying...
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the best
12 February 2015
by far the best film we've watched in class. it was hilarious. there was so much put into this movie especially with the new code laws that were present at the time. it had romance, comedy and not just any kind of comedy, it was snappy , witty kind of douche bag comedy I should say. something I can relate to, he was kind of " yeah im homeless so, your rich and stupid." not necessarily in though those words exactly. Godfrey was real intelligent and he didn't want you to think little of him even though he had no home. you knew so little of him the entire story plot and everything just came pouring out about his life last minute I liked that.
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laughter with a straight face
9 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a little bit "off the wall" if you ask me. of though films that are a little "stupid" to where you can only enjoy it if you don't really take it seriously. not really like a joke but like a haha this couldn't happen type of thing. like the folks of new York fell in love with this girl without knowing any symptoms, any physical evidence of her sickness. and it made you think like wow were people really this stupid an just ate up anything people fed them through the media. like this girl was treated as a national treasure! were there not any other sick people at the time? or was her sickness just a little bit more serious. honestly, im probably not explaining it well enough but it sucked.
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The Circus (1928)
New Charlie Fan
5 February 2015
iv never really been into silent films, but seeing this Charlie Chaplin film really got me into it. his character in this movie is amazing, he just makes you love him with the things he do. without any words they make sure that all the character's actions catch your attention. I wanted to see so much happen for Charlie in this one. he kind of is the nice guy who you just want to see flourish. he does everything in his power to get this girls attention and for her to like him an its just like why doesn't he give up its not working but the more he tries the more you just want to keep watching to see if it happens. he try's everything to make her happy and the one thing that makes her the happiest kind of crushes him. after that your just stuck to this guy and just cant wait to see what's next for him
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really good film
5 February 2015
black an white films are usually not my go to, I don't know what it is but they just don't seem to attract my eye. But this film, man o man! it really keeps you on your toes with everything, the chain gang, his personal life, his business, his future EVERYTHING! it just leaves you wanting more and more just o see if he every becomes free? does he get married? did he ever get his respectable image back? there's so many unanswered questions, but I think they should do that in some movies, it keeps you interested and keeps the story alive through generations. I love the ending scene when he disappears, because he pops up out of nowhere and he frantic he's tired and worn down and it just shows that someone would rather run away put their entire future at risk rather than being imprisoned on a chain gang at the time, lets you see how harsh they really were.
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Frankenstein (1931)
left for a loop!!!!
5 February 2015
Iv actually never seen the Frankenstein movie until now. iv always herd about it, seen a few knock of clips and stuff but never actually seen one of the original movies. and with what iv seen I got to say I'm kind of disappointed. the story of Frankenstein is a story of this big monster created and has all this hatred around him his a big menace. but this movies kind of makes him seem like less than that if it makes since. he was created an pretty much just thrown away an broke loose AND THEN things went downhill from there. The story that I know of was that he was created caused a lot of trouble an all this stuff but in the film was lucky honestly, he was supposed to be killed an then that would of been the end of his story but that's not what happened. its like they didn't have enough time to really get into his character and give him a background story its kind of like, here's this monster, he does a few things, he runs he dies..the end. WHAT?
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