
22 Reviews
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Dogville (2003)
Remarkable performances , Remarkable Movie
10 December 2003
Wow ! is all i can say for this movie . I must admit I doubted that this movie would work with the absence of the some of the more "traditional" aspects one expects from a movie such as sets , houses , location or even doors for that matter but this very things makes us focus even more so on the actors and they do not disappoint. The story is hypnotic and makes us question what we are as a society . It really angered me to see how poor Grace was abused and treated so horribly by the people of Dogville and I was completely satisfied by her decision at the end . and what can i say about the truly magnificent Nicole Kidman , suffice to say that she is one of the most rivetting , radiant and talented actresses in the world today and I wish her career the very best.
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Irreversible (2002)
Le Tenia
21 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Have to give credit where credit is due . Joe Prestia really was excellent in bringing this loathsome exscuse for a human being to life. He really is horrible in that rape scene as he hurls abuse at Alex . I red in an interview with the director that Joe Prestia is in real life a really nice guy but after watching this movie I think i would physically assault him on the street if i ever saw him.I feel like smashing the screen everytime i see him smiling after Pieere and Marcus have killed the wrong guy.
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Insomnia (2002)
take a bow Mr.Pacino
6 July 2002
for giving probably the best performance of the year in this riveting thriller by Christopher Nolan . The man acheives a level of acting talent unheard of in recent memory and thankfully unlike the rest of his generation he hasnt become a one note joke ( Robert "showtime" DeNiro anyone ?? ) All i can say is that this is without a doubt the best thriller of the year and way above panic room and murder by numbers.
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Insomnia (2002)
The best thriller of the year
31 May 2002
This is without a doubt the best movie i've seen all year . christopher nolan proves himself again to be one the best directors around . Al Pacino yet again reinforces his legendary reputation as the most intense actor around . Williams is astounding as his quarry and alter - ego . All in all a must-see film .
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31 March 2002
How can i even begin to describe the impact this movie had on me . Absolute perfection. The entire cast is perfect . DeNiro is great as the young vito corleone in his first major role as well as Duvall and Diane Keaton but it is Al Pacino who dominates this picture . His emotionless stare is possibly the most chilling gaze i have ever seen in any movie and he completely blows every other actor in this movie off the screen . DeNiro won an oscar but he isnt fit to lick pacinos boots by comparison . All in all the finest sequel ever made .
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The Score (2001)
Tedious , very Tedious
13 January 2002
Now i know this movie was going to be boring when i saw the trailer but i still wasnt prepared for the mind numbing piece of waste this movie is . The 3 "best actors of their generation" cant save this turkey .

DeNiro - NOT the best actor of this generation when u realize that the 70s had actors like Nicholson and Pacino . They also havent become commercial prostitutes like deNiro.

Brando - he now resembles a fat overweight clown doing an impersonation of Marlon Brando

Norton - Good but the best of this generation ?? Take a bow Mr. Sean Penn .
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30 December 2001
What makes this movie phenomenal is the performance by pacino . Famously hospitalized for exhaustion after this movie . His Micheal Corleone is a masterpiece fo characterization and undoubtedly the greatest performance ever . Do yourself a favor and watch this movie SOON !
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The Greatest performance ever
3 December 2001
We all know that this is an incredible movie adn the greatest sequel but this movie also has the greatest performance of all time in Al PAcino's Micheal . I have never seen any actor use his eyes to such devastating effect the way PAcino does and i have yet to see Pacino ( or any other actor ) better this performance .
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Unforgiven (1992)
Greatest Western ever
30 November 2001
Oh man .. just like Al PAcino is the greatest gangster ever , Clint Eastwood will forever be the greatest cowbody and in this film he lays to rest his legacy in the finest possible way . This film is a true classic
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One of the great performances of the decade
13 October 2001
Yeah yeah everyone knows the gf3 is not as great as the first 2 but dont see this and you're missing out on one of the best performances by any actor in the 90's . I'm talking about Al PAcino reprising his legendary role of Micheal Corleone .He is absolutely magnificent in this role . Hunched over and seemingly defeated but still emanating that intensity and power that was in part 2 . This is surely micheal corleone's saga and pacino does full justice to his role even if the movie does not serve him well . It also has one of the greatest delivered lines in movie history

"Just when i thought i was out they pull me back in "
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Heat (1995)
Pacino steals the show
6 October 2001
For me Al Pacino made this movie with his hysterical , over the top turn as the obsessed , drugs addicted cop whos hell bent on catching DeNiro's ice cool robber . One particulary memorable scene has him screaming "CUZ SHE GOT A GREAT ASS ! " in a sleazeball's face . The expression on the guys face is hilarious . This movie is a little overlong but worth seeing just for his performance alone .
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The Insider (1999)
Best movie of its year
29 September 2001
Fantastic film . First time i saw it i was bored but the second time i was riveted by its purposely slow pacing and brooding atmosphere . Russel Crowe is magnificent as the shy , introverted Jeffrey Wigand , a man who dares to blow the whistle on one of america's most powerful companies . Al Pacino .. what can i say about this actor . He's the big screen's most intense actor and while other actors of his generation have become parodies of themselves he is still giving classics like this one . Cheers .
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Pacino in his prime
9 September 2001
Watch the world's most intense actor give one of his best performances in this Lumet Classic which is one of my top 5 movies rite after Serpico . See this move ! . One of the most amazing points of his performance is that it came rite after his cold ruthless performance in The Godfather Part 2 and he's completely changed . No makeup , no stupid deniro method gimmicks . His whole mannerisms , his style is different . Kudos
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Pacino in his prime
5 September 2001
If you want to see the most intense actor in cinematic history give the most intense performance in cinematic history look no further than this movie . Pacino is absoulutely magnificent as a tightly coiled don and creates the greatest character ever portrayed by any actor ever . Watch this movie !
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The Score (2001)
Stupidest Heist movie i have ever seen
24 August 2001
The title says it all . This movie sucks like nothing i've ever seen . Bobby D. confirms my worst suspicions in this movie that he's just an AVERAGE actor who because of Scorcese and some method gimmicks has gotten the title of acting legend. Brando ? forget it and Norton is fast in danger of becoming typecast as the split personality guy . AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE
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Donnie Brasco (1997)
Al Pacino's Unforgiven
24 August 2001
What a movie and above all what a fantastic performance from PAcino . unlike the other actors of his generation ( DeNiro , Nicholson ) he still knows the diff. b/w a good movie and a dud . This is truly a thinking man's gangster movie and in my opinion ranks rite up there with the godfather trilogy and scarface . SEE IT
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The Score (2001)
Inferior in every concievable way
13 August 2001
Absoultely horrible movie. DeNiro has been coasting along for about 6 or 7 years on the fact that he's DeNiro and doesnt even try to act . Brando has a " I'm Brando .. see me act ! " attitude while Norton is good but this is definitely not his finest hour . If you wanna see a good movie of this genre watch "HEAT" and forget his film ever exsisted .
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Heat (1995)
Simply Riveting
13 August 2001
I saw this movie for the so called clash of DeNiro and Pacino and was rivited . This is truly a movie given extra weigtage by its two acting titans . DeNiro is subtle and understated .. at times a little bit too understated . Pacino is wild in this one giving one of his awesome flamboyant performances. To those who have criticized his performance as being over the top i must tell them that he character is addicted to drugs which explains his uncontrolled mannersims. I was disappointed by the coffee shop scene though Pacino is good in that scene using his incredible emotional range to show his character's complexities while DeNiro just keeps giving his 'the look' . Truly a great movie which can be viewed numerous times .
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Scarface (1983)
Still makes Goodfellas look like Mary Poppins
13 August 2001
My God .. what a film. Forget every gangster movie u have ever seen . If you ever wanna see a movie that truly shows the nastiness of the Gangster life style this is it . It doesnt have the opera of the Godfather or the visuall dazzle of Goodfellas but what it does have is a truly no holds barred approach to its subject . The chainsaw sequence is the most nerve shredding scene i have witnessed in a gangster movie . And of course Mr. Pacino once again confirming my suspicions that he is the big screen's most intense actor , it is a testament to his skill that while Montana has hardly any redeeming qualities we are still rivited by him . This is a film for purists of gangster movies and u either like this movie or u have no taste .
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Heat (1995)
6 June 2001
Truly a movie of tremendous proportions this is an epic in the true sense of the word rather than the hollow movies like Gladiator that scream EPIC but do not achieve epic status . First of all it has got not one but two of the greatest actors of all time Pacino and DeNiro . Pacino the king of intensity and DeNiro the master of subtelty . To see these two acting great's styles clash against each other is truly an awe inspiring sight . Has there been a more electrifying scene in the 90's than seeing these two masters sitting at a coffee table exchanging dialogues ?? i think not . Do yourself a favor and watch this . my favourite line after watching this movie has become " CUZ SHE'S GOT A GREAT ASS !! " you'll see what i mean .
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To call it a sequel is a travesty
9 May 2001
This movie is way to be good to be labelled a sequel to The Godfather . Rather it is more of a companion piece to the original and the two perfectly compliment each other . IT is both a sequel and prequel showing the rise of the young vito and moral decline of Micheal . Both characters are brought to life with uncanny ability by Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino . To say that these two are good actors is like saying that a nuclear bomb makes a loud noise and in this movie they prove why they are at the top of their respective crafts .

Al Pacino is the standout in the ensemble cast and its amazing how his eyes have changed from the first part . They are now cold , ruthless and unemotional and betray the price which Micheal Corleone has paid for power .

Watch this movie and learn why it is the greatest gangster film of all time.
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Incredible Gangster Flick
6 May 2001
I thought this movie was phenomenal as it really returns us to harsh reality of how gangsters really behave . Films like Lock Stock .. and Pulp Fiction while excellent movies have reduced gansters to cartoonish figures but this movie really shows them in thier ruthless glory. At the heart of this movie is the performance by Paul Bettany who is absolutely brilliant as the psychotic Gangster 55 . Malcolm McDowell is also good as the older but not wiser Gangster but fails to match Bettany's icy brilliance . All in all a must see if u like Gangster flicks .
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