
39 Reviews
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Shafted! (2000)
Had some good moments.
12 October 2000
I remember my friend rented this movie one day and left it here. So I figured, "Hey, it looks funny. I'll watch it". The movie had some very funny moments, then it had some not so funny and boring moments. And the whole gay thing just didn't work. It had some funny satirical moments and some just downright lame jokes. Overall, it's sorta "eh".

One of the drawbacks is the whole gay scenarios that Shat goes through. Plus, Shat narrative. It was too loud and annoying, even though I'll admit, he said some funny stuff. It basically feels like a short film stretched out.

Overall, it's funny somewhat. Rent it if you have extra dough to toss.

*** out of *****
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The Coen Bros. took a small movie, and made it larger than life.
27 July 2000
Usually, very good films have substance to them. And very bad films have none. The Big Lebowski is an odd ball, because, it's thin. "Guy is mistook for someone else, and has caused The other Lebowski's wife to be kidnapped, or so they think". That's it, sure their is more parts, but not much of a plot. Yet, it is wildly fantastic.

This is a small film, but it is made larger than it is supposed to be. It is hilarious and the humor never gets old. Like Maltin said, "A Film Used for introducing Wild characters". It does, and wonderfully. I never felt the film sucked at all. I never thought it boring. i never disliked anything in the film. It was just a film the Coen bros. just made to entertain.

Jeff Bridges does a great job as The Dude, And John Goodman was really underrated for his great performance as Walter. And even as smaller of a role he had Steve Buscemi did a good job as the nice guy friend of the Dude, he was just likeable and it was sad to see him die and how mean Walter was to him, but you knew Walter loved him alot. But probably the greatest acting is John Tuturro as Jesus (not the savior, the bowler), he is just so incredibly amazing! The nihilists are just downright hilarious. Flea proves he kicks ass as much as he does as a musician.

The soundtrack is good, it really brings the laid back feel of "The Dude" to light. Good songs by Bob Dylan, Kenny Rogers, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and The Gypsy Kings

I think that's what the Coen bros. wanted to make. The direction is just fantastic. The imagery is beautiful and looks great. The best scenes in the film are The Dude's "Knocked Out" sequences.

The film is just like any story a "Stranger" would tell you to bring a smile to your face. That's what some people don't understand, it's just supposed to be one of those funny stories you hear from a guy in a bar one day.

The only draw back is that some questions go un answered and you have to go in depth to really try and figure them out. Who stole The Big Lebowski's money? Was it Larry? Or did he actually keep the money? Then why did Maude say that the 1 million dollars was missing?

This is a very underrated film. And should have garnered more attention and positive reviews. But oh Well, "F**k it" as the Dude says. This is a good film about a simple story with colorful characters, and great cinematography.

Now I feel like bowling.

5 out of 5
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25 July 2000
I have and always will be a fan of animation. Ever since I saw my first episode of GI JOE, or Transformers, heck, even Ghostbusters. I had seen another amazing animated film in '99, "The Iron Giant". But, when I saw Mononoke, I forgot about "The Iron Giant" (even though I still love "Iron Giant").

I was amazed. Never, has such a story released in my own generation captivated me and never have I loved an Animated film so much. Sans an Anime!

Mononoke has something not many other films that were wide released and grossed over 200 million had in 99, a story.

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Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000)
Probably, the greatest (cancelled) show of this decade.
9 July 2000
I didn't start watching this gem until late, and I kept forgetting it was on. But, this is one of my favorite shows of all time, and I cried when they showed the last episode. It was just perfect. It had humor, drama, awesome characters, good music, and It was just perfect. I will miss this show deeply, and hope they will show re-runs on USA or some other network.

100000 out of 10
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Good movie, I really like it.
21 June 2000
I am somewhat of a fan of Paul Rodriguez, so when I heard about this movie, I couldn't wait. I thought it was going to be non stop hilarity. But, it was more. It wasn't constantly funny. But, It had alot of good moments and I liked them. It showed how it is for hispanics in America and how they are treated. I recommend to at least watch it once.
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I haven't said it all yet!
28 April 2000
I am sure I have already commented on this particular film, but on further inspection I have a lot more to say.

Many people watch "The Wall" without knowing anything of the album or even Pink Floyd! If you are not perceptive and ponder deeply when you watch a film, then so God help me, listen to the album first!

Luckily, I had barely heard anything by Pink Floyd and yet still understood it pretty much fully, except for somethings I undertstand now. But then again, I can find a biblical or other kind of reference to anything.

There are many things written in the lyrics that are not in the actual songs. For example: "The Trial"-The only thing I couldn't understand in the whole film was who the hell the red headed monster in the trial scene was. But on more viewings I realize that it was in more scenes. But when I read the Lyrics it said: "Call the wife", and even more odd, they included that in their live shows as well.

Another thing to know, if you don't own the album, get it! you WILL like it. And you shall understand the story alot better.

This film is a story about all of us. Roger Water's story of mental destruction and blocking yourself from the outside world, hence creating a WALL.

All of us have a "wall", but some haven't finished it yet. Don't finish it. And if you do, tear it down. That is the message in this film. No matter how bad life is, do not let those bad things get to you. No matter what.

All of us have a little Pink in us, but some just tend to not show it. Which is a bad thing, because you have already built a Wall blocking your real self. Don't be like Pink, just be your self!

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Just sit past the first couple of minutes, and you'll love it!
21 February 2000
I am a HUGE fan of Peter Jackson now that I have seen this movie. But, some of my other friends said it sucked after they only watched the first 8 minutes of it. But, I didn't have a problem with the first minutes of it! I loved the whole thing! A very depressing and good film. I can watch it over and over and over again and it will not get boring for me! Very gross, and very funny.
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Probably the most Undderated film I know!
9 February 2000
I am a HUGE fan of George Lucas. I love ALL of his work (even The Phantom Menace), but for some reason this film is my favorite. I mean, sure, I would any day of the week consider "Star Wars" my favorite film of all time. But, if I had to choose and had time to think about it...."Graffitti" takes the cake.

It is just an great movie. Not like "Schindler's List" great, but it is an incredible work of film. Who would think a film about fast cars, the early 60s, and Post High School Pre-College (not to mention a great soundtrack) would be a great film? Whoever sees "Grafitti".

I can quote the ENTIRE film! That is how truly affectionate I am about this masterpiece. There is only one other film like it,"Dazed and Confused". But, even Dazed is not as great a film as this. The only other film I can think of that is like this is "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da" (a more modern adaption). But none of them are as great.

9 out of 10

P.S.: "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da" Is a film I plan to make, but I assure you It will be like "Graffiti".
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11 January 2000
Recently I saw a midnight showing of this at a local theater. There were also alot of teens there who acted like this was there favorite movie, but when it ended, they were just like "I'm tired". I was like "I wanna see it again!". This is THE ultimate Rock Opera! It kicks a**! I loved this movie! It is soooooo awesome! The animation is awesome, and there's a creepy scene in their that scared the hell outta me. It is just so awesome and symbolic and powerful! It woops Rocky Horror just because it wasn't silly. Plus, I want to watch it over and over and over again.

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Generation X (1996 TV Movie)
Was cool when I first saw it. Lame now.
9 December 1999
A few years ago, the people at FOX produced a little tele-movie based on the newer comic book installment of the famous mutants..."Generation X". I was eagerly awaiting the film. Hoping it to be cool. I recorded it, and watched it. I did enjoy it. But, then again I was 10 years old. I am 14 now. So now I realize how crappy it is. It isn't horrible, the new "Godzilla", and "Psycho" re-make take that award. But, it is a less than average movie. i wish it was more like the comic. But, oh well. Hopefully the X-men movie will be better. But, then again maybe it won't. Maybe Spiderman. Nah. Hey, they are both to be directed by Bryan Singer and David Fincher. That's something good. Chris Columbus should get Fantastic Four.
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The Jerk (1979)
If it were any funnier, you'd be dead!
8 November 1999
One of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Steve Martin is brilliant and the whole film is hillarious. It all starts out with Martin, who was raised to a black family. He then decided he must leave and goes out on an adventure. That is all I am saying! For the rest, you have to see the movie!
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This ain't no Bannana Oil, baby.
7 November 1999
I recently saw this movie in at a "Indie-film Theater" that only showed 3 movies, "The Limey", "Princess Mononoke"(Saw it, loved it!), and "Man of the Century". Since I had already seen "Mononoke", I decided to see what Harry Knowles called "Perfect". I sat through it with only 3 other people besides me in the theater. I liked it! I don't know yet if I loved it, but I definetely liked it alot. It was a cheery, happy, and witty film. There wasn't a moment when I wasn't smiling in this film. It was very good.

I highly reccomend it for a smile time.
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So good, it got a standing ovation!
6 November 1999
Now, I had heard of this movie and saw little bits of it on TV. I wanted to see it but wasn't expecting much. But, I was a few minutes late and missed the first of it. I was annoyed, but my friend saw it before me and said I didn't miss much. But It was incredible. The animation, the story, and the message; which of course is "To live in peace with nature, not destroy it". I was so moved by this film. IT IS 20 times better than any regular Disney flick. I highly Reccomend!
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As the Ramones Said; "Texas Chainsaw Massacre, they took my baby away from me!"
25 October 1999
I had heard alot about this film from one of my friends. I met her is Texas (can you believe it?!)History. She told me about it when we were working on some group project. She told me about how she LOVED it. She said she was going to go looking for the REAL family. Which I later realized there was no real family, oh well. Anyways, I rented this movie and watched it with my sister in the dark.

I was so happy. Then it came on, uh oh. Do not get me wrong, I LOVE THE MOVIE SO MUCH! But, you see, I live around a lot of woods. There is an old abandoned like house down the road. Now, I don't know wheteher to think "Blair Witch", or "Leather Face". Lord Knows I wont find out which is in that house. Maybe I'll find out later, but for right now I'm too scared shitless to find out. Well, this isn't too gory, but it is definetley freaky! Raw! And disturbing! It might of been wax in my ears, but the music reminded me of Walter Carlos's themes from "A Clockwork Orange". Those types of music scare the f*** outta me!! I like the Clockwork Orange music though.

Anyways, It grows on you. It's like a classic. The "Citizen Kane", or "Gone With the Wind" oif horror. It is actually funny mostly. But then again, I'm demented. I gotta go now! Gotta go feed bruther and paw! Yehaw! (That was a joke)
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Kundun (1997)
Good, maybe great.
13 October 1999
Scorsese might just be one of the best directors of all time. This film, which was Definitely overlooked. Now, Scorsese has made many masterpieces (such as GoodFellas, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver,The LAst Temptation of Christ etc.), this one didn't have one thing that would have made it a masterpiece.......DeNiro! C'mon! He coulda been chairman Mao. He coulda gained more weight! Of course, I am just kidding. this is truly a visual masterpiece. Sometimes boring, but good.
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Dreams (1990)
So UNderrated it is mind boggling!!!!!
4 October 1999
Jesus Louisus man! I was watching TCM one day and there was a Kurosawa marathon. I had always wanted to see this. I had heard so many good things from people I know, and bad from people everyone knew. When I first started to watch it, I felt like "Oh this is going to be boring, Bad Kurosawa." But, I was in awe at the beautiful scenery he directed. The colors, the design, everything. I was like "Woah." Especially the scene with the solider returning home and dead soldiers come to him. I couldn't get up, I couldn't close my eyes even though I was very tired (it was almost 12 and I got up at 6 in the morning!). Then It was over. I felt a bit wiser, and a bit more.............dreamy.
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Mean Streets (1973)
This movie sucks!!!!!****see below****
4 October 1999
Just kidding! I love this movie. Gotcha, didn't I?


From the first second the opening titles came up, I knew it would be a masterpiece. An Old 8mm slide to "Be My Baby" by The Rhonettes took me in and kept me there forever. It is just so real and good and.....mean. It is powerful and DeNiro gives an incredible performance. I cannot recommend barely any film as much as this one, besides 6 or 7 others (but you have to ask me to find out).
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Pokémon (1997–2023)
So cute and great!
2 October 1999
Alright, imagine this;

I get up at 6:18 a.m. (I have to go to High School), I take a shower, brush my teeth, etc. I am done by 6:39 a.m. I watch the rest of Dragon Ball Z (comes on at 6:30). I love it too. But at 7:00, Pokemon comes on. There is a television in my van so I can watch it on the way to school. I LOVE POKEMON!!!!! It is just a good show!! BEtter than a lot of live action shows on T.V.. Team Rocket is annoying, but Meowth is okay.
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Ronin Warriors (1988–1995)
My first exposure to Japanese Animation on Television.
2 October 1999
Why do I like this show? Because it is awesome! It has everything that makes an anime cool. Cool Armor, story, and darkness. This is one of my favorite anime shows of all time. It is a very good and underrated show. I want some of those action figures they used to have. This show was awesome!
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My first exposure to the wonderful world of Anime!
2 October 1999
I was up late one night, It was like 2 a.m. on TBS. They had an animation block. So I decided to watch. I was so in to this movie. It was soo cool! And, freaky. I love this film! It is the greatest, besides AKIRA of course!
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I really like this film!
26 September 1999
I know that this film isn't very close to Lee's actual life. It actually lies about a lot of things. It gets things wrong, but, it lies and makes it a hell of a lot more interesting. I'm not saying his life wasn't interesting. I'm saying that it was very entertaining. It didn't get the facts down-pat, but it was really really good. I really recommend it. It is a good movie for any "Joe". But, it isn't a good movie for Bruce Lee "Buffs".
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The Outsiders (1983)
Good. But, I think the book is Great!
26 September 1999
Don't get me wrong. I love Coppola! I love this film also! But, since the book is one of the only books I had to read in school and I loved. I really really love this film! I really really love the book too. The only other book I liked and I had to read in school was "Shadow of the Dragon". I think it's a little too much faster than the book, but I recommend it.
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That '70s Show (1998–2006)
21 September 1999
When I first heard of it a while ago, I thought it would be a rip off of "Dazed and Confused". But, I watched it. I didn't really like it. But, then I actually paid attention to it. I love it! FEZ is so damn awesome! I laugh my ass of everytime I see him. Kelso is funny as hell too. It is worth watching!
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For those who havent seen, or do not like this film, I must say..."You don't know jack s**t about storytelling if you hated this(these) film(s)"
4 September 1999
Personally, I feel "Star Wars" is the greatest story ever told. But, then again, we havent heard the whole thing. It has all of the story telling archetypes. If by some chance you have to learn about them or need to to write something, these are a GREAT set of films to study. It is the best set of films ever created. It is so creative and so incredible. Words cannot describe how much I love this motion picture! It is the greatest work of art in history!
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24 August 1999
That is not a joke! I fear this movie! I cannot be alone at home at night because of this film! This is scary s**t. I like it alot during the day, but I hate it during the night! I cannot even go to my friends house because I'm afraid I will be pulled into a "Time Warp" full of transvestites with freaky makeup! BEsides all sayin, this is an okay movie. I can tell why people like it so much. I don't see why Leonard Maltin gave RHPS's sequel a 1 and a half, and TRANSFORMERS a BOMB! Shock Treatment sucks a**hole! Shock Tratment is scarier than this. I swear, If you come to me, or talk to me like Riff Raff or Frank-N-Furter, I will automatically run and scream like a baby. If I'm around a lot of people, and it is during the day, I'll sing some songs with ya.
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