
149 Reviews
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The Holdovers (2023)
My new favorite film for the holiday season
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Internally, everyone harbors personal narratives that may be challenging to express. "The Holdovers" brings these stories to light. Ultimately, it underscores the power of human connection, uniting people through shared experiences and empathy, thereby enriching the tapestry of life.

Love the soundtracks; they perfectly align with my favorite playlist for Christmas and complement the scenes in the movies.

The plot is straightforward; some might argue it's overly simple. However, for me, simplicity suffices for a holiday film. Light, heartwarming and a bit emotional - isn't that precisely what we seek for a winter day?
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Fargo (1996)
Darkly humorous and chilling crime thriller
23 September 2023
The characters in "Fargo" are unforgettable. These characters are quirky, but you can strangely relate to them, which adds depth to the story.

"Fargo" is like a perfect blend of dark comedy and thriller. It mixes humor and suspense effortlessly, crafting a weird and sometimes absurd vibe.

"Fargo" displays the signature style of the Coen brothers. It's packed with their trademark sharp dialogue, eccentric characters, and a meticulous eye for detail. The film's Midwestern backdrop almost becomes a character in its own right, adding a special charm.

Cinematography is also worth-mentioned. They masterfully captures the eerie beauty of the snowy landscapes, creating a striking visual counterpoint to the violence and darkness in the story.
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Weak plot
3 September 2023
This movie definitely has its strong points. The visuals are good, with the dinosaurs looking fantastic, and it's a real visual feast. The action, while maybe not the absolute best in the series, is still a blast and keeps things exciting. The performances are solid, with Isabella Sermon stepping up her game from the last film, and Jeff Goldblum adding a dose of humor. Plus, the nostalgia factor is pretty sweet, and the movie keeps a good pace to keep you entertained.

However, the weak link here is the story. It's not terrible, but it doesn't quite live up to the potential set by the previous film. The villains are a letdown; they lack any real threat and are easily forgettable. The narrative can feel all over the place as it jumps around from one place to another. So, overall, it might be the most disappointing entry in the series, but it's definitely not the worst thanks to its strong visuals, fun action, solid performances, and that touch of nostalgia from the series.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
I used to hate family films ...
3 September 2023
Ryan Reynolds is back at it, and he's as brilliant as ever as Deadpool. His charm and quick wit are the beating heart of the movie, keeping the character lovable and hilarious.

"Deadpool 2" brings in a whole bunch of new faces, like Cable (Josh Brolin) and Domino (Zazie Beetz). They add layers and complexity to the story, with Brolin's stoic Cable being a real standout.

David Leitch, the director famous for "John Wick," brings his action expertise to the table, and it shows. The movie's action scenes are choreographed to perfection and are visually mind-blowing. You're in for some seriously thrilling combat sequences.
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Deadpool (2016)
Never laugh that much
3 September 2023
Ryan Reynolds nails it as Deadpool, aka Wade Wilson. His quick wit, humor, and charming self-deprecation bring the character to life and make him someone you can instantly connect with and never get bored of.

"Deadpool" doesn't hold back on the meta humor. This movie is fully aware it's a movie, with Deadpool regularly talking to the audience. The humor is sharp, irreverent, and takes a good-natured jab at all those superhero clichés and Hollywood stuff.

This film isn't your run-of-the-mill superhero flick. It's got its own unique vibe and style that stands out. It goes darker, more grown-up, with violence, swearing, and humor that's definitely not for the kiddos.

"Deadpool" might follow the classic superhero origin story, but it adds a cool twist to it. Wade Wilson's journey from a snarky mercenary to a morally-conflicted antihero is captivating and hits you right in the feels.
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The Batman (2022)
Gritty, gloomy vibe
3 September 2023
It's more like a detective story. The first two-thirds of the movie are pure gold. Everything just clicks and works brilliantly. I was totally wrapped up in it. But man, does it stumble in the final act.

As for the cast, Pattinson does a great job, Colin Farrell is decent, Geoffrey Wright, well, he's as awesome as ever and Zoe Kravitz is alright. But Paul Dano, he's the real show-stealer, especially in that Arkham scene.

On the flip side, there are some moments where the pacing feels a bit off, and the movie is a tad too long. And the ending, not a big fan. It's in that final act that you start to feel the movie's length, and it's where things don't quite live up to the earlier brilliance.

This movie won't be everyone's favor, that's for sure! It's easily the darkest Batman flick to date. It's got that gritty, gloomy vibe and isn't exactly a fun watch.
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Black Panther (2018)
It could be better
3 September 2023
Okay, let's be real, "Black Panther" follows the typical superhero playbook when it comes to its plot. It is kinda predictable with the way characters grow and the story unfolds.

Now, here's where "Black Panther" really shines: it's a groundbreaking film because it puts a major focus on Black culture and traditions. It's a big win for diversity and representation in the superhero world, something that was long overdue.

Chadwick Boseman, rest in peace, absolutely crushes it as T'Challa, aka the Black Panther. He brings this mix of strength, grace, and vulnerability to the character, making T'Challa one of the most interesting and relatable superheroes in the MCU.
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Parasite (2019)
Great cinematography. Very up-to-date message
3 September 2023
"Parasite" rocks an incredibly well-crafted screenplay that smoothly mixes dark comedy, thriller vibes, and social drama. It's like a rollercoaster of plot twists that keeps you glued from start to finish.

This movie's all about class differences, digging deep into the gap between the rich and the poor. Bong Joon-ho's storytelling is pure genius, showing a sharp yet compassionate take on this social divide that'll make you think.

The cinematography by Hong Kyung-pyo is just drop-dead gorgeous. The movie pays serious attention to every little detail, whether it's the swanky Park mansion or the grimy Kim home. The contrast between these places really drives home the film's message.
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The Shining (1980)
No jump scares, but it sends chills down your spine
3 September 2023
Kubrick totally nails it with the creepy and suffocating vibe in the movie. The Overlook Hotel is like a character in itself, and those twisty hallways add to the mounting tension.

Jack Nicholson goes down in history with his bone-chilling performance as Jack Torrance. He goes from normal to nuts in a way that's both horrifying and mesmerizing. He's basically the face of the movie's unsettling vibes.

This film is all about messing with your head. It slowly peels back the sanity layers of its characters, keeping you guessing whether what you're seeing is real or just madness playing tricks on you.
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A thought-provoking and satirical masterpiece
2 September 2023
The cool thing about this movie is that the more you watch it, the more you see it mirroring real life. It's like a reflection of our own world.

The whole idea at the core of this movie is just mind-blowing. Truman's life being broadcast 24/7 without him knowing it? That's a genius and kinda spooky concept. It really makes you think about how invasive reality TV can be and the way personal privacy is fading away in today's world.

"The Truman Show" doesn't hold back on giving reality TV a hard look. It's like a sharp and spot-on commentary about how voyeuristic and manipulative reality shows and mass media can be. It gets you questioning what's real in the world and whether it's okay to use someone's life as entertainment.
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Everything is incredible
2 September 2023
Belushi and Aykroyd - those guys are pure gold together. Their chemistry is off the charts and is what makes this movie tick. They're like a comedy dream team that's etched in cinematic history.

"The Blues Brothers" is a total music fest. It's got these legendary blues, R&B, and soul performances that are just electric. The music scenes are the ones you'll remember long after the credits roll.

This movie doesn't pull any punches with the humor. It throws you into these crazy, over-the-top comedic situations that'll have you laughing your socks off from start to finish. It's like a masterclass in being absolutely absurd and poking fun at everything.

And for its wild car chases - they're a big part of what makes the movie iconic. Those high-speed runs through the streets of Chicago are like organized chaos, and they'll have you on the edge of your seat.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Old but gold
1 September 2023
It's mind-blowing that when I re-watched this movie, it was made almost 70 years ago. It's incredible how people back then could create something so awesome. Yeah, it's straightforward, but it achieved a lot of things that modern movies often can't touch.

Talk about nail-biting tension and suspense! "12 Angry Men" is like a masterclass in ratcheting up the pressure in a tiny jury room. The heat gets turned up as these jurors hash out the case.

The characters in this flick really get a chance to grow. As they argue over the guilt or innocence of the accused, their biases, prejudices, and personal stories all spill out. Watching how they change during the movie is both gripping and makes you think.

"12 Angry Men" goes way beyond just the plot. It's a serious wake-up call about justice, prejudice, and how the legal system can be flawed. It makes you reflect on your own biases and ideas, no doubt about it.
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An enjoyable watch
1 September 2023
Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton totally nail it with their on-screen chemistry. Seriously, their connection is like sparks flying, and it makes their characters' relationship feel real and relatable.

The script is loaded with clever, funny dialogue that keeps you hooked from start to finish. The back-and-forth between the characters, especially Nicholson and Keaton, is a real standout and adds a ton of charm to the movie.

"Something's Gotta Give" is pretty smart about digging into the generation gap in relationships. It gets into the nitty-gritty of age, societal expectations, and the idea that love can catch you off guard at any point in life.

Some of the supporting characters, like Keanu Reeves as a doctor and Amanda Peet as the daughter, or Jon as the assistant, don't get enough screen time. Their storylines could've been beefed up to give the movie more layers.

This rom-com does stretch on a bit in terms of runtime, which might make some folks antsy, especially during the slower parts.
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The Prestige (2006)
A magic trick - packed with unexpected twists and turns.
31 August 2023
The storytelling in "The Prestige" is seriously clever - the way the story unfolds in a non-linear way adds a whole lot of complexity and intrigue. It's like a puzzle that keeps you wondering.

Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale totally bring it as rival magicians Robert Angier and Alfred Borden. Their performances are top-notch, giving the characters some real depth as their motivations change and evolve.

And this movie really makes you think, diving into themes like obsession, sacrifice, ethics, and what it costs to chase your dreams. These themes add a bunch of layers to the story and get you pondering the moral dilemmas the characters face.
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Tony is great. The idea is great. But ...
31 August 2023
The way things wrap up at the end is a bit of a problem. They didn't really explain it well or handle it logically, so it leaves us feeling unsatisfied and like something's missing.

Brad Pitt totally nails it as Joe Black, giving a performance that's full of layers. He captures the character's curiosity and innocence while trying to figure out all the complicated stuff about human feelings and connections.

And let's talk about Anthony Hopkins - that old man is a total legend, no question about it. He really brings some serious weight to the movie as William Parrish, juggling business and family stuff right in his final days of life. His acting really hits you in the emotions and gives the character a ton of depth.

"Meet Joe Black" really gets into some deep stuff about life and death, love, and what it all means. It's like a nudge to the audience, making us think about how important those little moments in life are, even though they pass by quickly.
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Larry Crowne (2011)
Feel-good story but lack of depth
30 August 2023
"Larry Crowne" is all about that warm and fuzzy feeling. It's a story of personal growth and change that'll leave you feeling good. The positive vibes and the idea of grabbing new chances make it a real uplifting and enjoyable ride.

Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts have this amazing chemistry that makes their on-screen relationship feel so real. Their interactions and how they connect as the story goes on hit you right in the feels.

But here's the thing: the story's kinda familiar. It goes down a path you might have seen before in other feel-good comedies, so there might not be many surprises for those who've watched similar movies.

While the film touches on change and discovering yourself, some folks might wish it went deeper into these topics. It's like they scratch the surface, but they don't dive too deep.
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One of the best heists in movie history
29 August 2023
All right, let's break it down. The cast in "Ocean's Eleven"? Out of this world. You've got George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, and more - their charm, humor, and chemistry just light up the whole movie. Each character's got their own flavor, which makes the story even richer.

The plot is like a puzzle that's put together just right. The way they lay out the heist step by step keeps you hooked and wondering what's next.

And let's not forget the banter and jokes. The way the characters talk and goof around gives a break from all the heist tension. Those funny moments help the film stay fun and keep you interested.
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Can't wait for the Beyond
29 August 2023
This is hands down one of the top animations in 2023. This long-awaited sequel totally delivered. The characters were super unique, and the humor was just right - they sprinkled it all over the movie. The animation itself was on point and looked awesome.

I loved how they threw in references to past Spider-Man movies and brought in a whole bunch of different Spider-Mans from different universes. Meeting them was a blast. And mixing up different animation styles added a whole new layer to the story.

The story was seriously awesome, and it didn't feel rushed at all. Even though it had a bit more going on than the first one, they explained it well, so everyone could get it, no matter their age. And that cliffhanger at the end? Nailed it. Can't wait for part three.
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Good way to end a trilogy
29 August 2023
Yeah, a bunch of people were expecting the High Evolutionary to be this big, tough villain, but it's a bit disappointing that he gets defeated so easily. It's like a letdown for sure.

The friendship between the four animals in the cage is something special. I've never really gotten emotional about animals in movies before, but this time, it got me teary-eyed.

And the ending is exciting, especially when they showed off the new Guardians of the Galaxy crew.

I actually enjoyed this film. It's a solid way to end a trilogy - plenty of laughs, lots of feelings, good music, and those epic movie fight scenes were really well done.
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Not that bad
29 August 2023
I get why some critics weren't thrilled with this one. They might've expected Kang to be more intense and ruthless. But this movie's more about expanding the Marvel universe and letting Jonathan Majors show off as Kang. Still, the character's impact isn't all that remarkable.

But hey, Ant-Man and The Wasp still matter. They bring the emotions and personal stuff that we can relate to. The movie's not perfect, but I'm here for the Marvel world getting bigger and the characters.

And guess what? Bill Murray is now part of the MCU. I'm a fan. Hope to see his character's return, rather than ending up as octopus food.
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Quick Change (1990)
Bill Murray is good. The story is kinda silly, but nevermind, it's comedy
28 August 2023
Bill Murray totally brings the laughs in "Quick Change." He's got this perfect sense of when to be funny, and his character Grimm, the bank robber who's had enough, just adds a bunch of charm and humor to the whole movie. He's basically carrying the comedy on his shoulders, and he's really good at it.

Even though the setup of the movie is new, it kinda sticks to the usual funny stuff you'd expect in this kind of film. If you've seen a bunch of comedies like it, some parts might feel like you've been there before.

It has a bit of a tough time balancing how funny it wants to be with the parts that are more crazy and tense. This can sometimes make the mood feel a bit all over the place.
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About Schmidt (2002)
Sad man story
27 August 2023
Jack Nicholson, as Warren Schmidt, shows all the sides of the character - his soft side, his deep thinking, and how he grows as a person. It feels real and deep.

The movie's not just all heavy stuff - it's got these sneaky funny moments too. They come from the everyday things in Schmidt's life that you can totally relate to.

"About Schmidt" gets into stuff that we all think about - getting older, looking back on life, and wondering what it's all about. It's the kind of movie that hits home for lots of different people.

The way the movie shows Schmidt's emotional journey, how he looks at his past and deals wih his regret is just really touching and makes you think.
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Great sequel
26 August 2023
The movie's a total visual treat. They take the awesome looks from the original and make them even better. You're in this super detailed world that just pulls you in.

The music in the movie is seriously eerie and moody, thanks to Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch. It's got this vibe that just sticks with you and fits right in with the whole mood of the film. And they manage to tip their hat to the original's music while making it their own thing.

Just like the first one, "Blade Runner 2049" dives into some deep ideas - think artificial intelligence, what makes us human, and whether making smart robots is cool or not. It really makes you stop and think about where we're headed and what it means to be alive.
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Mystic River (2003)
Somehow incomplete
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie's got an amazing bunch of actors like Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, and Kevin Bacon. They really bring the emotions and depth to their characters. You feel all the ups and downs of their lives and how their history weighs on them. 2 of them won Oscars that year, very well-deserved.

The way the movie tells its story is pretty complex - it mixes up different plots and ties them all together, so you slowly see how everything fits. This way of doing things digs deep into why characters do what they do and how they're all connected.

And this movie doesn't shy away from tough ideas. It looks at stuff like trauma, getting back at people, and how things that happened in the past mess with the present. It makes you think about what's right and wrong, and how the past sticks with us.

But I mean, what's the message? Good guy has to be killed? No compensation for childhood lost? The ending is hard for me to accept. It could have been better than that.
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Chinatown (1974)
25 August 2023
The story in the movie is like a puzzle that's put together really well. It lets out bits of info at just the right pace, so you're always curious about what's gonna happen next.

The plot twists and turns keep you hooked, and when everything starts to make sense, it's super satisfying and makes you think.

Jack Nicholson totally rocks as the smart and stubborn private investigator, J. J. Gittes. And Faye Dunaway's no slouch either - she's awesome as Evelyn Mulwray, who's caught up in a crazy and dangerous situation.

The way these two work together on screen adds this cool depth to how the characters interact.
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