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Pleasantly surprised
13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how many of you watch Lifetime movies, but when I do, I usually laugh at the forced acting. There's no character commitment. In this sort-of fictional account of two 10-year-olds who get a new identity after being released from prison 8 years later (after killing a 3-year-old boy) was a pleasant surprise for me. In no way is this a Hollywood classic, but the acting alone kept me glued. Good drama isn't always about editing, scenery and costumes, it's about how realistic the actors can be to keep our interest. I really enjoyed this hidden treasure.
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Blackout (1985 TV Movie)
Beat movie I ever saw in the 80's
24 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As far as psychological thrillers go, (not to mention this movie was before classics like "The Silence of the Lambs) I was thoroughly entertained by the plot and acting. Keith Carradine and Kathleen Quinlan were magnificent. Well, everyone ways good. If you don't have the right people together in a movie, it could be disastrous. It remains as one of the top ten thrillers in my book! You won't be disappointed if you spend a little over an hour watching this masterpiece. It covers a range of things...not just a psychopathic killer. There is a struggle between good and evil within one man. The one side of his personality is a loving, hard-working man. Then he completely reverts to an unrecognizable killer of women and children. I had to watch this movie several times as not to miss any of the hidden clues, etc. I give it an 8 on the rating scale because of its plot, characters, execution of acting and ability to entertain.
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Modigliani (2004)
A talented, tragic, twisted tortured soul; I can relate to that!
3 June 2011
It was hard to become a renowned artist during his lifetime. Not only because of his contemporary artists, but because of his turmultuous past. Amadeo was never well even as a child. He continued to consume drugs and alcohol for years. I understand why. Life during his existence was difficult, and being an artist was for him just another struggle. I am sure he was very aware of this which makes the whole story of his life that much more sad. His paintings, the best ones, were usually created while he was intoxicated. Many artist, with passions and talents, endure the same self doubt as he experienced. A socially inept person who only wanted society to value his gifts, was all but rejected by his peers. As has been proved throughout history, writers and painters' works are not usually appreciated until long after their deaths. It is still that way in today's world if not worse!
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The Man (2005)
Great duo makes it a comedy classic
14 March 2011
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It's not often that I thoroughly enjoy a humorous crime caper, but this film had me tickled and entertained! The chemistry between Levy and Jackson was spot on! And how refreshing it is to see Jackson in a comedy. I am sure he enjoyed working with Levy, too. Jackson plays a tough, cynical cop who learns from Levy's character how to prioritize his values in life. My hat's off to Levy for his performance as a naive, hard-working, proper family man who in turn learns from Jackson's character how to be more street wise. Fans of Jackson will be pleased with his performance as will fans of Levy. The storyline is tremendous and cleverly developed. You will NOT be disappointed if you like comedic action films which supply the viewer with twists and turns in the plot, and two complete opposites who surprisingly develop a friendship. Sensational flick, I say!
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This is weird.
10 October 2008
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I think it's strange when they give a movie two completely different titles. Rufus Sewell and Minnnie Driver star in a movie called "Uncorked," but on Sewell's filmology it is called, "At Sachem Farm." This is the second time a movie made by Sewell has been called by another title. This will mess people's minds up! Anyway, "Uncorked" is delightfully fun and well worth the watch. It teaches a valuable lesson in that "game" called life. Everyone gives an incredible performance. The main lesson is that it's so easy to lose your perspective on your life, but sometimes a person needs to swallow his/her pride and trust in family to help himself/herself out. Like Barbara once sang, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world!! I know, it's corny, but true.
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"But oh Lord, sometimes the green mile can seem so long."
27 May 2008
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I really cannot stop watching this film. It's simple on the surface, but so powerful if you look deeply into the writer's mind. Many people did not understand the mouse, but does anyone remember why any animal is put into a film? They are put there for a reason. In fact, the mouse in this movie is the only creature without sin that comforts a sinner. That's the true heart-gripper. I adore David Morse, and he and Tom did an excellent job. My thanks to Bruce Willis for insisting that Michael Clarke Duncan would be perfect for this role, and he was! Heck, everyone was great. No, it's not as action packed as "Titanic" or "Star Wars," but that's what makes it so great. These actors carried it off because of their raw talent; pure and simple. I think this movie should have beaten "American Beauty." That picture disturbed me to the point where I was actually nauseated. It's alright though. I have a feeling that if the people got to choose the films they wanted, "The Green Mile" or"The Cider House Rules" would have won best picture.
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It takes a lot of faith to understand that this comedy has depth
21 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie works. Why? Well, the actors, of course. The plot is simple, but these actors are the best in their field when it comes to comedic genius at work. I was sorry to hear that Edward Norton lost his mother, but he dedicated this film to her. Edward is so versatile, that he can play any character in a credible manner, and who can go wrong with Ben Stiller? His parents are comedians, so he comes by it naturally. And what a delight Jenna Elfman is. I absolutely loved her on the hit TV series, "Dharma and Greg." I miss shows like that. Overall, the movie was a success because of the actors. Anyone else doing this script would have ruined it. Great casting! Many critics on here focus too much on the plot rather than the great acting and facial expressions, physical gestures, and they are also missing what the movie is all about; friendship, faith and forgiveness. Watch it again, you might feel differently. No, it's not a masterpiece, but it's just clean fun.
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Where Was the "Beauty?"
19 April 2008
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I am absolutely astounded that this film did so well at the academies. Granted, Kevin Spacey is a marvelous actor, but this whole picture had me wondering why a middle aged man cannot just accept the fact that he's a sex fiend. Poor Thora Birch was given a role that suppressed her ability to portray her talent as a young actress, and what on Earth was that silly video about with the plastic bag just floating through the air? So, let me get this straight; everyone at the Academy Awards chose this film over "The Green Mile," The Insider, and "The Cider House Rules?" Where is the justice? All of those films had more "character" to them than that idiotic movie. Kevin can do such fine work too, such as when he was a negotiator in "The Negotiator" with Samuel L. Jackson. What a complete waste of time, and how depressing it must have been for the other great films which were nominated against this offensive, shallow-minded, B rated film! Positively the worst film to win best picture in Academy history.
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MacGruder and Loud: Pilot (1985)
Season 1, Episode 1
It's too bad
21 March 2008
You know, I loved "Cagney and Lacy," but "MacGruder and Loud" didn't stand a chance against this new female cop show with more controversial themes. It just came about at the wrong time. There were also just too many crime shows out in the mid-eighties. It's too bad, because both Getz and Herrold were great actors. This show could be redone---soon! Come on writers...get to WORK! I know if someone rewrote this script that it would be both entertaining and educational by showing how two people can love each other, yet at the same time, understand his/her job situation. Think about could make for some delicious suspense! YES!
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Beetlejuice (1988)
The ONE and ONLY~~~
2 February 2008
This has to be Alec Baldwin's greatest performances. I do not like him as a person, but at least he has left us with one good movie. The movie is very imaginative and fun, but we don't owe any of that to him.

He is known to be abusive.

He has a temper.

He called his own child names.

He's gotten fat.

His acting skill are not up to par.

I hope his brothers have learned from his mistakes.

He did make Beetle Juice worth watching, but then again...look at the actors who co-starred with him.
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4 January 2008



I really don't know what to say. River Phoenix looked BAD in this film, so I'll always try to remember his "brighter" days such as when he did the movie, "Running on Empty." I know how hard it is for people to watch this flick and think highly of it, but everyone should really know what a musical genius River was. I also found it ironic that Johnny Cash was singing in the background in this film a couple of times, and then years later, River's own brother portrays Cash! Very strange, folks, but bitter-sweet.

I loved some of the music, and especially the song, "Bad Dreams" sung by Samantha. I want to know the lyrics to this song, but when I look for them, they are nowhere to be found. I wonder if anyone ever did remake this song. It has such powerful lyrics, and I love the melody.

When my 13-year-old daughter saw River, she said, "Wow; he had Johnny Depp's high cheekbones, and a touch of Leonardo's style with Kevin Bacon's nose. What perception! It's just all so sad that he had to follow the Hollywood crowd by taking too many drugs. (Ironic that he died just outside of Depp's nightclub.) Also, if I were Sandra, I'd stay as far away from parts that call for singing as I could. She's an incredible actress, but she needs to just sing while she's alone or in the shower! Dermont used more emotion in this film than an anything else I've ever seen him in. That was surprising. Let's keep him away from the mic too! Anyway, I know my comment does not cover any of the plot, but there was not a whole lot of depth to it. It's too bad it was the last movie River did before his untimely death. I bet the cast felt horrible when they found out. I do believe he was headed for bigger things with his acting and music, but we'll never know now... unfortunately.
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Good Storyline...with a few silly scenes, but fun film overall
27 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I felt this movie was a breath of fresh air. I am NOT a Diane Keaton fan, but the supportive cast made this movie fun for me. A couple of things were a bit over the top for me; one, is when Everette falls for his soon to be sister-in-law (Julie) in a matter of hours after meeting her, and two, Rachel McAdams's character falls in love with Brad after a year's absence from losing her virginity to come on! I will say this: everyone did a fantastic job acting their parts, and I've not enjoyed Diane Keaton in a movie since she made "Reds." Luke Wilson, Craig T. Nelson and Sarah Jessica Parker are wonderfully talented actors. They have what it takes to make a movie work. Overall, I enjoyed the plot, the diversity of characters and the conversations among all of the characters as well. I laughed when Meredith gets her Christmas breakfast concoction spilled all over her and the chase scene between Luke and Dermont when Everette thinks that his brother and Meredith slept together!
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Return to Me (2000)
Return to Compassion!
12 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I feel that the beginning of the story sets you up to expect that such a great relationship that David had with his wife "Elizabeth" was going to end in tragedy. That was the dark side to this film, but it was necessary for his wife's heart to end up in Minnie Driver's body in order for David's character to come out from punishing himself for his wife's death and return to civilization. Minnie Driver gives an excellent performance as a somewhat strong willed, yet slightly shy, conscientious woman after her critical operation. One of the cutest lines in the movie is when she's applying some sort of make up to the scar on her chest after the operation, and Carroll O'Connor says to her,"No one will be looking at your chest." She replies, "Thanks, Grandpa!" James Belushi and Bonnie Hunt are so funny in this film that it temporarily makes you forget that the plot is supposed to be on a more serious level. Now, I am impressed with Bonnie Hunt. She co-wrote, directed and starred in this movie, but she is not the sort of actress to be afraid to throw in a touch of class, unexpected characters, and humorous lines in a movie with a plot that could have been dark, depressing and predictable. She made that film work!
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I agree with one member......cynics...stay away!
12 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Many online members said it better than I could. Does anyone believe in sincere morals and virtue any more? The premise of this movie is that a man is willing to go out of his way to save a woman from humiliation given her condition. We see very little of that sort of empathy today. The movie has it all; romance, compassion, prejudice, love and loyalty. I was never a huge fan of Keanu Reeves, but he really lit up the screen with this role. It is a tender story about a man who comes to the rescue of a Spanish woman who is with child during the 1940's. She is extremely uncertain about how her family will respond when they find out her condition, and Reeves comes to her aid. That is pure chivalry at its best. Anthony Quinn, as usual, gives us a lot of insight into the family's way of thinking, and that was helpful. It gave the movie clarity. Call me crazy or old-fashioned, but I thought it hit upon every emotion and touched upon many family issues that still burden the average family today. Great film. Two Thumbs up!
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Just Married (2003)
Just What I Expected...nothing more
9 December 2007
Well, hummmm. I do believe Ashton and Brittany compliment one another with their comedic talent, but it's purely for entertainment when you have a couple of hours to kill. Not too much of a memorable plot, but then again, it's a mediocre comedy. Movies like "Terms of Endearment" and "Steel Magnolias" are the type of movies we learn from and remember. The movie sold because of the two people who were cast for the leading roles in this film. They are young and rising stars and both easy on the eyes. Personally, I feel older films such as "Arsenic and Old Lace" and "Arthur" are much funnier with more imaginative plots and exceptionally good acting. Brittany and Ashton are very skilled exhibiting wit, emotions, gestures, facial expressions, etc, and those are the only reasons this movie is useful for a rainy day. Let's face it; the whole movie was a bit much with the screaming and redundant, predictable reactions exchanged between the couple. I love Brittany Murphy, but if Ashton had not been with her or vice versa, this movie most assuredly would have died a quick death!
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The Birdcage (1996)
Free as a bird out of its cage and Funny too
8 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What an absolutely hilarious movie! Everyone gave an Oscar winning performance. The facial expressions and body gestures were unbelievably funny. I laughed harder than when I saw "Young Frankenstein" for the first time years ago. I never thought I'd see another movie that would literally have me laughing so hard that tears were running down my cheek. The fact that Robin Williams and Gene Hackman were cast seemed a bit strange to me when I first saw the names of the cast, but they were perfect for the characters they portrayed. One of the most classic examples of the wit and genius performed in this film was when Diane Wiest looks at Gene Hackman when he's saying what a fine "lady" Nathan Lane is, and he's playing a Republican Senator! I would have given the writer and all the actors an Academy for this picture. Hopefully, people will see it for what it is...pure comedic genius at work! Just relax and have fun with it. Don't try to read anything into it that you may think was NOT intentional because it was ALL intentional with extremely dramatic performances, and you know that the cast had a great time making it.You can even see Robin Williams starting to crack up when his "male maid" (Agador) is trying to toss the shrimp into his stew concoction! I'm still waiting for another classic like this one. During these trying days we all need a good laugh. WE ARE FAMILY!!!!
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Shakespeare Would Approve, In My Opinion
7 December 2007
I believe if Shakespeare were alive today, he'd have loved the way this film was executed. All the performers did an excellent job. Gwyneth is good, but I feel Rupert and Joseph are still under-rated by the critics. I believe that both men have come a long way in their acting skills within the last ten years. They are both extremely talented and credible when portraying their characters. I would recommend this movie to anyone. It's fun, yet it also touches upon many other emotions. Brilliantly directed and casted with perfect timing when the actors deliver the lines. I was impressed. If you want culture or entertainment that makes you feel really good about literature and acting, rent or buy this film!
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Cellular (2004)
Better Than Most Calls From a Stranger....HA!
6 December 2007
Wow! I was so entertained by this film that I would love to meet the writer. I am a writer myself, and this movie made me nervous, laugh, tense, shout for name it. What an incredible actress Kim is. No one has ever really taken her acting seriously, but I have. She has such talent and class. I bought this movie to watch for whenever life gets a bit slow or dull, just to remind me of what genius writers we have who create such remarkably mind -gripping plots and credible characters !! Every actor in this film was good. But honestly; how can one go wrong with William Macy? He's such a versatile actor, that I have followed his career for many years and have never been the least bit disappointed. It's a movie that will most definitely keep you wondering what "Ryan" will do next. He's as good as any young movie actor I've seen in the last five years. I almost became "Ryan" I was so into his character. Outstanding!
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Before Sunset (2004)
A cure for insomnia
6 December 2007
(Yawn) This is totally unrealistic. No one can actually watch this film without getting sleepy. I've followed Ethan's acting career with enthusiasm and scrutiny, but I must say, taking this role did not suit him. The pace of it all was way too slow even for mediocre minds. This was worse than "August" or "Junebug." (see all my reviews; they are not all negative)! The guitar music was sappy along with the odd conversation between ONE man and ONE woman. Where is everyone else? Not many actors can pull off an entire film without support cast members. This was one step up from "Castaway" at least... (well Tom did have his coconut head), but lacks the variety of emotions needed for a class "A" film. I'm sorry, but this movie was just too under-acted and no one falls in love that fast at their (understood to be) characters' ages and implied intelligence level. Maybe teenagers fall in love that quickly, but real love takes time. If you're looking to pass the time with absolutely nothing else to do, or if you need a good sleeping aide, then by all means, watch this film!
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Instinct (1999)
He's not HANNIBAL here folks!!!
5 December 2007
The first time I saw this flick, I met my soul mate. We went to see "Instinct" when it had first come out in California. I was amazed with Cuba's performance. He has come so far so fast, that it has my head reeling. I naturally expected a perfect performance from my beloved Anthony, but I was impressed with all the actors' skills. We need to have more films like this and "Gorillas in the Midst." It has been long coming to see Hollywood actually using the film industry to promote how the killing of such precious animal life is immoral and performed without conscience. It was once said that Africa is the only country left with a true soul; well, I believe that. What an extraordinary picture. Great effort on everyone's part. I do wish people would not keep type casting Anthony as "Hannibal the cannibal" though. He is a note-worthy actor who has endured many critics along the way; especially in the UK. No wonder he became an American citizen!
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Boys On the Side...
5 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but I did not like "Thelma and Louise." This movie had more depth to it even though it is sort of sappy at times; but still, it was good. Mary-Louise Parker stole the film with her frail health, yet she holds nothing back verbally. She is the one who settles the disputes while everyone else is so mixed up. Imagine that; the strength of a dying woman tying loose ends together before her passing away. During the trial in this movie when Mary's character was a witness for "Holly" played by Drew Barrymore, she was trying to say that women have a special bond that takes place just like men do, yet not as many women are hardly ever quick to judge men when they get together or maybe even assume they are "gay." We all just take it at fact value which is that it's "Boys' night out." Women are still being misunderstood when they remain friends like the three women were in this movie. I found the variety and versatility of characters and situations remarkably memorable. Superb job to everyone.
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Practically Delicious!
3 December 2007
Outstandingly entertaining. My Texas's hat is off to all the actors and Griffin Dunne who has proved to be an outstanding director as well as an actor. What an amazing cast and movie. I can't stop watching it. There are a few goofs, but what the heck? All movies are for entertainment unless they are documentaries based on facts. Sandra was the professional actress as usual, and for those of you who do not know about Dianne Wiest, may I suggest you look to see how successful her career has been.(?) Look for a light hearted comedy in this film. Don't be so quick to look upon it as a masterpiece. The actors portrayed their characters exactly how they should have! It's just great fun, and that's all there is to it! Accept it for what it is. Smile!! Thank you to the person who did not like my comment. It was not meant to be debated. This is MY opinion!!!
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"Some People Are Such Harsh Critics"
29 November 2007
I cannot believe how some people viewed this film. Peter Morgan is a brilliant writer. Do we really expect a "predictable" love story from such a great writer? No way. Monica, as usual, is incredible to look at and watch. In my opinion, she's the next Julia Roberts. Rufus Sewell can obviously play any sort of character. I have seen him in "Tristan and Isolde," "Uncorked," and now this film. I am in love with his eyes and well everything he does is superior to most British actors today. Everything about this film was delightful. Tom Hollander is also very versatile. Thank you, Peter, for giving us a movie with love, life-long decision-making, style and wit. This film is pure genius! Joseph is slowly becoming the actor his brother Ralph has become. Good movie which has to be taken the right way, or it will fly right over the average movie-goers' heads!
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The Princess Bride was indeed a priceless classic
14 November 2007
Wow. I must say, Rob Reiner did it again. What an entertaining, fun movie. I did not realize that it was Robin Wright's first major film. No wonder everyone fell in love with her. Her facial expressions were priceless. I would have to say, however that Mandy Patinkin stole the show. His acting skills are so brilliant. I believe he could portray any role however its difficulty. Also, I love it when he says, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." I dedicate this comment to "Andre the Giant" whom I loved as a kid growing up. I watched his "fake" wrestling matches with my friends, and we always were very supportive of him. I thought it was great that he got to make a film with such good actors. "The Princess Bride" is a timeless piece and has its humor as well as its intense moments. Now that's pure genius. Thank you to the writer of this great film. It will be a classic like "The Wizard of Oz", "Oliver" and "The Sound of Music," the musicals. Also, who can resist Cary Elwes? How easily he made his character come to life. He portrayed his character effortlessly. (You really went from bad to good, Sean Penn, when you left Madonna for Robin. Well done! She's a true beauty. Well, sorry, I did not realize that they are now divorced too.) Christopher Guest and Chris Sarandon were excellent as well. The casting was perfect...absolutely perfect. It's hard to believe it's a 20 year old
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How I wish the Japanese had not sided with Hitler....
12 November 2007
This film is beyond my words, and I have an excellent vocabulary. It's incredible that the cast person decided upon those which were casted. She or he? could not have done any better. Every character showed magnificent emotions revealing their hate, love, misery and the fact that Geisha's were "used" made it even more convincing. The Japanese had it worse than anyone. They are basically a peaceful culture, but when Hitler influenced them with his hypnotic speeches, well, as a poor country, what alternative did they have? Americans were hated because we knew how to master new technology which the Japanese now have mastered.

The cast was so good it stunned me. The actresses were remarkably good and credible. The girls were second as it still is in the USA, but ladies, we've come a long way. We women need to stick together; all races of women. Let's not allow the men in this world to think he's the master of the universe. For instance, if the Bible is correct, God knew that Adam needed help!! Lots of help, so he invented the woman.

Good job to the director, the actors, the director of photography, and the person responsible for the realistic atmosphere to make the movie credible.
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