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A Search for answers
21 October 2002
Michael Moore has received a lot of criticism in his career for wearing his agenda on his sleeve. However, this film is a search for the truth behind violence in this country. If anyone bothers to watch it, he deconstructs some liberal theories (including my own) about how guns themselves are the problem. His conclusion appears to be that it is only the combination of the politics of fear and the guns that creates the violence. As far as all of the nonsense about his weight, when you run out of intellectual discourse you can always go low. I think his next documentary should be on the discrimination that overweight people receive. Go and see the film and learn something. You don't have to agree with his politics to see where the man's heart is. He cares, and in our dog eat dog, absolute truth, self-centered society that is refreshing to see. As he matures as a film-maker I expect him to continue asking the questions that need to be ask and being the lone voice of the majority of Americans who are tired of being dismissed, categorized, and pushed around by corporate america and the government. I applaud him for his tenacity and hope that he continues to be a real American and not leave this nuthouse for Canada.
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Limbo (I) (1999)
Another excellent John Sayles film
29 August 2001
John Sayles along with David Mamet is my favorite screenwriter. Sayles unlike Mamet is a great director as well. This film is an exploration of family, morality, love, and survival. The preview is no good so just trust me and watch the film. The writing is outstanding. There are parts of the film that contain the reading from a diary, and the prose there is beautiful. It is more than that it is exquisite. The acting is first rate. David Sraitharn a long time Sayles actor gives a an excellent performance as Jumping Joe Gastineau a Jack of All trades guy looking for some love to fill the empty whole in his life. Mary Elziabeth Mastriantonio who has been cut out of Hollywood now that she is over 35 is also very good. She plays the Nomadic musician with child in tow. She is just trying to put a life together and raise her child the best way she can. The Characthers are real and the situations they are put in are interesting ones. We get to find out about who these people are and what they are made of. They are thrown together by chance and choice. The young actress playing the daughter does fantastic job and I hope she continues to act although I haven't sene her again since. The film is aptly name because Limbo is what the characters are in, and it is also what you the viewer will be in. I love these kinds of movies. I like to watch an interesting story with fascinating characters. If you don't know who John Sayles is then watch this movie and start watching his other films Lonestar, Men with Guns, Passion Fish, Eight Men Out, and of course Brother from another planet.
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Ghost World (2001)
Go and see this movie right NOW!
29 August 2001
Terry Zwigoff worked very hard to make this movie. He and Daniel Crowes spent five years of their lives trying to get Hollywood to make this movie. They endured and fought to make this movie their way. The result is a wonderful film that will be just as good twenty years from now as it is today. A film that is characther driven. A film that young women can connect with. How many films are their like that? Watching some beautiful 23 year old play a 16 year old where everything works out in the end is not the reality for 95% of teenage girls. Movies like this and The Dreamlife of Angels are much more realistic portrayals of the confusion, angst, and awkwardness of having to find your place in the "real world". Thora Birch is excellent as Enid. She obviously dove headfirst into the role and took ownership of the part. Steve Buscemi is his usual great self. He rarely gets this much screen time, and he really shines in this movie. Terry Zwigoff discovered what the Cohen brothers already knew about him. That he is a great actor! I know this film is only playing at a few theaters but go and watch it, and then rent it, and then buy it. If you don't support movies like this then you are failing to support good movies. Hollywood needs to learn that we want to watch quality. Ghost World is funny, bittersweet, magical, and dreamlike. Wander through a world, parts of which you know and parts of which it will be fun to discover.
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One of David's worst
29 August 2001
This movie was bad. It was neither funny, witty, or sweet as the main page review suggests. I love David Mamet. He is without a doubt my favorite screenwriter working today. He is not however a good director. This movie is filmed like a stage play. People are walking on and off exactly like in a play. Film is a different medium and it should be exploited as such. That is only the half of it. David can't stop winking at you throughout this movie. All of the jokes are oh so clever and all of the characters are caricatures. You have to have a straight man for a silly character to work. If all of the characters are silly then it is simply not funny. David has stockpiled a bunch of Hollywood cliche's and unleashed them onto some small town cliche's and the results are disastrous. So much happens in the first ten minutes and none of it means anything. Your head is dizzy trying to follow all of these uninteresting characters. David's rythmic dialogue is being used for bad effect here. The plot is weak and boring as well. The performances are not very good, but how could they be in a film like this that lacks any kind of direction. This is a cross between a Frank Capra film and The Player (an unwise combination). It fails at all that it attempts.I think he should stick with Drama. He should also stop putting his wife Rebecca Pidgeon in the female lead. His next movie Heist promises to be much better than this except for the fact that once again she is in the film.
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Tired of the same old movie?
18 March 2000
Once again Jim Jarmusch has proved to be one of America's greatest movie makers. Time and time again his films are extremely watchable and enjoyable. The characthers are real and alive. The direction is perceptive and innovative. In his last two films Dead Man and now Ghost Dog he has turned genre films on their heads and made two excellent films out of doing so. The soundtrack is excellent. The acting and writing are first rate. Forest Whitaker has always been one of my favorites. A large man who lacks the physical beauty of many leading men, but of course he can act most of them under the table. I would rather watch Forest on screen than Keanu any day of the week. Go and see this movie. After you are finished with that go and rent all the rest of his films because you need to know what you are missing so you can demand more out of mainstream hollywood. How many times can you watch the ticking clock or the buddy cop drama before you vomit? Before you declare the next Spielburg or Cameron movie to be genius take two steps back and watch a real master make a real movie. An artist trying to bring something to the screen other than movie goers.
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Scream 3 (2000)
A sliding scale
8 February 2000
I loved Scream. I appreciated Scream 2. I was entertained by Scream 3. As this series goes on each one gets worse than the previous. The second movie was comprised of some really creative scary scenes but overall lacked the continuity of the first movie. The third movie is nothing but a collection of death scenes none of which are as creative as in the previous two films. Both sequels fail as a movie because of their focus on the scenes rather than the big picture. Still when rating horror movies you have to be more lenient because of what is out there. Scream is one of the few movies that has attracted a budget and a cast. So I am glad that it is making money because I like horror movies and if we could get good people working on them the genre would improve. Instead we usually get garbage and when you make a real good horror movie it usually gets put into the drama section like Silence of the Lambs or Psycho. So it was not the greatest movie but I was entertained.
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A true sleeper hit
5 January 2000
This tiny little film has been one of my favorites for a long time. I am proud to say that I have recommend many people to watch this movie over the years and met with great sucess. I was working at Blockbuster when one of my friends told me I had to see the film. I saw it and have been making others rent it ever since. Kevin Spacey is awesome in this movie. He dominates every single second of screen time. He is always good but this is one of his all time best performances. You will hate and love him as he is so charismaticly nasty. All the other actors do their roles well enough to make the movie good, but they are not working on the same level with the exception of Benicio Del Torro who matches Spacey with his own talent and charisma, but Benicio is not in the film very long. These two actors need more work, and hollywood needs to make many more films with like this one. Take a good script and things can really happen as they do in this wonderful little film. It is funny,honest, and entertaining. See it right now. Go on go get it. I am serious.
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Diggstown (1992)
A fun and funny movie
1 November 1999
I like James Woods. Yes he is over the top blah blah blah but he takes risk and among his many bad films there are many good ones. In this movie he is at his best. The veteran actor paired with Louis Gosset Jr. does a great job. Gosset is also great as the overweight but still feisty boxer. The we are to old for this is a subtle joke that runs throughout the movie. The film has good twists and turns and real nasty villain played by Bruce Dern. When you get a few quality professionals as they did in this film you tend to produce a quality product. The script is sound and everyone looks like they had fun making the movie. The film has charisma, atmosphere, and a great deal of whit. In my opinion it is one of the better boxing movies made as well. The Great White Hype is witty but at many times is forced and requires more knowledge of the boxing industry for its jokes. Raging Bull is of course a masterpiece so there is no touching that, but if you are in the mood for a good comedy and just a flat out good movie I recommend it.
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Finally a good conspiracy movie!
15 September 1999
These movies have to be written well before they can work and this one is written very well. Unlike Conspiracy Theory there are no gaping plot holes that do not make sense when you watch the film a second time. No giant ridiculous twists like in No Way Out (what he was a russian!!!!!) The movie instead chooses to be clever and smart instead of shocking and cheap. What you get in this film is first rate acting by two of the best in the business, Tim Robbins and Jeff Bridges. These two actors face off with a lot of energy and skill. What you do not get is grade a cheese that most of the conspiracy yarns drip all over the plate. The film has personality it is not a manfucatured piece of garbage like Wild Wild West or Civil Action. Oh sure the ending is bad to clowns who live in la la land. American Movie audiences should have embraced this film and rejected Star Wars, but alas with no giant pre marketing campaign and no huge deal with Pepsi films like this go almost directly to video with viewers renting them at blockbuster and thinking "Why didn't this come out in the theater?" If you want more good movies to be made then see the good ones while they are out and let the garbage sit out to rot. Now I have gotten all worked up, but just see the movie it is well worth your time. If you liked the film Parallax View you should like this movie as well. If you hated Parallax View then skip this movie and don't bother watching any thing else that I suggest because you have no taste!
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Content over form
22 August 1999
I hope you are all as tired as I am of seeing the same repetition of trite films that we are bombarded with. Your local blockbuster new release wall is a shrine full of such poor excuses for film making. When you have a medium so rich and so full of posibilites it is sad to have to suffer through such recycled garbage or non stop toilet humor. This film does neither. This is a movie that for a change explores something that should be meaningful to all of us, life. It does not do it in a cynical and overly oh I am trying to be clever way like The Last Supper. Rather this film has a philosophy and does not cop out like say City of Angels where Nicholas Cage decides who cares if God doesn't care as long as I can go swimming naked. Sure the actors are not the best but then Top Flight actors do not play peeping Tom perverts or dying hill billies for the most part. What you do get is a good story that is worth your while. It is listed as a comedy but film's like this defy genre because it is a story. It is a story with its own points and messages that is not carefully placed into a three act dramatic structure. Go watch October Sky if you want heart warming.
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Jim Jarmusch at his finest
22 August 1999
This movie is excellent. For the 41 people who did not like this movie go rent the Porky's series and lock yourself in a room. After you get through the first scene with Winona and Gena Rowlands it is all gravy. Not that the first scene is not better than most movies it is just not nearly as good as the rest. From there are on out it is a four start film. This movie gives you everything. Great acting, great writing, great directing, and Tom Waits great soundtrack. You have Roberto Bergnigni doing his thing. You have comedy and drama. This film towers above most films on its premise alone. Great charachters who are more developed in their short sequences than most cardboard hollywood cut outs are in their entire movies. If you like Jim Jarmusch then you have seen this movie. If you don't know who he is watch this film and if you like it see the rest of his work because it is excellent.
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Sweethearts (1997)
Janeane I love you
5 August 1999
I have received much abuse from friends both male and female for my crush over Janeane. I don't care what anyone says I love her. I think she is beautiful, intelligent, and hilarious. As for the film it is good only because of what she brings to it. Mitch Rouse is not a talented actor although he does have his moments in the film. With a better actor the film could have been much better as he is asked to do so much and his character is really explored throughout the movie. In truth the writing is not so great either. Trying to make a conversational movie without the ability to write good conversation is difficult. Margaret Cho is awful as usual but Bobcat does provide some minor comic relief. What the film does have is Janeane and her excellent performance. There are many women out there who have struggles like her to you I say rent this movie. There are many men out there who cause her to have the struggles she does to you I say ptthhhhh! If you tired of the same old movie every night rent this one which will at least make you think a little bit.
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A romantic comedy for short people
5 August 1999
I am not a short person myself but I am sure that short people are tired of tall leading ladies and tall leading men being in every single romantic comdey or tv. show. So here we have Janeane and whose his face from Braveheart. Both short but both talented. The movie for me was a lot of fun because I love Janeane. When the movie is at its best it is charming. I am a bit sentimental so these type of movies tend to do well with me. I prefer to see Janeane and Miles then Richard and Julia because most of us are more like the latter than the former. Now hold on because I am not one of these people who thinks that all films should be reality driven. No sir I love Terry Gilliam and I want films to take me somewhere but when a film is not doing that please try and add some human beings instead of always using these cyborgs. If you have no idea what I am talking about then you probably should not read any movie reviews. I liked this movie it made me laugh and warmed my heart go and rent it.
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Coldblooded (1995)
Forest Gump the Hit Man
5 August 1999
Jason Priestly plays a simpleton with one good skill an ability to kill. He gets a job as hitman and proceeds to kill people in a comic merciless way. I know that you probably can't stand Jason but he is really good in this role. Check this movie out because these are the movies worth renting. Take a chance it is fun expect little get a lot that is what all of these movies are about. Why go and support your Wild Wild West type movies that have been pre sold pre packaged and will continue to be pre made and re made if you keep giving them your eight bucks. Support little films like this and demand that quality be be sent to you. Now this movie is not Citizen Kane but compared to Lake Placid it might as well be.
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Bye Bye Love (1995)
One reason to watch this movie
5 August 1999
Jaenene is the only reason to watch this film. If you rent it fast forward to her part and then turn it off because it is not a good movie. There is one other funny bit with Paul Reiser but other than the movie is terrible. Not suprisingly it has Mathew Modine in it who for someone reason keeps turning up in movies. I figured Ethan Hawke would suck up all his roles since the two are almost indistinguishable or however you spell that word. So if you are huge fan of Janeane like I am then watch for her small but very funny role and then keep watching at your own risk just remember that you were warned.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
Long, Bad, and Pointless
3 August 1999
I never saw Hard eight and after seeing this movie I never will. I saw this movie in the theater I am sad to say. It is really long and really terrible. If you like the seventies watch Saturday Night Fever or something. Buy the soundtrack or rent a porn tape if you have to just skip this movie. If you however have seen it and like this movie then try not to share your movie opinions with anyone because they like this movie stink. Burt Reynolds is a bad actor and is awful in this movie. He has a facial expression throughout the film that says I was once in Deliverance now I make movies like this and Universal Soldier III. Juliane Moore is sometimes good but in this movie she stinks as well and who can blame her with such a bad script. Mark Whalberg who was really good in Basketball diaries tries his best to make an awful part good but he can't pull it off. Alfred Molina is a pathetic over the top joke. John C Reily looks dazed and confused and is better off taking small roles in films like A Thin Red Line then trying to co-star in garbage like this. The movie just keeps going on and on and it gets much much worse so if you don't like the first thirty minutes which are the best minutes of the film than quickly stop the tape and spare yourself. This movie makes my top 100 worst films list. If you liked NBK then you will probably love this I hated both!
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Rent this movie!
3 August 1999
Kevin Spacey is awesome. This movie is a showcase for his acting talents. He is reason number one to see this movie. Reason number two is if you have ever had a bad boss. Reason number three is that it is a well executed movie. The script is good, the directing is good, and the film has nice little details like a funny bit on the radio in the background. Frank Whaley is very good in this movie. It is a shame that guys like Whaley and Spacey can not star in these kind of roles in mainstream movies because they are certainly more talented than your Keanu Reeves and Sly Stallones. THe movie is funny, it is dark, and it is good. I always recommend it to people and they always like it. The Movieman gives it his full recommendation check it out I promise you will enjoy it.
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Bad? Yes! Subtle? NO!!!
3 August 1999
Oliver Stone gave me Talk Radio, Platoon, and Wall Street. These three excellent films make him a good director, but he also gave me J.F.K., Nixon, and last and least Natural Born Killers. Somewhere along the way Oliver lost his way. He now feels the need to shove his craft in my face to make sure I am aware that he is directing the movie. You can watch U-Turn for six seconds and know that Oliver is directing the movie. Natural Born Killers is a very misguided attempt to make a social statement. The movie makes its point in the first two minutes and then proceeds to keep making it for what seemed like an eternity afterwards. I only remained seated in the theater because I was numb from the wretchedness of the movie that I had selected to see. I had just barely recovered from Wagon's East. Julliete Lewis is a terrible actress who always plays white trash. Woody Harrelson is a talented actor who can be lured into what he considers daring parts. Rodney Dangerfield is a stand up comic who should stick with getting no respect. Tommy Lee Jones spit his way through this film but is still ok in my books. Robert Downey is at his worst in this film and this is the way he normally acts. Leonard Cohen contributed to the soundtrack which is the only good thing about this movie other than the closing credits which meant the film had finally ended. For those of you who are sick enough to rent the directors cut do yourself a favor and just watch Fox Television all day. If you like this movie you have no taste and shouldn't bother reading movie reviews.
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Safe Men (1998)
A very funny movie
25 July 1999
I rented this movie the other night expecting very little for my $3.78 but I was pleasantly surprised to find a very funny movie. The premise is a classic. The old comic mix up. The funniest moments of the film come from the awkward situation another comedic staple. Like the female lead finding the two male leads attempting to rob her safe and then flirting with her. If your the sort of person who says who would do that then you need to stop watching movies altogether. The movie is in my opinion a good example of the nineties style of conversational comedy that Woody Allen began in the seventies and that Kevin Smith and others continue today. If you liked Bottle Rockets, Rushmore, Mr. Jealousy, or any Whit Stillman movie give this a try
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Mr. Jealousy (1997)
I like these kind of movies
25 July 1999
For all of you Whit Stillman fans (Metropolitan, Barcelona, and Last Days of Disco) check out this movie as well as Noah's earlier film Kicking and Screaming. The premise of the movie is very good and it lives up to its title. If you hate the kind of movie where everyone spends the whole movie talking to one another then skip this one because there are not any jokes involving people being kicked in their midsection or everyone's favorite bathroom humor. Instead you have an intelligent comedy that will add nothing of value to your life but will hopefully make you laugh as you examine other peoples neurosis. I think that there is chemistry between Stoltz and Sciorra despite what a previous reviewer said. I also think this film is better than Kicking and Screaming.
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